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Friday, December 20, 2024

Links - 20th December 2024 (2 - Women)

Meme - "Rub on her Pussy till it gets wet then roll over and say don't touch me"

Richard Cooper on X - "What a woman's dating profile really means.
Adventurous = Hoe
Wild = Drinking/drug problem
Beautiful eyes = Fat
Athletic = No tits
Curvy = Fat
Boss girl = Disagreeable/annoying
Alpha woman = Bossy AF
Bubbly = Wont shut up
39 = 50
Progressive = Miserable feminist
What else?"

Meme - Image Shots at Desert Sky Mall: "Never underestimate the importance of angles" *Beautiful and ugly shots of the same women from different angles (with different facial expressions too)*

Meme - Aimee Terese @aimeeterese: "Women will make universalising claims that contradict all available data, based solely on conjecture, and then get angry at you if you challenge their absurd claims. It’s so dumb."
gracefool @gracefool: "As soon as you realize women believe things for social reasons the mystery disappears.  Men get status from competence. Women get more status from relationships.  Change their perception of the social dynamics and you change their mind.  That's why they use insults like "incel" as an ultimate weapon - it works on women, boys and weak men but they don't understand a man has no need of their approval."

Meme - "The Greatest Love Story Of All Time"
Old Rose from Titanic: "I slept with a homeless man and then let him drown."

฿₳₮₮ⱠɆ ฿ɎⱤĐ on X - "Growing up is understanding that in Titanic, Rose decides to throw away a $250 million pendant in memory of an unemployed man who she had sex with one time. Meanwhile, her husband worked hard all his life to maintain her and give her and her children a life of luxury, who would surely have also appreciated the inheritance and lived peacefully. She could of also given the pendant to her Granddaughter who took care of her, her whole life. The real villain of the movie gentlemen, no doubt it was Rose."

"I have observed brilliant men, college professors, architects, and medics ending up childless in their later years because women wouldn't date them due to their looks and height. Conversely, I have witnessed literal criminals, so- called "musicians," bums, and losers pumping and dumping women left and right and not taking care of their children. Women have the privilege of choosing their mates as the gatekeepers of reproduction. Consequently, who is to blame if they choose the wrong man? The average single mother had the privilege to choose among millions of men. And she willingly and knowingly choose wrong."

Meme - "When you check her medicine cabinet and realize you're about to have the best fucking sex of your life *full of medicine, with "AM I FIXED YET?" drawn on door in blood*"

Meme - Women Being Awful @WomenBeingAwful: "Men seem pretty happy with other men, so why are women so unhappy with men in marriage?"
"I'm Curious Ladies How Are Men The Problem?
Divorce Rates
Men/Women 42%
Women/Women 72%
Men/Men 28%"
Freckled Liberty 🔥 @FreckledLiberty: "we are the problem 🫶🏻"

Meme - "Stepmom then *Lady Tremaine from Cinderella*
Stepmom now *Lena Paul*"

Meme - "AMERICAN WOMEN *fat, on couch*
THAI MEN *thin, shapely and pretty*"

Meme camillaacutiexo: "MEN you should stop ignoring all the single moms out there. We are literally the missing piece of your "puzzle""
blackspiderguyadvicee: "Why do you keep talking about us? Shouldn't you be talking about bears"
hightierrush: "Single Moms should try to stick to Single Dads, leave the eligible childless men to us non bred folk. Ya'll had your shot, we ain't sharing! lol"
turner.the_burner: "The only missing piece of the puzzle is your child's real dad"

Meme - Lukas (computer) (3/AC)🔺 @SCHIZO_FREQ: "Aella's remarkable because she says things completely seriously that even the femcel satire accounts here couldn't bring themselves to post as jokes"
Aella @Aella_Girl: "in my extended friend group there seems to be a thing where guys help arrange their friends to come fuck their wives or gfs. it's acommunity of dudes passing (kinky, consenting) girls around and it's super cute and wholesome
my bday gangbang is an example; my bf at the time fed me to a pack of wolves for my bday and it was super sweet of him. i have another friend who locked his gf up in an airbnb and has a bunch of guys who take time slots on a spreadsheet to show up and bang her (she loves this)"

Aella on X - "it will never cease to amaze me, the amount that ppl can get so infuriated by other consenting adults happily doing their own weird thing"
Diana S. Fleischman on X - "People are infuriated by other people "doing their own weird thing" because they are afraid that you might influence them or the people they love to do things that are fun, but, in their estimation, bad and destabilizing. The more tempting the prospect, the more anger is necessary"

Meme - *Big Bang Theory*

Meme - theegirltip: "The body count topic annoys me bc it honestly doesn't matter what number you say, they will not believe you."
916pewpew: "Cause you be lying."
theegirltip: "Why would I? 132 is not high for my age."

Meme - tanner @TheeTcup: "Don't ask a girl where she wants to eat. Tell her to guess where you're taking her to eat. Then take her to the first guess."
Kyley King @kyley_king: "He's cracked the code we didn't even know we had"

Meme - "when i'm in a lying and dodging accountability competition and my opponent is a female"
My boyfriend broke up with me because of SA
So I finally got comfortable enough to tell my boyfriend about my SA (my ex manipulated me into some stuff half a year ago). The conversation wasn't started by me but he asked about my exes so I answered truthfully. Afterwards he got really dry and the next morning he broke up with me because "it's just too much". Okay thank you very much sir"

Meme - Ken: "Stop trying to justify your flaws as quirky personality traits. You aren't a "fiery" person, you have anger management issues"
*Shocked Barbie*

Meme -Emma Murphy: "Steering comitee member of The River Project DKIT. Support & Project worker. Seeking Safety project worker. Tedx speaker. Domestic Violence activist"
*Half black son*

Meme - "When you change the Tinder age range from 18-22 to 23-27 *Attractive busty woman* *Flat tattooed dumpy woman wearing "Bene Gesserit Witch" tee*"

Meme - "When his height starts with 5 *Woman making face*"
"When her cup size is a passing grade"

SGWhispers | Facebook - "#11277: Man and woman's motivational videos are so different.  I'm a woman btw. In my feed, the motivational videos I got is generally like :  "You're a queen. You're beautiful. You are strong. Keep slaying. Ignore the haters. They only go againts you cause you're amazing. Never settle for less. Put yourself at the top."  I got curious and went on to search for men's motivational videos and... Wow. It's so.. Different. It goes generally like : "You're a piece of shit. You're not going to get anywhere in your life if you stay that way. You want people to love you but guess what? No one will ever do. Cause you're a man. But guess what? Stand up anyways. Start walking forward. Start working on yourself. You don't need anyone else to love you. Do what matters for you. If you don't ever put effort, then don't complain about not getting anywhere in your life. Stay lazy or stay motivated. You need to discipline yourself you fucking lazy ass bitch." And honestly...I like the men's videos more. Cause it's transparent, and realistic. Women's videos are okay but, it's pretty coated with these delusional statements. Which honestly, it's pretty damaging to women all around.  What do you all think though?"

Meme - Woman threatening to smash Warhammer toy: "Love this so much?"
Man with scissors and handbag: "Calm down darling"

Colin Wright on X - "Even when women were forced to make the first move on Bumble, the vast majority restored the natural order by simply starting with a minimal "hi" or 👋, signaling to the men to take the reins on the courtship ritual." Meme - Single moms: Sex/Relationship *Trojan Horse*
Inside Trojan Horse: "Take care of my kids and finances"

Meme - Audrey @DelaKram75: "Women are allowed to not be in the mood for sex and say no to their husbands, and they're not in sin for doing so"
Audrey @DelaKram75: "I'm in a lot of private Christian women's groups on Facebook and the amount of women coming forward about their husband's porn addictions is heartbreaking."

Meme - "Dating advice for men:
- you need to work on yourself
- you need to become more confident
- you need new hobbies
- you need to get in better shape
Dating advice for women:
- never settle
- you're perfect the way you are
- don't change for anyone
- never lower your standards"

Meme - ">Wife demands divorce because "she fell out of love."
>Brings divorce papers 3 nights later.
>I stare at the papers and sign them.
>"Alright, we are divorced now, the bond is broken. I hope you know I always loved you and did my best to make you happy."
>She plays it cool with a cold face, then breaks down in tears 2 minutes later and tears up the papers.
>We say nothing to each other and take a nap on the couch.
I don't understand women. That happened last night."

Two influencers drowned at yacht party after 'refusing to wear life jacket' as it would 'ruin tans and selfies' - "Aline Tamara Moreira de Amorim, 37, and Beatriz Tavares da Silva Faria, 27, were found dead after the overcrowded boat sank off a stretch of the Brazilian coast known as the ‘Devil’s Throat’. The captain told police he had been ordered to take six influencers back to the shore on 29 September even though his boat only had a maximum capacity of five passengers.  His craft was then hit by a huge wave, according to local media, and it was too heavy to ride it out and began to sink. He told police he desperately tried to save everyone. Police say the pair hadn’t been wearing life jackets at the time, despite one of them not being able to swim."

Meme - Kangmin Lee @kangminjlee: "Women will give themselves gold stars for doing things no man asked them to do"
BAMIDELE @nihiinn_: "Men will never understand the pain we go through everyday, women are really strong *X-ray of woman in high heels*"

Meme - "AITA for getting mad at husband's dating advice to his friend and also at his doubling down when called him out on it?
 I (32F) have been with my husband (35M) for six years, married for four. We’ve always had a great relationship, or so I thought, but recently something has been bothering me deeply.  My husband has a close friend who’s single and struggling in the dating world. They talk a lot, and I overheard a conversation they had where my husband was giving him advice. His friend was talking about a few women he was considering dating, and my husband’s response shocked me.  He told his friend to avoid dating single moms and women who are overweight. But it didn’t stop there—he even made jokes about how these women probably “let themselves go” or “come with too much baggage.” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. It felt so cruel, so insensitive. I confronted him later, telling him how hurtful and disgusting it was to talk about women like that.  But here’s the kicker: instead of apologizing, he threw it back in my face. He reminded me of all the times I’ve given similar “advice” to my girlfriends. Apparently, he’s heard me tell my friends to steer clear of men who are under 6 feet tall, have small dicks, single dads or don’t make enough money. He even brought up a few times I’ve made jokes about guys who are balding.  I was furious. I told him it’s completely different when women talk about men like that because men have male privilege and patriarchy on their side. Society doesn’t judge men the way it judges women, and it’s not the same to joke about a man’s height or income as it is to joke about a woman’s weight or being a single mom. Women are constantly scrutinized for their looks and their life choices, while men get to be imperfect and still find partners easily.  But he just wouldn’t listen. He kept saying that if I’m allowed to have preferences, so is he. If I can joke about a guy’s height or income, he can joke about a woman’s weight. I feel like he’s missing the point entirely, and it’s making me so upset. I feel like he doesn’t understand how much harder it is to be a woman in this world and how harmful his words are.  Now, I’m wondering if I’m overreacting or if he really doesn’t get how much more damaging it is when men talk like this about women. I don’t know how to get through to him, and it’s driving a wedge between us. I can’t stand the idea that he thinks it’s okay to talk about women that way. Has anyone else dealt with something like this? How do I explain that it’s not the same thing at all?"

Meme - "Never deleting this app."
"not feeling very good about myself anymore i dont even do anything wrong to anyone on here i dont get why everyone wants to make me hate myself i didnt do anything to any of u"
Will Stancil's 2011 NYE Rape Spree Groy...: "I live in LA too, let's get a drink"
blondetomfoolery @primadonnaleo24: "ur username is rapeandbeating"
Will Stancil's 2011 NYE Rape Spree Groy...: "The beating is optional"
"blondetomfoolery followed you"

Meme - Alex Kay @itsalexkay: "I stop right next to you at Costco... what do you do?"
Joey Swoll @TheJoeySwoll: "Tell you to stop filming strangers to try and get reactions to validate yourself on social media. People are NOT accessories for you to use on social media."

Meme - VENT GROUP get it off your chest: "I am 21, I have a crush on my dad's older friend he's 52, but he's so hot and has been single for a while but he says he only does casual. Me and him flirt from time to time (i think) and the previous time I saw him he asked if he could smoke outside with me and he stood close to me, he's always smiling at me. I feel like he feels the chemistry between us and it's killing me inside. He comes to our home every couple of weeks for a visit and a couple games of pool with some friends and family of ours. (He's not related to me) , but how can I test if he's interested in me? He offered to pay for smokes next time and give me some the last time I saw him. Me and him talk quite often and play pool together everytime he's here."
Hanna Salinger: "Honey he's grooming you
Edit: Hey, I'm looking at other commenters... Let's not shame this person. The guy is potentially manipulating her and that's on him."
Looks like women can't be allowed to work till they're 25, since they're so easily manipulated and exploited

Meme - "Anastasia, 41. Lucky pick
I'm a driven, loving woman & mamma looking for my committed, loving partner.
We'll be a match if you also:
- are abundant & make 300k+ / year.
- have built at least 4k/mo in passive assets & are just getting started
- are good with children & would be excited to co-parent my toddler & are open to 1 or 2 more kids
- can work from anywhere & are down to work/ live abroad
- apologize easily & would happily do therapy if it helped our relationship win
- tell the truth
- want long term"

Rob Henderson on X - ""Women perceive female gossipers as unfriendly, unkind, unattractive, and untrustworthy...secrecy and friendship are so inextricably intertwined among girls that when they contemplated what made someone a desirable friend, the ability to keep a secret was at the top of the list""
Bless her heart: Gossip phrased with concern provides advantages in female intrasexual competition - "Although many women report being victimized by gossip, fewer report spreading negative gossip. Female gossipers might be unaware they are gossiping if they disclose such statements out of concern for targets. Four studies (N = 1709) investigated whether women believe their gossip is motivated by concern and whether expressing concern for targets insulates female gossipers against social costs, while simultaneously impairing targets' reputations. Study 1 examined sex differences in gossip motivations. Compared to men, women endorsed stronger concern than harm motivations, especially when gossiping about other women, suggesting these motivations characterize female intrasexual gossip. In Study 2, female gossipers who phrased their negative gossip with concern (versus maliciously or neutrally) were evaluated as more trustworthy and desirable as social and romantic partners. Study 3 replicated the favorable evaluations of concerned female gossipers. Female participants especially disliked malicious female gossipers, suggesting professions of concern might help to avoid women's scorn. Male participants reported lower romantic interest in female gossip targets when they learned concern (versus malicious or no) gossip, suggesting concerned gossip can harm female targets' romantic prospects. Study 4 revealed these patterns extend to face-to-face interactions. A female gossiper was preferred as a social partner when she phrased her gossip with concern versus maliciously. Moreover, concerned gossip harmed perceptions of the female target as effectively as malicious gossip. Altogether, findings suggest that negative gossip delivered with concern effectively harms female targets' reputations, while also protecting gossipers' reputations, indicating a viable strategy in female intrasexual competition."

Eric S. Raymond on X - "Ladies, have you noticed the real reason every heterosexual male on the planet wants to bed Sidney Sweeney? No, it's not her impressive decolletage.   We will stipulate that the woman is smoking hot. But there are many smoking-hot women in the world; Sweeney has, or at least successfully fakes, a quality that is more important than that. I was really struck by it when I watched some clips of her hosting Saturday Night Live.  Sweeney seems...normal. For values of normality that men find all too rare these days. She's sweet, feminine, playful, a little giggly, confidently sexy without being slutty about it.  Most of all, she reads like a woman who doesn't have a whole bunch of landmines a man might step on if he got too close to her. No daddy issues, no cluster B personality disorder, no neurotic fixations, no generalized anger at men.  In a world where a shockingly large percentage of marriageable young women have diagnosed mental diseases, men are desperate for this.   Normal. It's the new sexy."

Meme - Wilfred Reilly @wil_da_beast630: "I mean, just statistically speaking, the huge majority of the ~50% of women who ID as feminist-y leftists have to be the grand-daughters of the witch BURNERS - who are simply identifying with a different popular and conventional thing today."
sundae_Gurl @SundaeDivine: "Women in lowa"

Meme - "When you make a fake OnlyFans page with your ex's nudes to pay her child support."

‘The music industry has failed us’: Kate Nash on her decision to join OnlyFans - "Pop singer Kate Nash has said her decision to join OnlyFans is about “agency” and to raise awareness of the dire situation many artists face, at the same time rejecting critics who have called her decision “sad”. Over the weekend, Nash announced that she had launched a “Butts for Tour Buses” campaign, citing rising costs of travel, accommodation, food, promotion and crew... Earlier this year, Nash’s fellow pop star Lily Allen launched her own OnlyFans account, on which she has been sharing photos of her feet to subscribers. The decision initially started as a joke on her hit BBC podcast, Miss Me? with her longtime friend, TV presenter Miquita Oliver. However, Allen recently revealed that she now makes more money from her feet pictures on OnlyFans than she does through streams of her music on Spotify... a survey of almost 6,000 performers found that around half of professional musicians earn less than £14,000 a year from their music. The report revealed more than half (53 per cent) sustain their career by sourcing other forms of income outside of music – and 75 per cent of those who have other income in addition to music report only seeking this work for financial reasons."

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