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Monday, January 02, 2023

Links - 2nd January 2023 (2 - General Wokeness)

What Medicine Gets Wrong About Race - Freakonomics - "ENEANYA: The first eGFR equation in the United States was developed in 1999... "we’re going to have two equations, one for Black individuals, and then one for people who are not Black.” And that is how race was introduced into eGFR equations.
The rationale, at the time, had to do with creatinine, which is the main lab test used in the eGFR equation to make sure that somebody’s kidneys are filtering waste appropriately. Generally speaking, the higher the creatinine, the worse the kidney is functioning. But creatinine also depends on muscle mass: the more muscular an individual is, the higher their baseline creatinine level will be when their kidneys are functioning normally.
ENEANYA: And so we were taught in medical school like, “Oh, by the way, Black people are more muscular than every other race group, and therefore we need to kind of adjust for that using this different eGFR equation.” And many people didn’t feel like that made sense. I was one of those people. But medical students, they really are what drove the big change for eGFR equations. They were constantly pressing their professors in medical school, like, “There’s anthropology studies that show that biologically we are no different between racial groups. So why are you saying that Black people, have more muscle mass just inherently?” And professors couldn’t answer that question...
The Human Genome Project found that race has no genetic basis. In fact, the amount of genetic diversity that we observe within races is actually larger than what we observe across races...
ENEANYA: There was a group of medical students in 2017 at Harvard Medical School that really challenged the faculty and the faculty said, “You know what? You’re right. You’ve produced all this evidence. You’ve gone back to anthropological studies, sociological studies. We’re not going to use the Black eGFR equations anymore. We’re going to use one equation for everybody.” And so after they did that, my colleagues and I at the University of Pennsylvania decided to write this article in JAMA that was really challenging it. Like, why are we using this? This doesn’t make sense. And we should get rid of it. That was published in 2019. And, you know, I gave some talks here and there and we were trying to make changes at Penn, and then the pandemic hit and George Floyd was murdered. And that was really another racial reckoning in this country of how we’re treating racial and ethnic minorities differently. The same group that pushed out the eGFR equation at Harvard Medical School and Beth Israel Deaconess wrote a New England Journal perspective where they detailed all of these racialized algorithms, not just in nephrology and kidney care, but in cardiology and pulmonology. And that is where we start to see some movement. Institutions across the country just started to stop using this race-based eGFR equation because it’s wrong.
I like how they didn't actually look at whether black people have higher creatinine in reality, but just assumed they didn't

Higher Serum Creatinine Concentrations in Black Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease: Beyond Nutritional Status and Body Composition - "Serum creatinine concentrations are significantly higher in black compared with nonblack hemodialysis patients; these differences are not readily explained by differences in nutritional status or body composition."
It is racist to push black people down the priority list for transplants. So privileging them using the eGFR equation is anti-racist

What Does It Mean to Be a Species? Genetics Is Changing the Answer - "Based on a 1980 book by biologists Niles Eldredge and Joel Cracraft, under the definition of a phylogenetic species, animal species now can differ by just 2 percent of their DNA to be considered separate."
What is the most genetically diverse species? - "The split gill mushroom (Schizophyllum commune) has a nucleotide diversity of up to 20%, according to a 2015 study published in the journal Molecular Biology and Evolution. According to the study, that's the greatest genetic diversity reported for any eukaryote, or organism whose cells have a nucleus. In other words, two different mushrooms will have different DNA bases at about 20 out of every 100 positions in their genomes. That's higher than the genetic diversity of the previous record holder, the roundworm Caenorhabditis brenneri, which has been reported to have a nucleotide diversity of 14.1%, according to a 2013 study that Cutter and colleagues published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. These species are considered to be genetically hyperdiverse, defined as having a nucleotide diversity greater than 5%"
Clearly species are a biological myth

Meme - "No one is trying to indoctrinae kids"
*RBG, Rosa Parks, Fauci, Kamala Harris, Pride, Black History, Martin Luther King, Feminist etc kids' books*

Rex Murphy: A foul-mouthed 'anti-racist' worthy of the Liberals - "Canadian Heritage knows the danger when it feels it, and it was Canadian Heritage, under Diversity and Inclusion Minister Ahmed Hussen, who doled out $133,800 to a group called Community Media Advocacy Centre (CMAC), to, as the Canadian Press put it, “build an anti-racism strategy” for Canadian broadcasting. On “anti-racism” no government has ever been as efficient as the current one. They, as the great cat poem states “search it here, they search it there, they search it everywhere.”... Take the case of Laith Marouf, to whom Minister Hussen directed those funds. Mr. Marouf, as Kay has documented from his Twitter account, has a pungent style: “You know all those loud mouthed bags of human feces, aka the Jewish White Supremacists; when we liberate Palestine and they have to go back to where they come from, they will return to being low voiced bitches of their Christian/Secular White Supremacist Masters.” Just the voice you want from an “anti-hate” specialist... “The Jewish White Supremacist Summit hosted by Apartheid Canada PM, Justin Trudeau, was the brainchild of Irwin Cotler, the Grand Wizard of Zionism in this colony. Notice that he looks like a dick without makeup, as he spews his bullshit.” If this isn’t an ode to Inclusion and Diversity, I know nothing about odes. Minister of Diversity and Inclusion Hussen, meantime, a full week after Kay gave this warped social warrior some attention, now tells Canada he is looking into the matter. To quote a brilliant tweet: “What’s to look into?” Well there is one thing to look into. And that is how your department with its overwhelming commitment to anti-racism managed to find and fund a sewer-source of what exactly your department was set up to fight. If Mr. Kay, who doesn’t have the resources of a whole government department can search Twitter, how did you possibly come to hire this man? Who said Yes? Who examined CMAC? Or is all you require in such matters that someone merely says they are “anti hate” and the words alone are enough. Efficiency again. One more post from this Mother Teresa of kindness and anti-racism: “I have a motto: life is too short for shoe laces, or for entertaining Jewish White Supremacists with anything but a bullet to the head.” Here’s another motto: A ferocious commitment to virtue-signalling should exercise the brain more than the mouth. And while I’m at it, campaigns against anti-hate could do with a lot of self-examination."
As usual, anti-racists are the biggest racists

JIVANI: Do Trudeau Liberals even know what racism is anymore? | Toronto Sun - "Canadians ought to be concerned about what this reveals about our country. We are now at a point where Canadian government officials may not even be able to recognize racism when it’s right in front of their eyes, despite the fact that they talk about racism now more than ever before. Trudeau Liberals have spilled tons of ink and spent tons of tax-payer dollars to call Canada a racist country. The federal government’s Anti-Racism Strategy is over 6,000 words, including many terms that you’d find in a graduate school seminar: intersectionality, systemic, institutional, racialization, social participation. Like others who claim to be progressive, Trudeau Liberals have been so busy making racism complicated, that they’ve forgotten that calling out racism is actually straightforward. There’s no need to concern ourselves with ivory tower ideas like microaggressions or critical race theory. It should be simple, and it used to be. Before political correctness made it difficult for Canadians to have honest conversations with one another, most of us agreed that if you hate people because of what they look like or where they’re from, you’re a racist. Officials in Ottawa may have missed Marouf’s comments in their vetting process because, for Canada’s Liberal government, anti-racism is about optics, not substance. They could have been satisfied by CMAC’s use of progressive buzzwords, then failed to dig into the true beliefs of people affiliated with the organization. Such an oversight would be on-brand for a Prime Minister who struggles to back up his virtue signalling with honest conviction. This lack of judgment from government officials is yet another reason Canadians should be concerned about the Trudeau administration’s power grabs. Citing the need to stop hate speech and racism, Trudeau Liberals are working diligently to expand their regulatory power over what Canadians can say online through censorship legislation like Bill C-11"

Racist comments from anti-racism trainer a trend, not a mistake | Toronto Sun - "Should we be outraged that the Trudeau government hired someone who has said vile things about Jews, French-speaking people, and Black Americans — to name a few — to teach broadcasters not to be racist? Absolutely, but we shouldn’t be shocked... [Laith Marouf] said that French is an ugly language; and that “Frogs have much less IQ.” He once called Colin Powell the “Jamaican house slave of the Empire.”... The big problem is that this isn’t an isolated incident; the entire anti-racism industry should be called into question. In April 2021, I reported on federal anti-racism training which described objectivity, individualism, perfectionism, a sense of urgency, and Thanksgiving as “Characteristics of White Supremacy Culture.” This same training program for executives at Global Affairs Canada referred to our country as “this place we now call Canada” and questioned the existence of the state these same executives work for while collecting very large paycheques... the man who was then the top civil servant in Ontario accepted the idea that the entire public service was a “White supremacist organization” based off a single anonymous comment from an employee. Then there was a story about Ontario’s math curriculum stating that math “has been used to normalize racism” and that “a decolonial, anti-racist approach to mathematics education makes visible its historical roots and social constructions.” Then again, earlier this year, educators in Ontario were warning parents about the triggering aspects of being offered a free Canadian flag... Jonathan Kay, who has done great work on the Marouf file, recently profiled an anti-racism program from the British Columbia government which claims Canada’s Constitution inspired the Nazis and capitalism is a main problem with racism."

In vow to protect campus free speech, Quebec premier joins 'war on woke' - "Quebec Premier François Legault has steered his government toward yet another divisive ideological debate by declaring his intention to move swiftly to protect campus free speech from anti-racism activists... Legault said the problem in Quebec is with "a handful of radical activists who are trying to censor certain words and works." He was referring to recent cases at universities in Montreal and Ottawa where students objected to teachers using the N-word in class. In the University of Ottawa case, a lecturer was briefly suspended this fall after using the word while attempting to illustrate how some groups have reclaimed the slurs used against them. At Concordia University in 2019, a teacher apologized after using the word when mentioning the title of a book by Pierre Vallières... The controversy was revived earlier this month by a series of columns in La Presse by Isabelle Hachey, who argued that student demands for more sensitivity were going too far. Hachey's pieces cited several professors who said they now avoided teaching certain material, fearing backlash from "woke" students. A philosophy professor at the University of Ottawa told her he no longer referenced slavery when teaching about the ancient Greeks. A literature professor at McGill said the university forced her to let students skip pages of classic works of Quebec literature if they contained slurs, which most of the assigned works did... "We're seeing a movement come here from the United States and, frankly, I think it does not resemble us," Legault said... "It's a false debate. Professors already have freedom of speech. The problem is some want to abuse it," said Amissi Manirabona, a criminal law professor at the Université de Montreal... The perception that anti-racism ideologies have somehow infiltrated university administrations is also difficult to square with the fact that so few people of colour hold university leadership positions... The head of the federation, Jean Portugais, said more and more teachers are reporting confrontations with radical students... Like Legault, French President Emmanuel Macron has also blamed the U.S. for exporting a style of social justice activism that he claims undermines the republic's unity. Macron's increasingly right-leaning government promised this week to launch an inquiry into the influence of "Islamo-leftism" in its universities."
Professors who cannot teach material have freedom of speech, clearly. Because to liberals, "hate speech" is not free speech
Given that anti-racism is an obsession of white liberals, CBC is being mischevous as usual by claiming you need minorities in power for wokeness to rule

Legault says people who see discrimination everywhere are wokes - "Premier François Legault says he thinks people who see discrimination everywhere or want Quebecers to feel guilty about defending their values are wokes."

Quebec is leading the fight against 'le wokisme' - "At a time when most institutions are busy playing defence against woke activists, Canadians need inspiration to push back against ideologies that we know in our gut are simply wrong. Enter Quebec Premier François Legault’s Coalition Avenir Quebec (CAQ) government. On Dec. 7, the national assembly passed a motion that expresses a commitment to merit-based hiring on university campuses and rejects the imposition of racial or gender quotas by the federal government... The motion reiterates the importance of academic freedom before denouncing “the interference of the federal government, which funds research chair programs according to certain criteria that do not reflect the specificity of Quebec.” Minister Déry, who is the first Jewish woman to be appointed to cabinet in Quebec history, is arguing in favour of a more substantive understanding of diversity than the federal government’s superficial focus on physical characteristics. The Government of Canada’s Canada Research Chairs Program insists universities meet diversity targets in hiring, but such targets do not account for the ideological or linguistic diversity that many Quebecers value... a history professor at Montreal’s Dawson College filed a human rights complaint against Laval University and the Canada Research Chairs Program alleging discrimination. Frédéric Bastien argues that he is qualified for the position of a Canada research chair in history, but his application was not accepted because he is a white male... When affirmative action was first introduced in the 1980s, its proponents insisted that identity differences would only be a factor in distinguishing between two candidates once comparable merit was established... Under Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, however, the Government of Canada has made a radical change away from the original purpose of affirmative action and now enforces diversity targets and quotas from the top down. Therefore, as the Canada Research Chairs Program demonstrates, a person’s race or gender is now being considered at the application stage, before a candidate’s merits can even be evaluated... This unwillingness to stand up for genuine equality of opportunity has enabled the spread of critical race theory in public schools and government offices in much of the country. But Quebec has proven to be different. It’s a province leading by example. Premier Legault’s resistance to “le wokisme” is well-documented. For years now, he has refused to adopt language like “systemic racism” to describe Quebec, even in the face of immense criticism and pressure from journalists"

Barrington Martin II on Twitter - "Today I will begin documenting racist things people who don’t think they are racist say to me on @twitter. I think this tweet is the perfect way to start. White liberals doing white liberal things here…"
"Change your name to DeShawn or Jamal, take off the suit, tie and handkerchief, put on a hoodie, and drive through a gated community of rich white folk and see what happens."
"It doesn’t apply to Uncle Toms"
"A black man upset at CRT?? That brother cooning lol"
"He went full *raccoon* today. He should switch to the Republican party."
"Somehow coons and white supremacists always quote Sowell. Strange, huh."

David Schwimmer: 'I’m very aware of my privilege as a heterosexual white male' - "I’m very aware of my own privilege as a heterosexual white male whose parents were able to pay for a private education for me. I’ve always felt a sense of responsibility to give back and to call things out if I see an abuse of power.”" (2020)
David Schwimmer admits he 'never felt white' growing up Jewish in America - ""I've never felt white. Never"... David Schwimmer / TV documentary, David Baddiel: Jews Don't Count." (2022)

How Social Justice Ideologues Hijacked a Legal Regulator - "The working group reported in 2016 that it had discovered “systemic racism” in the profession... One of the listed recommendations was that the Law Society should “require every licensee to adopt and to abide by a statement of principles acknowledging their obligation to promote equality, diversity and inclusion generally, and in their behaviour towards colleagues, employees, clients and the public.” When the Law Society announced this new requirement the following September, its advisory also stated that we Ontario lawyers should “demonstrate a personal valuing” of these principles. Despite the fact that I always have been a strong advocate for “equality,” this development left me flabbergasted: Our regulator was demanding that lawyers and paralegals draft and then obey a set of specific political ideas—both in their personal and professional lives—as a condition of their license... The Law Society was prescribing, effectively with the force of law, what to say and what to think. I never imagined that I would ever see such a thing in Canada... Compelling speech is unconscionable regardless of the principles a person is made to parrot. Today, we are being told to promote “equality, diversity and inclusion.” But once this line has been crossed, the content doesn’t matter. And tomorrow, we might be asked to pledge allegiance to some other ideological doctrine... The Law Society’s working group declared that one of its objectives was to ensure “better representation of racialized licensees, in proportion to the representation in the Ontario population, in the professions, in all legal workplaces and at all levels of seniority.” Note the specificity of this objective. Every lawyer and paralegal is now expected to adopt and promote racial representation according to proportion in the general population “in all legal workplaces” and “at all levels of seniority”—an enforced mosaic or grid of de facto quotas in vertical and lateral compartments based, essentially, on skin colour... Without having the nerve to say so directly, the Law Society is telling us that there are, in effect, too many white Jewish lawyers... When it became clear that the diversity faction had captured my profession’s regulators, I felt I had no choice. My first step was to tell the Law Society to, in effect, go to hell. I did so in a long letter, to which I have not yet received a reply. The second step was to refuse to comply with the new requirement. (The Law Society announced that there would be penalties for such failure, though not during the first year—so, thus far, I still have my license.) The third was to wind down my law firm, because I no longer feel that my legal practice is viable in this climate. The fourth was to join in a court challenge to the compulsory Statement of Principles, which is ongoing. Finally, I have joined a group of other lawyers and paralegals who oppose the Statement of Principles and who are organizing a campaign in the upcoming Law Society elections in April. In a surprising development, I will be running for “Bencher” (the somewhat quaint term used to describe the Law Society’s directors), with the goal of changing the Law Society from the inside."

The Law Society of Ontario's equity 'Inclusion Index' was a bad idea from the start - "At our Convocation on June 28, the benchers of the Law Society of Ontario voted not to publish an LSO equity “Inclusion Index” which had been compiled behind the scenes in 2019. Good. Convocation’s 2016 decision to try to create an “Inclusion Index” was a bad idea from the start. The thrust of the “Inclusion Index” project was to try to develop a set of statistics which would put pressure on Ontario’s legal “workplaces” to hire and promote legal and paralegal talent based on candidates’ ethnicities, rather than on their mundane individual merits... Convocation dumped the 2019 “Inclusion Index” product only on narrow grounds of defect relating to the 2019 work product itself, including its staleness, and did not find any fault with the overall “Inclusion Index” project"

Herschel Walker’s Candidacy Is an Assault on the Dignity of Black Americans - The Atlantic - "It’s impossible today to talk about Black men and white agendas without talking about Herschel Walker, the Republican candidate for Senate in the runoff election in Georgia... Walker is a big, ball-carrying Black man, and these Republicans do not have an ounce of care for him. They are using him to advance their own Constitution-compromising agenda, the way conservative white people in this country have always used Black bodies when given half a chance. Walker stands up at podiums, and I feel shame and sorrow and resentment. He is incoherent, bumbling, oily. He smiles with a swagger that does nothing to disguise his total ignorance of how blatantly he is being taken advantage of by a party that has never intended to serve people who look like him. Walker’s candidacy is a fundamental assault by the Republican Party on the dignity of Black Americans. How dare they so cynically use this buffoon as a shield for their obvious failings to meet the needs and expectations of Black voters?... you are promoting a charlatan—a man morally and intellectually bereft enough, blithely egomaniacal enough, to sing and dance on the world stage against his own best interest. Is he in on the joke? Does he know they picked him to save money on boot black and burnt cork, this man who made his name by bringing the master glory on the master’s field, who got comfortable eating from the master’s table?... From where I sit, the election looks like a kind of grotesque minstrelsy. The Republican Party is saying that it wants power more than decency. It’s saying that race is a joke. We must all take note—it is willing to destroy a man to advance its cause. The party thinks he won’t break. And if he does, well, he wasn’t really one of them, anyway, was he?... Whoever wins today, Walker’s candidacy is an American tragedy."
Woe betide blacks who go off the Democratic plantation
Liberals claim the Republicans are racist because they don't put up black candidates. But when they put up black candidates, that's "evidence" of racism too

Meme - "I just found out that my husband fills the dog's water dish not from the tap, but from the fridge's water purifier feature. "She'd do the same for me", he said."
Bazi OwenZ: "As a minority, I am infinitely jealous of dogs for the empathy they receive"

BBC Radio 4 - Moral Maze, Patriot Games - "'Contemporary opposition to patriotism is usually more about a kind of expressing anti working class prejudices than it is about a serious critique of colonialism, or Empire or Britain's history. And that makes me just almost want to start flying the flag'...
‘I come from South Asia, you cannot tell me that I don't know about the history of the British Raj and its colonial past. But when I've come to this country, and I've written about this as well, I have yet to see another nation that looks at its past much more than the Brits do. I think the Germans do that really well as well. But the Brits do as well. I find that there's a real interest and a real desire to criticize ourselves, to criticize our past. You cannot say that for a lot of countries, including the country that I was born in’...
‘Yeah, well, I get that. But does it not worry you that we see patriotism being weaponized’...
‘For the last few years during the Brexit debate, being a Brexit supporter and ethnic minority, all the, and I mean, all the racist abuse that I've got has come from Remainers, with their names proudly shown on Twitter, for example, using, you know, the European Union's symbol on their Twitter handle. I've been called a toxic import.’"
Hatred for people's own countries is also weaponised, so

BBC Radio 4 - Moral Maze, How Free Should Speech Be? - "'Kate Clanchy won the Orwell prize with her memoir, Some kids I taught and what they taught me. But she was targeted by a campaign that accused her of racism for using phrases like chocolate colored skin and almond eyes, and ableism for saying autistic children could be jarring company. She and her publisher parted ways messily and she says she contemplated suicide.'...
[On Joe Rogan] ‘He wasn't giving offense, potentially. I mean, that's what the charge is. He was killing people. I mean, this is, this is the, this is at its root is that this information, this misinformation, is such that people will die as a consequence of it. Now, I mean, you know, you have to establish that and I don't know how you do it. But if that's the case, this is a total different order of claim than somebody might be, quote, unquote, offended by something.’...
‘For goodness sake, I'm Jewish. And you know, the English literary culture is absolutely heaving with anti semitism. Anti semitism, we know from bitter experience has a direct effect as a murderous creed in causing attacks and murder of Jews. Now, you know, I mean, what are we gonna do? Cancel TS Eliot, who wrote among his many brilliant lines, the words, the the lines, the rats are underneath the piles, the Jew is underneath them not. What are we going to do, cancel all of those people? I mean, there is no end to it. Once you go down this road, you can't do this.’"
We know that the fat activists promoting Health At Any Size are killing people. So they should be censored

BBC Radio 4 - Moral Maze, The Priorities of the Police - "'Attacks against Jews increased by 78% last year. There's a hell of a lot of, or a heck of a lot of actual physical violence against Jews at the moment, and it's on the rise. Communities asked for better patrol quicker response times and basically feel ignored… why is there then an ignored racial minority who's getting a lot of abuse? And that to me raises questions about ideological priorities, as well as what you pointed out, which are being sent to unglue people from bridges and things that they shouldn't really be doing.'"

Thread by @ZubyMusic on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "One of the biggest problems in modern society is people are so bored, comfortable, and complacent that they are INVENTING problems. 😂 It's like we're living in a massive role playing game. And if you don't play along with every character's personal 'reality' (solipsism, fears, delusions, and 'their truth') you are the bad guy."

Sunny Hostin calls white women Republicans roaches voting for Raid
Dehumanisation: How Tutsis were reduced to cockroaches, snakes to be killed
The Tutsis were privileged, so they could not have been victims of genocide, since genocide = power + mass killing

1200 Academics Denounced Me as Racist for Using a Quote from Fiddler on the Roof - "I recently wrote a paper titled Diversity is Diverse, which can be found here. The paper was written as a response to a critical commentary by Hommel (2022) of a published paper by Roberts et al (2020) titled Racial Inequality in Psychological Science. The general topic was diversity and racism in psychology. Oversimplifying only slightly, Hommel argued that Roberts et al: 1. Overstated the extent of racism in psychology; 2. the scientific justifications Roberts et al gave for advocating for more focus on racial diversity applied equally well to a myriad of other forms of diversity... My paper led off with this quote from the Fiddler on the Roof song, Tradition (which begins at 5:50 in the clip shown above): “Of course, there was the time he sold him a horse, and delivered a mule.” ... Academic rhetoric around diversity often functions to exclude the vast majority of Americans who are unwilling to conform to progressive dogmas...
“Similarly, when using that same political activist lens, “representation” does not mean statistical representation in proportion to the population, it means overrepresentation (in order to provide reparations for past bias). Inclusion and representation, too, then, can constitute (political social justice) mules delivered when (scientific) horses were promised.”...
Roberts was given a chance to reply to the exchange (which included Hommel’s paper, two other articles, plus mine). However, he pulled his paper from consideration to protest what he claimed was the unfair treatment at the hands of Fiedler and that the entire episode reflected the systemic racism endemic to psychology. He posted a version of his reply online, expanded to explain and document the ways in which he believed he had been victimized by racism. In that online version, Roberts addressed my paper only to denounce its racism... Roberts weaponized a 19th century racist trope that disappeared by 1950 according to his own source... Nonetheless, Robert’s framing of that section from my paper quickly got picked up by academics on social media who proceeded to immediate outrage with no fact checking... There was no evidence of knowledge that its metaphor originated, not in 19th century racist tropes, but in Fiddler on the Roof, a 1960s era play about early 20th century Jewish life in Russia... Fiedler was given no chance to explain or defend his actions, but he was given an ultimatum by APS (the professional organization overseeing the journal) to resign or be fired. He resigned... every reader who actually read my paper would understand that. But that is not how Outrage Mobs work. It is not how radical dogmatic political movements work. It is no longer how much of academia works"
Is it anti-semitic to say Fiddler on the Roof is racist?
Of course intent and context do not matter. As long as something can possibly be interpreted as racist, it is non-kosher

Special-needs man tortured while attackers livestream it on Facebook - "The footage shows the attackers cutting the victim’s hair with a knife until his scalp bled and slashing his clothes. He was also repeatedly slapped and cigarette ashes were thrown at him. “F–k Donald Trump, n—a, f–k white people!” one of the suspects can be heard telling the man in the video, which was livestreaming for roughly 30 minutes. “I should knock your a– the f–k out right now,” he says. “Stand up, boy!”... Later in the video, someone urges the man to say, “I love black people.”... One local community activist in Chicago, Andrew Holmes, has chosen to label the incident a “hate crime,” saying it fits within the law’s basic parameters... This isn’t the first time a white man has been attacked by a group of blacks who were seemingly upset over the election results. Just one day after Trump won, a video surfaced of a 50-year-old man being brutally assaulted on the West Side in the North Lawndale neighborhood, as onlookers called him out for voting for the real estate mogul. “You voted Trump?” a person says in the clip, before yelling: “Beat his a–!” Four people eventually were arrested and charged in connection with the attack"
Man Gets 8 Years In Livestreamed Attack, Torture Of Disabled Teen - "The alleged ringleader of the live-streamed torture of a kidnapped mentally disabled teen has been sentenced to eight years in prison, after pleading guilty to hate crime charges. Jordan Hill, 20, pleaded guilty to felony counts of aggravated kidnapping and hate crime... Hill allegedly took the victim to the West Side apartment of sisters Brittany and Tanishia Covington, where the incident took place. Brittany Covington narrated a Facebook Live video of Hill, her sister, and Tesfaye Cooper tormenting the victim. The video shows them slapping, punching, taunting and threatening to kill the victim."
If it had been the other way round...

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