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Thursday, December 19, 2024

Links - 19th December 2024 (2 - Peanut the Squirrel)

Mario Nawfal on X - "🚨🇺🇸 PEANUT THE SQUIRREL DEAD AFTER NY DEC SEIZURE Mark Longo revealed that the New York Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) euthanized his pet squirrel, Peanut, within 48 hours of seizing it from his home without a warrant. Mark had raised Peanut from infancy after rescuing it when its mother died.   The squirrel, a viral sensation, helped raise funds for animal sanctuaries.   Longo criticizes the DEC’s actions, calling the abrupt loss of his beloved pet unjust and heartless.  Source: @Stillgray"
Just Pray! on X - "So some animal rights activist complained that the squirrel was being “exploited” and their solution was to kill it? Please make it make sense."
Maarek on X - "If you need a practical example of Anarcho-Tyranny: the state of New York went to great pains to make sure that career criminals don't have to post bail but it will also gladly break into a guy's house to kill his pet squirrel for absolutely no reason"

Meme - Peanut: "Brings joy to over 500k fans, never harmed anyone.
Immediately executed."
Bionca Ellis, murderer of Julian Wood: "Murders a 3 year old boy for being White.
No trial, sent to a hospital."

Ben on X - "I want a government small enough to have neither the time nor the resources to conduct a 5 hour raid over a pet squirrel."

Thread by @RantyAmyCurtis on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "Buckle up, guys and gals, it’s thread time.  Here’s why Peanut and Fred have become such a rallying point for people:  We aren’t suddenly in love with a squirrel and a raccoon.  They represent the problems of a very broken, petty government. For years, we’ve watched as our betters in the Democratic Party have engaged in the selective application of our laws.  They call it “restorative justice” or “criminal justice reform” or some other nifty euphemism, but what it is is lawfare. It’s why violent repeat offenders can assault, rape, and steal and get a slap on the wrist.  Jordan Neely was arrested something like 40 times prior to his encounter with Daniel Penny.  The Left decided their crimes — which are still crimes — are somehow acceptable. So they turn a blind eye to the minority of citizens who are actually criminals and let them continue to harass and injure others.  Maybe — maybe — if they kill somebody they’ll get jail time. Simply because of the public outcry if they don’t. But it shouldn’t come to someone losing their life before the state protects us.  And eventually they’ll expect us to tolerate them setting murderers loose, too.  People see this. We see criminal illegal immigrants — who are criminals the second they illegally cross our border, btw — get a pass.  Including tens of thousands who are ACTUAL criminals: gang members, murderers, rapists.  And our government shrugs and says “Oh well, nothing we can do.” Martha Raddatz says it’s “a handful” of gang members taking over apartments.  As if the acceptable number of violent gangs running America apartment complexes should be anything other than ZERO. During COVID, we watched as government shut down our schools and businesses and arrested people who had the nerve to fish alone on an empty beach.  That was “unsafe”, you grandma killer.  The UK toyed with killing ALL PET CATS. Then George Floyd happened and suddenly riots and protests and being outside in large groups was okay.  My dad’s funeral? Nah.  Your kid’s graduation? Nope?  But assholes burning down cities? OKAY! Few of them were arrested as they did billions of dollars in damage to cities across the country.  But the rest of us? Government might not let us leave our homes if we don’t get a vaccine passport.  For our own good.
I see a lot of people saying “Well, the squirrel was illegal!”  So?  Theft is illegal. Assault is illegal. Arson and rioting are illegal.  Crossing the border is illegal.  Our government decided not to enforce THOSE laws. But instead they come down on a family with a pet squirrel and raccoon like a ton of bricks.  The full weight of whatever fascist government agency that decided THIS was the law they’re gonna ruthlessly enforce. And this is how it always plays out: the Left’s preferred groups can get away with literal murder, and the Left will say they either don’t have the resources to enforce laws (“we can’t possibly deport tens of millions!”) Or they say not enforcing the laws with XZY groups is itself a form of “restorative justice.”
This is an untenable and unsustainable position.  Peanut and Fred are simply the tipping point.  We are fed up with a government that picks winners and losers when the law should be applied equally and fairly. And we’re sick of government ignoring crimes that actually harm people and communities, but being absolutely brutal when enforcing a law over a squirrel and raccoon that were LITERALLY HURTING NO ONE. The problem is the hypocrisy.  Government will let guys like Jordan Neely wander free to harass and terrorize women and toddlers on subways.  They’ll ruin the life of anyone who defends the innocents against those criminals. Then they’ll find some law about pet squirrels and raccoons and decide THAT is the one they’re going to follow to the letter.  People are fed up with it. THAT is what Peanut and Fred represent.  A country fed up with a government that refuses to enforce its most fundamental laws but one that will give tyrants carte blanche to invade your home over the kinds of pets you have.
As always, the Left don’t get this. Because they’re okay with this form of lawfare.  They LIKE lawfare, because right now it benefits them.  And a not insignificant portion of the Left get off on making others suffer like they did Peanut/Fred’s owners. They don’t care that a reckoning will come.  And they forget the other side gets to move and shoot, too.  If it takes a squirrel and a raccoon to remind them, so be it."
On anarcho-tyranny

Thread by @Will_Tanner_1 on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "Why has the Peanut the Squirrel thing exploded on here?  Because it's the perfect anarchotyranny tale. The system that refuses to lock up murderers will send a SWAT team to kill your pet for lack of a permit. As the anarchotyranny situation is about to explode, this did too 🧵👇
The anarchotyranny is probably the best example of how America is becoming South Africa. There, employers must follow BEE (affirmative action) legislation to the letter or face government wrath, all while 95% of farm murders go unsolved and entire cities decay. Here, murderers are rarely even given a slap on the wrist if the races are "right" (black murderer, white victim), but the smallest details of tyrannical licensure, permits, and similar sorts of bureaucracy wholly foreign to America until FDR created it and Obama dramatically expanded it. So, on one side, you get attempted murder suspects and admitted murderers let off the hook because of "mental issues," but the state will seize your children to trans them under the "child protection" framework and ignore anything approaching justice or law while doing so. And New York is the best example of this anarchotyranny problem. On one hand, it has done nothing whatsoever to stop its criminal underclass from ruining NYC. In fact, no cash bail and similar problems have turned the city into Johannesburg. Meanwhile, it's also the state and city of regulatory tyranny. Whether building codes and restrictions, rent controls that are an infringement of property rights, sky-high taxes, regulations of the sort Letitia James has used to squeeze @vdare and Donald Trump, and brutal crackdowns on those who defend themselves from criminals, whether Bernie Goetz or Daniel Penny
And Peanut the Squirrel, of course, was from Pine City, NY. Not in NYC, but the state is about as tyrannical as the city. So, because of a lack of a license, which could have just been easily obtained upon notification, a SWAT team raided a family's house and confiscated a pet, then had it euthanized. All just out of spite. There was no reason for it. They claim "disease" is a problem, but if that was the case they wouldn't have invited tens of millions of unchecked illegal immigrants into the country. They just hate normal people and want to unleash the state on them. That's what the state can do when it wants. When it wants to go after even minor permitting violations, it can do so with a SWAT team armored like it was in Iraq in '07
So, the state does have the capacity to go after the crime problem. It just doesn't want to. It doesn't want to lock up the illegal immigrants that are r*ping and murdering kids, much less keep them from entering the country. It doesn't want to go after the gangbangers, the thugs, the drug dealers, or the prostitutes, all of whom have turned cities like New York and Philadelphia into Third World-style slums.  Thus, your city is a slum purely because the state wants it to be. The streets could be cleansed of homeless drug addicts and devoid of needles. You wouldn't have to give car or home break-ins a thought. Petty crime would be absent from the streets and organized crime gone completely.  All of that could be achieved. They have the resources, as shown by the crackdowns on the J6 protesters and Peanut the Squirrel. But they don't want to
Altogether, that creates a near-perfect state of anarchotyranny. On one hand, it does nothing to stop the crime that matters. The petty crime, the homelessness, the drugs, the murders and chaos, etc. On the other, it has the resources to be fully tyrannical when it so chooses. If you pray outside an abortion clinic or protest outside the Capitol, you can expect the FBI to hunt you down. If you own a pet and don't get your bureaucratic ducks in a row, you can expect the state to raid you with armored vehicles. It reads all your messages, listens to your phone calls, and tracks your online activity. That's anarcho-tyranny. And people are finally waking up to it. It's taken long enough, after a slew of many unpunished murders and cracked down upon misdemeanors, but now everyone who is even a remotely normal or valuable citizen notices that their government hates them for being normal and a contributor to society. It meanwhile loves the thugs, murderers, and so on. That situation is, even more so than the over-taxation we experience or the pointless foreign wars, the situation closest to exploding. Taxes can be paid, if grudgingly. The national debt has been ignored for this long, and so can be ignored for a bit longer. There's no draft, so the same is true of the wars. But the anarcho-tyranny? That impacts everyone. You are ruthlessly punished for even minor infractions and subjected to every sort of bureaucratic tyranny, all while the government aids millions of invaders who illegally cross the border and turns a blind eye to everything from foreign gangsters taking over apartment buildings to black women laughing about stabbing white children to death. That can't be avoided. It can't be ignored. It impacts all of us morally and emotionally, and often leads to the attack upon or death of a loved one that even red states don't punish. So, that's why people online care about a pet squirrel in New York. It's not really the squirrel that matters. It's the anarcho-tyranny, a problem that's been around for decades but exploded as an issue since Floyd overdosed on fentanyl. That is slowly turning into a critical issue in which normal people, valuable citizens, are firmly opposed to nearly all of the governments across the union. The above story of Ohio's Timmeka Eggleton murdering a 3-year-old and getting away with it, occurred in a deep red state, after all. Same with the murderers of Ethan Liming
That's a huge issue, and government officials, particularly in red states and cities, who don't get onboard with the sentiment that wants bureaucracy/administrative requirements reduced and mercilessly punished are going to face the fire. Not everywhere, of course. Sadly this isn't the America of the Sons of Liberty anymore. But it will start to happen in some places and, as always, grow as a fiery issue once some places start to crack down on crime Singapore/@nayibbukele-style or ignore their constituents and start to face massive disorder. Incredibly, it's the squirrel that's drawn attention to this, but that squirrel is just a minor symptom, not the root of the matter. Indeed other words, in executing peanut and leaving alive the worst humans in the country, our anarchotyrannic overlords have set a standard quite unfair to squirrels "
Alternatively, the left has let crime get so bad that it will take a long time and a lot of effort to get it back down, so it's easier to just terrorise ordinary citizens (which also justifies the existence of the state), especially since they won't fight back

“It’s been harrowing” – Monica Keasler speaks out after DEC records prove she did not report Peanut the Squirrel - "Monica Keasler, a Texas resident who became the most hated woman on the internet after social media users accused her of reporting Peanut The Squirrel to the Department of Environment Conservation Office (DEC), finally broke her silence in a podcast interview. Keasler cited DEC documents that proved she was innocent of the allegations spurred by social media and addressed the barrage of death threats hurled at her family... Monica Keasler’s name began to trend online after she was named as the person responsible for calling the New York State Department of Environment Conservation Office to report the famous TikTok and Instagram squirrel, named Peanut and the racoon Fred. Mark Longo, the owner of the pets, also shared a post identifying Keasler as a tipster and threatened legal action. Longo shared the post after several social media users alleged Keasler confessed to reporting Peanut the Squirrel before taking down the post and deleting the social media account. As netizens demanded proof of the said confession, a fake TikTok account purporting to be Monica Keasler emerged online. The fake account included only one post alleging Keasler reported the animals to DEC...  Monica Keasler revealed her family were fans of internet sensation Peanut the Squirrel, who they followed on social media for years before the incident. Keasler said her family had a “good cry” after they discovered online the animals were seized from Longo’s home. Keasler revealed as she kept scrolling for more information, she found a post from a “lady” in a group saying Longo "should have known better and that they had wild animals in their home illegally and they were monetizing them and that it was all wrong.” As Monica Keasler was about to reveal more, her lawyer, Bill Price, stepped in saying, “Let’s not do to them what’s been done to you,” suggesting the accusation stemmed from the “lady,” who slammed Longo for housing the pets in the social media group. Keasler said she was wrongfully named after she commented on the post of the individual"

Tala Smith ⚔️ on X - "Updated info on the wrongfully euthanized squirrel Peanut, & raccoon Fred… Some ridiculous judge DID sign a warrant. For a squirrel? On a called -in “complaint” by this photog Monica Keasler to the DEC, for unknown reasons. The woman proceeded to brag on her now deleted FB account - she’s also ditched IG & Linked In because people found out who she is. Reviewing facts, it’s a pathetic case of government waste, overreach, & misuse of resources.  These people rescued & raised Peanut as an orphaned kit. They had him for 7 years. The man created an animal rescue sanctuary as a result, and had allll the app. process done, & it was SIGNED. The only thing waiting on approval was an enclosure. This animal was not capable of wild survival. They tried that initially, but Peanut came back with injuries. Some rescued wildlife is not releasable - this is exactly why rehab sanctuaries will keep select animals after rehab capability is maxed.
A few potential reasons:  Missing limbs Birds with lack of flight Loss of vision or hearing Predators unable to hunt sufficiently  Prey unable to evade predators  Failure to thrive due to health deficits Captivity-raised lack of survival instincts Conditions requiring ongoing medication
This RAID involved making the victims sit outside their home for 5 hours while these maniacs tore up everything. They were denied the right to call legal counsel. Feds went thru closets, leaving a complete mess. They broke soap bottles in the bathroom. They took apart the man’s TOILET upon escorting him before he could use it because apparently there could be some important squirrel propaganda hidden in there (I’m assuming in the tank). 😒 Please make it make sense.  They further questioned his wife’s immigration status (Germany), in spite of her having all necessary docs & ID.   Because these psychos descended unannounced & hunted down these ordinarily docile rescues in their normally peaceful home, somebody supposedly got bitten. They used that as justification for killing them to examine brain tissue for signs of rabies.   (Let’s be clear… they were observed putting on gloves. Was anyone ACTUALLY bitten?)  What’s really going on here?  We all want to know.
If you are thinking, “It’s just a squirrel “, look at your pets. Do it right now. Why do you think you are exempt from over-reach like this, & what’s different from your dog or cat?   WHAT???
I am a feline rescuer. I’ve also rescued other animals to either be rehab-released, or homed as appropriate. I have been doing this most of my life, in fact. Birds, including a baby hummingbird once. Rabbits. Lizards. Snakes. Dogs. What’s the difference, I ask you. This is NOT about permits. He had the paperwork. Signed. It was in final process.   Why do Feds have the time & resources for one MF squirrel that’s not bothering anybody? If they need something to do, I have a few suggestions. Some legit tasks first… and a couple of impolite instructions after that.   I usually try to avoid posting things that end up in the political arena, but here we are. This is as far as I’m concerned a bipartisan concern anyway, so today I am speaking up. NONE of us should be ok with this type of abusive home invasion. Do you want to be treated like a criminal, like a drug dealer, on your own property.. when you have done nothing harmful to anyone? I’m absolutely certain that I don’t.   AS a rescuer MYSELF, this hits hard. I’ve had tragic abuses committed by other organizations that I had to then correct & be the responsible party - costing me hundreds in the aftermath, plus deciding under duress of the situation to adopt as a result. Over the lifetime of a pet, that’s thousands. I continue to do this, in spite of not having a donation for it in 4 years. So to me, it’s an important issue. We talk all the time about being responsible citizens, but when it comes to actually demonstrating it, who steps up? In my neighborhood, it’s just me. Out of pocket.   So YEAH… #JusticeForPeanut"

Meme - Elon Musk: "Democratic Party priority list"
*Kid Skipping Steps*
Democrats: "Arresting Illegals. Arresting Rapists. Arresting Murderers. Killing a squirrel"

Devon Eriksen on X - "The function of agencies is to reduce your agency.  That's the connection between killing an innocent squirrel and the unraveling of civilization itself. One may be trivial, and the other apocalyptic, but they are driven by the same impulse.  The impulse to regulate. Agencies regulate things. It means, literally, from its roots, "to make regular".  It's not regular to have a squirrel as a pet.  Make no mistake. That's what this is about.  Oh, there will be plenty of legal quibbling from the statists over who did, or didn't, or should have had, a special license to keep wildlife, which is apparently a sort of permission slip from the government that they want you to get before you do stuff.  But none of that mattered. Because the real reason, the real reason we have silly agencies, and silly laws, and silly bureaucracy, is that if governments confined themselves to doing what was needful, they wouldn't have much to do, and then people would start asking uncomfortable questions, like where exactly that full third of every paycheck is going. So you have a bunch of agencies knocking about looking for things to do. To justify their jobs, and their budgets.  And what they end up doing is ... meddling. They have a bias towards action, because inaction doesn't give them power or money. And they have a bias towards NO, because YES doesn't give them power or money.  Can I launch a rocket?  NO, it might upset a seal. Or hit a shark on the way down.  Can I paint my house purple?  NO, it might affect other people's property values.  Can I create a bank account under my authorial pseudonym?  NO, you might use it to evade taxes. Can I care for an abandoned baby squirrel?  NO, it might might have rabies.  And the reasons are always nothing more than thin coat of excuse, painted over the desire for more control.  When you have enough government agencies regulating aspects of life, you are only allowed to do what is regular.  What everyone else does.  This is insufferable, of course, and Patrick Henry would have been stacking bodies by now. So should we.  But it gets worse.  It's not just high-handed.  It's not just dystopian.  It's not just tyrannical. It's not just miserable and petty and small-minded.  It's civilization-destroying.  Why?  Because civilization and technological progress are a very specialized things, requiring a unique set of conditions.  This is why most societies, throughout history, haven't had any progress. They've just spent generation after generation whacking at the dirt with a stick to grow taro root.  Civilizational progress, that rare jewel that only a few societies have achieved, depends upon a whole bunch of factors adding up to an environment where trying new things is easy and frictionless. New things.  Novel things.  Innovative things.  Things that haven't been tried before.  Things that aren't normal.  Things that aren't regular.  Things that you can't do when everything is made regular.  Things you can't do when everything is regulated.  It's not regular to keep a pet squirrel.  It's also not regular to shine high-frequency radiation through people and take pictures with it.  Or to put up metal rods to attract lightning and see what you can do with it.  Or to treat diseases with bread mold.  Or to attach kite stuff to a bicycle and try to fly.  Every innovation that separates us from famine, poverty, disease, and squalor started out as an abnormal behavior that made other people uncomfortable.  This is why liberty leads to technology, to wealth, to civilization, to quality of life, to... everything. And this is why bureaucracy takes it all away.  And this time, in the process, it killed a small, harmless, innocent, loving animal.  No not killed.  Murdered.  Because it did so with premeditation and malice aforethought.  Peanut was happy.   Peanut had never known anything from a human being but love.  Peanut hadn't a drop of malice in his soul.   Peanut didn't understand why he was being taken from the only home he had ever known, to a place of execution, to be killed.   Peanut didn't understand what he had done wrong. Peanut died confused, alone, and terrified.   Peanut died so that a small collection of petty, spiteful, officious "human beings" could have jobs and feel important.    The harm they did, while small in the universe, was not small in Peanut's universe.   And it can never be put right.   So I say it's time for ordinary decent human beings who do not delight in the misery of others to stop being so goddamn polite and orderly.   Because it's not squirrels who need killing.   It's bureaucrats."

FAQs • Can I get rabies from a squirrel or a mouse? - "Squirrels, mice, and other small rodents have only very rarely been found to have rabies, and have never been known to transmit rabies to humans or other animals. In general, postexposure treatment is not recommended after a bite from one of these animals unless it is unusually vicious or appears obviously ill."

Social media star squirrel euthanized after being taken from home tests negative for rabies

Eric S. Raymond on X - "I'm not sure why you think this is even slightly odd.  Talking about murdered squirrels is very smart positioning, because: if you talk about regulatory overreach and smothering safetyism in the abstract, most people just zone out.  But a murdered pet grabs people in the feelz - especially women, and most especially if there's video of the squirrel being adorable.  If you can establish that "safetyism means my fuzzy baby gets killed by men with dead eyes", hoo boy you just reversed a major political dynamic.  Excellent move by the Trump campaign."

Ian Miles Cheong on X - "Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch referenced the case of Peanut the Squirrel as a classic example of government overreach.   Speaking at a Federalist Society event yesterday, Gorsuch stated: “I’ve just seen too many cases like that. You have just the other day, some of you might have seen one in the newspaper, if the newspapers are to be believed,”  “Yes, I’m speaking of Peanut the squirrel.”"

Meme - "I've posted this already but: He had 7 years to get the correct permits, and failed to. While the squirrel shouldn't have been euthanized, it was right to be seized along with the raccoon he also didn't have a permit for.
a licensed wildlife rehabilitator"
"How does reddit manage to converge around the literal worst, most fundamentally inhuman takes possible. They're like a slime mold with some sixth sense for figuring out the absolute worst takes."
"Euthanize illegals, they had plenty of time to get papers"
Maybe left wingers love government regulation because they love to control other people


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