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Thursday, June 08, 2023

Links - 8th June 2023 (1 - Women)

Meme - "I'll never understand guys who pay dominatrixes to degrade them. Just get married and fold the towels wrong, dude"

Meme - "Work hard until you don't need to introduce yourself.
Brie Larson @brielarson: Actor / Mushroom Forager / SCUBA Certified Diver / Scientific American Subscriber / Dog Mom / Captain Marvel / Generally Stoked
Mia K. @miakhalifa: You know who am. "

Meme - ashley @lonelymood: "every time I do something nice for my bf other guys ask "where can i get a girl like u?" right here baby, i cheat"

Meme - "The dating pool for men 2023
Cat mom
Air Fryer only
Miami trips
F150 supercab
Single mom
Not over her ex
Long back
Bottle girls
Boat demons
Her friends make the decisions
Daddy issues
388 credit score
Age 34
Does too much *snow/ice*
Guy friends only

Meme - "The dating pool for women 2023
Skips leg day
Send nudes
Ugly af
No car
Drug dealer
No clue where the clit is
Has a gf
Tiny dick
Doesn't eat ass
No job
Has Two kids
Personal trainer
On roids
Online coach
"Not looking for anything serious""

California 'Teacher of the Year' accused of sexually abusing a minor is re-arrested - "A San Diego County teacher suspected of having an inappropriate relationship with a former student was re-arrested Thursday, two days after bailing out of jail, authorities said.  Jacqueline Ma, a 34-year-old sixth-grade teacher at Lincoln Acres Elementary School in National City posted bail Tuesday night and was released from Las Colinas Detention Facility."

Dear Men, Shut up and Let Me Enjoy Astrology
Why Do Men Hate Astrology? The Misogyny Behind the Hate
Astrology doesn't need to be scientifically proven to be empowering — or feminist
Do you hate astrology or are you just sexist?
So much for "following the science"

Meme - "Liv Tyler in 1995
Liv Tyler in 2022"

Meme - "When he starts kissing the neck before Netflix even loads"

Meme - Red Lotus Lili: "Why is having a train ran on you seen as a negative thing? It means I convinced several men to work together into worshipping me"
Imagine thinking it's worship

Meme - "42. Mom at anti-capitalist
I'm a single mom. This makes dating impossible. My newborn recently passed away. I need a free donor. My preference is Korean, Japanese, or Chinese because my baby who passed was half asian (i'm caucasian). I'll settle for one who looks just like my other cute kids. Light blonde hair and blue or green eyes. Attractive face is a must. You can get a free std screening at any local health department. THen I'm all yours for a few days a month until I conceive. I cannot travel."

Mate Selection for Modernity - "This current situation can be summarized along four parameters:
    Increasing female achievement.
    Growing variability in male status and competence.
    An evolutionary desire among females to marry up.
    The globalization of the sexual marketplace and resultant collapse of local status hierarchies...
According to one study, women were most satisfied when their partner was 21cm taller. This is corroborated by other studies which found that 49 percent of women preferred dating taller men and that the shortest man a woman would date was 5 feet 9 inches. Moreover, a study of undergraduates reported that only four percent of women would accept a relationship where the woman was taller. In general, tall men are more likely to obtain attractive partners, less likely to remain childless, and have a greater number of children relative to short men. However, height isn’t the only factor which determines access to the sexual marketplace. Financial prospects matter as well.  A 1939 study found that American women rated good financial prospects twice as highly as males when gauging the value of a marriage partner. This finding was replicated in studies conducted in 1956 and 1967. Moreover, David Buss, attempting to replicate these studies, surveyed 1,491 Americans across four states in the mid-1980s. Once again, women valued good financial prospects in a mate roughly twice as much as men did. This gender difference has not changed. In fact, a 2014 Pew Research survey reported that 78 percent of unmarried women placed a high premium on finding a spouse with a steady job. Only 48 percent of men shared this view. In a study of the attributes valued in a marriage partner, psychologist Douglas Kenrick asked men and women to indicate the “minimum percentiles” of each attribute that they would find acceptable. When it came to earning capacity, women indicated that they preferred a man who earned more than 70 percent of all other men. In contrast, men desired a mate that earned more than 40 percent of all other women... What happens when a woman out-earns her husband? One study found that marriages where the wife out-earned the husband were 50 percent more likely to end in divorce... men who were not the primary breadwinner were more likely to use erectile dysfunction medication relative to men that were... education was one of the two strongest predictors of how many responses a man received from women. The other was income... What women truly desire then is the Chad who can ultimately fulfil his role as the dad.  Hypergamy is an evolutionary fixture. Hating it is tantamount to hating thermodynamic laws or Archimedean axioms. It simply is. Moreover, it is hypergamy that created the competence hierarchies that are used to structure human societies... Crucially, the more professionally successful a woman is, the stronger her preference for successful men... single women are three times as likely as men to say that they wouldn’t consider a relationship with someone making less than them... men exhibited less of a preference for women whose intelligence or ambition exceeded their own. A study by four UK universities found that a woman’s likelihood of marriage decreased by 40 percent for each 16-point increase in her IQ. In contrast, men experienced a 35 percent increase in the likelihood of marriage for each 16-point IQ increase. Finally, researchers reported that men displayed lower levels of implicit self-esteem when confronted with their female partner’s success. The opposite holds true for women when their male partner succeeded. Interestingly, some women have wised up to this dynamic. In a 2017 study of elite MBA students, three researchers found that single and non-single women provided similar answers to questions regarding salary and leadership aspirations when they thought their responses would remain anonymous. However, single women displayed less ambitious aspirations when they believed classmates would see their answers. The researchers concluded that highly educated women may avoid signalling professional ambition because it could be penalized in the marriage market... unmarried women face an overall shortage of partners with either a bachelor’s degree or yearly income exceeding $40,000... whereas men “liked” 60 percent of female profiles they viewed, women liked only 4.5 percent of male profiles. Moreover, women, on average, viewed 80 percent of men on dating apps as below average in attractiveness. Importantly, one study, seeking to quantify the prospects of success on Tinder, determined that “the bottom 80 percent of men (in terms of attractiveness) are competing for the bottom 22 percent of women and the top 78 percent of women are competing for the top 20 percent of men”... men are more than twice as likely to receive a reply from women less desirable than themselves than from more desirable ones... Tinder’s userbase is 72 percent male and 28 percent female... there’s a disconnect between what women want and what is actually available to them. Whereas greater male attainment increases the number of romantic options a man has, greater female attainment reduces the number of options a woman has.  This imbalance in the sexual marketplace is not a good thing. A society teeming with lonely women and sexually frustrated men is one hurtling toward disaster. It is imperative that we, as a society, think carefully about solutions to this burgeoning crisis."
Women go for rich men. Rich women go for even richer men

Meme - Replied to your story (of cleavage): "can i take u out"
"i have a bf sorry"
"he can go too. he just gotta pay for himself"

Meme - "Offset,Cheats on his thot wife"
WOMEN "she deserves so much better"
"Jada, Cheats on her loyal husband"
WOMEN "it was just an entanglement"

Meme - Auburn (fat girl): "i miss when men would go to war and die"
Nick Meme: "there was food rationing back then. You sure?"

Meme - "We ain't splitting any bills, sir"
"Oh, so what did you have in mind, ma'am"
"You got this, Mr. tech startup. I struggle to pay rent"
"So what are you offering me if I were to pay?"
"Yikes. I provide good company."
"So do I. I've worked hard to get to where I am in life. Shame on you for trying to take advantage. I'd suggest the value menu at BK."

Meme - *Man and woman in hot spring*
Woman: "Nice, huh?"
Man: "Yes, they are"
Woman: "They?"
Man: "Uhh, I mean IT IS, the hot spring is nice!"

Meme - "Ladies, your pierced titties look like bathtub plugs"

My son was ashamed to go to police over his 5ft girlfriend’s abuse. Then she killed him - "“You don’t understand what I’m dealing with,” Tai O’Donnell told his mother as they spoke on his doorstep. He seemed unusually scared, withdrawn. “Please tell me,” she said. “What is it?” The next day, 19-year-old Tai was found dead at his home in Croydon. He had been stabbed four times from behind by his girlfriend, Kamila Ahmad, 22 at the time, who stood a little over 5ft tall, with a high-pitched voice, eyelash extensions and painted nails. He bled to death in half an hour. Had an ambulance been called, he would probably have survived... Each time Tai tried to end it, Ahmad would threaten to take her own life. There were also threats of extreme violence... In court, Ahmad pleaded not guilty, claiming that she was the victim of abuse by Tai and Hussain"

Meme - "im glad he doesn't have hoes but why does he not have hoes??? am i fighting for a spot no one wants??!!"
"What do women want"

Meme - "Women don't understand men"
"Just bought him food, slept with him and then sent him home in an Uber. Let's see how men like it"
Keywords: how he likes him


Meme - "What's the dumbest thing you've ever heard?
I drive for Uber on the weekends and one time a girl who was in her late 20's told me that I was making her uncomfortable. I haven't said a word the whole trip so I asked how I could make the situation better. She said she didn't like how i kept "playing with the fidget stick in the middle of my car." I drive a manual. She then told me that I didn't need to use that because "her car didn't have that" and claimed to be a mechanic"

Meme - "AT HOME *2 cats at each others' throats*
ON FACEBOOK *cats doing Titanic pose*"

Meme - "More and more black men are getting non-black women because she nice. She is not controlling. She does not like to argue. She does not insult your intelligence. She does not try to masculate you. She does not wear fake hair (in fact black women pay to wear HER hair). She is much less stressful, and much more of a helpful teammate. She is simply a better option for you."

Retired welder, 75, blames ex-wife for friends thinking he's dead\ - "A retired welder whose phone hasn't rung for months because friends think he is dead realised the error after discovering his own gravestone erected by his ex-wife.    'People think that I'm dead,' said Alan Hattel, 75, from Tayside, Scotland. 'My phone hasn't rung for three or four months. I've been confused by it all but now I know why nobody has been calling."... The 75-year-old, who spent 37 years as a welder before retiring, claimed his ex-wife has bought the plot of land and put up the headstone with the intention of them being buried together.   Both their names appear on the headstone.  'I've never, ever said I wanted to be buried alongside my ex-wife,' said Mr Hattel, who has two grown-up children with his former spouse"

Meme - "I thought the G spot was where the whole gang hang out"
"it can be"

Meme - "Females after screaming at you for 20 mins and then you raise your voice to them once"
"You're so mean to me!!"

Meme - "What's your dirty little secret?"
"My ex told me to drug her and do with her what I wanted... So I drugged her and played video games all night with friends. She still thinks I fucked her multiple times that night."

Woman sells the dust and dirt from her vacuum to a stranger online for $30 - "A woman revealed that she sold the dirt from her vacuum cleaner for $30 - but the dust from her house is far from her most in-demand product.  Ana Dee, from the US, has made a living by selling used items on the internet including toilet scrubbers and dirty water for over a decade.   'I sold the contents of my vacuum for $20 today,' she began in a video. 'However, the buyer wanted a surprise... so I upsold that for $30 and included a lollipop.'... The woman claimed that it was a simple issue of supply and demand, and often found that many were 'jealous' of how 'easy' her work was... Many women shared some of the odd things they sold or did for money.   'Someone contacted me to buy my trash once and explained he basically got satisfaction from being 'humiliated' by what he was wasting his money on,' one revealed in a comment.  'Girl, one guy paid me to run over a hot wheel with my Honda civic!'"

Meme - "GOES TO BAR... SPENDS NOTHING 'I <3 Weiners T-shirt'"

Meme - "Girls wearing band t-shirts *running screaming*
Grown men telling them to name 3 songs *chasing*"

Meme - ""Oh no, the consequences of my actions." Women live life on easy mode right up until they hit 30. After that, they live the life every man has to live, and they can never handle the weight of it."
"I turned 30 this year. I don;t make enough money to to live alone. I've never been in a serious relationship. I miss past versions of myself that I'll never be again. I mourn the different lives I didn't get the chance to live. I go back and forth from feeling lost: to hopeful"

Meme - Brittney Jones: "I still can't believe he snitched on me. I swear if you break into a man's house once and give him some top while he's sleep they label you. I didn't harm any one."
Officer ID: 5629
Arresting Agency: JACKSONVILLE
Sex: F
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 1xx
Female entitlement means sexual assault is okay

Meme - "First day in the group: *Classic Smurfette* I'm only here for the memes
Third month in the group: *Sexy Smurfette* STFU and Smurf me"

Meme - Sophia LA
"I understand you want to be friends and I'm ok with that. I'm a busy man for the most part between work and raising my kids that I don't have a lot of extra time. In my extra time I'm trying to improve my life and occasionally seeking out a potential life partner. With that, the distance between us prevents any type of significant relationship and I don't have much time for a pen pal. Sorry."
"Then why did you contact me? Are you a fucking idiot?"
"Ooof I definitely dodged a bullet here. I see why you're so lonely. Goodbye"
Women can't take rejection

Meme - "Husbands Name After Marriage"
Woman: "No"
#GoldDigger #Alimony #Maintenance
"Husbands Property After Divorce"
Woman: "Yes"

IT worker sued boss who marked problems with ‘xx’ as she thought they were kisses - "An IT worker sued for sexual harassment after her “rich and powerful” male boss marked parts of an email where he wanted more information with “xx”, which she thought were kisses.  Karina Gasparova, a project manager, also claimed Aleksander Goulandris’s use of question marks in the same message were code for asking her when she would be “ready to engage in sexual acts”.  ‌In a number of other innocent work-related incidents where she would find a “sinister motive”, Ms Gasparova thought his renaming a file with his initials AJG was an acronym for A Jumbo Genital... when Mr Goulandris asked her when a project would be finished, she told the tribunal he burst out shouting with an “extremely angry voice”, saying “I need date, date, date”.  ‌Ms Gasparova interpreted this as having been asked “the exact date when I would finally agree on sexual contact with him”.  ‌The panel heard later that month that Mr Goulandris had emailed Ms Gasparova asking for information on a project. To indicate what details he required her to fill in he used XX, YY and ???? in the message, written in red.  ‌The tribunal heard she interpreted the Xs as meaning kisses, the Ys as sexual contact of some kind and the question marks as when she would be “ready to engage in sexual acts”'."
Believe Women!

Meme - "You find women in their early or mid twenties attractive? What are you sir, some sort of pedophile?"
The motivations for female anti-"pedophile" virtue signallers are different from male ones

Meme - "Female teachers when I went to school *Manly*
Female teachers now *Hot*"

Meme - TrueOffMyChest: "Being a sexworker has ruined my life
God, I started being a sex worker a while ago, it was because I needed money and I just kept going because of how much confidence I won through it, besides a lot of other stuff. I knew I wanted to do this, it was just my call. I was sure I would never give up on it but I see now, I see how hard is to find a lover. I am only doing online stuff and nothing more, but it is never enough in a relationship. My first boyfriend accepted to be with me knowing what I am doing to earn money. He would start fights from nothing and I never thought the reason is because he does not support my job. I broke up with him because of how bad things were between us. And I said I would stay away from relationships until I fell in love again after a year. Very good at the start but again fights from nothing. One mutual friend from first bf told me he was like that because of my job. And I am mad, why go in a relationship with someone you don't fully agree? Why? And same thing now, I am being ignored from nowhere and I am confused but now I am sure, it is again the job. And I will never have a relationship, never. I am a really loving and caring person, not jealous, with very much humor, understandble and sensitive, but I guess that is not what matters. What matters is that I am showing my naked body. I think I am stupid if I believe this should be nothing but I know it is hard for someone to accept it so why waste time and just make the other person suffer if you will never be okay with this ?"

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