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Wednesday, July 06, 2022

Links - 6th July 2022 (1 - Covid-19: Joe Rogan & Spotify)

Artists urge Spotify users to cancel subscriptions after CEO invests in AI defence technology
Why you should never cave to the woke - their wishlist is unlimited and they'll never be happy and only demand more

White House urges Spotify to take further action on Joe Rogan: ‘More can be done’
So much for all the idiots who pretend that it's not a free speech issue because the government isn't involved. Even if your parochial view of free speech is that it only involves the first amendment, you've lost that excuse

David Sacks on Twitter: - "Unnecessarily wading into the Rogan story to support the censorship of a figure wildly popular with young voters (who previously endorsed a Democrat for president!) is the type of political blunder that I just don’t see the Obama White House making."

Lauren Boebert on Twitter - "Spotify’s CEO said that he won’t be censoring Joe Rogan’s content because the company sees itself as a distribution platform rather than a publisher. Can he spread that mentality through the rest of Silicon Valley? That’s all we’ve been trying to get them to understand."

Richard Hanania on Twitter - "Joe Rogan apologizes for past conduct and promises to change, 70 of his shows removed from Spotify. If this is what a “victory” against cancel culture looks like, I’d hate to see a defeat."

So, I'm Right-Wing Now? - YouTube - "I've been categorised as "right-wing" in a list of Joe Rogan podcast guests. Let's take a look at my credentials.  #JoeRogan #RightWing #Tucker #Democrat #Republican"

Joseph Massey on Twitter - "Soon we'll need speakeasies just to listen to podcasts."

Full Clip Rogan Fans Posting of Joe Biden Saying N-Word - "Joe Rogan Defenders Have Been Circulating Video of Joe Biden Saying the N-Word — Here’s the Full Story"
Context is important for Joe Biden, and anyone the left love. Context is irrelevant for Joe Rogan, and anyone the left disapprove of

I Don't Need White People Telling Me What's Supposed to Offend Me - "I have noticed that it has been mostly white people sharing the montage of video clips of Rogan and telling us that the videos are proof that Joe is a "racist." We live in strange times where we are too often told what is supposed to offend us—and if we're not offended, we're told that we're part of the problem... I posted a short tweet, simply stating my feelings on the matter: "I don't feel Joe Rogan is racist, and I don't need white people telling me what he says is supposed to offend me."...   In response, a few people called me an "Uncle Tom" and a "company man." But the last time I checked, I am a free Black man with my own thoughts and feelings... what Joe said isn't racist. I know that because I've experienced real racism, and this isn't it. Racism is prejudice, discrimination or antagonism directed against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group.  Granted, it was unnecessary for Joe to use that word. But as someone who has listened to him throughout the years, I've never felt singled out, less than or spoken down to. The word was always used in the context of an event or larger circumstance. So here is the context: Joe Rogan wasn't calling someone the "n-word," and he wasn't using the word to speak condescendingly about the Black community. He is a storyteller, and it carries over into his conversations... At the end of the day, Joe's actions speak louder than that one word in context. There have been a lot of Black people who have been on his show that have benefited from his platform. And the truth is that if we call everything racist, then nothing will be racist.  I do hate the word. But then I remember we live in a beautiful country that offers us freedom of speech. As a free Black man, I can say what I want. And what I want to say is this: I'm not letting anyone pressure me to complete their agenda."

Facebook - "The only real loser here is Spotify. If Joe gets taken off the platform, they lose the people that support him. If he stays, they lose the people that want him gone. Joe will be fine either way. His audience will follow him even if he goes independent again, which I'm sure at this moment is looking like a great option. Make no mistake, Joe Rogan is winning here. Not losing. It doesn't matter what the legacy media is saying about this. They're becoming less relevant by the day. By the minute. This is the sound of an animal in its death throes.   His reach is going to go further because of this. His numbers are going to go up. Not down.  At the end of the day, this is nothing more than grown adults throwing tantrums because they don't like someone's ideas. It's like you being on a diet and insisting that everyone else not eat."

Mercedes Schlapp on Twitter - "CNN spent a year giving cover to the many scandals involving the Cuomos while the president of the network was having an affair with his colleague, who happened to be Andrew's former comms director.  And corporate media wonders why we trust Joe Rogan more than them."

Meme - "People: Joe Rogan is spreading information that isn't accurate.
Same people: *pregnant man emojis*"

Glenn Greenwald on Twitter - "Who died from listening to Joe Rogan's show? I can give you the names of many, many people who died because of the wars his media critics lied the country into. But who died from listening to Joe Rogan? Anyone?"

Meme - Michael Malice @ @michaelmalice: "One of the reasons blue-pilled people are concerned about Rogan is they cannot distinguish between the man on the screen giving his opinion and the man on the screen telling them what to do"

Tim Pool on Twitter - "Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young Reunite… in Removing Their Music From Spotify"
"As expected Spotify caving wasn't enough for them Give an inch they take a mile"

Michael Shermer on Twitter - "The claim @joerogan & guests are "intentionally spreading misinformation" is wrong: they don't think what they're saying is misinformation—They think they have a valid point. They may be wrong but that's different. Instead of accusing them of lying explain why facts say otherwise"

Justin Amash on Twitter - "The problem isn’t @joerogan; it’s people who demand submission to their views and seek to silence others rather than persuade."

John K. Blake on Twitter - "Joe Rogan's use of the n-word is another January 6 moment - CNN"
Imagine this level of hysteria. Not to mention that January 6 itself is a moral panic

Joe Rogan's use of the n-word: Why shrugging it off is so dangerous - CNN - "The podcaster Joe Rogan did not join a mob that forced lawmakers to flee for their lives. He never carried a Confederate flag inside the US Capitol rotunda. No one died trying to stop him from using the n-word. But what Rogan and those that defend him have done since video clips of him using the n-word surfaced on social media is arguably just as dangerous as what a mob did when they stormed the US Capitol on January 6 last year. Rogan breached a civic norm that has held America together since World War II. It's an unspoken agreement that we would never return to the kind of country we used to be. That agreement revolved around this simple rule: A White person would never be able to publicly use the n-word again and not pay a price. Rogan has so far paid no steep professional price for using a racial slur that's been called the "nuclear bomb of racial epithets." It may even boost his career. That's what some say happened to another White entertainer who was recently caught using the word. It is a sign of how desensitized we have become to the rising levels of violence -- rhetorical and physical -- in our country that Rogan's slurs were largely treated as the latest racial outrage of the week. But once we allow a White public figure to repeatedly use the foulest racial epithet in the English language without experiencing any form of punishment, we become a different country. We accept the mainstreaming of a form of political violence that's as dangerous as the January 6 attack... When people in positions of power use dehumanizing language to describe other groups, atrocities often follow. This is not ancient history: Consider what happened less than 30 years ago in Rwanda when some 800,000 civilians were slaughtered in a three-month period in 1994. Hutu extremists targeted both the Tutsi minority, who were a majority of those killed, as well as moderate Hutus."
They changed the headline but the body seems unaltered and is still insane
I don't know what world the author is living in where since World War II white people have never been able to use the word "nigger" in public (for one, in 2006, long back Slate gave in to liberal excess, Christopher Hitchens wrote an article using the word - not to mention Biden using it)
Naturally, the author claims January 6 was "deadly"; liberal logic: non-liberal words are violence, liberal violence is not violence
So since liberals dehumanise white people and conservatives all the time... white genocide is a possibility?
Comment: "What? An inadvisable, regrettable, but also an over exaggerated event that has been pushed by histrionic opposition? Yes."

Meme - Mainstream News Enjoyer @truthtobugmen: "My adopted gay black non-binary 6 yr old came up to me with tears in their eyes, asking "Is Joe Rogan going to kill me?" I started sobbing but I couldn't lie. "Yes," I said and hugged them as we cried together."

Chef Andrew Gruel on Twitter - "Taking daily vitamin D and fish oil supplements may help protect older adults from developing autoimmune disorders, a new study found"
"I remember when @joerogan said this"

#DeleteSpotify: 19% of Spotify Users Cancel Over Joe Rogan or Plan to - Variety - "There’s another caveat with Forrester’s Spotify/Rogan study: It had a relatively small size, polling 657 online consumers in the U.S., U.K. and Canada, of which about one-third were Spotify users. That implies a sizeable margin of error given Spotify’s massive user base of 406 million worldwide overall (including 180 million paid subscribers) at the end of 2021. In addition, the researchers pointed out that the data is not weighted to be representative of total country populations."
So only 41 people said they'd cancel Spotify. "Misinformation" is only bad when not from the left

Glenn Greenwald on Twitter - "Compare the edited video clip to make it seem like Joe Rogan was agreeing with this to what he actually said and you'll see: a) how you should treat everything you see with a large dose of skepticism and b) how casually they play with race and racism to smear anyone they dislike"

Shayne in the Blockchayne on Twitter - "I will not be releasing any podcasts until further notice. To our #UnlockingUs and #DaretoLead communities, I’m sorry and  I'll let you know if and when that changes.  Stay awkward, brave, and kind. ❤️👊🏼"
"@BreneBrown You’re not protecting me by leaving Spotify. I’m an adult that can listen to open and honest conversations between differing opinions and make up my own mind. You don’t believe I’m capable and therefore advocate for the nanny state which only leads to mistrust and tyranny."

Meme - Jack Hunter @jackhunter74: "Joe Rogan's humble response to Neil Young's childish demand is a big part of why people like Rogan."
Abigail Marone @abigailmarone: "Joe Rogan's podcast is literally just unfiltered conversations with different people who have different perspectives. Why is the left so threatened by that?"
Jordan Chamberlain @jordylanc...: "The Olympics is being held in a genocidal security state but God forbid Joe Rogan has a podcast"
Sarah Haider @SarahTheHa...: "Fauci should go on Joe Rogan Podcast."

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will NOT cut ties with Spotify

Meme - "The Corporate Media"
"Decades of deceit and lies"
"This is all Joe Rogan's fault"

How an Open Letter to Spotify Regarding Joe Rogan Exposes the Absurdity of It All - "In case you haven’t heard, a group of “doctors” wrote an open letter to Spotify to complain about Joe Rogan’s podcast, specifically one which interviewed Dr. Robert Malone.  It isn’t actually a group of doctors, it is a group of some doctors, some nurses, at least one veterinarian, one family counselor, one dentist, some post-doctoral fellows, and – I kid you not – “Cole Kraten: Director of Research, Grasshopper Farms,” and there were, I believe, two or three epidemiologists.  NOT an impressive list. And they cited Media Matters as a source for God’s sake.   On the other hand we have Doctor Robert Malone, who, whatever semantic games the left wants to play, was intimately involved in mRNA vaccine development. He has been working in the field of epidemiology his entire life. Has written over a hundred peer-reviewed, published papers. Has served as a consultant to government agencies on this topic.  And many other doctors, such as PeterMcCullough, search in PubMed and you will find over 650 published papers, on various topics. Has written 50 papers on Covid alone. Has testified to the Texas State Senate, and the US Senate, and again has served as a consultant to the government.  Or Martin Kulldorf, a biostatistician and epidemiologist. He is a professor at Harvard Medical School and biostatistician at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital. He is a member of the Food and Drug Administration’s Drug Safety and Risk Management Advisory Committee and a former consultant for the Centers for Disease Control. He co-authored the Great Barrington Declaration.  These are highly credible people, in positions of responsibility. There are others, like Pierre Kory and Byram Bridle, experts in the field who are treating patients, doing research, publishing papers on covid.  But Cole Kraten from “Grasshopper Farms” – a pot farm – signs a letter and we’re supposed to care?   The first step to solving any problem is to identify the problem, so let’s identify the problem here: the media presents information in a way that is designed to serve a narrative – and not to actually inform.  The media dismisses highly credible professionals as “crackpots” and elevates pot farmers as experts, because the pot farmer fits the narrative and the professionals do not. And the useful idiots see the biased presentation of information – and accept it as reality when the opposite is the case"

Thread by @cIass_man on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "the really funny part about that spotify letter is that it's like 2/3 - 3/4 women and a shocking amt of the signees are either students or part of the healthcare bureaucracy blob (read: do not practice medicine, post on twitter all day)
here are some of my favorite "medical expert" titles
- Host/Science Correspondent, Ologies Podcast
- Director of Research, Grasshopper Farms
- Senior Communications Consultant, NYU
- Science Teacher
- Executive Director, Skype a Scientist, University of Connecticut"

‘Who’s behind the attack on Rogan?’ –> Tweep pulls BACK curtain on large, well-funded Leftist troll accounts in brutal, receipt-filled thread

Bestselling author Don Winslow slammed Joe Rogan for that N-word clip. Then someone looked through his books.

‘The Rock’ Seems To Denounce Joe Rogan, Then Video Resurfaces Of His WWE Chinese Impression - "Hours after Dwayne Johnson, a.k.a “The Rock,” seemed to publicly retract his support for popular podcast host Joe Rogan, Twitter users published old video clips of Johnson playing “The Rock” for the WWE, giving a mocking impression of the Chinese language."

Luke Gromen on Twitter - "I would pay good money to see a debate between 1970 Neil Young (protest the government narrative about Vietnam) and 2022 Neil Young (censor anyone that questions the government narrative about COVID.)"

Colby Cosh: Is Neil Young's stand against Joe Rogan the natural outcome of 1960s anti-corporate spirit? - "Readers hoping to understand Neil Young’s position can still consult an editorial he wrote for his personal website. He seems to consider Spotify as being a hypnotizing vector for the mass distribution of COVID-19 misinformation, and indeed he sounds quite a bit like the Joe Rogan guest who accused the media and public health establishments of propagating “mass formation psychosis.” Young states all but explicitly that Joe Rogan wouldn’t have such overwhelming credibility among listeners without the Spotify imprimatur — a frankly silly thing to imply. Refresh my memory, Neil: did Rogan pay Spotify US$100 million ($128 million) to join forces with it, or was it the other way around?   This affray naturally presents itself to the media and the public as part of ongoing Sturm und Drang over the social responsibility of media platforms. Young seems to be taking a maximalist position: if you sell your music to Spotify, you are accepting responsibility for everything else that Spotify distributes. This seems like a pretty sizable burden, considering that Spotify distributes three million podcasts...   The problem, if there is one, is perhaps not so much with Neil Young, but with the endless number of journalists hurling themselves forward to celebrate him as a beacon of eagle-eyed anti-corporate ’60s spirit. Surely this is recognizable as the same ’60s spirit that has turned other rock stars of Young’s generation into babbling critics of big government and pharmaceutical companies? Was the age of Aquarius meant to end up with a choosing of sides between Pfizer Inc. and Spotify? Perhaps it is only the grace of God that separates Neil Young from Eric Clapton and Van Morrison, after all."

Censoring Joe Rogan Is No Solution to Vaccine Misinformation - "a group of two hundred seventy credentialed figures — most of whom, it seems, aren’t actually medical doctors as some of the headlines suggested — demanded that Spotify censor Rogan...   Usually, in arguing against this kind of thing, I would point to the dangers of letting unaccountable bureaucrats in a profit-seeking company pick what counts as “false and societally harmful assertions” and what doesn’t, especially since they get it wrong or make decisions colored by their own biases so often. But there’s a more fundamental issue going on here — namely, that censoring Rogan likely wouldn’t do what his most ardent critics want it to, and is at worst a distraction... How is it that in an era where we are surrounded by the miracles of unprecedented technological and scientific advancement, millions of people have chosen to trust a stoned MMA enthusiast during a health crisis over public health experts?... if we were being honest about the situation, we’d admit that Rogan’s just one of many purveyors of COVID misinformation that “add to the problem,” as his would-be censors put it — and that the others include a who’s who of liberal politicians, public health officials, and mainstream press outlets, the very sources we’re told are the most trustworthy and mainstream voices on the pandemic, and who are pointing the finger at Rogan now.   That’s not a new or groundbreaking point nearly two years into this thing, but it’s a fact. From the very start, the messaging on the pandemic from these quarters has been abysmal — politically calibrated, contradictory, and smugly confident in its wrongness. First, the coronavirus was obviously nothing to worry about, then avoiding it became the most important thing in the world. Everyone knew masks were useless and not worth wearing, until everyone knew it was the opposite.  Some of this owed to the initial lack of information about the virus, as well as its constantly evolving nature. But as that last, entirely unforced error by public health experts shows, far too much of it wasn’t.  There are too many instances of this incessant intellectual whiplash to list, especially in the United States. Public health experts overwhelmingly agreed a national stay-at-home order was needed to stop the virus, until the liberal, science-believing candidate they backed won and ruled it out, at which point they never mentioned it again. Trump’s pledge to roll out a vaccine within a year was an objective falsehood, to the point that it was “fact-checked” at the time, only for media outlets to criticize him for rolling it out too slowly once exactly that happened. His challenger’s liberal running mate publicly aired a vaccine hesitancy talking point, an attitude that became unconscionable and beyond the pale among her supporters once she entered the White House.  Joe Biden spread pandemic misinformation on CNN as president, and all but declared “independence” from the virus in a major speech just as a new, more dangerous strain took hold in the country. More than once, his administration has claimed basics like sending tests to American homes is impossible, only to reverse itself and do that very thing.   The government’s top science advisor, Anthony Fauci, has contradicted himself and admitted to intentionally lying or fudging the numbers in his public messaging, before repeatedly prevaricating before Congress about his agency’s role in the kind of risky research that we still can’t rule out was the source of the virus. At times, he’s sounded like a pharma lobbyist defending the intellectual property rights of companies over the desperate public health need to get the world vaccinated as quickly as possible. To top it off, this publicly discredited figure, trusted mostly by the cable-news-obsessed base of the current president’s party, then claimed attacking him was actually attacking science itself. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the agency meant to give people the cold, hard facts of health advice about this pandemic while staying above the political fray, spent the second half of last year publicly undermining itself...   Let’s be honest with ourselves: Has Rogan’s podcast really done more to “damage public trust in scientific research and sow doubt in the credibility” of medical advice than this non-exhaustive litany of own goals from the experts?...   As always, censorship and similarly heavy-handed measures are the desperate resort of someone who refuses or has simply given up on tackling the root causes of a problem. The liberal calls for internet censorship as a means for dealing with the virus has been a depressing staple of the US pandemic response. Meanwhile, the structural factors that keep people unvaccinated and mistrustful of public health — a private insurance-based health care system, a lack of money and time, decades of neoliberal policy — go largely unmentioned. Just as well, otherwise people might actually start demanding some serious changes to the US economy."

Tucker: Weak people call for censorship - "When Rogan does talk about politics, it's pretty clear, he is not an ideologue. He interviews everybody liberals and conservatives, as well as a lot of people like Mike Tyson who could be either one, and he does it most of the time with respect and self-deprecation. He's not an expert on politics. He is not pretending to be one.  Rogan just asks questions and he notes the obvious. It's this last quality that makes the people in charge hate and fear Joe Rogan.  If you're trying to sell an absurd, obviously untrue idea, it is possible that Joe Rogan is going to call you on it, not because he's a partisan, he's not, but because he just can't help but notice, that's his secret.   A few months ago, Rogan watched the White House Press Secretary lie about the F.D.A.'s approval process for Pfizer's COVID vaccine. So he said something about it... Anyone with internet access could have verified that what Jen Psaki said was a total crock from the podium, too.  But when Joe Rogan points this out, it really stings. A lot of the people listening to him believe him, and the White House took notice. So what happened next? Well, here is Jen Psaki from yesterday calling on Joe Rogan's employer to censor him... pressure to censor Joe Rogan over his views is coming from other content providers on the site and most of them are D-listers, you should know.  The other day that annoying fake Duchess from LA and her brain dead husband threatened to walk if Spotify refused to muzzle Joe Rogan, quote: "Hundreds of millions of people are affected by the serious harms of rampant mis and disinformation every day." They yelped through a publicist.  But of course they don't mean it. They are not going anywhere. These two Grifters have a $25 million podcast deal with Spotify for essentially no work. So far, we believe they produced just over 30 minutes of content. That means these two have been paid about a million dollars for each minute of talking they've done. That's a good gig. It's too good to leave.  But their performance does raise the question. What exactly about Joe Rogan's podcast has caused quote, "serious harm"? We are literal, too, so we scoured his archives to find out. And it turns out as usual, the opposite is true. Joe Rogan is actually a force for safety in this world.  Watch this clip in which he warns the public about the dangers of approaching gorillas in the wild. It turns out, sneaking up on a gorilla, as Joe Rogan pointed out could lead to actual serious harm... People in the media are paid to be curious, to ask questions, to wonder about other people. None of them do. They just want to lecture you. This guy actually is interested. But no one is criticizing him seems to know that. It doesn't seem like they've actually listened to his show, Neil Young probably never has...   "Variety" Magazine, for example, still exists, informed us that Neil Young stands against Joe Rogan makes him quote "a hero" to the younger generations. Right? Because if there's one person kids of today revere, worship like a god, it's 76-year-old Neil Young. They take Neil Young over Joe Rogan any day, because young people everywhere are anxious to side with the Biden administration and demand the firing of any podcast or interviews people Kamala Harris disagrees with. It's hilarious.  They're more out of touch than Neil Young is. But at CNN, they have convinced themselves, it's all totally true because Joe Rogan is peddling misinformation, therefore he must be stopped... notice what Joe Rogan didn't do in the face of that information. He didn't call for CNN to be censored because they spread disinformation. He did say we've got to pull CNN off the air, they are killing people. Because he's not for censorship. You know who is for censorship? Weak people are for censorship...
why do hate Tulsi Gabbard so much? Because like Joe Rogan, you're a threat, because you defend the essential, the ancient American values of the country was based on. You do it in very reasonable way that is nonpartisan and that's the threat.

Facebook - "More and more we are learning the unintended consequences of streaming services and platforms that make accessing all the contact you want convenient without you ever actually owning it - the ideological zeitgeist of the day will control what you can and cannot have access to.  We probably should have thought twice before jumping on board to centralizing all activities on the Internet for the sake of convenience."

Jon Stewart says cancel culture isn’t real: ‘People that talk about it never shut up about it'
Jon Stewart calls ‘overreaction’ to Joe Rogan, Spotify ‘a mistake’

Sharon Stone Says Joe Rogan’s An ‘A**hole’ Who ‘Personally’ Caused ‘Losses’ Of ‘Lives,’ Brags About Work With Dr. Fauci - "Award-winning actress Sharon Stone called popular podcast host Joe Rogan an “a**hole” who has “personally” caused “losses” of “lives” by speaking to people with differing opinions about COVID-related policies, treatments, and vaccines... Stone said her opinion is based on experience, while suggesting Rogan’s podcast guests lack in the area. “I don’t know how many of these people’s opinions come with fact-based experience,” she said.  Notably, one of the most controversial “Joe Rogan Experience” episodes features Dr. Robert Malone, a vaccine scientist who worked on the development of mRNA technology... Months ago, Stone came out swinging against cancel culture, noting of people’s diverse backgrounds and advising them to “grow up” and employ some “empathy.”"

1619 Project Founder Says Joe Rogan Is Guilty Of ‘Open Racism’ - "New York Times journalist and 1619 Project founder Nikole Hannah-Jones accused podcaster Joe Rogan of “open racism.”"
Of course, she had to play the race card, since she had nothing valuable to contribute (as usual)

Aging Rockers Quietly Crawl Back To Spotify After Short-Lived Joe Rogan Protest - "Crosby, Stills & Nash have ended the protest they began against Spotify five months ago over the streaming service’s deal with podcast king Joe Rogan."

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