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Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Links - 23rd August 2023 (Star Wars)

AI almost perfectly clones Obi Wan Kenobi’s voice : OTMemes - "Luke did I ever tell you about Ahsoka Tano she was your father's exotic teenage alien Apprentice a fine piece of jailbait from a more civilized age. She had the tightest body and the perkiest little breasts in the Galaxy, barely legal in most systems. Anakin and I used to double team her at the end of every successful campaign during the Clone Wars, and once in a while we'd even have the entire 501st run a train over her, part of official Jedi training of course. In time, she learned how to handle a meat saber better than anyone in the Jedi Temple. She wore a mini skirt every day so we told her there were no panties in space, and since she was constantly doing acrobatics you'd get a glimpse of her orange pussy mid-fight as she'd do a flip while slicing a B2 Super Battle Droid in half. It was surreal. We taught her to grip her weapon backwards like a dildo. And she constantly got captured by pirates and slavers almost every other day. It was ridiculous, like a constant porno, Luke, you have no idea. And she was a good friend"

Star Wars Facts & News on Twitter - "Natalie Portman says that when George Lucas let them improvise dialogue for 'Attack of the Clones' during the Naboo scenes it got 'inappropriate very quickly'"

Meme - Anakin Skywalker: "You can't kill him. He must stand trial."
Owen Lars: "Like you let Count Dooku stand trial?"

I can't find the original meme claiming those who didn't like the Last Jedi should hate the Empire Strikes back because they were the same, but nice try. Yoda did battle the Emperor. He only went into exile after he failed. Luke didn't try to do anything against the First Order. Yoda was only acting crazy to test Luke. Luke was genuinely a grumpy old man. Luke never asked Yoda to join the Rebellion. Rey did ask him to join the Resistance. Yoda was introduced in the same movie the passage in the meme references. But Luke was a known and beloved character by TLJ. Yoda died in ROTJ. Plus ESB didn't have all those other crappy bits that TLJ had. Luke's portrayal was only one of the flaws

12 actors who admitted they hated other actors’ films - "When esteemed Shakespearian actor Alec Guinness first saw himself as Obi-Wan Kenobi in Star Wars, he thought the film “had a freshness, also a sense of moral good and fun.” However, as the years went by he began to grow uneasy about the obsessiveness of its fans. In his 1999 memoir A Positively Final Appearance, Guinness recounted one such interaction, along with his withering assessment of the film itself. “The bad penny first dropped in San Francisco, when a sweet-faced boy of 12 told me proudly that he had seen Star Wars over 100 times,” Guinness wrote. “His elegant mother nodded with approval. Looking into the boy’s eyes, I thought I detected little starshells of madness beginning to form, and I guessed that one day they would explode. ‘I’d love you to do something for me,’ I said. ‘Anything, anything,’ the boy said rapturously. ‘You won’t like what I’m going to ask you to do.’ ‘Anything, sir, Anything.’ ‘Well, do you think you could promise never to see Star Wars again?’ He burst into tears. His mother drew herself up to an immense height. ‘What a dreadful thing to say to a child!’ she barked, and dragged the poor kid away. Maybe she was right, but I just hope the lad, now in his thirties, is not living in a fantasy world of second-hand, childish banalities.”"

Meme - "When you are the most advanced and powerful factions of a Galaxy full of droids, nanobots, spaceships, cyborgs, light-speed etc. but you cant create an armor with no gaps. *Stormtroopers, Sith Troopers, The Mandalorian*
But some dudes from an underdeveloped (according to your standards) planet (called Earth), can *MCU*""

Mark Specter's answer to What is the most terrifying thing about Darth Vader? - Quora - "THE WAY HE FIGHTS:
He looks downright lazy to the average layman. While other duelists use fancy movements, and acrobatics to intimidate their opponents Vader’s different. He has reached the level of power where he can wade through enemies, looking almost bored. Even when he’s fighting Jedi he looks lazy!"

Meme - "My favorite Star Wars ship is Finn & Poe. They're so cute together."
"That's one of the most unrealistic ships I've ever heard. Just because two guys have a really close relationship doesn't mean they want to bang each other."
"But, but... they' re definitely in love. Just like Deku and Bakugo!"
"Finn literally spent the trilogy screaming Rey's name"

Meme - *Distracted Boyfriend with Han Solo, Qi'ra and Princess Leia*

Meme - Ahsoka: "Sorry I didn't help you fight your dad, but it wasn't really my job since I'm not a jedi. I'm a "light side force user" now, which is completely different."
Luke: "I lost my fucking hand, Ahsoka."

Star Wars The Force Awakens An interracial cou... - Memegine - "Star Wars The Force Awakens: An interracial couple gets chased by a man with a burning cross "

Daisy Ridley Couldn't Get a Job After 'Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker'; 'No One Wants To Employ Me'
Clearly the sequel trilogy was a massive success

Meme - Luke Skywalker: "My only family was murdered and I couldn't save them. I nearly died of exposure. I lost my hand. I underwent difficult training, psychologically and physically. I was forced into a battle to the death with my father."
Rey: "I'm perfect"
If you think a female character is bad, shallow or unrealistic, you're just a misogynistic incel

Meme - "To wield it takes a great deal of training and discipline." - Ahsoka Tano
"He is strong with the force, but talent without training is nothing." - Luke Skywalker
*Sequel trilogy put in dustbin*

Answer to If Yoda foresaw Order 66 during his immortality training, why didn't he do anything about it? - Quora - "Yoda realised that Sidous had him outplayed. His only option was to survive and attempt to train a new order of Jedi."

Meme - "As soon as he put his sleeve back down we realized he made a terrible mistake

Meme - "Imagine Purchasing the Rights to Lord of the Rings from the Tolkien estate and then decanonizing both the Hobbit and the Silmarillion along with the remainder of Tolkien's notes. And then promptly replacing Frodo with a 2 dimensional female protagonist and bringing Sauron back for a sequel even after the Ring is destroyed. Also Frodo is now a like Gandalf because the real power was within him (now her) the entire time. If that version of LOTR angers you, you now know what the "Toxic Star Wars fan base" feels. Because Disney did this to Star Wars."
The LOTR fandom had the Rings of Power, so
If you don't shut up and consume, you are "toxic"


Meme - *Darth Vader* "Built a company from the ground up that employeed thousands of workers
Offered his son a management position in the business
Did not discriminate based on race
Prepared meals for his enemies"

Unsee this, you cannot... - YouTube - "Unsee this, you cannot...
Midjourney +D-ID  + ChatGPT ("create a youtube script about a female yoda talking about her love life with grogu")
Greetings, young Padawans. Today, I would like to talk to you about a topic that is very close to my heart - my love life. As many of you know, I am a Jedi Master, and I have dedicated my life to the Force and the Jedi Order. But, what many of you may not know, is that I also have a special someone in my life. Grogu. He may be small in size, but he is big in love and compassion. We met each other during a time of great turmoil in the galaxy, and we instantly connected. Our love for the Force and our desire to protect the innocent brought us together. Grogu is my rock, my confidant, and my best friend. He supports me in my Jedi duties and I support him in his role as a protector of the galaxy. Some may question the idea of a Jedi having a romantic relationship, but I believe that love is a powerful emotion that should be embraced, not shunned. So, to all the young Padawans out there, remember that love and relationships are a beautiful and important part of life. And, who knows, perhaps you too will find your Grogu one day."
There's an image too

Meme - "So let me get this straight. You defeated Vader twice, but left him alive. And now I have to clean up your mess by killing my own father?"
"What you have said is true - from a certain point of view"

This is where the fun begins."

Meme - "You see *I love Star Wars* in her Tinder bio
She greets you with *Hello There*
She flips you over in the bed and screams *I have the high ground*"

two avocados for 10 bucks - "stuff they actually let happen on Star Wars: The Clone Wars
    Godzilla tried to eat Chancellor Palpatine
    Darth Maul came back from the dead as a crime boss with robot legs and had a giant angry brother named Savage
    Jabba the Hutt’s uncle was an offensive gay stereotype
    Palpatine had a gigantic forehead for literally no reason
    Zombie episode
    They named a Jedi “I’m Gonna Die” and then killed him
    Some senator had a sex robot
    All the Twi’leks had French accents
    Ahsoka got hunted for sport
    Anakin had to do elaborate BDSM roleplay with an evil cat lady
    Dooku was almost murdered by the Macbeth witches
    Hondo Ohnaka
    Yoda made contact with Qui-Gon Jinn’s ghost but the other Jedi just thought he had dementia
    0.07 seconds after leaving the Jedi Order, Ahsoka crashed her motorcycle, got a girlfriend, and ended up smuggling drugs for the mob
    Anakin and Obi-Wan met the physical incarnations of the Dark and Light Sides of the Force and they looked like a goth drama queen and his cottagecore sister and both of them were furries
    Ahsoka got bit by an evil rat which made her evil for awhile
    Jar Jar killed a guy"

Meme - "Anakin killed kids, Padme"
"No! Not Anakin... he couldn't!"
One episode earlier...
"I killed kids, Padme!"

Meme - Leia to Luke: "If you pull this off, the Death Star won't be the only thing getting blown tonight."

Meme - "I sweat buckets in the Darth Vader suit the whole time. There's actually an under component to the suit- Where if you get too hot, they plug you into a machine. It pumps liquid all over your body to cool you down. It sort of adds to the feeling that you're a mechanical creature- Relying on a mechanism to keep you going."

*Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader*

Meme - ""Obi-wan looks too young in the new show, there's no way he ages into original trilogy Obi-wan in just nine years!"
Meanwhile, Admiral Yularen over the course of less than a year during the clone wars:"

Meme - "It was an insurance scam. I mean, come on, the guy who blew up it was the dude's son. Like, I know they say they're estranged but they were clearly in on it together for the insurance money. There were delays during construction and Vader knew it had design flaws - it was never going to make back its investment so they staged a "rebel raid". And Vader was the only one to survive. It's so obvious."

Meme - "Luke, stop! Stop! It's me"
"Luke, thank God for youl"
"You killed all those younglings..."
"Vader killed. I had nothing to do with it!"

Meme - Star Wars Facts @SWTweets: "Contrary to popular belief, George Lucas says Jedi are allowed to have sex "Jedi Knights aren't celibate - the thing that is forbidden is attachments - and possessive relationships"
Tundra @tundraisgod: "Imagine being a jedi, just finished clappin cheeks, shawty says i love you before leaving and you turn around like "may the force be with you cuz i wont""

Meme - Obi-Wan: "I kept Padme company while you were away"
Darth Vader: "You're a liar"
Obi-Wan: "She played with my saber while you played in the sa..."
*Lightsaber duel*

Meme - "You fought in the Clone Wars?"
"Yes. I once once a Jedi Knight. the same as your father."
"With all that Luke read about The Clone Wars don't you think he would have heard of the great Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker at least ONCE?"

Head hunting
Extensive arsenal of exotic weapons
Flies to different planets
Only takes off helmet in emergency situations
Has a code of honor
Acts alone
Conflicts with Carl Weathers"

Meme - "The jedi will never let us be together! It isn't fair!"
"So quit"
"Excuse me?"
"Quit the jedi order. What, are you going to tear the whole order down? You could just go. It's not like you lose your powers. And I'm rich! You don't have to work. You wuldn't even have to leave your lightsaber. Just do what you want. and hang out with your hot senator wife.
Written and Directed by GEORGE LUCAS"

Mark Hamill Roasting Rey And The Sequals - YouTube - "Bravo for them to make Rey a orphan from the desert who discovers inner powers, inherits a robot with important information that leads to the destruction of the Death Star. It's fresh because it's a woman"
"Luke's in scuba gear with uh you know with uh, Daisy's character what's your name? Right, Rey uh the lightsaber goes like this and flies off I said oh what a great entrance. Rey caught it?"
"she didn't even do any training what's going on here"

Meme - "Grogu getting all the fancy pure beskar while the other kids get the $20 costume from Walmart"

Meme - "She Pretty
She live in City
But most importantly..... She was not elected to watch her people suffer and die while you discuss this invasion ina committee"

Rian Johnson Star Wars Trilogy Scrapped By Disney (EXCLUSIVE) - "We recently heard reports that Disney and Lucasfilm had scrapped Patty Jenkins’ Rogue Squadron Star Wars movie. That was quickly followed up with the news that they had also shelved Kevin Feige’s Star Wars movie, which was a shame.  Michael Waldron, the writer of Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness, had been tapped to pen that movie’s script. However, they aren’t moving forward with it anymore.  The only Star Wars movies that were still ‘officially’ in development were Taika Waititi’s movie, the film that Lost creator, Damon Lindelof, was writing and then Johnson’s Star Wars trilogy. However, we have now learned that Lindelof has left his Star Wars project. That movie is still in development. However, Lindelof won’t be writing it anymore.  We also learned that Waititi wants to star in his movie set in a galaxy far, far away, which was kind of to be expected. He loves to star in his own stuff. According to our sources, it looks like Disney and Lucasfilm have decided to pull the plug on Rian Johnson’s Star Wars trilogy. This shouldn’t come as much of a surprise, mainly because there has been so little movement on his trilogy for a while now... "It’s been problematic for Disney and Lucasfilm as they love Johnson and his work, but they just cannot get passed the fans’ poor reaction to The Last Jedi.""
But we're told The Last Jedi was such a success
I'm surprised no one posted that Disney did that to subvert Ryan Johnson's expectations. So it's obviously a good thing."

Kathleen Kennedy is Clueless ABOUT STAR WARS in front of George Lucas - YouTube
Comment: "He darted his eyes to kk every time for just one second whenever he was done making a statement about how selfish and greedy people who don't care about other people ruins things. Her expression at the end cleared showed she knew he was directing his comments at her even though he sounded so calm and only answered the question."

Meme - "Obi-Wan: Look at them enjoying themselves. Should we tell them the Emperor survived?
Yoda: LOL no."

Meme - "Another actor's life destroyed by drugs and alcohol *Gonzo, Watto*"

Meme - "So if you are a good guy in Star Wars then you are a bad guy in DC? And vice versa?"

Meme - ">Be Disney
>Fire Muscle Mommy because she's based and chad
>Hire Jabba the Hut
>Views go down 40%
*Gina Carano, Lizzo*"

The Mandalorian Nielsen Ratings Drop Big: Nearly 40% - "It has been over two years since The Mandalorian Season 2 aired and fans have been put off by The Book of Boba Fett which was terrible save for those two Luke episodes, Obi-Wan was mediocre at best and people tuned out Andor (it’s a good show, just stick with it), so maybe fatigue is setting, fatigue of poor quality that is. The Mandalorian Season 3 premiere episode also happens to be the lowest-rated on Rotten Tomatoes and IMDb."

The Mandalorian Director Jon Favreau Reportedly Threatened To Quit Lucasfilm If Kathleen Kennedy Didn’t Stop Meddling in His Projects - "Overlord DVD reports that Kennedy orchestrated Gina Carano’s exit from the show and canceled Rangers of the New Republic, where the actress was supposed to appear. She was also involved in several changes in the creative side of various Star Wars franchises. The YouTuber mentioned that Kennedy was the mastermind in the revision of the scripts for The Book of Boba Fett, making sure that Grogu reunites with Pedro Pascal’s Din Djarin despite the seemingly different ending at the finale episode of The Mandalorian Season 2... The commentator said when Kennedy knew that Robert Rodriguez planned to introduce the Vespas into The Book of Boba Fett, Favreau despised the idea. She took it into her hands and talked to the marketing department to convince them that it was a good selling point. Favreau, dismayed and annoyed, threatened to quit The Mandalorian and go work on Ahsoka instead. The rumor started to spread like wildfire, and it destroyed the narrative so much that the management had to call Favreau back to fix it. However, it was too late and the only thing they could do was to cut some lines from the script. Din Djarin and Grogu’s reunion in Season 3 was not Favreau’s original plan. He initially wanted Grogu to go with Luke and train to become a Jedi... Kennedy was too keen on using Grogu as a marketing campaign, and she could not afford to lose Baby Yoda. According to the YouTuber, it is the “height of stupidity” that ruined all of Jon Favreau’s plans."

David talks SW on Tumblr - "The question asks about this interpretation that Dave Filoni has of the fight between Qui-Gon and Darth Maul, posited in Disney: Gallery - The Mandalorian... Many people go with the notion that “Dave Filoni is basically George Lucas’s ‘Padawan’, so what he says is in line with Lucas’s vision.”   So... is it? SHORT ANSWER:   No.   Lucas never publicly mentioned any of this was the case. At times, he outright stated the contrary."

Meme - Obi-Wan: "Anakin has never talked to you about his past, has he?"
Ahsoka: "Only to tell me he won't talk about it."
Obi-Wan: "When he was younger, Anakin was a Boba Fett's Starship."

Anakin Skywalker: I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere. Not like here. Here everything is soft and smooth.
Din Djarin: Your song is not yet written. I will serve you until it is."

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