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Sunday, January 08, 2023

Links - 8th January 2023 (1 - Feminism)

This Netherlands city is campaigning against sexual harassment by catcalling unsuspecting men in the street - "The municipality of Utrecht is kicking off a campaign against sexual harassment on the street on Friday by catcalling men as they walk…  A woman on a screen will catcall men as they walk the streets around Stadhuisburg between 3:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. on Friday. Municipal employees will approach the men who got catcalled to talk to them about the campaign's purpose and ask how they feel about it.  The campaign's kick-off is deliberately confrontational and abrasive, a spokesperson for the municipality said." "I'm sorry, but have you met men?  Because they're going to love this.  And I guarantee the post-catcall interviews are going to be comedy gold...  if Utrecht really wanted to make a difference, they'd put a big burly guy out there on the street and have him do the catcalling. That would actually work, though I bet they'd get in trouble from the LGBT peeps."
Apparently it's wrong to catcall men but not women

Not enough parasitic worms named after women, say experts - "After scouring studies published between 2000 and 2020, a team of scientists studying parasitic organisms found that of the 596 species named after eminent scientists, only 111 were named after women...   The scientists blamed “etymological nepotism and cronyism” in choosing the names, arguing that taxonomists tend to name newly discovered species after family members and close friends — a problem, they claim, that has only increased over the past two decades.  The parasitologists warned that scientists who name species after celebrities may regret doing so in the event that those individuals suffer a “fall from grace,” presumably through cancel culture that’s become dominant in today’s social landscape."
We were told it was misogynistic to name hurricanes after women. Clearly if there's anything other than an exact 50-50 split, it's misogyny. But how to account for the millions of other genders?
Apparently non-celebrities won't suffer a fall from grace thanks to cancel culture

New Parent Asks Friend To Wear Bra To Meet Nipple-Grabbing Baby: AITA - "Redditor throwawayaitabra tried to prepare her friend for her first visit with her baby by pointing out that her baby was grabby during her breastfeeding stage.  But when her friend insisted she was sexualizing and policing her body, the Original Poster (OP) wasn’t sure what to think...
"“She grabbed my son from me and within 5 minutes he had a death grip on her nipples and she jumped up, screamed in pain, and pulled him off of her.”  “We argued, and in the midst of our arguing, she suggested that I should teach my son to not grab nipples, but he is just a baby.”  “I said, ‘That’s why I suggested a bra.'”  “This made her even madder and she said, ‘No, you suggested that because you’re a misogynist.'”""

Meme - "Feminists when a guy comments on a woman's body/brea$ts
Feminists when
"Small D energy"
"Tell me you have tiny D without telling me you have tiny D"

Meme - Mattia Nelles @mattia_n: "Russian-Ukrainian Negotiations are underway. Just, look at the *Ukrainian* delegation #Ukraine"
Helen Back @HelenBat6838378: "Where are the women?"
Jojo Of The Northstar @Stoic Analyst: "Bet you didn't ask that question when men between the ages of 18-60 were forced to stay at war zone while women were flown away from danger."

In Defence of the New York Times: The Origins of Science-Fiction - "in November 2021, the New York Times got a fair bit of blow-back, after putting out a tweet about H.G. Wells inventing the genre of science-fiction... Numerous very angry people responded by screaming about Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein (1818), which predates Wells by a good seven decades. Others, more pedantically, cited the likes of Lucian of Samosata, or Edgar Allan Poe, or various other, more obscure, candidates... in genre terms, I actually agree with them. Horror of horrors. You see, at the heart of this is a paradox, and a truism about publishing:
You don’t invent a genre by writing something yourself. You invent a genre by writing something yourself, and then having other people consciously write (and publish) within the territory you first staked out – until the genre is recognised as a matter of course. Strange as it sounds, no-one deliberately creates a literary genre, while shoe-horning in ‘predecessor’ works becomes both tempting and dangerously anachronistic once a genre has become established. A ‘genre-inventor’ is thus less about the characteristics of a work, and more about the tipping-point when such works reach the critical mass of recognition.
Genres are not defined by writers. They are defined by publishers. The notion of genre is really a short-hand way of communicating to readers that they might like a particular book, on the basis of its similarity to another one.
Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein only looks like science-fiction because we now have a designated genre of science-fiction. Viewed purely in terms of the early nineteenth century, Shelley was operating within the pre-existing genre of Gothic Horror, itself descended from Horace Walpole’s Castle of Otranto (1764). Frankenstein is unquestionably an ancestor of science-fiction, but the commercial market realities that now cause works to be labelled ‘science-fiction’ did not exist yet, and would not exist until the time of Wells. This is also why Gothic Horror itself – or even George MacDonald and Lewis Carroll – tends to be differentiated from the likes of William Morris and Lord Dunsany, in terms of looking at the invention of modern fantasy literature.  The same phenomenon applies to other cited candidates. Edgar Allan Poe was particularly keen on literary hoaxes, and his proto-science-fiction needs to be seen in that context. Johannes Kepler’s Somnium was certainly what TV Tropes would consider an ‘ur-example’, a work that predates the genre it can now be categorised as, but it did not birth a distinct genre, not when the likes of Sir Thomas More’s Utopia had already mixed travellers tales with speculative ideas. Or even Dante’s Divine Comedy. We are talking the soil from which science-fiction eventually sprang, and I dare say the latter could not exist without the former, but one should not confuse tree and soil. And as for Lucian of Samosata, I have already argued that his satirical vision – while speculative – does not constitute science-fiction, even of the Douglas Adams variety"

Kids, Fight, Violence and Toxic: No, not like that - FML - "Today, after my 10 year-old son asked what equal rights were and I'd explained it means you treat everyone the same, this morning he punched a girl who's been bullying him so hard, he broke her tooth, because, "Equal rights: if she was a boy I'd have hit her before, but equal rights says it doesn't matter if she's a girl, so I hit her." FML"

The Injustice of Formal Gender Equality in Sentencing - "Merely denouncing sexism in sentencing without examining the effect of so-called gender-neutral sentencing ultimately operates to the detriment of women whose lives are shaped by the existing gender social structure"
Equality is sexist. War is peace. Power relations means never having to say you're sorry

Meme - "Me, a greedy CEO, on my way to hire mostly men for high paid jobs even though I could apparently pay women 30% less for the same exact job just because I hate women more than I love profit"

Meme - "Emma Watson to speak about Feminism in Front of the UN *men looking at her butt*"

The real reason that so many women have to spend so much time getting ready - The Washington Post - "Like past studies, the research showed that attractive people tended to earn higher salaries. But that wasn’t all. Their research suggested that grooming – practices such as applying makeup and styling hair and clothing -- was actually what accounted for nearly all of the salary differences for women of varying attractiveness. For men, grooming didn’t make as much of a difference."
People are evaluated with respect to their sex and since in women the attractiveness arms race already exists outside of work...
Since feminists say that you shouldn't tell women to make themselves less vulnerable since that just means that criminals will prey on other women, clearly women at work should all stop grooming

Dan Wootton on Twitter - "I would never think of censoring my guests, certainly not during The Clash debate. But that’s exactly what feminist comedian Kate Smurthwaite expected during a debate with Kellie-Jay Keen last night. Another example of the ‘Be Kind’ hard-left in action…"

Nine out of 10 people found to be biased against women - "Almost 90% of people are biased against women, according to a new index that highlights the “shocking” extent of the global backlash towards gender equality."
The fact that gender norms are universal shows the power of "patriarchy"
Naturally, though this is all marketed as being about "gender equality", it's entirely about "bias" against women

Islamophobia undermines and weakens women’s rights - "One of the drivers of Islamophobia, according to both El Sheikh and Sisemore, is the media’s portrayal of Muslim women as downtrodden and needing to be saved by Western culture and ideals. Sisemore pinned this attitude on “liberal and imperialist feminism” — an extension of Western imperialist ideology — that feeds into a false and dangerous narrative of Muslim women in need of saving from violent and oppressive Muslim men. This feminist narrative has helped politicians garner public support to justify the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan... It is true that in some countries women must wear head coverings or need to be chaperoned outside the house. And it is also true that in Afghanistan, women are being prevented from working, and the Taliban is brutally cracking down on women’s protests. However, Sisemore argued the media tend to emphasize these stories. “I think part of the issue is that the world needs to look like the United States”... the countries with the largest Muslim populations — Indonesia, Pakistan, India and Bangladesh — all have elected women prime ministers, while the United States is yet to elect a woman as president. The current prime minister of Bangladesh is Sheikh Hasina, a 74-year-old woman who has been in office since 2009.  Elsheikh remarked that in Afghanistan before the invasion of the Soviets and the intervention of the United States with the mujahideen, women held several important positions in government. He added that he comes from a Muslim country in the heart of Africa, and “our women led the struggle against dictatorship, against invasion. So I really reject completely this idea that Muslim women are oppressed in Islamic societies. There are people oppressed in Western democracies and women in particular. Today we see how Texas tried to strip away the right of women to have ownership of her body.” How do we contextualize that, El Sheikh asked?"
I'm sure Afghan women are glad to not be able to go to school now once again under the Taliban
Apparently women's rights is cultural imperialism (since non-liberal feminism is okay with women being oppressed under Islam)
And we have the usual pretence that women politicians from political dynasties is a triumph for feminism, and whataboutism (which is good when liberals use it - but not even correctly, since they make false equivalences)

The Rise of Lonely, Single Men - "Dating opportunities for heterosexual men are diminishing as relationship standards rise.
Men represent approximately 62% of dating app users, lowering their chances for matches.
Men need to address skills deficits to meet healthier relationship expectations...
I hear recurring dating themes from women between the ages of 25 and 45: They prefer men who are emotionally available, who are good communicators, and who share their values."
I saw lots of feminists and women gloating over this. Most men deserve contempt in their eyes (they also taunt MGTOW, telling them to man up and marry). Of course, hypocrisy and lying about how they don't hate men aside, they fail to consider the consequences for social stability
It is interesting that female mate choice is not questioned. So much for "patriarchy"

Meme - "Tara Gordon: "I don't think you get it. No one has the right to touch another person period. End of story"
Andrew Tuohy: "Got it. I'll never shake someone's hand again."
Mitch McQueen: "According to feminists, you need their consent to even say hello. How you get that consent when you can't even say hello, is problematic, but it's what they want."
Saying hello to a woman is considered "catcalling" after all, according to that viral "catcalling" video

TBS Cancels Samantha Bee’s Show—Making Late-Night TV Nearly All Male Again - "Late-night program Full Frontal With Samantha Bee was canceled Monday after seven seasons on cable network TBS, ending one of the few late-night television talk shows hosted by a woman... Besides Full Frontal, only a handful of late night shows have been helmed by women in recent years. Female comedian Lilly Singh had a short run on NBC with A Little Late from 2019 to 2021, while Busy Phillipps hosted Busy Tonight on E! from 2018 to 2019, and comedian Ziwe hosts an eponymous talk show on Showtime. Amber Ruffin, a breakout star from Seth Meyers’ show, also has a talk show on NBC’s streaming service Peacock. Chelsea Handler, who hosted Chelsea Lately on E! for seven seasons and recently subbed in for Jimmy Kimmel, said she would be interested in returning to late-night TV. Joan Rivers—who frequently filled in for Johnny Carson on the Tonight Show—became the first woman to host a late-night show on a major network in 1986, with a show on Fox that lasted less than a year, while other groundbreaking female late-night hosts have included Mo’Nique, Kathy Griffin and Robyn Thede, all of whom briefly hosted shows on cable networks."
Clearly networks hate women more than they love money

penfairy: zetsubouloli: penfairy: Women have... - Herald-Adaar - "Women have more power and agency in Shakespeare’s comedies than in his tragedies, and usually there are more of them with more speaking time, so I’m pretty sure what Shakespeare’s saying is “men ruin everything” because everyone fucking dies when men are in charge but when women are in charge you get married and live happily ever after... One of the most important aspects of the Puritan/Protestant revolution (in the 1590’s in particular) was the foregrounding of marriage as the most appropriate way of life. It often comes as a surprise when people learn this, but Puritans took an absolutely positive view of sexuality within the context of marriage. Clergy were encouraged to lead by example and marry and have children, as opposed to Catholic clergy who prized virginity above all else. Through his comedies, Shakespeare was promoting this new way of life which had never been promoted before. The dogma, thanks to the church, had always been “durr hburr women are evil sex is bad celibacy is your ticket to salvation.” All that changed in Shakespeare’s time, and thanks to him we get a view of the world where marriage, women, and sexuality are in fact the key to salvation. The difference between the structure of a comedy and a tragedy is that the former is cyclical, and the latter a downward curve. Comedies weren’t stupid fun about the lighter side of life. The definition of a comedy was not a funny play. They were plays that began in turmoil and ended in reconciliation and renewal. They showed the audience the path to salvation, with the comic ending of a happy marriage leaving the promise of societal regeneration intact. Meanwhile, in the tragedies, there is no such promise of regeneration or salvation. The characters destroy themselves. The world in which they live is not sustainable. It leads to a dead end, with no promise of new life. And so, in comedies, the women are the movers and shakers. They get things done. They move the machinery of the plot along. In tragedies, though women have an important part to play, they are often morally bankrupt as compared to the women of comedies, or if they are morally sound, they are disenfranchised and ignored, and refused the chance to contribute to the society in which they live. Let’s look at some examples"
Of course, this is just literary logic

Feminist gets owned on live TV : pussypassdenied - "Kate: --really have a right to be treated respectfully.
Host: We are unfortunately running out of time, but Peter I just want to get one final thought from you. Are there words that are used to describe men that offend you?
Peter: Uh, not particularly, and if there were some I don't like I certainly wouldn't want them banned. But, do you know? It always goes back to that old adage: sticks and stones may break my bones, but there will always be some things to offend a feminist.
Host: Peter--
Kate: Th-th-that's just obnoxious. Sorry, no, no -- you have to give me a chance to respond to that. THAT IS RIDICULOUS!
Peter: [silence, massive grin]
Kate: That -- no -- hang on -- I won't do your show again if you don't let me respond to that!
Host: Go on, Kate, final word.
Kate: Come on, that is ridiculous. I mean, first of all -- that -- like -- [falling over her words in anger] -- to allow somebody on air, this is a women's rights movement!"
She sure showed him he was wrong

Female Inmates and Sexual Assault - "The rate of inmate-on-inmate sexual victimization [PDF] is at least 3 times higher for females (13.7%) than males (4.2%)"
This is based on data published in 2012, so it can't be due to trans women. So much for the myth of female benevolence that feminists love to perpetuate (e.g. claiming that lesbians can control themselves, so women's dress isn't the issue - they pretend the lesbian domestic violence statistics don't exist)

Culturally-induced chemical castration – the unspoken cause of the low-testosterone epidemic? - "Can feminist decrees about what should boys and men consider as appropriate for them to think, see, feel and engage in, affect how their testosterone level is modulated when they interact with women, and inhibit it by forbidding them from ever regarding women sexually, except when rarely permitted by feminism? One study described in the review provided by Goldey and van Andres suggests that the answer is certainly yes: men in a rural Dominican community had lower testosterone when interacting with the female partner of a close friend, as compared to the levels when interacting with an unpartnered woman (Flinn et al. 2012), demonstrating that social norms are definitely capable of regulating whether interactions with women will elevate testosterone levels or not... If such an effect exists, we would expect that in men who undergo higher exposure to feminism and to feminist prohibitions there will be lower testosterone levels and increased prevalence of impotence. Indeed, in February, 2022, a new study titled, Men’s Feminist Identification and Reported Use of Prescription Erectile Dysfunction Medication reported that, “Feminist-identified men were substantially more likely to report erectile dysfunction medication (EDM) use than non-feminist men, even after controlling for alcohol use before sex, erection difficulties, sexual arousal, sexual health, mental health, and physical health”. While one may want to speculate that men with lower testosterone who suffer from impotency might be in the first place more prone to finding their way into an environment where the feminist influences are harsher, this would be a rather improbable explanation for the results, compared to the obvious conclusion that it is the level of exposure to feminist prohibitions that caused the men in the study to become testosterone-deficient and impotent, since no association was found between these outcomes, and predictors that might point to a pre-existing vulnerability"

Meme - "2012
Angry liberal woman: END GENITAL MUTILATION
*Brown and black men*"
*Angry liberal woman*"

Liberal woman *feminist as fuck*: "Oh poor fucking privileged straight, white male. Boohoo baby."
Liberal woman's room: *Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind*
*Mental Health Awareness*
*Tolerance. Believe in it*
*Pride flag*

Meme - Joe197 @mdx3232: "Single women aged 22-30, are outearning single men aged 22-20 by 8%. Shut the fuck up already with your feminist bullshit wage gap lies."
TakeDownMRAs @TakedownMRAS: "And guess what happens in every year other than those 8."
Sarah @ltamer: "Are they really paid 8% more than men doing the same job? Or are they just more mature & taking on better jobs that their male peers?"
"It's ABSOLUTELY AMAZING how quickly feminists can understand the wage gap when the tables are turned..."

Feminist refers to spouse as ‘wer’ because she doesn’t like ‘husband’ | Toronto Sun - "Audra Fitzgerald, 26, who happens to have a degree in linguistics, explained in a recent TikTok that the word “husband” has sexist connotations... Fitzgerald, who goes by @feminfitz on social media, also explained she isn’t a fan of the word “spouse” because it’s not a word she uses often, plus it “sounds generic.”  She added: “Partner is always great but it’s not always marriage-specific, and sometimes you have to make it clear just for legal reasons whether or not you’re married to someone.”  So with no other options left, she decided to seek her trusty Old English dictionary to find the proper label. Fitzgerald unearthed that the male equivalent for “wife” isn’t “husband” but actually “wer” — as in “werewolf.”...   “It’s cool, but you mentioned you don’t use partner much as it sometimes requires elaboration,” he said. “Would this not always require elaboration?”"

Meme - "Any world event - *happens*
French feminists - *topless*"

Gender-Based Pricing in Consumer Packaged Goods: A Pink Tax? - "This paper provides evidence on price disparities for personal care products targeted at different genders using a national dataset of grocery, convenience, drugstore, and mass merchandiser sales. We find that women’s products are more expensive in some categories (e.g., deodorant) but less expensive in others (e.g., razors). Further, in an apples-to-apples comparison of women’s and men’s products with similar ingredients, the women’s variant is less expensive in three out of five categories. Our results call into question the need for and efficacy of recently proposed and enacted legislation mandating price parity across gendered products"
Yet more evidence that the pink tax is a feminist myth

Meme - "Hi, my name is Succesful Hollywood Actress, and I'm here to lecture YOU about the wage gap and how much more privilege you have than me *man in construction hat*"

THE AMAZONS AMONG US - The Washington Post - "SINCE AT least the 19th century, feminists have declared that if only we had female leaders, war and domestic aggression would greatly recede. At first glance, this supposition seems plausible... There is ample evidence -- not just in the domain of biology but in the chronicles of human history -- to suggest that this idealistic picture of women is delusional... They are plenty aggressive, however, not only directly but as agitators working behind the scenes. To attribute violence solely to the over-testosteroned men among us is to misunderstand the complexities of the female role in our society, and to underestimate a woman's propensity for committing savage acts.  Evidence of female brutality is everywhere, and often in places where you might least expect it: the world of our closest relatives in the primate family, for example, creatures with whom we share as much as 98 percent of our DNA...   The mother of the dead baby was a member of the pongid lower class, whose members the gorilla aristocrats scorned and bullied. Fossey concluded that the head female and her daughter had killed the infant and eaten it. There was more than mere cruelty behind this murder. Effie, the patrician female who had apparently spearheaded the crime, was pregnant. Three days after the incident, she gave birth to a baby of her own. Through infanticide, she had become the only female with four children at one time. She had ensured that she and her brood would be the tribe's ruling class and had turned the entire band into a support mechanism for her progeny. In evolutionary terms, she had successfully optimized the survival of her genes... females can be as much a part of the apparatus that triggers male violence as men themselves. Nobel Prize-winning ethnologist Konrad Lorenz described a common behavior in several species of ducks. The female runs to the edge of her husband's territory and tries to provoke another male duck, then dashes back to her mate and looks back over her shoulder at the enraged rival in the hope that her consort will become jealous and stir up a fight. Many are the human females who have tried to stir up a similar fight. Among them are the women of the Yanomamo tribe in South America's Orinoco basin, who not only egg their men on to battle, but reward those who pile up the greatest number of victims by offering themselves as wives.   Women encourage killers in other ways as well. They do it by falling in love with warriors and heroes. Men know it, and respond with overwhelming enthusiasm...   When females do employ more direct tactics against their assailants, as women increasingly are wont to do, society often applauds. Lorena Bobbitt cut off her husband's penis and became a cultural icon to many women, who raised their hands in a modified victory salute -- a V terminated with a snipping motion -- to honor her deed. The hunger of women to celebrate their more violent side was reflected in the success of films like "Thelma and Louise" and a host of others featuring what author Barbara Ehrenreich called "warrior-women" -- Sigourney Weaver in "Alien," Linda Hamilton in "Terminator II" and Sharon Stone, first in "Basic Instinct" and more recently in "Diabolique."... Let's face reality. Our enemy is not masculinity or femininity, but human nature. It is useless for women to blame violence on men. And it would be futile for men to blame violence on women. Violence is built into both of us. When Margaret Thatcher constructed a fleet of nuclear submarines and triumphed in the Falklands War, when Indira Gandhi led a military campaign against Pakistan, jailed her opponents and suspended civil liberties, and when women became the primary leaders of assassination squads sent out by Peru's Shining Path guerrilla movement, these members of the distaff sex were not behaving in a manner distinctly male, nor were they behaving in a manner distinctly female. They weren't even obeying a set of impulses that are uniquely human"

Why TV’s craze for gimmicky historical dramas needs to end - "Channel 5’s version of feminism involves constantly portraying Anne as sexually coercive, and making her kiss her rival Jane Seymour. “I want to take a moment to talk with you, woman to woman,” Anne demands, before snogging Jane. “Yes, I can see the appeal,” she then purrs. Seriously? It’s a dispiriting trend: we also saw an exhausting amount of faux-sapphic embraces in Emily Mortimer’s recent adaptation of The Pursuit of Love for the BBC - which seemed more interested in lingering on its lithe female leads in the bath together than capturing Nancy Mitford’s peerless wit and satire. t’s a dispiriting trend: we also saw an exhausting amount of faux-sapphic embraces in Emily Mortimer’s recent adaptation of The Pursuit of Love for the BBC - which seemed more interested in lingering on its lithe female leads in the bath together than capturing Nancy Mitford’s peerless wit and satire."

Female And Non-Binary Uber Drivers Will Now Be Able To Refuse Rides From Male Passengers In Australia - "Female and non-binary Uber drivers are now able to refuse trips from male passengers in Australia under the launch of the new Women Rider Preference... Director of Driver and Marketplace for Uber Australia Emma Foley said the new feature is intended to make female and non-binary drivers feel safe, especially when working in the evening."
Predatory men can just identify as non-binary
What if you don't feel safe riding with people of certain races?

Meme - UN Women @UN_Women: "Of all journalists killed in 2021, 11% were women. In 2020, this was 6%. (Source: @UNESCO). On the International Day to #Endimpunity for Crimes against Journalists, let us say out loud: STOP TARGETING WOMEN JOURNALISTS #ProtectJournalists"
Weird. I thought gender gaps were evidence of sexism. Feminism isn't about gender equality, but female supremacy

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