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Monday, January 09, 2023

Links - 9th January 2023 (2 - Trans Mania)

Pennsylvania teacher is probed after bringing copy of Gender Queer book into class - "A teacher with the Hollidaysburg Area School District is being probed after allegedly bringing a copy of one of America's top challenged books 'Gender Queer' into her classroom.  School officials said they received complaints that a junior high teacher had displayed the controversial graphic novel on her desk.  An email posted to social media showed District Superintendent Robert Gildea informing parents that the school had 'directed' the teacher not to bring the book back to the school... 'I am of the opinion that the book is disturbing and not appropriate for children of any age'... The email followed the disgruntled post of one parent who hoped to 'notify all parents and guardians' about the book.  'My son is in 7th grade and a student of [the teacher] who teaches Reading Comprehension,' the post read.  'He told me that she had been bringing the book 'Gender Queer' into her class and displaying it on her desk.  'He first noticed it the beginning of September and he told me that he observed her many times reading the book to herself which was on top of her desk and open while he and his classmate's completed coursework.  'My son confirmed that other children also saw the book as well as her reading it in front of them... 'She was instructed to remove it permanently from school property. For those who are not familiar with this book, it contains images that are pornographic and others that meet the definition of pedophilia.  'The teacher also displays the gay pride flag in her classroom to promote her class as a 'safe space' and asked students the first week of school what their preferred pronouns were.  'One can only assume from these revelations and her actions, that she is encouraging discussion with her students about their sexuality and other related topics.' Parents were then encouraged to speak to their children to see if the Hollidaysburg Junior High teacher had exposed them to 'these images.'  'It is very distressing that this has been occurring at the school given the sexually pervasive images and content of this book and that she was reading it in front of students'... 'We are putting our trust in them to provide a safe environment for our children to learn and sadly this teacher is abusing her position and seeking to influence vulnerable youth.'... Not all agreed with this view however, one person commenting: 'It is NOT porn. Look it up. DO YOUR research.'... Kobabe's book has been criticized by parents across the country as it describes and illustrates sexual acts including oral sex and masturbation... In his petition against 'Gender Queer,' Altman cited content that illustrates 'two minors engaged in sexual intercourse,' among other actions."

Meme - "So apparently Miss. Stouffer who works at the Hollidaysburg Area School District, a 7th grade teacher decided it was a good idea to set this on her desk for her students to see! This is pornography that she's showing to children! Not only should she should be fired, which I'm going to do everything I can to make sure that happens, also the police should be involved!"
"For years my standard method of masturbation was stuffing a sock into the front of my pants and manipulating the bulge
This would evolve into hip-thrusting while thinking of my latest gay ship... *two men having sex*...
This is the *something* I'd been picturing *man giving another man a blowjob*
But I can't feel anything. This was MUCH HOTTER when it was only my imagination *man giving another man a blowjob*"

Meme - "ReyHabeas. Banned
User Banned (Permanent): Transphobic rhetoric; account in junior phase
She's not trans ffs. Her model is based on a body builder who is 100% female. Muscle doesnt always equal male."
On Abby from The Last Of Us
Anything that doesn't support the trans agenda is "transphobic"

Bernard Lane on Twitter - ""Australia’s top-ranked university amended its free speech policy following consultations with its transgender & gender-diverse community, & a forthcoming inclusivity policy could further override free speech rights." Wrongspeak=psychic harm"
Christians are now a minority in Australia, so the University of Melbourne should ban speech criticising Christianity

Sam Brinton: A story too ‘Good’ to be true? - "While this is a personal calamity for Brinton, the fallout faced by the LGBTQ community could have easily been avoided. The red flags regarding Brinton were overwhelming and obvious to all who cared to see them. Unfortunately, some of America’s top LGBTQ activists and organizations were willfully blind to Brinton’s shortcomings. These organizations, such as the Trevor Project and the National Center for Lesbian Rights, (NCLR) ignored clear warning signs and incontrovertible evidence because Brinton provided these groups with a seemingly perfect “ex-gay” survivor story to expose horrific conversion therapy practices and ideology...   I excitedly reached out to Brinton, and they were oddly inaccessible, communicating indirectly through intermediary LGBTQ activists in the Boston-area, where they were attending MIT. The reason for Brinton’s scarcity had to do with two simple questions I had asked them: Who was your conversion therapist and in which facility did the therapy occur?”...   Why was Sam Brinton the ONLY survivor of conversion therapy I’ve encountered since 1998 who refused to answer these questions? Not only had every other survivor provided this information willingly, but they were eager to fight back and shut down their own therapist or “ex-gay” minister... Despite these eyebrow-raising inconsistencies, and Brinton being the only survivor spokesperson who could not recall the name their therapist, major national organizations, such as the National Center for Lesbian Rights and the Trevor Project, elevated Brinton as the face of their anti-conversion therapy programs.  I personally warned NCLR that that they must verify Brinton’s testimony before using it. I said that if Brinton isn’t who they say they are, it would undermine our reputations and anti-conversion efforts. NCLR responded that “we must believe all survivors.”...   The reason we scrutinize potential spokespeople, is to protect the LGBTQ movement and ensure that we don’t offer media platforms to charlatans or elevate morally suspect people who would do something like steal luggage at an airport. But NCLR seemingly wanted a perfect anti-conversion story so much, that they were willfully blind to the glaring imperfections of the storyteller.  The media is also culpable in this scandal. In countless stories not a single reporter, from the world’s top publications, pressed Brinton to name their counselor. What kind of journalism is this?... This failure of modern journalism is a black eye for the profession. If they want respect, they must do better and not behave like third-rate hacks.    Finally, the utter shamelessness of Brinton themself is revealed by their unquenchable desire at self-promotion, even when it comes at the expense of the LGBTQ community they purport to represent. In their 2011 Queerty response, Brinton said, “I don’t want to be the poster-child for the anti-conversion movement.”  This claim was belied by Brinton doing two major interviews, one with USA Today and another with Yahoo Life, as late as Oct. 27, 2022, which occurred after being questioned by police for theft on October 9. One would think, given the dire circumstances, Brinton would be humbled and lie low. But apparently, the pull of the spotlight was too great to ignore.   In the cringeworthy Yahoo Life story, Brinton says, “I work on nuclear waste management where transparency, honesty and trust building are so critical.” But I guess not revealing they are in trouble for felony theft isn’t worth mentioning?"
Anyone asking questions was a bigot, so. Anyone who doesn't believe "survivors", especially if they are "minorities", is re-victimising them, denying the reality of lived and experience and is literally perpetuating violence
We're still going to be gaslit about how no one says to "believe all survivors", just like we are gaslit about how no one ever said "believe all women"
The people who believe Brinton doesn't want to be a poster child are the same people who believe the Sussexes want privacy, despite shamelessly seeking the spotlight

Meme - "When you check a box. Instead of a background *Sam Brinton*"

Non-binary Biden nuclear official stole woman's luggage at airport - "A Biden administration employee — and one of the federal government’s first gender non-binary officials — has been accused of stealing a traveler’s luggage from the Minneapolis airport in September.  Sam Brinton, the deputy assistant secretary for spent fuel and waste disposition at the Department of Energy’s Office of Nuclear Energy, was charged with felony theft after allegedly snatching a Vera Bradley suitcase reportedly worth $2,325 from baggage claim at the Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport... Brinton, who uses they/them pronouns, was captured on surveillance video grabbing the luggage and removing its ID tag identifying the owner... They were later seen using the Vera Bradley suitcase on at least two occasions"
Not too long ago they were celebrating him. But of course now he has nothing to do with non-binary people

Non-binary Biden nuclear official Sam Brinton fired after luggage theft charges - "The Department of Energy has fired a top nuclear waste official who happens to be non-binary and has been accused in a string of luggage thefts... The 35-year-old Biden administration deputy assistant secretary for spent fuel and waste disposition at the DOE’s Office of Nuclear Energy was reportedly canned after being charged with stealing a woman’s suitcase from a Minneapolis airport in September and another woman’s bag from a Las Vegas airport in July... The DOE hailed Brinton in June as a “well-known advocate for LGBTQ youth.”... Brinton faces up to five years in prison for the Minnesota theft and up to 10 years’ jail time for the Las Vegas heist."

Kate Hyde on Twitter - "Sam Brinton's style makes way more sense when you realize he's just wearing whatever he finds in other people's luggage."

Jo Swinson vs biological truth - "Liberal Democrat leader Jo Swinson is not known for taking a nuanced approach to issues. Brexit? Bollocks to it. Single-use plastics? Ban them. Differences in biological sex? Not really a thing.   The Lib Dems’ manifesto pledges on gender and equality have raised some eyebrows. The party promises ‘complete reform of the Gender Recognition Act’; it says it will ‘remove the requirement for medical reports, scrap the fee and recognise non-binary gender identities’. It will also bring in an ‘X’ gender option for passports, extend equality law to prevent discrimination against ‘gender identity and expression’, and require schools to introduce gender-neutral uniform policies.  In short, the Lib Dems have marked themselves out as the party that will heed the demands of extreme trans activists by reshaping laws, norms and truth itself... Swinson was asked if she believes that biological sex exists – that is, in the words of presenter Justin Webb, that ‘there are men and women, males and females’, and a ‘vanishingly small number of people who are indeterminate because of chromosomal abnormalities’.  Humbly repeating several times that she was ‘not a scientist’, Swinson insisted that things are not ‘as binary as is often presented’. She compared the discrimination against trans women – by which she means they are currently not legally allowed to become women through simple self-ID – to the treatment of gay people in the past. When pushed on the problem that automatic self-ID would compromise women-only spaces, including women’s refuges, Swinson said that individuals should be judged on a case-by-case basis. She was then asked about the physical difference between male and female bodies, particularly in terms of strength, and whether feminists are right to suggest that this is a good reason for keeping men out of women’s prisons or rape-crisis centres. Swinson replied: ‘I don’t think that there should be some kind of hierarchy of equality.’ She continued: ‘Trans women are some of the most vulnerable women in our society.’ It was a car-crash interview. Perhaps the most telling point was when Swinson tried to cast aspersions on those who raise critical questions about this issue – a tactic that will be familiar to anyone who has tried to have an open discussion about gender... Like most of their political plans, the Lib Dems’ views on gender identification are undemocratic and out of step with the majority view"
From 2019

♀️Jennifer Gingrich ✡️ on Twitter - "So the gunman who killed 5 ppl in a Colorado gay nightclub is now identified as "Mx. Aldrich", a nonbinary user of they/them pronouns. After 5 days of trans activists & even media blaming "TERFs" & @jk_rowling for his "hatred" of LGBTQ++ ppl, think any of them will apologize?"

Will the Colorado gay club shooting be prosecuted as a hate crime? - "advocates for the state’s LGBTQ+ community have little doubt, even though the laws surrounding bias crimes in Colorado are complicated and are the focus of some complaints by the groups they are designed to protect.  “A hate crime is what this is,” said April Owen, director at the Transgender Center of the Rockies, a community center that provides therapy, case management and support to nonbinary and transgender Coloradans. Owen said it would be a disservice if the shooting is not called a hate crime."
Whenever a "minority" suffers, it's a hate crime regardless of the motivation

Matt Walsh on Twitter - "The Colorado Springs shooter came out as non-binary and the story just went away. Evaporated into thin air. Amazing how that works."
Some people claim that he's not really non-binary. Weird. I thought we couldn't question people's identities

TUCKER CARLSON: This is the most transparent sort of political propaganda - "If you've been watching the news recently, the one thing you know for certain about the accused gunman in the massacre in Colorado over the weekend is that he was a crazed right-wing, anti-trans extremist. This is a man who was radicalized by this show and by the Twitter account Libs of TikTok to hate transgendered people and that's why this man walked into a bar, a gay bar, with a gun, and started murdering people.   He did that because he was taught by right-wing media outlets to despise and fear the non-binary community and that's why this show and Libs of TikTok must be hauled into court and bankrupted for what we've done so that we can never provoke this kind of horrifying violence ever again. That's the real lesson of this mass shooting.   That is what they've been telling you again and again and again on various news channels for the past three days... There are five dead people in a strip mall because that was the only place they felt safe as gay or trans people in this town of Colorado Springs.   So, it turns out it's the town's fault, too, because there are a lot of Christians, everybody knows, in Colorado Springs. So gay people feel terrified there because Christians are dangerous and all these terrified gay people were huddled together for safety when this Fox News addled, anti-trans bigot walked in and started shooting them for being trans folk. That was Ben Collins' "reporting."   Well, the only problem is not all the victims were gay. One of them, at least one of them, was at the club with his girlfriend. Oh, details, details. Ben Collins doesn't let details get in the way of an effective political attack, and it would have been an effective political attack had not reality interceded, but he doesn't care. Neither does the White House. Here's the White House telling you that because a non-binary person shut up a gay bar, you can't own a gun... honestly, we're a little surprised to learn that the anti-trans shooter is himself trans. Were you surprised by that, Pete Buttigieg, now that you're admitting you're gay after lying about it, since we're talking about identity, what do you have to say about that? Well, nothing weirdly. Pete Buttigieg hasn't said anything, nor does he apologize for attacking other people on false pretenses.   Guess who else hasn't apologized? Ben Collins or Brandy Zadrozny.    Yesterday they were accusing us of getting five people murdered. Now that the story they were telling has turned out to be a lie, the opposite of what they said it was, they're pretending that nothing has changed at all. They are liars, cold-blooded liars. It's amazing to watch... If you're against genital mutilation of children or bringing toddlers to drag shows, you're against the LGBTQ+ community. Well, of course, that's insane.  There's nothing anti-gay about that. Most gay people aren't in favor of genital mutilation or bringing toddlers to drag shows... CNN, for its part, is just denying that the shooter is really nonbinary. Couldn't be! It couldn't be! It just couldn't be true! So, they decided to continue misgendering Mx. Aldrich. Watch this... a guy was caught throwing a rock at a gay bar in Hell's Kitchen, New York, on camera. So, the media dutifully out interviewed the owner who said "It feels like yet another manifestation of hate against our community."   A lot of big social media accounts ran with that story. More hate, more hate. So then, this is a story that didn't get quite as much coverage, the police arrested the guy who did it. His name is Sean Kuilan, and he was upset because of a dispute involving a friend. He didn't target the place because it's a gay bar. In fact and we're quoting now from the rock thrower, "I'm gay myself.""

Tucker Carlson slammed for dismissing anti-LGBT+ motive in mass shooting at Colorado Springs gay club - "Fox News host Tucker Carlson has come under fire for dismissing the likelihood that anti-LGBT+ hate was behind the mass shooting at a Colorado Springs gay club where five persons were killed and another 18 sustained injuries... "So the most obvious question is why did he shoot 30 people? The truth is we don’t know"... "As for Aldrich's motive in shooting strangers, we can only guess and we are not going to guess because guessing would be dishonest and irresponsible... He falsely claimed that genital mutations are being committed on minors."
Only bigots want to have proper information before they rush to condemn their political opponents. Wanting to have more information means you are "dismissing" the left's pet theories
If the media says something is not happening, it isn't, even if peer-reviewed research reports it is

How young is too young: ethical concerns in genital surgery of the transgender MTF adolescent - "During the last decade, the age of youths presenting for gender confirmation has steadily fallen. Transgender adolescents are being treated with gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogues and subsequently cross-sex hormones at early or midpuberty, with genital surgery as the presumed final step in treatment for female-affirmed (male-to-female) individuals. Despite the minimum age of 18 as eligibility to undergo irreversible procedures, anecdotal reports show that vaginoplasties of female-affirmed patients under 18 have been performed by surgeons, thereby contravening the World Professional Association for Transgender Health Standards of Care."

What the research says about hormones and surgery for transgender youth - "As one interviewed surgeon put it, “Age is arbitrary. The true measures of how well a patient will do are based on maturity, discipline and support.”  Eleven of the 20 surgeons interviewed had performed such surgeries. Minors ranged in age from 15 to “a day before 18.” About two-thirds of surgeons interviewed believe that such decisions should be made on a case-by-case basis rather than in strict adherence with current WPATH guidelines, which advises to wait until 18 in the U.S."
TRAs will still gaslight us about how minors never undergo surgery

Meme - The Yaboiposting: "I could say the same about putting on a bunch of make up and a dress and then calling yourself a woman"
 Catwoman-Core @CatwomanCore: "calling yourself an artist bc you told a machine to draw something for you would be like if I called myself a chef for ordering a KitKat bar from a vending machine"

Meme - "I'm hella pissed btw. I was on a gore site (decent site tbh) because I was bored and wanted to watch something (yes I'm that fucked up if you didn't know me) and I saw they had some transgender people gore (hate crime stuff) but the people in the fucking comments were HELLA transphobic and kept misgendering the dead and saying they'd kill *t slur* or that they're disgusting and god never makes mistakes and have the surgeries is ruining your body. I think I'm going to stick to my normal gore site that's accepting."
Standards! Gore is good but offending liberal religion is bad

Meme - Daniel Goes: "I wish I could talk to my mother about this . So I was in the ladies room in McDonald's today when this male employee just comes in and starts cleaning. I flushed to toilet and he still didn't leave. It made me super uncomfortable. Am I over reacting or is that messed up. l am a transgender female and use the ladies room where I feel safer and this totally defeats the purpose"
Ironic. You can't clean a toilet because it makes someone feel uncomfortable, but you can use it even if it makes someone uncomfortable

Meme - Your Goddess @TransElevation: "I'm so glad we're so close to artificial wombs so cis women can finally go extinct~"
Trans women hate real women so much

For a man with autogynephilia, they may have a "transgender identity" rooted in sexual desire and erotic fixation. Autogynephilia falls under the paraphilic category of 'erotic target identity inversions': this person wants to transform into a copy of the thing to which they are sexually attracted [1]. In this case, the "thing to which they are sexually attracted" is: WOMEN"
Meme - "There's a critical difference between autogynephilia and most other sexual orientations: Most other orientations aren't erotically disrupted simply by being labeled. When you call a typical gay man homosexual, you're not disturbing his sexual hopes and desires. By contrast, autogynephilia is perhaps best understood as a love that would really rather we didn't speak its name. The ultimate eroticism of autogynephilia lies in the idea of really becoming or being a woman, not in being a natal male who desires to be a woman." - Alice Dreger, Galileo's Middle Finger"
Meme - "AUTOGYNEPHILIA: #1 TRANSVESTIC. Erotic arousal associated with the act or fantasy of wearing women's clothing. He may steal undergarments from a known female to wear himself, masturbate onto or just to sniff. He may be aroused at the sight of himself wearing women's clothing (incl. heels, bras, underpants, dresses or skirts, stockings). This can be looking in the mirror, viewing + photos of himself, or exhibitionistically posting these images on social media. If he is closeted, he may wear women's underwear and derive pleasure from orchestrated situations where his fetish is revealed to someone close to him who then becomes part of the fantasy."
Meme - "AUTOGYNEPHILIA: #2 BEHAVIOURAL. Arousal associated with the act or fantasy of engaging in female-typical behavior. He experiences sexual arousal being "feminine". E.g. putting on makeup, painting nails, shaving + legs, brushing hair or going clothes shopping "with the girls", attending "girls' sleepovers", perhaps even sitting on a toilet seat to urinate. Access to female only spaces provides the ultimate validation of womanhood, and with that comes erotic pleasure. He may describe "gender euphoria" when acting "like a bimbo" or "like a slut". This may atrract attention from men in the form of mild sexual harrassment (e.g. cat calls on the street), which most women would abhor, but for these men, it is sexually gratifying and welcome validation."
Meme - "AUTOGYNEPHILIA: #3 ANATOMICAL. Arousal associated with the fantasy or reality of having female anatomic features. He may have fantasies of having soft, feminine skin, womanly curves, being penetrated in his non-existent vagina. He may wear oversized fake breasts or seek access to hormones and cosmetic surgeries to feminise his body for the purpose of sexual arousal ("gender euphoria"). E.g. breast implants, brazilian butt lift / butt implants, facial feminisation surgery, penis removal, creation of a neovagina ("gender affirming treatment"). He may exhibitionistically post lewd photos of his body online, equally aroused by a viewers' validation or disgust."
Meme - "AUTOGYNEPHILIA: #4 PHYSIOLOGICAL. Arousal associated with the fantasy or simulation of being pregnant, menstruating, or lactating. He may enjoy having a "period" (side effects of HRT) and may create false evidence of a period. He may steal tampons from bins or female housemates out of sexual interest. He may become jealous of a female partner or friend if they are pregnant, and accuse them of being insensitive when they share information about their own experience of pregnancy. He may simulate pregnancy with a fake bump and generate fake contractions using abdominal muscle stimulation. He may find it arousing to breastfeed babies and, if he has none, may ask a mother for access to her baby for "gender affirmation"."

Meme - "Ellie when her neighbor calls her a slur while drunk but genuinely apologizes and makes her yummy sandwiches *angry*
Ellie when a complete stranger murders her father right in front of her
I forgive you."
On the last of us

Meme - "I wonder why she likes anal so much?"
"Did you check for a vagina?"

Indiana parents lose custody after court rules not 'affirming' child's gender identity is 'abuse' - "The Court of Appeals in Indiana on Friday upheld a trial court’s decision to remove from a family’s home their child because the parents did not acknowledge their child’s transgender identity, and the child began suffering from anorexia. The court determined that the refusal to go along with the child's gender identity constituted abuse.  Parents MC and JC filed an appeal against an Initial/Detention Order claiming that the Dispositional order, as well as the trial court’s prior order, are "erroneous," and violate their constitutional rights to care, custody, and control of their child, as well as their right to exercise their religion, as well as their freedom of speech. The court ruled that the parents’ appeal was "moot," and declined to address it."
Liberals will still claim that it's fake news that your kids can be taken away if you don't use their preferred pronouns

The Shockingly Convincing Argument That Severus Snape Is Transgender - "As Hogwarts' potions teacher, Professor Snape reveals her personal appreciation for the power of potion making in the first book, telling students that "there will be no foolish wand-waving" in her class. In 2011, author Racheline Maltese wrote a compelling, iconic essay about Snape as a female heroine, noting that Snape's seemingly insignificant comment about wands here is actually an early indication to the reader that "this character is, on some level, a rejection of masculinity, especially in light of the many moments of phallic humor wands provide us throughout the series." When Snape tells the class that she doesn't "expect you will really understand the beauty of the softly simmering cauldron with its shimmering fumes, the delicate power of liquids that creep through human veins," she invokes classically feminine witchcraft symbolism... "Snape's affinity to potions and her incredible talent have also been interpreted as an effort to find a magical way to transition."  "I like the idea of a teenage Snape researching and modifying potions" Fatuma said. "Not for the fame and money—but to be able to make a potion that can help her transition without side effects." Ensnapingthesenses pointed out that there are potions to "alter one's appearance, and others change physical attributes potentially forever, so how could this not be a very strong contender for magical HRT?"... Snape essentially becomes Harry's surrogate mother... "Harry and Snape's relationship reminds me more of the interactions between a teenage girl and her mom, where both have anger management issues because they literally reflect it from each other'... The fact that the doe is also Lily's Patronus both relates to the fact that Snape replaces Lily in motherhood, but also that Snape, in addition to loving Lily, may have wanted to become a woman like Lily."

Meme - "Prince Eric: My top surgery went really well
Ariel (The Little Mermaid): That's great! My bottom surgery is next week.
Both: I can't believe we're both goth and trans!
Sebastian: I'm a communist"

Moment trans singer Jordan Gray strips NAKED live on Channel 4 - "Jordan Gray, who was assigned male at birth and has been open about undergoing her transition, appeared on Friday Night Live on Channel 4 yesterday.  In her sketch, she sang an expletive-filled song about her experience as a trans woman."

De-transitioners warn of growing levels of online vitriol, doxxing, harassment and death threats - "Tensions between trans activists and de-transitioners spiked this month at a meeting of Florida's medical board, where sex change interventions for children were restricted. Insults were hurled, bomb threats were posted online. Trans rights activists shouted over their opponents at the hearings, called out 'bigot' and 'shame on all of you', and vowed to dox board members, by publishing their private phone numbers and other details online... Trans people eschew de-transitioners for 'invalidating their narrative,' Cat Cattinson, a de-transitioner from northern California, told DailyMail.com.   'I've seen the level of hate really escalate to the point that any time a new de-transitioner shares their story online, they get dogpiled by thousands of trans activists, bullied, ridiculed, and of course death threats,' said Cattinson.   'For every de-transitioner with a public platform, the new trend has been to call us liars and grifters and just try to invalidate everything we say.'... A spokesman for the board said they had to draft extra law enforcers and hired a private security firm for the controversial hearings, as various social media users threatened to 'mail pipe bombs' to the 14-member panel... 'It wasn't just this last meeting. It's been every meeting we've conducted on this issue.'... A detransitioner who goes by the name Shape Shifter also spoke in Florida. The 32-year-old from Massachusetts says he was 'brainwashed' into believing he was female and undergoing chest surgery, a penis removal and the creation of a 'neo-vagina'.  He soon regretted the procedures, which led to fistula and other devastating consequences. He says he realized he was simply a gay man who liked showing his feminine side, and began to detransition.  He told DailyMail.com he was 'still in shock' from the vitriol he experienced in Florida, where trans activists called him a 'Nazi', 'fascist' and a DeSantis lackey who was paving the way for the 'genocide of trans kids'... Sinéad Watson, from Scotland, began her medical female-to-male transition in 2015 at age 24, but was regretting her full mastectomy and other procedures within three years. She stopped taking testosterone in 2019 as she detransitioned.  She this week told her 45,000 Twitter followers about how her public statements about reverting to female were met with claims that she was a 'liar, fake, shill and (funniest of all) a right-wing Christian sock'.  'I was sent rape and death threats,' she posted.  'I was called a hideous freakshow. Hundreds of accounts with anime and furry pfps told me it was such a shame that my last suicide attempt had failed. I deserved to suffer.'"
No wonder there're so few of them who are out. Of course trans logic is that "stigma" only works one way; not saying yes to everything TRAs demand is literally denying they exist, but they can pretend detransitioners don't exist

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