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Thursday, November 23, 2023

Links - 23rd November 2023 (2 - Left Wing Economics)


Meme - Radical Graffi in Kelowna, BC.: "Anti-rich sticker seen in Kelowna, British Columbia
Rich Is Disgusting. Did You Know? When an expensive car drives by, you shouldn't just think, "Wow." You should think: "Wow. I cant believe someone would choose to spend money like that while people in our very city are living in tents and are passing away due to the conditions of their poverty." and spit (preferably on it) being rich is fkn disgusting
*Mercedes with "Eat The Rich" vandalism on windshield*"

Richard Hanania on X - "Economic populism in one chart. Argentina since 1950 has had more years of negative GDP growth than anyone except Libya. It's on the list ahead of Syria, Iraq, Chad, Congo, and Sudan. All countries with civil wars! Then comes Venezuela, another state that embraced socialism."

Meme - Lavader: "Hasan "Tax the Rich" Piker getting upset over Mexico taxing him for being rich."
hasanabi @hasanthehun: "landed in mexico and immediately got detained by customs for "having too many pieces of electronic equipment" for which they made up a number and forced me to pay taxes on."
Readers added context they thought people might want to know: "Mexico has taxes on bringing in too many pieces of electronic equipment There's no reason to believe the number was made up."
To the left, "the rich" are everyone richer than them

The War on Poverty Is Over. Rich People Won. - The Atlantic - "During COVID, we saw this incredible, bold relief, unmatched since the War on Poverty and the Great Society. If you look at the extended child tax credit, it dropped child poverty 46 percent in six months. If you look at emergency rental assistance, eviction rates drop to the lowest on record. If you look at incomes of families in the bottom half of the distribution—after the Great Recession, it took them 10 years to recover. This time, it took a year and a half. Night and day.  I see this as incredible, incredible evidence of what robust government spending can do. But those things are going away. We’re seeing evictions tick up again. We’re seeing the poverty rate tick up again. That should be troubling."
Unlimited government spending is great since they can just print money. And the post-covid hangover can just be blamed on the rich

Problem of tax evasion 'challenging' as 20% of Canadians willing to risk it: Study | Toronto Sun - "A 2016 Statistics Canada report found nearly $45.6 billion is lost to tax cheating.  The problem isn’t one a large chunk of Canadians view as a problem, however, as many of the respondents believe “tax cheating is justified because of unfairly high levels of taxation,” researchers conducting the study wrote."
Damn billionaires and big corporations!

MrBeast on X - "I already know I’m gonna get canceled because I uploaded a video helping people, and to be 100% clear, I don’t care. I’m always going to use my channel to help people and try to inspire my audience to do the same 😅❤️"

MrBeast Built 100 Wells in Africa. They’re Calling Him RACIST? - YouTube

Why Are People So Mad About MrBeast's Blindness Video? - "A YouTuber just helped treat 1,000 people with blindness and low vision. Why are people so upset about it?   MrBeast, a 24-year-old whose real name is Jimmy Donaldson, is the highest-earning creator on the platform with a record-breaking 131 million subscribers... His repertoire now includes dramatic displays of charitable giving, with videos like “Planting 20,000,000 Trees, My Biggest Project Ever!” and “I Cleaned the World’s Dirtiest Beach #TeamSeas.” But his latest video has divided fans. In a Jan. 28 video called “1,000 Blind People See for the First Time,” surgeon Jeff Levenson explained to MrBeast that “half of all the blindness in the world” can be treated with a 10-minute surgery. MrBeast announced that he would be helping 1,000 people undergo that operation. The video shows how many of those patients reacted to being able to see more clearly — with delighted screams and tears. A counter on the screen assigns each patient a number out of 1,000... On Twitter, there were a number of negative responses accusing MrBeast of “using” disabled people and people with low incomes to generate views and likening his video to “charity porn.”   “There is something so demonic about this and I can’t even articulate what it is,” one user wrote... MrBeast said in a tweet that it’s his goal to give away all his money before he dies... Another huge problem: MrBeast's video seems to regard disability as something that needs to be solved. He doesn't say in the video or in any of his subsequent public statements whether he consulted with the video's subjects about how they felt to have their disability treated as a problem... Steve Saylor, who is blind, tweeted that MrBeast just seems to be “putting his money where his mouth is.”   “I see what I call ‘inspiration porn’ videos all the time. Where it's designed to highlight ‘the struggle’ of disabled people to tug at the heart strings. Mr. Beast isn't doing that,” he wrote."
The left just hate rich people
Of course, if a government talks about its achievements, there's nothing wrong with that. Or maybe it's demonic if it's a right wing government
Apparently blind people underdo operations without being asked if they want to, and they are faking being happy after the operations succeed

Communist: *unhappy*

Meme - MrBeast @MrBeast: "Twitter - Rich people should help others with their money
Me - Okay, I'll use my money to help people and I promise to give away all my money before I die. Every single penny.
Twitter - MrBeast bad"
pudding person @JUNIPER: "the rich are inherently bad, doesn't matter what you do what you do with it"

Healing the blind is "ableism" - "As with everything woke, it is a trap. There is no way out because they begin and end with the same thing: some people are irredeemably evil, so everything they do is evil.  Antiracists like Robin DiAngelo make that clear up front. If you are white, as she is, you are evil. All that is possible is “doing the work,” whatever that means. For her that means becoming a celebrity and zillionaire while attacking the rest of us as evil capitalists keeping the melanin-enriched down. But you get the point.  Since it’s impossible to win, don’t play the game. Don’t help people and you are cruel. Help people and you are also cruel."

Meme - sucks @powerbottomdad1: "it's honestly incredibly nice of billionaires to continue to make the world better and better for a bunch of poor people who hate them and call for their heads on spikes. just dragging them kicking and screaming into a bountiful future. we don't deserve billionaires"

sucks on X - "it's honestly incredibly nice of billionaires to continue to make the world better and better for a bunch of poor people who hate them and call for their heads on spikes. just dragging them kicking and screaming into a bountiful future. we don't deserve billionaires"

Empirical audit and review and an assessment of evidentiary value in research on the psychological consequences of scarcity - "Empirical audit and review is an approach to assessing the evidentiary value of a research area. It involves identifying a topic and selecting a cross-section of studies for replication. We apply the method to research on the psychological consequences of scarcity. Starting with the papers citing a seminal publication in the field, we conducted replications of 20 studies that evaluate the role of scarcity priming in pain sensitivity, resource allocation, materialism, and many other domains. There was considerable variability in the replicability, with some strong successes and other undeniable failures. Empirical audit and review does not attempt to assign an overall replication rate for a heterogeneous field, but rather facilitates researchers seeking to incorporate strength of evidence as they refine theories and plan new investigations in the research area. This method allows for an integration of qualitative and quantitative approaches to review and enables the growth of a cumulative science."
Claims about the cognitive load of poverty do not replicate

Meme - "Thanks for buying my painting!"
"My pleasure"
"Still enjoying that painting?"
"I actually sold it. The buyer that offered double what I paid for it."
"HELP!!! I am being robbed. He stole my surplus labor!"
"Umm.. are you okay?"

Present Concerns -- Two Essays by C.S. Lewis -- Equality and Democratic Education - "I am a democrat (1) because I believe in the Fall of Man. I think most people are democrats for the opposite reason... Mankind is so fallen that no man can be trusted with unchecked power over his fellows. Aristotle said that some people were only fit to be slaves. I do not contradict him. But I reject slavery because I see no men fit to be masters...   When equality is treated not as a medicine or a safety-gadget, but as an ideal, we begin to breed that stunted and envious sort of mind which hates all superiority. That mind is the special disease of democracy, as cruelty and servility are the special diseases of privileged societies. It will kill us all if it grows unchecked... Men have so horribly abused their power over women in the past that to wives, of all people, equality is in danger of appearing as an ideal. But Mrs. Naomi Mitchison has laid her finger on the real point. Have as much equality as you please – the more the better – in our marriage laws, but at some level consent to inequality, nay, delight in inequality, is an erotic necessity. Mrs. Mitchison speaks of women so fostered on a defiant idea of equality that the mere sensation of the male embrace rouses an undercurrent of resentment. Marriages are thus shipwrecked (3). This is the tragi-comedy of the modem woman -- taught by Freud to consider the act of love the most important thing in life, and then inhibited by feminism from that internal surrender which alone can make it a complete emotional success. Merely for the sake of her own erotic pleasure, to go no further, some degree of obedience and humility seems to be (normally) necessary on the woman's part.    The error here has been to assimilate all forms of affection to that special form we call friendship. It indeed does imply equality. But it is quite different from the various loves within the same household. Friends are not primarily absorbed in each other. It is when we are doing things together that friendship springs up – painting, sailing ships, praying, philosophizing, fighting shoulder to shoulder. Friends look in the same direction. Lovers look at each other -- that is, in opposite directions. To transfer bodily all that belongs to one relationship into the other is blundering.    We Britons should rejoice that we have contrived to reach much legal democracy (we still need more of the economic) without losing our ceremonial Monarchy. For there, right in the midst of our lives, is that which satisfies the craving for inequality, and acts as a permanent reminder that medicine is not food. Hence a man's reaction to Monarchy is a kind of test. Monarchy can easily be "debunked", but watch the faces, mark well the accents of the debunkers. These are the men whose taproot in Eden has been cut -- whom no rumor of the polyphony, the dance, can reach – men to whom pebbles laid in a row are more beautiful than an arch. Yet even if they desire mere equality they cannot reach it. Where men are forbidden to honor a king they honor millionaires, athletes, or film-stars instead -- even famous prostitutes or gangsters. For spiritual nature, like bodily nature, will be served -- deny it food and it will gobble poison"

How Doug Ford’s decision to slash tuition fees backfired - The Globe and Mail - "Several months into its first term, the Progressive Conservative government led by Ontario Premier Doug Ford made what has turned out to be one of its most poorly considered decisions.  Mr. Ford won office in June, 2018, on a promise to reduce the burden on ordinary taxpayers... his “Government for the People” cut tuition fees for college and university students by 10 per cent across the board. The aim was “to keep more money in the pockets of Ontario students and families.” Who could possibly object to that?  Well, the colleges and universities could. They immediately complained that the government was cutting their income without making up the huge loss with money from government coffers.  Tough luck, said Merrilee Fullerton, the minister in charge. The universities and colleges would simply have to “make choices in terms of what they need to do.” It was up to them “to change, to adapt and innovate.”  They have done just that. Robbed of revenue from domestic students, they stepped up their courtship of foreign ones, who pay much higher fees."
Liberals are very upset that nothing comes from nothing. Clearly the solution is more taxes instead to fund free education

Meme - "When you demand to be paid $15.00/hr while demanding to import people who will do the same job for $5.00/hr"
This won't stop liberals from mocking poor right wing voters for "voting against their interests"

Construction of rental apartments at the highest level since the 1970s - "Purpose-built apartment construction hit the highest levels since the 1970s in the last quarter of 2019, suggesting there is some relief in sight for Toronto’s vacancy-challenged tenants... there were 12,367 apartments being built at the end of last year. To put it in perspective, there were only 18,602 units built in the 1980s and 1990s — the period after Ontario introduced rent controls, Shaun Hildebrand said. Also encouraging was a 43 per cent year-over-year increase in the number of development applications for purpose-built rentals in 2019. Those applications could add another 17,082 units to the housing supply, the report said."
Toronto has more cranes in use than most U.S. cities combined
Clearly rent control needs to return!

Is the lack rent control for buildings built after 2018 working? : ontario - "The rental price skyrocketing in Ontario is likely due to other factors that are stronger influencers. As an example, Alberta doesn't have rent control and yet rental prices have been very affordable. Calgary just recently saw a spike to do net migration from other Canadian cities, but Edmonton is still really affordable without any rent control.  Edmonton landlords are not less greedy, there's just more market supply and less demand keeping the prices reasonable."

Why is rent going up faster in Brampton? - "Rent in Brampton shot up three times faster over the last year than the national average in Canada, according to a rental report...   “Brampton is the hub of where new immigrants go for a number of reasons,” Sandhu said. “There’s a lot of entry level jobs and manufacturing and distribution. There’s also Sheridan College there that a fair number of students coming into Canada with student visas head to as a destination, so there’s a lot of demand.”...   To prevent landlords and property managers from creating illegal rental units to house more residents than what is allowed in a home, the City of Brampton previously announced in March it would pilot a program sometime early 2024. The program would cap the number of residents, create a system for random inspections and fines for unlicensed rentals, as well as explore establishing a Landlord Code of Conduct."
Left wing logic - Brampton landlords are three times as greedy as those elsewhere
Clearly reducing supply will result in lower rents

Revenge of the Renter - "“It showed that we could make a change, and it could spiral into something bigger.” Over the course of the summer and fall, more tenants in more neighbourhoods joined them, motivated by their own grievances: rent hikes, bedbug infestations, shoddy maintenance. As of this writing, hundreds of people are on rent strikes in Toronto—and while the strikes are only loosely coordinated, altogether they likely represent the largest such action in Canadian history... Tenant activism is flaring across the country as renters face skyrocketing rents and deteriorating living conditions in the most brutal housing market in memory. Whatever their outcome, the Toronto rent strikes are the latest, loudest volley in a brewing class war... To some extent, the problem is simple: there aren’t enough new apartments to satisfy demand, and scarcity is pushing rents higher. According to Carleton University professor and housing policy analyst Steve Pomeroy, a typical new apartment in Canada now goes on the market at about 150 per cent of existing average rents... For years, most new rental housing was found in purpose-built apartment buildings, operated by property managers whose sole business was to rent apartments... Between 2011 and 2021, the number of rental units in condo buildings controlled by small-scale investors grew from about 400,000 to almost 800,000. Those units are subject to the whims of individual owners rather than professional property managers. According to research by Pomeroy, renters in these units experience higher rates of so-called “no-fault” evictions—when landlords want to sell a property, for example, or take it over for personal use. In the federal government’s 2021 Canadian Housing Survey, one quarter of all evictions reported were due to landlords taking over properties. Rent arrears accounted for fewer than 10 per cent... Tony Irwin is CEO of the Federation of Rental-Housing Providers of Ontario. He makes the counterargument that with high interest rates and construction costs, steeper rents are increasingly necessary to keep buildings from falling into disrepair. “We live in a rent-cap environment that’s by no means keeping up with the rising costs of running buildings,” he says. Corporate landlords that also own commercial property—like Dream—are also bearing the cost burden of carrying empty office space as people continue to work from home... the company began to “decarbonize” 33 King by replacing windows, retrofitting the HVAC system and adding solar panels. In theory, these were welcome changes, but tenants say they came with constant noise, disruption, dust and inconvenience... “When there’s some competition for tenants, it changes the behaviour of landlords,” she says. “We saw that in the brief moment in the pandemic where landlords were suddenly offering breaks on rent.”... she discovered that the situation facing renters had changed since she was last apartment hunting: many landlords now required a guarantor on the lease, and asked prospective tenants if they made at least $75,000 a year."
When landlords take more steps to mitigate risk, the commies will get upset again
A lot of commies claim corporations shouldn't own property. Good luck dealing with small landlords one-on-one

Risks and Threats from Deficits and Debt | Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget - "CBO found that growing debt would result in per-person income being $9,000 lower – or a 10 percent reduction – compared to declining debt."
Leftists always mock conservatives who complain about money being spent on foreigners/foreign countries, imagining that it's a gotcha to say that they don't want to spend the money at home either so they're hypocrites/liars and don't care about their countrymen either. Clearly the CBO is run by far right fascist Nazis, since they're not for spending unlimited amounts of money. When you believe deficits don't matter...

I'm a 25-year-old with 2 master's degrees and $131,000 in student debt. I just left Paris and am getting ready to travel to Asia.
Clearly, capitalism has failed and we need to eat the rich

Nugget Capital Partners on X - "While he pretends to care about the middle class and students, it's important to note that even @theJagmeetSingh wife @gurkirankaur_ wears a #Rolex. Looks like a diamond dial datejust. The man of the people my backside. 😂 #cdnpoli #bcpoli #burnaby #jagmeetsingh"

Meme - "I own my home, and I can live with whoever I want"
"And I've accepted the responsibility of owning and caring for my home"
"Because adults can make informed decisions about their living situations"
"Makes sense to me"
"So why can't I offer my home to someone to live in temporarily at an agreed-upon price and .give them the option to move if my terms change?"
"Landlords are evil because money so l bacon grease the drains they have to fix"

Meme - "*Soldier protecting sleeping child/The Silent Protector*
Landlords: "Property tax, repairs, insurance, down payment"

I'm living in my van while my 'deadbeat renter' AirBnbs my home for $4k a month - he's making profit while I'm homeless - "In Rainier, Washington one man and his dog are living out of his van while his renter Airbnbs out part of his home without paying rent. Jason Roth is looking at nearly $50,000 in losses as he pays for utilities and the mortgage on his rented-out house, which is bringing in no rental income.  He claims that he is owed 5 months of back rent, with a current total of $29,000 because his tenant has stopped paying...   Roth is estimating that his delinquent renter makes anywhere between $2,000 and $4,000 of of his subletting scheme.  “OK. So, not only is he not paying me, but he’s generating an income through the basement Airbnb unit, and meanwhile, I’m having to pay the utilities for that unit,” explained Jason...   The renter received a short-term rental license from the city in order to operate the Airbnb, but did so under false pretenses...   It takes around one year for the full eviction process to complete, meaning that Roth is on the hook for his expenses without having access to his own home."
Left wingers hate landlords. But they also hate Airbnb. So who will they side with here?

Meme - "Tenant hasn't paid for 18 months, moves out and a buys house I am not a big landlord only have 1 property for income to help out with my family and expenses. I let a family of 4 rent my property for next to nothing to be nice and help them. However they fell behind, covid hit and they stopped making payments. Had multiple conversations around what was going on but it was always a health issue, medical bills, or fear of job loss and cutt hours, and most of their stimulus checks they told me went to garnishments, or medical bills. Finally they said things were getting better and they are going to start paying me. Next thing I know they are moving out not to rent another or live w relative but they bought a house.  They owe me 18 months worth of missed payments, yet they bought a house, not to mentioned ruined the carpets in all my rooms and screwed up a few walls cuz they have kids.  I want to know can I sue them and to securitize my debt to be paid by putting a lien against their house ?  Any help greatly appreciated!"

Meme - EconomyPuzzled8022: "Ima a 3k a month tenant in a purpose built rental. Raise em up crush everyone lets go, team pain and wooo! Fuck landlords of sfh, more purpose built rentals plz. Fuck small landlords."
When commies are such losers that they'll never be able to get their own place

A Tenant Poured Grease Down Drain Who Is Responsible? - "A tenant poured grease down the kitchen sink so who is responsible for the plumbing repair is the question this week for Ask Landlord Hank."
Damn slumlords not maintaining their properties!

Meme - "Newburgh mayor has sit-down with landlords July 26, 2023 . *all Jews*
Mayor Torrance Harvey and Newburgh landlords.
NEWBURGH - As the City of Newburgh continues to ramp up its code enforcement efforts, Mayor Torrance Harvey brought several landlords into his office to discuss their concerns and that of their tenants."
How to get commies to stop bitching about landlords

Students leave condo looking like rubbish dump, homeowner left speechless - "the landlord, Amanda, said she rented it out to two male students from China, only to find that they quietly snuck in a third female “tenant” after a while.    When they left, the place was strewn with garbage – from the living room to the laundry space.   In a TikTok video uploaded by Ben's Social Club on Tuesday (Aug 15), the apartment looks like a trash disposal facility.   There were clothes, food waste, plastic bags and other trash covering the dining table, sofa and TV counter, as well as the floor.  Both bedrooms in the apartment were in a similar state, with beds unmade and garbage in almost every corner of each room. The washroom wasn’t spared either; according to Amanda, the corner of the sink counter was damaged as well.  "There're piles of electronic cigarettes around the house and many cigarette butts in the kitchen sink. I was speechless (when I saw it)," Amanda said.  To make matters worse, the tenants apparently left utility bills unpaid.   "It wasn't just a problem with them not clearing up their mess," Amanda said. "They also failed to pay utility bills for a few months and even ran away before paying for their last month of rent.""
Damn slumlords refusing to maintain places and discriminating against potential tenants!

Meme - EconomyPuzzled8022: "Im a 3k a month tenant in a purpose built rental. Raise em up crush everyone lets go, team pain and wooo! Fuck landlords of sfh, more purpose built rentals plz. Fuck small landlords."
Renting should be banned. Then all of the commies will become homeless
Commies don't love the poor - they hate the rich

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