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Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Links - 18th October 2022 (2 - Abortion)

Joel Berry on Twitter - ""I'd rather kill this baby than see him adopted by people like you" is a level of hate that's hard to grasp."

Meme - MommaT @tweetmommybop: "My teen daughter was asked by her doctor when was her last menstrual period. She said "it's regular, no need for dates". When I asked her why the reply, she told me that doctors can no longer be trusted and they should become accustomed to not knowing. Welcome to the new America."
Awss @AryaWolf88: "Doctors need to stop asking that question. Same as they need to stop asking us for our weight. It's irrelevant to most treatments. It's personal information they don't need to have."
Panos @PanosStranger: "One of the most nonsensical comments I've ever seen. Doctors not checking weight and BMI range is like dentists not allowed to check your teeth. I give up"
When they get worse health outcomes, they will blame "structural sexism" and "misogyny" rather than their own paranoia and conspiracy theories

Meme - VickiG @EMTP513: "I worked in health care (emergency medicine) for 25 years. There are all KINDS of good reasons for asking that question the apparently the patient nows nothing about, If you don't trust your doctor, get a new one - or a woman dr. It's a risk to yourself to misinform the dr."
OlderBird @KennethYarbrot9: "Where I work if you don't tell us the date of you last menstrual period and give us negative pregnancy test. You don't get any X-rays or CT scans to evaluate your belly pain. That's why"
Heidi J Hess @hjhess3: "I will confirm I'm not pregnant. I will not submit to a pregnancy test. I've signed plenty of waivers for procedures as a result."
Trust the science and trust the experts - when what they say helps the liberal agenda

Meme - Handmaid: "They are going to force us to become parents after having consensual sex!"
Men who never had the option of abortion : "First time?"

Meme - Olivia Julianna @0liviajulianna: "Every woman should delete Facebook rignt now. #DeleteFacebook"
"Facebook Gave Nebraska Cops A Teen's DAIS So They Could Prosecute Her For Having An Abortion"
Greg Price: "I looked up the details of this case. A mother performed an abortion on her 24-week pregnant daughter at home. 'They burned and buried the body. 'They then proceeded to talk about the horrific crime they committed over Facebook dms, which were obtained by search warrant.
The two of them were charged with "removing, concealing or abandoning a dead human body" and a bunch of other felonies. But being pro-abortion means defending the murder of fully formed human beings that are then burned and buried."

The New York Times - Posts | Facebook - "A reader asks The Ethicist: “Nearly nine years ago, I befriended a woman at work who, as I learned over the years of our now strong friendship, is staunchly pro-life. For her, the argument is both scientific and religious: Life starts at conception, and abortion is murder (no exceptions). She is morally consistent, though, in also being against the death penalty and in seeking out stronger social programs for families, like paid parental leave. We no longer work together, but we remain close friends and frequently discuss our views on abortion (I am pro-choice). Having a stronger understanding of one pro-life ideology has, I feel, expanded my thinking. I believe she is a good person who cares about the world immensely. “Especially after the overturning of Roe v. Wade, though, I struggle with having a friend who supports what I think is a restriction of my rights to make my own choices about my body. I struggle, too, with what I think of as duplicitousness: She actively restricts who she tells about her pro-life views, because she fears it will hurt her advancement prospects and could end friendships. She hopes people will see her as a good person and not judge her first on her anti-abortion views. I cannot decide if this is lying. And while I disagree with her views, it is the potential lying that is most questionable to me. “Maybe it’s like being queer and choosing to stay in the closet, but there’s the issue of what is a choice and what is inherent. Is it right for her to withhold the truth, or even lie, to protect herself, for the sake of her reputation and friendships? Is it OK if people do not want to be friends with or work with someone who has views like hers? I struggle with the idea that she is able to protect herself from the fallout of people knowing she is anti-abortion when implementing her views would take away rights that many people see as vital to living a life with dignity.”"
Comments: "I vehemently disagree with her colleague/friend, but this is not Invasion of the Body Snatchers or a witch hunt. We do not point at people and scream “she’s not one of us!” at everyone. Be her friend or don’t, but this isn’t the way."
"Who does the writer think she is, the thought police? Jeez, could she be any more smugly superior while pretending she just wants to be ethical?"
"People get to believe differently than you. I can’t believe this needs explanation.""
"It’s not lying to be aware how unpopular your beliefs are. Maybe you should feel sad for her that her workplace is so hostile to her views. She sounds like a person with consistent views who is caring and kind. I think your friendship is worth it only if you both allow each other your differences - otherwise it’s an alliance not a friendship. Support this woman."
"Writing to the NYT because someone else's views are a Very Big Deal to you while simultaneously asking why that person isn't more open abut their views is absolute perfection *chef's kiss*"
"Whomever wrote this is a horrible person. They should do their "friend" the favor of unfriending them. Who needs people like this? It's not a pro-life, pro choice thing. It's about respecting other people's opinions. Good people can disagree on major issues and still be good people. The judgemental nature of the left is appalling - to say the least. Is the "friend" unfriending her because she is pro-choice?"
"I don’t think we all have to share our opinions on everything. They used to say in polite conversation don’t bring up politics or religion, maybe we should go back to that! 😉😊"
"If she were vocal about her views, she'd be accused of trying to impose her views on others. She doesn't, and she's accused of being dishonest. . She trusts you, go with that!"
"No, you should denounce her so she can be cancelled for having an opinion, that is the progressive way."
"It baffles me that this is even a question. The kind of relationship you describe is essential to the exchange of beliefs and experiences, based on trust. If you betray her trust you have lost the chance to see the world through different lenses, and so has she. She isn’t a platform, she is a human being figuring things out like the rest of us."
Of course a lot of commenters were slamming the friend, and many made some nonsensical claim about having less bodily autonomy than a corpse. If the situation were reversed of course it would be different. Because liberal orthodoxy is gospel. Some said it's okay as long as she's not proselytising - apparently only liberal views get to be spread

Pregnancy Risks - "Although every pregnancy has some risk of problems, continuing a pregnancy and delivering a baby is usually a safe, healthy process. Based on data from the CDC, the risk of dying as a direct result of pregnancy and childbirth is less than 10 in 100,000 live births"
Pro-choice extremists justify abortion until birth by claiming that there is a risk of death in pregnancy, so women can never be compelled to keep a pregnancy. If no one has the right to compel anyone to do anything that has the smallest risk of death, everyday life would be seriously disrupted. Good luck with jury duty, police investigations and doing government paperwork in person

Miscarriage remarks by Pennsylvania lawmaker cause outrage - "Moms who have experienced a miscarriage are speaking out after Pennsylvania State Representative Wendy Ullman was caught on video calling early miscarriage "just some mess on a napkin."... "I think we all understand the concept of the loss of a fetus, but we're also talking about a woman who comes into a facility and is having cramps and, not to be concrete, but an early miscarriage is just some mess on a napkin," said Ullman, a Democrat who represents a suburban area north of Philadelphia. "And I'm not sure people would agree that this is something that we want to take to the point of ritual — either cremation or internment."  After video of the hearing began to circulate on social media, moms and dads who have experienced miscarriage began to share their painful experiences... I've had two miscarriages and this is the coldest, most disgusting thing I've ever heard come out of the mouth of another female," wrote one Twitter user. "She should be ashamed."  "Holy. F---. No. No it is not, Wendy Ullman. Please go back to the hole you crawled out of. This is so dismissive of the pain many women experience and not pro-woman at all. #Iam1in4""

Lena Dunham Wishes She Had an Abortion - "Now I can say that I still haven’t had an abortion, but I wish I had"
Weird. I thought no one was pro-abortion

Auron MacIntyre on Twitter - "GRAPHIC CONTENT Two pro-abortion podcasters discuss having an “abortion fetish” and making an only fans for abortions"
"Periodic reminder that the religious right were mocked mercilessly for accurately predicting the future"

Is Abortion Justified by an Inalienable Right to Sex? - "It should be obvious that we shouldn’t legalize killing in order to enable people to have more sex, at least when you put it like that"

Biden's Budget Removes A Longstanding Ban On Abortion Funding - "President Biden's budget proposal fulfills a campaign promise to remove a longstanding ban on federal funding for most abortions known as the Hyde Amendment.   The budget plan, released late last week, would drop the policy which has restricted funding for abortion through federal programs such as Medicaid. The rule, in effect since 1980, includes exceptions in cases of rape, incest, or to save a pregnant woman's life."
Ironically, for things they don't like (like biology meaning fertility declines with age and creationism in school curricula) liberal logic is that if government money is being used for something, it means the government is endorsing it so it has a right to control everything that happens there

Thread by @leilacohan on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "If it was about babies, we’d have excellent and free universal maternal care. You wouldn’t be charged a cent to give birth, no matter how complicated your delivery was. If it was about babies, we’d have months and months of parental leave, for everyone. If it was about babies, we’d have free lactation consultants, free diapers, free formula. If it was about babies, we’d have free and excellent childcare from newborns on. If it was about babies, we’d have universal preschool and pre-k and guaranteed after school placements. If it was about babies, IVF and adoption wouldn’t just be for folks with thousands and thousands of dollars to spend on expanding their families. It’s not about babies. It’s about punishing women (and all people with uteruses) and controlling our bodies."
Liberals don't understand the difference between positive and negative rights. Presumably the Second Amendment means that the government needs to give people free guns

Meme - "We'll do whatever we can to protect your life!"
"Now you're on your own!"
"I hope your tramp mom doesn't want food stamps to feed you"
"Get a job, moocher!"
"Or medical insurance!"
Another example of confusing positive and negative liberty

Okla. lawmaker backs off bill making fathers financially responsible at conception - "An Oklahoma lawmaker is filing a bill that would declare a biological father's financial responsibility to his child and its mother begins at conception.  Rep. Forrest Bennet, a Democrat from Oklahoma City, announced he filed House Bill 3129 last week on Twitter in response to the push to restrict abortion rights in the state."
Apparently he pulled it because the pro-lifers loved it

Sargon of Akkad - Posts | Facebook - "Future persons have rights, and the destruction of the environment is a violation of those rights"
"This is a brilliant anti-immigration argument. Stop building over Britain's green spaces, for the sake of future generations."
OP copped out by claiming that there was a difference between environmentalism and abortion so this argument couldn't be applied to the latter, but refused to say what it was

Planned Parenthood employees, supporters claim the abortion clinic is "steeped in white supremacy" - "Planned Parenthood employees and supporters have charged the largest abortion provider in America with being "steeped in white supremacy."  A June 18 open letter signed by more than 350 current and former staffers — including 800 donors, supporters, and volunteers — of Planned Parenthood in Greater New York claimed that the organization suffers from "institutional racism."... The letter also said Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger was "a racist, white woman.""

Abortion Is Difficult - "There is one thing that the extreme pro- and anti-abortion people can agree upon: that the issue is intellectually trivial, the correct answer blindingly obvious. They just disagree about which position is blindingly obvious and which stupidly evil.  I disagree, though. I think the issue of abortion is difficult. In fact, if you think the issue is easy, then I would say you’re irrational. Anyway, here are some of the reasons it’s difficult.  There are two main questions: (i) Do fetuses have a right to life? (ii) If fetuses have rights, is it still okay to abort them?"

No, Saving A Child Instead Of Embryos Does Not Negate Pro-Life Position - "pro-choicers tend to think they have you over a barrel. They believe that, by choosing a five-year-old over human embryos, they have “destroyed your argument” in favor of the sanctity of preborn life. They are wrong, and in all likelihood they know it.  Making a difficult practical decision between saving one life or another (or many others), does not in any way negate the sanctity of either life. If I were in a burning building and came across a healthy five-year-old and a terminal cancer patient, I would elect to save the five-year-old. But my decision wouldn’t mean that a terminal cancer patient is somehow innately “not the same, not morally, not ethically, not biologically,” as the five-year-old.  Similarly, if I came across two five-year-olds, one screaming and the other in a deep but temporary coma, I would save the screaming one: the former can die in terrible agony, while the latter will die without it.  The examples are endless. As National Review’s Charlie Cooke sarcastically demonstrated on Twitter, one’s decision to save one’s own family over another person’s family does not somehow mean that the other family is “not worth saving.” Only a fool would believe as much.  Similarly, NR’s Ramesh Ponnuru, in his book “The Party of Death,” points out that “the moral question posed by the burning-building scenarios is the extent to which you can show favoritism without being unjust.” In these scenarios, he writes, “we might reasonably take account of all kinds of things—family ties, the life prospects of potential rescuees, the suffering they would undergo if not rescued, etc—that aren’t relevant to the question: Can we kill them?”...   In his book “The Case For Life,” Scott Klusendorf writes that the debate over the status of embryos “is not about choosing whom we’re going to save, as in the case of the burning lab. It’s about whom we’re going to deliberately kill to benefit us.”...   Saving a five-year-old child over an embryo, or even a thousand of them, doesn’t mean the embryos are not human beings; it doesn’t mean that, ceteris paribus, they should not be valued and protected as much as any other human should be; and it certainly doesn’t mean that it should be okay to murder them while they’re in the womb or at any other time."

Meme - Samantha Morris: "Guys in the USA, you want to get laid? Listen up. Find your local pro-choice rally or protest, show up, be vocal, be supportive. Chances are you won't leave alone."
Samantha Morris: "In a relationship with
My new handheld shower head
Mind your business"

Meme - "Christians: We should stop abortion
Feminist: You want to rape me
C: what
F: You want to imprison me and put me in a costume and have high status men fuck and impregnate me
C: w...what
F: *panting* Their wives will hold my wrists while they drive themselves deep into my fertile"
On the fetish feminists have for the Handmaid's Tale

Rage, Despair, Tears Fill Streets Across Nation as Thousands Protest Roe Reversal - "Amanda Herring, who is 32 and nine months pregnant, showed up with her 1-year-old son Abraham and the words “Not Yet a Human” written in ink across her swollen belly. Herring, a Jewish educator who said her due date is Saturday, considers the Supreme Court ruling an infringement on her religion.  “I feel like it’s important for me to be out here and let everyone know my religion says that that life begins with the first breath,” she said. “It’s in the Torah, and it’s in the Old Testament.”"
Almost all of the world is anti-Semitic, since there're term limits on abortion virtually everywhere
Weird how we are told that abortion can't be regulated or we're living in a theocracy even if abortion regulation is secular, but at the same time regulating abortion is anti-Semitic because Judaism says life starts wit hthe first breath

dbsk on Twitter -  "There's no biological or objectively rational backing for the belief that life begins at conception. Only religious nutters and profoundly ignorant people think this. Beliefs not based on facts are worthless and shouldn't be imposed on those who don't share them."
Biologists' Consensus on 'When Life Begins' by Steven Andrew Jacobs - "Many Americans disagree on ‘When does a human’s life begin?’ because the question is subject to interpretive ambiguity arising from Hume’s is-ought problem. There are two distinct interpretations of the question: descriptive (i.e., ‘When is a fetus classified as a human?’) and normative (i.e., ‘When ought a fetus be worthy of ethical and legal consideration?’). To determine if one view is more prevalent today, 2,899 American adults were surveyed and asked to select the group most qualified to answer the question of when a human’s life begins. The majority selected biologists (81%), which suggested Americans primarily hold a descriptive view. Indeed, the majority justified their selection by describing biologists as objective scientists that can use their biological expertise to determine when a human's life begins. Academic biologists were recruited to participate in a study on their descriptive view of when life begins. A sample of 5,502 biologists from 1,058 academic institutions assessed statements representing the biological view ‘a human’s life begins at fertilization’. This view was used because previous polls and surveys suggest many Americans and medical experts hold this view. Each of the three statements representing that view was affirmed by a consensus of biologists (75-91%). The participants were separated into 60 groups and each statement was affirmed by a consensus of each group, including biologists that identified as very pro-choice (69-90%), very pro-life (92-97%), very liberal (70-91%), very conservative (94-96%), strong Democrats (74-91%), and strong Republicans (89-94%). Overall, 95% of all biologists affirmed the biological view that a human's life begins at fertilization (5212 out of 5502). Historically, the descriptive view on when life begins has dictated the normative view that drives America's abortion laws: (1) abortion was illegal at ‘quickening’ under 18th century common law, (2) abortion was illegal at ‘conception’ in state laws from the late 1800’s to the mid-1900’s, and (3) abortion is currently legal before ‘viability’ due to 20th century U.S. Supreme Court cases Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey. While this article’s findings suggest a fetus is biologically classified as a human at fertilization, this descriptive view does not entail the normative view that fetuses deserve legal consideration throughout pregnancy. Contemporary ethical and legal concepts that motivate reproductive rights might cause Americans to disregard the descriptive view or disentangle it from the normative view. However, these findings can help Americans move past the factual dispute on when life begins and focus on the operative question of when a fetus deserves legal consideration."
Liberals keep claiming that life doesn't start at conception, or that it starts at the first breath (when I pointed out that bacteria on Mars are considered life I was told that was different - apparently bacteria can be alive but not humans)
"Follow the science" and "trust the experts" only apply when it helps liberals. One even huffily dismissed the scientific consensus by claiming that "when it's based off of opinion solely", she didn't "trust the science" (apparently scientific consensus is only "the science" when it accords with liberal beliefs)

Woah, is that actual bacteria!?!?!? AMAZING! We found life on Mars.
That's not a life. A person exists at birth. If it's inside of a mother, it's not an actual life yet."

Michael Tracey on Twitter - "An annoying aspect of the abortion debate is that lots of people oppose abortion based on religious conviction, which is fine, but then they pretend completely secular reasoning brought them to their conviction
I’m well aware that it’s perfectly possible for an atheist to oppose abortion on non-religious grounds. I’m just saying lots of people do have straightforwardly religious grounds for their opposition to abortion, but then dress it up in secular terms for whatever reason It’s annoying because it’s phony, meaning it’s not an articulation of their real reasons for opposing abortion. If in private their real reason is a metaphysical belief about the presence of a soul in the fetus, but in public they only ever use secular arguments, that’s phony"
Replies: "Is it your belief that one cannot believe both the secular and non secular arguments for any topic if you originally adopted a position based on your religion?  Why would a religious person waste time giving arguments that don’t usually work for non religious people?"
"If a theist can make a compelling argument without recourse to the supernatural, why do you care what philosophical beliefs s/he holds? Haven't you heard of lawyers arguing cases, debate teams, intellectual argumentation?"
"What you’re saying makes not a whit of sense. Never in my life have I heard an argument against abortion refer to a soul. It’s the life that’s at issue. It’s a moral position that may have roots in religion but so would opposition to lying or murder. I really don’t see your point"
Christians who believe that murder is wrong because the Bible says so but justify their position in secular terms need to shut up

THE INFLUENCE OF BIBLICAL TEXTS UPON ENGLISH LAW - "There can be,however, no doubt that the principles of the Christian religion have profoundly affected the law."
Time to abolish the offence of murder!

Or all Christians, really

Thy Geekdom Come 🇻🇦 on Twitter - ""If you were really pro-life, you'd try to help pregnant mothers supply for their children."
"We literally run centers for just that purpose."
"Oh? Where? We're gonna firebomb it!""

Facebook - "This problem has no perfect solution. While we sit here and debate 2 polar opposite and absolute positions, the issue is hardly debated in Europe where most countries have taken a reasonable and moderate position of legal with a 12-14 week limit. I usually don't look at Europe for inspiration but I think they've got this handled pretty well. A lot of people don't know these numbers. I saw one woman react to the SCOTUS leak by saying she was moving to Spain or France.  Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R) announced he wants to set the ban on anything after 15 weeks, which is surprisingly moderate for a Republican, replicating what we see in Europe. Probably a great move for him—most people don't want absolute bans or late-term abortions."

Maternal mortality in adolescents compared with women of other ages: evidence from 144 countries - "Our findings suggest that the excess mortality risk to adolescent mothers might be less than previously believed, and in most countries the adolescent maternal mortality ratio is low compared with women older than 30 years"
Some pro-abortion person claimed late term abortion was justified for 13 year old teens in the US because of elevated mortality risk (on top of US maternal mortality). This was the best data I could find (15-19 year olds). Presumably in the US, which has the highest maternal mortality in all developed countries, all women get late term abortion. And presumably in other developed countries, teens don't get late term abortion, since their maternal mortality isn't as high as in the US

Facebook - "Make men leaving during pregnancy against the law too. If I can’t terminate, neither can he."
Apparently pregnant women are forced to be in relationships

Meme - "Me watching pro-choice women avoid having sex with pro-choice men who are voluntarily sterilizing themselves"

Meme - "When all the crazy left wing chicks start threatening to get sterilized:
No. Stop. Don't do it."

Meme - "On SEX STRIKE AGAINST US *Unattractive women*
NOT ON SEX STRIKE AGAINST US *Attractive women*"

Meme - Anajah Carter: "So if y'all forcing motherhood on women now, force fatherhood on men AS WELL!"
Imagine having this little awareness. Men have never had reproductive rights, unlike women
It's very funny. The same people who say motherhood shouldn't be a consequence of sex defend men having no choice but to pay child support as a consequence of sex. Basically consequences are only for men. Asking women to face consequences is misogyny

Meme - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: "Forced pregnancy is a crime against humanity."
Kyle Becker @kylenabecker Replying to @AOC: "We know. That's why rape is a crime."
Women have no say in whether they get pregnant, apparently

Meme - Gina Darling @MissGinaDarling: "If men were able to get pregnant, this would've never been up for discussion lol fuck this backward ass shit.
Oh wait. Pardon my wording, not sure what the proper wording is for this but guess...people born with male reproductive organs? If that's not correct, pls educate me Sorry if that came off as transphobic"

Democrats Carrying Anti-Abortion Banner Put More Congressional Races in Play - The New York Times
From 2008. But today if you hold Hillary Clinton's 2008 stance of it being safe, legal, and rare, you're a misogynist

“Abortion should be safe, legal, and rare”: a history of the idea - "over the years, abortion rights advocates have pushed back against the phrase. “Safe, legal, and rare” implies that getting an abortion is something that “you should be apologetic for,” reproductive justice activist Renee Bracey Sherman told Vox...   “If there are barriers put in front of a person,” the “safe, legal, and rare” framing implies “that it does not matter because that procedure should be rare,” Lopez said. “So it essentially is denying these folks the ability to really access the care that they deserve.”  For that reason, the All* Above All Action Fund says that abortion should be “safe, legal, accessible, and affordable,” not rare...   Clinton’s shift was part of a bigger move in the Democratic Party toward more outspoken and less equivocal support of abortion rights... Gabbard — who once identified as pro-life but now says she supports abortion rights — used the phrase at the fourth presidential debate on Tuesday night, when she was asked how she would stop states from restricting abortion access.  “We see how the consequences of laws that you’re referring to can often lead to a dangerous place,” Gabbard went on. “I do, however, think that there should be some restrictions in place. I support codifying Roe v. Wade while making sure that during the third trimester, abortion is not an option unless the life or severe health consequences of a woman are at risk.”  Many abortion rights advocates criticized her response, but one — former Planned Parenthood president Dr. Leana Wen — praised her, arguing that “we should reduce the need for abortions by investing in prevention.” Wen broke with other abortion rights advocates some time ago. When she was removed as Planned Parenthood’s president in July, she said in a statement that, “I believe that the best way to protect abortion care is to be clear that it is not a political issue but a health care one.” Some said the group ousted her because it was looking for “a more aggressive political leader” on abortion rights... Since she left Planned Parenthood, Wen has argued that the best way to build public support for abortion rights is to seek common ground with people who may be uncomfortable with the procedure, but want it to remain legal...   “We need to stop treating those whose views differ from our own with scorn and suspicion, and instead work together to safeguard our health, our rights and our future,” she concluded.  And after Tuesday’s debate, Wen made clear that she saw the “safe, legal, and rare” framing as a way to reach out to people with different views on the issue. “Pro-choice & progressive movements will lose unless we allow more people to join who do not agree 100% with the most extreme ideology”... Pamela Maraldo, a former president of Planned Parenthood who resigned in 1995 under circumstances similar to Wen’s, said that she wanted Planned Parenthood to return to that framing.  “I think that people that are pro-choice are afraid of stigmatizing abortion when they say it should be rare,” she said. But “that’s not where I’m coming from. I’m coming from a place that too many trips to the doctor’s, medical procedures, surgical procedures, could be and should be prevented.”"
"Stigma" means that all sorts of bad outcomes must be celebrated. Given liberal logic, in order to de-stigmatise cancer, we shouldn't want it to be rare, and we should encourage everyone to get cancer
Pro-choicers claim that they are not pro-abortion - just pro-abortion rights. But they don't want it to be rare, but common, and they want late term abortion too. This is also why they glorify obesity

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