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Sunday, February 25, 2024

Links - 25th February 2024 (Hamas Attack Oct 2023)

Meme - Leo Varadkar @LeoVaradkar: "This is a day of enormous joy and relief for Emily Hand and her family. An innocent child who was lost has now been found and returned, and we breathe a massive sigh of relief. Our prayers have been answered."
Readers added context they thought people might want to know: "Emily wasn't lost. She was abducted by terrorists from Hamas."

Mehbub Laskar - "Bombing innocent children is not self defense Free Palestine 🇵🇸"
Dozens of Children Died in Hamas' Oct. 7 Attack on Israel, Contrary to Online Claim - "At least 29 children were killed when Hamas attacked Israel on Oct. 7, according to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. In addition, about 30 children were taken hostage by Hamas, the Associated Press reported."
Good to know that "resistance" is unjustified

Northern Israel: 1 dead, 8 wounded following rocket barrage - I24NEWS : theworldnews - "Anyone else find it odd how many rockets and attacks come from the part of Lebanon where Irish UN peacekeepers are supposed to be keeping the peace?"
"The same Irish that refused to shake hands with Israeli basketball players?"
"Are those the same Irish that have been siding with Hamas, even calling them partners in peace? I mean, I only know New York and Boston Irish and they are pretty cool."

Pro-Palestinian protesters interrupt Trudeau in the House - "The Palestinian Youth Movement took credit for the demonstration, which included the unfurling of banners in the public gallery of the House of Commons calling for an arms embargo"
Pro-Palestinian protesters interrupt Trudeau during House of Commons question period - The Globe and Mail - "Some Bloc Québécois and Tory MPs said later they had seen one or more NDP MPs clapping for the protesters... Bloc MP Kristina Michaud named her New Democrat colleague Lindsay Mathyssen"
Left wingers will still pretend the NDP is a common man workers' party rather than a far left one

Meme - Palestinian Youth Movement (PYM): "OTTAWA: ALL OUT FOR PALESTINE. Last night, the resistance in Gaza led a heroic attack against the occupation and has taken occupation soldiers hostages including Brigadier General Nimrom Aloni. Their march toward liberation is as monumental as their rockets - the resistance will free the prisoners who have been facing a fascist attack by the occupation and liberate our land from the fangs of the enemy. The resistance has set a new precedent for the Palestinian struggle - our right to resist the occupation, to defend the land, and to free our prisoners are the utmost priorities. We call on our people in Ottawa and in the far diaspora to celebrate the resistance's success, to uplift their calls, and to march this Sunday Oct 8 at at the Human Rights Monument (220 Elgin St). Victory is ours."
Why do the "Pro-Palestinian" crowd so often turn out to be terrorist supporters?
Nothing says "human rights" like attacking civilians and holding them hostage

Al Jazeera journalist outed as Hamas commander by IDF - ""In the morning, he’s a journalist on the   Al Jazeera   channel, and in the evening, a terrorist in Hamas!” Lt. Col. Avichay Adraee, the IDF’s Arabic-language spokesman, tweeted on Sunday. According to Adraee, troops operating in northern Gaza several weeks ago found a laptop at a Hamas base that belonged to Mohamed Washah, who has appeared in   Al Jazeera   broadcasts since the Oct. 7 massacre... the IDF presented evidence that two   Palestinian journalists   killed in Gaza in an Israeli airstrike were terrorist operatives, and said that they were operating drones that put soldiers at risk... a document that the IDF posted to social media appears to prove that Thuria was a Hamas operative. The document lists him as a deputy squad commander in a battalion of the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the terror group’s “military wing.” Other documents found by the IDF indicate that Dadough was a Palestinian Islamic Jihad operative whose specialty is electronic engineering and who previously served as a deputy commander of a platoon in the Zaytoun Battalion. Before his death, he was in charge of a section of PIJ’s rocket unit. Additionally, Israel said that Dadough had carried out terrorist attacks against Israel."

Australia to ban doxxing after pro-Palestinian activists publish information about hundreds of Jews - "Pro-Palestinian activists distributed a nearly-900 page transcript that leaked from a private WhatsApp formed last year by Jewish writers, artists, musicians and academics, Nine newspapers reported last week. The transcript was accompanied by a spreadsheet that contained the names and other personal details of almost 600 people, purportedly the group's membership. Author Clementine Ford, who was one of several activists who posted links to the leaked information, said that it shouldn't be considered doxxing... The Australian government’s online safety watchdog defines doxxing, which is also known as “dropping dox” or documents, as the “intentional online exposure of an individual’s identity, private information or personal details without their consent.”"
It's only doxxing when it hurts the left. If you leak the details of terrorism supporters, they will be very upset

Egypt on edge as Israel’s war presses more than a million Palestinians up against its border - "Egypt has already condemned Israel’s move to push Palestinians southward in the enclave, suggesting it is part of a plan to expel Gazans and that it would spell the end of the Palestinian cause... For Egypt, the prospect of millions of Palestinians pouring into the country brings memories of the 2008 border crisis, when hundreds of Gazans stormed into Egypt after the border wall was blown out and torn down. The Palestinians had been running out of fuel, food and other supplies after Israel closed Gaza’s border crossings. Egypt has said that since the war began, the Rafah crossing was bombed at least four times on the Palestinian side. In October, Egypt blocked the gates of the crossing with concrete slabs."
Clearly, Egypt isn't letting them in to prevent "ethnic cleansing", which is why Western countries need to let in the entire population of Gaza, or they're monsters

Egypt would not object to Israel's assault on Rafah: report
Damn zionists!

Toronto police increase presence along hospital row after pro-Palestinian protest - "Toronto police say they are increasing their presence along hospital row after a pro-Palestinian protest downtown on Monday night, including outside Mount Sinai Hospital... "It's a disappointing evening in front of Mount Sinai Hospital, a Jewish-identified hospital in Toronto. Protesters have been on these hallowed and sacred hospital grounds to protest""
I remember when the left claimed that covid protesters protesting outside hospitals were scum. But of course if you condemn this you support "genocide" and are against "freedom of speech"
If all Jews are "Zionists" then "anti-Zionism" is really just anti-Semitism

Jesse Kline: Amira Elghawaby defends antisemitic protest in front of Toronto hospital - "Amira Elghawaby, Canada’s Islamophobia czar, who used the opportunity to excuse the protesters’ reprehensible actions and opine on geopolitical issues...  Like the weeks-long protest at the Avenue Road overpass , in the heart of one of the country’s largest Jewish neighbourhoods, the targeting of Mount Sinai was clearly intended to send the message that these demonstrators are not merely voicing their opposition to a foreign government, but to Jews in general.  Not that the protesters themselves would ever admit this, as doing so would expose them to hate crime charges. The group Toronto4Palestine said that Mount Sinai “just happens to be along our regular rally route.” How were they supposed to know it’s the one hospital in that area with strong ties to the Jewish community?   It’s not hard to see through their thinly veiled excuses, but that hasn’t stopped their fellow travellers from putting on blinders and coming to their defence — including Elghawaby, Canada’s “special representative on combating Islamophobia.” Taking to the social media platform formerly known as Twitter on Tuesday, Elghawaby noted that blocking the entrance to a public hospital was “troubling,” but also criticized “the rush to label protesters as antisemitic and/or terrorist sympathizers.”   Never mind that they deliberately targeted an institution with Jewish roots. Never mind that signs could clearly be seen portraying terrorists as freedom fighters. And never mind that they were loudly chanting , “Long live the intefadeh,” a reference to the two Palestinian uprisings, in which hundreds of Israeli civilians were killed in suicide bombings and other terrorist attacks, many of which were committed by Hamas, the perpetrator of the Oct. 7 massacre.  You’d think that someone whose job is to combat hatred would be the first to denounce a hate-filled rally such as this, even if it was antisemitism being espoused, rather than Islamophobia. But according to Elghawaby, such displays should only be condemned “if police determine any action was motivated by hate.” (Which is a little hard to do since we can’t read minds, and highlights the folly of creating a separate class of crimes that are dependant on the thought processes of the perpetrators.)   What Elghawaby claims the “demonstrators were actually protesting” was the “indiscriminate killing of any and all innocent men, women and children.” Which is an interesting way to phrase it. Yes, the number of Palestinians who have been killed in Gaza is far too high. But no, Israel is not indiscriminately killing innocent civilians. It is deliberately targeting Hamas terrorists, who are putting innocents at risk by embedding themselves in civilian areas and using civilian infrastructure for military purposes.  According to our Islamophobia czar, “Anyone who condemns one but not the other” — i.e., condemns antisemitic protests here at home but not Israel’s actions overseas — “is demonstrating to all of us how Islamophobia and anti-Palestinian racism operate to devalue the lives of those deemed less than human and unworthy of protections, including those afforded by international humanitarian law.”  The implication is that Israel is violating international law (which no one has been able to prove, because it’s not), and that anyone who supports the Jewish state in its war against Hamas — the terrorist group that indiscriminately slaughtered civilians and weaponized sexual violence on a mass scale on Oct. 7 and is still holding around 100 hostages who are being subjected to torture and rape — is somehow guilty of being a racist...   Part of Elghawaby’s mandate is to promote “public awareness and understanding about Muslim communities in Canada by reframing narratives.” It would seem as though she’s taken that directive to heart, reframing hate rallies as peaceful demonstrations and advocates of violence as victims of oppression.  It wasn’t until the end of her lengthy Twitter rant that the special representative actually discussed hate crimes perpetrated against Muslim-Canadians. Citing instances of anti-Muslim graffiti and a woman who was assaulted, Elghawaby suggested that the focus on antisemitism is evidence of a doubled standard, and asks, “Where are the condemnations of these acts?”   It’s not true that Islamophobic acts aren’t being condemned — Prime Minister Justin Trudeau seems wholly incapable of denouncing acts of anti-Jewish hate without mentioning those targeting Muslims. Accusations of a “double standard” are also disingenuous since far more hate is being directed toward Jews. But Elghawaby is right that hatred perpetrated against Muslims should be condemned in equally strong terms. So let me do so now:  Hate-filled messages, acts of vandalism and physical violence perpetrated against Muslim-Canadians is abhorrent and completely unacceptable. What is happening in Israel and Gaza is troubling to both Jews and Muslims. Rather than importing hatreds from overseas, we must find ways to support our fellow Canadians and live together in peace.  It wouldn’t have been hard for Elghawaby to issue a statement like that, but she has never been much of a bridge-builder. Days after her appointment to the newly created position in January 2023, Elghawaby came under fire in Quebec for having said that “a majority of Quebecers” were motivated by “anti-Muslim sentiment.”  When Trudeau appointed her, he said she would help fight “hatred in all its forms” and build “a country where everyone feels safe and respected.” Instead, she is excusing the actions of those who are espousing hatred and making Jews feel unsafe.  Perhaps her title should be changed to “special representative on promoting balkanization.” Or better yet, maybe we should get rid of a political position that was only ever intended to help Trudeau court a specific subset of voters."
If combating "Islamophobia" means being anti-Semitic...

Trudeau's failure of moral leadership on violence against Jews - "Trudeau seems unable to help himself. He continued: “We have to remember who we are. I know emotions are running high — that people are fearful, they’re in mourning. But to attack one another as Canadians, it’s not what we do.”  Is he suggesting that being “in mourning” is a possible justification for what happened?... And this was not the first time Trudeau has watered down his comments about violence against Canadian Jews. It wasn’t even the first time he did it this week... Trudeau can’t just denounce antisemitism on its own. In his very next breath, he condemned the “rise of Islamophobia we’re seeing across this country.”... We have not seen any protests taking place outside of mosques or Palestinian-owned shawarma restaurants. That would be unthinkable to most Canadian Jews. Normally, I would refrain from reading too much into a politician’s off-the-cuff comments. Indeed, I gave Trudeau the benefit of the doubt when he said that the Al-Ahli hospital bombing was “absolutely unacceptable” immediately after it occurred.  Because bombing a hospital is unacceptable and I get that might be the first thing that pops into your head when a reporter sticks a microphone in your face on your way to work and asks what you think of a hospital bombing.  But it quickly became clear that senior government ministers were intent on blaming the Jewish state. They didn’t call Israel out by name, but it was clear enough from their frequent references to “international humanitarian law,” which Hamas obviously has no intention of abiding by. And even after it was definitively proven that Israel was not at fault, Trudeau stayed quiet. For most of the past month, Trudeau has seemed unable to discuss the Oct. 7 attack without suggesting that Israel’s campaign in Gaza is somehow equivalent... For a leader who has spent much of his tenure denouncing racism and obsessed with identity politics, it may seem somewhat paradoxical that Trudeau is unable to take a clear stand now. Until you realize that Israel’s enemies hold much more sway at the ballot box"
"All Lives Matter" is good when you're aiming up the progressive stack

Post-October 7, 2023 Protests in the West : u/Computer_Name - "Support of Hamas
Support of Ansar Allah
Support of Hezbollah
Glorification/Incitement to Violence
Antisemitic Signage and Speech"
Clearly, this is all just "pro-Palestinian" speech and if you censor or even criticise it, you're a monster who is against human rights like freedom of speech and you're complicit in "genocide"

All these Anti Israel Protests : SingaporeRaw - "All these recent Israel-Hamas protests at Istana, spamming of Airshow's IG. SPF is watching liao and all may kena investigated.... Imo i think not worth to spend one night in cantonment lock-up cos of some protests. pls exercise prudence and use your big head to think before you join one of these protests."
"Y no protests for ongoing Myanmar junta atrocities n suppression of Rohingyas? They’re much closer to here n many Myanmar here. Im curious"

All these Anti Israel Protests : SingaporeRaw - "Israhell"
"Doesn't take long for the "pro human rights" crowd to reveal their hatred of Israel and how they fantasize about it to being destroyed."
"Human rights" is basically an excuse to push the left wing agenda

NYU is split: A campus divided over Israel's war in Gaza - "Parker found herself marching in a protest where she saw friends on both sides of the conflict yelling and screaming at each other. For Parker, the middle ground has been lost. “I am not radically pro-Palestine enough because I think that Israel should exist, and I am not radically Zionist enough because I think that Gaza and its people shouldn’t be obliterated,” she said. At the same protest, a non-NYU associated anti-Israel protester held up a sign depicting the Star of David in a trash can which went viral in NYU social media circles. Parker said that anti-Jewish sentiment, along with the spread of extremist ideology and chants, have been common at these protests... In some cases, Jewish students said they didn’t feel safe on campus. “Students were told to leave through back entrances and exits from buildings and to avoid certain parts of campus on certain days,” Aiello said... The NYU Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), a significant pro-Palestinian group on campus, has been highly engaged in hosting seminars, protests, and sit-ins. Their key demand revolves around advocating for a complete severance of ties between NYU-New York and NYU Tel Aviv. This stance extends to supporting suspended students, such as Hafiza Khalique, notably involved in removing Israeli hostage posters on campus... They say that Palestinians whose families have been expelled from Israel in 1948 or 1967 would not be able to obtain Israeli visas to study in Tel Aviv. That would violate the university’s Code of Ethical Conduct. NYU Tel Aviv Director Benjamin Hary said that these claims are false. “NYU Tel Aviv has not had one visa refusal in its 13 years of existence,” he said, and that includes students that were Palestinian and had Lebanese and Syrian passports."
It's no surprise that terrorism supporters support Israeli hostages being taken and lie about the visa situation
Left wingers mock those who oppose and protest against the left wing agenda for not focusing on bread and butter issues like the cost of living (weird how those pushing the left wing agenda aren't criticised for that). But they are silent when it comes to protests supporting terrorists in other countries

Court of Injustice: How Israel gets victim blamed at the ICJ - "Why is South Africa leading the charge against Israel? Politics, of course. In 1994, in South Africa’s first post-apartheid election, the African National Congress (ANC) under Nelson Mandela was elected. It has ruled ever since, for almost 30 years, today holding 230 seats out of 400 in its parliament – and lately, ruled very badly. In South Africa, there are frequent power outages, shortages of water, over 40% unemployment, rampant crime, and widespread corruption. South Africa ranks 72nd in the world in Transparency International’s “freedom from corruption” index. A parliamentary report stated that President Cyril Ramaphosa “illegally hid a large sum of money in undeclared foreign currency at his farm in 2020” (a sofa stuffed with cash). South Africa’s 60 million people are poor, with per capita GDP of $7,000, down sharply from $9,000 in 2010, despite its rich natural resources. National elections will be held this year. The ANC is in trouble. Polls show the ANC getting below 50%. What to do? Divert attention from the mess ANC created, with some ICJ theater. Why does South Africa trumpet the case for Hamas? Nelson Mandela supported the Palestinian cause. But he also evenhandedly supported Israel’s right to exist. South African Blacks have embraced the narrative that Israel imposes apartheid on Palestinians. It goes back over 60 years, when the architect of South African apartheid, prime minister Hendrik Verwoerd, attacked Israel’s vote against apartheid in the UN... South Africa has lined up solidly with the Russia-China-Iran axis, which actively supports Hamas. And Russia has, in turn, invested heavily in South Africa... the ICJ judges are each sent by their country and, as such, are expected to reflect the policies and values of their respective nations. Based on politics, expect Somalia, China, Morocco, Russia, and Lebanon to vote for South Africa. Four of these five are blatant genocide perpetrators. Russia forcibly transferred Ukrainian children to Russia, hundreds of them. Lebanon hosts Hezbollah, declaredly out to destroy Israel. China is systematically persecuting the Muslim Uighurs. And Somalia hosts the murderous Al-Shabab, an affiliate of al-Qaeda, perpetrators of 9/11. Russia wins the gold medal for chutzpah. In September, Russia alleged at the ICJ, where its representative is deputy president, that Ukraine “engaged in genocide in Eastern Ukraine” to justify its murderous attack... South Africa’s 84-page indictment included quotes from far-Right Israeli Knesset members. Shaw asserted that “choosing random quotes not in conformity with government policy is misleading” and does not reflect the war cabinet’s decisions and actions. Shaw and Noam both stressed that Israel has a robust legal system, able to investigate on its own whether individual crimes were committed and the laws of war violated... Staker asked what would have happened had the Allies been accused of genocide committed in World War II? (On February 13-15 of 1945, hundreds of US and British bombers fire-bombed the city of Dresden, 100 miles south of Berlin, killing 25,000. The US military estimated that in Japan, 70,000 people were killed in Hiroshima, and 40,000 in Nagasaki after atom bombs were dropped on them on August 6 and 9, 1945; those numbers are underestimates.) Every day, Israel provides and facilitates food, water, fuel, electricity, and other necessities to the Gaza population. I wonder, in which war in history did the nation that was attacked and massacred face demands to feed the people that assaulted it while it defended itself? Name one... In 17 years, the UNHRC has condemned Israel 103 times – and zero for China, Saudi Arabia or Venezuela. In 2022, the UN General Assembly passed 15 resolutions condemning Israel, but not a single one on human rights violations in Venezuela, China, Saudi Arabia, Cuba, Turkey, Egypt, Zimbabwe, Pakistan, Qatar, Vietnam or Algeria. Iran? Once... Why is this a blatant case of blaming the victim? US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said that the South African charge that Israeli committed genocide “is particularly galling, given that those attacking Israel – Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis – as well as their supporter Iran, continue to openly call for the annihilation of Israel and the mass murder of Jews.”"

Meme - Kirk Lubimov @KirkLubimov: "Toronto Police's media relationship officer has deleted her post and her account after being ratioed into oblivion trying to rationalize Toronto Police officers delivering coffee and food to Hamas sympathizers who been blocking roads illegally for weeks and intimidating the Jewish community there. "Performing a helpful act"."
Laura Brabant: "Our officers are managing a dynamic situation. In performing a helpful act today, our officer's motivation was to help keep lensions low and should not be interpreted as showing support for any cause or group. Our officers continue to work to de-escalate these demonstrations"

Toronto's overpass of antisemitic depravity - "Liberal MP Marco Mendicino tweeted that such actions “will just embolden more deliberate obstruction of traffic.… Laws exist to prevent this. They need to be enforced!”  Which is a little rich coming from a man who, as public safety minister, oversaw the first-ever invocation of the Emergencies Act to crack down on the Freedom Convoy protests in Ottawa — demonstrations that also could have been contained by … enforcing existing traffic laws. Perhaps we should give Mendicino the benefit of the doubt and assume he learned a lesson from the Liberals’ heavy-handed approach to that situation — a decision that continues to haunt them politically.  More likely is that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is inclined to pussyfoot around demonstrations by politically favoured groups — such as the Indigenous-led protests in early 2020 that shut down many of the country’s railways and today’s pro-Palestinian rallies — and crack down hard on those that vehemently oppose his government.  As disruptive as the anti-Israel demonstrations across the country have been, they have not reached the level of the Freedom Convoy, which blocked border crossings and brought downtown Ottawa to a standstill for weeks.  Yet for all of Trudeau’s remarks about the convoy being a “fringe minority” with “unacceptable views,” and its use of “Nazi symbolism” and “racist imagery,” the pro-Palestinian protests, which have now morphed into anti-Jewish demonstrations, have been far more vile.  A video circulating on social media shows an Avenue Road demonstrator telling someone, identified by a fellow protester as a “Zionist” (i.e., Jewish), to “go back to Poland, go back to Russia, go back to Ukraine.” Another features a Palestinian activist telling pro-Israel counter-protesters to, “Go back to your f–king countries where you came from.” A sign was also seen on the Avenue Road overpass equating Zionism to Nazism — a ridiculous comparison given that the Jews were the victims of the Nazi genocide and Hamas’s Oct. 7 massacre, and are now being targeted by protesters who have set up camp in one of the city’s largest Jewish neighbourhoods.  This is the most reprehensible aspect of this demonstration. The site is about 10 kilometres away from the provincial legislature and almost equally as far from the Israeli consulate. But it right in the heart of one of Canada’s largest Jewish communities, within walking distance of numerous synagogues, kosher restaurants, Jewish community centres and other institutions.  No one should be under any illusions: this is a demonstration, not against the actions of a foreign government, but against the Canadian Jewish community. And it is part of a broader pattern that has seen patrons of Jewish-owned businesses harassed and intimidated, shots fired at two Montreal Jewish schools, the firebombing of two Montreal-area community institutions, including a synagogue, and, most recently, the vandalization and arson of International Delicatessen Foods, a Jewish-owned grocery store in north Toronto... If Marco Mendicino is really interested in dealing with this situation in any sort of coherent manner, his government would be well advised to do what it should have done after the railway blockades of 2020 and start working with municipal and provincial governments and law enforcement agencies to come up with a standard set of protocols for dealing with protesters intent on blocking transportation infrastructure that doesn’t impede on the Charter rights of Canadians."

Suddenly Toronto resembles Germany in 1938 - "I was contacted recently by the parent of young, Jewish children who have been bullied in school by Muslim kids. These children have told their Jewish peers that they will do to them what Hamas did to Jews in Israel. The school and police recommended a chat with the bullies’ parents.  Right.  “Don’t look me in the eye,” said another young Muslim schoolchild to a Jewish student. “You are not a Muslim. You must look down at the ground when speaking with me.”  These are school age children... When we see tens of thousands of people “protest” publicly and call for the annihilation of the State of Israel and the killing of Jews; when we see Jewish-owned businesses targeted, threatened and vandalized, and there are no consequences, well, this permissiveness empowers the antisemites. Their hatred of Jews is validated. There is no social, political or legal censure.  There are, in fact, legal limits to free expression and many of these “protesters” have breached them. But no one seems to care. Same with threatening Jewish business owners and patrons and vandalizing said establishments. Still. Silence... Around Toronto in recent days I have seen more than a few scrawled warnings about Kristallnacht coming. Here. Similar comments are all over social media."

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