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Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Links - 28th March 2023 (2 - General Wokeness [including Race and Biology])

Planned Parenthood Branch Tweets For Alternative Disney Princesses - "the Keystone, Pennsylvania branch of the nonprofit health organization posted a message asking for a Disney Princess “who’s had an abortion,” “who’s pro-choice,” “who’s an undocumented immigrant,” “who’s actually a union worker,” and “who’s trans.” The tweet was deleted about two hours later."

Arguments over Anne Frank's 'white privilege' reveal the absurdity of our discourse - The Hub - "I am a child of Holocaust survivors, a mother who survived the horrors and the death march of Auschwitz and a father who also somehow survived Buchenwald. Very few family members survived the brutal atrocities of the war. I am alive only because the infamous Dr. Mengele couldn’t draw blood from my mother and thus rejected her for sterilization experiments. Yet my family and those that perished would still be considered as having a history of white privilege simply because of their skin colour. Indeed the fact is that “white” Jews have faced centuries of religious racism, oppression, restrictions to work and pray, crusades, pogroms, and finally the Holocaust... Discrimination and trauma aren’t limited to people of colour. The Russian atrocities in Ukraine are mainly being committed against white people. Should we also consider that despite their suffering, they also have white privilege? The same would be said of the millions of innocents killed by Stalin in the Second World War... There is a great deal of privilege in the world, most of which isn’t restricted to whiteness. There is an established hierarchy in most societies that tries to retain control and resists change. It isn’t simply about whiteness, rather it is more about class and status in most societies.  The caste system in India, a social hierarchy that has existed for over 3,000 years, categorizes people into different levels of respect and opportunity... Communist China, despite promoting equality for all, has a highly structured, elitist hierarchy that determines opportunity and wealth based on membership in the Communist Party.  Saudi Arabia, another non-white country has a rigid hierarchy based on social stature, religion, and gender.  Many African countries have societal hierarchies, somewhat similar to a caste system, based on social groupings, inherited opportunities, and language that determines occupation, wealth, and social status... For those who focus only on being behind because of the privilege of others, rather than also due to their own failings, there is an important lesson yet to be learned. If you can’t find compassion for others that have suffered, why would you expect that others will find compassion for your suffering?"


POLL: Over 40% of Harvard profs say that school's standing is worsening - "Harvard University’s student newspaper discovered that over 40 percent of faculty members believe that the school’s standing is worsening...   Over 70 percent of professors — 34 percent of whom “strongly” agreed — believe that grade inflation is a “prevalent” issue...  Harvey Mansfield — who has taught at Harvard since 1962 — said... “Harvard’s standing has fallen, and I would blame the three evils of affirmative action, grade inflation, and political correctness,” he said. “Affirmative action makes everyone doubt that decisions of hiring and admissions are based on merit. Grade inflation makes everyone doubt that standards of excellence are being upheld. Political correctness breeds an atmosphere of suspicion and aggressive intolerance.” Indeed, even as concern has grown over declining standards at the school, Harvard has been accused of rejecting thousands of high-achieving Asian-American students through its use of affirmative action... A Harvard Medical School social media account recently referred to women using the term “birthing people.” After thousands of Twitter users mocked the assertion, Harvard doubled down... Harvard is the birthplace of the “Implicit Bias” test — an exam that attempts to unveil unconscious racism within an individual’s thinking. Though experts routinely criticize the test as inherently flawed, many universities rely upon its data to claim that various aspects of American life are systemically racist... students at the prestigious Harvard Kennedy School sent an open letter to administrators demanding a mandatory anti-racism course and a full "audit" of the curriculum using an "anti-racist, anti-colonial lens.""

Petition circulating at Harvard to stop former Trump administration officials from attending, teaching or speaking at the university - "Harvard University students are circulating a petition that seeks to hold Trump administration officials "accountable" by barring them teaching, speaking, or attending the institution... Harvard, like other colleges, has been accused of censoring conservative viewpoints. Last year, the university came under fire for requiring a "neutral" moderator to be present for controversial speakers. The policy reportedly allowed the moderator to impose a "two-strike" rule on interruptions and had to be registered with the Dean of Students' Office a month in advance. An editorial for The Harvard Crimson, a student-run paper, blasted the policy and its other aspects as "paternalistic, ineffective, and contrary to the College’s stated goals of free speech.""

GTA players concerned about “censorship” in remastered trilogy - "Rockstar Games are known for shining a satirical lens on the world, through the narratives and characters that inhabit the GTA world. GTA 5 examined the bleaker notions of the American dream, while predecessor GTA 3 offered commentary on Italian-American mafia crime organizations. Naturally, delving into some of these topics leads to — at times — unsavory depictions of controversial elements. However, fans have been quick to point out that this factor is essential to uphold the sharper edges of Rockstar’s narrative commentary “in a trilogy that laughs in the face of political correctness.” Examining the character of Phil Cassidy (voiced by Gary Busey), eagle-eyed players noticed that the Definitive Edition trailer had retroactively changed the character’s clothing to remove the confederate flag. Despite showing no personal belief in the meaning of the flag, one fan said “the fact that it is used as a means of mocking stereotypes, that’s the whole point!”... others have been more critical of Rockstar’s decision to alter Vice City’s content: “I guess we’ll get a censored, watered-down version because some of the younger people are too dumb for satire.”  “Rockstar has become the thing they mocked for so long,” another fan said, criticizing Rockstar’s direction in recent years."

 Former Black Panther Shocked to Find She Is Descendant of Mayflower Settler - "Critical Race Theorist and former member of the Black Panthers Angela Davis was in disbelief when she found out that she had an ancestor who came to America on the Mayflower.  Davis, a figure in the Critical Race Theory movement, found out on a recent episode of PBS’s show Finding Your Roots with Henry Louis Gates Jr. that she is descended from a European settler who came to the New World on the Mayflower.  “No, I can’t believe this,” Davis said, shocked by the revelation. “My ancestors did not come here on the Mayflower.” She added, “That’s a little bit too much to deal with right now,” when she found out that she was descended from William Brewster, one of the 101 people who came to the colonies on the Mayflower in 1620... Gates also revealed that Davis is a descendant of Stephen Darden, a drummer in the 4th Virginia Regiment in the 1770’s during the Revolutionary War. Darden reportedly moved to Georgia and became a slave owner. Davis explained her thoughts and how she felt in light of the news, remarking, “I always imagined my ancestors as the people who were enslaved. My mind and my heart are swirling with all of these contradictory emotions.”"
Time to pay reparations

Japan Court Rules Gay Marriage Not Protected By Constitution, Says Marriage Is For Bearing And Raising Children - "Judge Doi Fumi of the Osaka District Court determined on Monday that Article 24 of Japan’s Constitution didn’t confer protections on gay marriage... Although Japan bans same-sex marriage, local governments have been recognizing same-sex partnerships for years"

What Leaving America Taught Me About Racism - "In America, almost all conversation around race relations focuses on blacks vs. whites. This is despite America being an incredibly diverse country full of immigrants who have come from everywhere in the world. Why does America ignore all of this other diversity?  Most other places in the world have a much more homogenous population, yet still recognize and celebrate the full racial diversity of its population... When I first started dating outside of America, I realized just how unique American dating culture is (particularly dating culture in some of America’s largest and most liberal urban centers).  In no other culture is the dating assumption of “single until explicitly defined” stronger... It’s quite obvious that no one needs a flat screen TV in every room, or the newest smartphone every year, or single-use clothing to be disposed after a single wear. But trying to tackle excessive consumerism from a needs perspective ignores the core problem. The core problem is that in order to achieve fulfilment in life, Americans have chosen material possessions as the metric of success... In some of the poorest societies in Southeast Asia, I’ve seen some of the happiest people. In fact, the closer the society resembles American culture, the less happy it seems that people are... If Americans can’t recognize that oil is supposed to cost more than a cup of Starbucks, then that’s a problem."
Too bad leaving the US didn't shake him from the grievance mongering mindset
What's so racist about American dating, consumerism, low prices or actually the majority of the things he talks about?
He has a romanticised view of the decline of SMS and third world airports

The billionaire takeover of civil society - "As the founder and operator of a pro-democracy civil-society organisation, I’ve often been astounded at calls to give NGOs a greater say in rule-making, more visibility during negotiations and privileged access to decision-makers. Because I know what few people do – that small, member-driven, self-funded NGOs are relatively rare. Instead, the kind of organisation that tends to drive the political agenda is generally billionaire (or at least multimillionaire) funded... Many of these funds fund other funds. That fund other funds. That fund other funds... the American Economic Liberties Project, funded by the Omidyar Network (which also funds Luminate, which together with other ‘Angel Investors’ funds all of this) is contemplating soulfully how the concentrated might of the coffee industry hides behind a series of flimsy brand names.  The irony of that is just sublime... Omidyar Network CEO Mike Kubzansky stated in an interview: ‘Philanthropic money is the most risk-tolerant capital out there, whether it’s deployed for-profit or not-for-profit or on advocacy. And we view part of our role, in terms of social impact, as being risk capital for very difficult issues that society needs to take on…’  If one accepts what ‘givers’, like Omidyar et al, say, it becomes apparent that rather than participating in traditional acts of charity, like founding a hospital for the needy, they are attempting to engage in ‘social engineering’ – that is, using their resources to artificially change the structure of society to what they think it should be. If successful, this would amount to an extreme circumvention of democracy, utilising money not just to win elections, but to substitute paid or subsidised content for actual support, and thereby flip an entire political culture on to a different track by amplifying some voices and drowning out others. Moreover, just to keep things interesting, this is viewed in quite explicit investment terms – and investors tend to expect a return on their investment... The ‘engineered’ aspect of many of these social-change organisations comes through in myriad ways. For example, members frequently refer to ‘how-to’ manuals and books for creating social change (of any kind) according to a fairly technical blueprint. In addition, some organisations are supported by other organisations with the same funders. For example, Sunrise members specifically credit Momentum (which is also part of the NMV investment portfolio) with training them... the entire impression is of a very steered, technocratic process that attempts to achieve theoretical concepts (‘3.5 per cent mobilisation’, ‘dominant political alignment’) through a kind of brute-force factory production. It is an impression that is heightened when you realise that Sunrise isn’t just powered by a spontaneous coming together of the minds, but gets its core funding and support from ‘angel investors’...   On one level, it is great that young people are taking part in politics. But on another level it is incredibly fake. The youthful participants aren’t so much being empowered as instrumentalised. After all, they are part of the portfolio of an investment fund that is using them to ‘shift power’, with part of the strategy being to shame politicians for not being nice enough to hysterical children... funding ‘grassroots’ groups is only one aspect of the new ‘progressive’ NGO-Industrial complex. Progressives now tend to pride themselves on ‘facts’, ‘science’ and ‘evidence-based decision-making’, so obviously they are in need of some services to provide them with the facts and evidence in question. Which brings us to the Data and Society Research Institute, and More in Common (both funded by Luminate)... Their information is the correct information – the article cited above, for example, simply asserts that the 2016 US Presidential election was ‘a carefully laid plot to deceive huge swaths of the population and undermine our democracy’. It is other information that must be tightly patrolled. It’s not too dissimilar to the approach taken by drug-dealers. You can do as much hallucinating as you like, just be sure to get your stuff from them.  And they work with other organisations that just so happen to have the same funders to achieve this control...   It was interesting to read that during the last Irish General Election, First Draft News was nice enough to take the time to send a ‘Daily monitoring briefing email [to] journalists covering the election’. In other words, rather than let journalists make up their own minds on how to cover stories – because, hey, it’s a free country – First Draft News decided to be on top of them. Every. Single. Day... Its goal is to propagate a kind of intellectual dishonesty aimed at making it appear that one centralised opinion is coming from many different sources who are, in this scenario, little more than the sock-puppets these very organisations complain about so much. This highly manipulative behaviour is, however, in their minds, justified by the exaggerated dangers they have identified in a vicious cycle of escalating political interference... Politics, like all the worst fashion, comes around in a slightly different form again and again. Neon colours, for example, are only exciting the first time around. And so are potential apocalypses (climate change in its more hysterical aspects, Y2K, nuclear holocaust, Communism, etc) and threats to human decency (for example, ‘white supremacy’, which seems to involve rather fewer skinheads with steel-toed boots than it did in the 1990s).  Empowering younger people would involve just letting them do their own thing without trying to shut them down. When you make them sign up to your programme to get help, you’re – once again – instrumentalising them, having enticed them in with the services the cash donations provide.  So to sum up: We have a conveyor belt of political organisations that includes activist groups like Sunrise, research operations like Data and Society and More in Common, focus-group operators like Avalanche Insights, and vote turn-out and candidate-support services like Run for Something, all operating under a dense web of funding, partnering and referrals. It truly is its own end-to-end ecosystem. These organisations constantly cite each other’s work, recycle the same personnel and fund, ‘support’ and ‘partner with’ each other’s projects on multiple different levels. Moreover, perhaps the most startling thing for me in conducting this impromptu investigation was how many people I knew who were on the boards, steering committees or staff of these organisations. And I don’t mean know of. I mean, personally, know. Because that’s how far-reaching and yet incestuous this sector is. It’s virtually impossible to be politically active without running into them, yet they stick together like a highly-funded clan.
Billionaires, their lobby groups and conflict of interest are only a problem when they don't push liberal causes

Kali Fontanilla on Twitter - "Since leaving the left, not once, has someone on their side respectfully tried to convince me to go back, instead I am met with racial slurs, constant put downs, and told several times I deserve to die.
This is a common experience for most outspoken people who walked away, especially those that are part of their precious identity groups like lgbtq etc. they get a ton of hate too when they “come out” as right leaning."

Meme - "Make no mistake, the same people who are demanding you accept and tolerate their way of life passionately hate you for yours and are relentlessly seeking to destroy it."

Meme - "If every black person went and bought an AR-15 tomorrow they'd be banned by the end of the week."
UR a Smart Ass, Carl @clefore23: "I'm black and I've been buying AR-15s for the last 4 years. Last I checked, only liberals have been trying to stop me from buying them."

Sharika Soal on Twitter - "Black women like me exist as a reaction to the community demanding we only be outraged by crime committed by white people. Meanwhile the men can rape and murder us and I’m anti black for not appreciating it. No thanks."

Meme - "Wont talk to WHITE reporters, BUT goes home to a WHITE wife. WOKE IN THE STREETS OPPRESSED IN THE SHEETS"

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot blames loss on racism, gender - "Democratic Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot blamed racism and her gender for her landslide defeat in her re-election bid, as Chicagoans weary of the rising crime on her watch celebrated her fall from “political rock star to rock bottom.”... Amid heavy criticism for the crime wave, homelessness and other troubles plaguing the city, the mayor had also injected race into the run-up to the election...   “Lightfoot campaigned for mayor in 2019 by arguing crime was too high, saying she wanted to make Chicago the ‘safest big city in the country,’” the Tribune said in its analysis of how she went from “political rock star to rock bottom.”  “But homicides, mostly from gun violence, spiked dramatically in 2020 and 2021 from 500 murders in 2019 to 776 and 804 in the next two years, respectively. Shootings and carjackings also skyrocketed.”...   Chicago City Alderman Anthony Beale said that for Lightfoot, it was “‘My way or the highway’ coming out of the gate.” “Trying to destroy people instead of trying to work with people. Politics is a game of addition. It’s not a game of subtraction. All she did was subtract from Day One,” Beale told the Sun-Times.  “Coming out of the gate at inauguration, she tried to embarrass the entire City Council as being this corrupt body, and she was here to save the day. But it turns out she was the least transparent, least productive, least cooperative administration I have ever seen in my life.”  Diana Dejacimo, who was robbed at gunpoint in December in the upscale neighborhood of Lincoln Park, said good riddance.   “I believe that people have just had enough,” Dejacimo said Wednesday morning on “Fox & Friends First.” “My message has been, ‘Go out and change.’ Regime change is the only way we’re going to fix this, and I think this was a loud and clear message that this woke agenda is not working for Chicago.”   Meanwhile, business owner Sam Sanchez said the crime wave was hurting the city’s economy and suggested that Lightfoot’s loss will spur additional investment... Lightfoot — the first black woman and first openly gay person to lead Chicago — has became the city’s first elected mayor to lose a re-election bid since 1983, when Jane Byrne, the city’s first female mayor, lost her Democratic primary... Lightfoot received only 16.4% of the vote, finishing behind former head of Chicago Public Schools Paul Vallas and Cook County Commissioner Brandon Johnson"
When the only tool you have is a hammer...
If you hate crime you're racist and sexist
I'm just surprised she didn't blame homophobia

Walter Williams: Not all racial profiling is racism - "a black Washington, D.C. commissioner warned cabbies, most of whom were black, against picking up dangerous-looking passengers. She described “dangerous-looking” as a “young black guy … with shirttail hanging down longer than his coat, baggy pants, unlaced tennis shoes.” She also warned cabbies to stay away from low-income black neighborhoods. Did that make the D.C. commissioner a racist?   In some cities, such as St. Louis, black pizza deliverers have complained about having to deliver pizzas to certain black neighborhoods, including neighborhoods in which they live. Are they racists? The Rev. Jesse Jackson once remarked, “There is nothing more painful for me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery – (and) then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved.” Does that make the reverend a racist?   The former Charleston, S.C., black chief of police, Reuben Greenberg, said the problem facing black America is not racial profiling. He said, “The greatest problem in the black community is the tolerance for high levels of criminality.” Former Los Angeles black police Chief Bernard Parks, defending racial profiling, said: “It’s not the fault of the police when they stop minority males or put them in jail. It’s the fault of the minority males for committing the crime. In my mind, it is not a great revelation that if officers are looking for criminal activity, they’re going to look at the kind of people who are listed on crime reports.” Are former police Chiefs Greenberg and Parks racist?"
From 2012, before accusing blacks disagreeing with liberals of internalised white supremacy was a thing

Not every decision based on race represents racism - "Pima Indians of Arizona have the world’s highest diabetes rates. With knowledge his patient is a Pima Indian, it would probably be a best practice for a physician to order more thorough blood glucose tests to screen for diabetes.  Prostate cancer is nearly twice as common among black men as white men. It would also be a best practice for a physician to be attentive to — even risk false positive PSAs — prostate cancer among his black patients. What about physicians who order routine mammograms for their 40-year and older female patients but not their male patients? The American Cancer Society predicts about 400 men will die of breast cancer this year.  Because of a correlation between race, sex and disease, the physician is using a cheap-to-observe characteristic, such as race or sex, as an estimate for a more costly-to-observe characteristic, the presence of a disease. The physician is practicing both race and sex profiling. Does that make the physician a racist or sexist?  Should he be brought up on charges of racial discrimination because he’s guessing that his black patients are more likely to suffer from prostate cancer?  Should sex discrimination or malpractice suits be brought against physicians who prescribe routine mammograms for their female patients but not their male patients?... Suppose gambling becomes legal for an Olympic event such as the 100-meter sprint. I wouldn’t place a bet on an Asian or white runner... If women were permitted to be in the sprint event with men, I’d still put my money on a black male. Does that make me a sexist as well as a racist?"

Meme - benandjerrys: "Active Federal Judges
65% male, 72% white
It's high time the highest court in the land looked more like our nation. We look forward to President Biden keeping his word."
In 2021, the US Census Bureau estimated that 75.8% of the population was white, so it looks like Ben and Jerry's supports affirmative action to benefit white people. How racist
Only 35% of the population aged 25 and over has a Bachelor's degree. Clearly they need to remove the degree requirement

Meme - "Hey everyone, it was just a white guy we killed, no need to get upset."
Portland Police: "There is erroneous information being circulated on social media regarding in the officer involved shooting in the Lloyd district. We can confirm that the subject involved is an adult white male. No one else was injured."

John Boyega resigns from Jo Malone ambassador role over Chinese ad - "John Boyega has resigned as global ambassador for perfume brand Jo Malone after he was replaced in an ad he made for them by a Chinese actor.  The Star Wars actor made the personal video in his home city of London, but it was re-shot for the Chinese market.  The company apologised for what it described as a "misstep" that caused "offence"... It's not the first time Boyega has fallen foul of editing for the Chinese market.  There was controversy back in 2016 when Disney unveiled a re-versioned movie poster for Star Wars: The Force Awakens in China.  Boyega's new lead character Finn was shrunken in size, compared with the original poster."

JAMA on Twitter - "Given the essential role of TMPRSS2 in #SARSCoV2 entry, higher nasal expression of TMPRSS2 may contribute to the higher burden of #COVID19 among Black individuals"
Rose Olson MD on Twitter - "Race *IS NOT* genetic. @JAMA_current do better."
not SD on Twitter - "The authors of this study are minorities. They don't have the power, nor the privilege to be racist."
Ebony Jade Hilton, MD on Twitter - "Is this what we are doing in 2020? Attempting to blame genetics for consequence of clearly defined layerings of systemic racism? Let’s take a look at outcomes of our motherland, entire continent of Africa for comparison. See if their DNA is “flawed” too?"
Karen Gibbins, MD on Twitter - "Attributing genetic variants to race (which is socially constructed) is racist. Stop. And systemic racism is why there is why BIPOC are disproportionately harmed by COVID-19."
Dr Leslie, MD on Twitter - "Why are you spending the time and money on these studies instead of spending the time and money on fighting racism?"
Anna Heffron, MD, PhD on Twitter - "do you have someone on your editorial board who studies racism in medicine or has a background in critical race theory? Repeatedly publishing articles that use race as biology seems to indicate you could use more expertise in that area."
Dr. Taison Bell on Twitter - "I think this would hold water if by “TMPRSS2” you meant “racism”."
Ramla N. Kasozi MD, MPH on Twitter - "An example of Biological Racism as discussed by Dr. @haw95 in her book "Medical Apartheid" and Dr. @DrIbram book "How To Be Antiracist." #EndRaceBasedMedicine. (Come see this @ChaseTMAnderson @_HarryPaul_ @londyloo @EdwinLindo @choo_ek @uche_blackstock @UREssien @LashNolen )"
Shelle Belle 🇺🇸🌈🦅💗☮️= on Twitter - "All these comments are why academia is dead. God forbid that we uncover something in a study that allows us to help ppl. Type A blood is higher risk (unsubstantiated)? Let’s get them the vaccine first. Genetic variation puts certain individuals at a higher risk and is seen more"
Trust the "Science". Doctors and academics melting down because a peer-reviewed study found that black people are more vulnerable to covid for a reason other than racism and dismissing the study out of hand tells you how politicised it has become
Weird, I thought critical race theory was only a thing in law school

Roxana Daneshjou MD/PhD on Twitter - "Consider having your editors and reviewers read this excellent work before reviewing any papers looking at racial disparities."
Rhea Boyd MD, MPH on Twitter - "The bar to publish on racial health inequities is too low. So @mclemoremr @EdwinLindo @Lachelle_Dawn and I set a new bar in @Health_Affairs. Rule 1. NEVER reify biological race (it is not a thing) Rule 2. Examine racism as a cause of health inequities"
Basically beg the question and then assume racism is the cause of all disparities

Geoffrey Miller on Twitter - "If race has no genetic basis, do you think it would be fine to do drug trials just on one race, and trust that results will generalize to all other human genotypes?"
🥩Trevor Trust🥚 on Twitter - "Race is not genetic until you need a bone marrow transplant."
Peter Boghossian on Twitter - ""race is not genetic" must be understood as a moral claim"
Jason Wilkes on Twitter - "Two perfect points. We can all see the new maoism is factually absurd. What more people need to appreciate is that it's strategically brilliant. They're not saying the article is incorrect. They're saying it's a witch. And now so is @JAMA_current for publishing it."
Lucio Martelli on Twitter - "We have ton of proof of genetic propension to diseases, or protection thereof, in human subgroups. A ton of proof. This is insane"
Paul Atwal 🌞💪🏒🧠🎶👨‍🔬 on Twitter - "Skin color is a biological reality. The darker one is, the more sunlight and food source one needs to keep vitamin D and hence immune system healthy. 🌞"

ElizaFNP on Twitter - "@JAMA_current Irresponsible studies such as this have the potential to lead to the rounding up and mass execution of Black people in the name of public health. This publication by a well-regarded journal is frightening"
This is not a satire account

DNA tests can’t tell you your race
Characterizing Race/Ethnicity and Genetic Ancestry for 100,000 Subjects in the Genetic Epidemiology Research on Adult Health and Aging (GERA) Cohort - "Among 3741 genetically identified parent–child pairs, 93% were concordant for self-reported race/ethnicity; among 2018 genetically identified full-sib pairs, 96% were concordant"
Damn socially constructed race!
Keywords: Self-reported ancestry, self reported ancestry, variation in population

Race matters when a patient needs a stem cell or marrow transplant - The Washington Post - " If you become ill with a blood cancer or other disease that requires a stem cell transplant, here’s an uncomfortable fact: Your race matters. Diversity is a strength in much of life, but it’s a curse when finding a stem cell donor match. For a successful transplant, donor and recipient must have nearly identical genes regulating certain immune cells. These genes evolved in response to the disease threats people faced long ago. “Tell me where your ancestors lived 500 years ago, and I’ll tell you who your potential donors are,” says Jeffrey Chell, an internist who leads the National Marrow Donor Program, also known as Be The Match... When all of humankind’s relevant genes are considered, there are 10 billion possible combinations. That means that “if your ancestors were on two or three continents,” Chell says, “it’s going to be harder to find a match.”... The disparity in successful transplants is even larger, because minorities who enter the registry are more likely to back out when a match is found and they are asked to donate, says Galen Switzer, a professor of psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh. About 60 percent of whites go forward with the donation but only about 40 percent of racial minorities, he says, with slightly fewer African Americans going forward than other minority groups... In some traditional Asian communities, beliefs hold sway that blood and organs are a gift from ancestors and that giving them away will bring bad luck or cause weakness."
Why don't they Trust the Science that race is a biological fiction?
From 2013. Doubt it could be published today
Damn white supremacy making whites more likely to donate!

Parents of boy with cancer who needs a mixed-race bone marrow match to save his life are pleading for people to register to be a donor - ""We were shocked, stunned, crushed and distraught," dad Chris Jacoby of Redondo Beach, California, told "Good Morning America" of his son's diagnosis. "To save Ryan we need someone with the same ethnic mix--half Vietnamese, half Caucasian and time is of the essence. It's imperative for Ryan's survival."... Freyer told "GMA" that Ryan is not the first patient he's seen who requires a stem cell donor of mixed-race ethnicity. "His mother is Vietnamese, his father's Caucasian and that combo is rare," Freyer said. "The current status of the donor pool there are less than 1 percent that have that particular racial background.""
Ironic. The parents, who share 50% of their genes with their kid, cannot donate to him. Too bad the doctors don't know that race is a myth, so parents are some of the most likely candidates to donate

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