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Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Links - 31st December 2024 (2 - Euthanasia in Canada)

Quebec tells doctors to start ignoring federal homicide laws - "By authorizing its doctors to carry out “advance directives” for MAID starting Wednesday, the Government of Quebec has effectively told its health-care system to start committing murder. Last year, the Quebec legislature adopted Bill 11, which aimed to allow physicians to administer MAID to unresponsive or mentally incompetent patients, provided that the patient had given “advance” authorization to do so.  This is considered murder under federal law, so Quebec announced this week it will simply be instructing its prosecutors to ignore the relevant sections of the Criminal Code governing culpable homicide.  In a Monday statement, the federal Ministry of Health said they wouldn’t be challenging the decision – but warned Canada’s non-Quebec doctors not to get any ideas... As soon as a patient becomes unresponsive or mentally incompetent, it becomes illegal to administer MAID.  The Quebec law proposes to ignore this, and to allow MAID for anyone with an “advance directive.”... As recently as February, the Trudeau government was warning Quebec about unilaterally ignoring the Criminal Code. At the time, a spokesperson for Justice Minister Arif Virani told Postmedia that Quebec didn’t appear to have thought through the consequences of charging ahead with Bill 11... But with Quebec now following through on Bill 11 starting Wednesday, the federal response has been decidedly different."

Daniel Zekveld: Quebec is ignoring the Criminal Code prohibition for ‘advance’ MAID death requests - "In 2022-2023, the commission on end-of-life care reported that there were 23 cases of non-compliance with MAID regulations and gave notice of these cases to the regulatory college. In a response, the president of the regulatory college stated that over 99 percent of MAID deaths were administered according to the regulations and that the college would ensure that nothing discourages physicians from administering MAID.  Note that in 19 of these cases, the commission believed that the patient did not have a serious and incurable illness. This is not simply a minor requirement for eligibility.   Now add to that Quebec’s decision to allow doctors to violate Canada’s Criminal Code. Quebec’s law enforcement agency and medical regulatory bodies approve and will not penalize doctors for allowing advance requests. Such a decision may encourage a further culture of neglect, not just for patients with cognitive disabilities, but also for other existing regulations... A person may give an advance request based on the present fear of a future condition (e.g. advanced dementia) that they have never experienced—even though they might not, when that future condition arrives, actually wish to die. When a person writes an advance request, they do not know exactly what the future will bring. That person might instead be able to come to terms with the situation and live well in spite of it.  With advance requests, we risk euthanizing patients who do not want to die. Advance requests ignore the possibility that a person’s wishes and desires might change and that in the future they may no longer want to be euthanized but may be unable to communicate that. It also requires subjectivity on the doctor’s part about whether the patient has reached the point outlined and whether they are suffering as described in the advance request."
Weird. We keep being told that MAID is not administered to anyone who is not dying

Medical assistance in dying: Woman with chemical sensitivities chose death - "A 51-year-old Ontario woman with severe sensitivities to chemicals chose medically-assisted death after her desperate search for affordable housing free of cigarette smoke and chemical cleaners failed, advocates say. The woman’s assisted death appears to be a first in the world for someone diagnosed with multiple chemical sensitivities (MCS), a chronic condition also referred to as an environmental illness or environmental allergies, say patient support groups and doctors familiar with her case. “The government sees me as expendable trash, a complainer, useless and a pain in the a**," 'Sophia' said in a video filmed on Feb. 14, eight days before her death, and shared with CTV News by one of her friends... Four Toronto doctors were aware of Sophia’s case and they also wrote to federal housing and disability government officials on her behalf. In that letter the doctors confirmed that her symptoms improved in cleaner air environments and asked for help to find or build a chemical-free residence. “We physicians find it UNCONSCIONABLE that no other solution is proposed to this situation other than medical assistance in dying,” they wrote. The letter was signed by Dr. Lynn Marshall, an environmental physician, Dr. Chantal Perrot, a family physician and MAID provider, Dr. Justine Dembo, a psychiatrist, and Dr. James Whyte, a family doctor and psychotherapist... “It was an easy fix,” said Dr. Riina Bray, a Toronto physician who treats those with environmental sensitivities. “She just needed to be helped to find a suitable place to live, where there wasn't smoke wafting and through the vents.” “If people have to go and kill themselves, that would be a very pathetic thing and it will be heard by the rest of the world because it's not acceptable,” said Bray... MCS is also considered by the Ontario and Canadian Human Rights Commissions to be a disability. However, there is controversy(opens in a new tab) as some researchers think some of the symptoms are linked to anxiety and depression... "This is a concerning case,” said Trudo Lemmens, a professor of health law at the University of Toronto who is studying MAID expansion in Canada. “I think it highlights the concerns some us have had in expanding medically assisted death.”... Since word of Sophia’s death has started filtering out to the community of people with chemical sensitivities, more people with MCS are calling Rohini Peris, inquiring about medically-assisted death for themselves. One woman, who is disabled by MCS and is not able to find appropriate housing like Sophia, she says, is in the midst of a MAID application."

B.C. judge urgently halts assisted death of Alberta woman, day before MAID procedure - "The judge's ruling says the woman appears to have a mental health condition with no physical ailment. The B.C. Supreme Court application for the injunction says that after she was denied medical assistance in dying, or MAID, in her home province, she found Wiebe in Vancouver. It says Wiebe approved MAID on her first meeting with the woman, without consulting the patient's other doctors. Justice Simon R. Coval said on Sunday in his reasons for granting the injunction that it was "clearly a situation of extreme irreparable harm" to both the woman and her partner if the injunction was not granted before she was scheduled to die on Oct. 27... Coval said there is an "arguable case" about whether the MAID criteria were properly applied to the woman. "As I've said, the evidence suggests (her) situation appears to be a mental health condition or illness without a link to any physical condition and it may not only be remediable, but remediable relatively quickly," he said... Wiebe did not try to consult with the woman's treating physicians and "relied solely on the information provided" by the woman. It also says the woman could not find an independent witness for the authorization form, or a second person to authorize MAID so Wiebe provided both... Wiebe was interviewed for a BBC documentary that screened this year, telling an interviewer that she had been involved with more than 400 MAID deaths. She said there were situations "where I find someone not eligible or eligible when another person won't, because of the way our law is written.""
Weird. Euthanasia supporters keep insisting that no one is approved for it based on mental issues, and there're adequate safeguards in place
Apparently there're no issues with MAID approval being so subjective

Assisted death raised with Nova Scotia woman awaiting mastectomy - "Calgary palliative medicine specialist Dr. Leonie Herx said patients have reported feeling “badgered and harassed” to consider MAID... Suffering is “so personal, and it looks different for everybody,” Hendricks said. “If you don’t know the patient very well, if all that you have is a list of their medical issues and their external appearance, how can you, as a physician or a nurse, speak to their experiences and decide in an instant, ‘Oh, they must be suffering so much that maybe we should offer to help them end their lives? “I don’t understand how that could be coming from anywhere but a place of bias.”"
Power relations do not matter when it comes to pushing the left wing agenda

Shawn Whatley: We're way beyond the slippery slope. We need new criteria for MAID - "Dr. John Keown, professor of ethics at Georgetown University, argues Canada is “Skiing down euthanasia’s slippery slope.” We started by allowing voluntary euthanasia for terminal disease in adults and are now considering it for chronic disease and mental health issues, in some cases for children, too. The slippery slope explains many things but leaves out too much. Slopes imply we have similar things along the slope. For example, terminal versus chronic disease, or physical versus mental suffering. In Canada, we are way beyond slippery slopes. MAID is now considered viable treatment for all conditions that cause intolerable suffering, where what is deemed intolerable has no objective contours, only defined by the subjective assessment of a likely vulnerable and distressed patient. Furthermore, the suffering from a disease need not be real — simply the fear of potential suffering warrants consideration for MAID. Instead of patients asking for MAID, as originally imagined, we now have medical regulatory colleges mandating that physicians inform patients about MAID as a treatment option, as in the case from Nova Scotia mentioned above. The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario policy on Human Rights in the Provision of Health Services states that: “Physicians must provide patients with accurate, complete and unbiased information about all available and appropriate options to meet their clinical needs or concerns … Physicians must not withhold information about the existence of any relevant service, treatment or procedure because it conflicts with their conscience or religious beliefs.” We have redefined which patients can access MAID, when they can ask for it, and what criteria qualifies them for it. Voluntary euthanasia and assisted suicide are no longer patient-driven requests; they flow from regulatory mandates that physicians must mention as available options. The slope does not seem slippery; it seems entirely new."
If you don't tell your patients that they have the option to off themselves, you are a Christofascist and/or far right extremist

MAiD and marginalized people: Coroner’s reports shed light on assisted death in Ontario - "I am not a conscientious objector. I am a psychiatrist and previously chaired my former hospital’s MAiD team. However, I believe we’ve experienced a bait and switch: laws initially intended to compassionately help Canadians avoid suffering a painful death have metastasized into policies facilitating suicides of other Canadians seeking death to escape a painful life. The coroner’s reports show how far over the cliff we’ve fallen with Track 2 MAiD. Many have warned for years that when facilitated suicide is expanded to those with disabilities who have decades left to live, it is impossible to filter out suffering due to poverty, loneliness and other marginalization fueling MAiD requests. The medical disability becomes the foot in the door to open eligibility for MAiD, but social suffering pushes the marginalized through that door to seek state-sponsored death for their life struggles... Policy mistakes can occur, but these marginalized deaths result from wilful avoidance and denial of evidence-based cautions. I have previously written of the lack of safeguards and absence of evidence informing MAiD expansion. Beyond the evidence in the coroner’s report, there are clear signs of this denial:
Leaders of the Canadian Psychiatric Association (CPA) supported euthanasia for depression and addictions without once mentioning suicide risks of mental illness or the need for suicide prevention in any of their consultations and testimony that led to Bill C-7’s “sunset clause” for introducing MAiD for mental illness, literally not once mentioning the words suicide, suicidal or any variant in these consultations on death and mental illness (in disclosure, I am a past president and distinguished fellow, but no longer a member, of the CPA);
The federally appointed chair of the MAiD expansion panel charged with recommending safeguards for psychiatric euthanasia recommended no additional legislative safeguards and said the gender gap of twice as many women as men being euthanized for mental illness in Europe “doesn’t concern” her... (It should be noted that there is longstanding evidence of a 2:1 gender gap of more women than men attempting suicide when mentally ill, most of whom do not die by suicide and do not try again.)
Well-funded lobby groups like Dying With Dignity continue to claim that it is a “myth” that “vulnerable populations can be eligible for MAiD if they are suffering from inadequate social supports, including housing,” erasing Canadians who have literally said they chose MAiD precisely for those reasons — their disability made them eligible for MAiD, but it was the lack of social supports that led them to request it;
Groups presenting as experts continue providing false reassurances that their CAMAP (Canadian Association of MAiD Assessors and Providers) training guidelines filter out suicidality, despite criticisms their guidelines lack any evidence-based factors distinguishing motivations for expanded MAiD requests from traditional suicide...
Denialism of all sorts is dangerous. Canada’s expanded MAiD policies have fallen prey to a new form of it: suicide denialism. What else can it be called when expansion ideologues repeatedly ignore and deny the fact that some Canadians are getting Track 2 MAiD fuelled not by illness suffering, but by known suicide risk factors of social deprivation? Some expansion advocates have already creatively dismissed concerns about the coroner reports. The head-scratching argument is that since marginalization leads to higher death rates of the marginalized anyway (gently referred to as “decedents”), the fact that Track 2 MAiD is provided to marginalized people at the same or slightly lower rates than their usual high “decedent” rates means MAiD is not a risk to the marginalized. There is even the bold suggestion that “MAiD narrows the gap between privileged and deprived.”... Claiming that state-facilitated death fuelled by social deprivation is acceptable since more marginalized people die from social deprivation and structural inequities anyway is indistinguishable from eugenics. During COVID-19, some suggested our social policies linked to marginalized deaths were enabling “social murder,” a term coined by Friedrich Engels in the 19th century describing working conditions causing premature deaths of English workers. How should we describe Canadian policy providing state facilitated deaths to non-dying marginalized individuals fuelled by social suffering?... No medication comes to market without evidence of safety, yet policymakers have ignored known evidence and have instead expanded MAiD while failing to warn Canadians adequately of the risks of premature death posed by Track 2 MAiD to those suffering from social marginalization."
The "myth" of the slippery slope strikes again
Someone claimed the Christine Gauthier case was "one asshat" who didn't "equate to the whole medical system". So much for that. But there're always new copes

Nova Scotia woman was asked if she knew about assisted dying before mastectomy surgery for breast cancer - "Fifteen months later, before a second mastectomy, “it happened again,” the woman said. Different doctor, same inquiry. “In the list of questions about your life and your past and how are you treating these things was, ‘Hey, (MAID) is a thing that exists,'” she said. “It was upsetting. Not because I thought they were trying to kill me. I was shocked that it happens. I was like, ‘Again? This happened again ?'” The woman, 51, requested anonymity because she lives in a small area with a limited number of doctors. She believes euthanasia was raised as “I was literally on my way into surgery” not because of breast cancer but because of her long history with autoimmune and other disorders that, theoretically, would make her eligible for MAID. Her experience is drawing fresh concerns about doctors in Canada raising euthanasia before their patients do, a practice that is prohibited or strongly discouraged in most jurisdictions in the world with legalized assisted death... Dr. Gus Grant, registrar and chief executive officer of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Nova Scotia, said it was “clearly inappropriate and insensitive” for a doctor to raise MAID as a person is being rolled into a surgical suite. “I can understand why the patient was upset,” Grant said... a group of Christian doctors said the college’s new policy on conscientious objection has sown confusion and that a “strict reading” implies they do have a duty to raise MAID with their patients... Nationally, the organization representing Canada’s MAID assessors and providers argues doctors have a professional obligation to raise MAID as a “clinical care option” if a person might be eligible, provided the intent is not to induce, persuade or convince the person to request an assisted death. But some ethicists have argued people could be unduly influenced to choose to have their lives ended, given the power dynamics of the doctor-patient relationship. Writing on X, Calgary palliative medicine specialist Dr. Leonie Herx said patients have reported feeling “badgered and harassed” to consider MAID... she worries the criteria for those who aren’t dying, whose deaths are not “reasonably foreseeable” are too broad, and that the expanded eligibility hasn’t come with the supports the federal government promised “so that nobody was choosing medically assisted deaths because they did not have the ability to lead a dignified life on subsistence benefits.”"
Weird. We keep being told that no one who isn't dying is eligible for MAID
Soon, MAID will be "basic healthcare" and doctors who refuse to promote it will be stripped of their licence for being religious extremists and/or far right fanatics

Coalition launches Charter challenge to MAID for disabled - "A coalition is challenging a section of Canada’s law on medical assistance in dying, arguing it is discriminatory and is “forcing” some people with disabilities into feeling like death is their only option.   The challenge is the latest salvo in a thorny and ongoing debate about the role MAID should have in Canadian society and the limits that lawmakers should place on it... The disabilities groups say they do not oppose MAID at large, but are against the specific track two part of the law because it “singles out” people with disabilities, said Krista Carr, executive vice-president of Inclusion Canada, one of the groups that launched the challenge.  The coalition contends the law violates the Charter rights of people with disabilities in two areas — their right to life, liberty and security, as well as their right to equality.   In its legal application, the coalition alleges that because track two does not require treatment options to be exhausted before accessing MAID, it may “incentivize death” over other options for people with disabilities. “We have singled out one particular Charter-protected group of people ... and we are saying that we will give you the support you need to die, we will not give you the support you need to live,” said Carr.  “It’s a heck of a lot cheaper to give somebody a lethal injection than it is to support them to live.”  The coalition behind the Charter challenge includes national disability rights organizations including Inclusion Canada, the Council of Canadians with Disabilities, Indigenous Disability Canada and the Disabled Women’s Network of Canada. It also includes two individual plaintiffs... The coalition says the availability of track two has led to premature deaths and stigmatizes people with disabilities, sending a broader message to society that their lives are “intolerable and not worth living.”  Carr said the government should be focused on addressing issues such as social deprivation, poverty and a lack of essential supports, conditions she says leaves people feeling as if they have no choice in determining their fate.  “People who are not dead yet are now being put at huge risk and huge harm and huge fear every time they have any kind of encounter with the medical system,” she said. “It’s not a choice. It’s what society is forcing upon people.”  Carr highlighted the case of Heather Walkus, national chairperson of the Council of Canadians with Disabilities, who has multiple sclerosis and vision loss. She said Walkus has been offered MAID on two different occasions, including once for an injured hip. “It’s much easier to get death right now for people with disabilities than it is to get life,” Carr said... The CEO of the organization Dying with Dignity Canada, Helen Long, said there’s no evidence to support the idea that people are being approved for medically assisted death for the wrong reasons."

Ontario man gets MAID for controversial 'post COVID vaccine syndrome' - "An Ontario man in his late 40s with a history of mental illness died by euthanasia after his assisted death assessors decided that the most reasonable explanation for his physical decline was a post COVID-19 “vaccination syndrome.”... Identified as “Mr. A,” the man experienced “suffering and functional decline” following three vaccinations for SARS-CoV-2. He also suffered from depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety and personality disorders, and, “while navigating his physical symptoms,” was twice admitted to hospital, once involuntarily, with thoughts of suicide. Article content  “Amongst his multiple specialists, no unifying diagnosis was confirmed,” according to the report. However, his MAID assessors “opined that the most reasonable diagnosis for Mr. A’s clinical presentation (severe functional decline) was a post-vaccine syndrome, in keeping with chronic fatigue syndrome.”  There were no “pathological findings” at a post-mortem that could identify any underlying physiological diagnosis, though people’s experiences can’t be discounted just because medicine can’t find what’s wrong with them. However, Canada’s assisted dying law requires people to have a grievous and irremediable physical condition. Psychiatric experts raised concerns about whether the man’s mental illnesses would or should have rendered him ineligible for MAID... Another case involved a different man in his late 40s with severe ulcers and multiple mental illnesses, including depression, anxiety, narcissistic personality disorder, bipolar disorder and chronic thoughts of suicide. A year before he died by an assisted death, he attempted suicide by jumping from a height... Dr. Sonu Gaind, who is not a conscientious objector to MAID, said he’s troubled “by almost everything in this report.”  “I think we have gone so far over the line with Track 2 that people cannot even see the line that we’ve crossed,” said Gaind, a psychiatrist and professor of medicine at the University of Toronto.  “It’s pretty clear that some providers are going up to that line, and maybe beyond it,” Gaind said. “This is actually suicide facilitation in some cases.” In the case of the man whose doctor picked him up, “this poor guy could not get access to medical treatment for his addictions but he could be chauffeured by our medical practitioner to receive death,” Gaind said. “I think there is something deeply wrong with that.”... in a preprint study published last year that had not yet gone through peer-review, 241 adults who responded to an online survey reported ongoing symptoms after a COVID vaccination, such as excessive fatigue, brain fog and pain, numbness and tingling in different parts of the body. Most received mRNA vaccines.  Led by doctors at the Yale School of Medicine, the researchers cautioned that vaccines against COVID “have saved many lives,” and that the symptoms could be unrelated to the shots, occurring by chance. However, the clustering of symptoms within the first one to 18 days from vaccination “suggests a potential relationship,” they reported."
Is it more important for the left to defend covid vaccines or euthanasia?

Yuan Yi Zhu on X - "No matter how bad you think the euthanasia stories coming out of Canada are, there's always a worse one."
Rates of medical assistance in dying for non-terminal illness in Ontario higher in poorer neighbourhoods, reports say - The Globe and Mail - "In one case, an Ontario man in his late 40s with debilitating ulcers was granted medical assistance in dying, despite a litany of mental disorders and previous suicide attempts.  In another, a woman in her 50s with a history of depression, anxiety and suicidality received MAID in part because she couldn’t find housing that would relieve her suffering from multiple chemical sensitivity syndrome, a rare condition in which pain, fatigue, rashes and other ailments arise from mild exposure to chemicals.  In a third, a man in his 40s with inflammatory bowel disease who was socially isolated and addicted to opioids and alcohol was told about MAID during a psychiatric assessment. His family wasn’t consulted beforehand, and the MAID provider drove him to the location where he received an assisted death... rates of medical assistance in dying for non-terminal illness were higher in poorer neighbourhoods"

Assisted dying used by patients as they are poor and lack housing, report reveals - "Assisted dying is used by patients in Canada because they are poor and lack housing, a major report has found.  The first official report into assisted dying deaths in Ontario, which has been obtained by the Telegraph, found vulnerable people face “potential coercion” or “undue influence” to seek out the practice.   Sixteen experts across medicine, nursing and law identified people whose lives may have been wrongly terminated at the hands of the state, where the action is called Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD).  It comes after Kim Leadbeater, the Labour MP, introduced her private member’s Bill to legalise the practice for terminally ill patients on Wednesday, saying it “contains robust protections”.  In one example identified in the report, a MAiD practitioner drove a 40-year-old addict to his death after his psychiatrist suggested assisted dying as an option.  Using their own car to drive the patient to an external location to die by assisted dying “may have created pressure, and gave rise to a perception of hastening a person towards death”, the report found. On another occasion, a man in his forties who had been “involuntarily hospitalised” on mental health grounds died by assisted dying after he became convinced he had been injured by the Covid-19 vaccination. A post-mortem later found “no pathological findings”. Elsewhere in the report, one man who had tried to jump to his death the previous year, who presented with stomach ulcers, narcissistic personality disorder and chronic suicidal ideation, was allowed to die.  One of the doctors on the committee warned that “the UK should not assume it will manage this better or avoid potential pitfalls”... Dr Ramona Coelho, a family medicine practitioner based in London, Ontario, said: “With the legalisation of MAiD, real lives are at stake and the dangers of a slippery slope are very real.”  “When Canada legalised assisted suicide and euthanasia under MAiD in 2016, Canadians believed it was intended to be a rare, last-resort measure, reserved for consenting adults enduring intolerable suffering at the end of life.  “However, lobbying efforts have steadily pushed for broader access and eligibility.”  In 2021, new laws were introduced permitting non-terminal patients to access assisted dying.  Dr Coelho added: “British legislators have to consider how easily assisted dying can be expanded, how easily abuses can go undetected.” The Ontario Committee found evidence of a “doctor shopping for approval” among both terminally ill and non-terminal patients, with nearly 8 per cent of non-terminally ill people who died by assisted dyting having made previous requests for MAiD.  It is still illegal under MAiD for doctors to assist death solely because of mental illness, but the review found that this has occurred. It noted that it “could not identify” proper evaluation of suicidal ideation in the reviewed cases, despite guidance advising assessors to do so.  Data shows that a disproportionate number of people who died by assisted dying when they were not terminally ill – 29 per cent –  came from Ontario’s poorest areas. This is compared to 20 per cent of the province’s general population living in the most deprived communities. The MAiD Death Review Committee member said: “This worrisome finding suggests that MAiD could be the option of least resistance and be used to end lives when social policies have failed them.”  A 50-year-old depressed woman, dubbed Ms B, was allowed an assisted death because the state could not find housing that “satisfactorily” addressed the symptoms of her multiple chemical sensitivity syndrome (MCSS) in one case... Evidence also suggested that Canadian patients could be incentivised to refuse medical treatment and make themselves more ill in order to access the practice.  Dr Coelho pointed to a case in which a quadriplegic patient was told by one MAiD examiner that the 90-day assessment period prior to his assisted death could be “reduced” if he developed “untreated septicemia”... He said that if Parliament “decided that it should be a terminal ill assisted dying case subject to safeguards, then there would be no question of discrimination of any sort – and it could not be widened by litigation”.   Alex Ruck Keene KC, the leading capacity barrister, disagreed and said it would be “quite possible to see how the courts would be willing to entertain discrimination-based challenges to the limits she said will be in the legislation because it will not be a question of whether assisted dying should be legal, which the courts have said is for Parliament, but rather to whom it should be available.”"
Weird. We're told by the euthanasia lobby that there's no evidence of abuse

Yuan Yi Zhu on X - "When I started to write about euthanasia in Canada, the standard response was denial. I was even called a liar in print by The Guardian. Now, the standard response is “why shouldn't people have the right to kill themselves for irritable bowel disease?”"

Thomas Sowell: Tragic Optimist

Thomas Sowell: Tragic Optimist

"In his 2000 memoir A Personal Odyssey, Sowell recounts a parable that was read to him as a young boy and which he never forgot. “One story I found sad at the time, but remembered the rest of my life, was about a dog with a bone who saw his reflection in a stream and thought that the dog he saw had a bigger bone than he did. He opened his mouth to try to get the other dog’s bone—and of course lost his own when it dropped in the water. There would be many occasions in life to remember that story.” This set the tone for a life and career committed to closing the gap between image and reality...

Sowell began to develop a distaste for the paternalism of low expectations and impoverished standards to which minorities tended to be held...

At Howard, Sowell met the renowned poet Sterling Brown... “Although a bitterly eloquent critic of racism in his writings,” Sowell writes of his former teacher, “he also understood the pitfalls of a victim mentality.” When he left Howard, he recalls Brown telling him, “Don’t come back here and tell me you didn’t make it ’cause the white folks were mean.”...

Sowell had held onto his leftist convictions throughout school, but direct experience exposed the knowledge gap between practical wisdom and bureaucratic expertise and disabused him of his belief that government intervention could resolve social issues. While he was working as an economist for the Department of Labor one summer, Sowell was tasked with studying the sugar cane industry in Puerto Rico and its minimum wage laws. To determine whether the law itself was creating unemployment or if there were other environmental factors at play, he decided to look at how much sugar cane there was before and after a recent hurricane. His colleagues were stunned. Minimum wage laws made up a significant chunk of the Department of Labor’s budget, and the experience showed him how the decisions of those charged with serving the public good were guided by their own set of incentives and interests...

Sowell was also beginning to harbor doubts about the direction of black activism after the legislative and cultural victories of the civil rights movement. Even with segregation abolished, there was clearly much work to be done. But Sowell was unable to identify with the obsessive fixation on racism at the expense of more practical, developmental concerns. “Given all the urgent needs for more and better education, for example, and for all the things that can be obtained with the fruits of work skills and business experience, how much time and effort could be spared for endless campaigns to get into every hamburger stand operated by a redneck?” he remembers thinking at the time. “Not only did this seem like an investment that ought to be put somewhere else, it annoyed me that we seemed to be constantly seeking acceptance and validation by white people—any white people at all, anywhere.”

Symbolic of the turn toward black power in the 1960s, the tone of the moral leadership had likewise shifted. One day, Sowell turned on the television to find James Baldwin telling an audience, “I’ve just come back from seeing a dead boy—and you killed him.” Sowell’s immediate response was, “Not me, Jim. I’ve been here in the apartment all day.” The dead boy to whom Baldwin referred was actually a man in his 20s who had died of an overdose. “Apparently, ‘society’ was to blame, or more specifically whites in the society. However, Baldwin was a master of images, not logic. Psychological warfare was the stock in trade of the new charismatic leaders, and the tactic of putting others on the moral defensive was sometimes used against blacks as well as against whites.”...

Affirmative Action policies were taking off, and Sowell began noticing growing angst among the black students funneled into activism. He saw desperate and alienated young people who recoiled from being treated as disposable tokens used to exonerate the university of racism, no matter how many of the students failed to graduate in the process. He saw the students’ endless demands for racial concessions—black studies departments, separate dorms and graduation ceremonies—as arising from the same foundational insecurity: The fear of being seen as inferior in an environment that constantly seemed to confirm it.

Sowell recognized that preferential racial policies in college admissions were mismatching black students with schools above their academic level. This, in turn, often caused them to fall behind or drop out when they could have done much better in less demanding environments. The problem was not so much the content of the classes than the pace at which those classes moved. But rather than acknowledging the issue, it was easier to rail against racial oppression, sparing them the shame and embarrassment that might otherwise have motivated them to work harder. Worse, it was in the interests of the predominantly white faculty to encourage the students’ paranoid delusions—either to alleviate feelings of guilt or, more likely, to cover for themselves. Sowell was appalled, realizing that he wouldn’t have done as well in school had he been told that his unpreparedness was actually a consequence of racism rather than simply not being good enough at math or English. It was an easy excuse for failure that precluded the difficult effort of development.

Many of his fellow black faculty understood what was happening but were terrified to say so. Any black academic who openly challenged the efficacy of Affirmative Action policies or other Great Society programs meant to benefit blacks was certain to be stigmatized as a race traitor. And, of course, no white academic could protest. Sowell was reluctant to write about race because the subject lay outside his specialty. “Let the professionals handle it,” he thought. Then, he actually read what the so-called professionals had to say and decided that “if these are the professionals then maybe it’s time to give an amateur a try!”

And so, even though he knew his views would be greeted with hostility, Sowell began writing about race out of a sense of moral obligation... Sowell gained infamy as one of the first “black conservative” figures on the American scene, despite never wholly accepting the label. Attacks from the media and from former colleagues came thick and fast and would continue for years to come...

Knowledge and Decisions crystallized Sowell’s work in economics and life experience to that point, setting the stage for his later writings. Inspired by Friedrich Hayek’s essay “The Uses of Knowledge in Society,” the book emerged from the observation that the knowledge necessary for complex technological societies to function was increasingly uncoupled from the ability of everyday citizens to make decisions that impact the quality of their lives...

Given our lack of omniscience and the economic principle of scarcity, there can be no unequivocal solution to any major social issue, only trade-offs, which create their own undesirable outcomes. We can’t merely choose to construct a better reality. Improving the conditions of society means setting certain systemic processes in motion that correspond to objective realities and abide by certain principles—representative democracy, the rule of law, universal humanism, due process—with inbuilt feedback mechanisms that constrain decision-making powers and mitigate bad incentives.

No matter how appealing a policy proposal may sound—the Green New Deal, the push to “Defund The Police,” prison abolition, the War on Drugs—we should always ask what process we are setting in motion and who gains power to make decisions by it. “The most fundamental question is not what decision to make but who is to make it—through what processes and under what incentives and constraints, and with what feedback mechanisms to correct the decision if it proves to be wrong.”...

Sowell spent over a decade traveling the world in search of an answer to one of the central questions of contemporary political debate: Why are there such massive disparities in wealth and income between different racial and ethnic groups and among different nations and civilizations? The upshot of these investigations was his comprehensive trilogy on the impact of culture across the world and throughout history in the development of modern society—Race and Culture, Migrations and Cultures, and Conquests and CulturesPrevailing wisdom holds that unequal outcomes are a consequence of unequal treatment and power differentials, and that group disparities will dissipate in their absence. However, as Sowell summarizes in Race and Culture, there are countless examples of minority groups around the world beginning in poverty and going on to achieve remarkable success, dominating entire industries in the face of majoritarian hostility and in the absence of political representation or power.

For example, in the late-19th century, the German minority in Czarist Russia made up about one percent of the population and yet constituted 40 percent of Russia’s high ranking military generals—diplomatic correspondences were even written in German. And those were mainly Baltic Germans, who made up a smaller proportion of that one percent than either Black Sea Germans or Volga Germans. Indeed, it is difficult to find any sector of society, anywhere in the history of the world, without such disparities. The list of minority groups who went on to out-earn the ethnic majorities around them could be extended almost indefinitely—the Parsis in India, the Japanese in the Americas, the Chinese in Southeast Asia, the Italians in South America, the Lebanese in West Africa, the Tamils in Sri Lanka, the Jews in Europe, the Greeks in the Ottoman Empire. The question is not why there are disparities between different groups of people, but why we would ever expect different groups with completely different histories and cultures to excel at the same pace in the same endeavors.

We all began in poverty; what matters is how we got out. The determining factor in a group’s advancement is the evolved set of skills, work habits, attitudes, norms, interests, and values inherited from their cultural past—a group’s human capital—which evolved from contact with other cultures in other times and places through migration and conquest amid the expansion and contraction of different civilizations. Moreover, the range of a group’s cultural contacts is heavily influenced by geographical factors like navigable waterways and the contours of the land. For instance, Europe has a longer coastline than Africa despite being nowhere near its size, historically providing it with more channels through which to exchange with and learn from other societies.

When the British came to North America, for example, they did so on a ship with rudders invented in China, and they navigated with trigonometry from Egypt, letters invented by the Romans, and numbers from India brought west by Arabs. Millennia earlier, there were no buildings in Britain until the Romans built them, nor was there anything resembling London before the Romans built that, too. After the fall of the Roman Empire, the standard of living in Western Europe deteriorated, opening the continent to invasion by the Mongols, the Ottomans, and the Moors, before emerging centuries later as a world power. “A history which spans thousands of years,” Sowell writes, “encompassing the rise and fall of empires and of peoples, makes it difficult—if not impossible—to believe in the permanent superiority of any race or culture.”

Sowell is telling a story of human history, in which economic development and cultural diffusion are more important than zero-sum political power struggles. Shattering the false binary of heredity versus environment, he argues that “peoples whose skills and values have been shaped by different external factors in the past tend today to have different internal cultural patterns with which to confront the opportunities and challenges presented by external conditions in the present.” Culture is inherited, at least in the sense that we acquire it from our parents, and yet it remains highly malleable across time.

Moreover, culture goes deeper than race. Different ethnic groups of the same race live side by side but yield vastly different outcomes and succeed in different areas, whether it be the Italian and Jewish immigrants to America in the late-19th and early-20th century, or West Indian and native-born blacks more recently. As Sowell bluntly puts it, “Jews are not Italians and Italians are not Jews.” Of course they’re not. Every ethnic group trails its own unique set of cultural features, some of which are better equipped to flourish in a complex knowledge-based economy than others. Individual blame, moreover, has nothing to do with the cultural patterns we happen to acquire from our ancestors, which develop beyond anyone’s choosing through a complex tangle of historical, geographic, and demographic forces. Still, by recognizing how our cultural past affects us today, some degree of freedom is opened within those constraints—we can adopt different values if we want to. This is, after all, how we got here. Every group goes through this.

In contrast to the multicultural ethos that seeks to “preserve cultures in their purity, almost like butterflies in amber,” Sowell argues that “cultural features do not merely exist as badges of identity to which we have some emotional attachment. They exist to meet the necessities and forward the purposes of human life.” And just because a certain culture served a purpose in a past environment, that doesn’t mean it serves any useful purpose in the present. Some cultural features are clearly better than others, just as books are better than scrolls and Arabic numerals are better than Roman numerals. “Cultural competition is not a zero-sum game. It is what advances the human race… No culture has grown great in isolation, but a number of cultures have made great and astonishing advances when their isolation was ended. Those who use the term cultural diversity to create a multiplicity of segregated ethnic enclaves are doing an enormous harm to the people in those enclaves.” In short, cultural exposure, criticism, appropriation, and competition are how we progress as human beings, while relativism is a path backwards.

In his 2005 book, Black Rednecks and White Liberals, Sowell applies his culture concept to race issues in America. Why is it that, more than a half-century after the civil rights movement, the condition of lower-class black Americans has remained practically the same or even worsened? The progressive response to this question points to the compounding historical effects of racism and white supremacy, but Sowell offers an alternative thesis. Blacks, he argues, who lived predominantly in the south until the Great Migration, adopted the cultural heritage of white southerners, who originally descended from the northern borderlands of England, the Scottish Highlands, and Ulster County in Ireland. The inability of this culture to adapt to modern life helps explain the vicious cycle of urban crime and poverty among blacks.

The same cultural patterns found in the worst urban black ghettos today were, for centuries, recorded in those parts of the British Isles from which white southerners immigrated—styles of speech, religious oratory, touchy pridefulness, resistance to education, promiscuity, money habits, even particular card games—before dying out in Britain and the south. In the debauched and marauding regions of the British Isles, what Sowell calls the redneck or cracker culture was necessary for survival, but it outlived its original use.

Sowell contends that it is no longer white racism but a particular set of cultural elements that inhibit the development of poor blacks in America’s inner-cities. Many of the racial barriers erected in the 20th century were overreactions among northern whites to the black redneck culture of the south during the Great Migration—barriers that would take on a life of their own. The same barriers were upheld, to an even greater extent in some cases, against white southerners moving north. Meanwhile, the northern population of blacks lived side by side with whites and attended integrated schools for generations before such barriers were erected.

In the decades preceding the civil rights movement—a period of virulent racism and institutional segregation—black Americans were rapidly advancing on whites along a number of socio-economic metrics, from labor participation rates to household wealth and employment. Sowell attributes these advancements, in large part, to the acculturation efforts of New England teachers who established black schools in the south. In this telling, civil rights were more of an effect than a cause of black development. But after the 1960s, many of these patterns stalled or even reversed.

In Sowell’s view, this development was the result of two factors. First, the unintended consequences of various War on Poverty and Great Society programs such as the expansion of welfare rolls and various federal housing initiatives—framed as reparational at the time—that effectively discharged black responsibility, discouraged entrepreneurship, and broke apart the black family. Second, the overarching moral and cultural shift in American society that came to view black redneck culture as somehow authentic, concomitant with a white liberal guilt complex that shielded it from criticism and suppressed the need for cultural assimilation and development. In other words, the acknowledgement of historical racism on the part of the larger society gave black Americans a perpetual excuse for failure that simply did not exist before...

To modern progressives, the notion that black suffering isn’t necessarily tied to historical racism is a hard pill to swallow. It seems to blame the victim and alleviate white responsibility. But this whole way of looking at things in terms of intergenerational guilt and victimization is fundamentally flawed: Morality is not causation. In retrospect, we can all agree that slavery and Jim Crow were terrible, but that doesn’t mean they explain what’s happening in our own time. Further, the notion of historical justice itself implies that we could somehow correct for past injustices. We can’t. If we go far back enough, we will all find slaves and enslavers, conquerors and conquered among our ancestors at one point or another. It’s an insult to our forebears to suppose we could somehow account for their suffering in the present by selectively parsing the sins of some groups and not others to satisfy contemporary moral sensibilities. What’s historically unique is the idea that everyone should have freedom and rights, which was by no means obvious for most of world history.

In the same way that we can’t blame someone for inheriting a problematic culture, we can’t blame someone for the sins their ancestors may or may not have committed. The impulse to resuscitate the historical grievances of long-dead and symbolic victims creates new injustices between flesh-and-blood human beings in the present. History becomes a cudgel for prevailing political visions instead of a record of what actually happened. “What can any society hope to gain,” Sowell asks, “by having some babies in that society born into the world with a priori grievances against other babies born into that same society on the same day?” We can learn from our mistakes, but we can’t change the past.

The Quest For Cosmic Justice, Sowell describes this impulse as “an attempt to mitigate and make more just the undeserved misfortunes arising from the cosmos” in ways that transform “the tragedy of the human condition into the specific sins of specific societies.” While traditional justice applies the same rules equally across the board, regardless of whether everyone ends up with the same things, cosmic justice applies different rules to different groups of people until all unearned advantages or disadvantages disappear. This conflict is why what believers in cosmic justice mean by anti-racism or equality or justice looks a lot to believers in traditional justice like racism, inequality, and injustice. One of the many problems with cosmic justice is that most of people’s advantages and disadvantages in life are undeserved anyway, and on a long enough time scale, many advantages become disadvantages and many disadvantages become advantages. The idea that anyone could possibly weigh out the privileges and deficits of a given life, let alone an entire group of people throughout history, as if looking down upon Earth through the eyes of God, conveys a startling degree of moral arrogance.

Similarly misguided is the belief that “society” is an anthropomorphic entity capable of making conscious decisions and taking responsibility for them, instead of a complex system of moving parts over which no one has full control. Of course, it is unjust, in a cosmic sense, that some people suffer more than others by no fault of their own while others enjoy benefits through no merit of their own, but the reflexive tendency to draw a straight line from one of those things to the other inevitably stirs up the ancient tribal impulse for revenge. The flip-side of cosmic justice is cosmic vengeance."

Links - 31st December 2024 (1 - Trans Mania)

add https://quillette.com/2024/11/01/college-volleyballs-spartan-meltdown/ Jonathan Kay on X - "48 hours after @Quillette reported on Batie-Smoose’s explosive Title IX Complaint, @SJSU suspended her—which looks a lot like retaliation vs. a whistleblower. The (male) head coach looks eager to cut Slusser, too. How long b4 progressives realize this is a men’s rights movement?"

Drag: a British history | HistoryExtra - "'Around 1869, 1870 is when you start to have sexual theorists and people who we would call sexologists, but sexual scientists. They start to discuss things like homosexuality but they also pathologize crossdressing and male femininity so again this idea that if you are a man wearing a dress it's not just you know the singular act of wearing a dress, it indicates something about your persona, your mental state, your sexuality etc so this 1869, 1870 moment is when crossdressing first starts to become pathologized… There was a whole, another group of people who enjoyed that. For instance I bring up letters written to a periodical called Society and a periodical called London Life and I think a few others and these sort of publications acted as sort of uh historical message boards, right. People would write to them and respond to each other and so people were writing in with in some cases, with their sexual fantasies about drag. So it was clear that for some people they understood that drag was connected to sexuality and it turned them on. And as I said some people were appalled by that and then there are lots of people who didn't connect drag to sexuality and they just saw it as an entertaining night at the theater and they didn't think about the performance after 5 minutes'"
Weird. TRAs keep telling us that if you enjoyed Mrs Doubtfire and Bugs Bunny dressing up as a girl, you're a hypocrite if you complain about sexualised drag targeted at children

Thank you JK Rowling for exposing the BBC’s rampant hypocrisy - "Jaguar Land Rover, Bud Light and now the BBC: despite a widespread disquiet with culture wars issues, big corporations can’t seem to avoid controversy. The beeb has just announced Barbra Banda as its women’s footballer of the year, perhaps because, or in spite of, Banda’s failure to qualify for the Women’s Africa Cup of Nations in 2022 on gender eligibility grounds. In the same vein as other sporting figures like Algerian boxer Imane Khelif, there is little clear evidence about Banda’s background. Is she a biological woman – and therefore eligible to compete fairly with other women? While originally chosen for her national team in Zambia in 2022, the Zambian FA stopped Banda from taking part in the tournament as she had allegedly “undergone a gender verification test and had not met the criteria for the competition”. The BBC is quick to point out that “details of that decision have never been made fully clear”, but fails to mention that there is no evidence of Banda undergoing a sex screening – a test which many sporting experts say would clear up the matter once and for all. But if Banda’s eligibility is unclear, one thing is for sure – the BBC knows what it is doing with this announcement. Rather defensively, Auntie assures us that Banda was chosen by public vote (who?) and shortlisted by experts (again, who?) rather than being appointed by some BBC directive. It all feels a bit like one of Sadiq Khan’s consultations – the public was asked what it thinks, honest, but you just weren’t home at the time. That most of us hadn’t heard about Banda until now perhaps negates the argument that her footballing career earned her the award rather than her trials with gender eligibility. Previous winners include huge names like Ada Hegerberg, Mary Earps and Asisat Oshoala – who won African Women’s Footballer of the Year six times... The BBC can’t quite seem to make up its mind. One minute it’s telling us that women’s sport needs our national attention, the next it’s naming someone whose sex is at the very least under scrutiny as woman of the year. For some this is too much – JK Rowling has not been a fan of the BBC for some time, and showed it by tweeting: “presumably the BBC decided this was more time efficient than going door to door to spit directly in women’s faces.” Other sportswomen like Sharron Davies and Tracy Edwards have also come out and criticised the BBC for “actively cheering this unfairness on”... I, like many fraudulent fans, felt the pressure to support the Lionesses because of the hype generated around women’s football. Saying you’re not that into women’s sport has become one of the greatest social taboos. If you can’t name five women from the England squad, you must be a misogynist. But if we’re now being told that women don’t really matter, what’s the point? You don’t need to be a football enthusiast to know that this stuff does matter. We’re a nation of hypocrites. Remember the This Girl Can adverts, run by Sporting England and the National Lottery, featuring patronising footage of girls like me who can barely run for the bus, pulling up their bootstraps and giving it a go? As women we’re constantly being told that the world is set against us – that we need special help and support and funding to get on a level playing field both literally and metaphorically with our male peers. And we’re supposed to believe all of that at the same time that the BBC couldn’t pick one clear-cut woman out of all our sporting heroines? Two weeks ago I gave birth to a baby girl. Maybe – even hopefully – she’ll buck my genetic trend and become interested in sports. But until we get our messaging straight, young girls who have hopes of breaking records kicking or swimming or running will see a confused and unfair road ahead of them. It’s not Banda’s fault that sport is unfair, it’s the BBCs."
Damn transphobia caused by colonialism!

School district defends decision to punish parents for wearing pink 'XX' wristbands - "Kyle Fellers and Anthony Foote were banned from school grounds after the September game by officials who viewed the wristbands as intimidation or harassment of a transgender player. They later sued the Bow school district, and while the no-trespass orders have since expired, a judge is deciding whether the plaintiffs should be allowed to wear the wristbands and carry signs at upcoming school events, including basketball games, swim meets and a music concert, while the case proceeds. Both men testified Thursday that they didn’t intend to harass or otherwise target a transgender player on the opposing team, and their attorneys have argued they did nothing more than silently express their support for reserving girls’ sports for those born female. But school officials testified Friday that they had reason to believe the men wouldn’t stop there."
When it comes to the left wing agenda, thoughtcrime is dangerous

Meme - Kathryn Gibes, jackalope...: "I might be struggling with a tight vag, but lemme tell you, that bullshit belief people have that neovaginas seal shut it if you stop dilating? Utter nonsense. I've had a couple times where I was worried that was happening at the farthest depth but it's still all there."
"Seven months later"
Kathryn Gibes, jackalope: "Do revision surgeries to give back some lost depth for neovaginas exist? I tried so hard to do everything right with my healing but I feel like I was sabotaged by a lack of understanding of what was happening and lack of communication from my surgeon/PT"

Meme - Jennifer 🟥🔴🧙‍♀️🦉🐈‍⬛ 🦖 @babybeginner: "Would you like to know the behavior that was deemed unacceptable?    A woman was wearing a shirt with the dictionary definition of a woman on it.  That’s all.    That is deemed so unacceptable that they think the person should be thrown off a plane."
Prof. Stephen Whittle OB... @stephenwhitile: "Hi Fox - sorry @VirginAtlantic gave you such a shitty time. I've reached the conclusion a long time ago that travel is rarely pleasant - but to face open transphobia in a cigar shaped aluminium tube with no where to escape except a 'gender neutral loo' is the pits"

Meme - Jennifer 🟥🔴🧙‍♀️🦉🐈‍⬛ 🦖 @babybeginner: "They think it’s a dog whistle to even mention that women exist.   This is how far they have come.    You cannot have women in their world.  Our existence causes them agony.  Just our existence.  They demand we stop ….being."
Fox Fisher @theFoxFisher: "Discovering this TERF passenger wearing a 'Woman' tshirt just a few seats away caused me to have a panic attack mid-flight. Most trans people and allies are aware this is a transphobic dog whistle (insinuating that this person is a REAL woman, and that trans women aren't women)."
These are the people who go on about 'white fragility'

Meme - Benjamin Ryan @benryanwriter: "Gender-affirming surgeon Blair Peters says if people vote for candidates who would eliminate pediatric access to gender-transition treatment, b/c the doctors who provide such treatment also provide other types of care, bans impact health care “for every single human being.”"
If you regulate euthanasia, that threatens "healthcare" for everyone

I was born black and male, but now I identify a white woman - I know race is not real - "Like many young women, Dr Ronnie Gladden grew up wanting to be like Snow White, fantasised about a Pride & Prejudice lifestyle and wanted to emulate Elle Fanning's fashion.  Ronnie dreamed of lying out in the sun getting a tan and of having blonde hair that grew lighter in the summer.   This wasn't a typical set of ambitions, however, because Ronnie was a black boy growing up in Cincinnati’s west side. Now, middle aged, Ronnie is a tenured professor of English at Cincinnati State Technical and Community College, a public speaker, and actor, and uses this platform to promote what he calls a 'transgracial' identity... Rachel [Dolezal] has praised Dr Ronnie Gladden’s work, saying it 'encourages us to expand our concept of acceptance and inclusion.'   Dr Ronnie, who holds a doctorate in Educational Leadership from Northern Kentucky University, subscribes to the idea that there is no innate or biological difference between races."
Left wing logic: race is socially constructed but you still can't change the one you're assigned to and if you do you're a bigot

Meme - Normal person: "Slicing off a piece of your forearm and stitching it between your legs won't make you a man."
Art Hoe Wojak (Yerba Mate girl): "Umm, you're brainwashed, sweetie."

Meme - Matt?!! @MattIsGay8: ""Autogynephilia??! Men having fetishes?!!?!! Pfft pure pseudoscience, it's far more likely that some males are actually female-sexed souls installed into a het males body and that female soul just happens to get off on the most fetishized male perspective of womanhood imaginable""

Thread by @feelsdesperate on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "Libs have made trans the *Defining Civil Rights Issue of Our Time* and almost every elite institution from Ivy League medical schools to the US military to the ACLU to Planned Parenthood to the DNC to a sprawling Pritzker-funded NGO apparatus has pushed this bizarre transhumanist project.  The weirdness and unpleasant of the project, including mutilating thousands of mentally ill adolescent girls to serve as sympathetic frontline foot soldiers, was too much for voters who finally punished Dems in the last election.  Now that the Dems are back on their heals, they’re reverting to their predictable shtick, ‘Haha! Why do you even care? OMG you care so much! Ha ha ha!’  No one is buying it. This is a huge project for them and a huge culture war loss that they’ve staked a tremendous amount of credibility on."

Thread by @unyieldingbicyc on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "Boy wore a shirt to school that said "there are only two genders." School censored him. He sued (free speech). Ended up at federal 1st Circuit.  Lawyer for school: This message that there is just two genders is vile, and it says to someone who is nonbinary, You do not exist.
Judge David Barron asked the school's lawyer, What if the shirt said "male is not a gender"?  School lawyer: The administrators would have to think, well, is that attacking a core identity? Probably not. Male is not a gender.
Boy's lawyer argued the school was not inclusive to him when it called his views hateful. Judge Barron again:  "No one was saying HIS gender didn't exist!"
The First Circuit ruled for the censorious school. The boy is seeking Supreme Court review.  The case is LM v. Town of Middleborough.  "Male is not a gender" comes up around 35:00-:10, yes I replayed the tape on that one. storage.courtlistener.com/mp3/2024/02/08…
I'm working on a post about LM and other 1st Circuit trans decisions. These New England judges are blazing a trail of inclusivity through the 1st amendment."

Meme - "r/MtF
When did your periods start?
I know that not all of us will get to experience periods but for those of you who do experience them I was wondering at what point after starting HRT you did start to have them? I'm 7 months in now and I I hope it is something I'll get to experience but I kinda starting to wonder if I'm gonna miss out."

"REGENERATE. 7th level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: Touch
Target: A creature
Components: V S M (A prayer wheel and holy water)
Duration: 1 hour
Classes: Bard, Cleric, Druid
You touch a creature and stimulate its natural healing ability, The target regains 15 hit points, For the duration of the spel, the target regains 1 hit point at the start of each af its turns (10 hit points each minute), The target's severed body members (fingers, legs, tails, and so on), if any, are restored after 2 minutes. If you have the severed part and hold onto the stump, the spell instantaneously causes the limb to knit to the stump"

Meme - "My first wish is to make the world a safer place for the Trans community by removing those that harm them the most."
Genie: "That's a noble wish. Wait a minute..."

Meme - Non-passing MTF: "Any suggestions on how I can appear more feminine?"
Carl Waters: "Sure, don't rest your nutsack on the sink"

Meme - "Attention Dads, vote like your daughter's dreams depend on it, because they do. *Lia Thomas, Mack Beggs, Gabrielle Ludwig, Hannah Mouncey*"

Chloe Cole ⭐️ on X - "These are the types of “Doctors” that support transitioning kids. Belligerent screaming at @buttonslives and @SwipeWright followed by assaulting the camera man, breaking the camera. In the Tennessee Capitol outside the hearing for the Detrans Bill of Rights which would give insurance coverage to people like myself."
Christina Buttons on X - "She said she had a list of studies that support gender-affirming care. I asked which ones, because I’m familiar with all of them and their many flaws. Apparently she thought I called her a groomer, but I don’t use that word. I was very confused by the whole interaction."
Colin Wright on X - "For the record, nobody called her a "groomer." That was all 100% in her head."

Meme - Emerald-Rose DeLeon 12HS Mars ... @EmRoseDeLeon: "Trans acceptance will not be complete until cis people are okay with the idea of not knowing what genitals their date has until they have sex. It is literally so very not a big deal."
But of course, when it comes to straight sex, sex by deception is rape (at least if the man is the deceptive one)

Andrew Sullivan: Questions About Youth Gender Transitions - "I met a group of women in their early 20s who are not supposed to exist.  They’re women who, in their teens, realized that they were actually men, socially transitioned to the other sex, and then underwent hormone therapy to change their bodies, faces, and voices to become transgender men. After varying amounts of time, however, they all realized they had made a big mistake, stopped testosterone therapy, and “detransitioned” back to being who they were before. They are now embarrassed, they say, but not ashamed. “I don’t identify as anything,” one of them told me. “I just have two X chromosomes in the bag.”   These women are not anti-trans, or religious nuts, or members of the far right. They expressed not a smidgen of transphobia, just a pressing concern that many teenage women, particularly lesbians, struggling with gender dysphoria, have been convinced too quickly that the only solution is to change their sex. They worry that any kind of therapy apart from affirmation of transgender identity is now seen as transphobic, and that teens are able to get hormones far too easily. The widespread consensus today is that detransitioning is so rare even mentioning it borders on transphobic. But in reality, absolutely no one knows how rare detransitions are currently — the small set of research studies detransition skeptics present as evidence that it is very uncommon all come from vastly different contexts, in some cases decades-old, and arguably don’t capture what’s going on in 2019. These women live every day with the consequences of their decision: tenacious facial hair (one has to shave every three days) and body hair, deeper voices, permanently enlarged clitorises. They also suffer from the effects of “binding,” i.e. wearing a breast corset of sorts, to flatten their chests, so they can pass more easily as men. “I have back issues, lower lung capacity, and permanent dents around my shoulders,” one told me. “Every now and again, I have to push a rib back in to breathe,” another recounts. “I have permanent bruising,” another explains. “Serious back issues,” says another, who cannot carry a backpack for long without pain. “We get ‘sir’ed at Dunkin’ Donuts every time,” one joked. How could this have happened? We are regularly told that no child or teen is encouraged to take puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones unless they have shown “consistent, insistent and persistent” identification with the opposite sex. And yet all these women became trans quite suddenly after puberty, found affirmation immediately, and got testosterone easily. One says she told her mom one evening that she was having a sleepover with friends, but instead drove hundreds of miles to a Planned Parenthood through the night in search for help with transitioning. Within a couple of hours, after telling her life story, she says she was diagnosed as trans by a social worker, who was impressed by her tenacity in driving so far, and was started on testosterone therapy before even getting any results from blood work. Another got diagnosed online, and got testosterone in the mail.   By their own accounts, they had been adamantly trans in their teens... the data on transitioning in the past decade is startling. In 2009–2010, there were reportedly 32 girls and 40 boys referred to the center for treatment. Since 2018, there have been 624 boys and 1,740 girls, overwhelmingly in their teens. One explanation is that, as stigma declined, more transgender kids identified themselves as such. But the shift toward girls, compared with boys, suggests that something else may be going on. Why should the female share of transgender patients suddenly shift from 44 percent to 74 percent girls in a decade?  The women I spoke to said the internet, particularly Tumblr, was the key change. “The online effect is where the transgender boom was born”... Detransitioning is rarely mentioned and usually discounted as a myth or equated with transphobia... [Lisa] Littman herself lost her consulting job over the [rapid onset gender dysphoria] paper, after a campaign to get her fired for transphobia...   “Fast-track” transitioning — some kids are brought by their parents to socially transition as early as 2 years old — has also unnerved some gay men and lesbians. The vast majority (studies range from 63 to 94 percent) of gender dysphoric kids turn out to be gay after puberty. So how can you tell which gender-dysphoric kid is gay and just needs to be left alone, and which one is trans and needs urgent treatment? Since the brain doesn’t fully develop until you’re 25, how do we ever truly know who’s really trans and who’s gay before then?  With gays, mercifully, you don’t have to make any early, irreversible decisions. They need no medical intervention. They can simply figure it out for themselves over time. With trans kids, it’s a whole different story. Social transition is one thing. Off-label puberty blockers and irreversible hormones and surgeries are quite another. And this is zero-sum. All the women I spoke with who detransitioned now date women or don’t date at all. Their transition was based entirely on how they felt at the moment, which they now regard as a false signal about their long-term identity. Which prompts the question: How much of the extraordinary surge in transgender girls is related to their discomfort with being a lesbian? What role does homophobia play in enabling transition?... Right now, we are effectively experimenting on minors who cannot give meaningful consent. And that alone should give us pause."
From 2019. As the detransitioned women know, it's transphobic to express even a smidgen of concern about trans mania (or even detransition), so Andrew Sullivan is wrong that they didn't express transphobia
TRAs claim essentially all detransitioners detransition because of transphobia (since they hilariously use a trans survey to claim detransitioning is rare and due to transphobia), so
Why doesn't Andrew Sullivan know that if you think not all trans kids are really trans, it means you want to ban gay marriage and hang gay people?! Not to mention ban miscegenation too

Opinion | The Supreme Court Just Gave Us a Bitter Taste of What’s Coming - The New York Times - "Trans and gender-nonconforming people have existed as long as humans have used gender to organize themselves — think Joan of Arc; think Yentl; think many, many real and fictional people in-between — but in Western culture, it’s only in the last half-century that trans people have asserted ourselves as a group. It was only when we became more visible that the onslaught of new discriminatory laws began... The A.C.L.U.’s appeal to the Supreme Court (after winning a preliminary injunction that was then overturned when Tennessee appealed) argued that the law violated both the equal protection clause of the Constitution, by discriminating against trans minors on the basis of sex, and due process, by overriding the decisions parents make about their children’s medical care... Tennessee also claims that science is on its side, and that is perhaps the most disturbing aspect of this case. Dozens of mainstream medical societies, including the leading associations of pediatricians, filed amici briefs arguing against S.B.1. Apparently trying to find their footing, conservative justices asked about new regulations in the United Kingdom and Sweden. But those regulations were written by medical — not legislative — authorities, and they come nowhere near a total ban... Defying medical consensus is becoming something of a national pastime... Rejection of genuine expertise is both a precondition and a function of autocracy... it won’t stop with trans care. Governments at different levels will be emboldened to meddle in what should be private, family decisions. In and out of government, people who know what they are talking about will be supplanted by people who perform their loyalty most loudly. Quackery will continue its ascent; expert consensus, not only in medicine but in all the disciplines that enable us to know and navigate the world, will be marginalized."
Clearly, left wing experts must be obeyed unquestionably, no matter how many times they've been wrong, or whether other experts (especially in other parts of the world, which are less ideologically captured) object
Modern progressivism is saying that women who don't behave like stereotypical women, for example Joan of Arc, aren't women
Naturally, laws protecting children are framed as discriminating against trans people and the protection of children aspect is not mentioned at all
Since all sex distinctions discriminate on the basis of sex, they violate equal protection and we should allow cis men into women's bathrooms and sports
Given that NHS England doesn't prescribe puberty blockers anymore and TRAs cried bloody murder, while in Sweden they've halted hormones for minors in almost all cases, it's rich to claim that it's "nowhere near a total ban"
Given that TRAs support taking "trans" children away from parents who do not enable them, pretending to be concerned about "private, family decisions" is hilarious

Meme - "Hill: Cutting your dick off is not a valid form of therapy."
"I love that the straight men's entire assumption is that we are here for them, like dude, I transitioned so I could get away from you, why would I ever let you back into my life?"
Kara Anders: "Saying the quiet part out loud, I see."
Weird. We are told that Trans Kids Know Who They Are and that Gender Identity is Innate

Meme - "I transitioned from female to male and now I want to be a trans woman???
Before I transitioned into a man I had a fetish for gay men, bisexual men, femboys and trans women. I would use a strapon during sex pretending it was my penis and that was a man dominating trans women and femboys. I had a massive sissyfication fetish I wanted to make my boyfriends gender transition and make them fem etc If am honest my greatest fantasy was giving birth to boys and making them trans I discovered this when Megan Fox made her sons tras but I was able to get past that by fantasizing that I was a dirty daddy doing it. Of late I have started finding the idea of being a woman hot and being forced to be a woman hot. I started watching Sissy Hypno which I had forced my boyfriends to watch in the past and I keep getting off to how I am not a real man. I want to be a trans woman or a femboy like the guys I have dated. I am quite confused and not sure what to make of this."
"This happened to me to. After becoming a man I started looking at sissy content and I wouls also peg my boyfriends."
Trans kids know who they are!!!

Sam Morgan on X - "Teenage Girl: “I hate my female body”
Psychopath: “You can cure that by triggering an early menopause, cutting off your breasts, and grafting a tube of arm skin to your abdomen.”"

Meme - Jamie Reed Whistleblower @JamieWhistle: "I just spoke to this mom, sharing that I experienced gender distress as a child, that I thought I should have been a boy, but that I grew up to be a lesbian.   Shockingly she said I must actually be a man, and that I have buried my true gender so deeply hiding it as a lesbian."
"I know what's BEST for my daughter!"
Another example of how trans mania is the true conversion therapy

Monday, December 30, 2024

Links - 30th December 2024 (2 - Justin Trudeau)

Why Have So Many Canadians Turned on Justin Trudeau? - The New York Times - "73 percent of Canadians think that Mr. Trudeau should resign as leader of the Liberal Party, including 43 percent of Liberal voters...
Economy: Canada’s post-pandemic inflation spiked to 8 percent, though it has since receded below 2 percent. Unemployment remains high, around 6.4 percent. The Conservative opposition has hammered Mr. Trudeau’s carbon-tax program.
Housing: The cost of housing in many major Canadian cities has become untenable. An economic analysis this year found that in Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal, prices would have to plummet, or incomes would have to improbably soar, to restore affordability.
Immigration: In October, Mr. Trudeau said he was tightening Canada’s immigration policies after the country welcomed nearly three million people over three years, straining health care and other services. “In the tumultuous times as we emerged from the pandemic, between addressing labor needs and maintaining population growth, we didn’t get the balance quite right,” he said.
Scandals: In 2018, Mr. Trudeau was accused of groping a reporter in 2000, an allegation he rejected. A federal ethics commissioner in 2019 ruled that Mr. Trudeau tried to circumvent, undermine and discredit his former justice minister and attorney general, Jody Wilson-Raybould, in connection with a criminal case against SNC-Lavalin, a multinational engineering and construction firm based in Montreal. That same year, images surfaced of Mr. Trudeau wearing blackface or brownface as a student in the 1990s and as a teacher at a private prep school in 2001.
Infighting: Mr. Trudeau’s hold on power slipped in September when the left-leaning New Democratic Party deprived Liberals of guaranteed support needed to pass legislation. This week, Chrystia Freeland, the deputy prime minister and finance minister, resigned abruptly, a stinging rebuke to Mr. Trudeau."

Why Have So Many Canadians Turned on Justin Trudeau? : r/canada - "Because, in the last 2 years particularly, Trudeau has done the complete opposite of what most Canadians want, exponentially, month after month:
Spending more, instead of fiscal restraint.
Identity politics, instead of meritocracy agnostic to race and gender.
Suppressing workers, instead of allowing pay and conditions to improve post-pandemic.
Favouring employers over workers.
Treating foreigners more sympathetically than citizens.
Perverting the public service into a grift.
Disempowering Canadians by eviscerating the job market. Either you can't find work (destitution), or can't leave a terrible job for something better (servitude).
Making Canadians depend increasingly on the government for subsistence, and then awarding this subsistence on the basis of identity.
Weaponizing immigration to keep us in our place; or, making Canadian serve immigration, rather than vice versa.
Completely neglecting the rule of law: immigration fraud, drugs rampant in the street, short sentences, and repeat bail for chronic recidivists.
The government, too, behaves as if it were above the law: withholding documents, possibly treasonous MPs, too (I know that backbench MPs aren't in government), the absence of any accountability. Parliament can't even hold the government to account. Democracy has nearly broken down in Canada, without exaggeration.
Pillaging the treasury to enrich themselves and the most dishonest and incompetent among us (our employers, frankly).
The NDP, in part, have stripped us of our collective ability to remove Trudeau, seemingly for the sake of Jagmeet Singh's pension. They've literally sacrificed our self-determination.
Fuelling hatred. Most Canadians don't wish any ill upon anyone else on the basis of identity, but become embittered by identity politics... provoked, as it were, to demagoguery.
Even his "fixes" seem corrupt: is the push to build more housing, for instance, not really a scheme to enrich developers?
A decade of frustration for young people, who came of age around his election, and have never gotten their lives off to a decent start. And all the youths who have come of age since, graduating into an abyss of underemployment, at best. The culmination of their work, education, skill, leadership, and know-how being to scroll Indeed all day, or serve hamburgers.
Neglecting to grow wealth, and obsessing over redistributing whatever crumbs remain, again on the basis of identity.
Turning Canada, a country of prosperity and law, into a basket case, where incompetence is the key to success.
Enriching themselves with borrowed money while we languish.
Doing all this with the smug veneer of virtue."

Liberals express concern about blowing past $40 billion deficit - "“It’s not an unlimited pot,” said Liberal MP Wayne Long about the federal government’s financial means. “I think that we do need to show fiscal restraint.”... Liberal MP Brendan Hanley agreed that his government should be presenting a “fiscally responsible framework” so that it is “able to invest in Canadians.”... Despite their concerns about the deficit ballooning and the expensive affordability measures, Liberal MPs did not express any desire to scrap the $250 cheques."

PM Trudeau takes a shot at countries who have elected Conservatives and warns voters to “not fall into an easy trap of voting for change for the worst.”: “Let’s not be that kind of country in Canada.” : r/Canada_sub - "Meanwhile every single data set available shows Canadians lives are worse off now by FAR compared to 10 years ago... but hey, at least we got weed. This guy is so our of touch that he actually believes he is still doing a good job."

Premiers step up as Trudeau's failure on border continues - "Ford was speaking with John Catsimatidis, the owner of WABC, and a personal friend of Trump. In fact, during Trump’s appearance at the New York Stock Exchange last week, Trump gave a shout-out to Catsimatidis, as the two billionaires have been friends for years.  This may seem small potatoes to those who don’t understand politics and the Trump world, but in reality, this is a big deal. Ford was making Ontario’s case and Canada’s case, on a radio show that Trump listens to while speaking directly to one of Trump’s friend’s about why we should avoid a tariff trade war. This interview follows on Ford making similar appearances on Fox News and CNBC, two stations Trump watches — and on CNN, a station Trump mocks. Why isn’t Trudeau making the rounds to make Canada’s case?  We know he isn’t above doing media interviews, although he seems to prefer friendly outlets like CBC or podcasts where the hosts are smitten with him. Still, this is the type of thing Trudeau, or his ministers, should be doing. Instead, they are busy campaigning at home.  Trudeau has been in the headlines in the United States this past week, but for all the wrong reasons – mainly campaigning against Trump.  Last Monday, in Halifax, Trudeau was speaking to the local chamber of commerce when he went off about the American election. Trudeau said Canadians should look south of the border and be worried about changing governments just for the sake of changing governments... Lamenting that your neighbour elected the wrong person after the election, while facing a tariff threat, is a really dumb move, something the premiers told Trudeau repeatedly during a conference call... On the issue of actually fixing the border, though, Trudeau has been a mute thus far.  On Nov. 29, Trudeau flew down to Mar-a-Lago for a meeting with Trump, a ballsy move and the right one. Unfortunately, as we learned later, Trudeau took the wrong message and has been the subject of mockery and trolling by Trump and his allies ever since.  Trudeau’s message to Trump was that tariffs would cripple the Canadian economy, which led Trump to say that maybe Canada should become the 51st state and Trudeau could be governor. Since then, and especially since Trudeau’s public musings about Americans being wrong in their electoral choice, Trump and his allies have had Trudeau — and therefore Canada — in their sights.  Premiers, meanwhile, have been stepping up, and not just Ontario’s Ford. Alberta Premier Danielle Smith has also made American media appearances making the case that there is work to be done on the border but that a trade war is not in anyone’s best interests. Smith has also put forward an aggressive plan to dedicate 51 Alberta sheriff, drones and more towards the border effort.  Manitoba Premier Wab Kinew has ordered provincial conservation officers to begin border patrols and he’s also said he’s willing to pay extra for RCMP patrols. Kinew, a New Democrat, was the first of the premiers to raise the issue that Canada should increase defence spending, another American concern.  Quebec’s Francois Legault has sent his provincial police force, the SQ, to patrol the border. Ford has said he will support using the OPP, back Windsor Police patrolling the river and look to get helicopters for police in Niagara and Hamilton to increase patrols. So far, Trudeau’s announcements have been wait and see, something is coming.  As I have written earlier, Trudeau screwed up the 2018 tariff fight with Trump and hurt Canadian workers for nearly a full year before doing what needed to be done. Given past experience, we shouldn’t expect anything different this time."

Sorry, not sorry: Liberals urge Justin Trudeau to go - "The federal party lacks a mechanism to oust its leaders, so lawmakers are trying a range of tactics with Trudeau. Discontented backbenchers had hoped he’d notice the polls and take them personally. When that didn’t work, they initiated a quiet revolt and behind closed doors presented him with a letter encouraging him to leave... Catherine McKenna, who served in Trudeau’s Cabinet from 2015 to 2021, was the first prominent Liberal to go public over the summer, calling for “new energy and a new leader.” Last week, she was far blunter: “Every Liberal MP should be calling on the Prime Minister to resign.”  The House is scheduled to reconvene Jan. 27, a week after Donald Trump returns to the White House. There is growing fear that chaos in Ottawa is impeding Canada’s readiness for the tariff war the president-elect has threatened to start on his first day back... Trudeau is being compared to President Joe Biden — dooming his party by bungling his exit. Canada’s three-term prime minister is one of a band of embattled G7 leaders that includes now-former U.K. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, who last week lost a confidence vote.  Trudeau insisted through the fall that he was staying put. “I’ve got a fight to lead against people who want to hurt this country,” he said ahead of the fall session...  MOST READ 1975420355      Mark Zuckerberg and Meta got a big win. They have the House GOP to thank.     Biden vetoes bill that would have created dozens of new federal judge slots     Elon Musk’s ‘Move Fast and Break Things’ Attitude Clashes with Washington     ‘I Probably Could Have Flipped Over a Few More Tables’     Sorry, not sorry: Liberals urge Trudeau to go  The prime minister has been under growing pressure since the Liberals were defeated in a special election on June 24 in a Toronto stronghold his party had held since 1993.  Rookie Conservative candidate Don Stewart scored a 590-vote squeaker over Leslie Church, Freeland’s former chief of staff. Liberals everywhere considered the loss a harbinger. If they could throw everything at a race in “Fortress Toronto” and lose, then no Liberal riding was safe.  While pundits speculated on what the loss would mean for Trudeau’s feature, Liberal lawmakers recognized what it meant for theirs.  In September, the Liberals lost another long-held seat in a Montreal by-election. On Dec. 16, they surrendered one more in British Columbia. They weren’t expected to hold on to Cloverdale-Langley City, a swing riding outside Vancouver, but the decisive loss offered yet another preview of the 2025 federal election.  Polling from Abacus Data this fall found that 57 percent of Canadians living in a Liberal-held riding want their member of Parliament to call on Trudeau to resign and not run again.  A new survey last week revealed 45 percent of committed voters ready to vote for Poilievre’s party, “the largest Conservative lead in our tracking history and the lowest Liberal vote share since 2015.”"
More left wing projection - the one hurting the country the most is Trudeau

Ontario Liberal MPs want Justin Trudeau to step down: sources - "more than 50 Liberal MPs came to a consensus that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau needs to step down as party leader... Ontario caucus chair Michael Coteau was tasked with communicating to Trudeau and the Prime Minister's Office that he has to resign...  51 MPs were on the call, a majority of the Ontario caucus's 75 members."

Canada's worst ever finance minister — Justin Trudeau - "Trudeau, funny enough, started out with slightly more fiscal sanity in his toolkit.  Indulge us, if you will, on a trip down memory lane. In the summer of 2015, Trudeau was campaigning on a pledge to run “a modest short-term deficit” of under $10 billion for the first three years of his mandate, and bringing it back to balance by 2019-20.  The Liberal platform featured what now seem like fairly centrist policies, including a Canada Child Benefit that would give parents the freedom to purchase the type of child care that worked best for them, given that, as the Liberals put it, “A one-size-fits all national program — particularly one that imposes pre-determined costs on other orders of government — is impractical and unfair.” But like a kid in a candy store, once in office, Trudeau couldn’t help himself. His government’s first budget, tabled by Finance Minister Bill Morneau in 2016, projected a deficit that was nearly double Trudeau’s self-imposed $10-billion cap.  And Morneau didn’t even bother pretending he was going to balance the budget by the end of their first term — the 2016 budget estimated that by 2019-20, the government would still be running a $17.7-billion deficit. But back then, the country’s finances were still in pretty good shape, with the national debt sitting at a relatively quaint $620 billion. In the intervening years, we have witnessed one of the largest expansions of government in Canadian history. By 2021, the socialized daycare system the Liberals had decried as “impractical and unfair” became “essential social infrastructure” that would be brought into existence with seed funding of $30 billion over five years.  Other costly expansions into provincial areas of responsibility, such as socialized dental and pharmacare, were also pushed through, largely to placate the NDP once the Liberals lost their majority. Continuing its trend of meddling in areas of provincial jurisdiction, the Trudeau government pushed through a constitutionally dubious carbon tax that the Supreme Court upheld as being in the national interest, but was made political when the Liberals exempted home heating oil used almost exclusively in the Atlantic provinces, where they were looking to shore up support.  Meanwhile, in Alberta, where the Liberal brand has been toxic since the Alberta and Great Waterways Railway scandal of 1910, the oil and gas sector was singled out with more stringent emissions caps than any other industry. In the name of saving the planet, Trudeau also engaged in a national industrial policy that would make Mussolini proud. Last year, the parliamentary budget officer estimated that the government’s support for the electric vehicle battery industry alone would cost $43.6 billion. Never mind that Canadians seem wholly uninterested in purchasing EVs — the Trudeau Liberals plan to force their hand by banning the sale of new gas-powered vehicles by 2035.  A full accounting of this government’s wasteful spending and pork-barrel politics could be the subject of a tome that would make George R. R. Martin blush. But it speaks volumes that during his nine years in office, Trudeau lost both his finance ministers due to disagreements over his reckless, politically motivated spending.  Morneau stepped down in 2020 as the government engaged in a pandemic spending program that would double the national debt in a few short years. Actually, calling it a “program” is probably being too generous. The Liberals were simply spending vast sums of money in an effort to make it look as though they were doing something — anything — to try to mitigate the damage caused by the virus. As Morneau wrote in his 2023 book, “Where To From Here: A Path To Canadian Prosperity,” decisions were being made “on the fly” and “policy rationales were tossed aside in favour of scoring political points.” Morneau was expected to “rubber stamp” Trudeau’s political whims, even when they were made over the objections of finance officials. “During the period when the largest government expenditures as a portion of GDP were made in the shortest time since the advent of World War II, calculations and recommendations from the Ministry of Finance were basically disregarded in favour of winning a popularity contest,” he wrote.  Rather than entering a period of fiscal austerity when the pandemic began to subside, the Liberals continued burning through cash, with Morneau’s replacement, Chrystia Freeland, arguing that low interest rates meant it would be “short-sighted of us not to.” But even she apparently had her limits... Freeland refused to be a rubber stamp, so she was tossed aside in favour of Dominic LeBlanc, a close family friend of Trudeau’s who is sure to do the prime minister’s bidding for as long as he lasts in the job. Having a puppet in the finance portfolio has always been the goal of Justin Trudeau — a man who should go down in history as Canada’s worst ever finance minister."

Why Jagmeet Singh says he isn't ready to bring Trudeau down, yet - "In an interview on CTV's Your Morning with Anne-Marie Mediwake, Singh was asked repeatedly to explain how he's calling on the embattled Liberal leader to resign, but won't say he's ready to help trigger an election."
When you know you'd lose relevance if you brought down the government

Caryma Sa'd - Lawyer + Political Satirist on X - "Police push protesters away from driveway to make space for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s convoy. The nation’s top politician was not able to access his own fundraiser on the first attempt. #cdnpoli #Malton #Mississauga #Palestine #Israel #Gaza #ProtestMania"

#BREAKING Prime Minister’s convoy forced to drive past “An Evening with Justin Trudeau” Liberal party fundraiser due to angry protesters. : r/canadian - "Meanwhile on Reddit: It's just Russian bots saying Canadians don't like Trudeau."
"Pretty soon they’ll find out “Russian bots” vote too. Lol"
"Yep. My favourite thing in the CSIS hearing today was that Russia actually has minimal operations in Canada today; they are laser-focused on the US and Europe.  The top countries with influence operations here? China, India, Iran and Pakistan."
"Funny enough these protestors are all Trudeau's imports  Gotta love it."
"Maybe someone told them Trudeau is a Jew?"

Stacey on X - "In 2010 Justin Trudeau promised to never take away people’s guns. In 2011 Stephen Harper promised to not reopen the abortion debate or introduce legislation. Poilievre has promised the same. Only 1 of these people have broken their promise."
This won't stop all the Conservative haters making all their wild claims

Polimeter - 41st Parliament of Canada - "Stephen Harper. Promise Tracker.  Kept (77%)"
Polimeter - 44th Parliament of Canada - "Justin Trudeau. Promise Tracker.  Kept (43%)"

He actually believed & still believes he never forced anyone to get vaccinated. By calling them “incentives” he thinks he’s absolved of all wrong doing. Threatening people with job loss is forcing people not incentivizing them. : r/Canada_sub

Meme - "Lol Should Trudeau criticize anyone when he trampled people's rights during covid and is wanting to bring the Online Harms Bill to really censor and control what people can see and say......"
Justin Trudeau: "And he says he'll make Canada "the freest country on Earth.""
"Poilievre's office maintains tight control over what Conservative MPs say and do"
Party discipline when you know the media and the left will and has blown trivial things up to defame and attack you is clearly against free speech

Trudeau thinks climate change is more important than feeding your kids. : r/Canada_sub

Trudeau cried during heated caucus meeting, wants to keep job - "Trudeau opened the nearly 4-hour meeting with a 20-minute speech, “during which he admitted he hadn’t slept the night before in anticipation of the meeting.”  They added: “He became emotional, with tears in his eyes, as he spoke about the toll the situation has taken on his family.”  Following the meeting, Trudeau was seen flamboyantly brushing by reporters, bobbing his head with a Conor McGregor-like swagger.  He told reporters the Liberals were “strong and united” without stopping to take questions...   To date, the 9-year and three-time elected PM has vowed to continue on as the party leader into his fourth election, slated for October 2025, despite abysmal polling numbers, including one that indicates the majority of Canadians want him to resign. "

Time for Trudeau to do the right thing for Canada an leave - "“Let the bankers worry about the economy,” Trudeau said Friday while announcing government funding to feed hungry kids. It was reminiscent of his comments in 2021 about not thinking about monetary policy just before inflation rose to 8.1% in June 2022. Or his comments that the budget would balance itself just before he plunged Canada in a decade-long cycle of huge deficits. Justin Trudeau and his Liberal Party have shown themselves to be poor managers of the economy. They are in fact economic illiterates and vandals inflicting damage upon this country that we all have to pay for. Since coming to office, Trudeau has increased total federal spending by $177 billion, an increase of 60% at a time when the Bank of Canada calculates cumulative inflation over that time of 22%. No matter how you measure it, government spending has been ramped up to uncontrollable levels under Trudeau, but no one would say that our government services are 60% better. We have a military that can’t function, is short 14,000 members and is unable to recruit but can change their marching anthems due to concerns over colonialism and gender. We have an immigration system that is broken and a refugee surge that is bankrupting every level of government. Crime, specifically violent crime, is up and the public is fed up with a revolving-door bail system. Rather than fix that though, the Trudeau government is blaming everyone else... So yes, the images of the vandals and thugs in Montreal are infuriating. The images of Trudeau dancing at the Taylor Swift concert knowing that he’s done nothing to deal with these hate rallies is infuriating."

Lawrence Martin on X - "Bumped into a longtime Liberal of good standing who told me he asked Jean Chretien about Justin Trudeau’s future. Chretien, he said, took a sip from his drink and muttered, “He’s toast.”"
All the times Trudeau slammed others for questioning high immigration - "The above is a third-hand account, but Lawrence Martin is one of the country’s leading Jean Chrétien, experts, having written a two-volume biography of the man. Anyways, according to a friend of Lawrence Martin, the former prime minister (who never lost an election) is saying that Justin Trudeau is “toast” in the next election. The Liberals may have hoped that the election of Donald Trump in the United States would provide some boost to their popularity. Trump remains broadly unpopular in Canada, and the thinking was that his victory would steer voters away from right-wing politicians generally. But that doesn’t appear to have happened."

Kelly McParland: Trudeau Liberals stick to same path Democrats took to defeat - "Justin Trudeau’s been pressed to shift gears, change direction, abandon unpopular or ineffective policies and adopt new ones, pay more attention to Canadians’ doorstep concerns, treat his caucus’s fears with greater regard, shake up his cabinet, call an election, step aside for new blood and generally offer some evidence he understands the state of the unrest afflicting his party and country … all to little effect. His response is to forge ahead, stick to the plan, ignore the naysayers and wait for the day everyone admits he was right in the first place. This is the same approach used by the Democratic Party as it strode confidently into last week’s wholesale defeat. Post-election analyses show Democrats lost ground to Republicans pretty much across the board: among Black voters, Hispanic voters, young voters, rural voters, blue collar voters, independent voters, swing-state voters; they lost support in wealthy neighbourhoods and unhealthy neighbourhoods. You name it, they lost it. There’s no question it was a deep expression of discontent with the world as Democrats see it... A week before the vote old salt party strategist James Carville was still insisting Kamala Harris had it all over Trump. His three reasons: Trump was a repeat electoral loser, Harris had gobs of money to spend, and a spidey-sense that Americans remained too good-hearted and reasonable to support an ogre like Trump. Now the task is to sort out the mistakes, with considerable early opinion arguing it’s well past time to abandon “progressive” moralizing and impregnable self-regard. Stunned by the election result, Carville was beside himself. “We had every rock star, cultural icon, athlete you can imagine. We had a superior field operation, the canvassing, the door-to-door stuff. We also raised more money. You look at all the intangible advantages we had and it didn’t amount to anything.” What’s wrong with those voters? How could they be so stupid? The view that voters were too dumb to grasp the essential rightness of Democratic policies struck many as central to the party’s defeat. Overpopulated with college-educated professionals, tech workers, academics, consultants, activists, left-wing podcasters and the like, party bosses refused to recognize they had lost touch with vast stretches of the country. “The Democratic Party has one job: to combat inequality,” wrote columnist David Brooks. “Here was a great chasm of inequality right before their noses and somehow many Democrats didn’t see it. Many on the left focused on racial inequality, gender inequality and L.G.B.T.Q. inequality. I guess it’s hard to focus on class inequality when you went to a college with a multibillion-dollar endowment and do environmental greenwashing and diversity seminars for a major corporation.” “The left has never fully grappled with the wreckage of 50 years ion neoliberalism, which left legions of Americans adrift,” concurred Democratic Sen. Chris Murphy in a lengthy posting. “We don’t listen enough; we tell people what’s good for them.” “Donald Trump has no greater friend than the far left,” asserted Democratic Representative Ritchie Torres. “When over 70 per cent of Americans think we are on the wrong track or headed in the wrong direction, that’s not a messaging problem. That is reality problem.” Left-wing warhorse Bernie Sanders, re-elected for a fourth term at age 83, issued a statement reflecting much the same view. “It should come as no surprise that a Democratic Party which has abandoned working class people would find that the working class has abandoned them,” he charged, denouncing “the big money interests and well-paid consultants who control the Democratic Party.” All the conditions that brought down the Democrats are rife among Canadian Liberals. A prime minister convinced he’s on the right track no matter who says otherwise. An uneasy caucus in need of a new leader but lacking candidates other than paler versions of the one they’ve got. A restless electorate convinced it’s not being listened to. A surging opposition happy to ride the wave of public discontent. Like the Democrats, Liberals can’t think of any response to challengers but to call them names and denigrate their existence. The last thing they’re prepared to do is listen. Even as their American cousins were deep into self-examination, two Trudeau ministers — ignoring the gains Conservatives have made by questioning unpopular climate policies — announced the government’s latest set of obstacles to the energy industry. “We’re asking the oil and gas sector to invest their record profits into pollution-cutting projects,” declared Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault, unveiling a demand for a further 35 per cent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. “I think most Canadians — even those that aren’t my biggest fans — would agree that it’s not OK for a sector to not be doing its share.” Alberta Premier Danielle Smith denounced the emissions cap as a “deranged vendetta” against Canada’s biggest export industry, worth US$143 billion a year with operations in seven provinces. Lisa Baiton, president of the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers, predicted the result of Guilbeault’s emissions cap would be “lower exports, fewer jobs, lower GDP, and less revenues to governments to fund critical infrastructure and social programs.” Industry executives and analysts warned of higher production costs and less investment."

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