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Sunday, March 26, 2023

Links - 26th March 2023 (1)

An American security expert was targeted by North Korean hackers ... so he responded by turning off North Korea's entire Internet

Nevada woman shot and killed suspected carjacker with his own gun - "When the victim realized the suspect had placed the gun in his lap to figure out the car, she grabbed it and ran, telling her friend to run, too. As she tried to run away, the suspect tackled her and wouldn’t let her go. She turned and shot him, police said.   She then ran and hid in the side yard of a house as a second suspect started shooting at her. He fled before police arrived and found the suspect lying dead in the street bleeding from his head.   She was taken into custody but was released without arrest when police determined she had acted in self-defense."
Meme - "How is this self defense? Noone forced her to steal his gun what was even the point of taking the gun and running away? He wanted back his gun so he ran after her. You can't purposely start a fight and then claim self defense. She should have just reported the car stolen"
Amazing. Criminals are victims

Meme - *Photo of white woman in red top carrying black child in yellow top*
*Meme of white woman in red top carrying black child in yellow top*

Meme - "Only 6% of people can handle this puzzle These three want to share two apples equally how you handle this with using only one stroke of the knife."

Meme - "She must be an X-Men fan to have a big X in her bedroom *BDSM X-Cross*"

It Was the Worst Decade for the Left Since the 1930s. How Come Nobody Much Noticed — or Cares? - "The left gave up on the idea of solidarity. Let me use myself as an example — always a tricky thing to do, so have a little mercy. If I were to log onto Twitter right now, and express an opinion that deviated in any way whatsoever from the fringe — on anything, say what kind of healthcare system works best, gender, anything at all — I’d be beset by an angry mob. Of purists. Demanding that I toe the line. In other words, the modern left demands a kind of total conformity... you can’t build a political coalition this way... The left forgot how to win elections. How does the left actually win elections — versus simply mock and harass its friends and allies on Twitter and Facebook? The answer is very simple — European history teaches it to us. The moderate left and the hard left form an alliance — even though they might dislike one another... More and more, left parties simply didn’t offer any solutions to this decade’s problems — at all... During lean times, people will revert hard to the right, unless the left offers them dramatic social reinvention. The reason is dead simple. You are getting poorer. Much easier to blame your decline on hated others, even more powerless than you, than anything or anyone else... The left was seduced by narrow fringe issues — and forgot its greatest ideas and breakthroughs. If I ask the average millennial about some abstruse aspects of gender theory, they’ll probably be able to reply with unerring precision — about, say, what “panromantic” means. But if I ask them what Keynes’s fundamental economic breakthrough was, what Durkheim said about social bonds fracturing, what Marx’s definition of exploitation and immiseration are, what Arendt really meant by “the banality of evil”, or why Orwell was a socialist…do you think they’ll be able to tell me?... The left’s ignorance of its own history is intimately connected to its failure to build political coalitions this way, through the emergence of a kind of juvenile narcissism — “it’s all about me!! I’m the most oppressed one!! Me me me!!”  (Don’t think, by the way, the modern left is the first to make this mistake — or the first to care about culture, either. Weimar Berlin, too, was full of radical culture warriors in cabarets. That hardly stopped the Nazis from taking over. It’s an old story.)... The left gave up on its fundamental values. The thing that truly distinguishes the left from the right is its values. The values, in particular, of gentleness, wisdom, friendship, caring, concern, compassion, fellowship, self-expression, understanding, curiosity, defiance... The horseshoe theory of politics, as its sometimes called, came tragically true in the 2010s. The left was indistinguishable from the extreme right... The left has to give people something to love, or it fails catastrophically. And it didn’t do that in the teens. Think of an Obama... The left stopped fighting for a better world... today’s modern left doesn’t care about the world. Identity politics killed any notion of a larger “us.”... I abjure identity politics for this reason. It taught the leftist to only care about people he or she “identifies” with... The right didn’t destroy the left. It didn’t need to. The left destroyed itself"
From 2019. Too bad he goes on about "fascism"
Maybe in hard times people go right because the left is an ideology for when times are good, since imagining you are invulnerable to harm makes you liberal and not getting a flu shot makes you conservative

Why businesses should be forced to accept cash - "The general elimination of cash as a payment option creates new problems for small businesses and consumers alike... Small businesses must negotiate across various payment processors such as Moneris, Block Inc.’s Square, Stripe Inc., and generally grapple with the market power of credit card companies Visa Inc. and Mastercard Inc., which are now downloading their service (“swipe”) fees to shoppers and becoming more expensive to use. Cashless systems make it easier to keep track of accounts in a digital-first environment, but maintaining the ability to transact with cash is a good backup option for merchants still vulnerable to Black Swan events, like this summer’s Rogers Communications Inc. outage that cost small businesses thousands of dollars. Allowing businesses to ban the use of cash also has negative consequences for some shoppers, who may prefer to use paper money for budgeting purposes, as many seniors do, or who don’t have a connection to a bank. ACORN Canada estimates that around three per cent of Canadians — close to one million people — are unbanked. There’s also a subset of shoppers who simply prefer to be as free as possible from the mundane surveillance of payment providers, as credit card companies track shoppers like never before.   Locking out cash options fundamentally benefits credit card companies, which charge retailers hefty fees every time a customer uses a card. And though a 2017 survey from the Bank of Canada indicated that Canadians were shifting away from cash, it also said cash was used about one-third of the time."

Twenty per cent of Canadians would run out of cash in a month if laid off now: survey - "Another one in 10 “would join that group as they run out of money after the first month.”"
When you live in a culture of instant gratification

Rate of scientific breakthroughs slowing over time: Study - "The biggest decrease in disruptive research came in physical sciences such as physics and chemistry...   One theory for the decline is that all the "low-hanging fruit" of science has already been plucked.  If that were the case, disruptiveness in various scientific fields would have fallen at different speeds, Park said.  But instead "the declines are pretty consistent in their speeds and timing across all major fields," Park said, indicating that the low-hanging fruit theory is not likely to be the culprit.  Instead, the researchers pointed to what has been dubbed "the burden of research", which suggests there is now so much that scientists must learn to master a particular field they have little time left to push boundaries. This causes scientists and inventors to "focus on a narrow slice of the existing knowledge, leading them to just come up with something more consolidating rather than disruptive," Park said.  Another reason could be that "there's increasing pressure in academia to publish, publish, publish, because that's the metric that academics are assessed on""

Thomas Sowell: Liberals ignore 50 years of evidence about their policies - "There is no question that liberals do an impressive job of expressing concern for blacks. But do the intentions expressed in their words match the actual consequences of their deeds?  San Francisco is a classic example of a city unexcelled in its liberalism. But the black population of San Francisco today is less than half of what it was back in 1970, even though the city’s total population has grown.  Severe restrictions on building housing in San Francisco have driven rents and home prices so high that blacks and other people with low or moderate incomes have been driven out of the city. The same thing has happened in a number of other California communities dominated by liberals.  Liberals try to show their concern for the poor by raising the level of minimum-wage laws. Yet they show no interest in hard evidence that minimum-wage laws create disastrous levels of unemployment among young blacks in this country, as such laws created high unemployment rates among young people in general in European countries.  The black family survived centuries of slavery and generations of Jim Crow, but it has disintegrated in the wake of the liberals’ expansion of the welfare state... Liberals have pushed affirmative action, supposedly for the benefit of blacks and other minorities. But two recent factual studies show that affirmative action in college admissions has led to black students with every qualification for success being artificially turned into failures by being mismatched with colleges for the sake of racial body count...   In all these cases, and many others, liberals take positions that make them look good and feel good — and show very little interest in the actual consequences for others, even when liberal policies are leaving havoc in their wake."
Too bad he ignores the evidence on gun control

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. : copypasta - "I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, Think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for other men.  Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to ravage every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.  As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically."

Meme - "My dad heard me (17F) moaning during sex.
My dad told me he was going to be out for about an hour so me and my boyfriend decided to have sex whilst he was out. my bedroom is at the top of the house furthest away from the front door, not to mention we had music playing so there was no way i would have heard him come in. Anyway, we are doing our thing and we finish and everything but i heard moving about downstairs. I looked outside my window and my dads car was back and i had no idea how long he had been back for. we were very loud, so i knew my dad must have heard. Because of this i had to think of another reason as to what those noises were. so we got dressed and i started to pretend to be wailing and crying and be mid panic attack after “hurting my ankle” to make it seem like we weren’t having loud sex. I even went to the extent of bashing my ankle with a metal bottle in order to make it look hurt. anyway my dad came up after a while of this and asked if i was ok and i explained my fake story whilst still wailing and crying, and i think he may have bought it."

The Torontonian map of the known world : canada

Apparently millennials aren't interested in boobs, says Pornhub study - "the number one breast related search on PornHub is ‘big tits’ followed by ‘big boobs’ and ‘huge tits’. At least they’re consistent, right?  Also of note was the discovery that authenticity is important for the porn-searcher, with ‘big natural boobs’ coming in fourth place, and zero fake breast related searches in the top 25 boob-related searches on the site...   As people get older, they’re more likely to search for boobs. The 55-64 age group is 17% more likely than the average user to search for boobs on the site.  When millennials do search for breasts, they’re more likely than the older generation to search for fake breasts...   PornHub’s study reveals that millennials are less likely to search for boobs on the site – not that they would actively not watch breast-focused porn, or that they’re searching for specific non-breast content.  We also don’t know what millennials end up clicking on. The thumbnail for each video may lure them in with breasts once they’ve searched for something else.   We reckon that rather than a disinterest in breasts, the stats indicate an increased knowledge of porn and internet savvy-ness. Breasts are pretty likely to be in porn, whatever you search. They’re kind of a given.  So millennials are internet-smart enough to know that it’s more efficient to search a more niche request, like rimming, lesbian, or vampire, because breasts are pretty much a given."
Boobs: Sizing Up the Searches – Pornhub Insights - "The country that proportionately searches the most often for breasts is Nigeria, followed by Finland, Canada, United Kingdom and the United States. Breast related searches are least common in Peru, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Algeria and Russia. Large breasts are again biggest in Nigeria, along with Finland, Indonesia and Canada. The countries least interested in big breasts are Egypt, Colombia and Argentina. Small breasts are also quite popular with visitors from Finland and Canada, but Columbia is the country least interested in searching for them."

Meme - "Don't become this."
"I oppose the current thing"
"There are two ways to slide easily thorough life; to believe everything or to doubt everything. Both ways save us from thinking"

Meme - "L'amour ne connaît ni frontières ni barrières *2 chiens et une clôture*"

‘Taking the kids to see my old office’: Gladiator star Russell Crowe takes family selfie outside Colosseum

Taiwan shipping giant Evergreen gives up to 52 months’ pay as year-end bonuses - "Taiwanese shipping giant Evergreen Marine has rewarded employees with massive year-end bonuses worth between 10 and 52 months of salary each, after posting bumper 2022 profits.  Local media outlets reported how most of the company’s junior workers with a monthly salary of NT$40,000 (S$1,750) took home a bonus worth NT$2 million each last weekend, which is equivalent to more than four years’ pay.  The 2022 payout is even higher than the 40 months’ bonus that the company paid in 2021, which had set a record at the time for the highest year-end bonus ever paid by a listed Taiwanese company... While its employees celebrated, workers in some of its parent company Evergreen Group’s other divisions, particularly the airline business, were not too pleased, as they reportedly received much smaller bonuses. The difference in payout caused airport ground staff working for Evergreen Airline Services (EGAS) – an Eva Air affiliate – to go on strike over the New Year weekend, which led to minor flight delays affecting 4,000 travellers at Taoyuan Airport in Taipei.  The ground staff were reportedly given one month’s salary as bonus, while other Eva Air workers were given bonuses worth up to three months’ wages... bonuses are important as they potentially count heavily in an employee’s total compensation.  “Some companies choose to give low fixed monthly salaries for years and reward employees with bigger bonuses instead, because it saves them money overall. If they raise monthly wages, then they would have to fork out more in the long term for workers’ insurance plans and pensions”"

AirAsia Refuses To Return Lost Bag To Canadian Woman - "A Canadian woman recently uploaded a TikTok video detailing how AirAsia lost her luggage during a flight from Kuala Lumpur to Toronto.  After they found it, they implicitly gave her an ultimatum — fly back to retrieve it herself or never see her bag again... she was told to continue her journey without her bag, file a report online, and they would "get it back" to her... Desperate, Kaylin offered to pay them to send it back to her, but they declined"

Man gets jail for stealing Budget 2020 grocery vouchers, burnt some as offerings for late wife - "Angered by the fact that he had not received any Budget 2020 grocery vouchers, a man stole 60 of the vouchers, which are meant to offset needy Singaporeans' household expenses during the COVID-19 pandemic.  He filched the envelopes from unsecured letterboxes at housing blocks in Marine Terrace and later used them - along with his own vouchers that eventually arrived - to buy groceries and a vacuum cleaner. He burnt the remainder of the unused vouchers as offerings to his late wife.  For his crimes, 47-year-old Alvin Law Choon Huat was given four weeks' jail"

Vampire Survivors studio says it couldn't find a 'non-predatory' mobile developer, so it did the job itself - "Poncle didn't plan to make the mobile version of Vampire Survivors itself, but after spending "months" looking for a mobile developer, it just couldn't find one willing to embrace "non-predatory" monetization, it claims. Eventually, the studio's hand was forced by the appearance of a large number of clones (opens in new tab), many of which were "actual 1:1 copies with stolen code, assets, data, [and] progression.""

Meme - "Fleshlight. Thanks to you, this product has a second life."

Meme - "God putting the male g-spot in the asshole before making sodomy a sin"

Stone on Twitter - "The Bible says that I'll pay for my sins. I already do. Prostitutes, beer and drugs don't come free..."

Very Funny Posts on Twitter - "If I was a black guy, I'd go to a tanning salon just so I could burst out the front door looking at my arms and screaming "WHAT THE FUCK!""
People used to tell more jokes on Twitter. Probably before cancel culture

10 Piercing Quotes From Adolf Hitler's Autobiography - Mein Kampf - "If you want to shine like sun first you have to burn like it"
""Anyone can deal with victory. Only the mighty can bear defeat"
He could be a motivational speaker

The French, sex and politics: What’s the link? - "A recent survey of more than 4,000 adults conducted by polling firm IFOP on behalf of the swinger’s social networking site Wyylde.com found that the more radical or anti-establishment a French person is politically, the more likely he or she is to deviate from sexual norms.  While some of the predilections addressed in the poll are too risqué to discuss on a website that doesn’t have an adults-only label, it is safe to say that the far left is engaging in more sexual experimentation than the far right... 45 percent of people on the extreme left have engaged in S&M, as opposed to 41 percent of people on the far right compared with 29 percent on average. Those on the far left are also more likely to have engaged in a menage à trois -- 37 percent -- than those on the far right, who at 19 percent are near the national average of 18 percent. And 23 percent of those on the far left have done some partner swapping, compared to 12 percent on the far right compared with 9 percent on average. Whether despite or because of the unconventional sexual habits of those on the extreme ends of the political spectrum, 62 percent of French said they would refuse to be in a serious relationship with someone on the far right and 52 would refuse to be in a couple with someone on the far left... women were more concerned with a partner’s political leanings than men were, with 80 percent of women versus 74 percent of men... If people want their partners to share their politics, they are far less dogmatic when it comes to unattached sex. When asked if they slept with at least one person who didn’t share their political leanings, 80 percent of those surveyed said they had."

Creative shares spike following news of CEO Sim Wong Hoo’s death
Not flattering

Is Le Pen really ‘far-right’? | The Spectator - "What is ‘far-right’? With the progress of Marine Le Pen to France’s presidential run-off, the term has been liberally used — as it has been over recent years across the West. Golden Dawn in Greece, Jobbik in Hungary, and the Sweden Democrats are all said to be far-right, to name but three.  The fact that the first two of those groups engage in intimidation, racism and overt displays of political violence would ordinarily distinguish them from a peaceful democratic party opposed to mass immigration like the Sweden Democrats. Yet everywhere there is the same name creep. The website Breitbart is frequently called far-right, as is the administration of Donald Trump. So too is Richard Spencer, a self-proclaimed white supremacist who last year whipped up a crowd of supporters doing Hitler salutes. Is nobody interested in the differences? There was a time when the term acted as a useful cordon sanitaire, marking off actual fascists and neo-Nazis from the legitimate political ‘right’. But across Europe sections of the far-right, like the far-left, became more moderate. At the same time, the short-term political advantages of designating all opponents ‘far-right’ proved irresistible for some partisan campaigners.  Today there are groups that campaign against Ukip as ‘far-right’, leading one to wonder what political language they would use if the jackboots came... Such overuse of the term has eroded the boundaries it created, making many people suspicious of all such designations. Many people — especially young people — are less suspicious of the National Front than they perhaps ought to be because they have seen people who do not deserve the label ‘far-right’ being branded in precisely such a way... Consider the trouble Marie Harf (a spokeswoman for the State Department during the Obama administration) had in a recent TV interview when she called Le Pen ‘far-right’ and was asked what this meant. ‘To me it means her policies on immigration, her policies on secularism in France, which has long been sort of a French tradition'... far from being far-right, Le Pen’s views on secularism are broadly within the views of the French and American republics. And if it is far-right to ‘flirt’ with the idea of getting out of the EU, what are we to call the British public, who didn’t merely flirt with the idea of leaving the EU, but actually voted for it by a majority? As for it being far-right to ‘flirt’ with getting out of Nato, then we must describe President de Gaulle — who pulled his country out of the alliance in 1966 — and four decades’ worth of his successors (including President Mitterrand) — as far-right.   In an unusually fair and balanced piece on its website entitled ‘What makes Marine Le Pen far-right?’, even the BBC struggled to answer the question it had set itself. With his infamous anti-Semitism and Holocaust minimising, nobody would doubt that Marine’s father Jean-Marie could be called ‘far-right’. But are we to take his daughter’s abjuring of her father as counting for nothing? When she herself said that the French nation should not be held accountable for the actions of Vichy, her critics immediately pounced: she is her father’s daughter! But what she said (playing to an ugly part of her base though it may well have been) was also a statement that the British government of the day (which recognised only the Free French) would have agreed with...   Perhaps what people really mean by far-right today relates to the Islam and immigration business. Yet what has Marine Le Pen said on this that Europe’s political mainstream has not?  On the campaign trail last year, former president Nicolas Sarkozy promised to lead a ‘merciless war’ against Islamic extremism, adding: ‘In France the only community that matters is the French community. If you want to become French, you speak French, you live like the French.’... Mark Rutte? Before the recent Dutch elections the Liberal (VVD) party’s prime minister told immigrants: ‘Act normal, or go away.’ And: ‘If you live in a country where you get so annoyed with how we deal with each other, you have a choice. Get out. You don’t have to be here.’...   As for shutting down extremist mosques: last summer — after Father Jacques Hamel was slaughtered in the sanctuary of his church near Rouen — the left-wing Manuel Valls (who was then prime minister) boasted that he would shut down extremist mosques in an effort to wipe out the ‘poison’ of Islamic extremism. In August, interior minister (later prime minister) Bernard Cazeneuve boasted of having shut 20 extremist mosques in that year alone. Cazeneuve represents the French Socialist party.   In the run-up to Sunday’s vote, much has been made of the fact that Le Pen and her niece Marion are against gay marriage. But if that were far-right it would make every UK government until four years ago — and every government in the world before the present century — beyond the political pale... Chatham House released a poll which asked 10,000 Europeans whether they agreed or not with the statement ‘All further migration from mainly Muslim countries should be stopped’. The majority of the public in eight out of the ten countries surveyed (including France and Germany) agreed with its premise. In only two countries was this a minority opinion... Of course, the habit of the political left and mainstream right continues to be to call all such opinion ‘far-right’, even when it encompasses the majority of the public
From 2017
To the far left, everyone else is "far right". Liberals will claim at the same time that that just because the majority think a certain way doesn't mean it's not "far right" since this is objectively wrong, and that there was an evolution on gay marriage, so liberals who used to oppose it weren't bigots

David Cravit: Boomers are supporting millennials not cannibalizing them - "Sabrina Maddeaux wrote an unintentionally hilarious article in this newspaper, blaming the baby boomers for pretty much everything... Now she’s back, with a new article calling boomers “cannibals” who look out only for themselves... For the word “boomer,” substitute the word “Black”, or “Asian”, or “Muslim”, or “Jew”, or “Gay”, or “Trans”, and these columns would have been categorized as hate speech. Maddeaux would have been cancelled by the very same millennials she purports to champion... 62 per cent of boomers said they couldn’t save enough for retirement because they were still supporting adult children. In that same survey, 44 per cent of the millennials who relied on that support said they realized their dependence was jeopardizing their parents’ retirement... the 55 and up paid a total of $94.7 billion in federal income tax, while millennials (plus a few Gen Xers) age 25-45 paid $84.3 billion. Boomers are the opposite of net “takers,” they’re paying up — and have been for decades and decades. Take education for example. Boomer tax dollars continue to fund public education, even though the youngest boomers, in their mid-50s, are 15-20 years past having school-age children... Thanks to boomers, millennials will inherit a massive amount of money...   As for the issue that triggered this article in the first place — unaffordable housing and the alleged resultant millennial migration out of the cities (and maybe out of the country) — Maddeaux writes as if it were the first time in history. Had she done her research, she would have learned that real estate escalation is almost perpetual. There was a housing bubble in the 1970s, and again in the 1980s, then a reset in the 1990s, then a return to increases in 2000 and beyond. What makes housing prices grow is population growth, not mean-spirited boomers... If all the boomers already have their homes, who accounted for these purchases? I bet not a few were millennials, and that many of them received financial help from their parents or grandparents. In fact, a 2017 survey by HSBC indicated that nearly 40% of millennials who owned a home had received exactly that kind of financial leg up. At the Canadian Association of Retired Persons, which advocates for the rights and needs of Canadians as we age, we’re all too familiar with the ageism that is becoming more prevalent in society. From “OK, boomer” to the description of COVID-19 as the “boomer remover,” it seems that it’s open season on the boomers. It’s outrageous that we have to keep proving we’re not villains, but actually generous supporters of the younger generations who, after all, are our children and grandchildren.  Remember, Maddeaux, eventually, if you’re lucky, you’ll be the same age as today’s boomers!"
Ageism is good when liberals approve of it. One cope is that "boomer" refers to a mindset, not an age group. But apply that to the other examples and...

Why American Workers Now Dress So Casually - The Atlantic - "Americans began the 20th century in bustles and bowler hats and ended it in velour sweatsuits and flannel shirts—the most radical shift in dress standards in human history. At the center of this sartorial revolution was business casual, a genre of dress that broke the last bastion of formality—office attire—to redefine the American wardrobe... It was also not a coincidence that business casual arose from an industry that was in the 1980s dominated by men even more than it is now. The inherent tension between women’s appearances and a male-dominated workspace made casual dress for women loaded to begin with. Some scholars say that women wear heels to get men to respond to their requests for assistance or as a tool to compensate for their smaller physical stature. But do heels qualify as business casual? What about a sleeveless blouse? Walking shorts? “Sometimes” is a more confusing answer than “no.” By the early 2000s, journalists volunteered themselves to help women navigate these questions. Magazines, newspapers, and trade publications offered compare-and-contrast pictures, sidebars with helpful hints, and the always-useful lists of do’s and don’ts, including, “As a rule of thumb, if you can wear it to ‘The Club,’ you can’t wear it to work.” Many women still struggle with just how much of their body to expose in casual dress environments. A recent study found that 32 percent of supervisors named “too much skin” as one of their biggest problems with how their employees were dressing, right after “too casual,” at 47 percent... The infiltration of casual clothes into the American wardrobe is complete, but standards are ever changing. Driving the change today is a generation of Americans who are less beholden to rules like “no white shoes after Labor Day.”... There’s always a pushback as dress standards change. Many today might be tempted to watch an episode of Mad Men and think, “Why don’t people dress that nicely anymore?” But clothing standards are born of their time and place. What people wear is dynamic, but not capricious. So anyone who frowns upon the hoodie-wearing coworker one cubicle over would be well advised not to judge. If history is any indication, that’s what everyone will be coming to work in soon enough."
And this was pre-covid

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