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Thursday, October 27, 2022

Links - 27th October 2022 (2 - Trans Mania)

Meme Nikki McReynolds: "I just wish a cis lesbian would date me (Trans female)!!! Instead I'm hated.
Glad some of you find this hilarious."
Baylee Vial: "probably because lesbians are attracted to women. Why don't you date a trans lesbian?"
Nikki McReynolds: "I am a woman!!!"
Baylee Vial: "would you date a trans woman? Why do you specify you want a cis woman?"

Meme - "AITA for setting up my trans friend on a date with another transwoman?
I met my friend "Lia" at a lesbian bar two years ago. We are both lesbian women. I am a cis lesbian, Lia is a trans lesbian, which is important for this post. She asked if she could buy me a drink, but I was in a relationship with my then-girlfriend, but we still ended up it off as great friends and have been close ever since. A couple months ago Lia was telling me how lonely she's been since the pandemic and everything has been closed so it's been hard meeting new people. I had broken up with my girlfriend three months prior and she asked me if wanted to start meeting new women to date soon. I said not really, as I'm happy being single right now and not interested in being in a relationship atm. She asked if I would consider letting her take me out on a date but I told her that really wasn't in the right headspace to be dating and was still getting over my ex. She said okay, and a day later asked me if I wouldn't mind setting her up on a date with some of my other lesbian friends. I was happy to oblige, because Lia is a really nice girl and really deserves to meet someone special. I told her I would ask some of the other lesbians in my various friend circles if they'd be up to go on a blind date. Most of my friends either are in relationships at this moment, not interested in dating because of covid, or are happily single, but one of my coworkers, "Aimee [29F]" said she would be interested. We've been work-from- home since the pandemic started so I've only been able to chat with her over text or zoom most days, but since the start of the pandemic Aimee has started to transition. She had been out as a transwoman for a lot longer to us at work, but the pandemic finally allowed her space and peace to transition and she finally felt ready to go out as her *new self". I thought they seemed like they would be a great match in personalities and hobbies so I set up the date for a Saturday. Saturday night comes, and after only two hours after the start of their arranged dinner time Lia calls me 10 times in a row while I was having a shower. Freaked out she might be hurt, I finally called her back and she was irate at me, asking me why set her up with Aimee. She said she cut the date short but was cordial, but she was steaming mad that Aimee was a transwoman and was who I had set her up with. Totally caught off guard I asked Lia if she didn't like Aimee because they didn't hit it off or if she didn't like her because she was trans. Lia told me I shouldn't ask a question like that because it's hurtful and prejudice. Stunned, I told her she was being really unfair because Aimee was excited about the date but if they didn't hit off then it's not a problem, it happens. Lia asked me again why I didn't tell her Aimee was trans. I said that I didn't think it was something that had to be mentioned to either her or Aimme because both of them are women and lesbians, just like me or any other cis lesbians. Lia told me "get fucked" and hung up. I tried calling Aimee but she didn't answer my calls all weekend. Lia texted me on Sunday evening sayin what I did was "approaching bigotry" by not telling her that I was setting her up with a transwoman instead of a cis woman, which I replied was blatantly untrue and I would ever think that way about any transwoman. She asked me if didn't think she could hit it off with a cis woman and if that's why I "only" set her up with another transwoman. She told me "cis lesbians are all the same" and after that I haven't heard from her, and I believe she's blocked my texts. I'm torn to shreds over this wondering if what I did was truly transphobic, as it is the very last thing I would ever want to do to Lia, Aimee, or any of my other trans lesbian friends. I don't believe what did was tranphobic at all, but I want to make sure because if it want to apologize to Lia."
They demand other people date them. But even they don't always want each other

Meme - Women's Rights News: "Stop asking my 12 year old if he has a girlfriend. He is 12. He is a child who likes comic books and screaming outside for no reason. Relationships are not for children. Also stop telling kids "you're so cute/ I bet all the boys/ girls will be trying to date you!" How about "you're so kind, you have such a great sense of humor." If you want a society that goes more than skin deep you have to change the language and the culture starting at home"
This is wrong. But getting 12 year olds to change their gender is good

Meme - "Die Cis Scum"
Heterophobia is a myth

Portland Schools Five-Year-Olds on 'People With Penises,' Tells Kids Their Families Are 'LGBTQIA2S+' - "lesson plans from Portland Public Schools (PPS). For kindergarteners, the district delivers information on sex and the body... As for pronouns, “ze/zir” is offered — in addition to “ones you make up.”  Creating one’s own pronouns might be especially important, because the binary sexual system was created by Caucasians. Perhaps you thought ancient nonwhite books — the Bible among them — recognized a rule of men and women.  Wrong:
'When white European people colonized different places, they brought their own ideas about gender and sexuality. When the United States was colonized by white settlers, their views around gender were forced upon the people already living here. Hundreds of years later, how we think and talk about gender are still impacted by this shift.'...
For third graders, Portland covers pride flags, pride marches, and “LGBTQIA2S+.”... “Straight,” “cisgender,” and “heteronomative” are listed under “Dominant Culture and Oppression.”  Pernicious power is addressed... It’s a lot for small children to process, and radically different than everything that’s existed until now. Previously, tiny tots learned things such as counting and reading; parents made the calls where haircuts, makeup and clothes were concerned; and looking at genitally-correct cartoons wasn’t something for which five-year-olds were known.  The myth of stereotypes is emphasized by PPS; tykes are even presented with problems to solve...   A few questions arguably arise: If gender is a social construct, why is PPS teaching about gender? If “boy” and “girl” have no meaning, isn’t it meaningless to talk of boys and girls? If there are many ways to be a boy or girl, how can there be such a thing as “neither” or “both”? t’s unprecedentedly sophisticated; hopefully, people still at the booger-eating age will figure it out."

Meme - lil honkin caboose @stacycay: "In this picture is my sister (far right) and a bunch of people I was raised with. Three of them I messaged "I'll be in Arkansas for the weekend if any of you want to meet up" last week. None of them replied. Because I'm trans. Look at these losers
Look at all their lame ass modest potato sack dresses and their husbands all wearing the same shirt who lie every week about how they're more into their wives than the girls in the porn they watch
None of em messaged me back cuz they were all busy shopping at the same Duggar store, must've been a huge sale goin on
Who the fuck taught these people to smile? What is that? Is that what happiness looks like? And standing...like...that? What are y'all doin with ur hands? Put your shoulders back Jesus
Goddamn you boys what aesthetic were you goin for, "pedophile"?
Look how many of them are wearing watches in the age of smart phones! I bet it's so they can look at it and go "oh gee look at the time better go be transphobic"
Y'all don't worry none of them will see this because they've all blocked me on every social media platform just for being a girl Ok so my sister is on the far right Asis everyone else in this picture. Buncha nazis."
I can't imagine why no one wanted to hang out with this person
Imagine hating happy people so much
Comment: "If he hates them so much why is he crying over them not wanting to hang out with him?"

Meme - Parenting Through The Fog: "Yet another death threat. Just for existing.
'You should chase Kyle Rittenhouse with a skateboard.'
People who reacted: 7 "haha" out of 28. 154 "haha"s to screenshot of laugh reacts"
This person identifies as "nonbinary trans" and this is straight out of the trans playbook: post a lot of aggressive, ignorant nonsense, then when you get pushback claim that people hate you "existing" (see also: feminists crying "help! misogyny" when they get pushback for their shitty opinions)

Cyberpunk 2077's Character Creator Is Still Failing Trans People - "CD Projekt Red made a huge deal about a world where you could create a futuristic vision of yourself without compromise, inhabiting a body, voice, and personality that was unabashedly you. Amazing - the sort of inclusivity I’d been waiting for. The reality was far more restrictive. You could slap a penis on a female avatar and a vagina on a male one before switching around the voice options, but beyond that the opportunity for gender non-conforming people to express themselves in Night City was minimal. Pronouns were tied to voice, and no they/them option existed at all. While that would be a little disappointing (but not unexpected) for a regular character creator, it’s a major let down in a game that touted itself as having a trans-friendly one...   Sex is common in Night City, and despite having a body that we’re encouraged to own, they are always expressed in a cisgendered capacity. Your romance with Judy culminates in a scene where it is heavily implied for both women involved to be in possession of a vagina, while V’s romance with Panam concludes with a similar scene that implies the presence of a penis. That or she’s being pounded with a cybernetic strap-on or something. CD Projekt Red seems mostly vanilla when it comes to being super-duper horny, so I doubt it. Trans people are being left out in the cold here, making it clear that the character customisation system wasn’t even considered when these scenes were being drafted. I know it’s just a short sex scene in a game filled with distinct discoveries, but it’s part of a bigger problem... Now I can return to my apartment to change my facial features, but some parts of my anatomy remain locked off, meaning that as I progress through my transition I can’t return to Cyberpunk 2077 with the hope of changing my character to reflect that"
Clearly you need to make major changes to your product to cater to a tiny proportion of the population, most of whom will never play your game, or you have failed

Meme - "Hi! I got a Top Fan badge yesterday. Sadly a friend thought maybe I shouldn't be so happy. read your 'About' info, can I have a clear cut answer... is there a policy or attitude on your page in regard to gender critical views?
Never mind. Insensitive Harry Potter posts. Unfollowing."

Principal promotes book on 'trans' toddlers to kindergarteners for summer reading - ""In this heartwarming picture book, a big sister realizes that her little sister, Jackie, doesn't like dresses or fairies — she likes ties and bugs! Will she and her family be able to accept that Jackie identifies more as 'Jack'?" the book's description reads... DeCorsey called the book on gender transition a "phenomenal read," recommended it for K-3 students, and said it’s being added to the school’s media center. The original post on Excelsior Elementary School's Facebook page has been deleted following backlash, and an apology video from DeCorsey was posted."
TRAs - grooming kids and promoting sex stereotypes

Meme - "No primary school teacher discusses sex in the classroom."
"OK. We'll pass a law against it just to make sure."
"OMG NoOo!!! yOu HaVe tO lEt TEaChErS TaLk aBoUt sEx iN pRiMaRy ScHoOIS!!!"

Meme - Blaire White @MsBlaireWhite: "Pro tip: If you're more offended by the word "groomer" than you are by groomers actually harming kids, you might be in cult."

RNC Research on Twitter - "Biden Assistant Secretary for Health Rachel Levine: We need to “empower” KIDS to go on puberty blockers and get sex reassignment surgery."

Meme - "Notice how the men's feet are pointing compared to the women's *Rachel Levine*"

Schools should know the law on trans rights - "it’s so tempting to see things superficially. All rights, however noble, impose duties on others, even if in many cases we wholeheartedly agree that the benefits outweigh the costs. And the trade-offs can be tricky. Should protesters have the right to block the streets? Even if that includes ambulances? Should women have the right to single-sex spaces? And do our feelings about our identity change the rights to which we are entitled?  The judicially expanded European Convention on Human Rights and New Labour’s Human Rights Act marked a radical change in how fundamental rights are protected in the UK, with alarming consequences. We now have a “rights culture” in a way that did not exist prior to 1998. The application of the Human Rights Act and erroneous interpretations of the Equality Act are causing confusion and distress. For example, the Colston statue case has illustrated the need for clarity when balancing protest rights and the law of criminal damage. The Court of Appeal will soon provide clarity on this.  I also hope to clarify the law tomorrow in my speech about the proper interpretation of the Equality Act regarding children and the protected characteristic of gender reassignment. When it comes to gender-questioning children, we should always have compassion. At the same time, our compassion should never blind us to the harm it is possible to do to children by misplaced affirmation. Many schools and teachers believe – incorrectly – that they are under an absolute legal obligation to treat children who are gender questioning according to the preference of the child. Many are scared of the consequences of not doing so.  I want to make it clear that it is possible, within the law, for schools to refuse to use the preferred opposite-sex pronouns of a child. As set out by Dr Hilary Cass in her interim report, affirming the gender preference of a child where it differs from their birth sex is “social transitioning” and not a neutral act. It is a serious intervention that should only be done upon the advice of an independent medical practitioner.  Under the Equality Act, it is lawful for a school to refuse to allow a biologically male child, who identifies as a trans-girl, from wearing a girls’ uniform or participating in girls’ single-sex competitive sporting activities. And it is lawful for a single-sex school to refuse to admit a child of the opposite biological sex who identifies as transgender. Schools should consider each request for social transition on its specific circumstances, and any decision to accept and reinforce a child’s declared transgender status should only be taken after all safeguarding processes have been followed, medical advice obtained and a full risk assessment conducted, including taking into account the impact on other children... schools and teachers who socially transition a child without the knowledge or consent of parents or without medical advice increase their exposure to a negligence claim for breach of their duty of care to that child.  Under the Equality Act, it can be lawful for a mixed school to refuse to allow a biologically and legally male child, who identifies as transgender, from using the girls’ toilets. There is also a separate duty to provide single-sex toilets in schools, breach of which would be unlawful. The legislative background means that biological male children are generally not permitted to use the female toilets in schools.   Pupils should not be punished for refusing to adopt a preferred pronoun for a gender-questioning child in a case where the school has decided to affirm a child’s preference. A school cannot compel other children to take part in the social-transitioning. Children should also not fear punishment for refusing to take part in activities promoted by trans-lobby groups such as Stonewall or face any disadvantage for questioning what they are being taught on gender identity.  True diversity and equality are at risk when we divide everyone into separate groups and then silence views which may challenge those group identities. This is not what democracy is about and it is not what the law requires."

80-Year-Old Woman Banned From Community Pool After Complaining Man Watching Little Girls Undress In Shower Room: Report - "An 80-year-old woman was banned from using a community pool run by the YMCA in Washington state after she expressed her anger because she said that a man dressed in a woman’s swimsuit was watching little girls undress and also saw her naked in the women’s showers... Julie Jaman, 80, had been swimming at the Mountain View pool, a Port Townsend facility, for 35 years... “The YMCA, the city, the police and sheriffs, the parents, the professionals who assist victims of voyeurism, peeping Toms, pedophilia and assault need to come together figure too out how to make the new policies work for all pool patrons, not just one group. How to keep children, who are less able to discriminate, safe. It is ironic that women who discriminate when a situation threatens their safety or their children — a message from our ancestors — are now accused of discrimination as if they have made someone else a victim.”"
Addendum Liberals keep denying that there're women who complain about male perverts in their changing rooms and then get slimed as bigots

Meme - Outspoken Samantha @Outspoken_Sam: "Inflicting gender confusion on children is like taking a healthy plant and smashing it all over the ground, then shoveling all of the pieces back into a pile while insisting that the plant will grow better in an unrecognizable mess."

Meme - Melonie Mac: "Tomboy who wished I was a boy when I was a kid but grew out of it and love being a female w/ "boy hobbies" after puberty hit
Live and let live as an adult, but let kids be kids and don't put irreversible life choices on them that they're too young to consent to"

Thread by @HormoneHangover on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "I got hormones after a 10-minute assessment. I got a top surgery letter after a few hours of therapy. I take responsibility for my choices, but I was unwell when I made them. I'll always wish that my healthcare providers had helped me instead of enabling my self harm
Feels really wretched to look back at all the credentialed professionals who could have bothered to look into your issues, seen the red flags, and just didn't care enough to do it. But that's life. People aren't always looking out for your best interests Went back and talked to my hormone provider about it. She just didn't really feel like it was her job.  Asked her if she followed WPATH standards of care.  Enthusiastic nod.  "Why didn't you have me do WPATH's mental health assessments?"  "Well, they're more like guidelines"
Look. We're maximizing for ease of access, not for screening people for mental health issues. That is the US model. And I know a lot of people want that. But the stakes are just so incredibly high. The current model puts all the responsibility on the patient. Is that fair?"

Watson on Twitter - "I had gender dysphoria. Accordingly to myself, and my gender clinic - who quickly diagnosed me with it. And treated me with cross-sex hormones and surgery. I regret it. I exist. You just ignored my other issues. I'll never forgive you."

How the Nonbinary Trend Hurts Those with Real Gender Dysphoria - "For those in support of nonbinary rights, the belief that someone must experience gender dysphoria and undergo medical transitioning in order to identify as transgender is seen as exclusionary because it requires a certain bar to be cleared in order for an individual to be part of the community. To question whether nonbinary people are the same as trans people is derisively known as “transmedicalism.”... none of these ideas are backed by science, and that pretending they are only directs the focus away from the underlying issues we should be addressing. For those who are skeptical, identifying as a third gender may seem to be a fad. Gender has become trendy, and being something other than female or male sounds exotic; a person appears interesting and ahead of the curve. By simply being known as nonbinary or genderqueer, or going by “they/them” pronouns, it immediately conveys to other people that this particular individual is different and to some degree, special, because they are an exception to the rule, which could be expected in young people and especially teenagers. As more people take on these labels, being nonbinary has become a way to find community, a sense of belonging, and acceptance. It’s not so much about individuality as it is about group membership. In some cases, a person will identify as being a third gender without modifying anything about themselves beyond their clothing and pronouns.  As mentioned, the word “transgender” has expanded to encompass anyone who feels, in any way, different from what would be expected of them, based on their birth sex. This includes gender-atypical and gender-nonconforming people and anyone who feels even mild discomfort about their bodies. The widening of the application of what it means to be transgender means more people will potentially identify this way, thereby inflating its prevalence in the general population...  To collapse all of these labels into one haphazard group that includes nonbinary people and transgender people who do not have gender dysphoria, and to then call everyone “trans,” diminishes the suffering of those who experience gender dysphoria, a legitimate condition that is recognized by medicine and science. In contrast to how those who are “genderfluid” describe their gender, gender dysphoria is not a whimsical feeling that comes and goes depending on which direction the winds are blowing that day. If anything, the concept of gender fluidity calls into question the very idea of being transgender. The concept of gender dysphoria rests on the idea that gender is innate and that the brain of one sex exists in the body of the other. Gender fluidity suggests the very antithesis to this, that one’s internal sense of gender can vary by the hour. If one’s gender can change, why shouldn’t it be malleable to align with a person’s birth sex? The concept of gender fluidity argues against trans adults’ right to transition... we have celebrities who are capitalizing on gender’s moment in the sun. If someone has a large public following, and they announce they are nonbinary, it is hard to believe that doing so is anything but a publicity stunt to get people talking about them. Identifying as nonbinary provides social, and literal, currency; and public figures who “come out” as nonbinary obtain adulation and a newfound relevance as every media publication in the world hails them for their courage and strength as a trailblazer. What I find particularly sad is the number of gay men who have embraced the nonbinary label. When asked in media interviews about how they knew they were nonbinary, many profess a love of being a man, but also wearing makeup and high heels. A few prominent media personalities come to mind here, but they shall remain unnamed. One of the bedrocks of the gay community is drag shows, in which adult men dress up as very feminine women to lip-synch to pop songs promoting female independence and empowerment, all while maintaining an in-your-face sense of humor. It’s unclear why, for these individuals, being a drag queen on their days off wasn’t good enough. In turn, the next generation of young gay men, who look up to them, are identifying as nonbinary instead of gay men. It’s also worth mentioning that feminine gay men and masculine lesbians, by virtue of being gender-nonconforming, are not trans or nonbinary; they are gender-nonconforming men and women...  If being gay is a choice, it makes it more difficult to advocate against attempts to change it."

Meme - "r/MtF
Quirky_Lavishness_50: Does anyone else find drag detestable? To me, it feels like a minstrel show in which we're the costume. Yes, I know there's a long history of it being used for self expression. No, that isn't what most people who go to drag shows are thinking or seeing. Yes, they do think you are like drag queens.
mehTiLduhhhh: It grosses me out and seems very misogynistic and like a sexist caricature of femininity and womanhood."
They're almost there...

Thread by @JoelWBerry on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "So far it seems drag queen story hour is the big litmus test for whether you are a Christian Nationalist or not. If you believe the government has a role in protecting kids from being exposed to drag queen performances in public libraries, you're a Christian Nationalist. ...and if you believe this while being white, you are a "White Christian Nationalist" ... and if you believe this while being black, you are also a "White Christian Nationalist""

Activist dons drag outfit to demand answers from Ankeny School Board - "Demanding answers about the outcome of an investigation of an after-school drag performance in May, activist Kimberly Reicks appeared before the Ankeny School Board in an outfit like the one that a performer in the show wore... Ankeny High School's Gay Straight Alliance in May hosted the after-school drag performance as part of an end-of-year meeting, inviting guest performers from the Iowa Youth Parade Pageant, according to the school district at that time. Administrators did not give approval for the performance in advance and organizers did not follow protocol... "I want to know: Does this outfit make you turn your head?" she asked, stepping away from the board and turning to the small audience gathered for the meeting. "Is this outfit appropriate for anybody here to see?  "Because if this makes your head turn, if this p----s you off, then it should. Because this guy walked into our school, wearing exactly the same thing," she added before a board member interrupted and asked her to address the board... She said she was "embarrassed to stand here with the outfit I have today. I want to prove that this outfit should not ever be accepted in our school any way.""

St Paul's Girls' School to rename role of 'head girl' because of its 'binary connotations' - "The role of head girl at one of Britain’s leading girls’ schools will be renamed because it is seen as “too binary”.   St Paul’s Girls’ School in Hammersmith, which charges pupils £26,000-per-year, is to rename the position to head of school after pupils asked for it to be given a more inclusive title.  Helen Semple, the deputy head of the school, gave a training session in April during which it was claimed that there are at least 150 different gender identities. The session, which was called ‘Beyond the Binary: Understanding how to be inclusive for all gender identities’, welcomed Emma Cusdin, a transgender woman whose company Global Butterflies “helps companies create trans inclusive working environments”...   The school has denied the suggestion it should also change the name of the school on account of its use of the term ‘girls’...   A spokesman for St. Paul's Girls' School said: "It was the suggestion of our senior students that we change the name from ‘Head Girl’ to ‘Head of School’ as more modern, age appropriate and inclusive."
Why even have a girls' school?
Does the "Head of School" outrank the High Mistress, Sarah Fletcher?

How Trans And Nonbinary People Are Coping Right Now - "“Not being able to even be considered for top surgery is devastating for me,” wrote Emerson, 21. “I was so close and just had my referral sent to the surgeon and now? I don't know when the opportunity will come again. Combine that with being in isolation makes it pretty difficult to battle dysphoria on a daily basis.”"
From April 2020. Imagine the narcissism of demanding sex reassignation surgery during a pandemic

Opinion | How Do I Define My Gender if No One Is Watching Me? - The New York Times - "My friends and I had long joked, “Gender is a social construct!” every time one of us needed shoring up after a messy encounter with the expectations of the gender-conforming heterosexual world. But without that world, we now added a rueful punchline: “Too bad there’s no more ‘social’!”  I would have imagined this new expansiveness would be freeing. Instead, it was at first disorienting. With the gender binary all but gone, what did it mean to be nonbinary? How do I define my gender when I — accustomed to how visible my gender usually makes me — am no longer being watched?"
An admission that trans and non-binary mania is about narcissism

Meme - Callie @calliethrice "its lowkey transphobic that no one is touching my boobs rn"

Meme - "Trans girls after a long day of being litterally the cutest girls in the world: *hugging pillow*"

Twitter Wonders: Why Does This 'Non-Binary Haircut' Cost More Than a Men's or Women's Cut? - "Fiber artist and variety Twitch streamer Destinee took to Twitter after finding that a hair salon they were looking at costs (for a basic haircut) $40 for men, $50 for women, and … $70 for non-binary people...   Some people, including Destinee, say it should depend on the time it takes to handle the hair, but I’m going to push back on that because that thinking is part of the reason hair textures associated with Black women and femmes (type three and four) costs so much more"
It is more than reasonable to charge more for more complicated cases

Non-binary customer calls out barber for complaining he 'doesn't cut girls' hair' - "A nonbinary customer has called out a barber for complaining that he 'doesn't cut girls' hair'... Gabrielle, who was born female but doesn't identify with any gender, claimed to have been disrespected while getting a haircut from Aaron at his Sydney barber shop, Groomsmen... Aaron then claimed to have 'more gay and lezzo friends' than Gabrielle, telling them he 'accepts' all of them.  'I was good enough to cut your hair and charge you a tight a** rate and you still want to attack me for saying you have female hair. YOU DO!!'"
Certificate III in Barbering - SHB30516 - TAFE NSW - "The nationally accredited Certificate III in Barbering is designed for aspiring barbers who want to learn the art of fading, carving and cutting hair in the thriving men's grooming industry. You'll practice your skills on real clients in our fully equipped barbershops and real salons."
Certificate III in Hairdressing - SHB30416 - TAFE NSW - "The nationally accredited Certificate III in Hairdressing enables you to launch your career as a qualified hairdresser and hairstylist. Learning a broad range of hairdressing skills as well as building your clientele, this course will qualify you to work in an established salon or start your own."
Do non-binary people get upset when buying clothes?

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