Meme - "Ken, why are you dress like a Barbie?"
"so i can stay at Barbie house overnight you should try it too"
Meme - ""Barbies" making fun of a "Ken's" height, weight, job, physical attributes or sex life" *smiling*
""Barbies" when they get called fat" *sad*
Meme - Ricky Martinez: "Wait a minute. The end of the movie. All of the "Barbies" team up and subvert all of the "Kens" by pretending to be normal, then twisting and turning all of the "Kens" against one another, causing them to fight amongst themselves while all the "Barbies" seize control of the world. This movie is a subtext masterpiece."
Meme - "Masculinity written by women: *Barbie*
Masculinity written by men: "You have conquered. Few have gained such a victory. Be at peace"
Meme - Kazol Zaman: "To watch Oppenheimer you need to understand geopolitics, modern physics, astronomy, need to have IELTS score minimum 8.5, gpa 3.9+. And to watch barbie you just need a girl to go with. So watching Oppenheimer is much easier."
Meme - "The Barbie movie is a story about a man who is oppressed by society. When he finally realizes he deserves to be treated better, he is villainized for it. He, along with everyone included) are gaslit into believing that he's the bad guy. In the end, once he realizes that society hates him and the woman he loves doesn't care for him, he takes the black pill becomes a volcel. He decides that even if everyone is against him, that's okay because all he needs is himself. HE is kenough. This movie is literally the origin story of every single man on my friends list.
Side hill: wom*n aren't allowed to comment on this post."
Meme - NPC: "Haha, you men are getting so upset over the Barbie movie just because it doesn't cater to you"
Normal person: "Actually, I fully relate to Ken's yearning for meaning in a world that treats him as a disposable prop while simultaneously telling him that he's an incorrigible evil entity that deserves no sympathy"
NPC: *upset*
"Not to mention the resolution of the plot was to re-establish the status quo that made Ken miserable, but telling him to "just be himself""
Alejo on Twitter: "I’m calling it just from the trailer - The real joke is that #barbie thinks it’s subverting 1950s gender norms when it’s enforcing 2023s gender norms."
Barbie movie: Warner Bros sorry for replying to atomic bomb memes - "Some images showed Margot Robbie with a mushroom cloud hairstyle. The official Barbie movie account replied: "This Ken is a stylist"."
Meme - manu @yonoexiste: "I'm sorry but the way he's getting more praise than all the women in it is starting to piss me off"
Film Updates @FilmUpdates: "Variety predicts Ryan Gosling will be nominated for Best Supporting Actor at the 2024 Oscars for #Barbie"
Meme - "Dylan Wilbanks
Ryan Gosling Reacts to Barbie Fans Saying He's Too Grown Up for Ken Role - " “I would say, you know, if people don’t want to play with my Ken, there are many other Kens to play with," Gosling, 42, told GQ in a new cover interview published Wednesday, when asked of stories published by outlets like the New York Post regarding some fans' disapproval of his casting in the upcoming Barbie movie. “It is funny, this kind of clutching-your-pearls idea of, like, #notmyken," he continued. "Like you ever thought about Ken before this?”... "If you ever really cared about Ken, you would know that nobody cared about Ken. So your hypocrisy is exposed," Gosling added. "This is why his story must be told.”"
Meme - Barbie @Barbie: "Go for the GoldTM with a Signature reproduction of the vintage Gold Medal #Barbie doll from 1975, celebrating teamwork and dreaming big - the perfect gift for the athlete or collector in your life!"
"Barbie Gold Medal Barbie Doll"
Bridget @Bridget22220182: "I don't know many athletes who look like that."
NF_TEndies 0 gibs.eth @nf_tendies: "This is who the US Women's soccer team lost to. *Swedish football team of blondes*"
Meme - ">Barbie movie
>tries to subvert expectations by talking about feminism and women's empowerment
>the men have the most memorable moments and best jokes
>Ryan Gosling even has the best song
Yeah, I'm thinking the Patriarchy is back bros"
Kendom Nationalist on Twitter - "When the Barbies became brainwashed after the Kendom was established, it wasn’t brainwashing; it was actually liberation. The Kendom was a free complementarian society, Barbie Land was an oppressive matriarchy."
Meme - "In Barbieland, every single Barbie has their own house with lawn, pool, garage, etc Not a single Ken owns any piece of property in Barbieland, they sleep on the couch/lawn"
Memes That Would Disappoint Your Mother IV: Mothman's Revenge: "Though to be far, they had a genuine opportunity to encourage actual equality (which they love to claim is what feminism is about) in not having the Ken's go back to being second class citizens but they opted for "girls are always the best and smartest and most right at everything and Ken's should accept that". Which is sad because they really made arguments for both Barbies and Kens so a compromise between the two would have been actual growth from both parties. But hey, Literally Me was hilarious in it so we got that going for us."
Meme - Lunkhead @Antweegonus: "The right way to interpret the Barbie movie is as a Shakespearean tragedy, with Ken as our tragic hero: a would-be Ubermensch of high birth, unparalleled vision and will, whose noble pursuit of strength and vitality is hindered by his fatal flaw: desiring the approval of women"
Lauren Chen @TheLaurenChen: "The Barbie movie literally has Ken try to bring the Patriarchy (explicitly called the Patriarchy) to Barbieland & amend the Barbieland Constitution to remove Barbies from positions of power. The lengths the studio went to hide how INSUFFERABLY WOKE this movie is are astounding."
Thread by @6iege on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "The most interesting thing about the Barbie movie is Ken's bloodless revolt against the Longhouse. You are Ryan Gosling, Gosling is Ken, Ken is Prometheus, and perhaps you are too... Ken is you. He is an exaggerated western man in the 21st century. Anxious, confused, chasing women who don't care about him. He exits the Longhouse and discovers his own will-to-power. Like you, he decides to bring this knowledge back to his fellow men. Listen to me- this is Ryan Gosling here. He has been the most celebrated avatar of outcast men in our society for years. Ken is the exaggerated antagonist turned hero. If you haven't seen it, Gosling finds himself portraying Ken, a doll designed to vie for Barbie's love and affection, for eternity. An all too modern bugman in a gynocentric world. Except he's not alone. Gosling is surrounded by other Kens, all of which have the same sole goal: get Barbie's attention. Like crabs in a bucket the Kens are constantly pulling each other down in an effort to impress her. An all too familiar sight... Ken starts off as the feminist's ideal man. A totally subservient man with a desire for Barbie that is not even sexual, it's just programming. He does not know why he wants to sleep over, he just knows it's something he should want. This all changes when Ken has an opportunity to leave the longhouse for a taste of the exaggerated patriarchal real-world. Ken is immediately inspired by the achievements of the Faustian man. He develops a fascination with horses, high IQ professions, and feeling respected. Rather than stay in a world where men are obviously better off, Ken decides to RETURN. Like a Prometheus, Ken brings the fire of will-to-power back to the other Kens. Men who he was competing with just days before, men who he was long pitted against in the longhouse. Ken brings these ideas back to Barbie Land and not only do the Kens love it, but the Barbies love it too. When Barbie returns, she discovers the only resistance to Kendom is the weird, ugly Barbies and Alan, the androgynous Michael Cera. I think you already know who these people are in your reality. The weird Barbies try to usurp Kendom by literally brainwashing the other women with feminist talking points. In order to break up the unity of the Kens, they engage in polyamourous activity to get the Kens jealous of each other once again. While this is clearly a fantasy, Ken's exit from the Longhouse happens to men every day in real life. Just as young women are subjected to long lectures on feminist talking-points. Barbie is an exaggeration of this very real divide between men, bugmen, women and feminists today. Ken's desire for Barbie brought him to the edge, but it was his desire to rise above the mass of Kens that pushed him to take the leap. When he landed he learned of a world BETTER than his own, and rather than dream it, he shared the knowledge to change his reality forever. Ken doesn't just exit the longhouse, he returns to burn it down."
🔺ʀᴇᴍɴᴀɴᴛ. on Twitter - "Gerwig thought she was making incisive social commentary by creating a Barbie Land where men have no social worth and get tired of that when this is just the world WE actually live in. This reveals everything you need to know about what women think they are "owed" from men."
Bob Roberts, MFA on Twitter - "What’s funny is that they accidentally slipped up in the writing. [SPOILER] At the end when the creator of Barbie is talking to Barbie, Barbie mentions how the real world is unfair and mean and there are emotions and failures and patriarchy and whatnot. But she goes on to say that she doesn’t want to be an idea; she wants to be the one who imagines and creates things. “BUT LIFE IS SUCH A STRUGGLE AND HARD” And this is where the creator says, along the lines of, “That’s what we do when life is hard; men create things like the patriarchy, and we create Barbie.” A woman literally said life was hard so men figured out how to fix shit, and life was hard for women so Barbie was created to help… by playing with dolls? Very weird dialogue, but very telling."
Did the 'Barbie' movie really cause a global run on pink paint? - "construction of the expansive, rosy-hued Barbieland — at Warner Bros. Studios in Leavesden, England — had caused an international run on the fluorescent shade of Rosco paint."
Meme - "How Men Are Watching 'Barbie' Wrong"
Crying Wojak Girl: "Nooooo Ken was supposed to be a joke and a mockery of your gender and patriarchy you watched this movie wrong!!!!!"
Gigachad: "I am Kenough."
Ginger Gaetz on X - "Thinking about watching the Barbie movie? I'd recommend sticking to getting outfit inspiration and skipping the theater. Here's why: The Barbie I grew up with was a representation of limitless possibilities, embracing diverse careers and feminine empowerment. The 2023 Barbie movie, unfortunately, neglects to address any notion of faith or family, and tries to normalize the idea that men and women can't collaborate positively (yuck).
💅🏽 Margot Robbie's performance
👗 Stunning costume design
🎵 Amazing soundtrack
🫣 Unfortunate portrayal of big dreams causing anxiety instead of inspiration
👎 Disappointingly low T from Ken
🤰🏼 Unfair treatment of pregnant Barbie Midge
I really wanted to enjoy it, but ended up feeling let down 😔
@american_girl , please don't take notes on this one 😅"
Now Elon Musk joins backlash against Barbie film's portrayal of anti-man feminism saying: 'If you take a shot every time Barbie says the word "patriarchy" you will pass out before the movie ends' - "'It [sic] you take a shot every time Barbie says the word "patriarchy", you will pass out before the movie ends,' Musk said on Twitter in response to a meme."
The Left Freaks Out Because I Hated The ‘Barbie’ Movie. Here’s The Real Reason Why. - "What I did was apparently terrible. Why? Why the outrage over me not liking the film? I have a question for you leftists. Why are you so upset? I don’t like the movie? You liked the movie? Okay, we can have those differences, so why are you so upset? I understand why I’m upset: What I’m upset about is the lie. You created a movie that is specifically designated for little girls and you slide in a bunch of Left-wing imagery and propaganda about how terrible little girls have it in the United States. Why are you so upset? Your movie made a lot of money over the weekend. This movie made $160 million over the weekend. It blew the doors off the box office opening weekend. What are you so upset about? One person whom you already didn’t agree with politically didn’t like the film and yet you are upset... when you notice their agenda, they get very upset. What they really want is approval... Greta Gerwig is now representative of an actual religious worldview. When I made the kind of quirky comparison between the reaction to me burning the Barbie dolls in this review and flaming the movie and the reaction to fundamentalist Muslims over the burning of the Quran, it wasn’t a frivolous comparison. That’s because they have an actual religious worldview that cannot be attacked. And if you attack that religious worldview, if you say that religious worldview is bad and wrong, then this means that you are a heretic and you must be punished. There’s a really serious undertone to a lot of this stuff. I actually got some death threats over the “Barbie” review. Why? Because there’s an ideology. It is the ideology of the sexual revolution that has been promulgated by the social Left in this country. And it lies at the center of everything they think, everything they feel... Greta Gerwig has a religious worldview. She did an interview with Vogue in which she talked about writing the movie, and she said that before she made the movie, she wrote an abstract poem about Barbie. She wouldn’t read the poem to Vogue, but astonishingly, she compared it to the Apostles Creed, the affirmation of certain core Christian beliefs... There is one speech that America Ferrera makes in the Barbie movie that basically is the Apostles Creed of feminism"
Meme - "Another one to add to the list.
Misheru Katorin @MKatorin: "My favorite character archetype is the character that was meant to be a right wing strawman/parody but ends up being so endearing and positively received that the right claims them."
*Archie Bunker, Tanya Degurechaff, Dale Gribble*
*Ken from Barbie*
Meme - "Me realising the Barbie movie was about feminist fragility all along"