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Sunday, September 08, 2024

Links - 8th September 2024 (1 - Migrants [including Germany])

A woman in Germany is harassed for not wearing a Hijab : r/ThatsInsane
This must be a far right false flag, because we keep being told that no women are forced to wear the hijab

Germany's far right predicted to make biggest gains since Nazi era in key state elections : r/anime_titties - "That doesn't really happen on a daily basis though. We are a country of 80 million people, some folks just can't grasp those dimensions. They hear about a murder once a week and think that's an issue for a country because it's in the news. It just isn't. Anything that doesn't claim the lives of people on an hourly basis isn't even worth talking about. We have 40000 avoidable deaths each year from bacteria in hospitals and people are talking about less than 100 knife victims.  The issue is failed education, too many people don't understand numbers apparently."
"You just explained why school shootings aren't a big deal in the US either, but the logic does not track with people.  They are an incredibly small number compared to pretty much any other type of issue.  You hear about the couple people dying in a very unlikely way instead of 300k people dying to medical errors or other large issues.  Everyone wants to be outraged and follow what tik-tok or the news tells them to.  Why think for yourself when you have the person on the screen to think for you?"

Germany's far right predicted to make biggest gains since Nazi era in key state elections : r/anime_titties - "When people think for themselves you get anti-vaxxers and flat-earthers"
Just listen to what the media tells you

Germany's far right predicted to make biggest gains since Nazi era in key state elections : r/anime_titties - "Gotta love how everyone is like "i mean immigrants, so what do you expect". People who voted for hitler also said "i mean jews, what do you expect" and mind you, jews weren't even really a problem, but anyway, he then proceeded to also attack queer people, people of color, etc.  If you want to vote them just because of immigrants, think that you are probably throwing other groups under the bus.  And if you want to vote them in general, don't use immigration as an excuse, just accept and admit you are far right"
Germany's far right predicted to make biggest gains since Nazi era in key state elections : r/anime_titties - "This is a terrible analysis. Jews in Germany didn't go around knifing random non-Jewish Germans and they were some of the most productive people in the country."
"Congratulations, today's the day where you can learn about Herschel Grynszpan and how his actions were used to legitimize and launch the Kristallnacht... Additionally, it's an honour to tell you about how Nazis depicted Jews as raffendes Kapital, in contrast to the schaffendes Kapital of Germans."
"Herschel Feibel Grynszpan (Yiddish: הערשל פײַבל גרינשפּאן; German: Hermann Grünspan; 28 March 1921 – last rumoured to be alive 1945, declared dead 1960) was a Polish-Jewish expatriate born and raised in Weimar Germany who shot and killed the German diplomat Ernst vom Rath on 7 November 1938 in Paris. The Nazis used this assassination as a pretext to launch Kristallnacht, the antisemitic pogrom of 9–10 November 1938. Grynszpan was seized by the Gestapo after the Fall of France and brought to Germany; his further fate remains unknown.
That's it?  We're talking statistical patterns, not one offs.
'Additionally, it's an honour to tell you about how Nazis depicted Jews as raffendes Kapital, in contrast to the schaffendes Kapital of Germans.'
Who gives a shit. That's just propoganda. Even the Nazis loved patronizing Jewish owned establishments because the German Jews provided high quality products and services.  https://x.com/RichardHanania/status/1659910389109497858  My favorite example: literal Nazis. They couldn’t even get Nazi party members to stop shopping at Jewish department stores. When the Nazis tried to organize boycotts, it set off panic buying. Jews continued to dominate retail, and even Hitler bought drapery from a Jewish store.  https://x.com/RichardHanania/status/1659910782220668929  "Nazi party members who made large purchases at Jewish shops included Hermann Göring...Germans continued to keep their assets in Jewish banks. High Nazi party members patronized Jewish-owned hotels despite official boycotts, and some even formed business partnerships with Jews."  Statistics are far more important than anecdotes or nazi propaganda based on motivated reasoning.
Look at Denmark who actually keeps track of this stuff   https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GJNgi5ubkAACB4m?format=jpg&name=large  https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FtTwntsaEAA2wZD?format=png&name=small
The European far right didn't all of a sudden gain power because they fell in love with Nazis all of a sudden. To equivocate what's happening right now to the rise of German Nazi-ism is insane.  Sweden, btw, made it impossible to do data collection on certain 'uncomfortable' types of statistics based on national origin:  https://x.com/Scientific_Bird/status/1822706208467247178"
Of course, some left winger claimed that Sweden didn't give the migrants free housing, free food, free healthcare, free education, integration services etc and accused those disagreeing with him of racism

Meme - Keith Woods @KeithWoodsYT: "I know the attendees wanted to experience diversity, but actually stabbing them is a bit much"
BNO News: "BREAKING: At least 9 people stabbed at Festival of Diversity in Solingen, Germany. Reports of multiple fatalities"

German police arrest 26-year-old man over Solingen stabbing attack - "The suspect, a 26-year-old Syrian man, turned himself in and admitted to the crime...   According to the newspapers Bild and Spiegel, the suspect was a 26-year-old Syrian who arrived in Germany in December 2022 and had been granted a protected immigration status often given to those fleeing the war-torn country."

Thread by @AndrewHammel1 on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "The revelation that the Syrian Islamic extremist Issa al H. who killed three people and injured eight in Solingen was a failed asylum seeker who should have been deported is making some waves. But how likely are such attacks? Let's do the math.
Last year, 351,000 illegal immigrants were allowed into Germany after saying the word "asylum" either at the border or when they walked into a local police station. That's literally all you need to do. They were mostly young and male (about 70% males under 40), and came primarily from Syria, Afghanistan, and Turkey. That's 254,700 young males in 2023 alone; numbers for 2024 are expected to be similar. Let's say 99% of these men are sane, have moderate religious views, and no latent or overt violent tendencies.
We have to guess, since there is no preliminary psychological or security screening of these arrivals; what screening there is happens long after they have been let into Germany to live at taxpayer's expense, with no restrictions on their movement. That means that in 2023, Germany allowed in 2,547 men who *are* either mentally ill, dangerous fanatics, or some combination of both. Seven ticking time bombs every day.
Since Germany only deports about 5-6% of failed asylum-seekers in any given year, these men will stay here for years, perhaps their entire lives. It's matter of pure luck whether they will actually be triggered by some news story or personal insult or radical online sermon. It's a matter of pure luck whether some foreign intelligence agency will detect them them preparing for an attack.
Most German terror arrests come from tips from abroad, since Germany's own BND is "collapsing" from underfunding and bureaucracy, according to two former agency chiefs. I've said it before and I'll say it again here: The problem is *the sheer numbers*.
Germany admits far more people than it can screen or monitor, year after year, ensuring a steady stream of entirely preventable crimes. Will this latest atrocity result in meaningful change, unlike all the previous ones? I'd say the chances are maybe 1 in 3... "
"Wir schaffen das"

Meme - Klaus Arminius @Klaus_Arminius: "A clear provocation from Muslim immigrants who often cry about “Islamophobia”.   Yesterday a Syrian killed 3 Germans and injured several others in Solingen.  And now Islamists wave ISIS flags in front of Nuremberg Cathedral."

Thread by @AndrewHammel1 on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "If you're wondering why news about the Solingen knife rampage suddenly disappeared from the mainstream media overnight, it's because a suspect was identified and was, predictably, a Muslim foreigner. At that point, mainstream journalists suddenly lose all curiosity and move on to more important stories such as gay penguins or Ozempic prices.
But for anyone who actually wants more facts -- [record scratch noise] Wait, why are you so interested in just some random everyday knife-rampage the likes of which have always occurred in Germany (ever heard of dueling)? What is your agenda here precisely? Don't you realize you're playing into the hands of the extreme- ultra- far-right?  Well *if you insist*, here's the man suspected of ramming a long knife directly into the throats of random festival-goers at the Festival of Diversity in Solingen.
His clothes are still stained by the victims' blood. Issa al H. is a 26-year-old Syrian who arrived in 2022 and, like all Syrians, was granted immediate residency with no background check. Islamic State has already taken credit for the attack, although that hasn't been confirmed. Witnesses report Issa screamed "Allahu Akbar" as he stabbed the victims."

Germany: Two-thirds of Syrian refugees unable to support themselves - "Syrians are the main beneficiaries of refugee protection in Germany, yet many are still forced to rely on state welfare to survive. New figures show that only around 35% of Syrians of working age are able to make a living.  After a decade of conflict in Syria it seems unlikely that the refugees who fled abroad will be able to return home soon. In Germany, where a large proportion of Syrian refugees have applied for protection, many have found it hard to make a living. Official unemployment figures show that nearly two-thirds (65%) of Syrians who are able to work actually rely either entirely or partially on receiving public benefits.  This means that Syrians are much more likely than other migrant groups to be receiving Hartz IV benefits, as they are known in Germany: Only about 37% of migrants from Somalia and 44% of Afghans are on welfare, according to statistics from the Federal Employment Agency... Syrians top the list of nationalities of new arrivals in Germany since 2015"
Weird. We keep being told that accepting Syrian refugees was a no brainer because they were highly educated and non violent

Ralph Schoellhammer on X - "There is now a de-facto Islamist veto on everyday aspects of your life: "Everyone has to decide for themselves whether they go to festivities, to football matches, or are on public transport." Says German Police Chief M. Röhrl, because police won't be able to protect you."
Of course, cracking down on terrorism will mean the terrorists have won

Germany's far right predicted to make biggest gains since Nazi era in key state elections : r/anime_titties - "Usually scapegoats don't stab 6 people."
Germany's far right predicted to make biggest gains since Nazi era in key state elections : r/anime_titties - "Funny how ‘we should have less immigration’ now makes one ‘far right’."
Germany's far right predicted to make biggest gains since Nazi era in key state elections : r/anime_titties - "equating reducing immigration with genociding jews is wild"

Germany's far right predicted to make biggest gains since Nazi era in key state elections : r/anime_titties - "I mean when the very people you claim to be helping are going stabby stabby and killing you at a festival celebrating diversity should we really be surprised?"
"What makes it even worse that the first reaction is usually more concerned about "not letting hate divide us" and the far right backlash than the gruesome stabbing itself."

Visegrád 24 on X - "British journalists from @SkyNews worry that the Islamist terror attack in Germany in which 3 people were killed at a “diversity festival” could be exploited by “the far-right” Via @danwootton"

Visegrád 24 on X - "German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser makes a statement on y-day’s mass stabbing in which 3 people were killed & 4 critically wounded She appeals for people not to allow themselves to be "divided" & affected by those who want to "sow hatred" Via @niusde_"
Weird how terrorism in Europe by migrants from Country A is a justifiable reaction to colonialism from over half a century ago and the US bombing Country B, but Europeans are not justified in being concerned about all the terrorism happening today

Germany's far right predicted to make biggest gains since Nazi era in key state elections : r/anime_titties - "Women problem will be solved by immigrants for Germany.  Honestly queer problem too.  If anything, Germans should be for more refugees from Mena regions if they want to ‘solve’ these problems"
The left wing answer to migrant terrorism - import even more immigrants

Germany's far right predicted to make biggest gains since Nazi era in key state elections : r/anime_titties - "'we can't do anything'
I never said we can't do anything. Why are you lying like this?  We could stop using fossil fuels which fund these wars in the middle east. But oh wait... It's the right that wants us to keep using fossil fuels while the left wants to stop using them.  But like always, people on the right try to frame this as "the left doesn't want to do anything" because people on the right know they pathetically don't have any proposal to do anything aside from bullying migrants, which won't fix anything. All it will do is hurt people.  But that's all that is needed for people like yourself: people getting hurt."
The "solution" to anything is to push the left wing agenda

Germany's far right predicted to make biggest gains since Nazi era in key state elections : r/anime_titties - "'The left approaches immigration from a rational approach based on reality.'
“We can’t do anything” isn’t a rational approach based in reality. Countries have been protecting their borders for millennia. Many still do, very effectively. It’s only left wing parties in the West which express this extreme version of learned helplessness. Either they’re complete and utter idiots or they’re lying. Take your pick."

Germany's far right predicted to make biggest gains since Nazi era in key state elections : r/anime_titties - "'If you want to vote them just because of immigrants, think that you are probably throwing other groups under the bus.'
Which is literally what happened with the Salafist bus driver. Except, it was people on the Christmas festival that were "thrown under the bus". See 2016 Berlin incident  The problem in Germany in general is lack of any background checks, because the Auslaenderbehoerde is as incompetent as it can get. They don't even speak or read/write English and think that paper trails are worth gold or something. Not kidding.  Immigrants with a Master degree have to get translated and accredditation verification documents for everything since their middle school days which takes them more than a year just for the paper trails.  On the other hand, everyone that throws away their passports at the Polish border gets Asyl immediately.  Guess what happens, people start to game the system."

Germany's far right predicted to make biggest gains since Nazi era in key state elections : r/anime_titties - "So, the ones that have done eff all to fix things, and keep saying 'all is well, and we will arrest you, if you use naughty words on social media to say otherwise.'?  I don't understand how wanting clear rules for immigration, and deportation of criminal immigrants equals nazi's, according to the left. I mean, I get it from the politicians, they're just looking out for their paycheck. But it takes a high level of naivety to believe everything will be fine, with just some more tolerance, and silencing ppl that believe otherwise... Something about staggering numbers of sexual assault and ppl getting stabbed for no logical reason , while being called a racist for not wanting to be the entire world's free all inclusive resort brings on knee-jerk gut reactions. There's only so much ppl are willing to take, until enough is enough."

Meme - Uberboyo @uberboyo: "Dubai is more “multicultural” than Britain  But it grants the native Arabs enormous privileges like free loans for houses  British “multiculturalism” involves a hate fetish for its native population  Now it’s unstable and all the millionaires are leaving - it’s a death cult"
Europe Invasion @EuropeInvasionn: "🚨BREAKING  UK government prepares to deploy asylum seekers across the country.  Immigrants will be given priority over Britons when it comes to finding housing."

Uberboyo on X - "This debunks quite a bit of the idea that the "elites" are doing this -  it seems like the elites are leaving  Whats happening its more of an "institutional sink"  The biggest expenses in the British state are welfare, healthcare, and pensions - these empower an enormous bureaucracy  The average bureaucrat is paid $50k a year - upper limit of a senior position seems to be $180k  Most innovators avoid the bureaucracy at all costs - they go for the private sector and try become rich and invent things  So the people who end up running the country are selected to be herd morality compliant, tolerant of low pay, and prone to bribery  A great political question:  Theres ALOT of power in the 400k millionaires who left the UK - as a group they have at least $1 trillion in wealth  The problem is they're individualist, disorganised, and aloof  How to organise this faction?"
On Elites leaving the UK

Charlotte Gill on X - "PAID content: While many Brits have made clear they want legal and illegal migration to come down, taxpayers have been charged £2.4 million for research on "Migrant Health Exclusion" and £796k for a SOAS study criticising the "hostile environment":"
PAID EXCLUSIVE: How university grants quietly fuel Britain’s border crisis - "Forget the approximate £10 billion a year the UK is spending on accommodation for asylum seekers. On top of that, I have found countless examples of state funding for studies such as Decolonising Fashion and Textiles - Design for Cultural Sustainability with Refugee Communities and academics critical of the “hostile environment”/ national borders.  These projects were underway while the Conservative government was in charge. The same one that told us it wanted to “stop the boats” and paid the Rwandan government £240 million to help it as part of its asylum plan. All the while, taxpayers have been (mostly unknowingly) charged for research “to evaluate how effectively art museums can support refugee/migrant artists and communities and build solidarity across communities”, along with many other projects along the same lines. It’s as if the state is saying “Don’t come here! But if you do… fancy joining arts club?”... illegal (and legal) migration numbers have to be manageable and affordable, and Britain’s aren’t. Over 19,000 have entered the UK by small boat in 2024, with a quarter of our aid budget spent on hosting asylum seekers.  The mess at the borders, in turn, means it’s harder to work out who’s vulnerable (if they even make it to Britain in the first place). Around 83 percent of small boat arrivals in the 12 months to June 2024 were male and - where age was recorded - over 40 percent were between 25 and 39 years old. Where are the women and children, you might ask? Especially those suffering under the Taliban.  Even if the system improved - and we had a manageable number of people we had a good idea were genuine refugees - I’m not sure how any of the taxpayer projects I’ve found would help. Take this one below (“Dancing Dialogues”), which I’ll outline later. Housing is one of the most obvious things to spend money on. It was noticeably absent when Tory MPs decided Britain would “open its arms” to Ukrainians. There were stories of refugees returning to their war-torn homeland, as a measure of how desperate the rental situation is here.  Mental health services matter too. The Times has a very sad story today about 13 confirmed or suspected cases of suicide (of people being processed in the asylum system) since 2022, including a 14-year-old girl from Iraq who threw herself from a building (thankfully surviving) and a “21-year-old Russian woman who took her life at a canal in north London”.  Instead taxpayer money has gone to projects such as one that seems to claim chatting about glass can help Kurdish women, including those who have been displaced by war. Most of the projects I’ll show you are similarly abstract, the majority funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (the quango I write about most on Woke Waste).  In short, we have a situation where the UK is spending approx £8 million a day on asylum hotels (the last figure in the Home Office’s annual report 2023), Labour has promised to restore the international development budget to 0.7 per cent of GDP (when the country can “afford it” - LOL) and we are spending MILLIONS on ridiculous academia marketed as support for refugees/ migrants/ diverse/ vibrant communities of lived experience.  To let you make your own mind up, here’s a selection of grants adding up to £8,764,274 (not included: the PhDs and theatre entry at the end)"

Meme - BowTiedMara @BowTiedMara: "Meloni's government reduces the arrival of illegal immigrants by 60% in the first quarter of the year.
-It has withdrawn all types of payment or subsidy.
-If you enter illegally you go back home.
They don't go to Italy anymore. In Spain , arrivals have increased by 277%"

We must be a party that rejects mass migration - "For nearly 30 years the public have voted for lower immigration, only for politicians of all stripes to raise it. Even after Brexit, when we finally regained control of our borders, the public were betrayed. Decisions taken in 2019 relaxed controls and sent net migration spiralling to historically unprecedented levels. Freedom of movement with Europe was replaced with a system so liberal it effectively amounted to freedom of movement with the rest of the world.  In the first quarter of this year, the government issued more family visas to the dependants and relatives of Somali nationals (269) than it did work visas to physicists, chemists and biologists from all other countries put together (198). The post-Brexit health and social care route – which was forecast to draw just a few thousand workers – ballooned and still managed to leave social care with huge numbers of vacancies. Even once corrected, the consequences will be with us for a long time, as yesterday’s data made clear... we lost because, for 14 years, we failed to deliver our promises on the economy, the NHS, and most consequentially of all, migration.  The public aren’t obsessed with this topic. They do not wish to spend every day thinking about it. They just want action to match words. And despite the rhetoric of the Labour Party, Sir Keir Starmer’s policies tell a different story. Despite the increase in spousal visas, Labour have already scrapped the plan to raise the minimum income requirement for family visas from £29,000 to £38,700. It’s a return to the type of low-skilled immigration that has burdened, not boosted, our economy.  They are also considering bringing back free movement with the EU for those under 30. Of course there is a place for highly selective and capped youth mobility schemes, but this proposal is neither. It would be an insult to the 17 million who voted for control over our immigration system. And as the Budget approaches, expect to see the Chancellor pushing for visa liberalisations as an easy way to inflate GDP figures. The headline growth rates might be higher as a result, but it doesn’t translate into more money in the pockets of working people. In fact, the evidence suggests it will suppress living standards and deter productivity investment. Migrants can bring skills, but they don’t bring homes, GP surgeries or motorways, so our capital stocks are diluted between more people.  As I have written at length in these pages, the only way to end the cycle of broken promises is to create a legally binding cap on immigration. That figure should be in the tens of thousands – or less – as was the case before the onset of mass migration initiated by Tony Blair.  Our goal should be to become the grammar school of the Western world, attracting top talent – those that contribute more in taxes and skills, than they take out in services. It won’t be plain sailing but we must do it."
It's only oligarchy to have government policy not match popular demand when it doesn't push the left wing agenda

The Guardian on X - "‘I wouldn’t wish this on anyone’: the food delivery riders living in ‘caravan shantytowns’ in Bristol"
ɖʀʊӄքǟ ӄʊռʟɛʏ 🇧🇹🇹🇩 on X - "“We came here from Brazil in the hope of making money but we make nothing. We are living in shantytowns, the conditions are terrible. I wouldn’t wish this on anyone”
“Go back to Brazil then”

“I will kill you and your family” - Iceland Monitor - "“I will kill you and your family,” he said several times during the hearing in Reykjanes District Court yesterday. “You never know where you have him, he has a great violent mind, so I took these threats very seriously,” said a police officer who testified in court in the case of Mohamad Kourani today.  Kourani is charged with the stabbing attack in the OK Market along with other offenses...  After Kourani’s attack in the OK market, Helgi Magnús Gunnarsson, the deputy state prosecutor, revealed that Kourani had also been threatening him for years and had been sentenced. The charges were: assault, break-in and entering, violation of a restraining order, property damage, violation of the quarantine law, violation against authorities, for deceiving the police, violation of the weapons law, forgery, and traffic violations.  Gunnarsson said it was strange that after the attack in the OK market, the man had not been deported and he believed the blame lay with the Icelandic parliament. Afterward, Minister of Justice Guðrún Hafsteinsdóttir said that the case showed that changes were necessary when it came to cases involving people who had been granted protection in Iceland. Kourani came to Iceland in 2018 from Syria and was granted international protection in Iceland."

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