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Saturday, December 03, 2022

Woke Religion: A Taxonomy

This is very Christianity focused but it shows how similar wokeism is to it (and also how different woke causes are similar to each other). Too bad some of the items are quite forced, misclassified or questionable (maybe only true in a US context), and it doesn't have a row to show the Christian parallels.


Woke Religion: A Taxonomy

Category: Racism

Original Sin: What happened in the past to make things so terrible today

Guilty Devils: The people who made things so terrible
White people

Myths: Creation Story
The American War of Independence was fought to maintain slavery
Structural racism is the cause of all racial inequality and the only explanation possible for disparate outcomes by racial group
Asian success is due to Asians participating in white supremacy
Rioting and looting are political acts
We rarely discuss slavery and history of racism

Sacred Victims: People who continue to be harmed by original sin
Black people
Indigenous people
People of color

The Elect: Those chosen to make things right
Coates, Kendi, DiAngelo
Black Lives Matter
Critical Race Theorists

Supernatural Beliefs: Beliefs beyond scientific understanding or known laws of nature
Math is racist
White people borrowing elements from other cultures is theft (i.e. “cultural appropriation”)
Culture doesn’t matter
Racism is as bad as ever
Living white people are guilty for sins committed by dead white people
Speech/silence equals violence
Implicit bias tied to real world harm

Taboo Facts: Things forbidden to say
Racism has declined
There is broad societal acceptance of interracial relationships and families
Black wealth is rising
The obsession with race can make racism worse
1964 Civil Rights Act and subsequent legislation banned structural racism
Police do not kill unarmed black men at higher rates than other races
Asian success is due to hard work and higher ed

Taboo Speech: Words that trigger anger among the elect
“Reverse racism”
“Acting white”
“All lives matter”

Purifying Rituals: Acts perceived to make people innocent of guilt and responsibility
Reparations/Affirmative Action/ racial preferences
Using correct language
Public apologies
White people not speaking
Asking students or employees to self- segregate on the basis of race
Diversity trainings
White people confessing to being racist
Announcing one’s race

Purifying Speech: Words people use to be perceived as virtuous
“People of color”
Capitalized “Black” but lower-case “white”


Category: Climate Change

Original Sin: What happened in the past to make things so terrible today
Fossil fuel use
Industrial revolution
Modern farming
Western development

Guilty Devils: The people who made things so terrible
Exxon, BP, etc. (fossil fuels industry)
“Climate deniers”
Koch Brothers

Myths: Creation Story
The Earth’s climate was safer in past
Climate change is making natural disasters deadlier and more expensive
Climate change is the main cause of high intensity forest fires
We rarely discuss climate change
We can power world with renewables
Human civilization is unsustainable

Sacred Victims: People who continue to be harmed by original sin
Subsistence farmers
Maldives, Tuvalo and other small island nations
Young people
Global South

The Elect: Those chosen to make things right
Climate scientists, activists, journalists
UN officials
Greta Thunberg
Vandana Shiva
Thomas Malthus

Supernatural Beliefs: Beliefs beyond scientific understanding or known laws of nature
Climate change will make humans extinct
Humans causing sixth mass extinction
Study of “tipping points” is scientific
Prosperity doesn’t depend on high energy use
Prosperity is not necessary for happiness
Organic agriculture can feed the world while protecting nature

Taboo Facts: Things forbidden to say
Deaths from natural disasters have declined 90% since 1900
Renewables can’t power high-energy world
Emissions are declining in developed nations and could soon peak and start to decline globally
Food surpluses are rising
Some climate policies hurt the poor and increase emissions
Nuclear energy is safe, clean, and effective, with myriad beneficial side effects
Renewables are dirty to produce and distribute
Prosperity (without inflation) follows shifting to cheaper, higher energy-density fuels, not more expensive lower energy-density fuels.

Taboo Speech: Words that trigger anger among the elect
Nuclear power plants have the smallest environmental impact of any energy source
Fracking reduces carbon emissions
Economic development outweighs impact of climate change
Renewables hurt the environment
Wealth is good
“We’re safer than ever”

Purifying Rituals: Acts perceived to make people innocent of guilt and responsibility
Carbon offsets
Walking, biking, or public transit
Renewable Energy Credits
Carbon budgets
Climate reparations
Climate conferences
Extinction Rebellion-style performance art and public protests

Purifying Speech: Words people use to be perceived as virtuous
“Sustainable” / “Sustainability”
“Net-Zero (Emissions)”
“Carbon Zero” / “Carbon Negative”


Category: Trans

Original Sin: What happened in the past to make things so terrible today
Sex or gender spectrum reduced to just two sexes and genders

Guilty Devils: The people who made things so terrible
People who view sex as biologically determined
Opponents of legal requirements to use trans pronons (sic)
Opponents of allowing trans women athletes to compete with biological women athletes

Myths: Creation Story
Trans women or trans men are identical to biological women or biological men
Violence against trans people is on the rise, disproportionate, and due to being trans

Sacred Victims: People who continue to be harmed by original sin
Trans people
Nonbinary people

The Elect: Those chosen to make things right
Trans activists

Supernatural Beliefs: Beliefs beyond scientific understanding or known laws of nature
Puberty blockers and surgery can change your biological sex
A person can immediately change their sex simply by identifying as the opposite sex, or as non-binary

Taboo Facts: Things forbidden to say
Social acceptance of trans people is increasing
Trans kids and kids with gender dysphoria often benefit from parental involvement
Trans activism can hurt trans and gender- dysphoric children
Many children who think they’re trans have gender dysphoria
Many de-transitioners say they wish there had been more obstacles to changing their sex
Gender dysphoria is sometimes correlated with mental health problems
There is little evidence that transitioning reduces the risk of suicide

Taboo Speech: Words that trigger anger among the elect
Sex heavily influences gender
Gender dysphoria is real

Purifying Rituals: Acts perceived to make people innocent of guilt and responsibility
Announcing one’s pronouns
Educating people about trans

Purifying Speech: Words people use to be perceived as virtuous
“Speech is violence”
“Silence is violence”
“Trans women are women

Category: Crime

Original Sin: What happened in the past to make things so terrible today
Private property

Guilty Devils: The people who made things so terrible
Prison guards

Myths: Creation Story
There are large numbers of unjustified killings of unarmed black men by police
Crime is not rising in progressive cities
Black people killed by police officers are sacred but black people killed by other black people aren’t
Police forces descended from slave patrols

Sacred Victims: People who continue to be harmed by original sin
Incarcerated people
Black people

The Elect: Those chosen to make things right
Progressive DAs
Black Lives Matter
Abolition movement activists
George Soros

Supernatural Beliefs: Beliefs beyond scientific understanding or known laws of nature
Prisoners aren’t guilty, the system is
Jails and prisons aren’t necessary

Taboo Facts: Things forbidden to say
Police reduce crime and prevent incarceration
The “Ferguson effect,” whereby anti-police protests result in police pull-back and criminal emboldenment, is
Anti-police agenda hurts black people
Most black people oppose defunding the police
Thirty times more black people killed by civilians than by the police
Taboo against cooperating with police and prosecutors is a barrier to successfully prosecuting criminals

Taboo Speech: Words that trigger anger among the elect
“All lives matter”
“Black-on-black violence”

Purifying Rituals: Acts perceived to make people innocent of guilt and responsibility
Defund/abolish the police
Decriminalize theft

Purifying Speech: Words people use to be perceived as virtuous
“Carceral state”
“Police state”
“Prison industrial complex

Category: Mental Illness

Original Sin: What happened in the past to make things so terrible today
Invention of mental illness

Guilty Devils: The people who made things so terrible
Enlightenment philosophers

Myths: Creation Story
Enlightenment philosophy led to the medicalization of neuroatypical people
Psychiatrists don’t want to help people they just want to control them, whether with drugs or therapies

Sacred Victims: People who continue to be harmed by original sin

The Elect: Those chosen to make things right
Advocates of mentally ill
Michel Foucault
Thomas Szasz
R.D. Laing

Supernatural Beliefs: Beliefs beyond scientific understanding or known laws of nature
Mental illness doesn’t exist except as a way to stigmatize neuroatypical people
Mentally ill people should be free to self- medicate however they see fit

Taboo Facts: Things forbidden to say
Untreated mentally ill people are disproportionately violent
Many mentally ill people say they benefited from involuntary medical treatment

Taboo Speech: Words that trigger anger among the elect
Some mentally ill people need involuntary medical treatment

Purifying Rituals: Acts perceived to make people innocent of guilt and responsibility
Close psychiatric hospitals
Demand the release of mentally ill people from psychiatric hospitals
Create all-voluntary community mental health clinics
Demand that the police not arrest mentally ill people when they break the law

Purifying Speech: Words people use to be perceived as virtuous

Category: Drugs

Original Sin: What happened in the past to make things so terrible today
Drug prohibition
Stigmatization of altered states of consciousness

Guilty Devils: The people who made things so terrible

Myths: Creation Story
Most people in jail or prison are there for nonviolent drug offenses
We can liberalize, decriminalize and normalize addictive drugs without significantly increasing addiction

Sacred Victims: People who continue to be harmed by original sin
Drug users

The Elect: Those chosen to make things right
Harm Reduction Coalition
Drug Policy Alliance
George Soros

Supernatural Beliefs: Beliefs beyond scientific understanding or known laws of nature
Decriminalizing or legalizing drugs is the key to preventing addiction and overdoses

Taboo Facts: Things forbidden to say
Liberalization, decriminalization, and normalization of drugs increases use and addiction
Many recovering addicts credit being arrested for their recovery

Taboo Speech: Words that trigger anger among the elect
Addicts who break laws should be arrested and given the choice between jail and rehab

Purifying Rituals: Acts perceived to make people innocent of guilt and responsibility
Distributing clean needles, and other drug paraphenalia
Providing services to homeless street addicts
Distributing Narcan

Purifying Speech: Words people use to be perceived as virtuous
“Substance use disorder"

Category: Homelessness

Original Sin: What happened in the past to make things so terrible today
Private property

Guilty Devils: The people who made things so terrible
Politicians who shut down open drug scenes (“homeless encampments”)

Myths: Creation Story
Homelessness is caused by poverty and high rents

Sacred Victims: People who continue to be harmed by original sin
The homeless

The Elect: Those chosen to make things right
Homeless advocates
Homeless service providers

Supernatural Beliefs: Beliefs beyond scientific understanding or known laws of nature
People who simply can’t afford rent and suffer no mental illness or addiction decide to live in tents on sidewalks
Acknowledging that homeless people suffer high rates of addiction and mental illness causes violence against them
Most violence against homeless people is by non-homeless people
Violence against homeless people is increasing

Taboo Facts: Things forbidden to say
The rise in homelessness can’t be explained by trauma and abuse, which have steadily declined for decades
Most unsheltered homeless people are homeless because of their addiction and/or untreated mental illness
Housing First enables addiction
Homeless advocates restricted funding for shelter, worsening homelessness

Taboo Speech: Words that trigger anger among the elect
Subsidized housing should be contingent on abstinence
People have a right to shelter, not to housing

Purifying Rituals: Acts perceived to make people innocent of guilt and responsibility
Free, unconditional housing
Homeless outreach
Defending the right of people to camp in public spaces

Purifying Speech: Words people use to be perceived as virtuous
“People experiencing homelessness”


Addendum: This is by Michael Shellenberger and Peter Boghossian

Mirror for image:

I am also trying to explicitly draw the Christian parallels here: 

Category: Christianity

Original Sin: What happened in the past to make things so terrible today
Adam and Eve disobeying God and eating the forbidden fruit (of knowledge of good and evil)

Guilty Devils: The people who made things so terrible

Myths: Creation Story
Adam and Eve

Sacred Victims: People who continue to be harmed by original sin
Humans (themselves)

The Elect: Those chosen to make things right

Supernatural Beliefs: Beliefs beyond scientific understanding or known laws of nature

Taboo Facts: Things forbidden to say
The Problem of Evil
The Problem of Religious Pluralism
The Problem of Hell

Taboo Speech: Words that trigger anger among the elect
- (to be filled when I think of what fits)

Purifying Rituals: Acts perceived to make people innocent of guilt and responsibility
Good works
Donating to the Church

Purifying Speech: Words people use to be perceived as virtuous
He is Risen
God is Good
Praise the Lord

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