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Thursday, January 12, 2023

Links - 12th January 2023 (1)

Meme - "Don't judge me based on my social media. Im much more evil in real life cuz there's no community guideline stopping me"

Meme - *Michael Myers having doggy style sex with woman in fishnet outfit and Ghostface Scream mask*

Meme - *Colonel Sanders lookalike at food court in front of KFC sign*

Meme - "You have seen Elf On The Shelf, now get ready for:
*Spock on a cock on the Rock wearing a lock and rainbow socks holding a glock and a wok full of gagh on a statue of Bach on a dock in a Loch*"

Meme - "Butter Flavored butter
Contains no butter"

Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ on Twitter - "Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools is promoting a book on "the ins and outs of gay sex" to 7th-graders. "Rub the head of his cock back and forth with your hand ... in order to be able to cum at all you or your partner may need to finish off with a handy."
School districts should adopt a simple policy: pornographic and sexually explicit content is not permitted in the classroom and the school library.  That's not a "book ban"—it's a common-sense, age-appropriate restriction supported by 79% of the public."
I'm surprised 12% of Americans want "books containing explicit sexual depictions of sex acts" in public middle school libraries
Grooming and indoctrination are far right conspiracy theories and myths

House of the Dragon star claims cast were filming '69-ing' scenes for 12 hours - "Milly revealed she laid eyes on the shocking scene for the first time during filming after being taken to the location by director Clare Kilner, who “made sure that we hadn't seen any of the brothel stuff” before the shoot."

Woman allegedly acted as goddess, forced 5 ‘devotees’ to eat faeces as punishment; faces 50 charges - "A 52-year-old woman who allegedly pretended to be the embodiment of a Indian goddess was handed several extra charges last week for offences such as forcing her "devotees" to eat human faeces and pulling out their teeth.  Woo May Hoe now faces a total of 50 charges, which include cheating, causing hurt by means of a harmful substance and causing grievous hurt...   Court documents also detailed several offences that Woo supposedly committed against a woman, now aged 43:
Forced her to jump from the second floor of the Ubi Techpark building. She fractured both ankles
Used a pair of pliers to forcibly extract the victim’s tooth
Stabbed her forearm with a pair of scissors
Hit her face with a bundle of canes, damaging her eye
Hit her head and hand with a paint roller brush, fracturing her little finger
Hit her head with a bottle and twisted her ear, causing it to bleed
Poured essential oils into an eye, causing a “corneal abrasion”
Woo then allegedly instructed another woman to pull out the victim’s teeth and hit her buttocks with a mop.
In addition to physical abuse, Woo is accused of cheating several victims of millions of dollars."

#trending: Viral video shows ants working together to move necklace in 'gold heist' - "The ants previously drew the attention of Twitter users in March last year, when Indian Police Service officer Dipanshu Kabra first shared the video on his Twitter account. His video, captioned "Smallest Gold Smugglers", gathered more than 12,500 views. Video licensing company ViralHog said that the incident occurred on Jan 16, 2021 in Ernakulam, the central district of Kochi in Kerala state in south-west India.  ViralHog wrote: "Mum's jewellery was missing, searched the whole house for it, finally found it being smuggled by ants."... another ViralHog video shared on YouTube in August 2018 — viewed more than 1.79 million times — caught "an ant casually rolling a diamond away in the office of a diamond wholesaler" at New York City in the United States... Indian news agency Asian News International reported that a bag of gold jewellery worth Rs 5 lakhs (more than S$8,800) had been "recovered from (the) clutches of rats in a gutter" in Mumbai.  The bag of gold had been mistakenly thrown into a garbage dump, and surveillance footage captured rats later transporting it to a gutter."

Man sends remote-control car out to pick up dinner from Ghim Moh coffee shop - "The video, uploaded by a TikTok user known as "Steve Ho", shows footage taken from a 360-degree camera — the Insta360 One X2... TikTok users have responded with praise and admiration for Mr Ho's inventive setup, which includes the 360-degree camera, speakers, cash and a mobile phone in the basket to provide a data hot spot for the car's limitless range... Some TikTok users advised Mr Ho to try using a drone instead, but he said that he was limited by drone control regulations in Singapore: "(In) many urban places, (you) can't fly (a) drone due to restricted airspaces."

Key reason people pile up heavy credit card debt is false belief they have self-control: NUS-SUSS study - "People who rack up heavy levels of credit card debt tend to kid themselves that they have good self-control, when they do not, a study has found.  Many of those who are mired in debt might think that they are actually skilful and making good use of the banking system by borrowing just enough to be able to meet all of their expenses, the study by the National University of Singapore (NUS) and Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS) found.  But in fact, they are more likely to pile up more debt due to their inflated sense of self-control. The study examined the behaviour of "extreme debtors", defined as those with credit card debt at least 12 times their monthly income, across all age groups, genders and educational backgrounds... extreme debtors may face a double whammy of low self-control capacity reflected in their patterns of overspending and poor "inhibitory control", which refers to the ability to suppress or countermand a thought, action, or feeling... The study called for early intervention to support people’s capacity to improve self-control, adding that an effective training programme would look towards training self-control capacity and "a less sanguine view of the debtor’s ability to control themselves".   This means having debtors take up measures such as leaving credit cards at home and taking only cash to prevent themselves from falling into temptation in the first instance."
Of course, the libertarians will just claim that they want to incur high credit card debt so we should let them

Quarter-life Crisis? This Singaporean Defines Happiness Her Own Way – Jane Tor - "As Singaporeans, we’re always told that the world outside of us is dangerous. While it’s true that Singapore is indeed a safe country to live in, it doesn’t mean that everywhere else is ruthless and dreadful... “The thing is, I was ready to do whatever it took to earn a small income in exchange for a life of adventure,” said Jane who’s currently residing in Croatia and working remotely as a Business Developer Manager for a Singaporean education platform.  It’s not as high-paying as her previous job, but it’s still more than enough, making it easy to sustain her current lifestyle.  “Now, the food and necessities are cheaper, so is my rent, thus my standard of living is significantly cheaper. I have more disposable income. In fact, I can live comfortably and still save more than 60% of my salary. This wouldn’t have been achievable back in Singapore.”... When asked about the future, Jane shared she doesn’t worry about retirement, because she doesn’t see Singapore as the only alternative to retire in.  “I could always live in Lombok, buy a piece of land there and grow my own crops or sign myself into a retirement home in Thailand or China”"
Many Singaporeans think anywhere more dangerous than Singapore is dangerous. But then, people from Bahrain, the Isle of Man and Luxembourg could say Singapore is dangerous too
Too bad for people who can't take advantage of exchange rates

Can You Be Addicted to Porn? - The Atlantic - "Legislators in 16 states have passed resolutions declaring that pornography, in its ubiquity, constitutes a public-health crisis. The wave of bills started five years ago, with Utah, which went a step further this spring by passing a law mandating that all cellphones and tablets sold in the state block access to pornography by default. (The measure will not go into effect unless five other states pass similar laws, but that’s very possible: Alabama is now considering a similar bill.)... Several public-health experts told me they worry that the measures are creating more problems than they solve, by telling people that a small but regular part of their sex life is actually a “crisis.” This stigma will likely disproportionately affect people who already feel ashamed about the porn they watch, but leave relatively unruffled those who embrace porn—even in its most exploitative forms.  That sense of crisis can spur some people who disapprove of porn to commit violence. The man who killed eight people at several spas in Atlanta in March plotted further “similar acts” against “the porn industry,” police said. In April, a mansion owned by the executive of Pornhub, one of the most popular porn sites, burned down in an apparent act of arson. Whether porn is actually harming the health of adults who watch it is frustratingly hard to determine. Most studies of porn raise questions of correlation and causation: Is someone depressed and lonely because they watch too much porn? Or are depressed, lonely people drawn to porn?... A small number of adults—roughly 11 percent of men and 3 percent of women—consider themselves somewhat addicted to porn, even though a number of scientists dispute whether “addiction” is an appropriate label for watching lots of porn. Believing that porn is morally “bad” is strongly correlated with feeling like you have an addiction to pornography, regardless of how much porn you actually watch. “The best predictor of self-perceived sexual-use problems, like pornography addiction, is high levels of religiosity,” says Bryant Paul, a media professor at Indiana University and a faculty affiliate of the Kinsey Institute, which studies human sexuality. “It’s a better predictor than actual amounts of use.” Even setting addiction aside, porn might pose other problems. Some studies have found that watching porn reduces sexual satisfaction, especially for men who watch porn more than once a month. Watching porn is associated with increased aggression in some people, although not in the majority of porn users.  But other studies have found that watching porn can be part of a healthy sex life, especially for sexual minorities, women, and couples. In one study, Taylor Kohut, a psychologist at Western University, in Ontario, found that couples who watched porn together “reported more open sexual communication and greater closeness than those that did not.” Another of his studies found that most partnered people think porn has had “no negative effects” on their relationship, and many also thought that watching porn improved their sexual communication, sexual experimentation, and sexual comfort. “There’s a lot of evidence to suggest that couples that watch porn together, it can improve their sex lives,” says Paul, who wasn’t involved in those studies...  One study found that for women, watching porn “was associated with their own and their partner’s higher sexual desire and with higher odds of partnered sexual activity.” In a recent paper arguing that pornography does not qualify as a public-health crisis, Rothman and a colleague write, “For some, pornography use is associated with health-promoting behaviors, including increased intimacy, ‘safer’ sexual behaviors (e.g., solo masturbation), and feelings of acceptance.” Anti-pornography groups dismiss all of these findings. They say that the porn-positive studies are outliers in a sea of research showing porn’s detrimental effects on relationships.  But here’s the thing: Kohut has observed that in relationships, what seems to matter is that partners have similar opinions about porn. If you both like porn, he suggests, watching it will probably be fine for your sex life. Some couples might even find that they can build intimacy by showing porn to each other, as a way to tell each other what you like. But if only one of you watches porn, and the other hates it, you might encounter relationship tensions like those of couples who fight over marble countertops or in-laws or baby names. The secret to a happy relationship that includes porn, in Kohut’s view, is to find someone who likes it the same amount as you do. A recent Atlantic/Leger poll of 1,002 Americans largely supported this acceptance of porn... Porn makes for an easy target. But legislators focused on labeling it as a public-health crisis should consider what problems they are actually trying to solve. Many researchers and adult-entertainment workers support measures that would reduce kids’ access to porn, ensure that porn videos portray only consenting adults, and mandate fair wages for sex workers. Calling adults’ legal use of pornography a “public-health crisis” doesn’t do any of that"

Thread by @vermontgmg on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "In @SenatorLeahy's new memoir, there's a wild story in it that I haven't ever seen before—a rare glimpse into the shadowy way that the intel agencies interact with Members of Congress. It feels ripped from a political thriller movie...:
1) In the midst of the Iraq War debate, Leahy was one of the few Senators pushing back against the Bush admin race to war and the threats of WMDs. He'd been reading the classified intel that the Bush admin was providing to Congress and had real doubts that it justified war....
2) The Sunday after he read the intel, he was out walking with his wife in his McLean neighborhood when "two fit joggers trailed behind us. They stopped and asked what I thought of the intelligence briefings I'd been getting."...
3) The joggers asked Leahy if the briefers had showed him "File Eight"? Leahy writes, "It was obvious from the look on my face that I had not seen such a file. They suggested I should and that I might find it interesting."....
4) Leahy went back to the intel officers at the Capitol SCIF and requested "File Eight," and it contradicted what the Bush administration was saying publicly about the WMDs....
5) A few days later, Leahy and his wife are out walking in the neighborhood again and the same two joggers pass by, stop, and say, basically, “We heard you read Five Eight. Isn’t it interesting? Now you should ask for File Twelve” ….
6) [[Leahy explained to me when I asked him about this incident this month that "File Eight" and "File Twelve" are pseudonyms for specific secret codeword names the joggers told him to ask for.]] ....
7) The next day, Leahy again goes to the Capitol SCIF and asks for "File Twelve." It again contradicts what VP Cheney was saying publicly. Leahy decides to vote against the war based on these secret reports and tips...
8) I asked @SenatorLeahy about this incident when I interviewed him at @BearPondBooks earlier this month, if he knew the joggers ever, and he said, "You don't understand—I didn't *want* to know who they were." …
9) tl;dr: Leahy ends up voting against the war because some corner of the intel world tracked when he was out exercising, intercepted him, and pointed him to secret intelligence reports."

TheSmartLocal.com - Posts | Facebook - ""SCARLY" you don't know it's spelled as "SEKALI"... Check to see if you have commonly mistaken some of these Malay words. Update: A reader pointed out that while "Karang Guni" is socially acceptable in Singapore's context, the accurate spelling should be "Karung Guni", meaning "Sack Sack"!"
Every now and then I will see someone talking about how Singaporeans shouldn't "misspell" Malay words. This interesting given how Malay spells English loan words. When a non Malay speaker "misspells" a Malay word he is really just using it as a loan word. So the word he is using is no longer Malay. Ironically, Malay spelling wasn't standardised until relatively recently. And Bahasa Malaysia and Bahasa Indonesia also have different spellings for some words

NOW RM 15.99
Normal price RM 12.10
Royal Gold Kitchen Towel"

Meme - "Kay Adams with her first grade class - 2002
Now her first graders are seniors - 2013"


Foreigners sink their hands into France's bread heritage - "These bakers are Japanese, Italian, American and British. They shun baguettes but cherish loaves of leavened bread made with the old-fashioned flour that is so symbolic of French identity. Their shops are popping up all over Paris."

No punishment against RGS girls who ‘prayed’ to Athena - "No disciplinary action was meted to a group of Raffles Girls' School (RGS) students who were captured in photos allegedly "dancing, chanting and praying" to a statue of Greek goddess Athena located on the school's premises... a group of students had chosen to act on their "frustrations and anxiety over the pen-and-paper assessments (PPAs) by dancing, chanting and praying" to the statue of Athena.  The "inconsiderate acts" had disturbed their seniors who were still having their PPAs... The alleged email continued to say the "unbecoming behaviour" had tarnished the reputation of all RGS students, noting that the group had not demonstrated the school values of "Principled" and "People Centredness" and "have instead demonstrated Self Centredness".  "'Praying' to the statue of Athena, even if done in jest, is unacceptable. If you do subscribe to a religion, let me remind you that your action is sacrilegious," it said.  "If you do not subscribe to a religion, your action is still unacceptable as it offends the school community that expects our school to be a secular environment for learning."  Athena is said to be associated with wisdom, and highly skilled in handicraft and warfare. The outdoor statue symbolises "qualities crucial for daughters of a better age", according to a blurb on the school's virtual campus tour.  The goddess is not the only symbol of Greek mythology adopted by RGS.  Its school song, "From High Olympus", is a reference to Mount Olympus, one of the most important sites in ancient Greece. Mount Olympus is said to be the home of the 12 Olympian gods, such as Zeus and Athena, and a meeting place of heaven and earth, according to Greek mythology.  Kamsir also purportedly called for the students involved in the incident to write a letter of apology explaining their actions by a deadline and why disciplinary action should not be taken against them.  The students would face an immediate booking if they did not respond to the order or if their replies were "insufficient".  "Know that pictures of your actions have gone viral online and have caused the online community to have a negative impression of all RGS girls. This is unfair to RGS girls past and present," the screenshots read.  The head also allegedly praised the students who witnessed the incident but did not join in."
Singapore does it again

Meme - "Why can't they worship Athena? Lots of people go all the way to Loyang to pray to the statue of Tua Peh Kong. It is the school who should apologise to these acolytes of Athena for religion-shaming them. Shame on RGS' schoolmarms! Since Athena seems to be silent on this matter, let's all join hands and pray to Hera to smite them with her righteous fury."
"Heard that Zeus is going to be doing a *lightning* ZOOM session with the teacher involved to clarify what a 'sacrilegious' act it was."

Taiwan veteran home 'deeply regrets' Mid-Autumn Festival event where woman performs steamy dance for elderly resident - "According to the Taoyuan Veterans Home, VAC, Executive Yuan's page, they are a government-run organisation.  Some of its residents, including retired army officers and soldiers who meet other specific requirements, have their stays paid for by the government.   A viral video of a woman dressed in lingerie, heels and a mask starts with her sitting on the floor in front of an audience of men in wheelchairs and spreading her legs in the air... She later holds on to the sides of one of the men's wheelchairs and brings her chest close to his face. Following which, she holds the man's wrist and guides his hand towards her breasts. He complies, and his other hand follows suit.   The video ends off with the woman doing a body wave while guiding the man's hand from her neck downwards to touch her chest, stomach and crotch... The clip was apparently recorded on Sep. 7 and was an event specially arranged for residents who have mobility problems.  During the 15-minute performance, the dancer became "overzealous" as she wanted her audience to "feel [her] enthusiasm and energy" by getting close to them."

Urban foxes self-evolve, exhibiting Darwin’s domestication syndrome - "How much can living in the city change you? If you were an urban fox, you could be evolving yourself to a whole new stage and becoming more like a dog... The observed changes correspond to what Charles Darwin called the “domestication syndrome,” comprised of traits that go along with an animal’s transition from being wild, to tamed, to domesticated.

Gene editing gone wrong: Scientists accidentally create angry hamsters - "The researchers used gene-editing technology to delete a receptor thought to cause aggression in hamsters. Instead of becoming more cuddly, however, the hamsters got mean."

Mozilla blames Google's lock-in practices for Firefox's demise

Common Medications Can Prolong Back Pain, Study Says - The New York Times - "The very treatments often used to soothe pain in the lower back, which the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says is the most common type of pain, might cause it to last longer, according to a new study.  Managing pain with steroids and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, like ibuprofen, can actually turn a wrenched back into a chronic condition... the study shows that “we have to think of healing and not suppression of inflammation.” Guidelines from professional medical societies already say that people with back pain should start with nondrug treatments like exercise, physical therapy, heat or massage. Those measures turn out to be as effective as pain-suppressing drugs, without the same side effects... The study began when researchers at McGill University started searching for molecular markers in the blood that would predict which patients would have pain that quickly diminished and which would have pain that persisted... Those who said their pain went away had rapid and intense inflammation when the pain was acute. The markers of inflammation then diminished over the next three months. Those whose pain persisted did not have such an inflammatory reaction"

An Unexpected Victory: Container Stacking at the Port of Long Beach - "If you’re not terrified that the United States is a dead player, you haven’t been paying attention – the whole reason this is a miracle, and that it shocked so many people, is that we didn’t think the system was capable of noticing a stupid, massively destructive rule with no non-trivial benefits and no defenders and scrapping it, certainly not within a day...
The Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach together are responsible for a huge percentage of shipping into the Western United States.
There was a rule in the Port saying you could only stack shipping containers two containers high.
This is despite the whole point of shipping containers being to stack them on top of each other so you can have a container ship.
This rule was created, and I am not making this up, because it was decided that higher stacks were not sufficiently aesthetically pleasing.
If you violated this rule, you lost your right to operate at the port.
In normal times, this was annoying but not a huge deal.
Thanks to Covid-19, there was increased demand to ship containers, creating more empty containers, and less throughput to remove those containers...
This was big enough to threaten the entire supply chain, and with it the economy, at least of the Western United States and potentially of the whole world via cascading problems. And similar problems are likely happening elsewhere... None of those people managed to do anything about the rule, or even get word out about the rule. No reporters wrote up news reports. No one was calling for a fix. The supply chain problems kept getting worse and mostly everyone agreed not to talk about it much and hope it would go away...
A bureaucrat insisting that stacked containers are an eyesore, causing freight to pile up because trucks are stuck sitting on empty containers, thus causing a cascading failure that destroys supply lines and brings down the economy. That certainly sounds like something that was in an early draft of Atlas Shrugged but got crossed out as too preposterous for anyone to take seriously. "

Waiters dressed as Power Rangers jump rescue woman from attack in Oakland - "The staff at NōKA Ramen at Jack London Square in Oakland were dressed in costume as the beloved TV characters Friday during a promotion for a drink named after the show — and helped save a woman from being assaulted"

S'pore couple fined S$23,000 for husband's photos of wife posing nude in public 18 times - "50-year-old Jeffrey Chue Tze Jeong was fined S$14,000, while his wife, 30-year-old Nguyen Thi Anh Thy was fined S$9,000.  They had also offered paid subscriptions for their content via Telegram.  Chue pleaded guilty to three charges of taking photos of his wife in public, disseminating obscene photos via Twitter and obstructing justice by providing false information to the police... Both Chue and Nguyen were introduced to to the community in December 2019 through the site Undertable Swinger's Community (USC)... Members of the group would share photos and videos of their experiences.  Sometime in early January 2020, Chue and Nguyen shared photos of their sexual experience with a third person at a hotel on the USC website, resulting in the couple gaining a lot of followers.   In order to maintain their popularity, Chue subsequently set up a Twitter account in February 2020 that featured photos of Nguyen in various stages of nudity, with her consent.  Chue also used the Twitter account to entice followers into paying for additional images through a private Telegram channel.  Zaobao reported that he charged a rate of S$24.99 for a month and a rate of S$69.99 for three months.  In total, Chue earned US$7,805.73 (S$11,207), which he received through PayPal, and another S$1,375 through a bank account.  As for Nguyen, she posed nude in public a total of 18 times at various locations.  These locations included supermarkets at IMM Jurong and Geylang, Sentosa, a Toast Box outlet at VivoCity, within the vicinity of the ArtScience Museum, and hawker centres. The couple's home was eventually raided on May 18, 2020, following a police report regarding a video of a woman flashing her chest in public at Great World City... the couple lied to the police by saying that they had they lost their phone, and that they believed their phone had been retrieved by another person who then uploaded the media online.  In reality, however, they had passed their phone, which was put in a bag and secured with a lock, to a friend for safekeeping... District Judge Janet Wang was quoted as saying that while the choice of one's lifestyle, whether it is conventional or not, is a personal matter, there must be a deterrence when the lifestyle encroaches public space and features overt expressions of "moral perversion or corruption"."

The mystery of the increasingly super-secret legendary Mandarin Hotel chicken rice recipe - "A relative quirk of hotel menus back then was how they catered to their guests instead of serving up a variety of novel local treats. This was a point brought up by Peter Gehrmann, the first executive chef of Mandarin Hotel.  Speaking to Makansutra in a 2013 interview, Gehrmann said the norm at the time was to serve foreign guests "home cuisines" they were more familiar with.  Lien Ying Chow, the hotel owner, however, suggested Gehrmann include three local dishes on the new menu. Gehrmann, who wasn't so sure it was a good idea, decided to go along with it anyway. In doing so, they would become the first hotel in Singapore to provide local fare.  After a local chef from the same pioneer Chatterbox batch took Gehrmann out for "good chicken rice", the chicken rice was joined by char kway teow and laksa as the three Singapore representatives in the hotel's menu...   The Mandarin Hotel's coffeehouse, Chatterbox, finally opened its doors on November 15, 1971... Even though there have been less flattering reviews over the years — ST's Wong Ah Yoke said in a 2006 review that the standard had dropped and rated it as only "above average" — the eatery's popularity has remained incredibly consistent... The recipe has been labelled a "closely guarded secret", with many reports saying only a very select few know the entirety of the recipe.  An 8 Days article even described the secret recipe with the same language used in spy thrillers: "They might have to kill you if they tell you… the full recipe"  According to the article, only six chefs in the world are "privy" to the full recipe.  That secrecy has been a constant theme in more recent coverage on the eatery.  However, this is a rather stark departure from how the recipe was discussed in the eatery's early days. Here is Mandarin's then-director of food and beverages, Stephen Lim, describing the dish in 1983:      "We do not make the chicken rice from any secret recipe," he said. "It is just the traditional Hainanese method with chilli, ginger and soy sauce."  Although he did acknowledge using some slight culinary twist, it was a twist he readily shared:      "However, he admitted to having an extra feature in the dish. We use the protein of the chicken to make a jelly and spread it on the meat. It makes the chicken taste smoother"... Former Chatterbox executive sous chef Han Seng Fong set up his own chicken rice stall, declaring that the recipe at his new stall was "the same as the one I used when I cooked at the hotel."  Even Gehrman has YouTube tutorials on how to cook the chicken... ST even published the recipe back in 1976... I asked the incredibly patient PR rep for Chatterbox whether the recipe in ST was the real deal.  The Chatterbox people were unable to confirm the source of the recipe as there was no one on their current team "aware of this recipe that was published back then"... While the recipe has not been changed, Liew said that the "cooking methods" had been upgraded.  That means less oil, tweaking the fragrance, and even changing how the chicken is cooked — the last one being the most recent change. Instead of boiling the chicken like they used to, Chatterbox chickens are now steam-boiled... When I asked him how Chatterbox prevents their former chefs from trying to recreate the recipe, Liew was rather matter-of-fact.  It was up to them if they did.  Liew, however, highlighted the difference in quality at Chatterbox. Specifically, the difference in the quality of ingredients used, like their free-range chickens.  Recall the strict chicken-sourcing process dictated by Gehrmann? This rigour appears to carry on well into recent times as well. In a Facebook post from Aug. 2020, Chatterbox revealed that four out of 10 chickens delivered to Chatterbox are rejected by their chefs. Therefore, the likelihood of departing chefs being unable to replicate the Chatterbox chicken rice might have more to do with the sheer cost of ingredients and the quality control they impose rather than any secret ingredient like ice cream soda in nasi lemak or something like that.  There are many factors contributing to their legendary chicken rice, including the chickens they procure from trusted suppliers, their rigorous quality control, and the chilli made with a really expensive blender."

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