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Sunday, March 10, 2002

Had a rockin' weekend. First welcome nite by Overseas christian fellowship, rudy was telling me abt it a Looong time ago when he was in 1st/2nd/3rd yr, siew min said she'll bring me along to the meetings. Arranged to meet sarah/jiamin/albert at student union first at 7pm when it started. Had to wait until 7.25pm for him to arrive (grrrr) but jiamin and sarah were telling very funny stories abt rgs/rjc, abt orientation n stuff.

OCF welcome had worship, youth-service style (2 keyboardists, worship leader, 1 acoustic guit, 2 basses, 1 drummer) and they connected in their own amps, hillsongs and others. Announcements about their upcoming activites (games day the following day, easter camp, all sound fun, going for them), introduction, welcome of new members (i stood up but ushers didn't give me a file. Hrmmmph. I can't be That short. ) OCF is mainly singapore/malaysian chinese, more the former. I mean, they even have holiday meetings in singapore! And there's OCF melbourne (melb uni and RMIT), OCF parkville, OCF branches for monash and stuff. And vyu kien (sp?) (whom i discovered, was the chair this yr) warned us that ocf wasn't a replacement/sub for any church, we were expected to go to church on sunday. Most ocf-ers i heard, go to the glen waverly one with a v. good speaker, or to ACCF the cultish questionable young people's one, or to swanston st church of christ (met esther there).

Then a pastor from a church in the city came up, short message on quiet time. Passage from gospel of John where Jesus went to the mountains to pray by himself without telling anyone. Then broke up into cell groups; siew min suggested i and albert and yew ngie join hers. Rudy's also in it; we've got a cell leader Emily who's very nice, got to know one another, covered some bible study material.

Friday nite, I signed up for the games day on saturday 'cos i couldn't sign up earlier during the recruitment drive. And turned out tentatively not enough transport, i may not be able to go. Past midnight emily called me to say i could (they rented a van for the day to accommodate, aside from the bus and the other cars the uni students drove).

Games day on saturday- went down to Allfit campsite out in the bush; really hot but quite fun. Ran around, station games, got all wet and dirty, will blog more later, gotta call sarah and tell her Tina's in the running for ms singapore!

Andrew gan
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