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Saturday, February 03, 2024

Links - 3rd February 2024 (2 - Palestine/Middle East Peace)

Meme - "Palestine Jihad Facts
"Slaughter Jews whever you find them. Their spilled blood pleases Allah, our history and religion." - Amin al-Husseini, 1929
In post-war historiography Palestine Jihad founder and leader Amin al-Husseini, a strong Nazi ally who provided Muslim SS-soldiers to Hitler, was often seen as an architect of the Holocaust, emulating the Ottoman genocide of Armenian Christians in 1915"

Meme - *Iceberg*

Farfour the Mouse (Tomorrow's Pioneers) - Loathsome Characters Wiki - "Farfour (فرفور) is a costume-based character who was the first recurring co-host in the infamous Palestinian propaganda children's show Tomorrow's Pioneers. He was universally hated worldwide for several reasons... Farfour cheated on his final exam because "the Jews destroyed his home and he left his notebooks there", which teaches children to blame Jews for everything... In the season 1 finale “Farfour and The Jew”, there’s a scene where he is beaten to death by an actor portraying an Israeli government official, after he refused to give the latter the documents given to him by his grandfather and referring to the Israelis as “despicable terrorists”."

Meme - "There Has Never Been a State of Palestine Version 2.0
Abraham and his family, the Hebrew ancestors of the Jewish People, migrated from Mesopotamia into the land of Canaan, in approximately 2000 BCE. Next there was the Confederation of Twelve Tribes of Israel. Next there was the Kingdom of Israel. Next there was the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah. Next there was the Babylonian Empire. Next there was the Persian Empire. Next there was the Empire of Alexander the Great. Next there was the Hellenistic Seleucid Empire. Next there was the Jewish Hasmonean Dynasty. Next there was the Roman Empire. In 135 CE, to erase memory of the Jews, Romans renamed the land "Palestine" after an ancient enemy of the Jews - a people of Greek origin called the Philistines. Next there was the Byzantine Empire. Next there was the Sasanian or Neo Persian Empire. Next there was the Byzantine Empire, again. Next there was the Umayyad and Fatimid Empires. Next there was the Frankish and Christian Kingdom of Jerusalem. Next there was the Ayyubid Dynasty. Next there was the Mamluk Sultanate. Next there was the Ottoman Empire. Next there was the British Mandate for Palestine. Britain reused the name Palestine when given authority over the land in 1920, after WWI. Next there was the Rebirth of Israel. Jews went back home to join those already there, to rebuild their homeland and establish the modern State of Israel in 1948 CE. #PallywoodMitzvahMedia"

Visegrád 24 on X - "Palestine is the only country in the world that never existed before its occupation."

Meme - Wheat with shallow roots: "ARAB COLONIZERS"
Native grass with deep roots: "JEWS"

The insidious hatred that spawned the Holocaust and Hamas' pogrom - "nobody in the Allied nations openly rejoiced when images of Nazi death camps were made public, but some of Hamas’ “progressive” allies in the West jubilantly celebrate the terrorists’ evil deeds. Cornell University professor Russell Rickford, for example, told a pro-Palestine rally he found Hamas’ pogrom “exhilarating” and “energizing.” The loathing of Jews among the Palestinian people did not begin with Israel’s occupation of Gaza following the 1967 war.  In 1961, during Egypt’s Gaza-occupation tenure, Martha Gellhorn, an outstanding war correspondent, spent time touring Palestinian refugee camps in Jordan, Lebanon and Gaza, culminating in a 17,000-word article, “The Arabs of Palestine,” in The Atlantic... they were exposed “to the full and constant blast of Egyptian propaganda.… And having been so devastatingly beaten by Israel again, in 1956 … it only makes the orators more bloodthirsty.” The residents hated Jews and believed all manner of conspiracy theories about them. One kindly schoolteacher told Gellhorn he believed the partition plan (the UN’s 1947 offer of two states, one for Jews, one for Arabs) was a good idea. Astonished, Gellhorn reminded him that the Arabs had rejected the 1947 offer of a state, instead gambling on a winner-takes-all war to finish off the Jews, and lost. He conceded that was true. So she asked, “Now you say that you want to return to the past; you want partition.… If you had won the war, would you now accept partition? Would you … allow the 650,000 Jewish residents of Palestine — who had fled from the war — to come back?”  He unhesitatingly responded, “Certainly not. But there would have been no Jewish refugees. They had no place to go. They would all be dead or in the sea.”  From this exchange, Gellhorn said she realized she had “the missing clue” as to why, although she liked individual refugees she met, she could feel “no blanket empathy” for the Palestinians: it was the consistent absence of empathy in her subjects for anyone else’s suffering.  “It is hard to sorrow for those who only sorrow over themselves,” she writes. “It is difficult to pity the pitiless.” Not all Germans supported the Nazis, but enough Germans did to open the gates of hell. Similarly, not all Palestinians support Hamas, but enough Palestinians do to rattle them. (Indeed, a greater percentage of Palestinians support Hamas than Canadians who supported the Liberals in the last election.)"

Meme - "Muslims send 1.8 billion daily prayers to destroy Israel.
15 million Jews have 187 Science Nobels prizes.
Calculate who is making a difference for humanity."

Hussain Abdul-Hussain on X - "Rashid Khalidi is the most prominent Palestinian-American. He is friends with Barak Obama and teaches history at Columbia. I've read all his writings since I was in college. I used to subscribe to his position, until I grew up. I'd be happy to debate Khalidi one day, if he thinks an immortal like him should debate a mortal like me.  Until that happens, I watched his most recent interview (90 minutes), and this statement of his caught my eye: "[Jews] who came didn't come to live with the residents of the country [Ottoman provinces, then Mandate Palestine]. They didn't come to live with the Arabs. They didn't want to learn Arabic or take the citizenship."  I've always been a proud Arab. One day, during the peak of the Syrian revolution against the Assad tyranny, I was moderating a panel for Syrian opposition speakers. One of them, an Assyrian, said "Syria was designed for the Arabs only and never treated us as citizens with equal rights. The name of the country is the Syrian Arab Republic. The official language is Arabic. The national anthem says that Syria is the Den of Arabism, and from us came the Walid [Islamic conquest general Khalid Ibn Al-Walid] and the Rashid [Baghdad Islamic Caliph Haroun Al-Rashid]."  That was the first time that I noticed that Arabism was neither neutral nor secular. Arabism is cultural heritage. Islam is even a narrower identity than Arabism. Neither can serve as a national identity.    Assyrians are mostly Christians who speak Syriac, a Semitic language older than Arabic (it is believed that Syria is named after their civilization). To them, Arab Islamic conquests decimated their culture and homeland. The Arab and Muslim majority of Syrians wants Assyrians as citizens, but Arabized and preferably Islamized. This is is exactly what Khalidi wants Jews who moved from Europe to Palestine to have done: Learn Arabic, become Arab, not have your own national state with your own Jewish heritage.  Many years later (after moderating the panel with the Assyrian Syrian), I read some of the debate of the Jewish Enlightenment, Haskalah. Iraqi Jews debated whether they should learn the revived Hebrew or stick to their Arabic tongue. The argument for Hebrew and against Arabic won. Arabic-speaking Jews said that they disliked when their names were Arabized (Musa instead of Moshe for Moses). Jews also did not appreciate praying in one language and living their lives in another, arguing that their youth were not using Hebrew outside of religious service, and hence that threatened millennia of their written and oral heritage and tradition.  But here you have Khalidi, a prominent historian, blaming Jews -- without blinking -- for not Arabizing. And he's being generous here. When you add the Palestine emblem (Dome of the Rock) and Basic Law (Arab Palestinian people is part of the Arab nation, Islam is the official religion and a source of legislation), you will further understand why non-Arabs and non-Muslims -- including Jews, Christians, Druze, Kurds, Copts and others -- want their own states. Arab countries, including Palestine, were conceived as monolithic Arab and Islamic, and never tolerated the existence of other identities.   At the London Conference in 1939 (when Britain abandoned Jews in favor of Arabs), the Jews proposed to the Arabs a binational state, with each community practicing autonomy. The Arabs refused, and told Jews that they can live in Palestine as an Arabic-speaking religious minority, like Jews were living in Iraq.   And Khalidi talks for 90 minutes, about history and the inevitability of the end of Israel, but never notices why Israel MUST exist: As long as Khalidi and the Arabs and Muslims cannot offer multi-ethnic, multicultural, tolerant societies and countries based on liberty and equality, non-Arabs and non-Muslims have every right to demand their own sovereign nations. Israel MUST exist."

Israelis in Berlin fear losing a safe haven as anti-Semitic acts rise : theworldnews - "Anti Zionism is quite literally what Judaism asks of Jewish people. It’s also quite harmful to them because it pedestalises them and contributes to harmful stereotypes. No one deserves an ethno state, especially with the way Israel was born and is maintained. The only reason it exists is because white Christian nationalists hate Muslims more, not because they see Jews as human or sympathize with their struggle."
Israelis in Berlin fear losing a safe haven as anti-Semitic acts rise : theworldnews - "I love how you Judeophobes will take the skepticism about Zionism that exists within the Hasidic world and try to reduce Judaism down to it. Never mind that Hasidim is an almost exclusively Ashkenazi movement that accounts for less than 5% of world Jewry, that Hasidim sects are nom-Zionist, but only the Satmar and Neturei Karta are actively anti-Zionist. Just go ahead and accept that you hate 95% of Jews including almost all of the Sephardic and Mizrahi ones. You're all so transparent it's almost hilarious."
Israelis in Berlin fear losing a safe haven as anti-Semitic acts rise : theworldnews - "Dont tell them about the Druze, Bedioun, Arab and palestinian israelis lmao"

Meme - Fatima @fatimasal82: "Get in losers, we're going to #FreePalestine"
Ben Bankas @BenBankas: "She can't even free her hair"

Visegrád 24 on X - "BREAKING: The Islamic regime in Iran tonight killed one of Iraq’s richest men, Peshraw Dizayee, by firing 2 ballistic missiles from Iran at his home in Erbil, Iraq. His wife and another 2 relatives were murdered too. He was targeted facilitating trade with Israel"

Robert Nicholson on X - "People in the streets yelling about colonialism, unaware that Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Iraq were created by the same process that created Israel"

leekern on X - "Today a Palestinian made a decision to get a knife (but obviously Palestinians are tragic angels who have no choice to do anything - everything is Israel’s fault)  Then that darling angel made the decision to drive to Ra’anana in Israel  Then that darling Palestinian who is incapable of making decisions or taking personal responsibility had no choice but to stab a woman  Then they had no choice but to steal a car and run over women and children and kill a 70 year old woman  Then they had no choice but to steal another car and run over more people  Just another tragic tale of Israel’s brutality - forcing angelic Palestinians to do things they don’t want to do and which they have no personal decision making over"

Hussain Abdul-Hussain on X - "It does not matter who Palestinians are or who they ever were. What matters is what Palestinians want to be or can ever become.  If #Israel disappears tomorrow and the Jews give the keys to Palestinians, what do you think will happen next? You think Palestine will be a country remotely as organized or advanced as Israel? The answer is a resounding no.  To imagine Free Palestine, look at the Houthis, at Hezbollah, at Iraq. Free Palestine will be a dumpster ruled by a bloody charlatan and his militia. Women will be forced to cover (almost the case now), women who engage in sex out of wedlock will be killed (honor crime). LGBTQ will be killed. Anyone with a different opinion about anything will be beaten, prisoned, or killed. In the summer, Hamas beat and tortured dozens of Gazans who protested poverty and hunger. A guy who criticized Mahmud Abbas died under torture. Hamas Sinwar's claim to fame is his first crime using his kufiyyah to strangle a Gazan he said was a collaborator with Israel (because why court and justice?).   There is not a single indication that Palestinians ever managed, or ever will, a semi-decent, quasi-functioning state. Their demand for the destruction of Israel and their whining for being everlasting victims is the only thing they can do, and they do it to deflect attention away from their own failure.   To be fair, not only Palestinians don't know how to build a state: The Lebanese, the Iraqis, the Syrians, the Iranians too do not know how to build or manage modern states. That's why they envy and hate Israel and blame its success for their failure."

Jason Curtis Anderson on X - "“When we finally deal that final blow to destroy Israel. When the state of Israel is finally destroyed and erased from history, that will be the single most important blow we can give to destroying capitalism.” -Manolo De Los Santos speaking at The People’s Forum in NYC."

Kiyah Willis on X - "According to the left:  “Women’s rights are human rights” unless those women live under Islamic theocracy  “Believe all women” unless those women are Israeli   “No human is illegal” unless the person is Jewish  “Words are violence,” but terrorism is not  Not letting men in women’s restrooms is “genocide,” but Hamas saying they'll repeat October 7th until they kill all Jews is not  The freedom to choose your career in a capitalist society is “slavery,” but the Houthis forcing people to work against their will is not   Idk what dictionary they're using, but the goal of their language and slogans is to emotionally manipulate you, not to communicate reality  Don't let them gaslight you"

How Houthi rebel attacks in the Red Sea threaten global shipping - "The Houthis say their strikes are directed at boats with Israeli interests, and that the attacks will continue until Israel ends its war in Gaza. But in practice, the Houthis have targeted ships indiscriminately, experts say."

5 Things to Know About the Houthis, Their Attacks on Israel and the U.S., and Their Treatment of Yemen’s Jews - "The Houthi movement's ideology is deeply rooted in antisemitic, Islamic fundamentalist, anti-American sentiment, as reflected in the slogan on its flag: “Allah is great, death to the USA, death to Israel, curse the Jews, victory to Islam.” This extremist stance aligns with Iranian interests and suggests a broader objective of promoting Iran’s radical Islamist revolution throughout the Middle East. The Houthi rebels in Yemen have been associated with antisemitic rhetoric and actions, raising concerns for the country's tiny remaining Jewish community. While the majority of Yemen's Jewish population, which once totaled 50,000, had left decades ago, the small amount that has remained has come under increasing persecution which started under former President Ali Abdullah Saleh but intensified under the Houthis, including the imprisonment of Levi Marhabi, who has been held by the Houthis since 2016, according to a United Nations report released in 2022. Additionally, the Houthis have also targeted other religious minorities, including Christians and members of the Baha’i community."

روني الدنماركي on X-  "I didn't want to entertain this whole "Houthi slavery" nonsense, but it's been going for far too long that I feel compelled to address what is always omitted: Historical context and socioeconomic nuance. Yemen is an incredibly poor country, and has been so for most of its modern…"
Daniel Friedman on X - "Look at the mental gymnastics required to maintain the belief that the medieval terrorist fanatics who own human beings, shoot missiles at civilian vessels and fuck children are actually the good guys. It takes real dedication to hate Jews, the West and civilization this much."
Wilfred Reilly on X - "Leftists are literally defending slavery because edgy "non-white" people are doing it. #ahmad_c_calhoun"
Joshua Davis on X - "The left really went from “Black Lives Matter” to “slavery can be excused in pursuit of anti-Zionism” in less than 4 years."
Wade on X - "Leftists when there's like 4 neo Nazis in an Eastern European country: the SS battalion known as "Ukraine" belongs to Russia
Leftists when the terrorist militia allows slavery: okay so technically it's de facto slavery not de jure and if the west invested in the country..."
Weird. When it comes to slavery in the US, no "nuance" is acceptable

SuperGayBiscuit #gaysforisrael🏳️‍🌈 on X - "Houthi terrorist- bomb ships and threaten the free trade route.
US/UK- gives multiple warnings to stop.
US/UK- attacks Houthis.
Terrorism supporting idiots in Montreal- Yemen is brave! Call an emergency rally in a Canadian city!"

Houthi supporters hold Nazi salute, chant anti-America, anti-Semitic slogans in video - "A video surfaced online reportedly depicting supporters of the Iran-backed Houthi militia performing the Nazi salute and shouting anti-America and anti-Semitic slogans.  “Death to America. Death to Israel. Curse the Jews,” a mob of Houthi militiamen is seen chanting while doing the Nazi salute in the video... Dozens of videos have surfaced in recent years with Houthis blatantly expressing anti-Semitic and anti-American rhetoric during ceremonies, military recruitments, and other large gatherings and events... Iran backs the Houthis in their war against the internationally recognized government and supplies the group with weapons, and has trained the militia in manufacturing weapons."
They didn't get the memo that they were anti-Zionist, not anti-Semitic

Curbing Houthi Attacks on Civilian Ships in the Bab al-Mandab
From 2018. It's amazing they knew Israel was going to commit "genocide" in Gaza, and decided to attack shipping first to stop them

Yemen’s Houthi-controlled areas see dramatic rise in child marriages
From 2017

Yemen's Houthis accused of committing 'genocide' with blockade on key district
From 2021

The last Jew of Yemen is being tortured by the Houthis and must be saved - "As Jews around the world prepare for Yom Kippur, the last known Jew in Yemen will be forced to observe the holy day alone in an Islamist dungeon.  For the past seven years, Levi Marhabi has been held hostage by the ruthless and fanatical Houthi rebels who control large swathes of Yemen... Marhabi is the last known living heir in Yemen to a once-vibrant Jewish community that dates back at least 2,000 years and possibly traces its origins to biblical times."
From September 2023

Visegrád 24 on X - "BREAKING: Anti-Israel protesters react to the airstrikes against Yemen by gathering at Times Square in New York City, chanting: “UK and US go to hell”"
When you just hate your countries and the West

Fatah: Condemning Abbas's Antisemitism 'consistent With Zionist Narrative' - "Fatah lambasted an open letter signed earlier this week by over a hundred Palestinian academics, activists and artists based around the world as "the statement of shame."  The intellectuals' letter was released after footage surfaced that showed Abbas asserting that European Jews were persecuted by Adolf Hitler because of what he described as their “social functions” and predatory lending practices, rather than based on the Nazis' racial theories. “Their statement is consistent with the Zionist narrative and its signatories give credence to the enemies of the Palestinian people," said the secular nationalist Fatah party.   Fatah officials added that the signatories “mouthpieces for the occupation" and “extremely dangerous.”  The chorus of indignation casts light on the Palestinians' complicated relationship with the Holocaust."

Visegrád 24 on X - "Is Egypt’s border wall “inhumane”, “silly”, “ridiculous”, “ineffective”, “expensive”, “racist” and “islamophobic”?"

The real reason Israeli soldiers don’t rape Palestinian women - "The newspaper Makor Rishon writes about a recent study by researcher Tal Nitzan and published by the Hebrew University’s Shein Center for Social Studies. According to the study, the reason Israeli soldiers refrain from raping Palestinian women in the occupied territories is not because the soldiers are more humane. In fact the opposite is true–Nitzan claims Israeli soldiers don’t rape because they have been taught to dehumanize Palestinian women. Nitzan also maintains that soldiers don’t want the Arab population to increase through pregnancies as a result; according to Nitzan that would be considered an ason leumi–a national tragedy. The Israeli Sociology Association awarded the report a mark of excellence... Nitzan notes that the Israeli army is the only one not to commit mass rapes when it occupies another country.  Somehow I doubt that Nitzan would praise Israeli soldiers if they were in the habit of raping Palestinian women."
We are still told that Jews all push a left wing agenda around the world - except in Israel, because they want to destroy other countries. And let's not forget Haaretz and other left wing Israeli people and organisations

Opinion: Why so many Americans are misapplying ‘settler colonialism’ to Gaza - "Many college students are taught that American society is the product of “settler colonialism” — a history of conquest and exploitation. In this simplistic framing, the plight of the Palestinians is just one more example of the familiar evils of settler colonialism. For those who see the conflict through this lens, the founding of Israel is treated as the equivalent of the European colonization of the Americas. The Gaza war is better understood as a conflict between two competing nationalist projects than as a case of settler colonialism. There are a number of inconvenient historical truths that complicate the “settler colonialism” narrative. It is a conflict in which each side — with good reason — sees itself as an embattled and threatened minority. The Palestinians are vastly outmatched by the powerful Israeli security forces, but Israel lives in the shadow of the Holocaust and is outnumbered 50 to one by its Arab neighbors across the wider region. The Palestinian side starts the historical clock with the 1917 Balfour Declaration, when the British foreign minister promised the Jews a homeland in Palestine. Or they go back to the founding of Israel in 1948 and the nakba, the expulsion of 750,000 Palestinians. For Jews, history does not begin in 1948, or 1917. Zionism was not a product of the British empire. It was born in Vienna, Vilnius and Lviv. It was a response to the realization that there was no place for Jews, assimilated or not, in the Austrian and Russian empires. The word pogrom comes from Russian and entered the English language in the late 19th century with reports of state-sponsored killing of Jews in the Russian empire. The word genocide was coined during World War II by Raphael Lemkin, a Jew from Galicia, where more than 100,000 Jews were killed in pogroms in 1921. The founding of Israel should also be seen in the context of state-building and ethnic cleansing throughout the region. Alongside the Palestinians expelled from Israel, there were 900,000 Jews driven from their homes in Arab lands in the mid-20th century. As recently as 1991, 14,000 Ethiopian Jews, fleeing famine, were evacuated to Israel. Egypt and Jordan occupied Gaza and the West Bank, respectively, from 1948 to 1967 and were indifferent to Palestinians’ rights. Another problem with the settler colonialism narrative is that it treats each side as a monolithic actor, playing the role of colonizer and victim, respectively. In reality there is a diversity of ideas and interests in both the Israeli and Palestinian camps. The tragedy of the past 30 years is that moderates on both sides, interested in making a genuine peace, have been repeatedly outflanked by radicals screaming that compromise means betrayal. This process of “ethnic outbidding” can be seen in many conflicts, from Bosnia to Northern Ireland... The pro-Palestinian left on American campuses seems to oppose Israel making peace with its neighbors on the grounds that it is not connected to the creation of a Palestinian state. I was shocked to hear a Palestinian professor argue in a Zoom lecture that the more civilians that are martyred by Israel, the closer they will be to liberation. The Hamas strategy seems to be working, with mounting global condemnation of Israel’s assault on Gaza and a surge in support for Hamas among Palestinians. Hamas gets support from Iran, Turkey and Qatar. But the moderate Arab countries fear Hamas more than they fear Israel. That’s why the Arab League was unable to come up with a joint statement at its October 21 meeting in Cairo. None of this is to excuse the mass killing of civilians in Gaza or the occupation regime in the West Bank — a literal case of settler colonialism. But peace will only be possible if we recognize that there are legitimate grievances on both sides. It is not a struggle between right and wrong, between good and evil, though partisans often frame it in those terms... Students and faculty on American universities should be working together to help forge a solution, and not using the conflict to open a new front in the culture wars and to score points against their political opponents in the US."
If the Palestinians want more civilians "martyred", the left should cheer this rather than condemn it
The left's "solution" is to destroy Israel. Good luck with that

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