When you can't live without bananas

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Tuesday, November 13, 2001

Random thoughts for today:

Turning back to talk to my friends twice in 2 days while waiting to be dismissed, I have twice seen, not quite unspeakable sights, but (and because of) muscular thighs. No names (cos I know one and the other knows people I know).

Realised what Jet stands for while I was waiting for Economics Paper 3 to be collected. Jonah Elisah Teong yi heong ruxin - JET. Gah, why didn't I notice before? I still think she has the longest name in RJ (Do you?).

LT 2.5 is decorated with 3 balloons at each corner, on the lamps. Apparently Mr Eric Lee is holding an "A03 night". Wonder what the programme is like.

Stupid paper. But apparently other people didn't find it so hard.

How do you
- Write 10 marks on 3rd degree Price Discrimination
- talk (for 15 marks) about why Oligopoly is more common than Perfect Competition?

My A may be bye bye to me.

Why is Cloze (as in Cloze Passage) spelled "Cloze"? What the hell does it mean?



Based on or being a test of reading comprehension in which the test taker is asked to supply words that have been systematically deleted from a text.

[Alteration of closure.]

Red jacket wasn't in his red jacket! I was looking around for a red jacket while waiting for papers to be collected but didn't see it. Later, I saw him at the Bus Stop opposite Ghim Moh Taxi HQ and... no jacket. Not even in his hand, or on his arm, or in his bag (he had no bag). "Maybe he recovered" - Luther

Didn't see the busker. Maybe he only comes on certain days. "He sings with a nasal voice" - Luther. But I saw 2 ACJC girls coming out of the underpass. Oh wait, that's unrelated. Nevermind.

Hot Shorts are DAMN disgusting. There was this woman in a blue top and cut-off white shorts in front, and it was revulsive. On the first escalator, she was in front, and I could see the curve of the butt cheeks (probably the 2nd time I've seen that happen, the first was during Orientation with someone's FBT shorts). I reiterate my disgust and dislike for Hot Shorts. Luckily Jet was behind her at the second escalator, so she blocked everyone's view.

Heard a beng-lian ring tone on the MRT. I heard it once before (probably more, actually). This beng was programming it for his girlfriend, then they played it back and they started nodding and shaking their heads along with the song. When I turned back today, it was an Indian man whose phone had the disgusting ringtone.

Went to Great World Crystal Jade Shanghai Restuarant (or whatever it's called) for lunch. Interesting food.

More interesting, saw this (presumably) J1 RJ girl with half-dyed (beyond 'highlighted') hair in Half U clinging onto her boyfriend's arm. Tut tut. I wonder if any 'concerned members of the public' (they *are* so pesky) will write in.

I also saw someone from the School With The Most Indecent Uniform In Singapore Bar None, and I think I've now decided that the colour and the design of the uniform are revolting (though not as bad as He2 Gu3 Zhong1 Xue2), and besides, it's too thin. And the strap was visible. Visible straps are irritating. When my sister does that I like to complain, and she'll say "none of your business". Once in a while when she does that, I'll start pulling them and letting go, and she'll shoo me off.

Som asked me how much a Harry Potter book was, and was surprised to find out that it was not $10 or so for one :) aureate, you can sell the extra book on ebay and recoup some of your loss. And check better next time :)

I didn't know about the immortality thing. I always thought it was just lead to gold. Or maybe I forgot. My wealth of history knowledge, built up since primary 1 by reading various books at the library, is eroding. Lead actually *can* be turned to gold by science now, but it costs more to make the gold than to buy the gold itself.

The paranoid guy, Steve Gibson (see some of his rants on security - http://grc.com/), has a subpixel font rendering demo on his page. Downloaded it and tried it - wow. I need to find a subpixel font rendering Document reader for my Palm IIIc. Tried Wordsmith, but the program was too big, and even in Read mode, it needed lots of free space to open a document. Even then, the subpixel font rendering was a touch irritating on the eye. Maybe I'll stick with iSilo 2.58 (small executable - 80+KB, small doc sizes - 20% smaller than Doc). But not subpixel font rendering and no auto scrolling. Let's see if MobiPocket Reader 4.1 is good.

Excerpt from mike's list:


Last Week's Mystery Pic

No, it's not a "Canadian beer TV ad," "Washington Crossing the Delaware 2.0," nor is it "what is left of the government's credibility after being railroaded into the settlement with Microsoft" as suggested by some readers. Most commented on the subject of the picture. But the interesting fact about last week's Mystery Pic is the picture itself. It's a brilliant color photograph taken in 1915! While traveling with the Tsar, Russian photographer Sergei Prokudin-Gorskii took pictures onto three separate glass plates per image that were designed to be shown in color using a slide projector he invented. Technicians recently developed a technique to scan the plates so the images could be assembled in a computer. Last week's Mystery Pic is one of dozens of breathtaking Prokudin-Gorski photographs in the collection, which is on display at the Library of Congress Web site. Congratulations to reader Geoff Washburn for being first with the right answer. Here are three more examples:

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