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Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Links - 27th February 2024 (1 - Trans Mania [repost])

This was originally "Links - 19th September 2023 (1 - Trans Mania)", but that post got deleted for "hate speech" and has been pending review for over a month, so I'm reposting it (with some minor edits/addons).

Meme - Jo @JoJoFromJerz: "Maybe someday, transgender people in America will have as many rights as guns do."
Blast hardcheese @punch_sideiron: "I can't saw the barrel off my gun."
Addendum February 2024: This is like feminists who keep claiming they want women to be treated like guns

Inside the online world of people who think they can change their race - "experts underscore that it is simply impossible to change your race.  “It’s just belief,” said Jamie Cohen, an assistant professor of cultural and media studies at Queens College, City University of New York. “It doesn’t ever really work, because it’s not doing anything, but they have convinced themselves that it works because there’s other people who have convinced themselves, as well.”... Media experts also point to the potential dark side of the exocitization of Asian culture, saying it could be a form of modern yellowface, or the act of non-Asian people’s making their appearance more “Asian-like.”... “There’s also the underbelly of that where we want to be careful,” she said, “because there’s always problems around fetishization or objectification that East Asian cultures have always been subjected to, meaning being revered for these kinds of exotic characteristics but not really fully seen.” Experts agree race is not genetic. But they contend that even though race is a cultural construct, it is impossible to change your race because of the systemic inequalities inherent to being born into a certain race... Freund said, the modern concept of race is inseparable from the systemic racial hierarchy hundreds of years in the making. Simply put, changing races is not possible, because “biological races” themselves are not real. Freund added that the idea of changing one’s race operates differently depending on a person’s racial background and that white people who seek to “transition” to other races can often sidestep the harms of racism. Kevin Nadal, a professor of psychology at City University of New York, said: “There is a privilege in being able to change your race or to say that you’re changing your race. There are many people who would be unable to ever change their race. Particularly, Black people in this country would be unable to say all of a sudden ‘I’m white’ and be treated with the same privileges that white people have.”... RCTA and transracialism — which came to the forefront because of controversial figures like Rachel Dolezal — have been compared to being transgender. However, psychologists and activists push back against comparisons... ome psychologists say people’s inclination to change their race can stem from many motivations, including a desire to be more “exotic” or shame associated with their race... For white Americans, racial trauma can take the form of being ashamed for engaging in racism, having failed to stop others from engaging in racism or not having lived up to a nonracist ideal, said Naomi Torres-Mackie, a psychologist at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York. That racial guilt is what she calls “white shame,” and it can lead white people to want to escape from the guilt through RCTA or transracialism."
Apparently transitioning works and womanface, auto erotic gynephilia and systemic gender inequalities don't exist, and biological gender is real. Clearly people don't want to change gender because of a desire to be more "exotic" or shame associated with their gender.
Addendum February 2024: Since race like "gender" is "socially constructed"...

Meme -
New York Post @nypost: "Justin Trudeau blames 'American right-wing' for Muslims opposing LGBTQ curriculum: 'Leave our kids alone!'" James Kirkpatrick @VDAREJamesK: "Notice the framing. The Muslims who don't want their kids castrating themselves are actually the people interfering. But because they are presumably non-white (and so lack all agency) it must be American right-wingers (and our media control in Islamic communities) to blame."

Richard Dawkins used his new podcast to promote more transphobic lies - "4:05: “Sex really is binary. No question about it. You're either male or female… It is to me, as a biologist, distinctly weird that people can simply declare ‘I am a woman though I have a penis.’”
The binary thing is literally not true, as just about any biologist could tell you, and it’s embarrassing that Dawkins is repeating it"
Trust the Experts (we know that tons of them say sex is binary). Unless they disagree with liberal ideology
It's telling that TRAs are not content with playing around with "gender" but insist on distorting science. This is a good lesson in what happens when you let liberals go wild - the slippery slope occurs. It was not too long ago that we were told that sex and gender were different and only ignorant people didn't know that

Iona Italia, PhD on Twitter - "Reading this essay made me far more of a Terf than I was previously. Hemant thinks Dawkins, one of the most eminent scientists of the era, should lie about biology for the sake of political expediency. I doubt he ever will. And that's good. The worst thing is that he (Hemant) doesn't want to promote Dawkins' science writing because it's retrospectively terf-adjacent (or something). Totally absurd."
Ryan Shaw on Twitter - "It is kind of amusing that many of the anti-religion crusaders that Richard inspired are now labeling him a gender ideology heretic. The problem was always in human nature, not religion per se."

Arty Morty on Twitter - "This gender nonconforming gay lefty who experienced dysphoria and has worked with transsexuals since the 1990s thinks you're a jackass. You literally cannot think past left-right American tribal politics. Not just biased towards them — you literally see nothing but left-right BS."
Arty Morty on Twitter - "Congrats to you for still framing the facts in terms of your own political tribal loyalties and assuring the world that you're just not cut out for critical thinking, at all. You got as far as "Jesus isn't real" and then it just got too hard for you. Well done, absolute beginner."

A Court Just Ruled That Misgendering Is Protected Free Speech - "A California court has ruled that misgendering patients is protected under free speech in a partial reversal of a landmark LGBTQ+ rights bill.  Judges with the Third District Court of Appeals ruled on Friday that California’s Senate Bill 219 unconstitutionally restricts “freedom of speech.” Enacted in 2017, the bill effectively bars discrimination against LGBTQ+ patients and people living with HIV in long-term care facilities. This included classifying “willful and repeated” misgendering and deadnaming as a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $2,500 or imprisonment of up to 180 days."
TRAs keep trying to make using the wrong pronouns a jailable offence, then gaslight and pretend you can't be sent to jail over misgendering

Richard Dawkins on Twitter - "Have you ever in your life encountered a genuine woman who would stand up before a crowd and incite them to punch people "in the fucking face"? No, I thought not."
Calls for violence in the trans debate only come from one side - "a convicted criminal got up in front of a cheering crowd in central London and publicly incited violence against women. “If you see a terf, punch them in the fucking face,” he declared to whoops of approval from his audience at Hyde Park Corner. (Terf is a slur used against feminists who support women’s rights.)  The trans activist, who now call himself Sarah Jane Baker, served thirty years in prison for a series of violent offences including kidnapping, torture and attempted murder. Since he was released in 2019, he has been a regular attendee of trans events, including a demonstration outside Parliament in January when the UK Government blocked the SNP’s gender reform bill. On that occasion, he was photographed with three Labour MPs who later claimed not to know who he was. After Baker called for assaults on women at Saturday’s London Trans Pride event, the organisers defended him... Time and time again, we are told that transgender people are the most oppressed and marginalised in society, and that their rage is justified. Politicians, including the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, who published a grovelling message of support before the march, claim that trans people don’t have full human rights — but are unable to specify which rights they are being denied. (I asked Khan three years ago; I never got a reply.)   The claim is untrue. Trans people have the same legal rights as the rest of us. What militant activists are demanding is a wholesale takeover of women-only spaces by men who claim to be women. The response, when we politely and reasonably refuse, is a form of aggression instantly recognisable to any woman who has witnessed male violence. Sometimes the threats erupt into actual physical violence, as evidenced in assaults on Posie Parker, Julie Bindel and Maria MacLachlan. That, let’s remind ourselves, is exactly what Baker was advocating at the weekend.  The dishonesty doesn’t stop there, however. The notion that “the debate is toxic on both sides” only aids trans activism. There is not a grain of truth in it, but the movement has so successfully indoctrinated supporters that it’s repeated even by Parliamentarians who should know better. Thus the Labour MP Clive Lewis condemned Baker’s advocacy of violence,  but went on to claim that “violent language and actions are not unique to one side on this issue”. Really? When did feminists bang on windows and let off smoke bombs to disrupt peaceful meetings? When did we threaten to rape people with whom we disagree?  Baker’s speech is just the latest example of the dangerous rhetoric routinely used by trans activists. If he was released from prison on licence, as seems likely, he has almost certainly broken his terms and should be recalled. The police should not stand idly by while women are threatened with physical assault.  But the larger issue is this. All that nonsense about gender fluidity and pronouns is providing cover for a violent, narcissistic upsurge of misogyny. It allows angry men to say and do things they wouldn’t have dreamed of getting away with twenty years ago. And the people who make excuses for it are colluding in the most serious threat to women’s safety and rights in my lifetime."

CAMPUS WATCH: Ontario University says not respecting “ze/zir” pronouns violates human rights policy - "Ottawa’s Carleton University says refusing to use one’s preferred “they/them,” “ze/zir,” “xe/xir,” and “e/em” pronouns is a violation of its human rights policy, and has an online portal to report incidents of misgendering...   Carleton is not the only Ontario post-secondary institution that requires students, faculty and staff to use one’s neopronouns.  McMaster University in Hamilton considers intentionally using the wrong pronouns as “harassment based on gender identity.”   Toronto’s Humber College’s Gender Diversity Policy notes that “all individuals within the College community are entitled to be referred to by the gender pronoun(s) of their choice,” and that “Intentionally addressing a trans or non-binary member of the College community by the incorrect name or pronoun is considered to be a form of anti-trans harassment and/or discrimination.”  The University of Toronto says its Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment has a definition of gender-based harassment that “includes but is not limited to engaging in a course of vexatious comment or conduct related to a person’s sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression that is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome.”"

Gay penguins at London aquarium are raising 'genderless' chick
Weird. We're told gender is social and sex is scientific and sex and gender are different and people who think they are the same are ignorant.

Oregon Clinic Drops Breast Cancer Patient Over “Gender Critical” Views - "A woman in Oregon receiving treatment for breast cancer has been dropped by her health clinic of 12 years because she expressed views critical of gender ideology.  Marlene Barbera, who is scheduled for a mastectomy later this month, told Reduxx that she had commented on the presence of a transgender pride flag that was hanging in the waiting room of the Richmond Family Medical Clinic in Portland... Barbera mentioned she had faced rape and death threats from trans activists on X (formerly Twitter), many of whom would have identified with that same flag.  Initially, the Doctor, who she revealed had been her primary care provider for over ten years, said that he would not take the flag down. But while Barbera had initially believed their correspondence to be private, she later discovered that the note to her physician had been viewed and shared by other staff at the clinic.  This June, while attempting to leave a message for her doctor regarding blood test results, the issue continued to escalate. A receptionist at the clinic, who Barbera speculated was transgender, did not permit her to be patched through to her doctor... This is not the first time a woman has lost access to critical medical services due to her “gender critical” views.  In October of last year, a woman identified as Emma by the UK’s Daily Mail was banned from having an operation in London’s Princess Grace Hospital because she requested single sex accommodation. The woman, who had been scheduled for a complex colorectal operation, also expressed that she did not want to “use pronouns or engage with such manifestations of gender ideology.”  Despite having experience being the victim of sexual assault, Emma was banned from having her procedure at the facility for requesting single-sex care."
Clearly she deserved it because she was violently assaulting the staff. She also deserved to get rape and death threats because it was "self defence" from her genocide

State secretary Soltész: Hungary's Child Protection Law Not Aimed Against LGBTQ People - "Hungary’s child protection law is not aimed against the LGBTQ community, Miklós Soltész, the state secretary for church and ethnic relations, said in Warsaw on Tuesday, emphasising that the law was about protecting children under the age of 18 and imposing stricter punishment for paedophilia...   Soltész said those who were “attacking” Hungary’s child protection law in Brussels “either can’t read, misinterpret the law or are deliberately lying”...   Hungary’s law, Soltész emphasised, prohibits gender reassignment under the age of 18 and bans “propaganda” promoting gender change to children. It also makes it illegal to target youth under the age of 18 with any pornographic content, he noted.  Soltész said the law was “not even close to being about” adult members of the LGBTQ community."
It's telling that liberals got so upset over this
Addendum February 2024: "This is not happening, and it's good that it is" - just like left wingers claiming having the death penalty for child sex offences is going to target and kill queer and trans people. They're saying the quiet part out loud

Meme - maybe_krystine: "I finally got my parts back from OHSU so excited when I got them removed and now they're in a jar on my shelf #transvisibility #transvisibility #science #biology *testicles*"
Totally not a mental illness

Meme - "r/detrans
u/dumbbeesknees detrans female
Please tell me things will get better
I've never posted on Reddit before so Im really sorry if I do something wrong. I(ftmtf) am 17 and have been transitioning medically for three years (lupron for three, testosterone for three, top surgery last year, and name/ gender marker change last year as well). Although technically I've been out as transgender since I was 11. I've since realized transitioning wasn't right for me and I feel really really scared. I've told my mom but not anybody else yet. I was hoping my doubts were just internalized issues and would go away but I'm starting to realize this isn't the case and I'm petrified of the next steps. Hair loss is very common in my family and now I have androgenic alopecia and I'm basically bald, my voice is super deep, my body is incredibly masculine, even when I try to present fem I just look like a teenage boy in drag. And I don't even want to think about the fact that legally I'm completely male. My parents used to be incredibly anti trans but they ended up coming around after a suicide attempt when I was around 14. I don't know what to do. I think I just really hated my body and everything about myself and now I just hate myself even more. My family was also incredibly homophobic and I worry that I just transitioned so I could be "straight" (which I hate to think about because I literally feel like a terf talking point rn). I'm still on testosterone but this week I plan on stopping but I feel so upset. I don't want a cycle and I don't want to be detrans. I feel like I'm never going to look like a girl or even a pretty one for that matter. I also feel like I look so male that there's no way that lesbians would even accept me. I guess I just feel really bad right now. Could someone please tell that things are going to be okay and that things will get better? If that's even possible? Will I ever be a pretty girl or even just like a normal looking girl????? How the fuck do I deal with periods and how I do I be a girl even I don't even know how. Sorry idk if this even counts as a question I'm just kindve freaking out. I've lived basically my whole life trying to be a boy and now I'm not sure anymore and I'm so scared Edit: I'm an emotional wreck right now and I feel too exhausted to respond to every comment atm. I can't stop crying but the responses have helped me a lot and I've read all of them and will probably come back to this post to reread a lot of them and respond at some point when I'm in a better place. I'll respond when I can maybe. I just feel really tired. I have a lot to think about. Thank you all. I didn't expect everyone to be so nice"

Trans row engulfs Miss Italy as decision to ban biological males sparks novel protest - "Moves to ban transgender women from competing in a Miss Italy pageant have seen more than 100 transgender men enter the competition in protest.  Organisers of the event had said historically only those who were assigned female at birth were allowed to compete.  In response, trans men started signing up to the competition in protest, since they were born female at birth and therefore eligible to enter... around 100 transgender men are now believed to have entered the competition - with some making it through to the selection process... Last month Rikkie Valerie Kolle became the first transgender woman to win Miss Netherlands."
Not all real women who enter make it through anyway, so I don't know what they think they're doing

Meme - "David Benson. non-binary male lesbian. Looking to meet other lesbians on Facebook - biological women only please"

Transmaxxing: Incel Men Transitioning - "It is well established that some teenage girls choose to identify as boys to escape the difficulties of female adolescence. Now the Daily Caller reports that some young men see transitioning as a solution to sexual frustration. These “transmaxxers,” an online “community of men who consider themselves involuntarily celibate, or ‘incels,’ are transitioning to the opposite sex to escape sexual rejection and improve their lives.”... This individual intends to keep his genitals intact, while using cross-sex hormones to improve sexual sensations and expand his dating pool."

Meme - "Man Caught Spiking His Female Dates Drinks With Viagra To Make Sure They Don't Get Boners Because, "You never know anymore these days.""

Meme - Ellen Page: "*33 years suffering the difficult life of of being a woman* *happy*"
Elliot Page: "*2 years living the privileges of being a man* *upset*"

Meme - "Elliot Page developed stress-induced shingles on set of Inception starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hardy after feeling 'out of place in a cast full of cis men'
Chris Lopidollisathanasthaisiopolous: "Anything but accountability. Still a woman""

Meme - "Yall ever notice that the only thing bros larping as chicks want is to be treated even MORE like a woman... But the ones who always seem to regret transitioning are the chicks who got just a taste what its actually like to be a man. *Elliot Page crying*"

Family Characteristics, Transgender Identity and Emotional Symptoms in Adolescence: A Population Survey Study - "Sociodemographic and psychosocial family factors have profound implications for adolescent development, identity formation and mental health during the adolescent years. We explored the associations of sociodemographic and psychosocial family factors with transgender identity in adolescence and the role of these factors in the associations between gender identity and emotional disorders. Data from a large adolescent population survey from Finland were analysed using logistic regression models. Reporting transgender identity was associated with mother’s low level of education, accumulating family life events, lack of family cohesion, perceived lack of family economic resources and female sex. A lack of family cohesion further differentiated between adolescents reporting identifying with the opposite sex and those reporting non-binary/other gender identification. The associations between transgender identity, depression and anxiety were attenuated but did not level out when family factors were controlled for. Transgender identity in adolescence is associated with socioeconomic and psychosocial family factors that are known correlates of negative outcomes in mental health and psychosocial well-being. However, transgender identification is also associated with emotional disorders independent of these family factors."
Clearly transphobic stigma makes their mothers have a low level of education. And/or mothers who have a low level of education are less transphobic, so their children feel freer to be themselves. Weird how we're told education is the solution to bigotry

Meme - *Man leaving*
Mother: "I don't need a man"
Daughter: "I don't want a man."
Son: "I don't want to be a man"
"The Domino Effect"'

Meme - The Guardian @guardian: "Voldemort no longer wants to be associated with "bully" JK Rowling
"I know I'm evil, but she just takes things too far, she should leave trans people alone.""
TRAs get steadily more deranged

Meme - Dylan Mulvaney: "Woman"
Beautiful Woman: "Birthing person with a bonus hole"

Meme - "The respectful mob
Trish @my.tinfoil.hat: "RESPECT MY PRONOUNS" they screech; while calling me a chest feeding bleeder with a bonus hole."

Language to use when supporting trans men and/or non-binary people | Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust - "Bonus hole – An alternative word for the vagina preferred by some trans men and/or non-binary people with a cervix. It is important to check which words someone would prefer to use."
One TRA first claimed bonus hole was a meme, then when presented with evidence that it was actively being pushed, quickly pivoted to claiming it wasn't a downward slope but just "acknowledging changeing vernacular. Whch is an obvious necessity is provideing healthcare." Of course, front hole was already bad enough (and pushed seriously by many) so it was hilarious it still tried to gaslight

Now health professionals are urged to call vaginas 'bonus holes' to avoid offending patients - "The glossary says it was created with the help of the LGBT Foundation.  Its adds that using the wrong terms if a person does not use them can lead to them feeling hurt or distressed.  Kellie-Jay Keen, the founder of Standing for Women, described parts of the glossary as 'an erasure of female language'.  She added: 'The whole thing is loathsome but bonus hole and front hole are so misogynist. 'If a woman is so triggered by the word vagina I should imagine she need serious psychiatric help rather than the world bend to her never ending list of irrational demands.  'You would think that charities focused on cervical cancer would have better things to do than erase female language. Still it's better than the Canadian cervical charity who devoted a whole section for men with cervical cancer.'"

'My exhausting smear test battle' - "Many dread being invited for their cervical smear test - but Laurie Hodierne found it exhausting to have to keep asking for appointments, and trying to chase up the result.  He is one of a number of transgender men who still have a cervix but are no longer registered as female at their GP surgery. Laurie was re-registered as male without requesting it, he says... she interviewed 137 transgender and non-binary people linked to the clinic.  Of the half who were eligible for a smear test, more than 40% said they had never been screened.  Many had missed appointments because they were fearful about disclosing their gender identity and of how others might react.  Some said they had found it difficult enough being accepted as male by their GP surgery - or the idea of cervical screening had never been mentioned."
Clearly, there is no reason to register your biological sex with medical professionals, and only transphobic bigots oppose literally lifesaving alignment of sex in records
Obviously if you're scared of what people think, it's their fault for not being inclusive enough

Meme - Macy Petty @macypetty0...: ""Racist, sexist, anti-trans, you have blood on your hands" Simply female athletes asking for our own spaces."

Costa Coffee Defends Mural Accused of 'Promoting Mutilation' of Girls - "Costa Coffee, a coffee chain in the UK, has defended a mural that has been accused of "promoting mutilation" of girls after social media users posted an image of a Costa Coffee advertisement that appeared to show an individual with scars under their breasts.  "Costa Coffee @CostaCoffee glorifying and promoting mutilation of women's healthy body parts that cause them life long health complications. Looks like Costa wants to be boycotted like Bud Lite," Twitter user @theLGBgroup, wrote in a post sharing a photo of the mural... "Dear @CostaCoffee, Could you kindly explain why you are glorifying irreversible surgery performed on healthy breasts of women for a mental health condition?" Twitter user James Esses wrote."

Who is Anne Andres? Trans male breaks women's powerlifting record, sparks online controversy - "Anne Andres’ total powerlifting score at the Brandon University Healthy Living Centre event was 597.5 kilograms, which was over 200 kilograms more than her opponent SuJan Gill who held a 387.5 kg score.  The 40-year old’s score now stands as the heaviest weight one has squatted, deadlifted and bench pressed.  The powerlifter has set a women’s national record in Canada and also an unofficial world powerlifting record in the women's category...   As she celebrates her success, a video of Andres mocking other women’s powerlifting records has gone viral online"
Transgender athlete shatters female weightlifting record in Canada - "Critics are slamming Canadian gender self-identification policies after a trans woman shattered a women’s powerlifting record at a recent meet in Manitoba.  On Sunday, trans powerlifter Anne Andres won first place in the Females Master Unequipped category at the Western Canadian Powerlifting & Bench Press Championships... Andres transitioned 20 years ago, and said in a post earlier this month that “I … didn’t touch a barbell in my entire life until 7 years ago.”... The Sunday meet in Manitoba is the 10th time that Andres has taken first place in a women’s powerlifting category... Canadian powerlifter April Hutchinson — a frequent critic of Andres — said that many female competitors had dropped out of the Manitoba competition knowing that they’d be up against Andres, and that the Canadian Powerlifting Union was doing “nothing” about their concerns.  “That national record that (Andres) broke; athletes have been chasing that for years. We’re talking top athletes who have been training and training and training,” said Hutchinson.  The Canadian Powerlifting Union only recently updated their trans inclusion policy to emphasize that surgery, hormone therapy or even a doctor’s note would not be a requirement for trans athletes to compete in the category consistent with their gender ID...   The guidelines hewed extremely close to the official trans recommendations developed by the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport, a group funded almost exclusively by the federal government."
Clearly 1 year on hormones is enough to nullify the advantages of a male body

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