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Sunday, June 04, 2023

Links - 4th June 2023 (2 - Jordan Neely)

BLM wants decorated former Marine to be held 'accountable' for Jordan Neely chokehold death - "Black Lives Matter joined calls for the former Marine who put a schizophrenic homeless man in a chokehold on the subway to be held 'accountable' today as Democrats demanded he be charged with murder.   Jordan Neely, 30, used to be known as a fun-loving Michael Jackson impersonator who performed on New York City trains to commuters. In recent years, his family say he had suffered severe mental health problems and had 'lost it' after the 2007 murder of his mother.   On Monday, Neely - who has 40 prior arrests from 2013 and 2021 including an assault on a 67-year-old woman - was traveling on the F train at around 2.27pm when he began yelling and throwing garbage, according to other passengers. He screamed that he had 'no food, no drink' and wanted to die.   The former Marine - described as a 'decorated' sergeant who was an active servicemember until two years ago - put Neely in a chokehold to subdue him.  He and two other men on the train restrained Neely for a total of 15 minutes, according to the witnesses, until police arrived."

Meme - "Jordan Neely we love you
$77,935 raised of $75,000 goal 2.5K donor"
"Campaign Created by: Raiser & Kenniff, PC Jordan
The funds from this campaign will be received by Raiser And Kenniff, RC.
Raised: USD $ 1,203,558"

Meme - "Leftism in a nutshell.
Toure @Toure: "A homeless man yelling on the NYC subway is normal. We see that all the time. What's not normal is for a Marine to sneak up behind him, put him in chokehold, and unalive him. That's not justified. The Marine could've just done nothing. He should be charged."
"A 77 yo white customer at Dunkin Donuts was upset about something and he called a Black 27 yo employee the n-word. The brother told him say it again. The old man did. The brother knocked him out. The old man fell, lost consciousness, and died. He fucked around and found out."

Meme - "r/nyc
Try to stay away from the Michael Jackson impersonator if you see him... Used to be all cool, dancing to MJ in the subway train, but as of late he's become a maniac. Sometime in late Summer I saw him in the train, his radio fucked up and he was angry as fuck, cursing and bad mouthing commuters screaming "What the fuck are you looking at? Dont fucking look at me!" Totally didn't expect him to act as such. Ever since that day he's just been a scary dude to me. He doesn't dress up anymore. No more dancing...just asks for money. Occasionally shouting obscenities. Today, however was odd. Sometime in the morning, on my way to school I'm sitting on the bench and out of nowhere hear someone just going off, cussing up a storm. It was the MJ dude. Everyone besides this guy was quite. A MTA crew was there but did nothing and just let him continue blow his gasket. Train arrives and I just get in the car he's not in because I'm sure as fuck not getting in the same car as him. Dude didn't even wait till he got inside the train. I was scared for the people next to him out of fear that some one was gonna fall on the tracks. Just avoid the guy at all costs, try not to look at him at all. Stay safe. Pics for reference"
From 2013

Meme - "Cops are useless. We need community policing"
**citizen chokes out schizo having a violent meltdown**
"NO NOT LIKE THAT!!! This is literal vigilantism. Police!!! Arrest this man. He broke the law!"
On Jordan Neely

Meme - Jordan Neely: "I'm ready to go back to jail! I'll hurt anyone!"
3 men: "Not so fast!"
NPCs: "Jordan Neely was lynched! This is systemic racism!"

V 𓁼 on Twitter - "In June 2019 Jordan Neeley was arrested for punching a 64 year old man in the face in a subway station. If that man fell and died you probably never would have heard about it. there would be no protests, no riots. In August 2015 he was arrested for kidnapping and dragging a 7 year old girl down the street, and was only sentenced to four months of prison time. If that girl would have died there would have been no protests, and you would have never heard about it. Neeley had been arrested over 40 times, the most recent in 2021 for punching a random 67 year old in the nose as she exited a subway station.  But a couple days ago, as the deranged Neeley with a history of violence in subways announced to a subway station that he intended to do harm to the crowd, he was subdued and unfortunately died in the process. The man who subdued him is now labeled a murderer, a white supremacist and calls for his extrajudicial lynching have been recorded. There are mass protests. Could we step back a moment, and realize that something is seriously wrong."
Liberals love criminals

Marc Lamont Hill on Twitter - "The story is racial because Jordan Neely’s blackness made him vulnerable to premature death. This fact doesn’t change because one of his abusers, and many of the people on the train who failed to intervene, was non-White."
what’s up, censors? on Twitter - "You’re now saying black people are inherently vulnerable and that Neely’s vulnerability wasn’t driven by his violent erratic behavior? Are you high?"

Ed Gentry 🛶☀️ on Twitter - "Emma Vigeland on the Majority Report today says that the desire to feel safe on public transit is bourgeois and explains how one time she suppressed those bourgeois feelings when she was assaulted on the subway by a mentally ill vagrant, as everyone should"
Naturally, there were people who claimed that wasn't what she was saying, when the video clip was very clear

New video shows Marine Daniel Penny put Jordan Neely in the recovery position, stuck around to help him. Passengers on the train complimented him. 👀

Ian Miles Cheong on Twitter - "New York City protesters angry over the death of Jordan Neely are threatening to "tear the city down" unless something is done about the marine who killed him."

Meme - "FYI
Liberals like to snipe that conservatives like to get upset over changes to things they didn't know about until recently (e.g. James Madison's flute being played by Lizzo while twerking), which proves their concern is insincere. Yet they don't know about the criminals they love and who they are upset about being killed in self-defence until they are killed either

Eric Adams starts war of words with AOC over Jordan Neely death - "New York City Mayor Eric Adams has slammed AOC for labeling the former Marine who put homeless man Jordan Neely in a chokehold on the subway a 'murderer' and urged her to wait until the facts of the investigation into his death emerge... Juan Alberto Vasquez, who was on the train and filmed the chokehold, said Neely yelled: 'I don’t have food, I don’t have a drink, I’m fed up. I don’t mind going to jail and getting life in prison. I’m ready to die.'   A fight broke out and the former Marine, who has not yet been named, put him in a chokehold... Neely is writhing on the ground, but does not make any audible pleas for help.   In addition to the Marine, two other men are standing over him, and two women are watching nearby.   None of those standing around him raised concern about his breathing or his neck."
Self-defence is racist

Meme - Liberal: "Defund the police"
Liberal on Daniel Penny: "Arrest him!"

Cernovich on Twitter - "The ordinary voter will never learn that the subway psycho hit a 7 year old and tried killing a grandma. They all think he was doing Michael Jackson moon walks for tips. That’s why the left censors. We would win landslides every time if only the truth wasn’t silenced."

Meme - Justin Berkobien: "Jesus is a 30 year old black man riding the subway hungry, thirsty, fed up."
Aaron Jones: "Jesus's classic lines in the bible about threatening to kill people and attempting to push them infront of charriots. Classic jesus."

Witness to Jordan Neely chokehold death calls Daniel Penny a 'hero' - "A retiree who witnessed Marine veteran Daniel Penny fatally choke an erratic homeless man on a train earlier this month called him a hero and slammed Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg for prosecuting him... The witness, who described herself as a woman of color, said it was wrong for Bragg to charge Penny with second-degree manslaughter.  "It was self-defense, and I believe in my heart that he saved a lot of people that day that could have gotten hurt"... "I’m sitting on a train reading my book, and, all of a sudden, I hear someone spewing this rhetoric. He said, ‘I don’t care if I have to kill an F, I will. I’ll go to jail, I’ll take a bullet,’" recalled the woman, who is in her 60s.  The terrified passengers crowded toward the exit doors.   "I’m looking at where we are in the tube, in the sardine can, and I’m like, ‘OK, we’re in between stations. There’s nowhere we can go,’" she said. "The people on that train, we were scared. We were scared for our lives." Penny stepped in when Neely started using the word "kill" and "bullet."... it was clear to her that Penny waited until the last minute to intervene for the sake of his fellow passengers... "Mr. Penny cared for people. That’s what he did. That is his crime," she told Fox News Digital. After the altercation, she and at least three other passengers thanked him. But he seemed shaken, the woman said.  "Nobody wants to kill anybody. Mr. Penny didn’t want to kill that man," she said. "You should have seen the way Mr. Penny looked. He was distraught. He was very, very, very visibly distressed. And he didn’t go. He didn’t run. He stayed."... "This isn't about race. This is about people of all colors who were very, very afraid and a man who stepped in to help them," she said. "Race is being used to divide us."... she feels like the city is sliding backward with failed policies that don’t help the mentally ill and criminal justice reforms that don’t hold people who commit crimes accountable.   "I miss the city under the law and order of Giuliani," she told Fox News Digital. "When it comes to exposing people or subjecting them to violent behavior, the people who are in power and supposed to protect us are not."... The problems facing New York City are now plaguing the U.S., the witness noted.   "It’s not looking that good for us," she said. "You know, we were supposed to be an example to other nations but are turning into a Third World country.""

Meme - *Black man in cable ties* Liberal woman: "We need community policing!"
*Jordan Neely* Liberal woman: "Not like that!"
*Black man firing into window of cop car* "Let's not rush to iudgement. We need more details."

Meme - "Why the "pro facts" people are so mad at Elon for improving Twitter. No more unchecked lying."
Rachel Gilmore @atRachelGilmore: "Community Notes suck ASS. What is wrong with people?? How is this "added context" important here??"
"Black men deserve to grow old-not be lynched 'on a Subway because they were having a mental health crisis. Jordan deserved better. Accountability now."
"Readers added context they thought people might want to know: This is a 2012 video of Jordan Neely, not conduct, that led to his death. When he was restrained by 3 individuals in 2023, it was in response to aggressive, threatening behavior. He also had an active felony assault warrant out, in addition to 44 prior arrests."
Liberals hate fact checks

Meme - Ann Lesby, PhD: "In America, a Black man cannot even scream threats at passengers on the subway without fearing for his life."

Meme - Meera Naan: "I had a lot of men defend me on the subway from crazy homeless psychos. Doubt that will happen anymore."
DC Draino @DC_Draino: "Dear women of NYC. Your last line of defense against violent criminals attacking & sexually assaulting you in public was just removed. The cops are defunded & the DAs won't prosecute. But you still had the chance of a random Good Samaritan stepping up to save the day. Until today"

Elizabeth Spiers on Twitter - "Hi - New Yorker here. I’ve safely ridden the subway for 23 years and my child has never been menaced by a half naked lunatic, but these imaginary monsters in your head are addressable with therapy."
Candice Giove on Twitter - "This is a picture I took in September of a half-naked lunatic, armed with a brick. This is not "imaginary." A passenger disarmed him."

NYT op-ed writer says residents fearful of 'lunatics' on subway should seek 'therapy' for 'imaginary monsters' - ""I worked in Manhattan from 1996-2020," McLaughlin wrote in a responding tweet. "While the city was safer for many of those years than it is today, if you've never encountered an alarming lunatic on the subway or its platforms, I question what city you've been traveling in."  "I assume she lives in extreme privilege, and does not rely on the subway much, or she's in denial," podcast host Clifton Duncan agreed. "These people pretend as though mentally disturbed vagrants just don't exist; inexcusable given that they support policies which ensure more of them end up on the streets."  "I know someone from Chicago who’s never been shot. It follows that gun violence in that city is imaginary," Babylon Bee CEO Seth Dillon weighed in... "Exactly, Elizabeth! I feel the same way about tornadoes. Everyone complains about them, but they've never bothered me. I've never even seen one and, frankly, I don't really believe they exist," Don Wolt quipped.  New York City art gallery owner Eli Klien remarked, "These are just your anecdotes. Plenty of New Yorkers have other anecdotes about being menaced by mentally ill and/or drug addicted people. Some of those with scores of arrests, like Jordan Neely, shouldn’t be on the streets." The New York City subway system has developed a reputation as a dangerous hellscape where headline-making incidents occur on a regular basis. Earlier this month, a subway passenger was slashed in the face during a dispute over a seat at around 6 p.m. at Lexington Avenue and East 77 Street in Manhattan.   Several high-profile attacks have taken place on the subway in recent months, including the brutal assault of Fox News meteorologist Adam Klotz and award-winning PBS News reporter Jane Ferguson.   In September, a New York City woman lost her eye in a violent subway attack by a homeless man in a Queens subway station. Her attacker was a career criminal and boasted an extensive rap sheet."

Meme - Leftists: "We're going to burn this city down!"
NPC police: "Please stop, we can work this out."
Normie: "I stopped a crazy man from assaulting people on the train."
NPC police: "Straight to jail."

Stark naked man goes nuts at Union Square subway station in NYC

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