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Sunday, November 19, 2023

Links - 19th November 2023 (2 - Trans Mania)

Mia on X - "Yesterday, CBC made the strongest argument in favour of Saskatchewan's Parents' Bill of Rights I've seen yet. This girl's teachers allowed her to socially transition, without parental knowledge or consent, when she was in Grade 6!   Imagine. An 11-year-old girl announces she's a boy, and a teacher, indeed the whole school, just goes along with it and no one even bothers to contact her parents.  If teachers want to give an 11-year-old so much as a Tylenol, they need parental consent. But they can alter the trajectory of a girl's whole life without any parental involvement. Madness.  #Bill137 #Saskatchewan"

Meme - Wolf: "TODAY IS THE DAY... *holding sheep costume*
I BE WHO I TRULY AM. *wolf in sheep costume*
Wolf in sheep costume: "Or maybe I can..."
This got shared by "Wholesome Humor". Ironic, since a very obvious interpretation of this is that the wolf is pretending to be a sheep while pretending that this is who he really is, and society is playing along with the delusion

Meme - "Future historians will study this in horror and wonder how society ever embraced it.
*Beautiful blonde girl vs FTM zippertits "nonbinary"*"

Meme - jesse @yummygoth: "DONT invite me over for girls night unless we're doing blindfolded pussy taste test"
rose ('s boobs hurt) @roselightheart: "damn everyone's gonna immediately recognize me"
skc @skcc22: "Damn shawty that shit stank huh?"
rose ('s boobs hurt) @roselightheart: "i have a dick and balls"

Meme - "Does this look familiar?
Lopez Raymundo"
Tess T. Eccles-Brown, PhD: "OMG what did I miss lol"
"The unveiling of Gorlock it seems"
John @johnEiid: "This him?"
On Gorlock the Destroyer

Meme - Gorlock: "I only date black men"
My black friends: *Spider-man getting rid of symbiote*"

Richard Hanania on X - "Japan used to only let you change your sex if you got sterilized, and if you were unmarried and without children. Supreme Court throws out the sterilization requirement."

river buddy butcher 🤠 on X - "if you can pretend that a groundhog is predicting the weather for the next six weeks, you can use they/them for a single person"
When they admit it's make-believe

Meme - "r/trans
I sometimes have violent thoughts about cis women
I hate the body I'm stuck in so much. Why couldn't I have been born in the right body?? When I see a pretty cis girl I get extremely jealous. Why is she so lucky? Why should she get to be so pretty and be born that way. I get so angry to the point I just want to punch them. I would never act on it but I just hate being near them."
Clearly not male aggression, but just "resistance" against "oppression" and "transphobia"

Meme - "If genitals do not define sex, then how does altering them affirm it?"
Or gender, if you prefer

Meme - "Emotionally abusive people: If I don't get my way, I will off myself!

Turning Point USA on X - "UNIVERSITY OF UTAH: TPUSA students were violently interrupted by protesters while screening “Damaged," a @DailyCaller documentary series on adults who underwent sex changes as children. The event was eventually shut down, and cops escorted students safely to their vehicles. @tpusastudents"

Mia on X - "Women: *give birth to literally every single human being that has ever walked this planet*
A tiny % of men in the 21st century: "We possess magical woman souls; therefore, we are literal women."
Everyone: I have no idea what a woman is now.🤷‍♀️"

Meme - "New alarming trend is women having their ears sewn into elvish tips - people are doing this and it's going to be getting more popular"
"You will never be a real elf. You have no grace of llluvatar, you have no agelessness, you have no far seeing eyes. You are a cruel mockery of Tolkien's perfection."

Meme - "Hill: ovarians will get mad at "female" and "ovarian," but stay quiet when they're called chestfeeder and birthing person.
'Hearing someone say 'female' instead of woman in real life'"

Meme - White light: "What's it to you? It's just a label"
"Hormone Blockers"
"Drag Queen Story Time"
"Every  other Commercial"
"Trans Kids"
"Military Sex Change Surgeries"
"Birthing People"
"Trans in Women's Sports"

Men Flood Women's Job Fair After 'Lying' About Being Nonbinary - "An event billed as the largest gathering of women and nonbinary technologists in the world was recently dominated by men, causing uproar among attendees and leading to apologies from organizers. The in-person Grace Hopper Celebration was organized by AnitaB and took place from September 26-29 in Orlando, Florida... instead of catering to its intended audience that paid about $1,300 per ticket just to get in the doors, organizers soon realized that cisgender men had flooded the conference allegedly for their own personal gain. "This is supposed to be a joyous event that centers around you," AnitaB Chief Impact Officer Cullen White told attendees on September 27. "Yesterday, it became clear that there are a far greater number of cisgender men attending than we anticipated. "Simply put, some of you lied when you registered. And as evidenced by the stacks and stacks of resumes you're passing out, you did so because you thought you could come here and take space to try and get a job. We need male allies; we need men who want to celebrate women, work with and for women. So, we welcome men in this space—to learn and support and improve."
Weird. I thought policing sexual identity was transphobic

The words 'woman' and 'mother' absent from University Arts London's menopause policy

Tory backlash as children set to gain gender-change rights at school - "Gillian Keegan, the Education Secretary, is facing a backlash from Conservative MPs and figures in Downing Street and the Equalities Office over plans to allow pupils to choose their own pronouns if their parents give consent...  It emerged this week that at some secondary schools in England, teachers have agreed to affirm children’s demands to be recognised as cats, horses and dinosaurs."
We'll still be told that it's a paranoid far right conspiracy theory that there're students who identify as cats

I refused to play along when my sister switched gender - "She said nothing of this to my parents or me at that stage, but we later found out that in her early teens she had told all her friends that she was trans. What we did know then was that the change in her physical appearance correlated with a deterioration in her mental health. She started to refuse to go to school. At home she was self-harming. I was desperately worried for her. So were my parents and she was now receiving counselling at Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS). When we went into Covid lockdown in 2020, she became glued to her iPad and phone, spending hours a day on her own. She was 15 by then, and we thought she was trying to keep in touch with her friends. What she was actually doing was immersing herself in online transgender culture. She became obsessed with trans influencers, adapting her personality to imitate them. She bought the same trousers as one of them and wore the same jewellery... My parents were naturally concerned about their vulnerable teenage daughter. They didn’t tell her outright, “You’re not a boy, don’t be silly.” But because they didn’t affirm her in exactly the way she wanted – because they didn’t say she was their son, nor contact her school and our whole family and tell them this, nor agree to puberty blockers – she lost her temper with them night after night.  Cowering upstairs, I heard her screaming and shouting at them, repeating what I subsequently discovered from my own internet research were stock phrases that gender-questioning teens are encouraged to use by members of the trans community online. “If you don’t affirm my identity, I’ll kill myself,” she threatened. There was something weirdly robotic about it, as if she had been indoctrinated and was following a script, although her passion and upset was clearly very real. I felt painfully conflicted. My generation has been influenced to think trans is something you have to support unquestioningly. And I did – until it became a reality in our household. Only then did I realise how dangerous this side of the internet is, in which vulnerable teenagers who feel they don’t fit in are encouraged down a route that might not be right for them. My sister seemed to think that, because she was struggling mentally and didn’t fit in, she must be a boy. Looking back, I can see how this powerful online community validated her. She connected with others like her – or those she thought were like her... It was when she returned to school after lockdown – she was in Year 11 by then – that we received the worst fright of all. My sister, who was taking antidepressants and anxiety medication, overdosed on paracetamol. At school she collapsed and was rushed to A&E. Thankfully, she was OK. But in these circumstances, CAMHS is alerted, and she told them she was a boy trapped inside a girl’s body. She also told them her parents had refused to accept her name and new identity. My mother received an extremely upsetting visit from social services as a result. In many ways we were lucky. The social worker decided the case need not be taken any further – she could see we were a loving and supportive family. And while some schools seem to allow children to change their names and pronouns without even telling their parents, my sister’s school did not go along with her new gender identity. They knew she had mental health problems, had been bullied and was vulnerable, and sensibly didn’t want to rush down the gender route beside her. (The same could not be said of her CAMHS therapist who, it turned out, was advising her to attend a support group for trans children, run by trans adults.) I couldn’t tell my friends about any of this. I was afraid I would be labelled transphobic and unloving for refusing to blindly accept that my sister was really a boy. I badly wanted to support her, but I knew my sister so well, and knew this wasn’t who she was. Finally, last year, we learned what was really going on: my sister, by then aged 17, was diagnosed with autism and ADHD. Her feelings of discomfort within her own body turned out to be not because she was actually a boy, but because of sensory issues that are common among those on the spectrum: a feeling of overstimulation brought on by her changing shape as she went through puberty. Last summer, she and I and our mum sat down and had a long chat. “I used to think I was trans,” said my sister. “Now I realise it was my ADHD and autism.”  She told us she had felt vulnerable and isolated going into lockdown, and had completely immersed herself online and found this ready-made support system of trans people. The way she described it, it was more like a cult than a community. She recognises she was sucked into thinking she was someone she wasn’t. Her emergence from trans was gradual. But hearing her say out loud that she now knew this wasn’t who she was was such a relief, my mum and I burst into tears... I feel like I lost my sister and have now regained her. But at age 16, I still can’t talk about this openly. There are strict rules my generation is expected to follow when it comes to trans, and I know I’d be breaking them if I told the full story and how it made me feel. This has made it a very isolating experience. I don’t know anyone else who has been through the same experience, perhaps because so few people of my age dare to talk about trans in any way but positively. It was so hard seeing someone I loved being effectively brainwashed. I hope that in speaking out, even anonymously, other young people worried about vulnerable siblings questioning their gender will know they are not alone."
Damn internalised transphobia! That's the only explanation for "his" detransition and now rejection of the trans identity!

CANADA: Man Who Raped Infant Quietly Moved to Prison with Mother-Baby Unit After Transgender Claim - "A Canadian man who was convicted of the horrific rape of a 3-month-old infant boy has begun identifying as transgender while incarcerated and is currently being held in a women’s correctional facility with a mother and child unit.  In 1997, Adam Laboucan sexually assaulted a three-month-old baby boy in Quesnel, British Columbia. Laboucan was 15-years-old at the time and had been hired to babysit the child. The infant was so brutally injured by the attack that he had to be flown to Vancouver, 410 miles away, to undergo reconstructive surgery. After committing the horrific assault, Laboucan “mutilated himself and ate his own flesh”... Addressing the Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security, Heather Mason told members of Canada’s federal government that multiple women had reported being the victim of sexual harassment by trans-identified males who had been placed in female institutions.   “One of these women reported that while in the mother-child program, two transgender individuals with convictions for pedophilia, Madilyn Harks and Tara Desousa, would loiter near her and her child, making sexist and inappropriate antagonizing comments,” Mason said in her statement.  Harks, whose given name is Matthew, is a serial pedophile who has been described as having “all-encompassing preoccupation in sexually abusing young girls.” Authorities believe he targeted at least 60 victims before being charged for approximately 200 offenses related to sexual abuse.  In 2019, a sexual assault report was filed against him by a female inmate, but no charges were pursued. That same year, the former Deputy Commissioner for Women, Kelly Blanchette, revealed that of all the requests from men to transfer into women’s prisons, half were from convicted sex offenders.   Mason shared with Reduxx exchanges she’d had with women being held in Fraser Valley. One inmate confirmed that Laboucan was being housed in a unit next to the Mother-Child Program residence, and said that he had been “staring” at the children to “antagonize” the women...   Indigenous women make up nearly half the female prison population, according to data from Canada’s Correctional Service. Compared to the average citizen, incarcerated women are more likely to have a history of physical or sexual abuse, and have a higher incidence of mental health issues. Female offenders are also far less likely than men to be convicted for violent crimes.  A report released by the Correctional Service in 2022 revealed that 82% of “gender diverse” prisoners in Canada who had a history of sexual offending were men who identified as transgender. Almost all had committed their crimes prior to claiming a transgender status. The overwhelming majority committed offenses that caused death or serious harm to their victims, over half of whom were women or children. In June of 2017, the category of “gender identity” was made a protected characteristic after it was added to the Canadian Human Rights Act via a controversial piece of legislation known as Bill C-16. The Canadian government claimed the bill had been assessed for its impact on women prior to approval, but has refused to release any details of the assessment’s findings."
Clearly, according to liberal logic, there are a ton of cis female sexual offenders that we haven't caught yet and/or discrimination and stigma make transwomen sex offenders, and transphobia are why transgender prisoners didn't come out before being caught. Because transwomen are identical to cis women and no one abuses trans laws

Meme - The Independent @Independent: "Opinion: What the white supremacist roots of biological sex reveal about transphobic feminism"

Meme - Uplift Trans Voices 2.0: "Just went through over one thousand screenshots. 148 are selected for the police report for now. Also, I've seen the photos from the group claiming I'm just panhandling, lying, or have 'no right to ask the cops for help because I'm ACAB' and at this point, say what you want, every picture sent to me, names and all, are going in the file. (So are all the profiles laugh reacting)."
Why are trans people always wanting to weaponise the state and police even though they're ACAB?
Laugh reacting is a hate crime!

Meme - "Men who have surgeons remove their penises and take laboratory chemicals to grow boobs ARE women. Um, You've been radicalized to the far right by the internet sweetie pie"

Japanese man who spent $16K to become a 'dog' struggles to make friends with real canines - "The man, who goes by “Toco,” shot to global fame last year after spending 2 million yen (around $16,000 at the time) on a hyperrealistic rough collie costume. He has since launched a YouTube channel where he chronicles his adventures — including news interviews and public walks — in his four-legged suit... Toco may find it hard to be pals with real dogs, but he has long expressed hopes to meet like-minded people who dress up as canines. He previously told the New York Post that meetups would be “great.”  He also wants to star in a movie."

JAPAN: Politician Who Supported Gender Identity Bill Sentenced For Creating "Upskirt Porn" In Women's Restroom - "A Japanese politician has pleaded guilty and been convicted of a number of disturbing sex crimes, including entering a women’s restroom to film non-consensual images while dressed as a woman.  Wataru Onishi, 42, had previously acted as the Committee Secretary for Japan’s Communist Party (JCP) in Chiba Prefecture. Onishi is known for having supported a controversial pro-LGBT bill which seeks to enshrine self-declared gender identity as a protected characteristic in Japan... while authorities were investigating Onishi for his voyeurism, it was discovered that he was responsible for yet another sex crime — an act of public exhibitionism and threats to rape a woman... That Onishi had dressed as a “woman” while committing his crimes has prompted widespread discussion on Japanese social media, with many users pointing out that Onishi was a staunch supporter of legislation enshrining self-declared “gender identity” as a protected characteristic in Japanese law.  Onishi, who ran for the House of Representatives in 2017, had also previously responded positively in a questionnaire on LGBT issues, saying, “There are still misunderstandings and prejudices against sexual minorities in society. The more comfortable a society is for sexual minorities to live in, the more comfortable it is for all people to live in.”... Japan’s lower house passed the bill despite its tremendous unpopularity. In one public opinion survey, 91% of respondents asserted that there was no need for the legislation. Rather than voting against their own party, several representatives staged a minor protest and walked out of the deliberation session at the House of Councillors.  In recent months, criticism of the proposed LGBT bill has escalated significantly, with many individuals and politicians vocalizing serious concerns about how the rights of women will be impacted by extending the law to bar “discrimination” against “gender identity.” In May, an emergency press conference was held in Tokyo and featured speakers from several women’s rights and LGB interest groups. One of the founders of Tokyo’s Rape Crisis Center, Michiko Orita, confirmed that the establishment had been denied government funding after being labeled “transphobic” for emphasizing the importance of single-sex services and spaces...  a man was arrested in Tsu city on suspicion of entering a women’s bath while disguising himself as a woman. The suspect denied the charges by simply stating: “I am a woman.”... Public forms of sexual abuse committed by men against women in Japan occur so frequently that the government has had to repeatedly intervene. Counter-measures have included anti-groping campaigns, strategically placed public security cameras, and a popular application that allows victims to alert fellow train passengers in instances of sexual assault.  Some critics of the bill have pointed out that it will result in sexual predators being able to access women’s spaces with legal impunity."
Clearly, they're all not trans, so being concerned about allowing people to enter toilets based on gender identity is not an issue and only transphobes would think so, and we have no reason to fear bathroom bills
So much for Asia being immune to liberal excesses

South Dakota & Gender Ideology: Progressive Business Pushing Red State Leftward - "What was unfolding in South Dakota was the all-too-common story of a powerful progressive business interest that was pushing a deep-red state leftward — even over the express wishes of its broadly conservative voter base...   Even without taxpayer dollars, left-wing lobbying efforts in South Dakota often benefit from generous out-of-state funding...   Despite the overwhelmingly Republican composition of South Dakota politics, gender ideology has made inroads in almost every area of the state’s governing institutions.
Corporate interests are good when they support the left

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