When you can't live without bananas

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Saturday, February 23, 2002

Less than 5 weeks to Passing Out!

All while Bunny Killer's having lots of fun in Melbourne. Ahh the Medicine course will start soon and the fun will begin. Then the A Level results will come and all the Singaporean students will screw the Australian Universities and leave (awww).

Kettle Chips may have fat, but they use Sunflower Oil, with 75% less Saturated Fat than Palm Olein (in which most potato chips available in Singapore and probably South East Asia and Australiasia are fried).

Ahh and I got my first mail about RGS Yearbooks.

i just would like to know when the year 2001 yearbook page would be complete...or are you even working on it? hehehh...and i would really,really appreciate it if you email me...thanks alot!"

Not a male name, so I reckon the poor girl's yearbook has been stolen by an ACS hotblood.

Something in my talk21.com mailbox from long ago:

Your eBay name [Ed: Agagooga] is the Giak word for hungry!

Well, so maybe I didn't make that word up after all... Words come from the strangest places in your memory :)

The TV in my parents' room broke down, so my father bought a new one. Unfortunately he succumbed to techno-lust and bought a LCD one. 15 inches, that is. I wonder how he's going to watch television on a 15 inch screen. A flatscreen CRT model was twice the size at half the price. Oh well.
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