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Saturday, June 10, 2023

Links - 10th June 2023 (1 - Get Woke, Go Broke)

CNN's 4th Quarter Primetime Viewership Collapses 73% to Just 642K - "CNN, a far-left propaganda outlet that promotes conspiracy theories and encourages political violence, lost 73 percent of its primetime viewers in the fourth quarter of 2021."

Fox News Crushes CNN, MSNBC In November Ratings: FNC Owns 14 Out Of Top 15 Shows In Cable News

‘I Would Like To See CNN Evolve Back To’ Doing News, ‘Actually Have Journalists’: Incoming Top Shareholder - "Liberty Media Chairman John Malone said “good journalism could have a role” in any company he controls, implying that would require major changes at the nation’s first 24-hour news network... Malone seems eager to reverse the slide toward outright commentary and embrace of casual on-air profanity embraced by current CNN president David Zucker.  But many of CNN’s low-rated hosts may believe they do not need to reform their ways. As this author previously reported at The Daily Wire, Don Lemon denies that he is either partisan or a commentary host"

'Dear White People' creator says racism's 'evergreen' presence keeps series relevant
Weird how they got cancelled. Must be "racism"

Boy Scouts support Black Lives Matter and will require scouts to earn diversity badge - "In a statement released in support of Black Lives Matter, the Boy Scouts of America said it will require Eagle Scouts to earn a diversity and inclusion badge. It'll examine its own role in perpetuating racism, too... "The Boy Scouts of America stands with Black families and the Black community because we believe that Black Lives Matter," the organization said in a letter on Scoutingwire, the organization's official blog. "This is not a political issue; it is a human rights issue and one we all have a duty to address." Now, scouts must earn a diversity and inclusion merit badge to achieve the rank of Eagle Scout, the highest rank in the Boy Scouts program... The organization said it's banned the Confederate flag for nearly 30 years, but it'll review property names, events and insignia to "ensure that symbols of oppression are not in use today or in the future."... this year, the Boy Scouts of America filed for bankruptcy"
Defining your preferred politics as not a political issue is a great sleight of hand
What would happen if banning abortion were framed as about human rights?

Lawsuit claims Girl Scouts are in a 'highly damaging' recruitment war with Boy Scouts - "Lawyers for the Girl Scouts say the popular organization for young girls is currently engaged in a “highly damaging” recruitment war with the Boy Scouts... “As a result of Boy Scouts’ infringement, parents have mistakenly enrolled their daughters in Boy Scouts thinking it was Girl Scouts,” the Girl Scouts charged in a Christmas Eve court filing, the Associated Press reports. The filing is connected to a 2018 trademark infringement lawsuit filed by the organization seeking to prevent the Boy Scouts from using the terms “scouts” or “scouting.”... the organization had to clarify its stance on women’s empowerment after facing criticism for a statement congratulating recently confirmed Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett for her new role... In a since-deleted tweet, the organization declared “Congratulations Amy Coney Barrett on becoming the 5th woman appointed to the Supreme Court since its inception in 1789,” alongside an image of Barrett and the four other justices who came before her: Sandra Day O’Connor, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan. In response, the message was met with replies saying Barrett’s conservative politics were contradictory to the organization’s message of female empowerment."
The left doesn't support women. Just liberal women

Woke Girl Scouts are about to spend $500,000 on movement-wide audit to ensure the organization is "antiracist"

Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts suffer huge declines in membership - "Membership for the BSA’s flagship Cub Scouts and Scouts BSA programs dropped from 1.97 million in 2019 to 1.12 million in 2020, a 43% plunge, according to figures provided to The Associated Press. Court records show membership has fallen further since then, to about 762,000."

Anne Boleyn drama branded ‘dull’ as viewers switch off over ‘historical inaccuracies’ - “I could accept Jodie Turner-smith #AnneBoleyn as a way for the younger generation to take an interest in history they might not before but having her kiss Jane Seymour and too many inaccurate events that never took place is too much, have at least some historical accuracy in it”
Clearly they're all just racist

CHRISTOPHER STEVENS: Whoever wrote this drivel about Anne Boleyn, off with their heads! - "The preview came with a 37-page press release and a note: 'We kindly ask if journalists can read the introduction on Re-Imagining Anne Boleyn, as some elements may be helpful.' Dutifully, I read it.  On page five, I learned: 'The producers adopted the approach of identity-conscious casting, which makes space for and embraces how actors and artists can bring their whole identities or even parts of their identities to a character.' Pish and faugh... half the dialogue is lumpen, and the rest is ludicrous. Irritated by the squawking peacocks, she announces that she wants them shot. With what — cannon? Handguns were unknown in England in 1536. And when she notes her husband's wandering eye is taken with lady-in-waiting Jane Seymour (Lola Petticrew), Anne summons her for a walk: 'I want to take a moment to talk with you, woman to woman.' Then she kisses her. 'Yes,' she declares, 'I can see the appeal.'  I suppose a certain sort of bloke might find this attractive. Perhaps the sequel will be called The Six Lesbian Wives Of Henry VIII, which sounds like a movie that Penthouse boss Bob Guccione would want to make."

Shoehorning lesbian scenes into historical dramas is anything but progressive - "There is also a growing trend for shoehorning titillating lesbian storylines into historical dramas, which is billed as "feminist" but looks suspiciously like a ploy to draw in men...   Then there is the new Channel 5 historical thriller Anne Boleyn, which features a kiss between the Queen and Jane Seymour. Supposedly through a feminist lens, much time is devoted to showing Anne’s sexual hold over Henry in a vaguely sado (her) masochistic (him) fashion. Her brains and wit take second place."

Anne Boleyn drama a ratings flop for Channel 5 - "Ratings steadily declined across the three episodes, with 774,000 (5.2%) tuning in for the first episode on Tuesday and Wednesday night's second episode bringing in 507,000 (3%)."

Bipartisan majority turned off by virtue signaling of woke corporations and execs - "A broad bipartisan majority of voters say corporate executives should spend less time virtue signaling on social issues and more on developing and selling their products, according to research from a strategic data analysis firm.  The Brunswick Group study, titled “The Talking Trap,” shows that most Democrats and Republicans are put off by “woke” messaging from C-suite offices.   Conversely, business executives say their social messaging is important and successful, indicating a sharp divide between business elites and consumers...   Concerns about corporations embracing liberal causes appear to be growing. The Republican chief financial officers of 15 states, led by West Virginia, sent a letter Tuesday to financial institution executives threatening to pull some $600 billion in assets from those that are blocking financing for oil and gas projects in the name of climate change. The study is a part of Brunswick‘s “The Critical” series, which focuses on the intersection of business and politics.  “In a highly complex civic, socio-economic and communications environment, there is enormous pressure on organizations to respond to everything that is happening,” the study states. “The efforts are all-too-often disbelieved as authentic — by people across every part of the political and socio-economic spectrum.”  By a margin of 2-to-1, “corporate executives are ‘out of step’ with broader public sentiment related to engagement on social issues”...   Of corporate executives surveyed, 63% agreed unequivocally that they should speak out on social issues. Only 36% of voters held the same view.  The divide is equally pronounced when it comes to the perceived effectiveness of woke corporate campaigns, according to the study. On that point, three-quarters of executives, compared with 39% of voters, said the campaigns are effective...   The distrust among many Democrats is rooted in a belief that the companies’ campaigns are insincere, and many Republicans simply do not want to hear executives’ views on social issues or disagree with the executives’ views...   The one issue on which a majority of voters did see sincerity was in corporate charitable work after natural disasters.  “Doing work for the sake of appeasing the progressive Twitter mob might satisfy one sect of the population, but as a CEO you’ll only alienate customers and employees,” Mr. Flaig said. “This report demonstrates in no uncertain terms that any CEO who continues to force their company into politics is placing their own political agenda ahead of maximizing shareholder value.”"

Rita Panahi on corporate heavyweights applying pressure to government over same-sex marriage | Herald Sun - "Twenty CEOs from some of Australia’s biggest companies — including Telstra, CBA, ANZ, Qantas, Holden, AGL Energy, KPMG, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Lendlease and Wesfarmers — have personally signed a letter to the Prime Minister urging him to take legislative action on same-sex marriage.  Never mind that Malcolm Turnbull went to last year’s election promising a plebiscite, since blocked by the Senate.  These 20 corporate chiefs want the PM to break an election promise and take urgent action on this most pressing of issues.  Isn’t it curious that corporate heavyweights never virtue-signal about issues such as national security or homegrown terrorism; it’s always some topic high on the Leftist agenda.  If CEOs want to put pressure on the PM, why don’t they pick an issue that is relevant to their core business and in the financial interests of their shareholders?  Why aren’t there open letters about the corporate tax rate, penalty rates, payroll tax, crippling red tape, or a plethora of other policy issues directly related to the running of their businesses?  But the bigger question is, why are companies that should be focused on serving their client base and increasing shareholder value becoming involved with contentious social and political issues?... Look to the US and you’ll see many corporations come undone by adopting what they thought would be a popular political stance... If you’re a Telstra shareholder who has watched the value of your asset drop by 11 per cent in the past year, you are entitled to wonder why the CEO is blogging about “gender equality” or lobbying the PM to legislate gay marriage.  One wonders whether the gender quotas that Telstra is introducing for Australian job applicants will be applied to their call centres in the Philippines. Perhaps Telstra CEO Andy Penn should consider a career in politics instead of using his highly paid role to push his personal political views.  Of course, then he’d have to settle for a backbencher’s base salary of $195,000 rather than his current base salary of $2.325 million... The anti-plebiscite campaigners would have you believe that Australians aren’t capable of sophisticated deliberation on an issue such as gay marriage. Their arguments against the plebiscite were based on the notion that any debate would be characterised by a destructive hate and bigotry that would traumatise the LGBTIQ community. Over the weekend, the usual blowhards and Twitter brokens were busy condemning Immigration Minister Peter Dutton for admonishing the 20 activist CEOs, claiming that his criticism was somehow impinging on their freedom of speech. That painfully asinine argument is always made by confused folk who mistake criticism for censorship. The CEOs are free to say what they want and Dutton is free to criticise them. No one is being sued or censored; it is freedom of speech in action."

The war of social word play has reached a new low - "“People who are doing this at the corporate level will rapidly get their comeuppance … If you’re operating within a capitalist environment like let’s say the executives and management of Qantas, who are being paid disproportionately well, you don’t also get to be a social radical. And you don’t get to salve your conscience for receiving a pay cheque that’s 300 times the pay cheque of the average worker by pretending you’re a social revolutionary. It’s an appalling sleight of hand. “In addition, you don’t get to invite the radical leftists into your corporate utopia without opening the door to a major fifth column. If you are naive enough to think that the demand of the radicals for the transformation of your company is going to end with a few requests for language transformation then you’re a complete bloody fool."

Report: Hollywood Executives 'Much More Nervous' About Abortion Activism After Disney-Florida Fight - "Studio and talent agency executives, who lean overwhelmingly to the left, have become “much more nervous” when it comes to responding to politically divisive issues, including abortion...   “If the states decide after the Supreme Court ruling [to ban abortion], it’s going to be hard as a studio to say, ‘We’re not going to do business there.’ We’re not going to do business in half the country? A studio’s job is not to divide and conquer, like politics. A studio’s job is to aggregate as many people as they can,” Howard Bragman, a crisis PR veteran, told TheWrap. TheWrap said it reached out to all the major studios about their positions on the pending Supreme Court ruling, including whether they would consider relocating productions or cover travel expenses for employees in those states who may seek abortions. None responded to a request for comment except Sony, which had no comment.  That doesn’t mean Hollywood executives aren’t livid about the forthcoming ruling.  Insiders told TheWrap that female creatives and executives at the highest levels across the industry are “outraged” and have real “fury” in response to the leaked draft of Justice Samuel Alito’s opinion.   In recent years, Hollywood studios have threatened to boycott production in Georgia and North Carolina over the fetal heartbeat bill and the transgender bathroom law, respectively."

Santa Inc. starring Seth Rogen becomes lowest-rated TV show ever - "The series follows Candy Smalls (voiced by Sarah Silverman), an elf working in Santa’s workshop. The current Santa (voiced by Seth Rogen) is coming up on retirement, so Candy decides she wants to become the first woman to take the reins from Saint Nick. Becoming the next Santa isn’t easy as Candy faces a male-dominated, misogynistic work environment.  The show is full of raunchy and satirical jokes on hot-button political and social issues that have undoubtedly triggered a reaction from some demographics.  Seth Rogen took to Twitter to address their reaction to the show, saying, “We really pissed off tens of thousands of white supremacists with our new show.”"
When your product sucks, just blame "white supremacists"

Nolte: Record Low Ratings for NBC's Opening Coverage of Genocide Games - "That’s a 55 percent drop from four years ago when 16 million tuned into the opening night coverage of the 2018 Winter Games in South Korea. That’s also down a whopping 64 percent from the 2014 Summer Games. These numbers are beyond a catastrophe, especially after NBC’s Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo last year also earned record low ratings. Those Olympics were widely ridiculed as the Woke Olympics. America tuned that fiasco out because of all the obnoxious left-wing politicking, virtue signaling, and propaganda — most of it performed by smug athletes who failed to win any medals.  At the time, the corporate media tried to gaslight the public into believing the off-putting woketardery had nothing to do with the ratings crash. Instead, they spread a bunch of wild-eyed misinformation, blaming the lack of interest on the China Flu delaying the games for a year — which is laughable. The one-year delay should’ve increased anticipation. What’s more, during the summer of 2021, millions of Americans were still hiding out at home from the pandemic.   Gee, I wonder what the corporate media’s excuse will be for NBC’s record low Genocide Games’ ratings?  These Games weren’t delayed"

Nolte: Woke Dies at the Box Office, Including LeBron's ‘Space Jam’ - "Why Warner Bros. chose to hand an appealing franchise over to someone as unappealing and divisive as LeBron James is anyone’s guess. The result is that between a $150 million production budget and the additional $50 million – $80 million likely spent on promotion, Warner Bros. is probably looking at a write-off somewhere around $150 million, lol...   The Forever Purge is another woke flop. It grossed less than $2 million in weekend four and sits at a pathetic $40 million. The world will also not save this one. While its predecessor, 2018’s First Purge, grossed $138 million worldwide, Forever Purge sits as a pathetic $52 million and will be lucky to gross half of that $138 million.  As the Purge franchise became more woke and increasingly self-important, it lost the goodwill of its audience. The first three are pretty good. Then it jumped off a woke cliff. Forever Purge is the wokest of them all and kersplat, lol."

Scandinavian Airlines: Get Woke, Cry Wolf - "What is truly Scandinavian? Absolutely nothing. Everything is copied.  This was the slogan contained in a bizarre ad campaign broadcast earlier this month by Scandinavian Airlines (SAS), the largest airline in Scandinavia and the flag carrier of Norway, Denmark and Sweden. The ad was posted on YouTube, but was quickly edited and reposted after being flooded with bad reviews... SAS has faced a wave of criticism, ranging from ordinary Twitter users and opinion writers to leading politicians. Social media has been full of comments from people who vow never to fly with the company again—their own flag-carrier, 29 percent of which is owned by the Danish and Swedish state.  For anyone having trouble understanding why the ad has caused offense, imagine someone—say, Donald Trump—making the same claim about any other nation. Imagine them asking what is truly Mexican, Jewish or Palestinian, and then contending, “Absolutely nothing. Everything is copied.”  With 112,000-plus down-votes compared to 13,000-plus up-votes on YouTube as of this writing, this looks like a PR disaster... SAS got woke—then it cried wolf.  The day after the ad was released, the airline wrote in a press statement that it was investigating a suspected “attack” on social media—a theory which was uncritically picked up by leading international outlets... Some media immediately began speculating on possible Russian involvement, a theory which the company did nothing to deny. Reuters claimed that the ad was simply “debunking myths about Scandinavia,” yet had nevertheless become “victim of an online hate campaign, particularly from nationalist and right-wing groups.” The advertising agency’s offices in Copenhagen were in fact subjected to a bomb threat, which seems to have been a hoax. But SAS has not presented any evidence of a cyber attack. And although the ad has been widely shared in forums such as 4chan, experts have rejected the idea that the company was victim of a coordinated attack, either particularly by “right-wing groups,” or by Russia. And a number of mainstream Scandinavian media outlets and commentators had been among the most vocal critics. But by evoking existing fears of right-wing extremism, online hate campaigns, and real threats to national security, the company was able to deflect basic journalistic scrutiny.  This damage-control strategy is more likely to work outside Scandinavia than within, since it requires some familiarity with the region to understand the outlandish nature of the ad’s message. SAS’ mode of crisis management might only add to the offense, as the company now is portraying perfectly reasonable people in one of the world’s most tolerant and multi-cultural regions as irrational and hateful. While Reuters claims SAS was simply “debunking myths about Scandinavia,” the ad does no such thing. In fact, it gets a number of facts about the region wrong. For instance, the ad mentions parental leave, and features a Swedish dad with a baby carrier whispering “Thank you Switzerland.” Yet, Sweden was the first country in the world to introduce paid paternity leave, in 1974... The ad also claims that Swedish meatballs may in fact be Turkish, which is actually an urban legend, long ago debunked... Here are some actual Scandinavian inventions not mentioned in the ad: the Celsius temperature scale, the pacemaker, the banknote, dynamite, Lego, Spotify, Skype, Carolus Linnaeus’ taxonomy, and Niels Bohr’s foundational contributions to quantum physics and our understanding of atomic structure. Scandinavia, in fact, has long been one of the most innovative regions in the world. The Nobel Prize—in memory of Alfred Nobel, the inventor of dynamite—is Swedish.  Indeed, the Kurdish-Swedish economist Tino Sanandaji has pointed out that it can be helpful to take a look at the periodic table by country of discovery to get an idea of how the Scandinavians have fared in terms of scientific contributions.  But of course, who cares about quantum physics or the discovery of new elements when there’s the origin of the meatball to be debated?  And now Scandinavia apparently has one more invention to claim, although it’s not one that should instill any of us with pride: a cynical new corporate strategy for deflecting criticism based on inflated or invented claims of online hate campaigns and Russian involvement—which, of course, will simply undermine public trust and public resolve in the face of real extremist campaigns and disinformation."
Blaming the "far right" and the Russians is the usual leftist playbook. And when they lose credibility, blame everyone else

SAS secures $700 million financing to aid restructuring - "SAS, which was already loss-making before the pandemic due to rising competition from low-cost carriers, had said it needed to slash costs further and raise more capital to survive."

Escape The Echo Chamber - Posts | Facebook - "Evergreen State College is finally parting ways with its president, George Bridges. During his tenure the college lost money every year. It’s enrollment plummeted after Bridges attempted to fully incorporate applied post modernism into campus management. This culminated in a roving, bar-wielding lynch mob that was hunting for Professor Brett Weinstein (and his wife and fellow professor Heather Heying). The college ended up paying large settlements to make them leave, along with the campus police chief who was told to stand down.  Evergreen is a very unique liberal arts college that offered an educational format that allowed some non-traditional students to thrive. It is a small, very liberal campus that offered something unique in the education industry. Hopefully the new president, who won’t start until the summer of 2021, will be able to rebuild the college whole providing a safe environment for all."
From 2020

Nolte: Masculine, Pro-American 'Top Gun: Maverick' Blasts to $146M Opening, Towers over Woke Flops - "it’s…  …a masculine, pro-American, stridently non-woke blockbuster that has just blasted off to a $146 million opening weekend, which is well above predictions. Based on review after review, Top Gun 2 did the wisest thing possible. Rather than apologize for being an 80’s “relic,” it embraced what everyone loved in 1986 and still loves today... In other words, it didn’t do what James Bond did—turn itself into a mewling little pajama boy gerbil of a movie. It didn’t do what Star Wars did and pervert a romantic-adventure series into a shrill Womyn’s Studies lecture. Instead, Top Gun chose to respect human nature and remain what it was, what worked, and what normal people love. The audience sensed that, and now it’s over-performing and less than $10 million away from setting an all-time Memorial Day Weekend record.   Arrrrhhh, darhhhrrr, Hollywoodtards.
Woke West Side Story: Flop
Woke Eternals: Flop
Woke In the Heights: Flop
Woke Wonder Woman 1984: Flop
Woke Charlie’s Angels: Flop
Woke Men In Black International: Flop
Woke Birds of Prey: Flop
Woke Ghostbusters 3: Flop
Woke The 355: Flop.
Woke Terminator Dark Fate: Flop
Woke Oscars: flop
Woke Netflix: Stock tanking
Woke Groomers at Disney: Stock tanking...
You want to know why Tom Cruise is one of the few movie stars still standing? It’s not his looks or his agelessness or even his talent. There are all kinds of good-looking, talented, ageless actors and actresses out there… No, Tom Cruise is a star because he understands stardom in the same way John Wayne and Errol Flynn and Gene Kelly and Bette Davis and Warren Beatty and Jack Nicholson understood stardom… It’s not about you! It’s about the audience! Dazzle them. Make them laugh. Make them cry. Inspire them. Broaden their horizons. Show them something new. Teach them. But never, ever talk down to them or act as their superior.  Respect the audience as a partner, and you will never break up."

Top Gun: Maverick Does Not Denounce Toxic Masculinity, It Embraces It
Top Gun: Maverick should have done something to fit our times.
By Joe Milo
'Top Gun: Maverick' Flies Past 'Doctor Strange 2' as Highest-Grossing Movie of the Year in the US."

Halifax suffers exodus of customers after staff pronoun policy - "Halifax customers are closing their accounts en masse today after its social media team told them to leave if they don't like their new pronoun badges for staff in what is being branded one of the biggest PR disasters in British business history... Former Doctor Who scriptwriter Gareth Roberts, a Halifax customer since 1988, told the bank: 'I'm a homosexual man. I'm appalled by your adoption of this homophobic, woman-hating claptrap, and by your attitude to customers making perfectly reasonable objections to it.'  Company director Anders Jersby ended his Halifax car insurance policy and said he would never deal with Halifax again thanks to 'their antics with pronouns'.   Branding expert Martin Townsend said Halifax's policy is a 'Ratner moment' and an 'astonishing' mistake that will be considered one of the biggest PR blunders in recent history... Mr Townsend referred to Gerald Ratner, who infamously caused the value of the jewellery firm he was chief executive of to plummet after branding one of its products as 'total c**p' in a speech... One woman said she had closed her Halifax credit card account over the 'crazy' policy.  'I don't want to be having conversations about gender when I go into my bank,' said the 50-year-old psychologist from London. 'Frankly, I'd rather they be focused on lowering interest rates.'  Another woman said she had moved her savings account to Nat West, adding: 'I want to do my banking and not have a nonsensical, often deeply misogynistic religion pushed on me... On its website, Halifax say any customers they deem to be 'transphobic' could have their accounts closed... One man said a customer services assistant was 'deliberately obstructive' after he told her why he wanted to close his account.  He added that the assistant 'doubled down and said they're a business of inclusiveness and equality and then closed the chat but not my account'."

Halifax customers upset by pronoun badges close accounts and cut up credit cards - "Although Halifax made clear the scheme is optional, people expressed concerns that those who chose not to display their pronouns would be singled out or judged.  Either way, Halifax didn’t appear to bothered that customers were threatening to leave, and even showed them the metaphorical door.  After a user called the bank out for ‘virtue signalling’ a Halifax social media manager named AndyM said: ‘We strive for inclusion, equality, and quite simply in doing what’s right.  ‘If you disagree with our values, you’re welcome to close your account.’  This added fuel to the fire, with former Conservative councillor Caroline Ffiske saying: ‘It is incredibly rude for Halifax to say to customers if you don’t like it go away. It’s astonishing to have a bank behaving like a trans activist.’...   One unhappy customer told MailOnline his whole family had transferred their accounts to Nationwide, amounting to a loss of £450,000 in investments and savings... Speaking to BBC Radio 4, financial commentator Matthew Lynn warned: ‘Companies don’t need to aggressively take positions on what are still quite divisive social issues.  ‘It probably didn’t come from the CEO – it comes from a bunch of millennial 20-somethings running the Twitter feed.  ‘To tell customers that they should go and close down their accounts and go to a different bank because they have a slightly different view on this is way too aggressive.’"

Halifax branded 'disgraceful' by most famous employee Howard in pronoun badge row - "Former employee Howard Brown, who became a household name as the face of Halifax for over a decade, has also waded in and branded the bank's attitude towards customers as "disgraceful"... Howard, who caught the nation's attention with his star turn in the Halifax adverts in the 2000s, said: "That's not the Halifax I knew, that's not the customer service I knew. If this had happened when I was working there, we'd all have been shocked and disappointed. It's a service industry – you should leave politics to the politicians."

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