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Thursday, October 20, 2022

Links - 20th October 2022 (1 - Brittney Griner)

How the Gender Pay Gap Led Brittney Griner to A Russian Prison - "Reed was freed from Russian custody on April 27, as part of a prisoner exchange for a Russian national jailed for U.S. drug trafficking charges. Griner was arrested in Russia in February when vape cartridges containing hashish oil — which is legal in much of the world — were allegedly found in her luggage... Now, Griner’s manager claims that she would never have been detained at all, were it not for the gender pay gap...   Ogwumike stressed that Griner was only in Russia because she needed the money, and the play time...   “To date, the largest contracts paid to women basketball players have come from Russian and Turkish clubs. Top athletes can make six to seven times the maximum WNBA salary overseas — and the disparity as recently as 2019 was 10 to 15 times more than WNBA salaries”... This season, the average NBA base salary is about $5.4 million, nearly 45 times as much as the average WNBA base salary of $120,600. Even accounting for the shorter WNBA season — 36 games versus 82 in the NBA — men make about 20 times as much as women pro-rata."
Women have no accountability
I like how Americans don't need to follow local laws when abroad

Meme - Leftist: "Eat the rich! Send the bourgeois to the gulag!"
"We're gonna put this rich basketball player in a literal soviet jail"
Leftist: *upset*

Basketball Within Borders - Posts | Facebook - "Breanna Stewart tweeted on Saturday: “It has been 169 days since our friend, Brittney Griner, has been wrongfully detained in Russia. It is time for her to come home. @WhiteHouse @potus @vp , we are paying attention and we are counting on you. #WeAreBG.""
Apparently all Russian laws are illegitimate. So if you murder someone in Russia and are detained, you're wrongfully detained

Meme - "Now let's see who is responsible for Brittney Griner being in a Russian prison!
*Brittney Griner*"

Meme - "She got caught with some fuckin carts in her luggage and they're making her out to be Harriet Tubman

Griner sentence 'compounds the injustice' of wrongful detention - Blinken - "The nine-year prison sentence given to U.S. basketball star Brittney Griner in Russia “compounds the injustice of her wrongful detention,” U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said"
Considering that marijuana is illegally federally and so you can't bring it into the US, this is rich

U.S. basketball star Griner says her rights were not read to her when detained in Russia
Cultural imperialism!

Meme - Brittney Griner's coach: "If this was LeBron James, he'd be home"
"No he wouldn't but Lebron would never be in this position bc Lebron isn't forced to go to a hostile country and play ball in their leagues for extra income. Brittney makes $220K a season, Lebron makes $41M. That's the real angle that nobody seems to want to discuss."
I thought liberals were for eating the rich. I guess they only want to eat rich white men
Comment: "Seriously, how is someone supposed to survive on only $220k to play a child's game in a league no one watches?! This is an outrage!"

WNBA announces $75 million capital raise - "NBA Commissioner Adam Silver told The Associated Press in 2018 that the WNBA was losing $10 million a year."
Does the NBA subsidize the WNBA? - "Before the new agreement, the average salary for a player was approximately $116,000; and now, the base salary is $130,000 with additional bonuses and incentives. This increase could mean even bigger subsidies from the NBA, if the WNBA does not find a way to become more profitable."
Clearly paying WNBA players even more will solve the "problem", since they are living off NBA subsidies

‘You Failed Them, Not Me!’: Comedian Bill Burr Hilariously Slams ‘Feminists’ for Ditching WNBA - "Look at the WNBA! They have been playing in front of 300 to 400 people a night for a quarter of a century. Not to mention, it’s a male-subsidized league. We gave you a league and none of you showed up. Where are all the feminists? That place should be packed with feminists — faces painted, wearing jerseys, going f***ing nuts like the guys do! None of you went to the f***ing games. You failed them, not me. Not men — women failed the WNBA. Ladies, name your top five WNBA players of all time. Name five WNBA teams. Name the WNBA team in your city. You can’t do it! “Meanwhile, you look at the Kardashians: they’re making billions,” Burr posited soon after during his set. “You look at those Real Housewives shows, they’re making money hand over fist! Because that’s what women are watching and the money listens. The money listens. You’d rather watch that s**t, Real Housewives, just a bunch of women tearing each other down.”... while feminists talk a good game about female athletes, when it comes to voting with their feet, they’re noticeably absent.  Per The Athletic, the WNBA averaged a better-than-usual 317,000 viewers on ESPN this season. The NBA, on the other hand, averaged 1.4 million viewers on the same network, with their broadcasts on ABC surpassing an average of 3 million. while feminists talk a good game about female athletes, when it comes to voting with their feet, they’re noticeably absent.  Per The Athletic, the WNBA averaged a better-than-usual 317,000 viewers on ESPN this season. The NBA, on the other hand, averaged 1.4 million viewers on the same network, with their broadcasts on ABC surpassing an average of 3 million."

Brittney Griner Had Doctor’s Note For Cannabis Use, Lawyers Say In Russian Court - "Lawyers representing WNBA star Brittney Griner presented proof Griner received medical clearance in the U.S. for cannabis use during her Russian trial on drug charges Friday, adding credibility to Griner’s claims she didn’t intend to break the law, though it may not help her actual case considering Russia’s strict drug laws... Griner pleaded guilty last Thursday to drug charges after Russian authorities allegedly discovered vape cartridges containing hashish oil in her luggage... The State Department considers Griner wrongfully imprisoned as the U.S. and Russia spar in a diplomatic war amid Russia’s invasion of Ukraine."
The cope from her supporters started off as her being a victim of trumped up Russian charges. Then when she confessed the cope became that it was a forced confession and that she wasn't really in possession of the product. Maybe now the cope will be that she is perjuring herself to try to get off the false charges. Perjury is not an issue when Russia and a black woman is concerned, of course
Apparently Americans can freely violate the law when they're in a country the US has a dispute with

Meme - Brittney Griner: "First, I'll play the race card. Then I'll play the gay card. Then I'll play the sexism card. And if Putin doesn't let me out after all that, I'll play the 'Do you know who I am' card!"
Putin: "BAHAHAHAAHA! I like dis man! He funny! I keep him here"


Meme - Elon Musk @elonmusk: "Maybe free some people in jail for weed here too?"
"People in the US in jail for weed while the government trades a Russian war criminal to free a woman's basketball player in jail for weed"

Meme - Robert Reich: "When you factor in the length of their respective seasons, the average NBA player makes 44 times what the average WNBA player makes all while playing the same game. Hence why Griner and other WNBA superstars play overseas in countries like Russia to supplement their income."
NBA Revenue: $10B
WNBA: $70M
The NBA brings in 143x more revenue. The NBA has to subsidize the WNBA because they're losing so much money. Economics is hard."

Brittney Griner Rewarded With 9 Years Of Not Hearing The U.S. National Anthem | Babylon Bee - ""I'm thrilled with this ruling," said Griner to reporters. "For 9 years I will be free from the systemic racism of America and will never have to hear that awful national anthem being played. I look forward to living out the next decade far away in beautiful Russia."  Sources close to Griner say she is also thrilled that she got the exact same sentence a man would have gotten for the exact same crime. "In Russia, they really seem to care about closing the sentencing gap between men and women"... At publishing time, President Biden proposed bringing Griner back home by exchanging her for Hunter Biden."

Meme - "NBA NEWS AND VIDEOS: WNBA champions Las Vegas Aces are greeted by thousands of fans during their victory parade"

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