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Saturday, October 29, 2022

Links - 29th October 2022 (2 - General Wokeness [including Little Mermaid raceswapping])

Ana De Armas Addresses The Fact She’s Playing Marilyn Monroe As A Cuban Woman - "After Latina actor de Armas took on the character of Monroe, who was American, the actor noted it was a sign of a shift in Hollywood when it comes to casting.u"
Anyone can play a "white" role. But a "white" can only play a "white" role

Meme - "The reasons people like miles morales, but don't like the new velma.
Miles Morales
* they actually wrote a whole new character while keeping the original the same instead of plagiarizing someone else work
* Miles morales looks cool and has all new powers and villains of his own to add onto the spiderman universe
* Miles is actually a likable character, and they didn't have to rewrite the story just to make his character fit
* he has a super smoking hot mom to show true detail and depth of what women actually are suppose to look like in real life.
* This velma is just plagiarism of someone else's work. There's no real creativity from this or art
* They made her fat and ugly to appeal to other fat liberal women so they don't feel insecure watching the show
* Her new personality is super annoying and cringy just like she hulk, and they had to rewrite the whole story of scooby doo just to make her character work. Scooby isn't even in the show. Lmao"

ᛖᛟᚱ Odinson on Twitter - "Disney has released a trailer for their new movie, 'The Little Mermaid' a fantasy in which a black woman is quiet in public."

The Little Mermaid - Official Teaser Trailer - YouTube
Top comments: "Love the part where Ariel said to The Prince, ”It’s not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me”. Great scene."
"I love the part when Eric calmly asked Ariel, “Ariel, did you put your name into the Goblet of Fire”. Truly a masterpiece"
"I love the part when Ariel says to Morbius “we must Morb to ascend” then segues into a musical sequence"
"I love the part where Sebastian says to Ariel, “One does not simply walk into Mordor,” gave me chills."
"Love the part when she says, "Look at me... Look at me... I'm the mermaid now!" Goosebumps!"
"Love the part where Ariel said "I'm Commander Shepard, and this is my favorite store on the Citadel". Felt such emotion in that scene."
Since liberals claim that in fiction you can do anything, there's nothing wrong with these

Meme - Winnie the Pooh: "The Little Mermaid is black"
Winnie the Pooh in tuxedo: "Disney is fan baiting to drum up controversy for another live action movie no one wanted."
Winnie the Pooh in tux with monocle: "Disney handing the black community a washed up white character instead of focusing on existing black stories that are actually good like The Princess and the Frog and patting themselves on the back for it just shows how lazy and out of touch they really are with the message they're trying to send."

Meme - "Turning a white character black for the sake of diversity is not only racist but it tells black people they're not good enough to have their own characters"

Meme - Disnerds:
Tytiana Adisa Jacobs: "This ain't it, and I'm a black woman. why can't we get Our Own shit instead of remakes of regurgitated characters. there are so many African mermaids to choose from, like Yamaya, Mami Wata, lyata or Kitapo to name a few. We deserve our own ish, they coulda created a new character but NOOOOO they wanna pander and recycle ish that originally wasn't even for us"

Meme - "*Black Little Mermaid* Girls: "omg I can finally be her"
*Super Saiyan from Dragon Ball* Boys: "literally me""
"Representation" is narcissism

Meme - Jack V Lloyd @jackvlloyd: "People who think that one can only relate to a fictional character if they have the same race have clearly never been to an anime convention."
Christian Malazarte @ChristianMalaza: "It really is one of the lowest displays of intellectual depth to insist that your race be "represented" ina movie. I don't watch movies and look for Asians to identify with... and I like Denzel because he's Denzel, not because he's black"
"For those who understand the anime subculture, loads of black youths said via YouTube videos and such that non-black characters like Goku and Vegeta really resonated with them and inspired them despite them clearly not being black. Well-written characters are such regardless of their apparent ethnicity, trying to artificially raise representation without creating appealing original characters by simply race-bending them does more harm than good."

In the Little Mermaid (1991), Ariel meets an African mermaid from the Ivory Coast. This is because mermaids are fictional and can be black. : shittymoviedetails
Weird why they didn't just make a movie about the Ivory Coast mermaid, then

Meme - Jesse (Gesi) Moriarty Erhard @vandalibm: "Credits to our memer Artificial Intelligence scientist @TenGazillioniQ. He fixed The Little Mermaid, and turned the woke actor into a ginger white girl. He says he can do fix the whole movie when it comes out with 4x A6000 in 24 hours. It's over for wokecels"
Both accounts are banned but ISIS are not : KotakuInAction
"'Mermaids aren't real! It doesn't matter what colour she is!' Except when you re-imagine her as White, you get banned from social media."

Disney Chooses Bald Actress To Play Rapunzel In Live-Action Remake | Babylon Bee - "Several fans were upset with the casting, pointing out that the actress is bald, while Rapunzel has hair. "I'm all for diversity," said Disney fan Janet Cutler. "My pronouns are Xe / Xer. But this is a bit too far. Rapunzel is supposed to have hair. It's sort of core to the entire story."  Another Disney fan echoed the sentiment. "Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair," said Disney fan Andrew Steeplechase. "That's one of the key quotes in the story. I'm not sure that works as well with a bald Rapunzel."  Historians and experts pushed back against the desire for a haired Rapunzel. "Demanding that Disney cast Rapunzel — a fictional character I might add — with an actor who has hair, is simply ableist, sexist, racist, and several other -ists," said Sandra Rice, the chair of Harvard's Folklore and Mythology department. "Sadly, this is another example of the white cis-hetero patriarchal system that we live in." Rice then began to sob... Disney has not yet announced who will play Holocaust survivor Elie Weisel in the upcoming biopic Night, but the company is down to two finalists for the role: Michael B. Jordan and Lena Dunham."

Meme - "If You're Pissed about Black Ariel, We Have Some News For You. Non-white actors have been playing Disney characters for awhile now-and totally killing it"
"John Leguizamo Slams James Franco's Casting as Fidel Castro: 'He Ain't Latino! How Is This Still Going On?'"
Meanwhile, Franco's father was Portuguese and Castro's father was from Spain

Meme - "Imagine getting upset over the race of a fictional character mao"
"Nooooooo! You can't just whitewash characters of color!"

Meme - "Casting black actors into white characters is okay *happy crowd*
Let's do Tarzan next *unhappy crowd*"

Meme - "*Storm* Guy: Awesome character Liberal: *silent*
*Michonne (The Walking Dead)* Guy: She's badass Liberal: *silent*
*Shuri* Guy: Cool character Liberal: *silent*
*Monica Rambeau* Guy: Cool character Liberal: *silent*
*Niobe (Matrix)* Guy: Cool character Liberal: *silent*
*Blade* Guy: He's perfect for the role Liberal: *silent*
*Black Panther* Guy: Great character and actor Liberal: *silent*
*Ariel* Guy: She doesn't look like Ariel Liberal: You racist! You hate all black people!"
Comments: "It's just laziness. They have no imagination or talent to write new characters so they just take old ones and race swap them then use the resulting drama to get attention for their crap remake"
"Have any of you actually found somebody that is legitimately outraged over the mermaid being black? I see more people mad about people being mad than I do actual people who are mad."
Not to mention riding off an existing character's popularity

Facebook - "Hypocrisy is us black people 🤣😂.  Okay I’ve been following these debates. I understand both sides. We can establish that the two major debates about representation is Black Ariel and Black Elves and even Black Targaryens 🤣😂.  So I’ll say this. Yes we know these are FICTIONAL CHARACTERS but as a writer of stories I try to respect the culture the character I’m writing about is from that people will immediately identify with.  Folklore is CULTURAL it’s the stories we hear from our grandparents and such to teach us lessons. Those stories stay with us through life as part of our cultural inheritance.  If a Bemba writer who is interested in writing a fantasy genre based on Bemba folklore wrote a story about the gods and goddesses of the Bemba engaging in a war with the Lozi gods over the empire of the land (Zambia) we would expect the depiction of these gods to be black. Because for sure the writer is imagining them as black and indigenous to the people who carry them as part of their culture.  Similarly, I expect a Greek writer who is writing about Greek folklore to imagine them white because they’re white.  If a Screenwriter picks these stories up and says hey, these are great stories let me write a script and relay it to big producers who can adapt these stories and see how it goes, then for sure the Director in his normal mind will have to hire actors who are the skin tone of the characters in those folklore. Despite them being fiction. They belong to a culture of people. Now that we have that settled, in the case of the Little Mermaid, without a doubt, it’s a Danish man as a creator of the story. It was written for the Danish who are European. Ariel is imagined to be from the Atlantic ocean, at least that is where King Triton rules the 7 seas from. So yes the creator imagined Ariel white when he wrote that folklore. She is white... Similarly. An African from Cape Town could have written about an African mermaid from the Atlantic Ocean who speaks Xhosa or as a white South African Mermaid who is of Dutch descent and speaks Afrikaans... The Lord of the Rings was based on European folklore. Etc. You get the gist.  Now my problem is this with black people, we have plethora of folklore. So many tribes and so many stories in fact if we gathered all of them they’d outweigh any mythology that exists.  The only African mythology to even be used creatively is Egyptian mythology. It ended there 🤣😂.  Yet we have PLENTY. But you are mad that some people decided to highlight their mythology and make creative stories from them and you cry about representation?  Where are the black novelists or animators or creatives doing African mythological stories or writing African sci-fi or African fantasy based on African mythology? Where are they?  No one will tell our stories for us, market them and hype them on our behalf. No one but us. The thing with black people is it’s just easier to toss blame and rant and complain that’s why they can even steal some things knowing that all you’ll do is rant and complain. Exhibit A, saying oh they white washed black characters in some of the things we watch. It ends there.  To y’all it just feels nice to black wash a white character instead of enabling yourselves to PRODUCE what YOU want to see on screen or whatever.  Even Black Panther was written by WHITE people and illustrated by WHITE people but they did it so carefully to respect the lore and culture of different African cultures they got inspired from so I give Stan Lee and Jack Kirby kudos for that. But see? It even took a white man to write a black story then today ati iyo shani 🤦🏾‍♀️.  You either play the game or get played. Can’t have it both ways really.  Not everything is about racism, you were just lazy."

Meme - "The year is 1998. Nobody gave 2 sh**s that the protagonists in Rush Hour were a black dude and a chinese dude. No, "I cannot relate because they don't look like me" nonsense. 35 million budget. 245 million box office. Hilarious movie. Still one of my favorites. This is a reminder that race has been weaponized to distract people from the fact that Hollywood has nothing but crappy movies to offer thanks to their SJW woke socialist agenda."
This is why it has a content warning today

5 Disney Princesses Reimagined As Caucasian - "1. Pocahontas
Pocahontas as we know her is a Powhatan Native American, but as another race—Caucasian—she is just as beautiful."
2. Princess Jasmine
This image shows us that Aladdin would have been just as amazing, if not even better, with Jasmine as a Caucasian princess.
3. Esmeralda
Sure, this reimagining may look weird at first, but Esmeralda’s story in The Hunchback Of Notre Dame is inspiring no matter what race she is depicted as.
4. Princess Tiana
The Princess And The Frog is an exciting journey about the power of friendship and acceptance, not the color of Princess Tiana’s skin. It’s important for all girls, regardless of race, to feel represented in movies for kids.
5. Mulan
Wow! Simply gorgeous. #WhiteDisneyPrincesses"

Kambree on Twitter - "Woke: a state of awareness only achieved by those dumb enough to find injustice in everything except their own behavior."

Disney employees stage walkouts to protest company response to Florida bill
Disney employees among 108 arrested in human & child trafficking ring

Meme - ">rants about privileged white men
>immediately then tries to start a relationship with a white male billionaire
Literally every time
*Catwoman and Batman*"

Woke Chelsea Handler: White Men Owe Us an Apology - "The far-Left comic previously said white men are the only comedy targets left in modern times. Now, she’s admitting that not all of them are bad.  Just enough, though, to make blanket statements about people who share her skin color...   “I know it’s not all men, obviously, I have to keep saying that, which is so annoying. My brother says, ‘Chelsea, not all white guys are bad. Well, you are for even saying that. Don’t even say that” “No one is saying all white guys are bad. We’re saying there are enough bad ones out there, that as a collective, you guys all owe us an apology.”...   Two white women agree that white men can’t have opinions on equality, race or so-called “white privilege,” but they can have opinions on all of the above."
Weird. The left claim they don't hate white men. "Stereotypes" are good when they demonise the "powerful"
Are there any other demographics where collective apologies can be demanded on behalf of the bad ones? (e.g. making Muslims apologise for Islamist terrorism)

White People Shouldn't Disguise Their Guilt as an Apology - "When I was 19, I was at my first internship when my manager called my 4A curly hair "fluffy." When I was 21, I was sitting down at my annual performance review when my boss walked in, saw my weave, and exclaimed, "Oh! Your hair looks great. It was getting wild for a minute." When I was 25, I was sitting in the passenger seat catching up with a childhood friend when he wondered out loud if my family and I got together for a Fourth of July barbecue to eat watermelon. When I was 29, I was sporting cornrows with synthetic hair after being natural for two years when I was judgmentally asked, "But I thought you were embracing being natural?" Unfortunately, each microaggression and slight — or verbal and nonverbal digs that demean marginalized communities — I experience as a Black woman is not singular but instead a collective narrative that tells me that I am different and do not belong... they are overcompensating by profusely apologizing. This, in turn, makes me feel like they are in no way concerned about my feelings but instead worried about theirs and protecting their image as being "one of the good ones."   We are in an interesting place in history, where people are scared to be seen as a racist. As a result, it's created a culture in which many white people and white adjacents assume that overapologizing and "clearing the air" is the answer to racial equality"
Why it's dangerous for non "minoirites" to talk to "minorities"
When whatever you do, you will forever be despised

"Woke" people can be some of the most abusive people you'll ever meet : unpopularopinion - "it allows for people to become abusive while thinking they are completely in the right. That's an incredibly dangerous thing.  My ex was one of these people. She cared deeply about fixing social issues and because of that she felt it was fine to steamroll everyone she knew and cared about because their discomfort was worth the change she was pushing. To an extent, I even agree with that. She was way too hypocritical though. Eventually she became dead to my feelings. If she hurt me, I did something to deserve it, or I was overreacting out of fragility and needed to "get a grip". She was never willing to admit wrong, and my views were always tainted because I was a guy.  I spent way too long in that relationship hating myself because I respected her efforts for change. It wasn't until I sought therapy that I realized how hurtful she was being. Eventually I came to the conclusion that believing the same things she did didn't give her a pass to treat people awfully. So yeah, sometimes the most outwardly caring and seemingly empathetic people can be the most abusive ones in your life."

minorityvoices posts fake stories : SingaporeRaw - "Not once did they contact me to verify my stories even though I provided by contact details. A point to note is that these stories are FAKE... Who knows how many more of the anonymous stories they have published thus far are untrue? Is it ok to miselad people and instigate hate like this?"

Meme - Now This: "FOOTAGE: Instagram @honcice THIS ARTIST REPLACES WHITE MEN WITH BLACK WOMEN *Vitruvian Man*"
"making up brand new stories and works of art" *No*
"obsessively cannibalizing all existing stories and works of art" *Yes*
When you have no creativity or talent, all you can do is raceswap

British Muslims’ citizenship reduced to ‘second-class’ status, says thinktank - "British Muslims have had their citizenship reduced to “second-class” status as a result of recently extended powers to strip people of their nationality, a thinktank has claimed.  The Institute of Race Relations (IRR) says the targets of such powers are almost exclusively Muslims, mostly of south Asian heritage, embedding discrimination and creating a lesser form of citizenship... Webbersaid: “These classes of citizenship were brought in to target British Muslims of south Asian and Middle Eastern heritage. Such divisions act as a constant reminder to minority ethnic citizens that they must watch their step, and reinforce racist messages about ‘undeserving’ racialised groups unworthy of being British.”"
"Laws targeting terrorists are racist because some races are more likely to be terrorists than others"

Mental illness and the left - "It has been claimed that left-wingers or liberals (US sense) tend to be more mentally ill than right-wingers or conservatives. This potential link was investigated using the General Social Survey. A search found 5 items measuring one's own mental illness in different ways (e.g."Do you have any emotional or mental disability?"). All of these items were associated with left-wing political ideology as measured by self-report. These results held up mostly in regressions that adjusted for age, sex, and race. For the variable with the most data, the difference in mental illness between "extremely liberal" and "extremely conservative" was 0.39 d. This finding is congruent with numerous findings based on related constructs."
Meme - "Matt, I have been a therapist for over 30 years. Nearly 90% of my patient load are liberals. This is true of any therapist, psychologist or psychiatrist. Liberal politics and ideology are but a symptom of vast systemic mental illness."

Opinion | I’m With Condoleezza Rice About White Guilt - The New York Times - " “I don’t have to make white kids feel bad for being white.”  Writing for The Grio, the longtime cultural critic Touré offered a piercing reply, calling Rice a “soldier for white supremacy” and saying that white people today, including children, “should cringe at what their ancestors did.” If school curriculums include the harshest aspects of America’s history, he argued, “I really don’t care if learning this makes white kids feel bad — and if it doesn’t, then they are too heartless.” I can see how someone arrives at that perspective, because white guilt can seem so central to what Black progress needs to be about — emphasis on “seem.” We’re increasingly encouraged to dwell on “white privilege” and “systemic racism” as key impediments, if not the key impediments, to Black progress. But we must ask just what purpose fostering white guilt serves.- Of course, there is a visceral sense of power in fostering white guilt: One has made people realize something and made them see you as deserving of recompense, as harmed and therefore owed. There can be a sense of accomplishment in just demanding that white Americans sit with past wrongs. But presumably, the goal is to make America “a more perfect union,” as the Constitution has it. And if that’s the goal, our collective efforts to reach it presumably would be about addressing societal conditions rather than these more soul-focused endeavors. One might argue that a realer, not to mention healthier, manifestation of Black affirmation would come from more concrete markers of progress than the dutiful hand-wringing of well-meaning white people about their forebears’ sins. A compelling reason for fostering white guilt would be that if doing so led white Americans to go out and foster change in society. And sometimes it can — but is white guilt necessary to or the best way to effect societal change?  For the civil rights victories of the 1960s, it wasn’t. We tend to forget how seismic the changes were during that one decade...  over the decades since the 1960s, when the idea that white Americans need to be guilty settled in among a contingent of Black thinkers, it seems that somehow, no matter what we say or do, white people are never guilty enough and white guilt is supposed to go on in perpetuity. Might it be that the effort to make white people any guiltier than they are is a Sisyphean effort? The dream that white people will, en masse, shed their “fragility” and embrace feeling really, really guilty is about as likely as Schoenberg’s ever being brunch music for more than a rarefied few... I don’t completely trust white guilt. It lends itself too easily to virtue signaling, which overlaps only partially, and sometimes not at all, with helping people"
So much for liberals claiming white guilt isn't the objective

Mark Hemingway on Twitter - "Oberlin College to pay $36.59M to bakery owners who claim they were falsely accused of racism"
"Really CNN? "Claim" -- they got a large defamation judgment in court that was upheld by the Ohio supreme court!"

Oberlin & Gibson's Bakery: Oberlin College Finally Agrees to Pay $36.59 Million to Bakery over False Racism Accusation - "After a legal battle spanning several years, Oberlin College has finally agreed to pay $36.59 million in damages to a local bakery for falsely accusing the business owners of racism. Oberlin had repeatedly appealed a lower court ruling which found that the college, in 2016, defamed Gibson’s Bakery after a shoplifting incident involving three black students... “While the Ohio Supreme Court’s recent decision has made us hopeful, if the money doesn’t come through within the next couple months, I’ll be forced to declare bankruptcy and shut the doors of Gibson’s for good,” Gibson added.  In 2016, a clerk at Gibson’s Bakery refused to sell wine to a black student who had a fake I.D., and saw that the student was attempting to steal more bottles without paying. The shoplifting confrontation devolved into a physical altercation between three black students and the clerk.  Oberlin and the student body did a significant amount of business at the bakery, and before the three students pled guilty to the shoplifting, the students began accusing the bakery of discrimination.   A school administrator at Oberlin helped hand out flyers during a protest about the bakery, Oberlin stopped doing business with the bakery, and the school Senate was allowed to issue a statement saying, “a Black student was chased and assaulted at Gibson’s after being accused of stealing… Gibson’s has a history of racial profiling and discriminatory treatment of students and residents alike.”  Oberlin argued that it was protecting the students’ First-Amendment rights by letting them protest, but a lower court ruled that the school defamed the bakery by not putting a stop to the discrimination claims and, in the case of the administrator who handed out flyers, endorsing them. Following the supreme court’s decision, the trial team and the Gibson family released a statement celebrating the outcome and accusing Oberlin of trying to confuse the relevant facts of the case."

Loss, trauma, and human resilience: have we underestimated the human capacity to thrive after extremely aversive events? - "Many people are exposed to loss or potentially traumatic events at some point in their lives, and yet they continue to have positive emotional experiences and show only minor and transient disruptions in their ability to function. Unfortunately, because much of psychology's knowledge about how adults cope with loss or trauma has come from individuals who sought treatment or exhibited great distress, loss and trauma theorists have often viewed this type of resilience as either rare or pathological. The author challenges these assumptions by reviewing evidence that resilience represents a distinct trajectory from the process of recovery, that resilience in the face of loss or potential trauma is more common than is often believed, and that there are multiple and sometimes unexpected pathways to resilience."
Unfortunately, nowadays everything is "trauma", since that can be weaponised

When Disagreement Becomes Trauma - "the University of British Columbia released its Anti-Racism and Inclusive Excellence Task Force report, which contains 54 recommendations aimed at confronting “systemic racism against Indigenous, Black and People of Colour (IBPOC) within the UBC community.” Though it’s two years in the making, and almost 300 pages in length, the report contains surprisingly scant evidence that UBC is a racist institution. Instead, the authors mostly indict UBC on the basis of their own “reflections of lived experiences”—an “integrative” anti-racist fact-finding method described as “truthing.”... to refute a truthing isn’t an act of mere disagreement, but rather a symptom of the truth-denier’s bigotry and intellectual dishonesty... Numerous Canadian institutions have published similar long-form mea culpas in recent years, all of them generally heavy on the kind of circular logic and faddish terminology contained in the UBC report... what concerns me more than the actual content of this tedious propaganda is the accompanying demand that we all treat it as unfalsifiable. The whole mission of a university is based around the practice of gathering (real) evidence and evaluating it by means of observation, objective analysis, and intellectual disputation. The Anti-Racism and Inclusive Excellence Task Force report, on the other hand, sets out IBPOC testimonials as sacred forms of revealed truthery, without allowing the possibility (or even legitimacy) of counterargument. This allergy to disagreement is now a growing feature of intellectual life all across Canada... anyone disagreeing with anyone about anything might be at risk of public shaming and official sanction. Mount Royal University has been in the news for other reasons of late, having fired a professor named Frances Widdowson for questioning institutionally approved truthings in a number of areas... Harm. Trauma. Terrorization. Holocaust denial. Fascism. In every example I’ve supplied, this kind of apocalyptic language has been used to describe mere discourse...  times being what they are, we’re all supposed to pretend that this is a normal way for humans to respond to disagreement. And as a matter of political tactics, it’s proven an effective means for activists to insulate their claims from criticism: After all, how can anyone prevail against an opponent who claims that discussion itself represents an agony beyond endurance? This phobic attitude toward debate in progressive circles explains why reasoned advocacy aimed at persuading others is increasingly being replaced by one-note sloganeering aimed at fellow travellers. An entire page of UBC’s new report, for instance, consists of nothing more than a list of large-print slogans instructing black people that, “You are beautiful,” “You are brilliant,” ”You are seen”; and exhorting them to “be unapologetically Black.” (Nowhere is it explained how the apologetic and unapologetic varieties of blackness manifest themselves in day-to-day scholastic life. But one presumes that the unapologetic strain is associated with a more militantly expressed rejection of “whiteness”—a word that appears more than 30 times.) In the wider world beyond the campus gates, fortunately, things are very different: While many profs and activists are wont to pretend that each debate has only one legitimate side, the rest of us have the freedom to defy their edicts, and even to broadcast our heresies on social media (or in Quillette articles). And when we talk about the “culture war,” to some extent we’re talking about which of these two models of discourse moderation—neurotic versus normal—eventually will hold sway over society at large. Twitter is where much of this battle takes place, a fact that helps explain the agitation that developed in progressive circles following news that Elon Musk was buying the social-media company. Even before Musk made his move, Twitter was already seen as problematic by the Left, insofar as its (largely) free-for-all ethos served as a standing rebuke to their growing hostility toward ideological pluralism. This is why so many of the most active social-justice accounts devote much of their bandwidth to questions of whom to mute, block, report, or ignore, and often toggle back and forth frenetically between protected and non-protected modes, all with the purpose of curating the same kind of perfectly orthodox, dissent-free milieu they’ve constructed for themselves within real-life social and professional silos. In the back of social-justice puritans’ collective imagination, there was always the dim hope that the lords of Twitter would someday see the light, and tighten moderation standards so severely that any kind of vigorously stated conservative anti-truthery would be classified as hate speech or harassment."

People were sharing actual historical facts in the Trivia section so IMDB deleted them. : KotakuInAction
On The Woman King. Slavery is good when black people do it

Meme - The Louis Vixxen @TheeLouisV: "The same Egypt that's in Africa??? Someone skipped history class and went straight into selling misinformation"
Nrken19: "Reconstructed face of a Fayum mummy from Egypt."

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