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Tuesday, July 05, 2022

Links - 5th July 2022 (2)

Meme - "Operation: Destroy reddit ... reddit is going public with an expected $15B valuation...
We encourage Reddit moderators (who are unpaid) to unionize and demand wages from Reddit admins, and to shut down their subreddits unt they are paid fairly. Reddit is absolutely full of leftwing Marxist types who hate big business and who love unions. If do this we could Iiterally see hundreds of leftwing mods on the site start shutting down every part of the website. Admins could ban the mods who do this but then guess what? The site would become completely unusable without mods, since the whole thing relles on free labor from no-life losers to keep things running"

Reddit moderators do $3.4 million worth of unpaid work each year | New Scientist
They get paid in the form of being able to go on power trips and push the liberal agenda

Meme - "Chung Hua High School Seremban N.S.: 19308 CHEW MAN DICK"

YAF on Twitter - ""Pride, envy, wrath, sloth, greed, gluttony and lust: have you ever heard a more concise description of leftism?" - @michaeljknowles #YAFCon"

Meme - "Caught a cicada that was keeping me awake at night. Well guess what asshole, it's Baby Shark on a 12 hour loop"

Wojtek (bear) - Wikipedia - "He accompanied the bulk of the II Corps to Italy, serving with the 22nd Artillery Supply Company. During the Battle of Monte Cassino, in Italy in 1944, Wojtek helped move crates of ammunition and became a celebrity with visiting Allied generals and statesmen. After the war and mustering out of the Polish Army, he was billeted and lived out the rest of his life at the Edinburgh Zoo in Scotland... Wojtek initially had problems swallowing and was fed condensed milk from an old vodka bottle. He was subsequently given fruit, marmalade, honey, and syrup, and was often rewarded with beer, which became his favourite drink. He later also enjoyed smoking (or eating) cigarettes, as well as drinking coffee in the mornings. He also would sleep with the other soldiers if they were ever cold in the night. He enjoyed wrestling with the soldiers and was taught to salute when greeted. He became an attraction for soldiers and civilians alike, and soon became an unofficial mascot to all the units stationed nearby. With the 22nd Company, he moved to Iraq, and then through Syria, Palestine, and Egypt... As an enlisted soldier with his own paybook, rank, and serial number, he lived with the other men in tents or in a special wooden crate, which was transported by truck... This service at Monte Cassino earned him promotion to the rank of corporal. In recognition of -Wojtek's popularity, a depiction of a bear carrying an artillery shell was adopted as the official emblem of the 22nd Company"

Facebook - *Chinese BBQ moving piano*
Originally from Twitter

Sean Dillon — son-of-drogo: mithrils-hanger: the-crashr: ... - "$137 million?"
Joker: "Yes, and if I don't pay up, I'll go to jail for tax evasion! I'm crazy enough to take on Batman, but the I.R.S.? No, thank you!"
"failing to properly declare income from illegal sources (as per the tax revision in 1927) is what did in Al Capone.  plus you can’t plead ‘not guilty on account of insanity’ in a tax evasion case.. if batman gets him, he can’t be properly tried because batman is a vigilante and can’t submit valid evidence (which leads to a mistrial), if the cops get him he gets off easy due to sanity. if the IRS gets him he’s in real trouble."
"The IRS: The only thing scarier than Batman."

Facebook - ""I Sacked 6 Pinoy Nationals And 1 Indian National On Friday"
"Guys, on friday i sacked 6 pinoy nationals and 1 indian national at the MNC i work for fraud basically. One of the pinoy that was sacked was a HR personnel (Pinoy), another was an IT personnel (Indian National). What happened was that these two clowns had colluded in hiring their own nationals (mainly pinoys) in the company. Basically we had put up Job adverts looking for some people, now when the people sent the email, anyone that was singaporean was deleted, they kept only the foreigners (pinoys.) The IT personnel was basically bribed by the Pinoy to delete the log files on our SMTP server as well, making it seem that no singaporeans applied for the job. What the IT personnel does not know, i keep another log file separately (disguissed as a system file) sent to another server. When i saw the log files did not match the IT personnel gave some rubbish story only after i threatened to report him to the police, he told me the story. Basically the Pinoy hr had people from the phillipines apply for any openings in the MNC i work and deleted any resumes that were singaporeans and he managed to get 5 pinoys past me. They work on the idea that he gives the job their first salary belongs to the Pinoy HR. The Pinoy HR then gives 20% of that to the indian national to do cleanup on the server to clear traces. The HR and IT guy were sacked without notice on Friday. The 5 pinoys that got in were also sacked. These were not small jobs but jobs that payed more than 6K/mth. Purpose i am making this post is so that you guys can be aware
of the fraud going on in certain companies and games that foreigners are playing on singaporeans. Also for employers, you should also have a copy of a log file only you have access to, this will help when the HR lies about no singaporean applied for the jobs"

BBC World Service - The Food Chain, Should China ban 'wet' markets? - "‘20 years ago, it's quite often to get live animals especially chicken. We want to have our chickens freshly slaughtered. But since the bird flu, I think most big cities banned live animal trading in such markets.’
‘And Chang says contrary to some reports, live wild animals are just as rare.’...
‘To depict all of China's food markets as dirty and chaotic is unfair.’... ‘In the past few decades, the Chinese government has invested a lot of money to upgrade the facilities of this wet markets. And a lot of this markets were actually relegated to indoor buildings and now they are indoor markets. For example, in Nanjing, the government has invested more than $35 million, US dollars, in upgrading the facilities of its more than 350 wet markets in the city since 2008’…
‘Why are they called wet markets? It's not a term I'd heard of before now. And Chang says it's not recognized in much of China. So where did it come from?’
‘These wet market term is originated from a Hong Kong English. One of the reason is that the floors of this markets are sometimes wet because of the spraying of vegetables and slaughtering and cleaning of chicken and fish. It is also because they are mainly selling fresh produce, as opposed to dried products.’...
‘Wet market selling live wild animals, reportedly like the one in Wuhan, are the exception, not the rule.’
‘These are not wildlife market. So we should be clear of the difference here. And majority of these wet markets, or I think we prefer to call them public markets now because of the conflation, they are the most important source of vegetables and fruits and meat, actually, for Chinese urban residents. Wet markets is pretty much like a farmers’ market in the western context, it was easier for people to understand. The only difference is that most of the vendors in this wet market are resellers. They are sourcing food from larger markets, especially a wholesale markets, and they are not farmers who produce those food. And also another difference is that this wet markets is operating seven days a week year round.’...
‘There are multiple reasons that this markets are popular First is that the produce there is much fresher compared to supermarkets. And also, the price of the food in wet markets are typically cheaper according to our research in Nanjing. And also this wet markets are widely distributed in cities, close to residential neighborhoods, and they're very easy to access… more than 70% of fresh produce consumed by Chinese urban residents actually came from this wet markets. And according to our research in Nanjing, 93% of households actually shops at wet markets in the past year, and 75% of them wet to this market at least five times a week. It’s mainly because a lot of these markets are located within walking distance in Chinese cities. It's very accessible. While supermarkets are located in, much more, you know, remote areas for most of this urban residential complexes. So this is a very important kind of part of urban life from the majority of households in cities… I have been emphasizing the importance of wet markets in the urban food supply chain. It’s ridiculous actually, for most Chinese to hear this suggestion that we should ban all wet markets. It's like a Western government asking, you know cities to ban supermarkets in western cities. And I believe banning wet markets will create a huge problem for urban food security. It will significantly reduce the access to fresh produce and healthy food and cause a lot of public health problems.’
‘And the other problem is the potential loss of thousands of jobs’...
‘Well, I'm afraid Beijing actually has shut down many of such markets in the past three to 10 years, different policy incentives behind that, I’m afraid’
‘Can you tell me what those incentives were?’
‘Beijing is under great pressure to reduce its population. And somehow the government believes that shutting down some of the markets: not only food markets, but also other wholesale and small retail markets, too, will get rid of the traders in these markets so that they would leave Beijing. But you've seen the population of the city.’
‘Chang says the plan worked.’...
‘When I go to such a market, people are always more relaxed there. In supermarkets, all you can talk to is the cashier and they're always very busy. You don't want to waste their time, but in wet markets it's quite different. People like to talk to you’...
‘Wet market is just like your local food market. I think in America, they call it public markets. Our market is just like that, but with different scale, maybe selling slightly different kinds of vegetables and meat. So to be honest, I don't quite understand how our markets are different from markets elsewhere. And how would those people feel if someone's from a different country saying you should shut down your own local market.’
‘Do you feel like it's prejudiced in some way?’
‘I think it's more ignorance. It's the ignorance of people who don't understand the other kind of lifestyle, and will respect that. Don't believe that people will make the right decision and choices for themselves.’"
Ironically, many of the people who insisted that China needed to ban wet markets also (at other times) cast doubt on the official origin story of covid-19

Martina on Twitter - "The cute Coffee Shop we’re in is playing a song whose lyrics are “I WANNA F*CK” over and over again. No joke. Like, 100 times."

Rob Henderson on Twitter - "Back in the day, nobody believed anything people posted online Phrases like "Pics or it didn't happen" "Everything on the internet is true" Now someone posts something on Twitter, no proof. And people just believe it"

Blaire White on Twitter - "A lot of my followers are kids who ask me how to deal with being BULLIED.. My answer is not PC: Learn how to fight. The only way bullies left me alone when I was in school was fighting back. Don’t ever let anyone put their fucking hands on you. PERIOD!! 🗣"

Adolescent Bullying, Dating, and Mating: Testing an Evolutionary Hypothesis - "Traditionally believed to be the result of maladaptive development, bullying perpetration is increasingly being viewed as a potentially adaptive behavior. We were interested in determining whether adolescents who bully others enjoy a key evolutionary benefit: increased dating and mating (sexual) opportunities. This hypothesis was tested in two independent samples consisting of 334 adolescents and 144 university students. The data partly supported our prediction that bullying, but not victimization, would predict dating behavior. The data for sexual behavior more clearly supported our hypothesis that bullying behavior predicts an increase in sexual opportunities even when accounting for age, sex, and self-reports of attractiveness, likeability, and peer victimization. These results are generally congruent with the hypothesis that bullying perpetration is, at least in part, an evolutionary adaptive behavior... bullying is associated with a 1.5–2x greater likelihood of having had sexual intercourse. Bullying was also a small but statistically significant predictor of the number of sexual partners"

Prof Francois Balloux on Twitter - "I'm bemused and intrigued by claims I'm seeing on Twitter that the intellectual competence of scientists can be measured by the number of peer-reviewed publications they churn out. Peer review helps filtering out low quality publication, but regularly fails to do so.
More importantly, peer review often discards the most interesting, novel and disruptive ideas. Scientific papers that go against the consensus can be very difficult to get published and often end up in less prestigious journals after multiple rejections.
For example, from >1,000 articles submitted to three top medical journals (AIM, BMJ and the Lancet), all 15 that ended up attracting most citations (and thus are likely the most important pieces of science) got rejected."

Dozens of camels barred from Saudi beauty contest over Botox, touch-ups

Arabisation and the threat to Singapore culture - "A segment of the community is relegating its own culture and heritage while opting for Arabic culture and lifestyle. Malays are evidently more comfortable wearing Arabic-style garments compared to their traditional baju Melayu.  More Malay women are putting on the niqab, the head dress that covers the face, revealing only the eyes. Arabic phrases are preferred by some over their Malay equivalents: For example, hijab to replace tudung (headscarf), Eidul Fitri rather than hari raya (a day of celebration after the fasting month of Ramadan), and syukran instead of terima kasih (thank you)... rituals conducted during Malay weddings, such as the merenjis (sprinkling ceremony  to bless the couple and ward off evil spirits), might have originated from Hinduism, yet the religious elites of the past did not censure them simply because they were not found in the Quran or hadith (sayings of the Prophet Muhammad).  However, these days, there are some who view Malay music, dress, dance, and arts as not conforming to Islam, by which they are referring to its Arabised form.  For example, the baju kebaya is not commonly worn by Malay women anymore. Instead, many are opting for the abayas worn by the Arabs. Increasingly, more women are also wearing the niqab. Such outfits, alien to Malays 50 years ago, are now a more common sight.  This cultural erosion was cited as one of three challenges faced by Singapore’s Malay/Muslim community by Minister Masagos Zulkifli earlier this year. It is a theme he has spoken of before.  Radicals who espouse violence are not the only threat - non-violent exclusivists are, too... There have also been instances in which groups actively discussing Western philosophy, theories, and development models are publicly castigated."
Colonialism is something only white people can do

The teapot from hell? Why the classic Chinese design needs a rethink – fast - "“Yeah, it leaks and it’s purely just a bad spout design. The tip of the spout is too fat, and the angle is wrong,” says Mr Kenny Son Yong-soo, a Sydney-based object designer, whose creations include a famous line of teapots. “But it’s impossible to craft a thin spout with the cheap material they use,” Mr Son adds.  The handle is too flat, making it almost impossible to hold, and the recessed lid keeps falling off because of how far one must tip the wide teapot to get all the tea out.  “Ergonomics have not been thought out at all in making that teapot,” he concludes.  The traditional Chinese teapot has been sold by ceramic suppliers since the 60s...   “The teapots have a lot of wear and tear in a busy restaurant. The spout and the lid suffer the most damage and this design lasts a bit longer than others.” In an attempt to reduce the damage from the ravages of daily yum cha use, Mr Tam and other restaurateurs have attached a plastic tube to extend the teapot’s spout, which reduces the leak and protects the ceramic. They’ve also attached fishing lines to tie the lid to the handle, preventing the lid from falling off...   Economical, durable and very practical for diners to serve themselves, this white ceramic teapot ticks all the boxes for restaurant owners and customers. The only thing it does not do well is pour a cup of tea properly."

Singapore's Succession Problems Continue - "Nine months after it became apparent that Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s designated successor Heng Swee Keat was “incapable of operating beyond his talking points,” in the words of the political analyst Michael Barr of Flinders University in Adelaide, the People’s Action Party is still at sea in attempting to find a replacement... Analysts say Lee’s caution in designating the new leader may reflect not just a lack of his confidence in the party’s leadership ranks but a desire to control the process despite public proclamations of the apparatchiks’ ability to democratically come up with a new party supremo. The aborted succession plan, which led to Heng’s departure last April, may mirror Lee Hsien Loong’s caution over the handover. There is also considerable suspicion that what Hsien Loong would like to see is another Lee – possibly his son, Li Hongyi, currently a director of a government technology firm, although the son has said he is not interested in a political career. Between Kuan Yew and Hsien Loong, there was only an interregnum by Goh Chok Tong from 1990 to 2004 to interrupt the 63-year sway in power by the Lee family."

As Singapore’s PM Lee Hsien Loong turns 70, no clear successor is in sight | South China Morning Post - "Singapore’s Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, in office now for 18 years, turned 70 on Thursday, an age that the city state’s political class has long viewed as a kind of self-imposed deadline the leader had given himself to hand over power. Yet there is no clear successor in sight and observers are predicting that Lee may continue in his role until at least the middle of this decade. For years, they frequently referenced an interview Lee gave a decade ago when he was asked whether he saw himself continuing as prime minister beyond the age of 70. “I hope not,” Lee was quoted as saying by The Straits Times in September 2012. “Seventy is already a long time more. And Singapore needs a prime minister who is younger, who’s got that energy, and who is in tune with that very much younger and very much different generation.”... “My sense is that Singaporeans prefer to see a decision be made soon,” said Inderjit Singh, a former member of parliament in the prime minister’s group representation constituency. Singh underscored that the PAP had for decades had a “very structured succession plan”, and that a longer wait could mean the public might “lose confidence” in the ruling party’s ability to recruit future leaders.  Any sort of delay in the naming of Lee’s successor past 2022 could also lead to the outside world wondering if the “4G” or fourth-generation PAP leaders will be able to govern as well as Lee and his contemporaries, Singh said. “We must also show to the world that the current group of 4G leaders are capable enough to lead the country,” he said. “Giving confidence to the rest of the world is important as we see big structural changes globally that can affect Singapore’s position on the world stage.” Garry Rodan, a veteran scholar of Singapore’s politics, said the current state of affairs was “likely to further fuel public scepticism about the PAP’s long-standing claims that the party is defined and distinguished by its exceptional stocks of talent due to its meticulous and rigorous recruitment process”... Part of the reason he remains prime minister is the Covid-19 pandemic. Amid the uncertainty caused by the health crisis and the ensuing economic downturn, Lee in 2020 pledged to remain in power to steer Singapore into calmer waters. Then, the takeover plan was further derailed after his designated successor, Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat, said last April that he was stepping aside. Elevated to the PAP’s No 2 position in 2018, Heng, 60, said he believed he would be too old for the job by the time the crisis subsided. After that development, three other PAP ministers are now viewed by local media and commentators as prime contenders to succeed Lee: Education Minister Chan Chun Sing, Finance Minister Lawrence Wong and Health Minister Ong Ye Kung. At the ruling party’s annual conference last November, Lee said the successor would be named “in good time” before the next general election due in 2025. Within the usually tight-knit establishment, however, sources offer differing accounts of the progress that has been made in the process."

Ontario man who missed oil changes responsible for $19,000 engine replacement - "Fosuo said it was also comforting to know the truck came with a 100,000 kilometre warranty... At the time the engine seized, the truck had 91,000 kilometres on it and Fosuo thought the repairs would be covered. "When I asked them why it was not covered under warranty, they mentioned at 50,000 kilometers the oil switch came on and I didn't get an oil change done right away""

The Jesus Trilemma of C.S. Lewis - "What we have here is a false dilemma (or trilemma, since there are three options). Several possibilities are presented as if they are the only ones available. One is preferred and defended strongly while the others are presented as necessarily weak and inferior. This is a typical tactic for C.S. Lewis...   When it comes to his argument that Jesus must necessarily be the Lord, there are other possibilities which Lewis does not effectively eliminate. Two of the most obvious examples are that perhaps Jesus was simply mistaken and that perhaps we don’t have an accurate record of what he truly said — if, indeed, he even existed. Those two possibilities are so obvious that it's implausible that someone as intelligent as Lewis never thought of them, which would mean that he deliberately left them out of consideration.  Curiously enough, Lewis’ argument is unacceptable in the context of first century Palestine, where Jews were actively awaiting rescue. It’s unlikely in the extreme that they would have greeted incorrect claims of messianic status with labels like “liar” or “lunatic.” Instead, they would have moved on to await another claimant, figuring that there had been something wrong with the most recent contender.  It isn’t even necessary to go into much detail about alternative possibilities to dismiss Lewis’ argument because the options of “liar” and “lunatic” are themselves not refuted by Lewis. It’s clear that Lewis doesn’t regard them as credible, but he doesn’t give good reasons for anyone else to agree—he’s trying to persuade psychologically, not intellectually. This fact is suspicious given that he was an academic scholar—a profession where such tactics would have been soundly denounced had he tried to use them there.   Is there any good reason to insist that Jesus isn’t similar to other religious leaders like Joseph Smith, David Koresh, Marshall Applewhite, Jim Jones, and Claude Vorilhon? Are they liars, lunatics, or a bit of both?  Of course, Lewis’ primary goal is to argue against the liberal theological view of Jesus as a great human teacher, but there is nothing contradictory about someone being a great teacher while also being (or becoming) insane or also lying. No one is perfect, and Lewis makes an error in assuming from the outset that Jesus’ teaching aren’t worth following unless he is perfect. In effect, then, his infamous false trilemma is based upon the premise of this false dilemma.  It's just logical fallacies all the way down for Lewis, a poor foundation for a hollow shell of an argument."
Related: Campus Crusade for Christ pamphlet for Dan Brown readers - 1/3 (as well as the other 2 parts)

Manchester man draws penises around potholes so the city will fix them - "Apparently a penis is worse than a giant hole in the road...   "[The potholes] don't get filled. They'll be there for months," the artist, who calls himself Wanksy, told BBC's Newsbeat. "Suddenly you draw something amusing around it, everyone sees it, and it either gets reported or fixed."... The artist notes the drawings will fade away in "a week or two," so the vandalism isn't permanent — it's just a temporary, creative way of getting something done."

New Zealand man faces legal action for painting penises around potholes - "Geoff Upson has been drawing very large, colourful penises around potholes in his home city of Auckland since 2018 to draw attention to a problem he says authorities are not taking seriously.  Now, Auckland Transport has taken legal action against the road safety campaigner, following a complaint over his artwork. Upson says he has given a formal statement to the police, and faces a fine or possible community service...   He says he was inspired by a similar campaign by the U.K. street artist who goes by the name Wansky. In 2015, the anonymous artist began spray-painting giant penis shapes around the potholes in Greater Manchester."

Earley cars lifted for double yellow line-painting then fined - "A council has apologised for issuing fines to cars after lifting them up to paint yellow lines underneath.  The double yellow lines were painted by contractors in Earley, Berkshire, on behalf of Wokingham Borough Council on Sunday.  One councillor said it was "like a trick has been played" on residents.  The local authority said it accepted the fines were "issued in error" and would be cancelled... in a nearby road contractors painted double yellow lines only for the road to be resurfaced two days later, erasing the new paint"

Project Veritas Released A Sting Video It Says Shows Democrats Who Conspire On Voter Fraud - "One of the operatives, Scott Foval, has been fired from his job at Americans United for Change, according to multiple news outlets.  The second, Robert Creamer, has said he's stepping back from his position at Democracy Partners.  Both firms have been doing political work for Democrats this year.  Unaware that he was being recorded by a hidden camera, Foval appeared to walk through how operatives could commit voter fraud by shipping in out-of-state people to vote. "You can prove conspiracy if there's a bus," he says at one point. "If there are cars, it's much harder to prove." He also detailed how he and other operatives recruit and train people to protest Trump events and to try to draw Trump supporters into physical confrontations. "There's a script," he says. "Sometimes the 'crazies' bite ... sometimes they don't bite."  "It is not hard to get some of these a******* to pop off," Foval said at another point. "It's a matter of showing up to want to get into the rally in a Planned Parenthood T-shirt, or 'Trump is a Nazi,' you know. You can message to draw them out, and draw them to punch you.""
Of course, the usual claim of selective editing is made - but it's not substantiated

How I Became a ‘Far-Right Radical’ - WSJ - "a comedian approaching 39, who finds his work labeled “far-right” in an academic paper titled “Evaluating the scale, growth, and origins of right-wing echo chambers on YouTube.”... For five years I was responsible for making hundreds of videos about current events, politics and culture. I was an equal-opportunity offender. Our comedy channel made fun of everybody—left, right, center... Researchers from prestigious institutions including the University of Pennsylvania and Harvard already went to the trouble of demonstrating that I am somehow responsible for “the phenomenon of right-wing radicalization on YouTube.” It’ll be easy to cancel any success I find in mainstream media. Which videos did it? I wonder. Was it “Burglars for Gun Control” or “Your Gun Makes You Look Like a D—”? The videos lambasting the alt-right or the anti-antifa one? The sketches critical of President Obama’s drone strikes or the one mocking YouTube commenters leaving racist insults about the 44th president?  I don’t know. I have never faced my accusers. I would like to scroll through the We the Internet TV library with them and point out the kind of “far-right” material that won us a Webby Award in 2017. Other winners that year included the Women’s March and CNN’s Van Jones.  At first I found it odd that the words “fascism,” “racism” and “terrorism” were missing from the paper, because these terms have become inextricably linked to the far right. Then I realized it was a smart (and cowardly) move on the part of the authors to leave them out: just use the umbrella term “far right” and allow your readers to fill in the tacit isms. That way, you don’t risk being called out for labeling people who are not fascists, racists and terrorists as such. Instead, the study is peppered with nebulous adjectives like “extreme” and “radical,” which allow readers to see their own bogeymen.   I’m not the only one who takes issue with being mislabeled. This gives me some hope for my future.  In the study’s view, former Evergreen College professor Bret Weinstein —a self-described progressive and Bernie Sanders supporter—is far-right too. Joining us are neuroscientist Sam Harris (a self-confessed liberal), podcast host Joe Rogan (who considers himself “pretty liberal”) and Bloggingheads.tv (whose regular contributors include Vox co-founder Ezra Klein )... Even Mark Ledwich, whom the paper’s authors thank for sharing data with them, took issue with “the way the labels were converted into far-right and far-left.” (To wit: On his site Transparency.Tube, which tracks political channels on YouTube, We the Internet TV only scored “Right” and “Anti-woke.”)  Lumping together all these creators with vastly different political persuasions is lazy at best. At worst it undermines criticism of actual far-right content. As YouTuber Rebel Wisdom put it, “if everything is far right, then nothing is.” He is of course also “far right” by the paper’s standards.   It’s the type of analysis you’d have to be living in an echo chamber to come up with... But the walls of their bubble must not have been adequately soundproofed, because the authors are revising their paper ahead of its official publication to include a new category: Intellectual Dark Web. This IDW category would include channels that are “Anti-Woke” or “Anti-Social-Justice-Warrior.” In the current labeling system, any channel labeled IDW automatically qualifies as far right.  I can’t speak for all those other “radical” YouTube channels. But when it came to We the Internet TV, its “growing appeal” had a lot to do with it being funny. I even dared to do the type of comedy that gets you put on lists."

Labour-supporting teacher says kids need 'Marxist’ teachers to stop ‘far-right parents' brainwashing them - "Julie Reid sparked fury after insisting most teachers are “lefty Marxists” and warned students are being exposed to alternative views while at home. The Manchester councillor made the controversial remarks in an online discussion hosted by the left-wing activist group ‘People Before Profit’...   The Education Act of 1996 forbids “the promotion of partisan political views in the teaching of any subject in the school”.  Also, present on the call was NEU trade unionist and teacher Kiri Tunks, who called for the “decolonization of the curriculum” and “for anti-racist training for teachers”.  It's not the first time Ms Reid has made controversial comments.  She previously fell foul of her town hall's ban on dog roaming- only to insist it was because the pup had Alzheimer's...   She also appears to have a made a history of anti-Semitic posts on Facebook, sharing a number of deeply offensive articles.  These included pieces claiming Israel was testing chemical weapons on Gaza protesters, and conspiracy theories about the Rothschild family."
Clear proof teachers are not trying to indoctrinate their students

"Books by the Foot" in which people purchase books to create the illusion of being well-read is a real business in Washington DC. - "Books by the Foot is a book-as-decor service located in Frederick, Maryland, just north of Washington, DC, and is run by bookseller Wonder Book. As the name implies, they literally sell books by the foot, not to be read, but to appear to have been read, or sometimes to serve as pure decoration.  Much of what they do is basic commercial status building, providing books to hotels, TV sets, and the like to create an atmosphere of serious erudition where none exists...
'Roberts said residential orders, which had previously accounted for 20 percent of business, now accounted for 40 percent.  When the coronavirus pandemic arrived, Books by the Foot had to adapt to a downturn in office- and hotel-decor business—and an uptick in home-office Zoom backdrops for the talking-head class'"

Meme - "Bought my first temple in my 20s. this is what working 60 hour weeks can get you. we all have the same 24 hrs a day."

How Many Words is That? - "Below we have listed some standard word counts for different types of writing. We have also given explanations for these lengths below.
   Tweet (original) - 140 characters
   Tweet (2018) - 280 characters
   Poem - 3 words to book length
   Children's Picture Book - usually 32 pages
   Chapter Length - varies greatly
   Short Short Story - about 1,500 words
   Short Story - up to 10,000 words
   Dissertation - 100 to 200 pages (25,000 to 50,000 words)
   Novelette - 7,500 to 17,500 words
   Novella - 17,500 to 40,000 words
   Novel - 60,000 to 100,000 words
   War and Peace - 587,287 words
   King James Bible - about 780,000
   Longest Novel - over 3 million words"

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