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Thursday, February 01, 2024

Links - 1st February 2024 (1 - Abortion)

Jennifer Leigh on X - "Every woman I know who’s had an abortion went on the marry and have 2 or more kids. The handful of women I know who went through with unplanned pregnancies are single mothers with just one child.   Uncomfortable truth is that abortion in many cases permits a woman to have a larger family at a later time whereas keeping an unplanned pregnancy can have the opposite effect by radically altering the woman’s timeline and opportunities in terms of education and marriage. Not least because, as rw men love to point out, single mothers often have fewer marriage prospects (at least while their kids are young).   I’m not saying this is a reason to have or not have an abortion, just pointing out that in many cases having an abortion leads to the kinds of families conservatives claim to want most for society.   I also fully acknowledge that this phenomenon may be unique to young middle class white women, as that is very much the group I’ve based this observation on."

Abortion Doctor: Planned Parenthood Abortion Methods Induce 'Live Birth' - "Longtime abortion doctor Forrest Smith testified Wednesday that some of the abortion procedures recommended by Planned Parenthood in 2015 videos released by a pro-life group would have resulted in "live birth."  Smith suggested to a San Francisco court the videos confirm that Planned Parenthood recommends abortion methods that would allow for harvesting fetal tissue and organs for sale to medical researchers. Smith's testimony agreed with accusations made by Center for Medical Progress founder David Daleiden and member Sandra Merritt.   After reviewing a presentation given by gynecologist Alisa Goldberg at a 2014 Planned Parenthood conference, Smith said the abortion methods Goldberg described would force a woman into "tumultuous labor." The process would end in "fetal expulsion," in which "the fetus comes out without any assistance from the abortion doctor, no instrumentation."  "Very few people in abortion, outside of Planned Parenthood, do that," Smith said. "There's no question in my mind that at least some of these fetuses were live births.""
Abortionist Testifies at Fetal Parts Hearing: 'Some of These Fetuses were Live Births’ - "California obstetrician-gynecologist Dr. Forrest Smith told the court that the abortion executives in the footage likely illegally altered abortion procedures, causing babies to be born alive and putting the mothers in danger of complications in their quest for more intact fetal body parts...   Smith claims to be “the longest practicing abortion doctor in the United States today” and says he has performed 50,000 abortions."
U.S. judge blocks reportedly “damning footage” of officials at National Abortion Federation conferences discussing the sale of aborted baby parts

BREAKING: California Pro-Choice Abortion Provider, Dr. Forrest Smith, Opposes Proposition 1 “Monstrosity” for “Killing Viable, Healthy Babies” In New Ad - "Dr. Forrest O. Smith, a pro-choice OB/GYN and the longest-continuously practicing abortion provider in America, urges Californians to vote No on Proposition 1 in a new ad series by The Center for Medical Progress. Proposition 1 will overrule existing California abortion laws to expand late-term abortions on healthy, viable babies through a full 9 months of pregnancy."
It passed, anyway. We are still told that there is no left wing in the US and that even the Democrats are on the right

Five-Year Suicidal Ideation Trajectories Among Women Receiving or Being Denied an Abortion - "Levels of suicidal ideation were similarly low between women who had abortions and women who were denied abortions. Policies requiring that women be warned that they are at increased risk of becoming suicidal if they choose abortion are not evidence based."

Contraception linked to massive rise in abortion rate - "Abortion advocates often promote contraception by claiming that as contraception use increases, the number of “unwanted” pregnancies and therefore abortions will decrease. But a new study out of Spain has found the exact opposite, suggesting that contraception actually increases abortion rates.  The authors, who published their findings in the January 2011 issue of the journal Contraception, conducted surveys of about 2,000 Spanish women aged 15 to 49 every two years from 1997 to 2007.  They found that over this period the number of women using contraceptives increased from 49.1% to 79.9%.  Yet they noted that in the same time frame the country’s abortion rate more than doubled from 5.52 per 1,000 women to 11.49. The researchers, who had aimed to gather information about contraceptive use in order to reduce the number of abortions, were clearly puzzled by the results...   Dr. Dianne Irving, a bioethicist at Georgetown University and a former bench biochemist with the U.S.‘s National Institutes of Health, said the need for more study is “non-existent” because “years of scientific studies around the world” have established the link between contraception and abortion.  Pro-lifers have long argued that contraception results in greater sexual activity and, because contraception fails so consistently, in more “unwanted” pregnancies.  This in turn leads to more abortions...   Dr. Irving pointed out that many of the “contraceptives” cited by the authors also act as abortifacients.  If the contraceptive action of the pill or the IUD fails, the drug or device then acts by “killing the early developing embryo during its first week of life while he/she is still in the woman’s fallopian tube,” she said.  The abortions that result from these abortifacient contraceptives are not counted in the authors’ abortion statistics, she noted, meaning the increase of abortions would be even higher than the study reports."

Project Veritas on X - "🚨BREAKING PART ONE🚨 MOM CAN’T KNOW: Planned Parenthood (@PPFA) Transports Minors Across State Lines for Secret Abortions “We never tell the parents anything.” - Managing Director, Kansas City, Missouri RT & SHARE #SecretAbortions"

Meme - Way of the World @wayotworld: "Roxanne Green just burned down Wyoming's first abortion clinic just weeks before it was due to open. Her eyes say: "Do what you must. I have already won.""
"Don't worry, it was weeks before it was due to open. It was just a clump of building materials."

Why do women decide to get third-trimester abortions? - "The reasons people need third-trimester abortions are not so different from why people need abortions before the third trimester: 1) they received new information—including that they were pregnant—that made the pregnancy not (or no longer) one they wanted to continue; 2) they tried to obtain an abortion before the third trimester but faced insurmountable barriers (including policy restrictions and stigma) that delayed them into the third trimester."
Who Seeks Abortions at or After 20 Weeks? - "Most women seeking later abortion fit at least one of five profiles: They were raising children alone, were depressed or using illicit substances, were in conflict with a male partner or experiencing domestic violence, had trouble deciding and then had access problems, or were young and nulliparous."
The Reality of Late-Term Abortion Procedures - "The answers from both groups suggest that women share similar reasons for delaying abortion regardless of the gestational age at which they have the procedure"
Liberals keep pretending that late term abortion is only performed due to extreme fetal abnormalities

Late-Term Abortion and Medical Necessity: A Failure of Science - "Roe V. Wade (1973) placed the concept of medical necessity at the center of the public discourse on abortion. Nearly a half century later, 2 laws dealing with late-term abortion, 1 passed in New York and 1 set aside in Virginia, are an indication that the medical necessity argument regarding abortion has been rendered irrelevant. More importantly for this discussion, these laws are an indication of the failure of the US scientific and medical communities to inform this consequential topic with transparency, logical coherence, and evidence-based objectivity."

Wisconsin man admits to firebombing anti-abortion group's office - "A Wisconsin man pleaded guilty on Friday to firebombing a conservative anti-abortion group's office in May 2022, just days after a leaked draft of the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling overturning the nationwide right to abortion became public.  Hridindu Sankar Roychowdhury, 29, faces a mandatory minimum of five years in prison and up to 20 years behind bars after pleading guilty in federal court in Madison to maliciously attempting to damage Wisconsin Family Action's office... The fire occurred in the early morning on May 8. Prosecutors said that components of a Molotov cocktail were recovered. Outside the building, someone had spray painted "if abortions aren't safe then you aren't either.""
Clearly, we must continue to obsess about anti-abortion protesters attacking abortion clinics

Meme - Harry Sisson @harryjsisson: "Wow. A teenager in Nebraska was just sentenced to 90 days in jail for using the abortion pill. This is the America Republicans want. Republicans will not let women control their own bodies. According to them, teenagers are old enough to be mothers. It's horrifying."
Readers added context: "The teen was not sentenced for having a chemically induced abortion during her third trimester, but for burning burying and concealing a dead body."

Meme - "[American] Women: if you don't want to be a father you'd better make sure you use birth control bc you don't get any choices after that
Also [American] women: WHAT YOU MEAN I DON'T GET A CHOICE?!?!?! That's not fair! Bodily autonomy and stuff! Nobody should be forced into parenthood!!!
Side hill: 99.9% of [American] women don't advocate for abortions bc of health risks- they do so to have a get out of jail free card when it's convenient"

Meme - Lea, Under Heaven of Prussian...: "The criminalisation of Infanticide is a barbarity against women. You won't hear prison abolitionists talking about it though"
Anything that disadvantages women is structural genocide

The Dishonesty of the Abortion Debate - The Atlantic - "The argument for abortion, if made honestly, requires many words: It must evoke the recent past, the dire consequences to women of making a very simple medical procedure illegal. The argument against it doesn’t take even a single word. The argument against it is a picture... When women are urged to “shout your abortion,” and when abortion becomes the subject of stand-up comedy routines, the attitude toward abortion seems ghoulish. Who could possibly be proud that they see no humanity at all in the images that science has made so painfully clear?... The truth is that the best argument on each side is a damn good one, and until you acknowledge that fact, you aren’t speaking or even thinking honestly about the issue. You certainly aren’t going to convince anybody. Only the truth has the power to move."

The Sanguine Sex - The Atlantic - "Today, no young woman can be thrown out of college, or fired from her job, or cast out of “society” for becoming pregnant. Nor is adoption the horror that it was a generation ago: No birth mother needs to feel that her child is lost in the woods; she can decide to pursue an open adoption, she can change her mind about relinquishment, days—and in some states, months—after giving up the baby. Furthermore, even illegal abortion would look very different today than it did four decades ago. However bad the toll on women’s health would be (and it would be very bad), it would be nothing like the carnage of the past. The age of ignorance is gone, and abortion is a simple procedure. In these days of home pregnancy tests and pharmaceutically induced abortion—and, above all, of sophisticated antibiotics—the mortality rate would be far lower... women have always bound other emotions with their eroticism. To hear these women talk about sleeping with men for reasons that have nothing to do with sexual impulses is to understand something essential about women, and about why they have been so easily exploited by men for sex. “Nobody ever took into consideration feelings,” writes Polly Bergen about the harsh lectures she was given about sex when she was a girl:
They never took into consideration wanting to be held or wanting to be loved or wanting to be cared for or wanting to not feel alone or frightened … putting out seems like such a small price to pay for not being lonely.
A woman who was made pregnant—as a 17-year-old girl by a 31-year-old man— reports, “It wasn’t like I liked sex or didn’t like sex; I just wanted to be with him.”  Women will always have emotional needs that they can fill through sex, and men will always use those needs to their advantage."
Once again, affirmative consent is nonsense

Meme - Derek @pixelprotectors: "I also never said that hahaha you're enjoying making things up you think I believe? It's entertaining at least. A human embryo is a human being in their embryonic stage of development. The human offspring of a mother and father. Therefore relationally their CHILD. Deal with it."
LINDZEE @WVUMAMA2: "I sincerely hope your wife, daughter, mother, sister is raped. I also hope you never have to watch a newborn suffer and die for hours. I hope your "holier than thou" attitude isn't passed on to your offspring."

Meme - "Catholic Church: no meat on Fridays"
"Ok so no eggs for breakfast"
"No, eggs are ok"
"But eggs are chicken"
"Not unless they are fertilized"
"So the thing, isn't the thing until fertilization?"
"That's correct... It's biology!!!"
This is an edit of a silly pro-choice meme. Not to mention how chickens don't have souls

Juicy Tolkien memes: "Comparing human beings to food? You're certainly proving something here, but not what you intended."
Ironically, feminists always complain that women are being compared to objects and it reveals the misogyny of anti-feminists

Townhall.com on Twitter - "John Kirby goes on a minutes-long tirade trying to explain why abortion is necessary for military readiness."
Nate Schlomann on Twitter - ""If women are going to be soldiers who fight our battles, we have to be able to kill the babies in their wombs" is one of the best natural law arguments I've ever heard against women being soldiers and fighting our battles."

The Supreme Court Changed My Sex Life Forever - YouTube - "I find myself in this really bizarre state where I'm asking guys about things like their values and trustworthiness before sleeping with them"
"Before a girl will have sex with me now she's asking me all these dumb questions like do you love me and what happens if I get pregnant and do you have a job. I don't know"
"Abortion being illegal where I live has definitely raised the bar for which men I'll date and have sex with and that's a terrible thing"
"It used to be that if I got a girl pregnant I would just force her to get an abortion and I can't do that anymore and that's awful"...
"If you haven't done it already you need to get an IUD this will make your uterus a toxic and hostile environment like it's supposed to be"...
"It's like the government is making me responsible for a bunch of stuff I shouldn't be responsible for, like my sex life and my children"...
"I live in constant fear of a baby somehow finding its way into my uterus"...
Pregnant woman: "Amy Coney Barrett personally did this to me"
Too bad women can't choose whether to get pregnant. Of course men still have no reproductive rights

Is the United States one of seven countries that ‘allow elective abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy?’ - The Washington Post
In only 4 countries in the world (including the US) can you get an abortion for any reason at 40 weeks

Pro-life students are being hounded off campus - "Nearly 10,000 people have signed a petition ‘oppos[ing] the existence’ of Exeter University’s Students for Life society. The petition claims that the pro-life society ‘threatens the safety and wellbeing of women’. Over 2,000 people have signed a separate open letter calling for it to lose its students’ union funding. Meanwhile, members of the society have been sent abuse and death threats on social media, which they have reported to the police.  At Bristol University, over 3,000 people have put their names to a letter attacking the Bristol Pro-Life Feminist Society. The letter calls for the removal of the word ‘feminist’ from the society’s name and for its events to be monitored for ‘hate speech’. Apparently, these students feel that the society’s very existence is ‘triggering and traumatic for many individuals’.  All of the petitions and letters against these pro-life societies cite women’s wellbeing as their primary concern. Hearing anti-abortion views, they say, is a danger to female students. But policing pro-life speech will do nothing for women’s wellbeing – and not just because it will marginalise pro-life women. If pro-choice students at Exeter and Bristol are really so fragile that they can be ‘traumatised’ by pro-life views, they will be in for a shock when they leave university and enter the real world.   This is not about the rights or wrongs of abortion (spiked is 100 per cent pro-choice). It is about free speech. Students who hold unfashionable views have as much of a right to speak their minds as anyone else.  The hypocrisy of Exeter and Bristol’s censorious students is striking. They claim to be ‘pro-choice’. They claim to support individual autonomy and a woman’s right to make her own decisions. But they clearly don’t believe in the right of all students to choose who they want to listen to and engage with. University is meant to be a place where you can explore new ideas by confronting rival perspectives"
These are the people who bitch about "white fragility", when the only fragility is their own

The Amazing Atheist: Let's lower the age of consent to conception. I wanna see someone fuck a fetus. That could be the latest abortion technique."

Meme - Zach W. Lambert @ZachWLambert: "To every Christian proudly claiming not to know anyone in their church who is anxious or afraid about Roe being overturned, I have news for you... You actually do. In fact, you probably know a lot of them. They just don't tell you because they know you're not a safe person."
Liberals make these claims then with a straight face claim they've never met people who disagree with them, since all "decent people" share their opinions
This is a good insight into what liberals mean by "safety": ideological conformity

Catholic anti-abortion activist arrested at home by SWAT team in front of children, wife says - "A Catholic anti-abortion activist was arrested during a raid of his house by a SWAT team with rifles drawn in full view of his family, including his children, his wife said.  Mark Houck, a well-known 48-year-old Catholic anti-abortion activist who partakes in sidewalk counseling around abortion clinics, was arrested for alleged violations of the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act... the Catholic activist pushed a pro-abortion activist away from his son after the man made repeated obscene statements to the 12-year-old, according to Houck's wife, Ryan-Marie."

Meme - "When she doesn't have kids but wants window stickers *woman with open legs and coat hangers*"
Liberals still pretend that no one is pro-abortion

AfD – MV state parliamentary group: +++ University of Greifswald disturbs with grotesque abortion advertising +++ | Alternative for Germany Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (Translated) - "A large poster was recently put up in the university and Hanseatic city of Greifswald, which speaks out on the topic of abortion in the name of the “artist” Sophia Schütze and university institutes with the following message: “my bloodline ends with me”. It shows a woman stabbing a uterus with a scalpel. The higher education policy spokesman for the AfD faction and proud alumni of the former Ernst Moritz Arndt University of Greifswald, Paul Timm, takes a position on this:  “I am more than outraged by this 'art campaign', sponsored by the Caspar David Friedrich Institute and carried out as part of two university 'Public Art' project seminars. The task was to address the question of impact and meaning of art in public spaces. The viewer can obviously decide for themselves whether this was successful.  The issue of abortion is certainly a hotly debated topic. However, approaching this with a violent, artistic practice like this one , in which this delicate medical procedure is flatly politicized, is, in my opinion, an appeal to young students and their own body image that is extremely difficult to tolerate. The whole action pushes the limits of what one can tolerate in public.  German universities are places of academic education and not one of politically tendentious platitudes. Education and medical education take place in the seminar room with lecturers and professors. I highly doubt that this poster does justice to the university as a place of higher education. The suspicion arises that university resources were misused for political expression.”"
"meine blutlinie endet mit mir"

Viral "Abortion Cake" On TikTok Reveals How Far Our Society Has Fallen From "Safe, Legal, And Rare" - "TikToker @kelliamirah posted a video of herself buying an "abortion cake" for her friend after she chose to abort her unborn baby. It went so viral that it was later shared on Twitter and it received thousands of retweets and shares. Her video is further proof that we are a long way away from the "safe, legal, and rare" days. Entitled, "Let's get an abortion cake for my friend," @kelliamirah's video compilation showed her going shopping to create a brightly colored sheet cake for her friend. She is seen shopping at Cake Art for some edible image printing, and the image is the picture of a black mother tossing her infant into a basketball hoop that represents a trash can. The woman is smiling in glee as her arms are extended. The custom cake from Publix that @kelliamirah bought had a personalized message written out in icing: "Congrats! It's A Borted!" It's surrounded by pink icing on the edge, the background is blue, and the message is written out in yellow... Many people who oppose abortion being legal and made so accessible to women pointed out that the left has insisted for a long time that abortion is a medical decision that women don't take lightly. They have always claimed it's not being celebrated. And yet we have women on TikTok who are publicly and enthusiastically throwing parties to praise a friend who has just ended the life of her own child. It's a wonderful reminder of how far the political spectrum has shifted. Not long ago, liberals described abortion as a procedure that was "safe, legal, and rare". Now we have women online making celebratory cakes of women throwing their infant in the garbage... The tremendous political shift we've seen over the last decade is why so many voters feel politically homeless. Many classically liberal individuals feel like they don't even recognize politicians and activists on the left and the values they speak of. That's because what used to be liberal 10-20 years ago would either be considered moderate or maybe even conservative today."

Meme - I've had 21 abortions!"
Abby Johnson on Twitter - "Before you say, “Oh, she’s just joking.” I doubt it. We had women who had 16 or more abortions come into our clinics. It’s not unheard of. But yeah, no one is “pro abortion.” 👍🏻 Pray for women who wear their regret like this for the world to see. It’s really sad."

Meme - George Conway @gt...: "Decades from now people will be asking each other, "Where were you when Cassidy Hutchinson testified?""
Danielle Miller @Danielle0903: "I wrote it in the "current events" section in my sons baby book (he's 6 months old). Did the same with Roe (there are tear drops on the page with roe tho)"

Meme - "Condoms aren't 100% effective so why even bother using them? *Pro choice t-shirt, with 9 needles and a face mask*"
"Bro do you even see yourself right now?"

I Asked Thousands of Biologists When Life Begins. The Answer Wasn't Popular - "both a majority of pro-choice Americans (53%) and a majority of pro-life Americans (54%) would support a comprehensive policy compromise that provides entitlements to pregnant women, improves the adoption process for parents, permits abortion in extreme circumstances, and restricts elective abortion after the first trimester. However, members of the media were mostly interested in my finding that 96% of the 5,577 biologists who responded to me affirmed the view that a human life begins at fertilization. It was the reporting of this view—that human zygotes, embryos, and fetuses are biological humans—that created such a strong backlash... Philosophers such as Peter Singer and Judith Jarvis Thomson have outlined abortion defenses that recognize a fetus’ humanity, while also rejecting the argument that fetuses have rights, or arguing that a pregnant person’s right to abort supersedes a fetus’ right to life. Unfortunately, that did not stop some academics from being angered by the very idea of being asked about the ontogenetic starting point of a human’s life... I proposed three possible motivations for these hostile reactions: Motivated Reasoning... Cultural Cognition...
Identity-Protective Cognition...
I understand the subject of my research might have political ramifications. But, as neuroscientist Maureen Condic has noted, “establishing by clear scientific evidence the moment at which a human life begins is not the end of the abortion debate. On the contrary, that is the point from which the debate begins.” Yet the reception to my research suggests that many are going to ignore my findings out of fear of political repercussions.  I have concluded that one of the biggest reasons the abortion debate can’t be bridged is mistrust. I think this is primarily due to the stakes being so high for both sides. One side sees abortion rights as critical to gender equality, while the other sees abortion as an epic human rights tragedy—as over a billion humans have died in abortions since the year 2000... a majority of both pro-choice and pro-life Americans supported a compromise that restricted access after the first trimester of pregnancy, as described at the outset of this essay. This combination of policies is quite similar to the law of the land in many of the most socially liberal countries of Europe, which tend to balance abortion rights with fetal rights."
The liberal academics got very upset at the research - because they knew/suspected that the results would undermine the liberal agenda

Biology Won’t Solve Your Problems with Abortion - "I’m fascinated by the ways in which people use biology to shore up their beliefs about a variety of topics from abortion to economic policy... it never seems to be based on any truly sophisticated or nuanced understanding of biology itself, and biologists can be as guilty of misusing biology as the less scientifically inclined... Every arbitrary time point or criteria held to unequivocally establish “human life” can be met with objections justified with reference to biological “facts.” And the more details a participant in this debate knows about biology, the longer he can keep the argument going."
This sidesteps the issue with liberals claiming that 40 week old fetuses aren't alive, or how a vast majority of biologists believe that human life begins at conception

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