Meme - "r/detrans
u/Disastrous—Topic—450 - 3h - desisted female
I'm so bitter. The trans community says that if you detransition and regret what you did to yourself you have no one to blame but you. But I was TEN. I was ten years old, obese, and already looked more like a boy than a girl. I despised myself. The internet told me this was the way out, gave me tips on hiding from my parents who wanted nothing but for me to not make a huge mistake. l'm 17 now, my breasts are completely stunted, I have a severe eating disorder, and I've never had a boyfriend. I ruined myself at 10 years old and the community that once encouraged me now turns their back and ridicules me. l'm so bitter"
BBC Radio 4 - Moral Maze, Rights and Rules - "‘You would never say, Oh, look at all those lesbians in women's football, they're taking the place of straight women. You just wouldn't do that.’
‘No, but that's because there isn't an innate physical difference between lesbians and straight people. But there is an innate physical difference between people who have grown up as a man before becoming a woman.’...
'I am firmly of the opinion that if trans women mitigate their advantages with hormone therapy, we can have meaningful competition in most sports'...
‘You say you're a great supporter of women's sports, but I wonder why you support separate women's competitions’...
‘The men's records, in all athletics events are largely different. They're 10%, in running, up to 25% in some of the throwing events, but beyond that, there are 1000s of men every year that outperform the very best women in the world in their event. And so if we don't separate male and female athletes in the sport of athletics, then women don't win anything of consequence.’
‘Indeed, and that is precisely the reason why there are women's competitions, because women are always or generally outperformed by men. But doesn't that suggest that you actually do recognize that there is an intrinsic advantage to men competing against women?’
‘Yes, but trans women aren't men’
‘Well, but nevertheless, you say that it can be mitigated, but you accept that there are still residual advantages.’...
‘Trans women are not dominating sports. They don't generally win. In fact, trans women are underrepresented in elite sport, trans women have been very unsuccessful in sport. For instance, we should be seeing at least 30 trans women in the Olympics issue. And there's two’...
‘Can I put you what the transgender athlete Rene Richard said, she said that if she had competed in whatever it was competition, two years after having had her surgery at the age of 24, quote, no genetic woman in the world would have been able to come close to me and other transgender athletes have said something similar. Do you think they're completely wrong? They, they are, they are getting this back to front.’
‘I do and other than Rene, I'm not sure you have other names to put to that.’...
‘It will be a slap in the face to women who have coped with sexism in society to actually achieve and get there for somebody who had all the advantages of growing up as a man suddenly to take that away from them’
‘But you understand there are diverse opinions on this issue’...
‘I think, yes, we need to debate those claims. People have claims like, let's debate them. The trouble is this debate is characterized by one side saying there should be no debate on claims like that, I think we should debate them.’...
‘In the process of asserting rights, you very often come up against the rights that have previously been established by other people. And you have generations of women who have been fighting for women’s sports to be taken seriously, have fought personally for them for their ability to get somewhere. And they feel they are losing out by the assertion of trans rights, and it has that consequence, and it has other rippling effects upon things like free speech, because some people feel they can't even engage on this debate, because they feel rightly or wrongly that they will be shut down, or they risk employment or whatever, by saying the wrong thing. I just think the problem with liberalism is it wants to give us the impression that you can all have your bit of the pie and the pie is ever expanding. I just think that historically, that's not true, that people always end up fighting bitterly over a slice of the pie.’"
Athletes who are known to dope are also underrepresented. Therefore doping is not a problem even though we know that doping gives athletes an advantage
Liberals can blandly assert that rights are not like pie by pretending that there're no tradeoffs and that all decent human beings agree on their adjudication of legitimate rights. You can see this also with abortion
Tianne Miller to remain in jail for online child grooming offences - "A western Sydney woman who thought she was messaging an underage girl about being a transgender person with “boobs and a c--k”, but was actually messaging undercover police, will remain behind bars. Tianne Miller, 49, of Greystanes, appeared at Sydney Downing Centre District Court on Thursday after sending a series of sexually explicit messages to investigators in 2020 and 2021. In July 2020, Child Exploitation Internet Unit detectives caught the widow sending sick messages on Chatiw and Facebook Messenger when she told an identity known as “41” she was 14 and how she intended to engage in sexual activity with her. After asking where she lived and offering to pick her up from a train station, Miller said “we could do plenty of fun things naked and you could still be a virgin”. “You could try sucking it. My main concern is you feel good and safe.’’ When “41’’ asked what they could do, Miller responded “just kiss and touch you down there, make you horny and wet and touch your nipples”, before telling her to keep it a secret. The chats continued for 20 days and Miller asked the identity to skip school when she responded “Mum would kill me if she found out”. Miller also sent a photo of her penis and breasts. She said they would have “lots of fun … touching and kissing of certain bits, don’t want to give it all away”... The offending continued when she was on bail. The messages became more sick in October 2021 when Miller believed she was speaking with a 39-year-old woman who had a nine-year-old daughter. Over Chatiw, Miller told the woman known as “47” how she was “bored and horny” and invited her to her house. She raised the subject of the three having sex... She organised to meet the pair at Liverpool train station on October 19 last year but cops busted her with lingerie to fit the child. Miller told another online identity known as “46” that she could make her virginity “go away” after describing herself as a transgender/lesbian. “As I’m transgender I have boobs and a c--k,’’ she said. The court heard how Miller asked “46” if she could visit her house while her mum was at work before inquiring about her breast size and if she played with herself... The court heard how her gender dysphoria sparked inner turmoil and made prison more onerous than other inmates. The woman, who was diagnosed with depression, also found it “jarring” when referred to as a man. The court heard she had a traumatic incident in her childhood when her mother found her cross-dressing. Miller’s wife died in 2011 and the mum started using online chats for sexual expression, which became a habit. The court heard she was “lonely, bored and drug affected by methamphetamine”. She became overexposed and began exploring taboo themes before her arrest in 2020... She ran a home cleaning business for 30 years and was on a disability pension since 2001 because of her mental health."
Facebook - "Celebrity News be like "You're not gonna believe this, another mid-looking female now identifies as non-binary, she will continue to take female-exclusive acting roles though.""
Meme - "AKA: "I'm in Hollywood, but I'm too mid get attention."
Libs of TikTok on Twitter - "White people can’t be non-binary because it’s white supremacy that upholds the oppressive gender binary"
👁 Inside The Classroom on Twitter - "This teacher claims that she enjoys causing her students to be confused about her gender identity."
Nonbinary Shreveport teacher's social media post on gender identity causes controversy - "A Caddo Parish teacher is at the center of controversy after a social media post they made resurfaced this week. Blaine Banghart, who was at the center of controversy over a TikTok video in March 2022, is a music teacher at University Elementary School in Shreveport and uses the term MX, as opposed to Mr. or Ms. On Jan. 13, Banghart posted a video on TikTok discussing how they are not allowed to be out as nonbinary at work... a Facebook post made by Banghart resurfaced on social media. This post stated:
"I'm not allowed to tell kids I'm trans or non-binary or that I'm not a girl. I showed up today with a new haircut and presenting much more masc than usual. The kids are all confused and asking why I have a mustache if I'm a girl, if I'm Mr. Banghart now, why am I trying to look like a boy, etc. I'm just ignoring questions/redirecting so I don't get in trouble. Though some of the reactions are hurtful (I'm not mad- they're kids and don't mean harm), I'm mostly just enjoying all the confusion about "what" I am. Wondering what they're going to do when I have the mustache AND a skirt later this week lol."
In hopes of getting clarification on what this post meant the Shreveport Times reached out to Banghart, who said they were not a liberty to speak at this time. This post caught the attention of local UnMask our Kids Louisiana, and Brandy Pou, a member of the group said, "I just want our children to be able to not be confused at school."
BBC Radio 4 - Best of Today, Stonewall on equality watchdog fears - "‘What happens when the rights of women and the rights of trans people conflict? In prisons where trans women are housed or rape crisis centers or sports fields where women and girls might be asked to compete with trans women. The Equality and Human Rights Commission is the body that's meant to be an independent arbiter of these things. But it itself is being accused by some campaigners of a politically motivated change of heart siding suddenly and wrongly with those who want to reduce the rights of trans people. They are calling today, those campaigners, for the UN to revoke the Equality Commission’s status as an independent body. And they cite two particular actions of the Commission in recent days, a letter to the Scottish Government expressing concerns about its plans to let people change their biological sex on their birth certificates and a warning too to the Westminster government that if you allow so called conversion therapy for gay people, it would not be wise to criminalize advice given to those considering having treatment for gender dysphoria. When I say allow, I mean, of course, outlaw because that is what the government in Westminster is considering doing. So should it also do it for those who are advising people about gender dysphoria’...
‘There obviously are concerns in Scotland, aren't they? And they, the comments. It's pretty clear from opinion polling surveys, a lot of Scottish people are, possibly a majority of Scottish people are worried is it not perfectly fair, for them to change their mindset, we need to look at this more?’
‘Well, so the job of an independent human rights institution is not really to arbitrate kind of public debate. It's to advocate for the rights, the human rights of all people.’...
‘There is a balance isn't there between the rights of the trans person to be taken seriously and fully as a human being, and the rights in that extreme case, actually the victim of rape, not to have to regard her rapist as a woman?’
‘So I mean, one of the things I think it's really difficult about the kind of concern that you've just described, is it saying that whole set of very vulnerable people, it's about 1% of the population, trans people in the UK shouldn't be able to go about their daily lives in a straightforward way.’...
‘I'm not aware of any situation in the UK where that's happened, where someone has pretended to be trans purely for the purposes of accessing a space’...
‘There are people, there’re absolutely cases aren't there, where people have, I mean, we don't know whether they're pretending or not, but they have said that they are trans, and they have been biologically male, and they have done terrible things. And in those cases, it is right, isn't it that a victim of that kind of crime is not forced to regard that person as a woman.’
‘I mean, I feel like we've come quite a long way from why we're concerned about the balancing of rights that the HRC has done. And I think this is really illustrative of how difficult it is to talk about the rights of trans people as a whole. These are not sex offenders and predators. These are bus drivers. These are teachers, these are our friends.’"
What liberals think is the benchmark for human rights, obviously
I find it interesting that TRAs equate trans rapists to trans people. Ironic, and perhaps telling.
Pax Hart on Twitter - "The entire trans argument is: "if you don't comply with our demands, we'll kill ourselves and it's your fault." This is the same threat of a 22-year-old, chronically unemployed, pothead boyfriend whenever his girlfriend threatens to leave and stop making his car payments."
What to do if your partner threatens suicide - "Knowing the difference between the warning signs of suicide and a pattern of threats as a method of manipulation or abuse can help you feel more secure in setting your boundaries."
Meme - "Super-Straight males when they can't be attracted to femboys like normal human beings
This is my gift, my curse"
Men's prison is slammed by inspectors for not providing make-up its transgender inmates - "A men's prison has been criticised for failing to provide make-up products for transgender prisoners. HM Inspectorate for Prisons found the jail was lagging behind with 'inadequate support to minority groups'... 'Prisoners identifying as non-binary, gender fluid or transgender were consulted, but not regularly. Prisoners told us they had yet to see any changes as a result of consultation. 'During the inspection, it was difficult for prisoners to obtain makeup and women's clothing. 'Leaders had not sufficiently prioritised equality and diversity and did not pay sufficient attention to the experiences of prisoners with protected and minority characteristics. Overall, support for prisoners from protected or minority groups was inadequate.' The inspection also found LGBTQ+ inmates wanted greater opportunities to meet inside the prison, which houses 1,348 people."
Ashley St. Clair on Twitter - "Mentally ill men claiming to be women are inserting frozen tomato paste into themselves to "mimic a period" I am so sick of pretending like these people are normal."
If you don't support this, you're transphobic
What happens when trans kids are prevented from transitioning? - ""This is not experimental care. This is care that’s been around, in a very formal fashion, for over 50 years,” says Michelle Forcier, a professor at Brown University’s medical school and co-editor of Pediatric Gender Identity. “We know that there are studies that demonstrate efficacy and safety.” The recent hyperfocus on trans youth is largely a media invention, says Jules Gill-Peterson, a history professor at Johns Hopkins University. “Trans people and trans youth were never really objects of the media [until recently]. I really don’t think most people ever encountered the idea that they shared the world with trans youth until the last 10 years.”... “We don’t listen to children. We treat children as manifestly inferior to adults. We give them less rights,” says Gill-Peterson. “We make them economically and politically dependent on adults. We put them in dangerous and vulnerable situations all the time. They have no control or participation in authoring the world they live in, the schools they go to, the doctor’s offices they visit, the adults they’re left alone with. And then we say they’re incapable of knowing anything. Therefore, they have no ability to hold adults to account. That’s a very disturbing way to treat a group of people.”"
The usual TRA gaslighting. Apparently the media invented the surge in kids transitioning, the protocols for "trans" children have not been relaxed due to political pressure and the vast majority of non-gender conforming kids don't grow up to be gay.
So since we should treat children the same as adults, we need to let them drink, smoke, drive and have sex
Meme - UnicornsRock @UnicornsRockUK: "Got a Gender Recognition Cert question for you all. My dad died and didn't update his will to my new name. I have told the probate lawyers l am his child, but they refuse to entertain it without my old birth certificate and proof of who I am. I have NOTHING in my old name."
When you get what you asked for and are still unhappy
Meme - Woman: "Help! He's attacking me!"
Attacker: "Agh!!"
Passerby: "What's wrong?"
Attacker: "She misgendered me. I'm a zee/zim"
Passersby: *angry*
Woman: *ashamed*"
Meme - "Ugh, I do not accept this body"
*wears bra with fake breasts and pink wig with long hair*
"Hey, accept my body!"
Uterine transplantation in transgender women - "Ethically, the consideration of performing UTx in transgender women is primarily motivated by the considerations of justice and equality. Like all women, psychological harm may arise secondary to a mismatch between reproductive capacity and aspiration. Transgender women have AUFI, and therefore they cannot experience gestation, which may play an integral role in the expression and consolidation of a female identity, and is considered by many to constitute a transformative experience. Legally, under the Equality Act (2010) transgender people are afforded explicit protection from both direct and indirect forms of discrimination through the characterisation of ‘gender reassignment’ as a protected characteristic. As such, M2F transgender women cannot be subjected to discrimination on the basis of this characteristic. Subsequently, if UTx becomes an established treatment option for women with AUFI, UK and EU legislation would make it legally impermissible to refuse to perform UTx in transgender women solely because of their gender identity. Performing UTx in this population, however, raises a number of anatomical, physiological, fertility, and obstetric considerations"
What a waste of scarce resources
Women's Voices on Twitter - "By woman they mean man, and by progressive they mean regressive. By gender they mean stereotype, and by queer they mean straight. By cis privilege they mean sex oppression, by living the truth they mean living a lie, and by acceptance, they mean submission."
Women's Voices on Twitter: "By dead name, they mean birth name. By violence, they mean boundaries. By erasure, they mean being ignored. By oppression, they mean women saying no. By woman, they mean submissive. By rights they mean entitlement, and by misgendering, they mean accurately naming sex."
CAMPUS WATCH: Controversial trans activist loses B.C. student union election - "The transgender activist had been previously embroiled in several controversies that garnered national media attention – most notably, the filing of human rights complaints against multiple aestheticians who refused to wax her male genitalia. The human rights complaints were dismissed by the tribunal, and Yaniv was ordered to pay three beauty salons a total of $6000... Yaniv was also arrested and charged in 2019 after brandishing a taser during a heated livestream with American conservative transgender YouTuber Blaire White. Yaniv later pleaded guilty to a prohibited weapons charge. True North reached out to Yaniv for comment and was told to “f**k off.”"
Trans activist Jessica Simpson's defamation case thrown out - "The B.C. Supreme Court has dismissed a defamation case against a news outlet brought by a Surrey trans activist, saying the outlet acted in the public interest. Jessica Simpson brought the claim against Rebel News Network Ltd., founded by Ezra Levant. Simpson previously went by the name Jessica Yaniv... "Had Ms. Simpson been able to show real damage to her reputation flowing from the impugned reporting, the dubious quality of the expression in issue here could easily have tipped the scales in favour of allowing the action to proceed," Justice Warren Milman said. In his July 12 decision, Milman said Rebel News could be seen as reporting in the public interest as Simpson has made herself a public figure... In her notice of civil claim, Simpson said she had a "valued and unblemished reputation in the Province of British Columbia and elsewhere in Canada and throughout the world" before Rebel News reported on her. Milman disagreed... Moreover, the judge said, "the invective directed by Rebel News at Ms. Simpson was often matched by that directed by her at Rebel News and others through her own social media posts. That is the nature of the arena in which she has chosen to engage. She has also resorted to litigation, or threats of litigation, including defamation suits such as this one, in an effort to stifle criticism."... Rebel News relied on the defences of fair comment, qualified privilege and reportage; justification or truth; and responsible communication."
Canadian schools aid student gender transitions without family consent - "Boards of education, education ministries and even the Public Health Agency of Canada are urging schools to both automatically honour a transitioning student’s request to change their name and pronouns — and to keep that information from parents if requested. It’s just one way the education system has become intimately involved in the transgender process, which affects an “exponentially” growing number of young Canadians. Schools accept name and pronoun preferences, provide gender-neutral washrooms and teach from a young age about gender identity. In some cases, they can even refer students directly to gender-treatment clinics... “It’s not a benign act. It’s a psychological intervention — and it’s not a minor psychological intervention — that teachers and counsellors are entering into without any psychological training at all.”... despite some parents’ concern, supporting them “is not pointing a child in a direction they wouldn’t otherwise take,” she said. “No one chooses to be transgender.”... progressive activists sometimes label any questioning of the “affirmation” approach followed by schools and the health-care system as anti-trans or even hate speech. Underlying the topic are some striking, not-entirely understood trends. The numbers of young people reporting gender dysphoria have been “exponentially growing,” Lawson says. And the majority are adolescent girls, a departure from the past when very young, pre-pubescent boys or middle-aged men were most likely to come out as trans... some jurisdictions that have followed the affirmation approach — including the U.K., Sweden and Finland — are backing away from it somewhat, worried that other mental-health issues are being overlooked in a rush to address gender identity. A recent report by Britain’s Cass Review into gender-identity services for young people says the decision to start social transition should be made carefully by “the young person, along with their family/carers.”... The schools’ role is troublesome given evidence that suggests social transitioning makes it more likely for a young person to move on to medical transition, which can include cross-sex hormones and gender-reassignment surgery, argues James Cantor, a former scientist with Toronto’s Centre for Addiction and Mental Health... A father in north-central Ontario who asked to be identified only as Frank said he did not complain after his then-transitioning daughter’s school adopted her new male name and pronouns. But he raised a fuss when, soon into her transition, she was assigned to a hotel room with three boys for an out-of-town trip, an arrangement he said even his child found uncomfortable. Frank says his child has since reverted to her birth-gender identity. The Alberta mother says one of her own children, a daughter by birth, came out in Grade 8 as a trans boy after attending the publicly funded charter school’s queer-straight alliance (QSA) club. Later, the club’s teacher-supervisor also had her son’s Grade 5 class attend a QSA meeting, leaving the boy confused about gender identity and sexuality"
The usual TRA gaslighting
Gender Activists Co-Opted British Columbia’s Courts. Meet the Woman Who Stood Up to Them - "the B.C. Provincial Court issued an announcement advising lawyers and the public of a new practice directive stipulating that all parties appearing in court would henceforth be asked to specify what pronouns they want others to use when referring to them, as well as their preferred forms of address. (Examples provided are “Mr./Ms./Mx./Counsel Jones.”) The Chief Justice of the B.C. Supreme Court issued a similar practice directive on the same day, though without a press release... Although this announcement was presented as compelling “inclusive” behaviour, the B.C. bar as a whole had not been asked for input. The court’s announcement indicated only one particular group of lawyers that had been involved, namely those belonging to the Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Committee (SOGIC) section of the Canadian Bar Association, B.C. Branch—which presents itself as seeking “to address the needs and concerns of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and two-spirited people.” (the contested term “Two-spirit” refers to some Indigenous individuals who describe themselves as having both masculine and feminine spirits). The court even thanked the SOGIC section for its members’ “helpful feedback on this new notice.” But the follow-up news coverage revealed that the SOGIC had done more than simply provide feedback. The committee had pushed actively for such policy changes; and provided guidance to the B.C. courts for the new rules... Nevens seems to have more ambitious plans, having expressed hope that the new requirements will be, as CTV News reported, “picked up by B.C.’s administrative tribunals, such as the Human Rights Tribunal”... Nevens also believes “the courts still have more work to do,” such as getting rid of “my Lord” and “my Lady” titles—a project that Nevens is now pursuing. While Canadian Bar Association sections are typically focussed on building expertise within substantive areas of law, the SOGIC always has assumed a more activist stance. It was founded in 2009, four years after the fight for gay marriage was won in Canada. And so, like similar organizations, its focus has increasingly drifted toward transgenderism... In keeping with Canadian cultural trends, members of the group also find ways to intermingle their ideas about gender with seemingly unrelated ideas about anti-racism and decolonization... While such ideas may seem obscure, the SOGIC has made itself extremely influential, despite having just over 200 members. A recent article published by Canadian Lawyer indicated that even some judges now belong to the group, which raises questions about judicial independence... In several recent cases I am aware of, B.C. judges have allowed tenets of gender ideology—including the idea that self-declaration as a man or woman serves to erase the real ways in which one’s body affects others in intimate spaces—as unassailable fact. On more than one occasion, a judge has used male pronouns to refer to girls whose proposed sex change was itself the issue under review. Why have a judicial proceeding at all if a judge’s very language indicates that the outcome has already been decided?... Shahdin Farsai may seem like an unlikely target for a progressive mob. She’s a young Iranian-Canadian lawyer whose B.C.-based practice has focused on dispute resolution and estate planning. Before joining a law firm, she clerked at the B.C. Supreme Court and obtained a master’s degree in Public Policy. Her law degree came with cum laude honours. Farsai also happens to be a woman, and one who’s taken seriously all of the messaging we’ve heard in recent years about how women need to make their voices heard in historically male-dominated professions. To Farsai, the new directives from the B.C. courts represented a form of compelled speech—and not just in a nominal sense. Reciting one’s pronouns may seem like a mere courtesy, and no doubt, many people who do so intend it as such. But it also has a political and ideological connotation... [the new policy] may serve to compromise a client’s legal interests in cases involving family law or alleged sexual assault... SOGIC members allegedly threatened the Advocate with legal action, and raised the idea that the publication’s funding could be at stake, if they published Farsai’s piece... one of the signature talking points of SOGIC and similar groups is that this isn’t an issue on which reasonable people can differ: There is no room for debate, in their view, since any deviation from the orthodox position is simply an expression of hate dressed up as free speech... these weren’t random Twitter users attacking this woman. They were lawyers—people trained to argue both sides of any case, even cases involving the most abhorrent criminals... many of them also seemed surprised and stung by the high-volume backlash among members of the general public—including those who noted that this largely white group of privileged diversity champions was ganging up on an Iranian-Canadian woman. In some cases, the SOGIC crowd became so flustered by the ratios on some Tweets that they attacked the idea that non-lawyers should even be permitted to offer their opinions on such subjects—an oddly snobbish view (as more than a few tweeters were happy to point out) for activists claiming to be working for “inclusivity.” One way in which this controversy is different from other mobbings is that the target hasn’t had her life ruined—largely because her employer stood by her, and because she is not the type of person to let herself be intimidated. Even so, the SOGIC crowd succeeded in demonstrating their complete ideological control of B.C.’s legal industry, and even the national trade media—despite the fact that SOGIC’s membership comprises less than two percent of B.C.’s approximately 12,000 lawyers... It’s a classic collective action problem, and one that we have seen in other sectors: While many lawyers roll their eyes at this type of indoctrination, few care enough about it to raise their voices. And so the field has been left to the minority of single-issue activists who care a great deal. Even those who might have been inclined to stick their necks out can only be chastened by the treatment Farsai received. Lawyers tend to be busy people. And few will go to the trouble of asserting their principles when it’s so much easier to simply give in and recite your pronouns."
Man legally changes gender to help win custody battle, infuriating trans rights group - "A transgender rights group is up in arms after an Ecuadorian man changed his gender to help him win a custody battle for his kids. René Salinas Ramos, 47, told Ecuadorian news outlet La Voz del Tomebamba that the laws in his country favor mothers over fathers when it comes to custody battles. Therefore, he decided to legally change his gender, which he showed proof of by displaying his ID that now lists Salinas’s new gender identity: "FEMENINO."... “The laws say that the one who has the right is the woman. As of this moment, I am female. Now I’m also a mom, that’s how I consider myself,” Salinas Ramos reportedly told the local outlet. “I am very sure of my sexuality. What I have sought is that I want to be a mother, so that I can also give the love and protection of a mother.”... Diane Rodríguez, the director of the Ecuadorian Federation of LGBTI Organizations, argues what Salinas Ramos is doing “isn’t the spirit of the law"... “We are surprised that a visibly cisgender man has passed with apparent ease the optional gender change in the ID, even when we have denounced that in the same city of Cuenca there have been problems for the recognition of gender and sex of Trans people.”"
Weird. TRAs tell us that no one's gender identity can be questioned, that self-identification is not abused and that it's transphobic to say that your gender identity depends on how well you pass. So much for that