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Monday, September 09, 2024

Links - 9th September 2024 (2 - Olympics 2024: Opening Ceremony [Last Supper] & Imane Khelif)

Meme - "Olympic Committee Producers: "It was the Last Supper"
The Performance Group: "It was the Last Supper"
Their Website: "It was the Last Supper"
One of the Performers: "It was the Last Supper"
Leftists: You sure about that?"

Meme - "The collection reflects several artistic trends from the Golden Age of Dutch painting. Here we find Lastman, Rembrandt’s master, and Jacob de Wet, who was probably a pupil of Rembrandt. From the painters of Utrecht, steeped in Caravaggism, the Magnins chose Van Bijlert, whose Feast of the Gods disturbingly blends the iconography of myths with that of the Last Supper. The Dutch artists’ fascination for the light of Italy is expressed in Italian Town by the Sea, a luminous painting by Jan Baptist Weenix. Moucheron’s Wooded Landscape with its silvery tints is imbued with the forms and light of the Roman countryside.
"LE FESTIN DES DIEUX. XVIe-XIXe siècle. Le musee abrite une collection de peintures et d'œuvres de différentes écoles, du XVIe à la fin du XIXe siècle."
This is from the Musée Magnin's website. Amazing that even they fell victim to far right misinformation! And even in August 2021 they were lying about Feast of the Gods. The power of misinformation is so strong that it warps the time-space continuum

Meme - "Jan van BIJLERT (Utrecht, 1603 - Utrecht, 1671)
Le Festin des Dieux, vers 1635-1640
Sur le sol nuageux de l'Olympe, les dieux, reconnaissables grâce à leurs attributs, se sont réunis. Bijlert se souvient des leçons du Caravage lorsqu'il peint au premier plan les ombres portées et la musculature de Dionysos (avec son raisin) et du satyre. Disposées en une frise plus classique, les autres divinités festoient au second plan : Neptune (trident), Hercule (massue), Flore (fleurs), Vénus accompagnée de Cupidon.
En Hollande, dans le contexte de la Réforme protestante, les commandes de peintures religieuses se font rares. L'artiste trouve un stratagème : il représente, sous le couvert de cet épisode mythologique, la dernière Cène : Apollon auréolé rappelle le Christ entouré de ses apôtres, Vulcain (avec son maillet) occupe la place habituelle de Jean, Mars cuirassé et casqué, celle de Judas, seul face à tous.
huile sur toile
inv. 1938 E 261"
"Jan van BIJLERT (Utrecht, 1603 - Utrecht, 1671)
Feast of the Gods, around 1635-1640
Under the cloudy sky of Olympus, the gods, recognisable by their attributes, are reunited. Bijlert recalled the lessons of Caravaggio when he painted in the foreground the shadows and musculature of Dionysus (with his grape) and the sartyr. Arranged in a more classic frieze, the other gods feast in the background: Neptune (trident), Hercules (club), Flora (flowers) and Venus accompanied by Cupid.
In Holland, in the context of the Protestant Reformation, the commissioning of religious paintings became rare. The artist found a strategy: he represents, in the guise of this mythological scene, the Last Supper: haloed Apollo recalls Christ surrounded by his apostles, Vulcan (with his mallet) occupies the usual place of John, Mars with his breastplate and helmet, that of Judas, alone facing everyone.
oil on vancas
inv. 1938 E 261"

Meme - Dr. Eli David @DrEliDavid: "Even as a Jew, I am infuriated by this outrageous insult to Jesus and Christianity… How do you feel about it as Christians?"
Yasmine Mohammed 🦋 ياسمين محمد @YasMohammedxx: "I’m an atheist and I think it’s lame. If they really wanted to be edgy and provocative, they could have mocked Islam. Mocking Christianity is so milquetoast. Who are they provoking? People who will pray for them? Try provoking people who would throw you from the highest building."

Meme - *Last Supper scene with various Wojak characters*

Also on the Passerelle Debilly is a familiar scene re-enacted by drag queens, including the famous Nicki Doll surrounding Barbara Butch at her turntables: a recreation of the Last Supper, another famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci, set against the backdrop of the Seine. As you may have guessed, this is a multiple pun in French. A fashion show follows, paying homage to the capital of fashion.
The spectacular vasque-montgolfière (hot-air balloon) awaiting us in the Tuileries gardens is a tribute to the Montgolfier brothers, the inventors of this aerostat. The first hot-air balloon trip reached its highest point, 1000m, as it flew over the Tuileries Gardens."
Weird how even so many French people are ignorant
The left are usually super quick to pick up on "dog whistles", but when it pushes the left wing agenda, even if everyone "misunderstands" something, it shows that the right is the problem

Meme - Quo vadis @IesusRexEst: "My favorite part of this is all the libs pretending they knew anything about Dionysus before, including how to pronounce it."

Meme - Sarah Fields @SarahisCens...: "Barbara Butch, the woman in the center, posted this photo to her instagram, admitting that this photo had everything to do with them mocking the scriptures. She then deleted it a few hours later and called it "the feast of the Gods". Nope. Caught."

Meme - "Here is a post by the woman in the centre (Jesus) position, stating she portrayed Jesus.
barbarabutch - val0stin
Pardon mais :
1) @barbarabutch en Olympic Jesus
2) le bateau de I'equipe de France qui arrive sur du Johnny
3) les statues des femmes importantes de I'Histoire Francaise
4) Barbara Butch qui joue Diams devant des milliards de telespectateurs du monde entier
5) le papy medaille avant dernier relayeur de la flamme
6) Aya Nakamura avec la garde republicaine devant l'Academie Francaise
7) Celine Dion en haut de la Tour Eiffel
8) la chaudron olympique montgolfiere qui s'envole
9) les 1000 references Drag Race France et a la culture queer
Thomas Jolly president du monde en fait"
Someone claimed (about another thing Butch posted) that it was a repost, so it didn't count. Clearly, if someone congratulates me on my promotion and I repost that without denying it, that doesn't mean I got promoted

Lying about the Olympic Last Supper a sign of our times - "if the Last Supper reference was genuinely not intended, then how this scene got past the sensitivity readers without anyone, anyone, saying ‘hey, you know what, this looks an awful lot like that world famous historically significant religious tableau…’ is a story for the ages. But actually, the New York Times wants you to know that “art historians are divided” on which feast was being represented at the ceremony. As though pastiche can only be derived from a single source of inspiration. As though art historians must first reach consensus before Christians can divine whether to be offended or not.  The art historian sophistry prompted educated-sounding people on social media to inform the world that the opening ceremony scene definitely wasn’t inspired by the Last Supper, because can’t you uneducated brutes tell a Dionysian feast when you see one? The subtext is that anyone who angry-tweeted or pulled sponsorship over the Last Supper imagery is a buffoon who doesn’t know their art history.  I didn’t even angry tweet over this before today but now I’m mad about it, because once again everyone is being told not to believe their lying eyes. ‘Experts’ are being wheeled out to prop up PR messaging. And people who want to appear erudite are furthering the BS by politely correcting their friends on social media.  Perhaps the reason it pisses me off more than others is that I can do it too, but I choose not to. I worked in marketing. I am an English and Cultural Studies major. I fully understand how easy it is to twist a fact, find an expert, and apply a reframe to hit the message you want and pull the rug out from under the one you don’t want.  But I refuse to do it because IT’S LYING. I think the best thing we can do is keep saying what is obvious and put up with the withering looks from our erudite friends who assume we just don’t understand NYT op-eds well enough. Anyhow, before the great re-write continues on this particular lie, I’m just going to highlight that three days ago, EVERYONE thought this was a Last Supper scene, not just the Christians.  The performers (post since deleted):
Drag Queens:
France TV in a since-deleted post, calling the scene “A LEGENDARY Supper” (again, la Cène is the French name for the Last Supper).
French culture website Sortir à Paris, noting the clever pun in staging the tableau on the Seine - Scène de la Cène à Paris sur la Seine:
Literally every single French media outlet that covered the event...
So, ok fine. We need art historians and the creative director of the show to tell us everyone understood it wrong. In any other setting this would be called an artistic fail.  But in our sick culture, everyone had better adjust to the expert queer professional opinion or you’re a dumb bigot."
Weird. Usually left wingers are very concerned about impact and dog whistling, and want to cancel those who have offended the woke, even if they didn't intend to

Meme - Taco McMeaty @TacoMcMeaty: "I’m not religious but this is clearly intended to offend Christians.  You’re obviously a low life bigot, and that’s probably your best trait."
Julien Hoez @JulienHoez: "Nope, it was an artistic representation of the fictional Last Supper painting, based on the story from the bible, produced within a laïque country where we don’t give special protections for religions.  The drag queens were just having a good time being creative"
He didn't get the memo that it was The Feast of the Gods

Meme - "This is Ewa Kłobukowska. She is a Polish sprinter who set multiple world records in the 1960s. She "failed a gender test," was banned and had all her records stripped. The media called her a man. The next year she gave birth to a son. She never received an apology. -Katy Montgomerie"
Some athletes are wrongly accused of doping. Therefore we should stop testing all athletes for doping

Algeria FC on X - "🇩🇿 Imane Khelif's career according to IBA:
2018 IBA World Championships ➡️ Female
2019 IBA World Championships ➡️ Female
2022 IBA World Championships ➡️ Female
2023 IBA World Championships ➡️ Female until semifinals when she beat a Russian boxer then she was male
IBA 🤡"
Lance Armstrong's career according to USADA:
1987-1988 - Clean
1989 - Clean
1990 - Clean
1992 - Clean
1993 - Clean
1994 - Clean
1995 - Clean
1996 - Clean
1998 - Clean
1999 - Clean
2000 - Clean
2001 - Clean
2002 - Clean
2003 - Clean
2004 - Clean
2005 - Clean
2009 - Clean
2012 - Clean until USADA proclaimed he was part of "the most sophisticated, professionalized and successful doping program that sport has ever seen"
Clearly, if you change your mind when new facts turn up, you're inconsistent, a hypocrite and biased

J.K. Rowling, Elon Musk Named in Imane Khelif's Cyberbullying Lawsuit
Defamation, Privacy and Data Protection Law in France - "Freedom of speech is protected in France since the 1789 Revolution, as strongly proclaimed by the Declaration of Human and Civil Rights.  Jules Ferry (1832-1893), a moderate Republican but an ardent promoter of colonial expansion, who served twice as Prime Minister during the Third Republic, imposed the principle of freedom of the press a century later, in a law dated 29 July 1881...   To avoid conviction, the defence can offer to prove the truth of the facts or at least, its good faith (bonne foi), by establishing the legitimacy of the goal pursued and the seriousness of the investigation. Under the influence of the European Court of Human Rights, the burden of proof applied by the French Supreme Court (cour de cassation) is that of a “sufficient factual basis”. This allows a rather large spectrum of criticism when dealing with a public figure.  Overall, a conviction is hard to obtain unless the words complained of are obviously false. Where the allegation is proved to have been defamatory, the damages awarded to the complainant (if any) are notoriously limited – typically ranging around a few thousand euros."
So much for accountability culture

Meme - "Click to search within this image *Imane Khelif's shorts*"

J.K. Rowling on X - ""It’s important to highlight that launching a PR campaign and applying layers of thick makeup requires far more time and effort than simply making DNA test results public." -- ✍️@SwipeWright"

Imane Khelif: could J.K. Rowling actually be a man...? - "This has created a bit of a paradox for the TERFs, because if a person can be born with female anatomy; can live their life as a woman, can do things like give birth and have periods, but still be deemed a man because they have XY chromosomes, then we can’t really say anyone is a woman until they get their genes tested.  In other words, J.K. Rowling could in fact be a man"
What bizarre logic and rewriting of reality. Of course the cope is that the Russians must be lying and the tests don't show what the IBA say they do, even though the male boxers dropped their appeals and refuse to release the results, and Lin didn't defeat a Russian boxer so even in this conspiracy theory there's no justification for the Russian "disinformation". Not to mention how biological sex is important in sports in a way that it isn't for writing
One person quoted claimed that she could give birth. Weird how TRAs are asserting so many odd things. And of course they've forgotten the lessons of the Caster Semenya scandal

Meme - Barbie: "But Ken, that Algerian boxer was born with a vagina."
Ken: "So now that determines gender again?"

Kim Siever on X - "I just found out that Imane Khelif participated in the 2020 Olympics. Funny how no one was upset about her boxing back then. I wonder what changed."
Gʀᴇɢ.Oʀʏᴇʟ. on X - "This proves that people had no issue with Khalid based on Khelif's appearance. The issue started only after Khelif allegedly failed the IBA eligibility tests."
Brendon🕊️ (foo/bar)on X - “No one spotted the cheat before so it must be fine”
History Rhymes 🙂🌸 on X - "Why did his team confirm his "chromosome problem" if they are unaware of his sex test results?"
It's almost as if when new facts are revealed, people change their minds

Meme - Hazel Appleyard @HazelAppleyard_: "So today I’ve learned that in Isl&m, men don’t touch women who aren’t related to them.   Yet here, Imane is shown riding on the shoulders of a man. We know he’s Musl!m.   What does this tell you?  #Paris2024"

Meme - "When you're just trying to watch the Olympics to see the best athletes compete"
"Excuse me, your balls are showing"

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