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Monday, August 05, 2024

Links - 5th August 2024 (1 - Donald Trump)

Greg Price on X - "Trump: "I've known [Kamala] a long time indirectly. She was always of Indian heritage and she was only promoting Indian heritage. I didn't know she was black until a number of years ago when she happened to turn black. I respect either one.""
Stephen Schutt on X - "Trump is absolutely destroying the moderator. She looks biased and petty. The audience is cheering him on too. Wow!"
Nick Sortor on X - "Just a few years back, Kamala Harris was PROUD to be the “First Indian Senator in American history.” What happened?"

Shibetoshi Nakamoto on X - "if trump becomes president everyone who isn’t white - like me - will be thrown in concentration camps. just like when he was president in 2016-2020. when we were all thrown in concentration camps. i’m so very scared"
The credulous have no self-awareness

Meme - *JD Vance and wife in Indian garb* "He was a Christian and then he was a Hindi and then he was a Christian again. I think someone should look into that"
Besides the ignorance of mixing up the language with the religion (which in turn is a different concept from race, which is a key difference with Kamala Harris), this is revealing in that it suggests that the reason why left wingers are usually against "cultural appropriation" is that they think when you wear ethnic clothing, you are claiming that you belong to that culture

signüll on X - "JD Vance’s wife is indian btw."
Randy Treibel on X - "She has more European physiognomy though. Her bloodline is probably a mix of early Macedonian inviasions."
You're only a real "minority" if you support the left wing agenda

Meme - Bill Clinton in blue dress: "JD VANCE IS WEIRD"

Meme - Sarah York @thesarahyork: "JD Vance has the face and general presence that anyone with a bartending background can immediately clock as A Guy To Keep An Eye On the minute he walks in"
wanye @wanyeburkett: "Wait -- you can just do this? Pre-judge a guy by how he looks? Treat him with suspicion based on subtle intangibles? This opens so many new frontiers."

Stephen King's New Post on Trump's Pick for Vice President Goes Viral - "Author Stephen King suggested that former President Donald Trump was forced pick Senator JD Vance as his 2024 running mate because "his own supporters tried to kill" former Vice President Mike Pence."
Clearly, when the left say they want to "eat the rich", they are confessing their cannibalism

Melissa Chen on X - "The accusation of JD Vance as a faux anti-elite populist either because he went to Yale or is now deeply entrenched in elite media and political circles rings so hollow to me. I suspect that his life trajectory annoys progressives for many reasons, but chief of which is that
a) he is living proof that it is possible to surmount obstacles from deep cultural rot and socioeconomic malaise and escape the circumstances of one’s birth in America
And crucially, that …
b) to do so requires sensibilities and choices that today code as conservative - stop the drugs, stop denigrating learning, hit the books, join the military, and get a great education. He prescribed the kind of cultural norms that his Indian wife was steeped in. He values discipline, honor and duty.
Almost every troubled youth who was able to reverse their fate followed a very similar roadmap. @robkhenderson  described his path in his book, aptly titled “Troubled.”  A significant portion of blind Vance hate form the Left comes down to this."
The left would blindly hate anyway Trump chose, really

Meme - "When someone says "Trump is literally Hitler" remember who was calling the cops to "forcibly quarantine" small churches during Covid."
"Update: the church had a secret service today at 2 and the cops busted them thanks to me telling them
I did. My friend told me via whattsapp and i called the police lady and dropped the tip she knew who i am as we had planned this yesterday btw. Apparently she called to say they arrested the pastor and qurantined them all by force. It was around 23 people. Now i really hope my dad dont find out. His doing okay in qurantine in the hospital. Thank you all for commenting on my post Julius"

Magills on X - "For 9 years they’ve tried to get Trump to stop talking, even banning him from social media and issuing gag orders through the courts. Now he won’t say a word and they’re absolutely losing their minds."
HowlingMutant on X - "You hear it mainly as a joke now but trump agreeing to debate with parameters deliberately against him, on a hostile network, with a hostile moderator, just to let the world see Biden for what he really is, and refusing to give them a comment to jump on to distract really is 4D chess"

Meme - "Trump said grocery prices quadrupled, but actually they're only up 3.5x"

Meme - Democratic Ass with hand in "Lawfare" jar: "IF HE WINS HE'LL GO AFTER HIS POLITICAL ENEMIES!"

Benny Johnson on X - "🚨 Reporters GASP live on-air as Americans most powerful Banker praises Trump policies, defends the MAGA movement and BLASTS Biden for demonizing 75 million Americans. “Trump was right about NATO, immigration, the economy… Democrats need to GROW UP” Jaime Diamond, JPMorgan CEO"
Jamie Dimon praises Trump, warns MAGA criticism could hurt Biden - "JPMorgan Chase  CEO Jamie Dimon on Wednesday praised former President Donald Trump’s record and admonished Democrats to be “more respectful” of Trump’s supporters, or else risk hurting President Joe Biden’s reelection bid.  “I wish the Democrats would think a little more carefully when they talk about MAGA,” Dimon said on CNBC’s “Squawk Box,” referencing Trump’s supporters by the acronym of his “Make America Great Again” campaign slogan... “I think this negative talk about MAGA is going to hurt Biden’s election campaign,” Dimon said from the World Economic Forum annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland.  Dimon argued that using the phrase “MAGA” incorrectly links Trump’s supporters to the former president’s personality and character.  Democrats “are basically scapegoating them, [saying] that you are like him,” Dimon said. “I don’t think they’re voting for Trump because of his family values,” he said... “Take a step back, be honest. He was kind of right about NATO, kind of right on immigration. He grew the economy quite well. Trade tax reform worked. He was right about some of China.”  “He wasn’t wrong about some of these critical issues, and that’s why they voted for him,” Dimon said."

Trump Should Never Have Had This Platform - The Atlantic - "The debate was a travesty—because its whole premise was to treat a failed coup leader as a legitimate candidate for the presidency."
When you're not happy he won the debate and your candidate sucks

I identify as a layer 2 on X - "I’ve had a theory basically since Trump first emerged as a candidate that his formula for success was entirely a function of how the media treated Romney in 2012.  politics of all parties entirely aside, Romney was/is clearly extremely competent, principled, intelligent, and well-tempered. and yet the media smeared him half to death with what we now more easily recognise as childish leftist insults that are resorted to when you have nothing substantial to say and you want somebody to fear for their reputation and prostrate themselves before your cultish zealotry to embarrassingly beg for forgiveness.  obviously the media did this because it is an extension of the Democratic Party and it needs its guy to win. it also worked much more effectively back then because people took it more seriously. if a presidential candidate is a racist, sexist pig, isn’t that worth knowing? why would they lie about that? Trump’s core insight wasn’t on immigration, NAFTA, China, etc - it wasn’t *political* at all; it was aesthetic. if these people are this corrupt, unserious, and *boring*, then simply refuse to play their game. don’t waste time addressing the lies; just laugh in their faces and call them ugly and stupid. you can’t win playing by their rules, so make up your own rules, and revel in the entertainment value of how shocking it is to everybody that you aren’t begging for forgiveness of your nonexistent sins like a fucking pussy.  and that basically explains the video below. they are going to call you a racist, sexist pig no matter what you do. moreover, everybody knows that now - not just for presidential candidates but for every walk of life. it’s corrupt, childish entertainment no matter how you try to deal with it. so you may as well recognise the game being played and dominate it."
Asher Hopp on X - "Yup. The current state of affairs is the direct result of the political class and media crying wolf and clutching pearls for a decade."
Fareesh Vijayarangam on X - "very few people understand this you see a lot of posts linking the 2012 debate and longing for that time, not realizing that it was the treatment of Romney that caused the popularity of a candidate that breaks the system the system is getting what it deserves"
Jeff Sechelski on X - "You nailed it. I was initially appalled by Trump's candidacy in 2016. I thought he was going to take energy away from the "legitimate" candidates. My opinion began to change the instant I heard him treat the corporate press with the contempt it so thoroughly deserves. And although that contempt had been well-earned for decades, their treatment of Romney made it crystal clear they are nothing more than Democratic operatives."
((Dan Gilles (假老外Dan))) e/acc | Chicago groyper on X - "@allenf32 Half true, but it was Romney’s own fault. He may have been “competent, principled, intelligent, and well-tempered”, but he was also a boring, priggish, predictable professional politician. No wonder he has dedicated the waning end of his political career to opposing the guy who made a fool out of his focus-grouped “principles”"
BZMaestro on X - "They also did it to McCain in '08. He normally received much more positive treatment from the press than most other Republicans. But during the general election campaign against Obama, that went out the window. Once the election was over, they returned to treating him decently."
Allan on X - "That's half of it.
1. It predates Romney: recall the smears against McCain's age and temperament, and against W's intelligence
 2. But the big thing: the *absolute refusal* of Bush/McCain/Romney to fight back. W even wrote in his memoir that it would "debase" the presidency to fight back
 Then you've got an unapologetic dick-swinger like Trump show up and of course he steamrolled all the goobers the GOP tried to put up against him.   Do people think it was just a coincidence that Trump won MI/PA/WI in 2016 - the first Republican to do so since Reagan/Bush 30 years prior?"
Rob Hamilton on X - "Incredibly well said. After Romney casted as an unreasonable radical, disregarding the media was the only way to engage in politics as a Republican. Trump is a life long media person, he plays the game better than the press, and they hate it."
When every Republican Presidential candidate is Hitler...

Bill Ackman on X - "I am going to formally endorse @realDonaldTrump . I came to this decision some time ago as many @X  followers have already understood from my supportive posts of Trump and my criticisms of @POTUS  Biden.   The reason why I have not yet formally done so is that I want to explain my thinking in detail and address the arguments put forth by others against Trump. I want to make the case thoughtfully and convincingly.   Today, when one announces an intention to support Trump, Biden supporters who know me tend to assume that I have lost it. I assure you that I have made this decision carefully, rationally, and by relying on as much empirical data as possible.   It will take a long-form post to explain my thinking.  I might even break my own record. I just haven’t had the time nor felt the urgency to write the post as we are still a few months from the election.   I am explaining my conclusion now in response to many questions I have received on the topic so that I am formally on the record.   You of course don’t need to care about my opinion so feel free not to read my post when it appears. That said, I believe the upcoming presidential election is one of the most consequential elections in my lifetime so I am taking the proper time to articulate observations that I will share widely and for which I assume an important responsibility.   I have had the benefit of spending a few hours recently with President Trump so I will have some first hand observations to share.   As always, I respect everyone’s right to form and share their own views on this important topic.   Please keep an open mind on the upcoming presidential election. Bear in mind that your views on Trump have likely been dramatically affected if you have sourced your info on Trump from mainstream media or friends or family who have relied on mainstream media as a source of knowledge.   We have all recently learned in the starkest manner (the debate) how we cannot rely on the MSM as our source of truth on the ultimate political question.   Remember, media organizations are like sports teams that run plays chosen by their owners and executed by the coaches they hire. They are not unbiased arbiters of the truth."

Andrew Wallentine: "I love how you say they dont need read it.. to just believe your wild and false interpretations.">

Meme - Rep. Eric Swalwell @RepSwalwell: "Messaging matters: Stop saying: "Project 2025" Say: "Trump's Project 2025""
James Lindsay, anti-Communist @ConceptualJames: "Marxists just lie. They lie so overtly and blatantly that people begin to question their own perceptions. It works because no one expects another person to lie so They don't believe in shared truth. They use words as weapons. Until you learn to keep this in mind during every interaction, you will continue to get played. They rely on you implicitly assuming that they have good intentions and are aiming at shared truth, and so dialogue can be productive. That's a deception. For Marxists, dialogue is not a way of attaining truth. It is a forum for manipulation."

John Kane on X - "11 Months ago a radical leftist coward named James D. White, Jr. rode his bike under the cover of darkness to set my "Trump Won" sign on fire, not once, but twice.  Thanks to @Timcast  and @bennyjohnson  we were able to identify White as the arsonist using his Strava data.  I sued this scumbag and as part of a negotiated settlement, in addition to paying my legal expenses I got his bike.    The bike is a Salsa Warbird that retails for ~ $2,800.  If anyone would like to purchase it please DM me.  I will donate 100% of proceeds to the Trump campaign in honor of Jim White.  Until then, the bike will be displayed as yard art beside the Trump sign for everyone's enjoyment.    If anyone would like to purchase the"

Meme - "*Boot on Head Kid* "Project 2025""

Trump: “No, I’m not. Everything you need to see is right on my website.
Trump: “Like, seriously. I’m not. I’ll even go on record to say I’m not. I was also, literally, the President. I didn’t invoke any of that when I could have.”
Trump: “See, this is why you all are crazy.”"

Meme -= i/o @eyeslasho: "Not one member of the NYT's editorial board supported Trump in 2016 or 2020, nor did any of the paper's regular columnists. The editorial board declared yesterday that Trump is "unfit to lead" the country.  This man has over one million followers, and this tweet got 7.7k likes."
BrooklynDad_Defiant!☮️ @mmpadellan: "The New York Times torpedoed BOTH Hillary Clinton and President Biden because it has an insane, unethical pro-trump bias.  Change my fucking mind."
He is one of the best sources of hot takes, after all
When the media finally report the truth, but you hate it, it must be the media that's lying
Weird. I thought criticising the media was something only fascists did

Trumpism is the future of the Right across the declining West - "It would seem that there has also been a paradigm shift in what many voters want from their leaders, particularly on the Right. It is no longer a confidently rugged idea of freedom that frames the Western worldview, but rather a desperate yearning for strength.  This is in part because the way that countries like America feel about themselves has fundamentally changed. The West is like the character in the movie, surrounded by enemies, struggling to get a grip on his gut-wrenching melancholy and hold onto traditional values in the face of modernity  – family, friendship, honour, self-respect.  America, in particular, no longer believes that it is a great nation with a bright future. Instead, its optimism is putrefying into apocalypticism. It is tortured by its past, despairing at its bureaucratic obesity, bewildered by its failure to offer anything of substance to civilisation over the last half a century, save for the personal computer.  At suburban dinner parties, the truism that “the American Dream has become the American Nightmare” has replaced the folk wisdom that “government is not the solution to the problem; government is the problem.” Historians have started to point out that, in the new global power games, it is the West not the East that resembles the Soviet Union, with its brittle state machinery and eccentric elites.  It’s also worth reflecting that Americans’ view of the role of violence in their society has subtly changed. Traditionally, Americans viewed it as freedom’s collateral damage. When it comes to gun control, debate has centred on the question of whether liberty is worth the inevitable price in blood. Now, amid endless drug warfare and uncontrolled immigration, many conservatives have concluded that the whole liberal system is founded on depravity. That in a society lacking in tough laws or moral strictures, violence has become an end in itself. White and black alike see in Trump a strongman capable of holding things together. As America – and the wider West – finds itself in a new era, Trump is, like it or not, the lodestar guiding the way. He is no cowboy libertarian in the Reagan mould. Nor is he interested in many traditionally conservative concerns. On the contrary, he is a fiscally irresponsible corporatist cut from mid-century cloth.   All the same, Trump looks set to prove a pivotal figure. His unimpeded energy, and wars against the legal-industrial complex offer a glimpse of a style of leadership that is willing to take on the biases and inefficiencies of the system. His much-referenced “resilience” is a quality that the West will need in spades as it contends with stagnation at home and the end of its geopolitical supremacy abroad. But perhaps Trump’s most striking “gangster” characteristic – and the one that has won him so many fans – is his bloody-minded focus. The reason we are mesmerised by the Hollywood gangster character – why we both fear him and deep down want to be him – is that he knows what he wants, and he goes out and gets it, not giving a damn about whatever or whoever stands in his way."

Donald Trump classified documents case thrown out by Florida judge - "The legal case accusing Donald Trump of taking classified documents has been dismissed after a judge ruled that the appointment of the lawyer prosecuting him was unconstitutional.  The case, which was due to be heard in Florida, accused Trump of taking classified material from the White House and storing them at his Mar-a-Lago home in Palm Beach after leaving office.  On Monday, Judge Aileen Cannon, who was nominated by Trump, agreed with the former president’s legal team that the appointment of Jack Smith as a special prosecutor was unconstitutional... Judge Cannon’s decision, which is a major political boost for Trump, came on the first day of the Republican convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Trump has changed his political strategy after he faced an assassination attempt on Saturday, and is calling for political unity in the US."

Jeffrey Epstein Victims' Attorney Talks About Donald Trump Claims - "Video has resurfaced of the attorney who represented a number of Jeffrey Epstein's victims discussing the financier and convicted sex offender's relationship with Donald Trump... In 2019 Trump said he was "not a fan" of Epstein and there is no suggestion that the former president and current Republican presidential front-runner, played any role in the financier's reported crimes. In 2018 Bradley Edwards, an attorney who represented a number of those who claimed Epstein was involved in their abuse, spoke about the financer's relationship with Trump during an interview with Derrick Broze of The Conscious Resistance Network, a self-styled "independent media organization" that claims to work "to create a world where corporate and state power does not rule over the lives of free human beings."  Asked about Epstein's relationship with Trump he replied: "The only thing I can say about President Trump is that he is the only person who in 2009, when I served a lot of subpoenas on a lot of people, or at least gave notice to some pretty connected people that I wanted to talk to them, he is the only person who picked up the phone and said 'lets just talk, I'll give you as much time as you want, I'll tell you what you need to know.' Edwards said Trump: "Was very helpful in the information he gave and gave no indication whatsoever that he was involved in anything untoward whatsoever but had good information that checked out and that helped us and that we didn't have to take a deposition of him."... Edwards expanded on his interactions with Trump in his 2020 book Relentless Pursuit: My Fight For The Victims Of Jeffrey Epstein, extracts of which were published by British newspaper The Mail on Sunday. He claimed to have spoken to Trump twice about his relationship with Epstein, which the business tycoon insisted was primarily business related."

Meme - "New and Improved Project 2025+
Ban any further Star Wars sequels.
Nuke Portland.
Deport the entire population of Minneapolis.
Climate protestors to be fitted with methane-reducing butt plugs.
Bring back roller rinks.
Rio Grande patrolled by sharks with fricking lazer beams.
Mandatory abortions for Californians.
Televised weekly boosters for Gates & Fauci
All future elections decided by mixed-martial arts cage match.
Scientists to develop bacon trees.
Zuckerberg's account suspended 30 days. No explanation, no appeal."

James Campbell on X - "Everyone still underestimates Paul Graham's theory that the more charismatic presidential candidate always wins, which has held true in every US election since they started doing televised debates in 1960 (with very rare exceptions)"

FischerKing on X - "When people say Trump is a ‘threat to democracy’ what they mean is that if he wins through the democratic process, then uses his mandate to downsize the administrative state, return to a foreign policy that serves the American people rather than foreign interests/business - this a a threat to the oligarchy and bureaucracy who tell the lies the media prints."

Meme - "Imagine being this autistic"
"I gave my Republican parents an ultimatum: If they vote Trump again I'm cutting them off for good
I showed them the Project 2025 goals, they scoffed at it and said Trump wouldn't do most of that stuff. They like how he speaks his mind and "gets things done" warned them: If you vote Trump, you'll never speak to me again. I do not care if they are on their death bed, they will die alone without their only daughter next to them."
Clearly, estrangement is always the parents' fault, because the ax forgets and the tree remembers, and the child is always the victim of toxic parents

Meme - pagliacci the hated 🌝 @Slatzism: "let’s check in on reddit"
"Voting for Trump means you condone raping minors"
"I'm honestly scared. I felt like Biden was the only person who could go against Trump. Our politics follow yours, if your elect a right- winger, we are as likely to do so. l identify as LGBTQIA+. I am Irish. live in Europe. I am migrant. Please, give me some confidence, so that I can believe in the upcoming years."
"If trump wins I will kill myself. I'm getting my plan B together in case he wins the election. I'm a gay trans man, I'm fucked if he wins and, project 2025 goes into effect. My life might as well be 'over then. And people saying to just "relocate" don't realize how difficult that actually is. stick around to vote and see what happens. If he loses 'and things are still awful I might consider it regardless. But I know death is a lot better than 4 more years of someone in power that wants me dead anyway"
"Trump as the Antichrist? Why don't more evangelicals see the biblical signs that Donald Trump is the antichrist? I'm not saying that I believe this. I'm just saying that with everything they're. pulling out of scripture to justify Trump that more aren't seeing the biblical signs."
The same people who say religion is child abuse because you're terrifying kids push this madness

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