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Saturday, August 10, 2024

Links - 10th August 2024 (1 - General Wokeness)

National Autistic Society says media reports on an autism cure study are ‘deeply insulting’ - "Tim Nicholls, Assistant Director of Policy, Research and Strategy at the National Autistic Society, said that the study was deeply insulting to the more than 700,000 autistic people in the UK.  He added: “We are completely baffled why this has even been published by UK papers. This is a case study of a single set of twins using interventions that are themselves questionable. There are absolutely no conclusions at all that can be drawn from this and to suggest otherwise is just irresponsible journalism. We’ve repeatedly told outlets that we can help decipher shoddy research and avoid misinformation being published.  “Autism cannot be “cured” or “reversed”. Imagine seeing headlines that a core part of your identity could be “reversed”. Language like this sets us back and just goes to show how far we still have to go to build a society that works for autistic people.” The use of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) has long been criticised by autistic self-advocates as it tries to make autistic children fit neurotypical standards and act like neurotypical children."
It is better to let people suffer than be offensive. Better for autistic people to be unable to find a job and live on disability benefits
This is a clear case of rent-seeking

Autism can be reversed, scientists discover - "Two non-identical twin girls in the US were found to have a level of autism at 20 months old that required “very substantial support”.  A groundbreaking trial saw their parents and a team of medical experts create a bespoke two-year programme of interventions designed to help the children thrive and flourish as much as possible.  Scientists say the programme was successful, with both girls undergoing “dramatic improvements” in the severity of their symptoms... “One of the twins’ symptoms were reversed to the point of being indistinguishable from children who had never had a history of autism symptoms,” Dr Chris D’Adamo, study author from the University of Maryland, told The Telegraph... The scientists do not use the term “cure”, but believe the improvements are unlikely to be undone over time.  “Because autism is a developmental condition, one can safely say that once they have overcome the developmental aspects of autism and returned to a typical developmental trajectory, they are very unlikely to exhibit the common symptoms of autism again,” said Dr D’Adamo.  “Symptoms that could return might be more along the lines of things like anxiety, gastrointestinal issues, sensory issues, but not necessarily the behavioural aspects of autism.”  The twins underwent behavioural analysis, speech therapy and a strict gluten-free diet and nutrition programme as part of the trial to reduce inflammation."

Now the botanists have come for “offensive” Latin binomials for plants - "Remember first that every species has two names: the Latin binomial that is standard for the scientific literature (e.g., Passer domesticus), and the “common” name, which varies among countries (e.g., “House sparrow” in English).  Along with the present climate of trying to purify the world from words considered offensive and hurtful, scientists have been trying to purify species names, too, changing common names to conform to modern ideology.  They’ve had mixed success with animals.  Common bird names, for example, are being purified, especially when birds are named after “bad people”, like John James Audubon. Anybody who had a connection with the slave trade is toast.  In fact, some have suggested that we simply ditch all common names derived from people’s names, and use descriptors of the bird’s appearance and location.  But even that has its drawbacks. Reader Lou Jost, for instance, pointed out that there is substantial benefits to conservation to name organisms after people... of course common names vary from language to language, so the purification process occurs only in Anglophone countries.  The debate over the Latin binomials for animals has already been settled by the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN), which decided that ANIMAL bibnomials will not be changed, for those Latin names are standard throughout the literature, and changing them now would seriously screw up the literature. The ICZN did suggest, however, that Latin names proposed for newly described species not be such as “would be likely to give offense on any grounds. But that is only their suggestion, not a rule.  So you could still name a species like the blind cave beetle Anophthalmus hitleri (yes, it was named in der Führer’s honor), though I doubt anybody would do that now.  As for common names, the ICZN has no authority over them, and no recommendations.  I agree with their decision not to give new Latin names to already-described species, as this would seriously confuse the scientific literature. And of course what’s considered “offensive” changes as our morality and ideology changes. Thomas Jefferson and George Washington, for instance, were slaveholders, and any Latin binomials with their names would be seen as “offensive”; as should “Washington, D.C.” site of the ill-named “Jefferson Memorial.”   But the ICZN decision goes for animals only. The botanists, on the other hand, have just decided that offensive Latin names for plants already given can be changed, and some will be changed. Click below to read the article in Nature... The damage to the scientific literature is potentially large. Yet the International Botanical Congress also seems to be vetting all newly suggested Latin names as well... the botanists have created a slippery slope here. If they can change one name, they might change others, as was suggested by Thiele in an earlier article... You know how these things go.  Once “caffra” is changed to “affra”, people like Thiele will create a movement to change older species names not derived from “kaffir”, because, after all, opposing changing the names of plants named after those in the slave trade (or who did other bad things) would be considered racist, and who wants to be called a racist? (Note that even the vote for “caffra”—>”affra” was pretty close.)  It is the loudest people, even when they’re in the minority, who ultimately win in this kind of endeavor.  These acts are performative only, for offensive species names don’t seem to affect whether people go into botany or zoology because of offensive Latin binomials (I haven’t heard of a single case). The Botanical Congress should simply make a suggestion to avoid offensive Latin binomials and then keep its sticky fingers off names that botanists suggests for new plants. And, after making the “caffra” change, they should vow that this one change will be the only older species name to be changed, and will also be the last one."
First, they came for the Confederate Generals...

Meme - Caltbern: "GW's newest customers:"
Coyle Hoy City @TheKyleHighCity: "i love this change. once they remove the genocidal and misogynistic language from the game completely I might consider starting to play it myself"
William @WilliamJamesHo5: "it won't be WH40k any more if they keep changing it. It shows how creatively bereft libtards really are."
Coyle Roy City: "i think it would be a great tool for teaching my students about inclusion and the importance of uplifting oppressed voices if they just ironed out some of the more problematic aspects of the game"
William @WilliamJamesHo5: "Play a different game then, the clue is in the games title itself "WARhammer". "In the grim darkness of the future, there is only war"
Coyle Hoy City: "No i wanna play this game and i don't want it to be about boring war and death stuff"
Evil cannot create, only destroy

Meme - *2 smiling Lego Arab men throwing smiling Lego Queer Flag T-shirt man off roof*

Meme - Reuben Klopek: "In the series "The boys" they let a character known for his bestiarity have a intercourse with a black chick. What did they mean by this?"

Meme - 2004:
Wojak: "That's racist!"
Wojak: "Oh, sorry"
Soyjak: "That's racist!"
Wojak: "No, not at all"
Soyjak: "That's racist!"
Chad: "lol"

Thomas Sowell Quotes on X - "One of the great mysteries of our time is why so many people who are either born rich or who gain great wealth in the media are so hostile to the values of American society and Western civilization. The most plausible explanation I have heard is that this stance enables them to enjoy their wealth with a clearer conscience as friends of the "underdogs" and enemies of "the establishment"—even though in reality they are really friends of parasites and enemies of civilization."

i/o on X - "Here is a question to put to those who believe that unequal racial outcomes in the US are due to racist "systems" and "structures": Could you please identify the precise "systems" and "structures" that result in Asian-Americans outperforming whites in most outcomes? After all, if "systems" and "structures" are behind the last-place outcomes for blacks, then there must be "systems" and "structures" that are behind the first-place outcomes for Asians. So, what are those precise systems?"

Meme - "*Trans flag* ARE GROOMERS"

Gay wage gap - Wikipedia - "The gay wage gap is the pay gap between homosexuals and heterosexuals. In the United States, men in same-sex marriages have a significantly higher median household income than opposite-sex married couples: $123,600 and $96,930, respectively. Individual gay men earn 10% more than straight men with similar education, experience and job profiles, and individual gay men who are married have a significantly higher median income than heterosexual married men"
Structural heterophobia!

j on X - "Pedophilia is a queer identity. In fact, the “most resolutely queer of all sexual positions” as explained by Lee Edelman, Published queer theorist author and professor. The queer cat is out of the bag now, they are going to have to own this 👇"

Minor Attraction: A Queer Criminological Issue | Critical Criminology - "Despite a cultural tendency to sexualize youth, individuals who are primarily attracted to minors are subject to suspicion and stigma across society, extending into criminology and criminal justice. The prevailing assumption is that minor-attracted persons (MAPs) are mentally ill and predatory. However, there exists evidence that minor attraction is a sexual orientation, and the parallels between the treatment of MAPs and LGBT populations are striking. Employing queer criminology’s use of deconstructionist techniques, we address the current state of criminology and criminal justice, which sees MAPs as a suspect population warranting formal control. We then argue for the use of queer criminology as a framework for future research with minor-attracted populations, which could have important implications for criminal justice practice and policy."
Weird. I thought this was a conspiracy theory

Charlotte Gill on X - "The Mayor of Hackney introducing Thinking Spaces, “a safe and therapeutic space where Black and Global Majority (14+) community residents can openly discuss and process the lasting effects of systemic racism”."
Wilfred Reilly on X - "The idea that white people are making young minorities "unsafe" - by existing or whatever - is one of our era's great and un-remarked-on redefinitions of reality."

Melissa Chen on X - "I am a liberal insofar where liberalism is about protecting minority rights from the majority. But today, liberalism is more about minorities imposing their will and their norms on the majority and eroding the moral ground for the majority to say anything about it.  This is not the liberalism that I signed up for."

Carlos That Notices Things on X - "No wonder libs all turned on Harry Potter, the main lessons it teaches are things like:
The government can't be trusted
Arming teenagers & starting militias is cool
Jocks are the good guys
Get married and reproduce
Genetics matter
Don't give a word power by not saying it
Progressive Harry Potter fans never were able to get over the fact that they ended up being a lot more like Percy Weasley and Dolores Umbridge than any of the heroes
And that's not even touching on Percy Weasley and Dolores Umbridge, two almost perfect caricatures of what selling your soul to the regime looks like (hicklib striver and single childless shrew) or how a conspiracy theorist is easily best girl (Luna) or the Jesus symbolism
Nowadays Slytherin house would just be another school and they would all be villains, not an integrated part of society that you have to learn live with.  Has society just gone crazy in 30 years? Or were these books always deeply trad?"

Head of Pride Toronto says he’s disappointed protest stopped parade : r/toronto - "They should have had them arrested and removed so the parade could continue. This sets a terrible precedent going forward.  Now what happens if some religious alt-right group blocks the parade next year? Either the parade is canceled again or they are arrested and get to claim that Pride and TPS respect BLM and Palestinian free speech, but not theirs. It would be a win-win for those nut jobs."
" they would get removed in short order. they use kid gloves with protestors they consider 'allies'.  but more of these 'allies' will try to do the same thing next year if they let them"

Doctoral Candidate Who Sought to Prove Justice System Was 'Racist Against Blacks' Stabbed to Death by Black Male in Chicago - "Anat Kimchi, a 31-year-old Israeli-born doctoral candidate and scholar at the University of Maryland, wrote a paper published in the Journal of Quantitative Criminology in 2019 attempting to prove America's criminal justice system was racist against "young black offenders" and "black drug offenders."  While visiting Chicago over the weekend, Kimchi was ambushed and stabbed in the back and neck while walking near a homeless encampment at 401 South Wacker at around 3:35 p.m. Police said witnesses told them the assailant was a homeless "slim black male with long dreadlocks who wore a red bandana and a blue tank top," CWB Chicago reported.   Every last media outlet appears to have hid the suspect's description in accordance with their new rules against "amplifying narratives that connect Black and brown communities to crime" but CWB Chicago reported it straight."

Meme - "Riot regrets 'unnecessarily sexualized' design of League of Legends champion Kai'Sa"
League of Legends: "Spotify might be wrapped but Nudyr isn't. *naked male model*
League of Legends: "does anyone have the technology to make this possible *putting fingers through screen to touch six pack*"
Only women can be sexualised

Meme - "Employee shows up 2 hours late to work because she was having her hair braided do I write her up?
 I (22M white) manage a small shop in the food industry and I had an employee (16F African American) show up over 2 1/2 hours late to work because she was getting her hair braided.  She did tell a shift leader that she might be a bit late that day but we expected it to be maybe 30 minutes to an hour.  My thoughts are she knew she had a shift and could have rescheduled either one days in advance, I am a new manager and I’m very lenient. I’ve been doing this for only about a year now and I still haven’t written up any Employee even though we have a strict three strike and your out rule.  My wife pointed out to me last night that because of cultural differences and the amount of time and effort it takes to braid hair that I shouldn’t write her up and let her off with a warning.  I don’t know what to do because I don’t want to give one employee favor over others, but also I’m a white male and I guess that could be considered discrimination. I’m just looking for advice."

Meme - Bennett's Phylactery @extradeadjcb: "single-exposure HIV transmission (without meds) is about as likely as a woman getting pregnant with condom use  Which is to say, it's actually pretty difficult to transmit - An AIDS epidemic in a community requires a huge number of people with genuinely crazy sexual practices"
"Type of exposure - Estimated median (range) risk of HIV transmission per exposure
Receptive anal intercourse - 1.11%
Insertive anal intercourse - 0.06%
Receptive vaginal intercourse - 0.1%
Insertive vaginal intercourse - 0.082%
Receptive oral sex (fellatio) - 0.02%
Insertive oral sex (receiving fellatio) - 0%
Blood transfusion (one unit) - 90-100%
Needlestick injury - 0.3%
Sharing injecting equipment - 0.67%
Mucous membrane exposure - 0.63%"
michael wave @SzMarsupial: "mum, can you come and pick me up? yeah, yeah there’s children on this website claiming hiv is and should be a punishment for having too much sex again"

Bennett's Phylactery on X - "And AIDS has been defanged because the government forces the rest of us to pay them $2,000/mo for the antiretrovirals so they don't have to even marginally curtail their sexual behavior (which would have stopped the problem cold in the 80s, & which they angrily refused to do)"

Dungeons & Dragons Is Shedding ‘Race’ in Gaming. Here’s Why It Matters | Scientific American - "Dungeons & Dragons now reigns as a cultural powerhouse, the OG of tabletop role-playing. In its 50th anniversary year, the storied fantasy role-playing game is now making a long-overdue, and noteworthy, correction to its scientifically benighted treatment of race... Wizards of the Coast, will release a “Player’s Handbook” that changes the terminology of its character’s physiological types, previously referred to as races, and replace them with the term species... Kids playing a fun game will no longer pick up a botched, eugenical notion of race alongside their 20-sided dice... others appreciated the move but felt it didn’t go far enough. They recommended the removal of other material that could be deemed offensive. This last group is highly critical of the biological essentialism, parroting scientific and evolutionary language to explain marked social and cultural differences between groups, that comes with the use of terms like race to distinguish between humans and others like elves, dwarves and orcs, particularly because of stereotyped real-world associations made at times to these fantasy species... This was often discussed in the same breath of “evil races,” as different species were assigned an overall cultural moral stance, with some—such as orcs—deemed inherently evil. Particularly since the influx of new fans with the fourth edition of Dungeons & Dragons, these ideas were roundly criticized by scholars and others as reinforcing a sense of “nature not nurture” in terms of racism, discrimination and morality, echoing human genetics’ origins in white supremacy, marking some groups as inherently “bad.” Scholars such as Benjamin Carpenter of the University of East Anglia have noted that the races labeled as “evil” had analogues that were sometimes associated with real-world racial and ethnic minority groups, essentially smuggling old prejudices and stereotypes through a game."
I guess we won't have half-Orcs or half-Elves anymore

Meme - "im WOTC which means i dont believe in evil races"
"dude im a fucking goblin i don't care im going to take your shit and then kill you"

Residents symbolically cleanse Michigan town after white supremacist march - "The group of parents, grandparents, teachers, and other community members, later grabbed brooms and mops, as they washed down the sidewalk in front of the historic Livingston County Courthouse, the same place where the approximately dozen white supremacist supporters gathered July 20, before marching through the downtown area."
This is a fascinating insight into the crypto-religious nature of wokeism

Manchester airport video shows lead-up to police kick incident - "Greater Manchester Police (GMP) officers can be seen trying to restrain one man before a second intervenes. A fight breaks out and two officers are punched to the ground... Akhmed Yakoob, who has been speaking publicly on behalf of the family, said "nothing could justify a kick to the head of a defenceless man". He described the police involved as "highly-trained officers" who "should not be seeing red". In the latest video to emerge, a man wearing grey clothes struggles with a male officer and punches are thrown. Another man, who is dressed in blue, punches two other officers to the floor. The officer who is grappling with the first man breaks away and points a Taser at him. While he is pointing the stun device, the man in blue runs over and punches him. Another male officer then tasers the man in blue, who falls to the ground with the first male officer, who he is still holding on to... protests were held outside a police station in Rochdale, with demonstrators accusing Greater Manchester Police (GMP) of institutional racism... GMP said there had been a "clear risk" the firearms officers could have had their weapons taken from them, and three officers had been taken to hospital, including a female officer whose nose was broken... Human rights lawyer Aamer Anwar told BBC Newsnight he was disappointed that leading politicians, including Mr Burnham, had asked people to consider the context to the incident. There was "no justification" for a police officer to act this way, he said, adding that the context was "irrelevant"."
The police are not allowed to defend themselves against "minorities"

Teenager’s lawyer steps aside after Manchester airport ‘assassination’ remarks - "The lawyer for the family at the centre of the Manchester airport brawl has said he is stepping aside as investigations into the incident gather pace. Akhmed Yakoob became the focus of criticism after claiming 19-year-old Muhammed Fahir was the victim of an “attempted assassination” that had left him “fighting for his life”. In footage that emerged at the weekend, Fahir could be seen throwing punches at police officers before being incapacitated with a Taser. An armed officer was then filmed kicking the teenager in the face and stamping on his head... Yakoob, a director at the Birmingham-based firm Maurice Andrews Solicitors, said the media had tried to “sabotage” him since he started representing Fahir’s family last week... The 36-year-old, who has 200,000 followers on TikTok and has been posting frequent updates about Fahir’s case, came under investigation by the Solicitors Regulation Authority this year after he used social media to promote a false claim of racism against a young teacher. He stood as an independent candidate in Birmingham Ladywood in the general election after coming third in the vote for West Midlands mayor in May. He apologised in June after being criticised for saying on a podcast that “70% of hell is going to be women”, and for failing to condemn a guest saying he would give his wife a “backhander” if she made money dancing on TikTok."

Manchester Airport video is a lesson for the BBC - "What follows is a tale of two video clips. Last Wednesday, the first of the two emerged on social media, appearing to show an officer from Greater Manchester Police kick a helpless young man in the head. In a statement, GMP explained that its officers had attempted to arrest a suspect only to find themselves subject to “violent assault”, thus requiring an aggressive response. But as the backlash grew, the force changed its tone, trying to placate the rising public anger at what was shown in the video. It admitted the footage was “truly shocking” and that “people are rightly extremely concerned.” Various public figures made similar statements of their own. Among them were local Labour MP Paul Waugh, the Labour Mayor of Greater Manchester Andy Burnham, and Home Secretary Yvette Cooper. On Friday, the BBC weighed in with a BBC Verify analysis of the video. This was mostly a description of the actions of the police, specifically the kicking, hitting, pushing and use of pepper spray. The reporter, Richard Irvine-Brown, stated the BBC had “not been able to find footage that shows what led up to the incident” — which was unfortunate, because this turned out to be of crucial importance. The very next day, a second video emerged, providing the missing context for BBC Verify’s blow-by-blow account. What it seems to show is a full-on brawl — in which, as per the GMP’s original statement, police officers suffered multiple attacks. In contrast, the first clip only showed us the outcome of the struggle. Even with this second clip, it must be stressed that we still don’t know the whole story, which may not exonerate the police of all blame. Nevertheless, it was enough to change the narrative overnight. In a Sunday morning interview, Burnham warned about “a phenomenon of our time”: that is, the perils of social media. “Video will emerge from whichever source”, he observed. “Everyone then becomes an expert on it.” Public order can be threatened by this “rush to judgement”, which “politicians really shouldn’t be part of”. Wise words — it’s just a shame they came too late. The BBC also has cause to reflect. The release of the second video came after the corporation’s analysis of the first, but just how useful was its examination? Apart from the locations depicted, what exactly was verified? Did the BBC tell us anything about the provenance of the video? Did it question why the clip just happened to start at the point where the officer landed his kick? Did staff ask themselves whether dwelling upon partial footage of a complex and confused situation would help or hinder public understanding? Perhaps, like everyone else, they should have waited for more of the truth to come out. That at least might have allowed them to ask how it was that a distorted narrative went unchallenged for several days — involving not just random nobodies on the internet but also the mainstream media and prominent politicians. Yet BBC journalists are now in a poor position to do that: after all, they’ve made themselves part of the story."
As with the current riots, "BBC Verify" is spreading misinformation. Ironic (but not surprising)

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