When you can't live without bananas

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Tuesday, June 04, 2002

Arrrggghh.. my sleeping time's been screwed. Slept from 9pm to 12 midnight today, woke up to go back to cell signalling/ membrane receptor notes.

Hmmm..... just realized "a fire-fly" is just 3 vowels (and an "s") away from "raffles". Darn meadows.blogspot.com [Ed: Weird Cappers blog eh. Why don't you join it? :)

'ice fall
"Wondered what the females would do if the men went to war."

they'd masturbate or engage in passionate lesbian sex, i imagine.

No we wouldn't. Not all the time anyway. That's because females do think about other things than sex, sometimes.'


I think i'm un-patriotic. Dis-loyal in a sense. Am I? i was the one whom eugene, my fellow psl, got mad at during the last peer support meeting 'cos i got sick and tired of the feel-good cheering and the dis-individualisation process and just gave up. And told one of my sec 1s about.

I wrote (and by some odd coincidence) published writing that started off "I didn't care much for the place" describing it. And was railed for it- both for being reminiscent and nostalgic, and for being critical and not "doing the right thing". Got complimented unexpectedly - from tai heng (which i was greatly appreciative for (= ). Who allegedly detested his years in are jay see.

*Must be more sensitive to people's feelings. Will not refer to friends (or friends' blogs) as ditzy. At least not publicly. *
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