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Friday, February 17, 2023

Links - 17th February 2023 (2 - Feminism)

Teenage boys' academic ambition may explain gender pay gap, study says - "The gender pay gap may be partly explained by teenage boys having more ambitious aims to attend prestigious universities than girls, even if they have the same academic results, according to research.  The study of school pupils in England conducted by academics at University College London’s institute of education found “clear evidence” boys already had more advanced plans for higher education than girls at the age of 15, with more boys aiming to apply to Oxford, Cambridge or other more selective universities, regardless of background or school attended. The researchers also found that academically driven pupils with the most ambitious plans for university gained higher grades in GCSE exams than pupils with similar backgrounds who had less precise or no plans... The research team found a similar pattern among pupils who were immigrants or the children of immigrants, who were more likely to aim for selective universities than their classmates"

Feminism Is a "Battle of the Sexes." Women Need Something Different. - "Feminism was defined not by improving the quality of life of women and therefore families, but by climbing hurdles and amassing “victories.”...   1992 was hailed as the “Year of the Woman,” with more women elected to political office than at any other time in history to that date. And what did we do with all this newfound equity and power? We began our pursuit—one that continues to haunt us—of “having it all,” a phrase popularized by Helen Gurley Brown, the former editor of Cosmopolitan. By the ’90s, we could “do it all”: have the careers of men, be riot grrrls, get elected to office, but still be feminine enough to play by the rules and marry the guy of our dreams and have kids (just a little later!)... Feminism, by this point, had traded in its quest for “liberation of women” to fully pursue parity with men, all while attempting to remain appealing to them. In short, both professionally and privately, we were chasing victories defined on male terms. (Little defines this era so clearly as feminists confidently siding with Bill Clinton in the Monica Lewinsky affair.)... each decade finds us led by a feminism that has abandoned ameliorating the struggles of our collective lives as women in lieu of chasing individual wins on playing fields drawn up by men. Many women are exhausted from the repetitive act of “battling” for a right to equity, proving that we can still “win” against all odds... in certain circles Barrett is considered a feminist icon... In this new feminism, sexual equality is found not in imitating men’s capacity to walk away from an unexpected pregnancy through abortion, but rather in asking men to meet women at a high standard of mutual responsibility, reciprocity and care.”... Barrett’s position on reproductive rights aside, we all must admit: On paper, she is a poster child for feminist victory. She has managed to balance a husband, a family, and a top-notch career not bound by any ceiling, glass or otherwise. Much like another “feminist icon” I’ve been thinking about lately: Kim Kardashian.  Whatever your feelings about her, Kardashian is another woman who has seemingly won the elusive prize that patriarchal feminism has been dangling in front of us: having it all. She runs a billion-dollar business and has beautiful children and a love life, all of it created while being sex-positive and designing shapewear that she claims celebrates and highlights curves. And yet, this woman with absolutely nothing to prove to anyone recently boasted about starving herself for three weeks to fit into the dress of another, more retrograde female icon."

Meme - "Male Privilege
In Switzerland, military service (conscription) is compulsory for all Swiss men, but not women. If a man is not fit for military service, he is required to pay 3% extra tax until the age of 30. This is known as "military exemption tax". Naturally, women are also exempt from paying this tax. In 2014 the Swiss voted on whether or not to keep conscription for men. This means women were able to vote on whether or not military service is compulsory for men. Despite not having to participate in conscription themselves, the majority of women voted to keep conscription compulsory for men."

More Bad News for Feminists - "Motivated by status envy, which is a reflection of human nature’s difficult need for esteem, feminists have a perverse conception of history... As if they wanted to confirm the truth of female hysteria, feminists reduce human life to a silly binary: man, bad; woman, good. Or, man, oppressor; woman, oppressed. What gives the lie to this is women’s relations with other women. In recent months we have seen spectacles of group shaming and vicious gossip whereby women have sought to ruin men’s lives. What many people don’t know is that such phenomena stem from the very nature of women, and nobody knows this better than women themselves. In a study published last month in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Tania Reynolds, Roy Baumeister, and Jon Maner found that women, in their fierce intrasexual competition, use gossip and manipulation to “undermine the romantic and social appeal of same-sex romantic rivals who are perceived to be threatening.” That women would do so is supported by a 2009 study in the same journal, which found that women are more attracted to men who are taken. Just as many women are quite willing to falsely accuse men of sexual harassment and of sexual assault, so women employ their preternatural skill at deception against their fellow women... it’s precisely because they cannot afford to be straightforward like men that women are more resentful and vindictive than men... Allison Gabriel, assistant professor of management and organizations at the University of Arizona’s Eller College of Management, in her recent studies of men and women in the workplace, “found consistent evidence that women reported higher levels of incivility from other women than their male counterparts…. [Women] are ruder to each other than they are to men, or than men are to women.” And the more assertive the women were, the more rudeness they received from other women. Hence, while feminists are forever urging women to be “strong and independent,” women’s biggest obstacle in doing so is likely to be other women."

VIDEO: Women Clean Theater Vandalized by Feminists on International Women's Day - "Hard-working women having to tidy up after empowered protests... the Juarez theater in Guanajuato, Central Mexico, was trashed following the International Women’s Day protests, which gripped Latin America as millions of women demonstrated for equal rights and against ‘femicide.’...   Earlier this week, National File published an article containing a video where a feminist protester accidentally firebombed her fellow feminists when she aimed for riot police."

Meme - "Ghislaine Maxwell is guilty"
"I hate successful women"

How The First Female CEO Of Revlon Is Driving The Iconic Brand To A Modern Makeover
Mar 25, 2022
Revlon files for bankruptcy
June 16, 2022"
Of course, she wasn't the main reason, but you can't laud women when things go well and claim they're not responsible when things go south

Jeanne Dielman: Film directed by woman picked as best ever - "Jeanne Dielman, 23 quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles, directed by Chantal Akerman, has topped the British Film Institute's Sight and Sound poll.  It is the first time a work directed by a woman has reached the top ten. The poll, which runs every decade, has been criticised for a lack of diversity.  The winning spot was held for 40 years by Orson Welles' Citizen Kane. It was overtaken in 2012 by Alfred Hitchcock's Vertigo.  Jeanne Dielman, released in 1975, is the story of a Belgian widow who turns to prostitution to make ends meet, but kills one of her clients. The film runs for almost three and a half hours. Though not as well-known outside the world of film criticism as previous winners, it has been lauded as a "masterpiece", and a ground-breaking piece of feminist film. Chantal Akerman, the Belgian director, died in 2015 aged 65.  Lillian Crawford, a film critic and writer who contributed to the poll, said the film was the "essential text" in feminist cinema... In 2012, Jeanne Dielman was one of just two films directed by women which made it on to the list, along with one by a black director - Djibril Diop Mambéty's Touki Bouki."
I'm sure they suddenly realised after 47 years (10 of them where this work was already in the list) that this was the biggest work of genius ever

More than 130 feminist groups sign an open letter to Amber Heard - "More than 130 feminist leaders, including Gloria Steinem and Women's March Action, released an open letter in support of Amber Heard"
No true feminist puts sugar in her porridge
Feminism means a woman abusing a man is good

Beauty is not always in the eye of the beholder: the role of vision in the emergence of mate preferences - "Cross-cultural research has repeatedly demonstrated sex differences in the importance of different partner characteristics when choosing a mate. Men typically report higher preferences for younger, more physically attractive women, while women prefer men that are wealthier and of higher status. As the assessment of such partner characteristics often relies on visual cues, this raises the question whether visual experience is necessary for sex-specific mate preferences to develop. To shed more light onto the emergence of sex differences in mate choice, the current study assessed how preferences for attractiveness, resources, and personality factors differ between sighted and blind individuals using an online questionnaire. We further investigate the role of social factors and sensory cue selection in these sex differences. Our sample consisted of 94 sighted and blind participants with different ages of blindness-onset, 19 blind/28 sighted males, and 19 blind/28 sighted females. Results replicated well-documented findings in the sighted, with men placing more importance on physical attractiveness and women placing more importance on status and resources. However, while physical attractiveness was less important to blind men, blind women considered physical attractiveness as important as sighted women. The importance of a high status and likeable personality was not influenced by sightedness. Blind individuals considered auditory cues more important than visual cues, while sighted males showed the opposite pattern.  Further, relationship status and indirect, social influences were related to preferences. Overall, our findings shed light on the availability of visual information for the emergence of sex differences in mate preference."

Jennifer Lawrence claims no women were action movie stars before her
Ironic. Women are always breaking barriers - because we pretend that no women have done that before (we see this too in the marketing of SJW movies where they pretend that bad female-led action movies are facing sexist backlash because they are the first of their kind)

Thread by @datepsych on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "The biggest status-enhancing and status-decreasing behaviors.  Evolutionary psychology of status and status sex differences.  Cross-cultural findings across 14 nations...   Sex differences in status-enhancing behavior are remarkably small. Basically what enhances status for men also seems to enhance status for women. If you go back to the first chart, it's basically a list of prosocial behavior for what is status enhancing and antisocial behavior for what is status diminishing... Here are the larger sex differences that occurred in the exploratory analysis. Note that most of these are still small and share the same direction: what increases the status of a man also increases a woman's status. An exception: having a younger mate was associated with higher male status, while having a younger mate was associated with lower status for women. A few more:  Having a higher status mate increases women's status.  Women's status is more damaged by having a poor mate.  Being a virgin lowers male status, but is beneficial to female status.  Sex before marriage lowers a woman's status; no effect on men... Drug use harms men's status, but less than it harms women's status.  Being able to drink more alcohol is a slight status boost for men, but harms women's status. Crying in front of your friends hurts male status more.
"Acting masculine" and "acting feminine" were the largest sex differentiated status cues for men and women.
Masc men = high status / fem men = low status
Fem women = high status / masc women = low status...
"Being healthy, having strong kin alliances, and embodying characteristics generally valuable across relationship domains—such as trustworthiness, willingness to share resources with others, and having a wide range of knowledge." Failing to retaliate to insults lowers male status. Consistent with Nisbett's observations of a violent honor culture within male groups."
So much for "Girls can wear jeans And cut their hair short Wear shirts and boots 'Cause it's OK to be a boy But for a boy to look like a girl is degrading 'Cause you think that being a girl is degrading" - this is proof that women don't gain status by being masculine (which is why Margaret Thatcher and Ho Ching are not the most popular role models for women). And of course the fact that this contradicts feminist complaints about oppressive gender norms is not remarked on

Meme - "Viols en pleine rue a Paris: où sont les féministes?"
Marianne Patenne: "Elles sont occupées a essayer de faire comprendre aux femmes que les régles ne sont pas un truc de femmes, que les femmes ont un pénis et qu'll faut réinventer tout le dico pour pas vexer 1% d‘ados aux cheveux roses. Le reste pas leur probléme"

Baba Yaga: The greatest 'wicked witch' of all? - "Cunning, clever, helpful as much as a hindrance, she could indeed be the most feminist character in folklore."
It's telling that an at least partly evil character is a feminist icon

Actress Margot Robbie improvised a kissing scene with her Babylon co-star Brad Pitt - "Australian actress Margot Robbie has revealed how she got to kiss Babylon co-star Brad Pitt – even though it was not in the script.  On an episode of entertainment news programme E! News this week, the 32-year-old shared that the kiss on the upcoming movie was improvised.  “That wasn’t in the script, but I thought, ‘When else am I gonna get the chance to kiss Brad Pitt? I’m just gonna go for it’,” she said of locking lips with the 58-year-old American actor, who was named People magazine’s Sexiest Man Alive not once, but twice, in 1995 and 2000."
Bragging about sexual assault is a weird flex

Meme - "Would love to discuss how we feel about the love story presented in Pixar's LAVA?? Bc it's always sort of bothered me but I've never mentioned it to anyone bc I KNOW people are just gonna tell me it's not that deep lol  The short of why it bothers: the lady volcano (Lele) is WAYYYY younger than the dude volcano (Uku.) Like at the start of the short he's on his last legs of life and she's just being born. Not only that but she grows up listening to him sing and falling in love with him based on that, but she doesn't actually know him nor does he have any idea she exists. When they finally meet she pretty much presents herself to him and she's like "hello older man I've idolized since I was a child I am in love with you" and he's just like yeah okay I'm about it -  idk I know this sounds sooooo silly but as someone who was groomed it makes me feel icky and bc he's so much older than her and she grew up listening to him sing, it feels like there's a power dynamic there. And since my research background is in media literacy and the way kids learn about the world from media (esp how young girls learn about sex and romance) it worries me to think a young girl could watch this and think that's normal and romantic?? Orrrrrr am I thinking WAY too deep about this??"

Meme - Women's Rights News: "It's one thing to allow American women to choose this service, but it's quite another to force it upon our daughters, sisters, and wives."
"US Army Wants to Push 18-Year-Old Girls To Register For Military Draft"
Women's rights are not about equality after all

An emoji mocking a man's manhood spurs a reverse #metoo in South Korea - Los Angeles Times - "When the “pinching hand” emoji — depicting a thumb and index finger about an inch apart — first appeared in 2019, the internet happily went to work. “A new emoji to mock men,” Vice declared...  In South Korea, though, the image has been no laughing matter. In recent weeks, the hand, once used as a logo by a now-defunct radical feminist group, has become a point of contention in a charged battle over gender and anti-feminist backlash. “Men’s rights” groups have taken to searching for the image included in various posters and ad campaigns, in a McCarthyistic hunt for companies, organizations or their employees sympathetic to feminism, targeting them with boycotts or a barrage of complaints. It is a startling, some would say surreal, reversal of the #MeToo movement — men who for generations controlled society suddenly feeling affronted by women taking aim at their bodies. But for them, the sign is proof that hatred of men is pervasive in today’s South Korea and that radical feminism is out of control. And their campaigns have proved effective: Major corporations have disciplined or demoted employees for advertisements that used the pinching hand, government ministries and municipalities have apologized and revamped promotional material, museums have dismantled displays and celebrities have seen their careers threatened...  a rise in feminist activism here in recent years has been met with fierce resistance, particularly among men in their 20s who feel they are bearing the cost of correcting previous generations’ inequalities. They especially feel disadvantaged by the fact that all South Korean men, but not women, are required to serve in the military... While anti-feminism has been associated with alt-right movements elsewhere, in South Korea, suspicion of and antipathy toward feminism are gaining broad-based support. More than 65% of South Korean men in their 20s said they equated feminism with hatred of men, according to a 2018 survey by the Korean Women’s Development Institute, and 56.5% said they would break up with their girlfriend if she was a feminist. “Feminism is a mental illness” has become a common refrain in some street protests by “men’s rights” activists. One columnist wrote in 2015 that “mindless feminism” was “more dangerous than the Islamic State” militant group... The pinching hand entered the gender debate in South Korea in 2015, years before it became an emoji. That year, a group of South Korean women fed up with widespread misogyny on male-dominated online forums decided the best way to push back was to give as good as they got. They began referring to men by their genitals, as men had often done of women. They created male versions of online slang that was degrading to women, and reverted sexist idioms — “A woman’s voice should never go beyond the fence,” “Women and dried fish need a pounding once every three days” — against men. They ridiculed and belittled men based on their physical appearance, and often, the size of their appendage.  The group of women called itself “Megalia” and chose as its unabashed emblem the image of a pinching hand. The controversial online forum lasted barely a year before it disintegrated over internal disputes... In 2016, a voice actor for a video game was fired after she posted a photo of herself online in a T-shirt that read “Girls do not need a prince,” which was sold by an offshoot group of Megalia. In 2018, men and women came to blows at a pub in Seoul after an argument in which they yelled the insults popularized online at each other — the women shouting “6.9,” the average penis size of Korean men in centimeters, according to one 2003 study, and men retorting by calling them “Megal bitch.” In April, a branch of the convenience store chain GS25 faced criticism after a job posting specified that applicants should not be feminists, leading to an apology from the corporate headquarters. The next month, the chain ran a promotional campaign for camping goods, which included the pinching hand reaching for a small sausage... Ha Heon-gi, a former legislative aide and founder of the media consultancy New Communication Lab, said the men behind the effort were taking a page from the feminists’ book and using methods they’ve seen employed by women to object to misogynistic statements or practices and extract apologies or topple powerful men. “It’s tit for tat. You’ve taken issue with ridiculous things, so we do the same,” he said. “It’s a sense of political efficacy, that collective action works. Women got together in one voice and were listened to. Men didn’t have that experience and now they’re making their will known as consumers.”"

Meme - "Birds of Prey could have just been a solo Harley Quinn movie. Instead it's a faux-girl team movie that uses women of color as a forgettable backdrop to feed the white star's ego by pretending to support diverse women. It's the epitome of white feminism"

White feminist says she is 'confused' by black man driving BMW with NRA and Tea Party stickers - "A white feminist activist has been dubbed a 'racist' after tweeting that she was 'confused' to see a black man driving a BMW which had pro-NRA and Tea Party bumper stickers on it.   Kimberly Johnson, a Washington DC-based author and activist... said: 'Out on the road the other day I saw an affluent black man driving a BMW with two bumper-stickers.  'One was pro-NRA and the other one was a Tea Party sticker that read, "Don't tread on me." This left me very confused.'"

Elizabeth Holmes Plans To Accuse Ex-Boyfriend Of Abuse At Trial - "Elizabeth Holmes, the founder of blood-testing startup Theranos, plans to defend herself at her federal fraud trial starting next week by arguing that her ex-boyfriend, who was an executive at the company, emotionally and sexually abused her, impairing her state of mind at the time of the alleged crimes"

How ‘Lean In’ Feminism Created Elizabeth Holmes and the Toxic Ladyboss - "As one of the few female leaders in Silicon Valley (only 11 percent of all Silicon Valley executives are women, according to a 2014 report), Holmes’s gender worked to her advantage in terms of garnering media attention. As Alex Gibney, the director of The Inventor, told Time, “She’s looking at us and saying ‘Support me because I am a woman in male-dominated Silicon Valley and I’m doing something great for the world.’ And we want to say, ‘Yeah, we’re behind you. 100 percent.’” It also attracted the attention of venture capitalists and powerful older, wealthy white men, many of whom ended up joining Theranos’s board... After John Carreyrou’s bombshell Wall Street Journal exposes of Theranos were published, Holmes was prepared to use her gender as a strategic advantage to defend herself, just as she did during her rapid ascent. And like Amy Klobuchar after her, who angrily chalked up reports of her abusive behavior on the campaign trail to garden-variety sexism, Holmes hinted in interviews that she was being unfairly targeted because she was a woman"
Amazing. Instead of reflecting on the faults of feminism, they blame her for being white

Kelsey Plum on misconception of pay gap between WNBA and NBA
Josh Burden: "I saw someone do a video on this. If WNBA players got paid based on their leagues revenue it means all players would owe the league $800,000 each. Yea so good luck with that."

BBC Radio 4 - Best of Today, Thursday's business with Dominic O'Connell - "‘At the 30% Club… We've said that we would like 30% women at the executive level of the FTSE 350 companies. And we've gone one step further. And on the diversity level, at board level, we've said we want at least one person of color on every FTSE 350 board. And because we're the 30% Club, we've put a gender lens on that, and said we'd like 50% of those seats to be women of color. So that's 175 board seats going to women of color’
‘But I was gonna say in a more general sense. Is it time for the 30% Club to become the 50% Club?’"
The 'myth' of the slippery slope strikes again

Meme - This Woman @organiccqueen: "Dad keeps on piling plates up and not washing them. I don't know who he thinks is going to wash them, does he not know that I'm a feminist?
Update: I'm now washing the dishes. He said I can be a feminist outside his house"

BBC Radio 4 - Best of Today, Women’s safety on the streets - "‘Of course, we're going to take action. But the point is, is that those actions can actually never reduce the amount of violence that we'll face because we're unsafe in our homes and we’re unsafe in public space. And on top of that, any actions that we take as Junior Martin pointed out on Twitter yesterday, are just so you know, if I don't take a certain route home is that so that the harasser harasses someone else, also, that the abuser abuses someone else, you know, by doing that, and by not putting the emphasis on the perpetrator and on, you know, really tackling that culture. And what we're doing is we're, we're not getting to the root of the problem, you know, instead, we are being forced to change our behavior.’...
‘It's very common for women to be stalked, attacked, and even killed by men known to them on the streets, violent ex male partners pursue women relentlessly. Often, they go to their places of work, they attack them in bars, where they're with their friends. And this is a really common situation. 87,000 women across the world in one year, according to UN figures were killed in a variety of circumstances by men. And this is why we call it femicide, because it's women being killed by men, because we are women. In other words, it's misogyny. And only men can stop this and why why do we not have more campaigns led by men to end men's violence, it's their problem. And that's why we've got feminism to tell men, this is something that is their responsibility and their problem’...
‘I suffered terrible, terrible misogyny at the hands of vicious and aggressive men, it's got absolutely nothing to do with anything I can do. I literally can't do it, I can't change the chromosomes in my body.’...
'It's up to men to stop other men from doing this. This is their problem, their issue'"
Feminists purposely misunderstand how incentives and human behavior work, because they don't want women to change their behavior (but only in certain contexts). By this logic, you shouldn't lock your house door because burglars will just move on to the next house
Of course, they just bash men. Wait till they remember the statistics on lesbian domestic violence
If men killing 87,000 women is femicide and misogyny, presumably men killing much more men each year is androcide and auto-misandry
Good luck if you look into the breakdown of the men who kill women
Feminists will get very upset if you point out that resistance to sexual assault works: "resistance reduced the probability of sexual contact", i.e. that women are not powerless and can reduce their victimisation

The Release of Brock Turner and "Boys Will Be Boys" - CBE International
"“Boys will be boys and she was asking for it”" by Arianny Cabrera
This feminist kept posting these 2 articles to justify her claim that people say "Boys will be boys" to justify rape, but nowhere in either article is this claim supported. Feminists have created a whole ecosystem of lies to support their delusions

Alexis Newman's answer to Why is the feminist movement so polarizing? - Quora - "Assuming you're referring to modern feminism, it's because it focuses on separation and comparison rather than the equality it should be promoting. It attempts to force women into a narrow mold of some unnatural concept of what a "real woman" is, leaving no room for more traditional life choices. In the cases in which women do choose to those more traditional roles; especially home-makers or stay-at-home-mothers, there's a large degree of scorn and even ridicule that modern feminism metes out to them. A "real" woman is a doctor, not a nurse... An underlying theme of female superiority shows up, here... And that theme has become the engine of modern feminism, really. It's not about equality. It hasn't been, for a long, long time. It's not about getting what men get. It's about getting what they get, plus. Add the bitterness toward men and maleness with the feeling of entitlement to what they have and more, and what you get is a gender superiority movement. It's really not very different from a racial superiority movement, at it's core. Another reason is because the tactics and general attitude of modern feminists are about as reasonable, friendly and approachable as a cactus dipped in mace with an air-raid siren strapped to the top. The word, "shrill" simply doesn't begin to do them justice. It seems most feminists simply aren't physically capable of maintaining a conversation for more than 2 minutes at any decibel level less than an average fire engine siren. The moment their ideolgy is challenged, the bullhorns come out (sometimes, literally) in an attempt to simply drown out reasoned dissent.  Plus, there's the old quote, "A feminist uses statistics like a fish uses a bicycle.""

Woman Perfectly Explains 'Not All Men' With One Powerful Analogy So They Can Finally Understand It
Demonising men is good. But comparing Syrian refugees to poisoned skittles is bad. Because men are evil but Syrian refugees are good.

Study Finds Gender Pay Gap Due to Life Choices - "A study by the taxation and public policy research institute, the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS), has found that women earn less than men in their twenties because they choose university degrees that lead to lower-paying jobs... the first emergence of the gender pay gap occurs immediately after graduation from university, with male graduates earning on average five percent more than female graduates at the age of 25... The types of degrees chosen by women were significant in the data, however, with a degree in economics boosting women’s pay 75 percent by age 30 in strike contrast to the 7.2 percent boost for those who attained a degree in the creative arts. Women were also found to be over-represented in the subjects associated with low financial returns, constituting nearly two-thirds of creative arts graduates and less than a third of economics graduates... The arrival of children was also noted as a reason for the widening of the wage gap, with women’s hourly wages decreasing to a third below men’s by the time the firstborn child is aged 12. Moreover, by the time the firstborn child is aged 20, women were found to have “on average been in paid work for four years less than men and have spent nine years less in paid work of more than 20 hours per week.”"
Of course, the feminist cope is that sexism is why they make these life choices

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