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Saturday, August 26, 2023

Links - 26th August 2023 (2 - George Floyd Unrest)

We Don't Have a Racism Problem, We Have a Deep State Problem: The Hideous Police Killing of Duncan Lemp - "Duncan Lemp is a name you’ve probably never heard. It’s never been on a picket sign or splashed all over 24/7 news channels. But Lemp was gunned down by police, unarmed, while he slept next to his pregnant girlfriend on March 12 of this year for the crime of owning a firearm. There were no riots or protests in his name. When his friends and family planned to protest the Montgomery County police in Maryland, they were threatened with a $5000 fine and a year in jail because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Jim Bovard at The American Conservative has done a great job reporting on this story that no one else in the mainstream press seems interested in, maybe because Lemp is white and his death doesn’t help paint the police as racists in order to divide people and foment hatred. His death is simply not interesting to the race baiters, but it is terrifying and relevant to what happened to George Floyd and every other innocent person who has died at the hands of police.   Lemp was the subject of an anonymous call turning him in for suspicion of having a gun illegally. He was executed without a trial while he slept as a result of “red flag laws” that are in use in the state of Maryland and effectively erase due process. Five guns were found, none of them illegal...   The police are in overdrive to hide everything from the family who want answers. Even the arrest warrant used to attack him in his home has been withheld from the family. Montgomery County has spied on the family’s Facebook postings and sent their lawyer a nasty letter threatening them with fines and jail if they protested the police... Contrast this reaction by police to the protests over the killing of George Floyd where law-enforcement are just letting people burn down buildings and loot entire cities without any repercussions. But Lemp’s family is being stalked on social media by government agents and threatened with arrest should they try to speak up about this injustice."
Police body-cam video in Duncan Lemp case didn't capture shooting - The Washington Post - "None of the front-line SWAT officers, per county policy, wore body cameras during the raid.  Montgomery County Police Chief Marcus Jones recently said the department will change its body-camera regulations to require all SWAT officers to wear the devices, just as the county’s uniformed patrol officers have worn them for several years. That change is expected to be rolled out early this year, Jones said.  The shooting of Lemp was ruled justified by prosecutors, according to a 17-page report they released two weeks ago. The officer who shot Lemp did so, prosecutors concluded, after Lemp ignored commands to raise his hands as he got out of his bed, grabbed an assault-style rifle and pointed it at the officer... Prosecutors built their findings in large part on accounts by the officer and by Lemp’s girlfriend, which differed on when the officer started shooting. Both witnesses, though, said that at some point Lemp raised his weapon at the officer, according to prosecutors. And forensic evidence from Lemp’s bedroom supported the officer’s statements, prosecutors said."

A Minneapolis Neighborhood Vowed to Check Its Privilege. It’s Already Being Tested. - The New York Times - "After the death of George Floyd at the hands of the police, Ms. Albers, who is white, and many of her progressive neighbors have vowed to avoid calling law enforcement into their community. Doing so, they believed, would add to the pain that black residents of Minneapolis were feeling and could put them in danger.  Already, that commitment is being challenged. Two weeks ago, dozens of multicolored tents appeared in the neighborhood park. They were brought by homeless people who were displaced during the unrest that gripped the city. The multiracial group of roughly 300 new residents seems to grow larger and more entrenched every day. They do laundry, listen to music and strategize about how to find permanent housing. Some are hampered by mental illness, addiction or both.  Their presence has drawn heavy car traffic into the neighborhood, some from drug dealers. At least two residents have overdosed in the encampment and had to be taken away in ambulances. The influx of outsiders has kept Ms. Albers awake at night. Though it is unlikely to happen, she has had visions of people from the tent camp forcing their way into her home. She imagines using a baseball bat to defend herself.  Not being able to call the police, as she has done for decades, has shaken her... “I’m not being judgmental,” said Carrie Nightshade, 44, who explained that she no longer felt comfortable letting her children, 12 and 9, play in the park by themselves. “It’s not personal. It’s just not safe.”... The women agreed to let any property damage, including to their own homes, go ignored and to request a block party permit from the city to limit car traffic. Rather than turn to law enforcement if they saw anyone in physical danger, they resolved to call the American Indian Movement — a national organization created in 1968 to address Native American grievances such as police brutality — which had been policing its own community locally for years.  But some people in the neighborhood have already found their best-laid plans to avoid calling the police harder to execute than they had imagined.  Last Thursday night, Joseph Menkevich found a black man wearing a hospital bracelet passed out in the elevator of his apartment building two blocks away from the park. Mr. Menkevich, who is white, quickly phoned a community activist but she did not pick up. He felt he had no choice but to call 911, so he did, but requested an ambulance only, not the police... She worries that a lot of what has been written about the camp on community message boards has been influenced by racial profiling. To the extent that illegal activity is going on in the park, Ms. Miller does not blame the tent residents. “My feeling around it is those are symptoms of systemic oppression,” she said. “And that’s not on them.”  Some of the self-examination she and her mother have done recently has led them to the same place. Ms. Miller came to see her decision to buy a home in the neighborhood as potentially preventing a person of color from doing so. And while Ms. Albers used to feel only pride about the work she put in to revitalizing the community, now, she sees her work as gentrification that may have pushed out nonwhite residents... Mitchell Erickson’s fingers began dialing 911 last week before he had a chance to even consider alternatives, when two black teenagers who looked to be 15, at most, cornered him outside his home a block away from the park.  One of the boys pointed a gun at Mr. Erickson’s chest, demanding his car keys.  Flustered, Mr. Erickson handed over a set, but it turned out to be house keys. The teenagers got frustrated and ran off, then stole a different car down the street.  Mr. Erickson said later that he would not cooperate with prosecutors in a case against the boys. After the altercation, he realized that if there was anything he wanted, it was to offer them help. But he still felt it had been right to call the authorities because there was a gun involved.  Two days after an initial conversation, his position had evolved. “Been thinking more about it,” he wrote in a text message. “I regret calling the police. It was my instinct but I wish it hadn’t been. I put those boys in danger of death by calling the cops.” What about the fact that the boys had put his life in danger?  “Yeah I know and yeah it was scary but the cops didn’t really have much to add after I called them,” he replied. “I haven’t been forced to think like this before. So I would have lost my car. So what? At least no one would have been killed.”"
From 2020

Neighbors concerned with crime after another shooting at Powderhorn Park
Minneapolis has increased police presence at encampment clearings - "In response to major homeless encampments in Powderhorn Park, the Minneapolis Park Board voted in late June 2020 to “provide refuge space” by allowing homeless residents to live in city parks. The Park Board also equipped encampments with handwashing stations and port-a-potties.   Tent communities soon popped up at nearly 40 different parks all over the city. Neighbors and activists, eager to support those most impacted by the pandemic and civil unrest, began providing mutual aid to encampments, offering food, supplies and even overnight security shifts.   By mid-July of 2020, the Powderhorn Park encampments grew to more than 500 tents combined, eclipsing the Wall of Forgotten Natives. Concerned about reports the encampments had become unsafe, the city closed both by summer’s end. Many other encampments persevered into the cold season... Grant Snyder, commander of the community outreach and engagement division of the Minneapolis Police Department, initially told MPR News in an October interview that the large police presence is to protect people from machinery used to clear encampments, but then said it’s in response to activists.  “Our officers don’t want to be there, but we have to show up because the activists have created an environment that’s unsafe,” Snyder said. “We’ve had city workers — including an operation I was part of — attacked by activists who want nothing more than to fight with police.”"
Damn police brutality!

A Tech Company Spied On Police Brutality Protesters - "Mobilewalla, released a report titled "George Floyd Protester Demographics: Insights Across 4 Major US Cities." In 60 pie charts, the document details what percentage of protesters the company believes were male or female, young adult (18–34); middle-aged 35º54, or older (55+); and "African-American," "Caucasian/Others," "Hispanic," or “Asian-American.”... Sen. Elizabeth Warren told BuzzFeed News that Mobilewalla’s report was alarming, and an example of the consequences of the lack of regulation on data brokers in the US.  “This report shows that an enormous number of Americans – probably without even knowing it – are handing over their full location history to shady location data brokers with zero restrictions on what companies can do with it,” Warren said. “In an end-run around the Constitution's limits on government surveillance, these companies can even sell this data to the government, which can use it for law and immigration enforcement. That's why I've opened an investigation into the government contracts held by location data brokers, and I’ll keep pushing for answers.”"
Weird. I thought liberals were for giving companies the right to do whatever they wanted. Turns out that's only the case when they push a liberal agenda

What BLM gets right – and wrong – about the police - "Northumbria Police tweeted that they would be ‘in attendance to facilitate a Black Lives Matter vigil’ at Keel Square in Sunderland. At the same time, they implemented a ‘Section 14 notice’ forbidding any other public assembly, including any counterprotest. They used draconian, anti-protest legislation to allow one protest while preventing all others.  Northumbria Police are not alone. Images have been circulated on social media of police officers across the country ‘taking the knee’ in solidarity with Black Lives Matter. Cressida Dick, head of the Metropolitan Police, is among the only police officers to push back against the allegation that the police are racist... a white individual who has been arrested was actually about 25 per cent more likely to die in custody than a black person... Drugs and alcohol have played a significant role in many of the deaths in custody – arguably more than racial prejudice... When it comes to racial disparities associated with the outcome of stop and search, there is a clear case to answer. Across London, black people are charged for possession of cannabis at five times the rate of white people. And black people in London who are caught in possession of cocaine are charged, rather than cautioned, at a much higher rate than their white counterparts. In 2009-2010, the Metropolitan Police charged 78 per cent of black people caught in possession of cocaine compared with 44 per cent of white people. This shows that the law is applied more harshly on black people than white people.  There may be a rational explanation for the disparity. It may be that black people were found to be carrying larger quantities of drugs, thereby necessitating a charge rather than a caution. The data do not say."
Clearly racism means minorities are more likely to take drugs and alcohol

Meme - ""Rioters" and "Riot". The words you're looking for are "Rioters" and "Riot"
ABCNews @ABC: "Protesters in California set fire to a courthouse, damaged a police station and assaulted officers after a peaceful demonstration intensified. Courthouse set on fire during protest in California"

⛈Nomi⛈ on Twitter - "Remember in the robocop movies where corporate America aided the criminals and riots to bring down property values to buy up the city while privatizing the police force.. science fiction is funny haha #Minneapolisprotests #minneapolisriots #Minneapolis"

Detroit Police Chief: Tlaib's, Waters' Remarks 'Shameful' for Non-White Communities that 'Rely on' Police - "Detroit Police Chief James Craig said that the “reckless and disgusting” comments by Reps. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) and Maxine Waters (D-CA) are “shameful” for “communities of color and other places who rely on us to do an effective job.”"

Sudbury pride parade cancelled over BLM’s anti-police demands - "Sudbury Pride announced that it is cancelling its annual LGBTQ parade in solidarity with Black Lives Matter (BLM) after the city said it would not pull police logistics from the event...   Organizers say they met with Sudbury’s Mayor to see if police could be replaced with civilian volunteer marshals. However, such a move wasn’t possible because “current bylaws and restrictions through the Highway Traffic Act do not allow organizations to use city roads without police in place as traffic control.”... True North columnist Sue-Ann Levy, who is openly gay, said it amazes her “that Pride organizers, first in Toronto and elsewhere, and now in Sudbury, would allow themselves to be hijacked by a few radical activists with Black Lives Matter.”  “I can’t believe that they would ruin an entire parade to pander to a group that has created a faux narrative about the police here in Canada, who are not targeting blacks, I believe, in the same manner we see south of the border.”"

‘Greatest Lie Ever Sold’ Skewers Media Narratives on BLM, George Floyd - "Candace Owens took a page out of Michael Moore’s playbook … with a twist.  The far-Left filmmaker makes documentaries where his Everyman presence powers the narrative. He’s front and center, an outraged Joe Sixpack supposedly speaking truth to power... Floyd’s family, plastered over the news in the days and weeks following his death, ignored Floyd’s apartment and left his car and belongings for others to remove... A chilling segment focuses on a Minnesota news anchor targeted by BLM protesters for being married to a police union president. BLM activists demanded her resignation and protested at her home, where a local Democrat pummeled pinatas with their likenesses.  She also endured death threats before the Minnesota native lost her job...   Thousands of well-meaning Americans filled BLM coffers in 2020, hoping the organization could help black Americans and help heal old, but still raw, racial wounds.  Instead, BLM, Inc. poured millions into trans causes and plenty more into dubious groups that care more about rabble rousing than helping the less fortunate.  A quick trip to the “autonomous zone” dedicated to Floyd’s life in Minnesota looks like a dystopian wasteland. Imagine what BLM cash could do for that community.  And, of course, Owens exposes how BLM founder Patrisse Cullors used some of that cash to line her own pockets and her closest family members, too.  Now, why didn’t any major news organization do the same? Were they afraid of what they might find?"

Leftist mayor in Georgia arrested, charged with burglary after homeowner held him at gunpoint - "A Democrat mayor in Georgia was arrested and charged on counts of burglary and trespassing on Saturday. He also founded the Atlanta #BlackLivesMatter Chapter. He is out on a $11,000 bond.  Khalid Kamau, the mayor of South Fulton in Atlanta, was charged with criminal trespassing and first degree burglary after he allegedly entered lake house. He stated, "I just wanted to see the house" because he "thought it was abandoned."...   When on the on the phone with police, Kamau yelled at the homeowner, "Do you know who the f*ck I am? I'm the Mayor, and I'll wait for my police to get here and see what happens then."  Khalid Kamau is the first Black Lives Matter organizer to be elected to public office in the state according to The Atlanta Journal Constitution eports organized the Atlanta Chapter of Black Lives Matter. His donations for his initial campaign used the platform ActBlue.   His arrest is part of a string of controversies that have taken place since he took office. Officers had to shut down an easter egg hunt that Kamau was hosting earlier this year because he did not obtain a permit for the activiy.   City Council member Natasha Williams-Brown, who is replacing Kamau, along with other City Council members, sued him this year to remove him from office.   The suit alleged that Kamau "repeatedly betrayed the confidence of the City and the City Council by intentionally and knowingly disclosing confidential information of the City for his and others’ personal benefit."...   Before his arrest, Kamau also said in June that he wanted "Trump to do 30 days at Rice St." Rice Street is the location of Fulton County Jail."

Meme - Shaniqua Posting Delusions @DeludedShaniqwa: "Are black people okay?"
5hahem aka Dr. Durag @shall....: "this lady said all lives matter at this job i had years ago and said that Black people should stop killing each other. i told HR she said the N word. i guess all jobs didn't matter because she was swiftly unemployed after too"
Victoria M. Walker @vikkie: "What are some ways you've professionally gotten your lick back?"

‘Have Respect You Irrelevant Washed Up Actress’: Susan Sarandon Torched For Mocking Massive NYPD Funeral - "Oscar-winning actress Susan Sarandon sparked rage on social media after she mocked the massive funeral procession along New York City’s Fifth avenue for slain NYPD officer fury Jason Rivera, 22, by tweeting, “I’m gonna tell my kids this is what fascism looks like.”... Rivera and his partner Wilbert Mora, 27, who also died, were ambushed and shot in Harlem while responding to a domestic call."
When you see liberals warning about "fascism", you need to keep in mind that they don't actually mean fascism (just like when they talk about "harassment" and "bullying" - but just mean dissenting views and being questioned)

Video shows men harassing NYPD cops - "A gang of men surrounded an NYPD vehicle this week, shouting obscenities like “bitch” at the officers inside, according to a disturbing video...   During the interaction at West 155th Street and Amsterdam Avenue, another man placed a small, pink toy pig on top of the hood of the cop car.  “That’s a pig. That’s a gift for you, bitch,” someone yells, according to the video. As the NYPD car begins to roll away, the man with the loudspeaker then shouts into the device while facing the front of the vehicle in the middle of the street, saying, “Get the f—k out of the f—king hood,” the clip shows.  “Get the f—k out! Move!” the man shouts.  The patrol car continues to drive away as the man yells, “You piece of sh-t,” the video shows. Twitter  The same man can then be seen taunting more cops who drove past in an NYPD auxiliary car."

British Library apologises for linking Ted Hughes to slave trade - "The British Library has apologised to Carol Hughes, the widow of the former poet laureate Ted Hughes, after it linked him to the slave trade through a distant ancestor.  Hughes’s name had been included on a spreadsheet from the library detailing more than 300 figures with “evidence of connections to slavery, profits from slavery or from colonialism”. Hughes’s link was through Nicholas Ferrar, who was born in 1592 and whose family was, the library said, “deeply involved” with the London Virginia Company, which was set up to colonise North America.  Hughes was not directly descended from Ferrar, who died childless. Jonathan Bate, a biographer of the poet laureate, had hit out at his inclusion on the British Library’s list... Carol Hughes welcomed the “full apology” for “highly misleading comments … attempting to link the poet somehow with tenuous allegations of involvement in slavery by someone alleged to be a very distant ancestor who was born in the time of Shakespeare”. She also noted the library’s “acknowledgment of the distress caused by comments on the library’s website that should not have been made, and its assurance that these comments will not be repeated”.  Bate called the inclusion of Hughes “an error on so many levels - not only the tenuous, centuries-old connection, but also the fact that Nicholas Ferrar wrote a pamphlet attacking slavery even before the British slave trade had begun!”"
Original sin can never be cleansed

Meme - Reddit Lies @reddit_lies: "r/DarkJokes auto-moderator script leaked. If you say "all lives matter" you'll be banned with the message "White lives do not matter.""
Weird. We kept being told that BLM doesn't hate white people

Kiersten Hening, Virginia Tech feuding after lawsuit settlement - "Hening — who filed the lawsuit against Adair in March 2021, claiming he violated her First Amendment rights — agreed to a settlement payout of $100,000, according to the Roanoke Times. Hening’s lawyer, Cameron Norris, told the outlet that the settlement includes no admission of wrongdoing by their client or her former coach.  Hening, who was a midfielder/defender for the Hokies from 2018 to 2020, claimed Adair “verbally attacked her” and decreased her playing time after she did not participate in kneeling with fellow teammates during the reading of a “unity statement” prior to the team’s match with Virginia on Sept. 12, 2020. The lawsuit states that Adair’s alleged treatment of Hening became so “intolerable that she felt compelled” to eventually leave the team."

Why the Music Industry Must Remove the Racist Term 'Master Recording' - "This business has been dominated by white men since its inception, so when coupled with the well-known exploitation of Black artists, the already insensitive use of the phrase “master recording” carries an even more sinister sting... Some attorneys feel that removing the phrase “master recording” is unnecessary because it is only interpreted negatively by a few people, so they personally do not feel the need to stop using it. This blatant and short-sighted disregard for the psychological and emotional impact that this phrase can have on others speaks exactly to what many people marched for in 2020: You cannot detach the word “master” from its roots in American Chattel Slavery, regardless of the other word with which it is combined...   To be frank, it is easy for many of my white male colleagues to dismiss the use of these words as “not a big deal” when it has never affected them."
master | Etymology, origin and meaning of master by etymonline - "late Old English mægester "a man having control or authority over a place; a teacher or tutor of children," from Latin magister (n.) "chief, head, director, teacher" (source of Old French maistre, French maître, Spanish and Italian maestro, Portuguese mestre, Dutch meester, German Meister)"
When you don't understand etymology or history, and insist everything needs to be framed in terms of your country's history
So much for "white fragility"

‘Twerking’ trio on top of police cruiser in viral video puts Chicago Police Department on the hot seat - "There have been more than a million views of a viral video that surfaced several days ago showing three women “twerking” on top of a Chicago police SUV cruiser as it rolled down the street trailed by cellphone paparazzi... Twerking on top of police vehicles has happened in Jackson, Mississippi, St. Louis, Seattle, and Miami Beach, and is largely viewed as an offensive act against police. What makes the Chicago incident so interesting is the police SUV was slowly rolling down the street as if whoever was driving was in a parade.  A spokesman for the Chicago Police Department said the incident is under investigation.  Frankly, if allowing young women to climb onto a police cruiser and gyrate is part of the new community policing strategy, the police must go back to the drawing board.  Because if one of the women had fallen off the SUV and been run over, not only would the city be facing a huge lawsuit, but there is a real possibility that the partiers would have turned violent. It is also disconcerting that residents in some neighborhoods, like Park Manor on the South Side, have been recently under siege by noise, loud music and inappropriate behavior.  “There seems to have been a coordinated effort to disrupt the 7400 blocks of Calumet and Prairie. There were hundreds of cars, trucks and motor vehicles parading down our streets until 4 a.m. playing loud music, using profanity and displaying all types of anti-social behavior such as urinating in bushes near Salem Church at 74th and Calumet,” said Niena Feme, a 6th Ward resident, in an email...   Given the violent battles between protestors and police officers that erupted after George Floyd was murdered by a white police officer in Minneapolis last year, getting worked up over women using a police SUV like a stripper pole may seem petty to some of you.  But it is not.  Frankly, Chicagoans, especially those living on the South and West sides, live with more lawless behavior than I’ve ever seen.  More motorists run red lights leading to more car crashes. Carjackings are becoming the norm. Expressway shootings are making us feel like targets."
Damn white supremacy!

Minutes after reported Near West Side shooting, crowd twerks and taunt cops - "While shootings and murders get most of the attention in Chicago – the incident also underscored another behavior that’s experiencing a rapid rise: Disrespect directed at those whose job is to serve and protect.  As officers tried to disperse the large crowd, video from the scene showed several women dancing in front of police cars...   “It started as the occasional ‘F-U’ and name calling but has now evolved to this and more,” recently retired Chicago police lieutenant John Garrido told WGN Investigates. “There is no accountability, nobody goes to jail and their actions are protected by a mayor who coddles and justifies their behavior.”"

Over 500 White People Have Been Killed By Cops Since 2020. There Has Been No Rioting Over Those Deaths. - "The details never matter to the rioters. BLM has its narrative, which is always the same narrative, and is adjusted only to include the few sketchy and superficial details... By all accounts, the shooting appears to be a tragic accident, for which the officer might be held criminally liable. It does not appear to be the sort of racist execution that BLM has made it out to be. Indeed, none of the police shootings protested by BLM have lived up to that billing. What we have learned time and again is that the rioters don’t ultimately care what happened. Even less do they care about “police brutality” or “fascism” in general terms. Least of all do they feel any pain over the loss of human life. Their anger is performance. Their tears are for show. It is, for most of these rioters, all one big stage play and the only thing that’s real amid this whole charade is the physical destruction it causes.  If that seems like a harsh assessment, consider the fact that between January 1, 2020 and March 31, 2021 there have been 507 white people shot to death by police, compared to 271 black people. And yet nobody knows the name of any of those white people, save one: Ashli Babbitt. She was an unarmed woman shot in the neck and killed by Capitol Police on January 6. We know her name not because BLM rallied to her cause, but because they so conspicuously refused to do so. Indeed, her death was more likely to be celebrated by the very people who’d spent the previous year pretending to care about the killing of unarmed civilians... How does the proportional racial disparity in police shootings explain or justify the fact that the people who protest police brutality never protest alleged brutality against white people? Does the fact that it happens proportionally less often mean that it’s not an outrage or a tragedy? Does the fact that black people are more likely to be killed by the police mean that George Floyd’s death warrants a year of public wailing and mourning while the death of a white man warrants absolutely no reaction whatsoever? If a smaller percentage of white people are killed by cops, does that mean that those deaths should account for zero percent of the riots? It appears that the Black Lives Matter crowd really does believe that only black lives matter. What other conclusion can one draw? Well, here is another possible conclusion. And, I think, the correct one. Black Lives Matter is a purely ideological organization and movement. Only those deaths which are useful to their ideology can be acknowledged. Non-useful police killings can either be ignored or actively defended, as the political circumstances warrant. The outrage that tears our cities apart is a hollow, politically calculated outrage. It is an outrage that sits on its hands, waiting to spring into action only on behalf of those with skin tones dark enough to politically justify the reaction."
Liberals like to claim "Black Lives Matter" doesn't mean "Only Black Lives Matter". But actions speak louder than words (and besides, a lot of them explicitly espouse anti-white rhetoric too)

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