Facebook - "Third-World Country? No. Sorry, it's Seattle..."
Meme - "Don't dress scantily! It's a sin!
Don't drink alcohol! It's haram!
Don't abort! Stay at home! Bear more babies!
Don't laugh! Don't dance! Don't hug!"
Fruits and Vegetables Are Trying to Kill You - "evidence has mounted to suggest that antioxidant vitamin supplements, long assumed to improve health, are ineffectual. Fruits and vegetables are indeed healthful but not necessarily because they shield you from oxidative stress. In fact, they may improve health for quite the opposite reason: They stress you. That stress comes courtesy of trace amounts of naturally occurring pesticides and anti-grazing compounds. You already know these substances as the hot flavors in spices, the mouth-puckering tannins in wines, or the stink of Brussels sprouts. They are the antibacterials, antifungals, and grazing deterrents of the plant world. In the right amount, these slightly noxious substances, which help plants survive, may leave you stronger. Parallel studies, meanwhile, have undercut decades-old assumptions about the dangers of free radicals. Rather than killing us, these volatile molecules, in the right amount, may improve our health. Our quest to neutralize them with antioxidant supplements may be doing more harm than good. The idea that pro-oxidant molecules are always destructive is “oversimplified to the point of probably being wrong,” says Toren Finkel, chief of the center for molecular medicine at the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute in Bethesda, Maryland. “Oxidants may be a primordial messenger of stress in our cells, and a little bit of stress, it turns out, may be good for us.”... scientists began finding that exercise and calorie restriction increased lifespan in animals. Both elevated ROS. According to the ROS model of aging, animals that exercised and fasted should have died younger. But they lived longer... To improve health, he figured, perhaps we shouldn’t neutralize ROS so much as increase them in a way that mimicked what happened in exercise. That would boost native antioxidants, improve insulin sensitivity, and increase overall resilience. Ristow called this idea “mitohormesis.”"
How the Chinese Gooseberry Got Rebranded as the Kiwifruit
Asia: Sextortion ring dismantled by police - "The cybercriminals contacted their victims, based mainly in Hong Kong (China) and Singapore, through online sex and dating platforms before asking them to download a malicious mobile application via a hyperlink to engage in ‘naked chats’. Little did the victims know that this app was specifically designed to steal their phones’ contact lists. The syndicate would then blackmail victims by threatening to circulate their nude videos to their relatives and friends"
Poly student threatened to make ex-girlfriend an 'influencer' by leaking her nude videos, photos - "When his relationship came to an end, a young man threatened to circulate hundreds of his ex-girlfriend's nude photographs and videos, taunting her by saying she would become an “influencer” as a result. He then began stalking her through an online platform she was using for her school lectures"
Female social worker accused of making sexual advances on over 40 moms, removing their children when rejected - "A female former Colorado social worker has been accused of making "sexual advances" towards at least 40 mothers, making false accusations of child abuse and threatening to remove their children from their care when they rejected her. Robin Niceta, 41, who was a child-protective worker in Arapahoe County, allegedly offered parents alcohol and invited them into her home before making sexual advances... "So far, several parents have come forward to let us know that they also had their children taken away from them as a result of Robin Niceta's actions related to their cases whether by what they believe to be false testimony during court of what they believe to be false reports.""
Love, Sex, Video games and Gamers: Soon - FML - "Today, my boyfriend was talking about video games. Bored of the subject, I started kissing his neck and chest in hopes of him to stop talking and getting some action. He did stop, only for him to say about a minute later, "You're lucky my games can't do this." FML"
Love, Weird and Cheating: Guilty - FML - "Today, I caught my husband saying, “Love you too, can’t wait to see you” on his phone. I asked him who he was talked to and he said, “my coworker Ricky.” When I asked to see his texts with “Ricky” he threw his phone out the fifth story window, saying “Oopsy!” He then threw a fit saying I owe him a new phone. FML"
Maduro wields powerful hate law against remaining foes in Venezuela - "Venezuela's "law against hate" is suddenly a key tool for Nicolás Maduro to repress dissent, particularly online. A Reuters review of over 40 recent arrests found in each case that authorities used the law to detain critics of the president, his aides or allies... After opposition legislators in March said the government was ill prepared for coronavirus, the president in a speech said they were seeking to “torture Venezuelan minds.” He accused them of “manipulating” the pandemic for political purposes. Within days, prosecutors ramped up use of the law. "
Why liberals want hate speech and misinformation laws
Real life transformers. : MadeMeSmile
Meme - "Business Hours
Normally Opening: 11
Overslept: 12
Traveling: Closed
Normally Closed: 22:00
Too Many Girls: 23:00
Pretty Girls In: Not Closed
All Men: Early Closing"
Taken at Xiang Yuan Qiao Yunnan Cross Bridge Rice Noodle(RMD) in Richmond, British Columbia
Meme - Me losing my virginity: "Thanks guys"
*Warhammer, Anime, Tool, Libertarianism, Political compass memes, GTA online, "Classical Liberal", PragerU, Joe Rogan*: "So long, partner"
Meme - MEFeaterCEO @GabrielleAmani: "Progress is the best feeling in the world *mattress to bed*"
"I love posts like this. It shows realistic and relatable growth, which often isn't shown on social media."
Jason Read on Twitter - "The cultural domination of fantasy over science fiction that we are currently living through just seems to be symptomatic of the broader turn towards fascism."
The left sees "fascism" everywhere. But really they're just seeing themselves
Al Peṭṭerson on Twitter - "1992: The humanities are useless. Study STEM.
2002: The humanities are useless. Study STEM.
2012: The humanities are useless. Study STEM.
2022: Why are nazis suddenly about to take over?
Well this has been fun, and my first-ever viral tweet! Subtweets and mockery abound, but quite a nice ratio. Thanks to all who participated. But alas, the sun's coming up in Moscow, so we're shutting off comments on the thread, because the bots are waking."
Everyone who disagrees with a liberal is a Russian bot
Giving that grievance studies has taken over STEM (e.g. Nature falling) this is even more far-fetches
Comments from a share: "the Third Reich was constructed not by atrocity barbarians but by the top intellectual and cultured philosophers of the time rich in Hagelian, Marxist, and Nietzchean thought tradition."
"Technically NAZIS are created by failing humanities students…."
"This is a wildly distorted reframing of what happened. The left took over the humanities (in what used to be the academy), and turned them into nonsense that was only useful for maintaining their power. Sane people rejected both their philosophy and their power, and now they’re panicking."
"of course they're real. Apparently I'm one, my manager is one, ted Cruz is one, my dog is one, mitt Romney is one, Tulsi gabbard is one, my neighbor's cat is one, Satoshi nakamoto is probably one, and I also suspect the mice that live under my sink are Nazis too since they don't vote democrat."
"Look to your left and youll see the thugs that destroy cities in the name of 'antiracism'. Look to mainstream media for the apologists that empower the thugs. Look to the university to see the professors that generate both."
"Except that the number of humanities majors grew significantly over that time period, while STEM, despite all the promotion, stayed relatively the same."
"oh yeah man, not like we live in a time where more people are getting useless degrees than ever before or anything lmfao"
"The best part is that you can’t tell if this was made by a leftist complaining about their delusions, or by a normal person noticing the leftist takeover of every cultural institution."
"The more humanities grads, the broader the nazi definition."
"This person obviously wasn’t educated in the critical thinking provided by a STEM degree"
"Not to mention that STEM is getting wrecked now as well."
"Hmm only in Western culture is it considered Nazism to think critically and logically"
"Remember kids, if 2+2 doesn't equal 5 you're a racist!"
Investigation underway after kindergarten students on Vancouver Island given worksheet on masturbation - "An investigation has been launched by officials in Alert Bay after reports started circulating about an inappropriate sex education worksheet given to kindergarten students. The worksheet was allegedly used at T’lisa̱lagi’lakw school in 'Namgis First Nation'... 'Namgis First Nation issued a formal statement about the incident, and confirmed that there is an active investigation underway. “It is the priority of ‘Namgis Council to ensure our young people are taken care of in a way that honours their safety, security and well being and reflects the values of our Nation,” the statement said. “We are dedicated to supporting our students, families and staff who have been impacted.”... The statement also said that a complete assessment of the approval processes involving sensitive topics will be done. Other measures include using pre-approved resources to meet learning outcomes in the BC education curriculum"
Anyone who has concerns over what is taught in schools is a dangerous far right extremist
Arab States Demand That Netflix Drop ‘Offensive Content’ - The New York Times - "Egypt became the latest Arab country on Wednesday to demand that Netflix drop content that runs counter to its “societal values,” an escalation of a battle by regional authorities on Western-produced television shows and films that depict gay and lesbian characters onscreen. The content, in the official telling, is anathema to their majority-Muslim societies. Egypt’s warning to Netflix, Disney+ and other streaming services, issued by its government media regulator, came a day after six Gulf Arab countries including Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates called on Netflix to take down “offensive content” on its local streaming sites. They said in a statement that such programs “contradict Islamic and societal values and principles.” Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman and Qatar also joined in the Gulf countries’ request. Egypt’s statement used similar language, warning the streaming services that “legal action will be taken in the event of broadcasting content that conflicts with societal values.”... Several recent Disney films, including this summer’s “Lightyear,” “Thor: Love and Thunder,” “Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness,” “West Side Story” and “Eternals,” were all barred from movie theaters in various places across the Middle East because they included L.G.B.T.Q. scenes such as same-sex kisses or touched on other L.G.B.T.Q. topics. Though it was banned elsewhere, “Eternals” made it to theaters in the United Arab Emirates after Disney edited out public displays of affection. Disney recently said it would not offer “Lightyear” or “Baymax,” a series that includes L.G.B.T.Q. characters, on the Middle East version of Disney+, its streaming service, to avoid inflaming regional sensitivities."
So much for media companies trying to play both sides
What Is ‘Radical Monogamy’?
When you go through a tortured path to get to basically the same endpoint
Meme - "I never understood why people organize runs to raise awareness for a cause. You know what gets my attention? Free food, then while I'm eating maybe tell me about Parkinson's."
What’s the best cuisine? - "American
Why Channel 37 Doesn’t Exist (And What It Has to Do With Aliens) - "the sudden, high popularity of television made the general bandwidth area where the telescope operated, 608-614 MHz, a bit of a hot commodity. It was literally the spot where channel 37 was supposed to go—and broadcasters wanted access to that channel. It threatened to cover up a key window."
They Couldn't Take It With Them - The New York Times - "The gold, jewels, land, cash, art and palaces of the Russian imperial family had an estimated value of over $45 billion when the House of Romanov fell in 1917. A great deal of that wealth can be easily accounted for -- the Bolsheviks grabbed it. But enough to make dozens of people gloriously rich eluded their grasp and has been sought and claimed ever since... The family still had a fortune in diamonds sewn into the underclothes of the Grand Duchesses, but that only added irony to horror: during their executions, bullets ricocheted off the diamonds and the poor girls had to be finished off with rifle butts and bayonets."
Meme - "There are grown men who are really into the intricacies of children's movies. GIF: "WE JUST NEED TO GET YOU LAID""
"the problem is I got laid too much and have 3 daughters who care about this"
Single People Are Standing In Solidarity With This 20-Year-Old Over Her Hilarious Family Holiday Card - "This is 20-year-old Emily Seawright. She and her family live in California. Every year around the holidays, the Seawrights brainstorm a new Christmas card for the whole family... the Seawright 2017 Holiday Card was conceived. From left to right: The "Excited" couple are her parents; the "Engaged" couple are her sister and her fiancé; the "Expecting" couple are her older sister and her husband...and "Emily" is Emily.
Roy Wood Jr- Ex Jedi on Twitter - "6th grade I forgot the science fair was next day. 10pm in a panic, I find a loaf of molded bread my pops forgot to throw out. Made a study on mold, moisture & air. Got 2nd place in the school. 5th in the city. 😂😂 Bread so moldy I was praised for “conducting weeks of research”."
Meme - "Fuck today pay tomorrow"
Ahh... Thailand!
I respect your opinion. But I disagree with. Let me explain why. You see
Blow it out your ass"
"Idk why Americans take pride in sharing that image. You're basically admitting you're a bunch of arrogant retards that cant form a sentence."
"blow it out your ass"
Just like many Americans love to share that meme about Europeans saying "I Feel Bad For You" and Americans saying "I Don't Think About You At All", which is a lie anyway, since these same Americans love to go on about "socialism" in Europe, how they are being stabbed to death, how they have no rights and how they are small homogenous ethnostates
Dear David Attenborough, beautiful Netflix documentary. But your ‘solutions’ destroy nature even more - "By praising Dutch exports, you are only repeating our food industry’s marketing slogans. Please stop. Argue for hard measures to curb our own consumption. Hold food giants like Unilever to account. Condemn agriculture that comes at the expense of biodiversity. Not only in Borneo, but also in the Netherlands, and on your own island of Britain. If Europe were to make it part of its policy to halve meat and dairy production in favour of seasonal vegetables, we would be able to manage without exports from outside Europe, while promoting healthier living and environmentally friendly farming... Without Dutch imports and exports, the world outside Europe would not have less, but more to eat, and not less, but more nature would be preserved."
Basically environmentalism is about degrading your quality of life and destroying your economy
(2) Facebook - "I catching up on news. Reading Sunday Times now and I see on Page 1 a magnet trying to attract some wooden blocks....no wonder we can't get foreign talent!"
Ants use pedometers to find home | New Scientist - "Wolf and his colleagues became interested in the mystery while studying Saharan desert ants (Cataglyphis fortis). When the researchers shortened the ants’ legs the insects had trouble finding home... the ants were removed from the food source and immobilised temporarily in a wax-like material. Wolf’s team then either removed about 1 millimetre from the tips of the insects’ legs or attached 1-millimetre “stilts” made of lightweight bristles... ants walking on stilts typically travelled 50% further than the normal distance and then began pacing back and forth looking for home. And those with shortened legs paced back and forth in the channel after travelling, on average, only 50% of the normal distance to the nest... Wolf says that the findings show that ants have an internal system that somehow keeps track of now many the steps they have taken, though he is quick to point out that the insects probably cannot “count” as such. He suspects that the ants’ automatic step counter is part of their nervous system and that it gets reset each time they return to the nest. The fact that ants with altered legs correctly estimated the distance home on future trips out from the nest supports Wolf’s speculation."
Meme - Tom Harwood @tomhfh: "Bicycles are inherently more right wing individualist than cars. No state licensing, no requirement for very heavy state infrastructure, no congestion, no reliance on anyone else, and infinitesimally less likely to kill someone."
Alberta oil could save Canada's crumbling road networks - "The country’s shoddy roads cost Canadian drivers $3 billion annually, according to a 2021 study by the Canadian Automobile Association (CAA). Getting mechanics to fix a tire rod that falls victim to a nasty pothole doesn’t earn you any discounts, just another headache. And highways that are seemingly under perpetual repair prevent freight trucks from getting where they need to be on time, further sapping productivity. The CAA study suggests that spending a dollar today on road preservation could eliminate or delay “spending $6-$10 on costly repairs later on.” But spending money up front, with taxpayers ultimately footing the bill, isn’t necessarily possible, and not simply because road repair isn’t a hot button political issue such as, say, affordable housing, but because a lot of municipalities don’t have the money to do anything more than fill potholes... Alberta crude produces asphalt binder — that black sticky stuff that holds asphalt together — of virtually unparalleled quality... Asphalt has a limited life cycle. In Ontario, it ranges between 15 and 25 years. Hesp, in collaboration with some municipalities, including Timmins, has test sections of road made with straight Alberta binder that are showing a predicted life cycle of 40 years. “If we do it smarter, I am sure we can make it 60 years,” he said. The professor sketches a bright, future-facing picture, full of electric vehicles rolling over freshly paved, built-to-last roads held together with Alberta bitumen, and an oil industry that hasn’t been left for dead by electrification, but pivoted to a new calling: building roads. “Alberta has enough reserves underground to pave every road on Earth for the next 100 to 200 years”"
How do I stop people from adding me to Telegram groups and channels? - "If you join a large Telegram group that isn't just your friends, or especially if you join a large channel, chances are somebody is going to try to add you to other groups that they are trying to promote"
How To Stop Wasting Time On The Internet - "Holly Shakya of UCSD and Nicholas Christakis of Yale did a study of over 5200 people titled, “Association of Facebook Use With Compromised Well-Being: A Longitudinal Study.”... 'Our results show that overall, the use of Facebook was negatively associated with well-being.'... It was approved and published by “The American Journal of Epidemiology.”... From Digital Minimalism: Choosing a Focused Life in a Noisy World:
A philosophy of technology use in which you focus your online time in a small number of carefully selected and optimized activities that strongly support things you value, and then happily miss out on everything else... Visit. Pick up the phone. Send a hand-written card. Those are the things that touch us. Don’t be the digital ghost. Be the real friend who reaches out. “Liking” is something we should do with people, not with buttons."
I wonder what all the Americans claiming the CDC is corrupt for studying guns because guns aren't a disease will say
Project Habbakuk: Britain's WWII ice warship - "To gain the upper hand against the deadly German U-boats, the British had come up with a strange idea: make aircraft carriers out of giant icebergs. They were, after all, abundant, completely free and believed to be unsinkable. Crazy as it sounded, the project was approved by British prime minister Winston Churchill himself... At the time, ice was considered almost indestructible: the International Ice Patrol, established to destroy icebergs after one had sunk the Titanic in 1912, had reported that blowing them up wasn't easy, even with torpedoes and incendiary bombs."
Venting Emotions Can Be Psychological Damaging - "talking about thoughts and feelings after a trauma, or venting, may not help (Seery et al., 2008). Worse, it may be psychologically damaging... If accurate, these results stand in stark contrast to what has become the accepted wisdom. Offering psychological counselling in the aftermath of traumatic events has now become a normal, automatic official response. Popular techniques include ‘Critical Incident Stress Debriefing’, which is thought to reassure trauma sufferers that their responses are normal and help reduce the chances of PST. These techniques are in line with the ‘hydraulic theory’ of the emotions – a popularly held view of how the emotions work. In this view, people’s emotions work in the same way as a pressure cooker. Emotions build up inside until the mind can no longer contain the pressure."
AI Searches Public Cameras to Find When Instagram Photos Were Taken - "The Belgian artist has posted a video of his remarkable project that he calls The Follower which he began by recording open cameras that are public and broadcast live on websites such as EarthCam... The resulting video gives a slightly creepy behind-the-scenes look at Instagram influencers in the wild as they pose for the perfect social media photo... Depoorter’s previous project, The Flemish Scrollers, involved flagging every time a Belgian politician uses their phone while at a government meeting. That project used AI and face recognition as well, and once a politician had been caught using their phone it was posted to Twitter with the distracted politician tagged."
Meme - "Before internet
>i want to fuck toasters
>dont be a fucking retard
>grow up
After internet
>I want to fuck a toaster
>find a community with 1000+ members about people wanting to fuck toasters
>fuck up your life"
Meme - "Customer states, no matter how much she tries, she cant inflate the tires to "100%"
93 psi
97 psi
96 psi
94 psi
Tire Pressure"
Saw this walking hotspot setup attached on to this dog on the bus today : toronto
‘Manipulated’ Alzheimer’s data may have misled research for 16 years - "The key theory of what causes Alzheimer’s disease may be based on ‘manipulated’ data which has misdirected dementia research for 16 years – potentially wasting billions of pounds – a major investigation suggests. A six-month probe by the journal Science reported “shockingly blatant” evidence of result tampering in a seminal research paper which proposed Alzheimer’s is triggered by a build-up of amyloid beta plaques in the brain. In the 2006 article from the University of Minnesota, published in the journal Nature, scientists claimed to have discovered a type of amyloid beta which brought on dementia when injected into young rats. It was the first substance ever identified in brain tissue which could cause memory impairment, and seemed like a smoking gun. The Nature paper became one of the most-cited scientific articles on Alzheimer’s ever published, sparking a huge jump in global funding for research into drugs to clear away the plaques."
"Trust the science"
Eli 🤠 on Twitter - "Muslims in the US: “Actually the Quran is accepting of same sex couples”
Muslims in England: “Are we allowed to make eye contact with the kafirs?”"