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Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Links - 15th February 2023 (1 - UK Sewell Report Part 1)

In praise of Tony Sewell - "The government’s new report on race and ethnic disparities, led by Dr Tony Sewell, is a landmark piece of research. After reviewing the evidence, it concluded that factors such as family dynamics, community culture, geography and social class are more influential than the existence of racism when it comes to shaping life chances in modern-day Britain. While advancing the view that racism remains a ‘real force in the UK’, it – correctly – states that Britain has made considerable progress over the past 50 years when it comes to race relations. The report’s authors make the key point that they ‘no longer see a Britain where the system is deliberately rigged against ethnic minorities’. The response has been unhinged. Even before its publication, lawyer and political activist Dr Shola Mos-Shogbamimu – one of the most toxic voices in Britain’s race-relations debate – branded Sewell a ‘token Black man’, who is responsible for ‘gaslighting’ the entire nation through ‘a white-supremacist lie’. University of Cambridge academic and race-baiting supremo Professor Priyamvada Gopal questioned Sewell’s qualifications for undertaking the research. After conceding that Sewell did in fact have a research doctorate, Gopal said that even Joseph Goebbels – the Propaganda Reich Minister of Nazi Germany – had a PhD.   An assortment of left-wing identitarian bigots on social media have hurled racially motivated abuse at Sewell – calling him a ‘coon’, ‘coconut’, ‘race traitor’ and ‘house negro’. I am no stranger to this type of identitarian abuse – but even I have been taken aback by the tsunami of racial abuse from the supposedly ‘anti-racist’ left... he eventually founded the ground-breaking charity Generating Genius.  Generating Genius has been successful in providing disadvantaged young people a route to some of the UK’s top universities. Through the charity’s activities, Sewell has worked tirelessly to ensure that talented ethnic-minority students are well-positioned to excel in careers in the science and technology sectors. These do not strike me as the actions of a man who is sustaining the imagined structures of ‘white supremacy’ in British society... while only six per cent of Indian-origin dependants live in lone-parent households, this rises to 43 per cent and 63 per cent respectively for their black peers of African and Caribbean heritage. (One good reason among many that the new government report blows the crudely homogenising ‘BAME’ acronym into smithereens.)... this country owes a great deal to the likes of Dr Tony Sewell. Time and again, he is willing to put his neck on the line by shedding light on uncomfortable truths... Sewell is ultimately ‘guilty’ of being a high-achieving black British man who does not hesitate to call out the deeply regressive elements of the left’s tribal racial identity politics. While this makes him a pariah among those who are financially and emotionally invested in the identitarian industrial complex, he is appreciated by those who are genuinely interested in the facts on the ground, and how this information can be used to design more effective social policies for modern-day Britain"
Liberals only love minorities when they push the liberal agenda. Racism is only bad when it doesn't align with liberal goals
Meanwhile liberals keep pretending that dogwhistling is a huge problem and that conservatives are racist. Liberal racism is good, but conservative "dogwhistling" is terrible

Commissioner Mercy Muroki Defends UK Race Report - "The report directly disparaged the current brand of so-called “anti-racism” by criticising the:      "bleak new theories about race that insist on accentuating our differences," and an "increasingly strident form of anti-racism thinking that seeks to explain all minority disadvantage through the prism of white discrimination."      “Our experience has taught us that you do not pass on the baton of progress by cleaving to a fatalistic account that insists nothing has changed."... Muroki stated that the motivation for the independent report was the widespread, worldwide protests by Black Lives Matter in response to the death of George Floyd. She pointed out that this was an America-specific issue, and voiced her view that there is a tendency to Americanise racial issues in the UK. She tried to correct misinterpretations of the report’s conclusions by stating that the report does not deny that racism exists and that the report did find evidence of “overt” racism, particularly online, but simply that the commissioners did not find any evidence of systemic racism in the four policy areas they investigated... the report suggested that things were actually getting better, not worse - specifically in education, employment, health, crime and policing... some minority groups were doing well, to the point where they outperformed the “native white” population. The minority groups she specified were those who were ethnically Indian and Chinese. She explained that the ethnic groups ‘at the bottom’ of society appeared to be black Caribbeans, Roma Gypsy, and the white working class. She pointed out that this report was the first of its kind to give equal weighting to the white ethnicity rather than focusing purely upon ethnic minorities... She also criticised the view, promoted by some “woke feminists”, which presents two-parent families as undesirable. The report suggested that an investigation into familial structures may well help explain the socio-economic differences between ethnic groups... economic differences that exist between the white population and ethnic minorities appear to be small, with a 2.3% wage gap between minorities and white British, which disappeared entirely when looking at under-30s. These statistics, she believed, make conversations about “institutional racism” and “white privilege” counter-productive... In response to questions about why the left-wing is particularly hostile towards civil discussions about racial issues, especially when statistics are involved, she stated she believed they were so “wedded to the idea of structural racism” that they could not see beyond that. She reiterated that when one questions the existence of structural racism, it is effectively denying their “reality”, or their “truth”. She also pointed to the fact that many people had made their careers being racial provocateurs. In particular, she named Robin DiAngelo as someone who had made a fortune promoting racially aggravated narratives"

Findings that 'systemic racism' doesn't exist in the UK met with fury by anti-racist activists - "Children from ethnic-minority communities did as well or better than white pupils in compulsory education, with black Caribbean pupils the only group to perform less well
Black African students had higher academic achievement rates than those of whites; in fact all ethnic groups other than Caribbean students perform better than whites, except Pakistanis, who are on par with whites...
"Family patterns" were quite disparate amongst minority groups: the overall figure for single-parent family units in Britain is 14.7 percent; Britons of Indian provenance have the lowest rate – just 6 percent, contributing to their success; but the rate in the black Caribbean community is 63 percent, a significant factor in that population's relatively low academic achievement...
Dr Sewell added that the term "institutional racism" is sometimes wrongly applied as a "sort of a catch-all phrase for micro-aggressions or acts of racial abuse."... A Cambridge professor of post-colonial studies likened Sewell to Joseph Goebbels. A Labour member of Parliament suggested he belonged with the Ku Klux Klan. And Sewell was subjected to a smattering of insults like "house Negro" and "race traitor." He was even called an "Uncle Tom" several times on Twitter. The last insult is pretty rich, considering that Mr. Sewell's charity, which coaches black children in maths and sciences in summer schools, is responsible for thousands of them getting college opportunities they would not otherwise have had... a five-page letter was published with over 100 signatories demanding that Sewell stand down and the report be scrapped. Most of the signatories to the anti-Sewell letter are associated with what is known as the Windrush campaign and what came to be known as the "Windrush Scandal."... The Windrush scandal is, I am sure, a lingering source of distress to the Caribbean community. One can see why such apparently targeted injustice would incline one to the belief that it is a symptom of "institutional racism." But consider another—far worse —English scandal: Rotherham. The name of this South Yorkshire town is synonymous with epidemic sexual exploitation of underage girls... Racism certainly does exist in the UK, and nobody is pretending it doesn't. What Rotherham proved, dramatically and tragically for the white girls who were the ongoing barbarism's victims, was that it is now anti-racism that is the default institutional response to inter-cultural tensions... To turn Sewell's observation about Windrush on its head, Rotherham's outcome did "come about by design," and was certainly "deliberately targeted." It's a pretty sad commentary on a lobby that supposedly exists to further the interests of an identifiable group when good news angers them"
When objective data contradict liberal dogma, it's gaslighting. Of course, if someone who got a covid vaccine reports that it made him very sick, and you tell him that covid vaccines are safe, that is called Following the Science

Race report's conclusions 'deeply disturbing', says Church of England's first black female bishop - "Rt Revd Hudson-Wilkin, the most senior Church figure to comment after the report's publication, said people's lived experience "tells a different story to that being shared by this report", adding: "There is a great danger that those of us who have achieved great heights look down on others and blame them for the calamities being visited upon them...   The Church of England's anti-racism task force is sifting through more than 160 recommendations that already exist, most of them made by the Committee for Minority-Ethnic Anglican Concerns (CMEAC) since 1985, and identifying any that have been ignored and could be implemented."
Given that activists are upper-middle or upper class scions, it's rich to bitch about looking down on others

UN Experts Say UK's ‘Reprehensible’ Race Report ‘Normalises White Supremacy’ - "The UN Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent “strongly rejected” the “stunning” report, arguing it “repackages racist tropes and stereotypes into fact, twists data and misapplies statistics”... They also rejected the “tone deaf” suggestion that family influence was a more central feature of the Black experience in the UK than racism."
When your raison d'etre is punctured
Imagine being so consumed by victimhood that you think "racism" affects people more than their own families

No, the Sewell report does not ‘normalise white supremacy’ - "Institutions such as the UN, as well as identitarian elements of the British left, apparently do not understand what white supremacy is – a label which they throw around in a carefree manner to describe many of the UK’s institutions and the wider public in general. At the heart of white-supremacist thinking is the belief that white people are superior to those of other races and should therefore dominate them through social relations and the broader power structure. As a political ideology, it supports the imposition and maintenance of social and institutional domination by white people. Having its roots in forms of scientific racism, white-supremacist ideologies contain pseudo-scientific theories that suggest white people are biologically superior – an attempt to draw genetic connections between racial identity and intelligence. In the modern world, white-supremacist thinking provides the ideological foundations for neo-Nazi movements and extremist neo-Confederate organisations in the US’s Deep South. But in recent times, there has been a ‘watering-down’ process when it comes to definitions of white supremacy, along with other phrases such as ‘white nationalism’. The CEO of one ‘leading’ race-equality think-tank, the Runnymede Trust, has previously accused the UK government of pursuing a divisive ‘white nationalist’ agenda. In an interview with the Guardian, Dr Halima Begum said it was prioritising the white working classes at the expense of non-white ethnic minorities in a bid to consolidate the Tories’ newfound support in Labour’s former so-called Red Wall. The government can be accused of many things, but it is quite absurd to suggest it is committed to forging a white ethno-state. After all, this is an administration with a Gujarati-origin home secretary, who recently created a bespoke immigration route for millions of Hong Kong residents wishing to escape from Chinese state totalitarianism and start a new life in the UK. To suggest that a race report – authored by a predominantly non-white group of commissioners who clearly state that racism remains a real force in British society – normalises white supremacy is grossly irresponsible by the UN. This woeful assessment serves only to demonstrate how this intergovernmental organisation has fallen prey to woke institutional capture... While the UN accuses the report’s authors of making ‘ad hominem attacks on people of African descent’, the report explicitly makes reference to the impressive academic performance of black pupils of African heritage in England. It also refers to prevailing cultural strengths in non-white communities of Asian origin – such as stable family units, cohesive community structures and a strong educational ethos. To suggest that this is a piece of research that indulges in the normalisation of white supremacy is ridiculous."

It’s time to scrap the term ‘institutional racism’ - "The idea of ‘institutional racism’ is often said to have been brought to Britain with the MacPherson report, following the inquiry into Stephen Lawrence’s racist murder. But really the idea comes from the US.  Both MacPherson and today’s activists use the term ‘institutional racism’ to mean a number of different things. Sometimes it means ‘unconscious bias’ – when a person is racially discriminatory without being conscious of the fact. Sometimes it’s used to mean covert racism – when ostensibly neutral rules can be used by racists to disadvantage minorities, like poll taxes under Jim Crow in the US South. Then there’s white superiority – the assumption that whites are naturally better than blacks or other minorities, which also implies that whites will naturally be advantaged by neutral rules. And finally, institutional racism can simply mean differential impact. In other words, when the institutions of a country, though neutral, impact differently on different races, this can point to institutional racism. The classic example is African-Americans being incarcerated at horrendous rates, even though the legal system in the United States is colourblind.   In the US context, the concept of institutional racism was a reaction to sociologist Gunnar Myrdal’s belief — set out in his extremely influential American Dilemmma (1944) — that America’s institutions would naturally overcome racial discrimination.  By the end of the 1960s, it was clear that the hope expressed by Myrdal and others that American liberalism would naturally lead to racial harmony disappeared. The successful racial integration of the army and the success of the postwar boom in eradicating class strife did not translate into racial integration – a fact underlined by consecutive summers of race riots between 1965 and 1968... Hamilton and Carmichael, expressing revolutionary pretensions, began by rejecting the various systems of support provided by the government... Today, the collection of race hustlers, boodlers and purveyors of racial snake-oil (‘complete my programme and free yourself of racism’) utterly depend on the government to recognise them – on the basis of skin colour, usually – as authentic voices of ‘their’ people. As has been observed, the rage and fury of this group of people against the report, or against anyone who questions the prevalence of institutional racism, reflects their investment in this corrupt bargain with the elite.   But the concept of ‘institutional racism is itself problematic – because it obscures where the real problems with racial disparities lie... As Hannah Arendt noted: ‘When all are guilty, no one is. Confessions of collective guilt are the best possible safeguard against the discovery of culprits, and the very magnitude of the crime, the best excuse for doing nothing.’ The concept of institutional racism is also profoundly defeatist. It implies that the situation is largely hopeless and that either the institutions themselves should be torn down – as Carmichael and Hamilton intended (and which is surely the sentiment behind many of the violent protests against racism following the George Floyd killing) – or tinkered with at a superficial level... the concept of institutional racism, as wielded by critics of the Sewell report, obscures the very real differences between the United States and the United Kingdom. In the US, cultural separation is still the norm. While levels of intermarriage are increasing, the chances of whites intermarrying with African-Americans is just over half that of a white American marrying someone of an Asian background – despite the fact that the black population is three-and-a-half times the size of the Asian population in the US...   In the UK, in contrast, over one in three marriages involving a black person is with a white spouse. The proportion is even higher for cohabiting couples. The Sewell report, curiously, missed the extent of Britain’s interracial marriage – and the vast increase in the mixed-race population (the fastest growing ethnic group in the UK).  But the report’s main value has been in questioning many of the shibboleths of race imported from the US. Institutional racism is one of those that should be questioned further."

Scrap report or stand down, Windrush campaigners warn race commission chair - "A group of prominent Windrush campaigners have urged Dr Tony Sewell to abandon his recent race commission report.  In a five-page letter, over 100 signatories, including Patrick Vernon OBE, former deputy London mayor Lee Jasper and survivors of the Windrush scandal, have accused the government-backed Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities of “ignoring” the atrocities wreaked by the Home Office.  The letter suggests that the commission is colluding to “deny the experiences” of hundreds of black British citizens who were unlawfully stripped of their right to live and work in the UK. Dr Sewell was widely condemned last week after the commission’s report on racial disparities concluded that Britain was not an institutionally racist country and recommended teaching a “new story” of positivity around slavery... In a foreword to the report, Dr Sewell says some communities are haunted by “historic” racism, and that there has been a “reluctance to acknowledge that the UK had become open and fairer”. The academic, who is himself a descendant of the Windrush generation, concludes: “Put simply, we no longer see a Britain where the system is deliberately rigged against ethnic minorities. The impediments and disparities do exist, they are varied, and ironically very few of them are directly to do with racism... The campaigners are now urging Dr Sewell to either amend the report or stand down.  “We believe that you must revisit your work and examine the data more closely, seek evidence from a wider variety of sources, consult experts in a credible way and start to draw conclusions based on the facts,” says the letter.  “If you cannot do that, then you should stand down from a commission that is meant to be investigating race and disparity to understand the current issues and how government and society can work together to address them.”"
If you don't like other's conclusions, bully people into accepting yours
Of course they're pretending that deporting people without documentation (or even asking for more documentation) is racially motivated, ignoring all the white people who face the same issue

How can anyone take the race lobby seriously? - "Following the release of the Sewell report on race and ethnic disparities, Britain’s race lobby has suffered quite the meltdown. Now an open letter calls on the government to reject the report outright, accusing its authors of pushing ‘a narrative that whitewashes over the daily challenges faced by black and .minoritised communities in this country’. But if the signatories are anything to go by, this is not a claim that needs to be taken seriously. One of the instigators of the letter is the Runnymede Trust, a race-equality think tank. Earlier this year, in an interview with the Guardian, its CEO, Dr Halima Begum, accused the government of pursuing a divisive ‘white nationalist’ agenda. She said it was prioritising the white working classes at the expense of non-white ethnic minorities in a bid to consolidate the Tories’ newfound support in Labour’s traditional heartlands. The government can be accused of many things, but it hardly makes sense to suggest it is committed to forging a white ethno-state. After all, this is an administration with an Indian-origin home secretary, who recently created an immigration route for millions of Hong Kong residents wishing to flee from Chinese state oppression and start a new life in the UK.   Another signatory is campaigner Patrick Vernon, who was the originator of the recent ‘100 Great Black Britons’ initiative. While legendary black British figures such as Sir Learie Constantine, Dame Shirley Bassey or Ainsley Harriott did not make the cut, identitarian race-baiters such as Labour MP Dawn Butler and Professor Kehinde Andrews did. In the wake of the killing of George Floyd, Butler stood up in the House of Commons and said it was time for the UK government to get it ‘knee off the neck of the black, African Caribbean, Asian and minority-ethnic community’. Andrews is a regular writer for the Guardian and author of The Psychosis of Whiteness. Andrews recently described acclaimed writer, broadcaster and anti-racist campaigner Trevor Phillips (also not included in the black Britons list) as an embodiment of the ‘modern-day Uncle Tom’. A number of Labour MPs have signed up to the Runnymede Trust’s letter as well, including Clive Lewis, who compared the (mainly non-white) authors of the race report to the Grand Wizards of the Ku Klux Klan, and David Lammy, who has a history of peddling racial conspiracy theories. After the tragic Grenfell Tower fire in west London, Lammy accused the authorities of under-reporting the number of deaths, as part of a covering-up of the death count. He had no evidence to support this claim. He then proceeded to attack Sir Martin Moore-Bick, the retired Court of Appeal judge appointed to lead the Grenfell inquiry, arguing that a ‘white, upper-middle-class man’ should not have been given the role.   Then there is UK Black Lives Matter. UK BLM strives for the eventual abolition of the police in the UK – even though fewer than one in five black Brits would support reduced investment in their local police force. In the past, UK BLM has accused schools of ‘criminalising’ black pupils. This is an utterly absurd allegation – especially given that exclusion rates for white and black pupils in England are remarkably similar. But as with many of the signatories, racial ideology and identity politics come ahead of the facts. Campaign group Don’t Divide Us has launched a ‘counter-letter’, of which I am a signatory. It argues that the Sewell report should be the subject of robust debate on matters of racial equality and social cohesion in Britain – not cancellation. To reject the report because its findings are an inconvenience to an identitarian worldview, on which the financial standing of many of these institutions depends, would be a major setback to the race-relations debate in our country... it could have better explored how faith-based bigotry can feed into ethnic disparities. And while the Sewell report asserts that the UK is the gold-standard example of a successful, white-majority, multi-ethnic democracy, usually Canada ranks higher on a range of indicators based on political trust, social cohesion and national belonging.   Whatever points of agreement or disagreement we may have with the Sewell report, however, we should be able to discuss its findings in a robust but civil manner, in the spirit of open debate.  Those demanding the outright rejection of the report are part of a divisive race lobby that has got away with peddling pseudo-intellectual race-based narratives for far too long. These ideologues must be challenged."

Race review chief Tony Sewell compared to Joseph Goebbels in social media abuse | News | The Times - "Tony Sewell, who chaired the review, has been likened on social media to Goebbels, Hitler’s propaganda chief, and the Ku Klux Klan... the Labour MP Clive Lewis tweeted a photo of a Ku Klux Klan member in response to a headline that said the commission found “no evidence of institutional racism”. He captioned the photo: “Move along. Nothing to see here. #RaceReport”. Priyamvada Gopal, a professor of postcolonial studies at Cambridge University, questioned Sewell’s credentials. She then tweeted: “Fair enough. Even Dr Goebbels had a research PhD.”... Baroness Lawrence of Clarendon, whose son, Stephen, was murdered in a racially motivated attack in 1993, told The Guardian that the report risked “giving the green light to racists”."
Racism against minorities is good when it advances the liberal agenda. Refusing to doctor a report is supposedly encouraging "racists"

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