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Sunday, March 26, 2023

Links - 26th March 2023 (2 - Glorifying Obesity)

“You need to test the seat first” – Plus-sized woman embarrassed at SkyHelix Sentosa - "Seeing that his partner had been very stressed and anxious about work and school, Mr X decided to surprise his partner by booking a ride at the SkyHelix...   The ride never happened. Seeing that the woman was plus-sized, a SkyHelix staff member told her that she needed to test the chair first to see if she got fit. Upon hearing this, the woman felt so embarrassed and teared up. Noticing that his partner was placed in a most embarrassing situation, Mr X did not wish to put his partner through any further discomfort. He told his partner that they should just forego the ride and walk away.  In his message to us, he hoped that no one else would have to go through what his partner went through... one unique feature of Disney theme parks is that there are no restrictions on weight:"

Is there a weight or size limit on any of the rides in Disneyland or California Adventure? - "Cast members do have a responsibility of making sure all guests can close their safety restraint (if applicable) before riding."

Death on a roller coaster - "In 1999, one day after the Superman: Ride of Steel rollercoaster opened (Superman was dropped from the name in 2007), a 37-year-old man was thrown from his seat and hospitalized with minor injuries. Park officials said his weight—in excess of 300 lb.—was probably to blame... in 2004, an overweight man who had cerebral palsy fell out of the same Superman: Ride of Steel roller coaster and died."
Either they get slamed for fat shaming or they get sued for letting riders die

Meme - "I'd rather eat pasta and drink wine than be a size 0 ~ Sophia Loren, 1965"
"OMG SHE'S LITERALLY ME!" - Fat woman with cheeseburger

Meme Bob Smith: "Gyms are a scam, how you look is determined by your genetics and diet, lifting weights like an ape just causes injuries and takes away time that could be spent on intellectual pursuits that benefit society. Gyms should be banned altogether from this country, not only are they clearly unhygienic and spread viruses, but they've sucked money from low income families and created waves of depression and body dismorphia through distorting our perceptions of healthy and fit. I've don't train at gyms and I garuntee I'm stronger, fitter and smarter than any of those meatheads"

Meme - "Trans fat then... *Donuts*
Trans fat now... "No, honey. You're thinner than me. Not prettier""

Lizzo Celebrates Weight Gain - PAPER
Paper Magazine on Twitter - "She looks absolutely amazing."
You're only allowed to celebrate obesity, not being thin

Meme - FatdoctorUK @thefatdoctoruk: ""I suggest you lose some weight" is appropriate medical advice for the following conditions... None. There are no medical conditions that benefit from weight loss long term. Furthermore, prescribing weight loss is harmful and the risks outweigh any potential benefits."
This is not a satire account

Massey University academic Cat Pausé dies suddenly - "Cat Pausé, an academic whose research explored the impacts of “fat stigma”, has died.  A fat studies researcher, Pausé's work focused on the wellbeing of overweight people and “the effects of spoiled identities” on their health...  Pausé spoke to Stuff in January about the discrimination fat people face in their everyday lives, especially in regard to healthcare. Moral panic over obesity levels perpetuate this."
She must have died due to "fat stigma"

Meme - "Imagine u fat and everytime u post a pic mfs calling u brave and treatin3 u like a retarded kid that ate soup with no floaties on"

Meme - "Victoria's Secret then
Victoria's Secret now
All right, then. Keep your secrets."

Meme - "Victoria's Secret welcomes 1st model with Down syndrome"
kelly @kelly76804880: "Why wasn't a plus size model included in the campaign?"
All lives matter-ing is only wrong when you're trying to "diminish" a more "oppressed" "minority"

Prevalence of Obesity and Severe Obesity Among Adults: United States, 2017–2018 - "The age-adjusted prevalence of severe obesity among U.S. adults was 9.2% in 2017–2018. Women had a higher prevalence of severe obesity (11.5%) than men (6.9%)"

America's obesity epidemic hits a new high (MSNBC)
MSNBC on Twitter - "The far right’s obsession with fitness is going digital"

Obese TikTok star angry she can't cripple a horse - The Spectator World - "A so-called TikTok “star” went viral this week after complaining to her more than 2 million followers that a ranch prohibited her from riding their horses because she was over the weight limit.  Remi Bader, who describes herself as a “curve model” — a new term for plus-size models that sounds “nicer,” says former model Anna Shillinglaw — claimed in a TikTok video that Deep Hollow Ranch in Montauk, New York, made her leave because she weighed more than 240 pounds.  “I don’t really need any opinions on this one,” Bader said in response to commenters who noted that horses cannot carry humans above a certain weight without severe strain or injury. “It’s the fact of how it wasn’t advertised and how poorly it was handled. This was my experience not yours. …It was very embarrassing to be told I need to leave alone when everyone else got to stay.” It is hard to imagine that Bader could be so out of touch with reality that she wasn’t aware horses have a limited weight capacity and needed this fact explained to her. Even so, Deep Hollow Ranch posts weight limits for horses on its website...   It is not “body-shaming” to enforce a weight limit. I’d even posit that no one is actually “bothered” by Bader’s size — they are bothered by her entitlement. Is the ranch supposed to allow her to potentially break a horse’s legs so that she can feel better about herself?"
Intersectionality - who wins? Animals or fat people?

The Problem With Kmart's Relabeling Plus Size as 'Fabulously Sized' - "my question to Kmart is: Why take away “plus-size” only to replace it with something equally demeaning?"
Even positive language isn't enough for some grievance mongers. Apparently letting fat people know that a retailer stocks larger sizes is useless
Someone told me no one glorified obesity. I asked him what fabulous meant. He refused to answer

I Interrupted An Ob*sity Conference With Fat Friends. Here’s Why. - "Note: I add an asterisk to the word ob*sity to indicate a critique of the pathologizing and medicalizing language that is applied to fat people. Being in a larger body is not a disease that needs to be cured, but rather a natural part of human body diversity that needs to be celebrated... Somewhere along the way, the person in front of me had started chanting, “Correlation isn’t causation. Correlation isn’t causation!” When we reached the front, we fanned out - standing right in front of the lectern, in plain sight of every single person in that hall.   We - a group of fat people - danced in front of this group of ob*sity researchers to the music. It felt scary and awkward, but also glorious and amazing. At no point during any of this did the keynote address stop. The beats of fat-affirming music competed with his unceasing, monotone grind: the soundtrack of conflict."

A 'Bachelor' Body Diversity Campaign Is Calling For Fat Inclusion - "The Bachelor franchise has made some recent strides in increasing diversity on the show — including casting Matt James as the show’s first Black Bachelor in 2021 — but a new campaign is calling for more change. Roses For Every Body, which launched on July 11, is a new campaign demanding fat representation in the leads, contestants, and crew of the Bachelor franchise. According to a press release shared with Elite Daily, the campaign is calling for the Bachelor franchise to be inclusive of all bodies and to showcase “beautiful, fat badasses on our favorite reality television show!”... in the 20 years the franchise has been on the air, there have been more than 1,100 contestants, but only two of those contestants identify as plus-size — and both of those contestants went home on Night 1 of their respective seasons. Seeing as roughly one-third of the U.S. population is considered fat, a large portion of the Bachelor franchise audience is not represented on screen... Roses For Every Body is calling for fat inclusion beginning with the next season of The Bachelor, slated for January 2023. The campaign is specifically making five demands of the Bachelor franchise, its creator Mike Fleiss, NZK Productions, Warner Bros., and ABC:
Cast a minimum of five diverse fat people each season of The Bachelor and The Bachelorette.
Give equitable, non-fat identity-focused screen time to the fat contestants.
Choose leads who specify that they will date diverse fat people.
Provide support to fat contestants, including inclusive clothing options when required for sponsored events and mental health support to navigate anti-fat harassment from the audience.
Hire fat staff and production and incorporate fat inclusion training from fat liberationists."
"Diversity" never ends: next they will insist on gay and trans candidates. Of course, they will get very upset once all the diversity picks are the first to go

How fanfiction helped me fall in love with my fat, Black, queer self - "I’ve made a living off of projecting confidence and sexual liberation to the public. As a fat, Black identity- and lifestyle-focused content creator, those qualities are vital for the brand of the type of person whose lived experience necessarily challenges the sexist, anti-Black and fatphobic world around us. But I wasn’t always the sex-positive and self-assured person I am today...        Influenced by my identity dysphoria yet afflicted by my raging teenage hormones, my desire to have my fingers dance upon the skin of others manifested in caressing the keys of my laptop. I knew early on that there was a lack of safety for Black non-men to express lust, so I turned to writing, namly fanfiction, as an outlet to express everything I didn’t have the courage to speak... My protagonists were the blueprint of an existence I wanted to build. Sometimes inspired by important people in my waking life, they were beautiful, strong, courageous, witty and powerful. Their presence captivated the hearts of all the other characters, and they all had a level of sex appeal that was aspirational and enviable. Above all else, my main characters were Black, cishet women who were curvy, a feature that made them well sought-after by the men they came into contact with."
"Minorities" are allowed to practise sexual racism

Meme - Youngenzactivist_: "WORKING OUT IS DEEPLY FATPHOBIC
Imagine Hating Fat People So Much That You Put Effort Into Not Looking Like Them. ABSOLUTE SHAME ON YOU IF YOU WORK OUT."

Obese Democrats blame genetics; Normal weight Democrats and most Republicans blame lifestyle - "Republicans -- no matter how much they weigh -- believe eating and lifestyle habits cause obesity... among Democrats there is more of a dividing line, said Mark Joslyn, a KU professor of political science. Those who identify themselves as overweight are more likely to believe genetic factors cause obesity."

‘It’s not OK to be fat in the Army’, Forces fitness instructor says - "A fitness instructor in the British Army has suggested the “body positivity” movement promotes obesity and will create a generation unable to cope with life in the forces.  Farren Morgan, a Coldstream Guard, believes younger soldiers are increasingly “shocked” by the reality of joining the Army and warned that having a force made up of overweight troops could have serious implications for “operational effectiveness”.  Lance Sergeant Morgan, 36, said many new recruits join up thinking that “being happy is all that matters”.  He claimed young men and women were bombarded with adverts on television and online urging them to “embrace their bodies” despite the possible health implications of being obese...   There are three main tests potential recruits undergo at the Army Assessment centre before they can start basic training. Candidates are also usually required to have a BMI of between 17 and 29.9...   “Just grow a pair. We’ve been through two world wars, but it seems like we’ll try to find anything to moan about.”"

Fatten up or you face expulsion: 92 pound Yale student wins battle with University after refusing to force-feed herself - "A naturally thin student who weighs 92 lbs and stands 5ft 2in tall has won a battle with Yale University after refusing to force-feed herself with junk food to prove she was not suffering from an eating disorder. Frances Chan, 20, was threatened with expulsion by the Ivy League university for apparently being dangerously underweight. College medical staff insisted for months that she must gain weight. But they have now backed down after she insisted that her slight physique was her genetic inheritance from her Taiwanese-born parents and grandparents."
Someone claimed it was fake news and that "The issue was resolved upon her answering a few questions to show she didn't have an eating disorder. There was never any expulsion involved, the college believed she was dying and suggested she take a medical leave of absence to recover." But in her own words, she was "threatened" with medical leave, and the school was already going to put her on medical leave. It was not a suggestion. The issue was not resolved "upon her answering a few questions" - she spent months dealing with this shit, and was forced to see a mental health professional and then a nutritionist And she brought up past examples of students being threatened with suspension if they didn't gain weight

Demon_Slayer on Twitter: "@ZubyMusic My friend started to get pretty overweight, one day his girlfriend got mad at him and called him a “fat f*ck” This man proceeded to go to the gym everyday for 2 years straight and he is absolutely ripped now. Never seen one moment change a guys life so much. He told me at that moment he felt ashamed and uncomfortable with his body, and had to do something to change it"
With women, on the other hand...

Abercrombie sparks tweetstorm over 'normalizing' obesity - "A consumer-generated image of a plus-sized woman posted to Abercrombie & Fitch’s social media account ignited a debate on whether the retail company was “normalizing” obesity and unhealthy eating habits in the name of body diversity and inclusion... The United States has among the highest obesity rates in the developed world. Excess weight is though to be a leading contributor to health maladies including heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, and diabetes.  Earlier this month, Bill Maher devoted a segment of his popular weekly HBO talk show “Real Time with Bill Maher” to what he called America’s transition from “fat acceptance” to “fat celebration.” Maher said it was “disturbing” and “Orwellian” for people to disregard obesity as a health hazard.  He accused American thought leaders of “rewriting science to fit ideology to just fit what you want reality to be.”"

Meme - ""Walkable cities" is a dog whistle for fatphobia"

Meme - "dating apps have taught me that if I don't enjoy hiking I will die alone"
"Nobody actually hikes. Everybody just wants everyone else to think they hike."
"It's a dog whistle for fatphobia"

ZUBY: on Twitter - "I am convinced the 'body positivity' and 'fat acceptance' movements are financed and promoted by misogynists. Like, real, genuine misogynists, who don't care if women suffer or die as a result of what they promote. This stuff is never marketed at men. It's unthinkable.
This is as wrong as promoting morbidly underweight/anorexic models and pushing for 'anorexia positivity'.  Some aspects of modern culture are so warped and destructive... All wrapped up in fake 'compassion'.  Nothing compassionate about this. Despite the veneer. This is not 'thick' or 'curvy'.  This is morbid obesity. Life threatening. Consequential FAR beyond not being attractive.  It should not be promoted and celebrated. Good grief."

LA Parent Union ❄️😢 on Twitter - ".@LASchools shared this “Food Neutrality” video on @lausdHRDE Insta. They tell our kids that we’ve lied to them & no one food is better for them than another food (oppressive food hierarchy). @lausdHRDE is actively working to undermine parents & hurt kids. @LAUSDSup do u know?
We joked they must work for @MDLZ, the nutritionist actually does! So first libs love Pfizer, now Mondelez? I don’t recognize Dems anymore. So glad i left last year.
.@LAUSDSup your Human Relations Diversity and Equity team needs oversight. They shared a video of a Mondelez rep, selling high fructose corn syrup to our kids. This is long overdue. This department is completely unsupervised. #asklausdsup"
Laura Powell on Twitter - "It was explained to everyone at our previous public school that white or non-poor parents shouldn't teach their kids that processed food is "junk food" because they might judge other kids' food choices."
Clearly, any negative outcomes can only be due to discrimination

Handwaving Freakoutery on Twitter - "You have to tip your hat to the brutal creativity and ingenuity of the cookie industry. Get woke go broke? Nah, hold my Oreo while we cash in on "healthy at any size.""
LA school district is slammed for posting woke video that says calling junk food bad is wrong - "The district's Human Relations and Diversity department allegedly posted the video on Instagram, which was made by nutritionist Kera Nyemb-Diop and Blair Imani, creator of the viral web series 'Smarter in Seconds.'  In the video, Nyemb-Diop, who boasts that people should 'eat without guilt,' condemns negative attitudes toward junk food.   'Instead of focusing on 'good' and 'bad' choices, try to approach food with neutrality in mind,' she said.    The video was immediately flagged by the LA Parent Union, who called out the district for posting the video online and Nyemb-Diop's ties to Mondelez International, one of the world's largest snack companies.   '@LAUSDSup your Human Relations Diversity and Equity team needs oversight,' the parent's group wrote on Twitter. 'They shared a video of a Mondelez rep, selling high fructose corn syrup to our kids.' The controversial video, which is no longer up on the department's Instagram account, opens with a woman presenting a plate of donuts to her friend.  Shocked by the half-dozen donuts before her, the friend says the sugary treats are 'bad' for them, but the woman rebukes her friend's concerns.   'You're judging my food choices based on a false standard of health, again. Aren't you?'   Nyemb-Diop then cuts the skit off as she makes claims against 'false hierarchies of food.'   'Diet culture, fatphobia, and systems of oppression have created false hierarchies of food and it shows up everywhere,' she says.    The nutritionist is then joined by Maya Finoh, a black feminist and advocate against fat shaming, who suggests that junk food is not bad for you.   'We are all incorrectly taught from a young age that our size, and therefore the food we eat, are markers of our self worth,' Finoh says.   'The only foods that are bad for you are foods that contain allergens, poisons, and contaminants, or foods that are spoiled or otherwise inedible.' The LA Parent Union said the video makes liars out of parents who have taught them to avoid junk food and seek better sources of nutrition.   'They tell our kids that we’ve lied to them & no one food is better for them than another food (oppressive food hierarchy),' the group tweeted on Monday.   '@LAUSDHRDE is actively working to undermine parents & hurt kids.'... 'But get real, false standards of health? LAUSD, we can't set up kids up for a life of obesity!     Jon Vassa, another Twitter user wrote: 'Feels like the opposite of progress? I thought there was a general consensus that eating healthy foods keeps people healthy for the most part? Whereas choosing junk can lead to preventable diseases?  Another Twitter user with the name Rager simply wrote: 'Wokeism seeping into nutrition education.'"
Minorities are fat because of racism

Meme - Da'Shaun (they/them): ""junk food" does not exist. food is food. the use of this language is generally to police fat people, but fat people have existed before that language and will exist after it's long gone. food is food. you need fats and carbohydrates, too.
food is not "healthy" or "unhealthy." it's food. railing against "junk food" or "unhealthy food" is hella anti-Black, classist, and anti-fat. food is mf'n food. food provides nutrients. food is good."

Meme - "I wanted to be attractive. But diet and exercise are a lot of work. So I made a sign saying fat is beautiful"

Meme - Breastmilk not chestmilk @boobiesaregoat: "Classic Disney princesses were modeled after real women, you're just fat"
"Helene Stanley, a dancer and model, as the live-action model used for Princess Aurora's movement reference"
Keywords: Sleeping Beauty

Lukas (computer) on Twitter - ""You can be fat + healthy!" Maybe. Not why I lost weight though. Used to be damn near 60 BMI, felt fine but I just kept breaking shit. Chairs, flooring, you name it. My sister never got the memo. This was her at a party last night. Glad I don't gotta deal with this shit anymore"

Meme - Leah @hutchleah: "EW ew EW ew EW why did so many of my mutuals I thought were body-positive like ????? BYE"
Bekkah Welsh @BekkahWelsh: "I JUST RAN AM ENTIRE MILE IN 9 MINUTES AND 26 SECONDS. I USE TO WEIGH 363 lbs and NOW I AM RUNNING A MILE IN UNDER 10 minutes!!!!!"

Meme - "Me-4 Heart Attacks-0
Before I became my true self, I was a woman composed of 125 pounds of a tiny sad girl. I have traded the weight of depression for the 547lbs of weight on my current body. Which in turn allowed me to conquer 4 heart attacks, a feat my sad self wouldn't have been able to do. So remember to love who you are and be your true self"
Damn "stigma" and "fat shaming", giving her 4 heart attacks!

Why the photo of a new, slimmer Adele makes women like me feel uncomfortable
Good luck if you say fat women make you uncomfortable

Kanye West rips into the body positivity movement and calls it 'unhealthy' and 'demonic' - "The rapper sat down with Tucker Carlson off the back of his controversial Paris Fashion Week show where he debuted a White Lives Matter t-shirt... his 'good friend' Lizzo often gets attacked on social media by 'bots' whenever she announces she's lost weight. Ye said these bots criticise the 'Good As Hell' singer because the 'media wants to put out a perception that being overweight is the new goal'.  The Donda star described the body positivity movement as 'demonic' and part of an attempted 'genocide of the Black race'. When he was asked about the White Lives Matter t-shirt that has sparked a million headlines, the rapper said he's not listening to all the critics.  "I don’t care about what people’s response is. I care about the fact that there are more Black babies being aborted than born in New York City at this point," he said.  "That 50 per cent of Black death in America is abortion. So I really don’t care about people’s response I perform for an audience of one and that’s God." Kanye was asked about how he faced similar scrutiny when he wore a Make America Great Again hat with Donald Trump.  My so-called friends/handlers around me told me said that if I like Trump my career would be over," he explained to Tucker Carlson. "That my life would be over. "They said stuff like people get killed for wearing a hat like that. They threatened my life. "They basically said that I would be killed for wearing the hat. I had someone call me last night and said anybody wearing a White Lives Matter shirt is going to be green lit. "That means that they are going to beat them up if they wear it. I’m like okay, green light me then.""

My Life as a Public Health Crisis - "Keeping us fed was a source of pride, junk food was a source of joy, and so our diets endured. I don’t remember parents who didn’t love me. If anything, they loved me too much, and their love language came deep-fried. It may have hurt me in the long run, but that’s never been a sign that something wasn’t borne from love."
When you say there's nothing wrong with eating junk food all the time and conflate intent and outcome. I'm just surprised she didn't then blame obesity on racism

Why Use BMI? - "Research has shown that BMI is strongly correlated with the gold-standard methods for measuring body fat. (2) And it is an easy way for clinicians to screen who might be at greater risk of health problems due to their weight. (3,4)"
So much for BMI being bullshit. But people will carry on pretending

Critic's Warning That Fat People Shouldn't See 'The Whale' Sparks Debate - "Brendan Fraser's upcoming performance in The Whale should be avoided by both "fat people" and "skinny people" according to one movie critic who's opinion has sparked debate online... Entertainment journalist Katie Rife posted a warning for viewers... campaigners have criticized the movie's use of a fat suit."

Dove Soap Accuses Brendan Fraser’s Makeup Artists Of Fat Appropriation After Oscars Win - "Dove beauty brand accused actor Brendan Fraser’s makeup artists of fat appropriation after “The Whale” won an Oscar for best hair and makeup, criticizing the film for profiting from the prominent use of a fat suit on actor Brendan Fraser. The conversation began with someone who complained on Twitter that Hollywood studios were appropriating the identities of people who would not have needed such makeup to perform the role, arguing that they should cast only fat actors to play the roles of fat characters... Some responded to Dove’s tweet by pointing out the fact that the weight being portrayed in the film was not just unhealthy — it was proving to be lethal for Fraser’s character. “Maybe because being 600lb is massively dangerous, and film studios would rather use prosthetics and makeup than an actor who might not even survive the film?""
Actors with hair shaving their heads to play bald characters is bald appropriation and hurts bald people

This woman needs you to understand that she can't lose weight because of white people

DoorDash employee leaves 'fat-phobic' note in junk food order - "A woman has claimed her DoorDash order came with a free side of fat-shaming — in the form of a passive aggressive note.  A TikTok user who goes by Marina, 26, blasted the food delivery service after she found a personal note in the bag of junk food her girlfriend had ordered, which read “An apple a day keeps the doctor away,” alongside an apple."
This is very telling: promoting health - even if weight is not mentioned - is seen as "fatphobic". Does this mean she (and all the people complaining) tacitly believes that fat people aren't healthy? Even if they probably believe in HAES nonsense

Meme - "the.feminist.future_: She is still healthy *very fat woman*"
Feminism promotes obesity - but only for women. Of course, negative health outcomes are due to "stigma"

Meme - "This picture speaks <3. ya'll don't like big girls cause we're intimidating.. and that's okay"
""Yo she eats mad ice cream and doesn't exercise bro I'm intimidated""

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