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Friday, December 02, 2022

Links - 2nd December 2022 (1 - Women)

Meme - Stephen Storey: "why do women want to be friends with men so bad??"
Vicious @vicious: "Some Men miss out on having cool homegirls by being too horny."
Know Your Worth King: "The answer to this is men are easier to get along with. We can meet a complete stranger at a sports bar and be cool with each other. Regardless of what you see on social media, women are not friendly with each other. They stay low key competing with each other and that's before any man is in the picture."

Meme - "Non Negotiable
Rules for My man's Side Bitch
Acting girlfriend duties but he is not your man
No Babies
No Posting pictures On Social Media
You are last priority as far as finances are concerned so manage your money well
He is to never stay the night
Don't try to embarrass him on social media when you're into it
Don't come to me as a woman about anything. You stay in your lane I stay in mine.
Never to see our children"

Meme - "My dad used to get so mad every time my mom would come home w a new coffee mug (she likes to collect them) and her new bf literally built her a wall to display her collection. this is why we don't settle for loser boys, ladies!!!!!"
Of course, any man who collected coffee mugs against his woman's wishes would be a loser boy too

Meme - "Bride thinks using vibrators on each other is normal hen night activity
I was talking to a friend today about this sub and she gave me a story I have to share (with her permission). My friend was invited by a coworker (who's she's not even close friends with!) to a her hen night, but gave up after the bride mentioned that one of the fun activities she had planned was for all the guests (all women) to put in remote-controlled vibrators, the controls to which would be given to the other guests at random, and they would have to keep a straight face and not give anything away. This coworker is straight. She thought this was normal and a very straight thing to do. My friend politely mentioned this was basically an orgy, so she might be rethinking this (or not). It was not clarified if guests should bring their own vibrators or if they would be provided. Most remote- controlled vibrators are expensive, so even just cost- wise, either option is bad. The worst part is that she probably got this idea from a website somewhere.
EDIT: checked with my friend and it's entirely possible that this is, in fact, an MLM strategy. didn't know they had MLMs for sex toys, but I guess that's where we are now. also obviously I can't prove to you that this is real, but I am burdened with the knowledge that it is, in fact, real"

Meme - DEMON @bigbankdemon: "I think men like natural women be it reminds them of kids no shade
Like be fr"
Intra-sexual competition combined with "pedo" shaming is wild

Meme - "Hey so important question, how tall are you"
"How much do you weigh?"
"Seriously I'm fucking sick of this reply I only ask cuz I'm tall as fuck which my profile says if u bothered to read and I'm also pregnant so I'm not answering that which you'd also know if u read of which clearly you didn't. And it's always body builders who comeback with that reply cuz ur all self conscious about ur height so u try to overcompensate with the rest of u so yeah nah with that reply I'm fucking good dude"

Meme - Lizz Adams @Lizz: "Happily married to my 5'5" king for 8 years while y'all are getting ghosted by 6'2" alcoholics with 7th grade reading levels but go off about how you only date tall men I guess"

Meme - "What's your favorite character in LOTR and why is it Gollum"
"How tall are you dude"
"Oh well...I'm 6'3" (191 cms) and you?"
"That's like the perfect height for guy haha. I'm 5'1" and petite"
"Oops. That's too much height difference I guess. Don't think it would work out. Sorry"
"So you're rejecting me because of my height? The audacity"
"Well we all have our preferences. Even your profile bio says only 6ft and above"
"lol ok incel. If you have a small dick just say that Imao"
"Dafuq? How's it different from you having a height requirement?"
"I'm a woman. So it's not the same, incel. Even if a man has nothing he has the audacity to ask stupid questions like this. Bye"

Meme - ">have ex-bf
>was really the nicest guy I've ever met, and took me this long to realise what a positive influence he left
>wasn't ready for him back then, as personal life drama made maintaining relationships impossible
>look him up for the first time in eight years
>he's now with a girl, and traveling to all the places he and I talked about traveling
>she's 12 years younger than him
Why do men do this?"
">break up with a guy
>he moves on and finds someone else
>"why do men do this?"
Are you mentally challenged?"

Meme - "WHAT??? My husband and I were at a friend's house for game night when he drew the question, "if you were trapped on an island with one woman of the opposite sex, who would it be and why?" His answer was MY FRIEND.... because "I admire the way she listens to her man and stays calm in every situation, so it's easy for him to have peace in life... my answer is not about sex, but peace." Before I knew it I jumped over the table on him. Everyone had to pull me off of him. He was so embarrassed and disgusted. He got his jacket, looked at me and shook his head, and then left. Later than night my friend (the one he named) and her husband called me and told me I was wrong. Do you think I was wrong for my reaction?"

Former President Barack Obama says women are "pretty indisputably" better than men - "Former President Barack Obama asserted that many of the world's problems can be attributed to old men refusing to relinquish their power and said women are "pretty indisputably" better than men... if women ran every nation in the world, there would be "significant improvements across the board on just about everything." "If you look at the world and look at the problems, it's usually old people, usually old men, not getting out of the way""
Sexism against men is good

Meme - "90% of Insta influencer posts be like: Travel | Animals | Beauty | Art | Science & Tech | Style"

Woman calls out expat man for only dating Southeast Asian women, says they 'could do so much better' - "When she asked him what it was like dating as an expat man in Singapore, the man allegedly told her that he "exclusively dates Singaporeans or other Southeast Asian nationalities".

I sold my eggs for an Ivy League education – but was it worth it? - "I knew I couldn’t risk the distraction and stress of a job while studying at Columbia full-time. Plus, the school’s administration reminded us outright that we were to avoid employment during our studies... The call offered a window into a different world: where everybody is a carrier of disease, myself included. I was forced to confront a reality where I might pass on complex disorders to my children, ones I never thought I had. The clinic was not just assessing my predisposition for genetic disorders, it was also weighing up other attributes: my blonde hair, my blue eyes and my fair skin. Over screening calls, team members would subtly compliment and affirm descriptions of my body, personality and ivy league education. Altogether, I had concerns this was sanitized eugenics. But through what other language did I expect them to build a relationship with me? They were paying me $10,000 for my eggs. The very nature of our business revolved around my body... “It wasn’t until I was matched with a family, met them, [and] spoke with them that I realized the impact,” said Finnerty. “You don’t realize the lengths couples have to go through to have children.” She’s had contact with all of the families she’s donated to. Being exposed to the parents’ gratitude changed her mind. Now, the goodwill of element, not the money, is her favorite part: She plans to donate six times – the maximum advisable... In a recent opinion published by American Society for Reproductive Medicine – which dissuades agencies from compensating donors more than $10,000 – the society found that 88% of donors compensated up to $5,000 for their eggs answered in a self-report questionnaire that “being able to help someone” was their biggest motivation. “I think [people assume] there’s a sense of coercion out there, but there’s really none of that,” said Deborah Mecerod who runs MyEggBank, the largest egg donation bank network in the US. Their policy is to offer one flat-fee as payment, capped at $10,000. Mecerod feels the experience is very rewarding for prospective donors, through the education and free genetic testing, even if they choose not to follow through with the donation... Data and long-term research on egg donation is scarce. In 2016, new research suggested that fertility drugs may be linked to the development of uterine cancers. A 2017 report by The Donor Sibling Registry found suspicious occurrences of breast cancer in otherwise healthy young donors who showed no genetic predisposition to the disease, citing hormone therapy during donation as a possible cause... Four years later, there’s still no semblance of a long-term database to monitor the health of donors. Furthermore, while health data is monitored for those who donate organs, the same information is not required for egg donation: it is up to donation agencies to request past medical information on donors, and even then they are at the mercy of donors voluntarily doing so – and telling the truth when they do. Most are not asked for, and do not report, medical changes after starting the process."

Meme - Kendal Hooper: "I think all men should have vasectomies at 12 years old and not have it reversed until they pass mental health tests and have reliable income"

Love and Food: Alexa, play "Meat Is Murder" by The Smiths - FML - "Today, my girlfriend went on yet another long-winded rant about how dogs are family and should be treated as such, whilst stuffing her face with ribs. I asked her what the difference was between a dog and the pile of pig parts on her plate. Her only response was to call me a monster and dump me. FML"

Jealousy, Public freakouts and Love: Give me strength - FML - "Today, my girlfriend's friend told her she had seen me shopping with a cute girl. When I came back home, my girlfriend punched me in the face and asked who the girl was. Apparently her friend didn't tell her the "cute girl" was my three year-old niece. I lost a tooth from the punch. FML"

Meme - "The truth is... Men do everything for themselves but you'll never hear a man calling himself a strong independent man."

Meme - "Trying to figure out how my husband knows about bitcoin, car engines, world economy, inflation, politics, stock market, calorie deficit etc but never knows when & why I'm upset."
Unlike women, the other subjects follow logic

Meme - "end of girls holiday status:
bodies: 7
kiss count: 40
hickeys: 2
holiday bf: 3
arguments: infinite
head given: 5
head received: 8
raw: 6
bruises: too many
skinng dipping: 1
free drinks: a lot
shower seggs: 2
more than 3 hours of sleep: none"

TikTok video of woman kicked out of Korean BBQ restaurant for being alone has netizens divided - "A woman said she ended up in tears after being asked to leave a Korean barbecue restaurant in Fullerton, California, because she was alone. Sunshine Chavez, who describes herself as “just a girl that’s passionate about cooking,” took to TikTok to share her unfortunate experience, which occurred at Bwon Shabu & BBQ at 1841 W. Orangethorpe Ave... a staff member can be heard telling Chavez that the restaurant only accepts a minimum of “two orders” while showing her the policy in print... Chavez, who found the restaurant “#rude,” said she wound up sitting in her car and crying before giving herself a confidence check after 15 minutes... other users pointed out the policy is normal for Korean barbecue restaurants. Others even offered to dine with Chavez themselves... Chavez said she has actually been to the restaurant before"
Too bad this wasn't about a dress code, so she can't complain about sexism

Meme - "when it's a 2 but turns into a 7 after you touched it"

Meme - Criston Cole: "I was pressured by my boss to perform sexual acts I was uncomfortable with, even after telling her to stop. She made me break my vows and could have had me killed if I said no. I try and salvage my honor and worth as a human being by trying to marry her but she instead wants to keep me around as her dubiously consentual sex object. I have a few bitter feelings about the situation." Liberals, Feminists and Women: "Omg Ser Incel!"
Feminists are only against sexual harassment at work when there's a power differential when it's men "victimising" women

In China’s Hinterlands, Young Women Can’t Find a Man. Literally. - "After college, Zhao Junru made the selfless decision to move back to her hometown in central China’s Henan province. As an only daughter, she felt duty bound to live close to her aging parents, even though she longed for the freedom of big city life. Yet two years later, Zhao’s relationship with her parents has collapsed. Things have gotten so bad recently, she’s no longer welcome in the family home. Her crime? Still being single at 27. “There is no real intimacy between me and my parents,” Zhao tells Sixth Tone. “They act like I’ve made a big mistake by not being married yet, and that stresses me out.”... A growing number of Chinese women are indeed remaining single by choice, despite the social stigma associated with being a “leftover woman.” But the word “choice” can be misleading; it hides the fact that many Chinese women — especially those living outside the major cities — have their options heavily constrained by the country’s distorted human geography. In vast swathes of China, there is an acute shortage of college-educated men. It’s a gender imbalance born of many Chinese families’ conservative social attitudes: When their children graduate from college, parents tend to encourage their sons to go and seek their fortunes in the big cities, whereas they often pressure their daughters to return home and secure a safe, public sector job... Zhao and her dates are often looking for different things. She is looking for love; they are looking for a wife. Their conception of marriage is more about practicality than romance... “They are sincere about getting married, but they are not necessarily sincere about their love for women,” she says. This is a common issue in Chinese counties. A 2021 survey by Chinese dating app Tantan found stark differences in how men and women in these areas perceive marriage: 65% of female respondents said they’d only walk down the aisle if they were in a “high-quality relationship,” while 60% of men said they would “get realistic when reaching a certain age and settle for an OK match.” This mismatch causes serious headaches for Chinese matchmakers. Zhang, a matchmaker based in Shangcai County, Henan province, tells Sixth Tone that over 70% of her clients are female. They tend to work white-collar jobs at local schools and state-owned companies, and they want to find a partner who has a secure state sector job, a decent education, and a pleasant personality. Zhang considers those requirements unrealistic. “It’s just so difficult,” the 56-year-old says. “The better the woman, the harder it is for them to find a suitable boyfriend.”... college-educated women in her county mainly want to find a man with a state sector job. Then, they consider his appearance, salary, family background, and whether he owns a home and a car, she says. “These young women are setting their sights too high,” Liu says. “They just get stuck with the job requirement.”... Over the past two years, Hu’s parents have set her up on a string of blind dates. But according to Hu, most of the men were “weird,” and she turned them down, to her parents’ consternation. She now often has to listen to lectures about how spoiled she is: “What can you offer? What qualifications do you have to pick men? You should feel lucky that someone likes you.” She tries to stay out late, to avoid getting into arguments at home."
Of course, if the women were unable to meet the men's standards, the men would still be at fault

Meme - nat says please vote early @princessbozo: "I texted my friend my sexy hamburglar costume for halloween and in response she sent me a pic of her new blossoming relationship. I have never felt more alone with my neurosis Imao"

Meme - "50$ is for monthly sub 80$ is for video of any lenght, you choose the scenario"
"Aight sweetie, im gonna report you to IRS, have a nice time"
"blocked, bye..."
no girl wants to touch you anyway
Ironically, this individual probably rages against people who don't pay their taxes

Lara Croft Polygon Boobs Cosplay - "Cosplayer, costume designer, model, and gamer from Hungary Enji Night did this awesome and hilarious cosplay of Lara Croft from the original Tomb Raider (1996) video game including her iconic polygon boobs! Lara’s pixelated tringle boobs have long been a funny meme so it’s awesome to see them come to life! We love costumes that are fun and lighthearted, that’s what cosplay is all about"

Emil O W Kirkegaard on Twitter - "So that Batman Harley Quinn origin tale is not that far fetched. One study "39% of hospitalized male psychopaths had consensual sex with female mental health staff""

Meme - "I have brians and a vagina. I use both!"


Facebook - "To the wife of my man I'm the other woman...
You think I wanted monetary gains or fame but you will be surprised. I just wanted love. I love him. And I wanted to take who you think should love you more. Cos you don't deserve him... I can give him what you can't give. I fulfilled the roles you didn't want to, or never will. I showed him how he can be loved more than you can give... You think I'm talking only about sxx? HA! That's why you are wrong! Yes, you are prettier and more voluptuous, but I'm better in bed. I literary let him abuse me. I threw my dignity away and obeyed his every command, simply cos you didn't want to. You kept your pride as a woman, I let him keep his fantasy. But the bed is superficial. He wanted to feel loved. Those small little actions of love you took for granted, actions that you didn't give, or were too proud to do. I give it to him. I whisper sweet things to his ears. I said words of praise to lift his spirits and boost his confidence. I engaged in his world, his conversations and applaud his opinions, even if they were ridiculous. I give him gifts, even if they are small and insignificant. But in return? He will never let me go. He finds me intelligent. He said he loved my gift. So went is the last time you praised him or gave him something? As a wife you demanded him to treat you like a princess. I treated him like a king...my king. You nitpicked on his responsibilities as a husband. You criticised his anniversary gift to you. You scolded him for being idle, ridicule him in front of his friends (yes I know) and scolded him for being oblivious on what to do for the family. All this, while he is struggling to make ends meet, to make you happy, while you ask your maid, or worse, your parents, to do the dirty work. All the nasty words coming out "useless, lazy, uncouth, good for nothing" these words he didn't want to hear. You blame him for having no act of servitude to you. But have you asked youself, what act of servitude has you given him? He is your husband, your partner, your soulmate, not your maid or guard dog. It is okay. I will fill the gaps for you. I will massage him, care for him, cook specials for him, doing it all with my heart.. for all the harsh treatment he gets from you, I paid him back with my servitude to him. He needs to be doted, to be validated, to feel he is an important part of something. I gave him my time. I made him happy, spent my everything on him, made him feel validated. I gave him the quality time you couldn't give cos you to busy with your high life. You must be furious. You must be infuriate by what I said above. I can imagine the harsh words from you. You probably think he will eventually leave me. Maybe so someday, but not yet..."

Facebook - "I’m seriously considering leaving my girlfriend of 5 years. Here’s my dilemma. I was hanging out with her at a bar in Oxnard watching football this past weekend. At the end of our night a guy came up to us & asked if he could buy the underwear she had on. I told him I was her boyfriend & that he needed to leave us alone. But she stopped me & asked how much he would pay. He said, "I'll give you $100 right now." My girlfriend responded, "Make it $200 & buy our next round of drinks." He said, "OKl." So, my girlfriend goes off to the bathroom, leaving me with the guy. He tried to make small talk about football, but I just ignored him. My girlfriend came back, they make the exchange & he left. I was so angry that I left. It turned into a major fight. She said that I was no fun & I overreacted. She said it was $200 easy money. I can't believe that she doesn't see that it is disrespectful to me & to her. Is this a deal-breaker?�CowboyFan"

Meme - "Women's Logic
No problem
OMG! Don't look!"

Meme - "Evolution of the Tramp Stamp
90s *butterfly and pattern on lower back*
2000 *ribbons on upper thighs*
2020 *flower and hanging beads below breasts*"

Meme - ">male self-help book
>ctrl+f "you have to "
>342 results
>female self-help book
>ctrl+f "you deserve "
>764 results"

Meme - "Me getting sober & realizing that I've got 4 kids to 4 different fathers and they're all different races"

Meme - "My daughter Paisleigh and future son in law Tshadwick's engagement pictures turned out precious! The way the photographer emphasized that Paisleigh is a catch warmed all our hearts. *man catching woman dressed as deer*"

Bill Burr: Live at Red Rocks (2022) | Transcript - Scraps from the loft - "Ladies, if you could just support the WNBA the way you support a fat chick that’s proud of her body and is no longer a threat to you, you know? That league would be doing better numbers than the NBA. Oh, my God, that’s one of the saddest things I’ve ever seen. “Oh, my God, you’re a goddess, you’re gorgeous.” “You look great in that bikini.” “I would kill myself if I looked like that.” “Keep eating, keep eating.” “Lose a toe, you fat bitch.” It’s just… You saw an alcoholic, would you be like, “Oh, my God, look at you.” “You’re facedown, passed out, your kids are crying.” “You’re a hero, you’re a god.” “Keep doing what you’re doing.” You’d be like, “Dude, get your fuckin’ shit together.” “Get off the sauce.” I will say that’s one of the most genius things I’ve ever seen, how regular-looking women somehow mind-fucked advertising to get beautiful women off of billboards. Yeah. Just regular fuckin’ who-gives-a-shit-lookin’ women, right? I’m just being honest. Come on, we’re outside, we’re in the woods, we can be honest. Just regular who-gives-a-fuck… can’t-remember-her-name-looking women. Right? Lookin’ at these goddesses and they had to fuckin’ be… “How am I supposed to compete with that?” You can’t! How fucking arrogant are you? I don’t see Brad Pitt when he takes his shirt off in a movie and, “Oh, great, how am I supposed to compete with that?” I can’t. I am an ugly, bald, orange man. I need to write jokes. I gotta put a lampshade on my head. I know what my role is, okay?"
Women "supporting" fat women as a mechanism of intra-gender competition

Meme - "Remember ladies, you're not cute, these guys are just horny. Until next time Medusa"

Meme - "*cleavage* Bridget, 22
Recently separated he threw us out looking for somewhere to crash for a few days just me and my son ima mom of 2 boys and currently pregnant with boy number 3 I'm an open book ask anything and I'm fun to be around idk y I'm on here lol being married took everything out of me just trying to find myself again we are currently homeless and idk what to do" Why Women Get More Autoimmune Diseases Than Men - The Atlantic - "the placenta might hold the key to one of the most enduring mysteries in human medicine: Why do women suffer much higher rates of autoimmune disease than men do?... In the United States alone, women represent 80 percent of all cases of autoimmune disease. Women are 16 times more likely than men to get Sjogren’s syndrome, in which the immune system goes after the glands that make tears and saliva, and nine times more likely to have Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, in which it sets its sights on the thyroid... women’s immune systems are engaged in a fierce tug of war with placentas, even when the organs aren’t actually present. Here’s how the theory goes: Women—and all other placental mammals—evolved such that they would be pregnant for many of their adult years. Before the advent of birth control, that was pretty much the fate of the female sex. In modern hunter-gatherer populations, Wilson told me, it’s not uncommon for women to have eight to 12 children each. Though bearing so many babies might sound grueling, women’s bodies evolved to cope. When the placenta grows during pregnancy, the organ sends signals to the mother’s immune system to change its activity so that the mother’s body doesn’t eject the placenta and the fetus. This might even mean turning down the immune system in some ways, or for some periods of time. Turning down the immune system too much, though, risks leaving women sensitive to pathogens, which would also be bad for the fetus. So instead the mother’s immune system ramps up in other ways throughout adulthood... Things get complicated, however, when those pregnancies don’t actually occur

Guy's GF Has 'Panic Attacks' Over Friend He Once Slept With: AITA - "one night Mandy joked with Kendall that they were Eskimo sisters.” “Kendall asked what she meant.” “The truth being that one night 5 years ago while in college.” “Me and Mandy got drunk at a frat formal and slept together.”"

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