When you can't live without bananas

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Sunday, July 03, 2022

Links - 3rd July 2022 (1)

Japan experts craft 'super clone' of destroyed Afghan mural - "JAPANESE researchers have crafted a "super clone" of an Afghan mural destroyed by the Taliban, using a mix of traditional and digital techniques that they hope will salvage the work's "spirit" for future generations.  Not a single fragment remains of the seventh-century cave painting demolished in 2001 along with two massive Buddha statues and other artefacts in Afghanistan's Bamiyan valley, sparking global condemnation. But a precise replica, the result of 3 years of state-of-the-art reproduction efforts, went on display at a museum in Tokyo in September and October, just weeks after the Taliban returned to power in Kabul.  The mural on the ceiling of a cave near the famous statues depicted a blue Bodhisattva - or someone on the path to becoming a Buddha.  At 6 metres long and 3 metres high, the intricate full-size copy has been dubbed a "super clone" by the reproduction team at Tokyo University of the Arts."

How Much is Average PTO in the U.S.? - "Ten (10) days is the average number of PTO for private sector employees who have completed one year of service, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).  This number, rounded to the nearest whole number (it’s actually 9.7 days), does not include sick days or paid holidays. But it turns out the average PTO length varies substantially depending on a number of factors, like tenure with a company, public vs. private industries, and your geographic location."
Many Americans think that although there is no legal minimum for vacation, everyone gets lots of leave because the free market rocks. Probably they also think that in companies with unlimited leave, leave is really unlimited (when it's really a trap, as someone in one of those companies told me)
Many Americans think all regulation is bad. Maybe the US should get rid of the requirement that companies offer 12 weeks of unpaid leave for women who give birth too. Women will naturally work for companies that offer maternity leave, so there's no need for the government to force companies to offer it

Which States in the USA Offer the Most Paid Time Off? - "Only twelve states plus Washington DC currently have legislated paid sick leave. Maine and Nevada, which both passed laws in 2019, have the only policies which explicitly say that state-mandated PTO is used for things other than illness."
I saw one American claim that it was fake news that they don't get paid vacation time by law, since the states mandate it. Even for the 2 states that mandate it, Maine only legislates up to 40 hours of earned paid leave a year (which is not just for vacation - it also includes medical leave). Meanwhile, in Nevada, besides the same 40 hour maximum, companies with under 50 employees are exempt (it's 10 for Maine)

Repeated low doses of LSD in healthy adults: A placebo‐controlled, dose–response study - "repeated low doses of LSD are safe, but produce negligible changes in mood or cognition in healthy volunteers"
Maybe they need a higher dose, but there goes "micro dosing"

Therapeutic Use of LSD in Psychiatry: A Systematic Review of Randomized-Controlled Clinical Trials - "The vast majority of authors describe significant and positive short-term changes in patients"

Flashback to the 1960s: LSD in the treatment of autism - "Between 1959 and 1974, several groups of researchers issued reports on the use of d-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) in the treatment of children with autism. This paper reviews that literature to consider how the authors justified these studies, as well as their methods, results, and conclusions. The justification for using LSD was often based on the default logic that other treatment efforts had failed. Several positive outcomes were reported with the use of LSD, but most of these studies lacked proper experimental controls and presented largely narrative/descriptive data. Today there is renewed interest in the use of psychedelic drugs for therapeutic purposes. While this resurgence of research has not yet included children with autism, this review of the LSD studies from the 1960s and 1970s offers important lessons for future efforts to evaluate new or controversial treatments for children with autism."

Stop Organizing Your E-mail, Says Study | MIT Technology Review - "By analyzing 345 users’ 85,000 episodes of digging through old emails in search of the one they needed, researchers discovered that those who did no email organizing at all found them faster than those who filed them in folders. By using search, the non-organizers were able to find the email they needed just as easily as filers. They also didn’t have to spend any time filing email in folders, putting them ahead overall.  Other results from the study (pdf) pointed to ways in which existing email clients might be improved. For example, scrolling was a big part of how users found emails, even after they searched for them, yet scrolling isn’t supported by gmail, which uses pagination instead. The study also suggested that if you want to keep your (and others’) email inboxes tidy, you should do everything you can to keep your conversations in existing threads. It’s an automatic mechanism for grouping a conversation, after all.  The researchers involved found threading so useful that they even suggested a way it could be improved, which they call “superthreading.”"

How 'A World Without Email' Could Increase Productivity, Happiness At Work - "The hyperactive hive mind — when workers collaborate through unscheduled, ad hoc digital messages — also applies to digital channels such as Slack or Microsoft Teams.  This style of working is easy and flexible, but it forces people assigned to multiple collaborative projects to constantly check their inboxes. This nonstop checking for messages is “killing” workers by reducing their ability to think clearly, causing mental fatigue and making them unhappy, he says.  “Our minds cannot do these rapid context shifts from one thing to an inbox back to the one thing, back to an inbox,” he says.  Unless you’re a cyborg or receiving assistance from an implanted computer chip in your brain, Newport says people aren’t good at swiftly switching back and forth between tasks. For the book, he spoke with psychologists and neuroscientists to study the phenomenon of network switching — something the human brain can’t do quickly.  Network switching can take the brain between five to 15 minutes, he says, but one study he cites found that people check their email every six minutes. And organizations that use Slack network switch even more quickly... he writes about one small marketing firm where employees burnt out using a hive mind style of working. The company found that switching all of its client information and tasks to the list-making platform Trello helped workers stay on the same page without feeling overwhelmed by perpetual email chains... “We have to pull back this autonomy trap and say, actually, wait, wait, wait, this is not all just up to the individuals to figure out. Let's think what's best for our company or our team or our organization,” he says. “And once we start thinking that way, there's a lot of innovation that will follow. This can make everybody happy.”...
'In 1998, we get the Tom Hanks, Meg Ryan movie 'You've Got Mail,' where people are excited and high five because an email arrived in their email box. By the time we get to 2004, you can begin to find productivity authors talking about email overload as if, of course, everyone knows what this is. So basically it's spread in five years. We had five good years and then overload became an issue'...
'I think what we experienced during this period of forced remote work is that the hyperactive hive mind became more hyperactive — more emails, more impromptu Zoom, more Slack messages, much less time to actually work. I hear from a lot of people right now who say, ‘you know what, I now do zero work during my workday. Every minute is Zoom or email.’ This is an absurd state of affairs'"

How McDonald's cup sizes vary around the world - "even McDonald's cup sizes are larger in the U.S. than elsewhere - except for in Singapore and Canada, which also go by the same definitions of 'small', 'medium' and 'large'.  In fact, a medium-sized drink in the U.S., which is 21oz of liquid, is an ounce more than Japan's large-sized drink. And America's large size (30oz) is 1.5 times bigger than the one in Japan (20oz)."

Meme - Adam Lane Smith @TheBrometheus: "Reminder that "your kids should leave home at 18" is a psyop by the central banks to make 10 ext. family members pay 10 rents/ mortgages, 10 sets of utilities, 10 car payments, and 10 of every item needed for a home, plus entertainment and stress relief to cope with being alone."

The Independence of Young Adults, in Historical Perspective -"For most of American history young people were tightly tied to their families. It used to be case, for instance, that unmarried young Americans usually lived with their parents. For some Americans in past eras, getting married was the only way they could move out of their parents’ home.  In the 17 and 18th centuries, in some of the American colonies, it was illegal for unmarried people to live on their own (Morgan [1944] 1966)...  From colonial times until about 1940, unmarried young adults usually lived with their parents, or with relatives, or sometimes with other families. In the 17th and 18th centuries many families sent their children away to be servants or apprentices. Beginning around World War II, this historical pattern of family government began to change... Young men were traditionally allowed more independence, so the percentage of young men who lived with their parents was slightly lower. In the post-1960 world, this gender disparity has been reversed. Now it is the young women who are more likely to live apart from their parents. Feminism, birth control, the delay of marriage, and women’s labor force participation are just a few of the dramatic changes that have transformed young women’s lives... Between 2000 and 2009, the percentage of unmarried young women living with parents has crept up a little bit, from a low of 36.2% in 2000, to 38.6% in 2005, to a range of 40-42% during the 2008-09. You will sometimes see stories in the popular press about the “boomerang effect,” of young people increasingly returning to the parental nest (Buss 2005; Ellin 2002; Lewin 2003), but in fact the percentage of young adults who live with their parents remains near an all-time low. The popular press loves stories about young adults moving back in with their parents. In reality, young adults in their 20s seem to prefer to live on their own... In addition to some beneficiaries, there are also certain to be some casualties of the new Independent Life Stage. Not all young people are well suited to independence, and even young people who have plenty of independent spirit can get in to trouble. Without family close by, i.e. without family government, small problems can grow into more serious problems. Some therapists and scholars believe that our independence from our families of origin makes us more vulnerable to anxiety and depression (Olds and Schwartz 2009). Social scientists have been complaining about the loss of community for as long as social science has existed. In the modern era, they may have a point. The long term trends suggest that Americans are less involved in political and social life, and that Americans seem to have fewer friends (Putnam 2000). Modern life can be lonely and disorienting, especially for young people who are only beginning to figure out where they are headed. Even when the young adults have a strong idea of where they are headed, the path to full adulthood can be full of twists and turns."

Wharton professor Nina Strohminger tweets that some students believe Americans make $100,000 on average - The Washington Post - "“I asked Wharton students what they thought the average American worker makes per year and 25% of them thought it was over six figures,” she tweeted Wednesday. “One of them thought it was $800k.”  Strohminger, who put the real answer at about $45,000 a year, had a hard time wrapping her head around what some Wharton students believed was an average wage... Strohminger’s tweet prompted reactions from experts and observers wondering whether this classroom interaction accurately reflected what future business leaders think about the state of wages in the United States."
This could be one reason so many Americans simp for the rich and hate the poor. But this is not limited to those in elite schools

Black man 'wore life-like white man mask to diguise himself as he committed 30 burglaries in LA' - "A black man allegedly used a life-like white man mask complete with fake hair and glasses to disguise himself as he committed dozens of burglaries in the Los Angeles area in the past year.   Police released surveillance images of the suspect wearing the mask and glasses, but something was off.   'It was odd this burglar's mouth was always open when seen on video surveillance,' LAPD Pacific wrote on Twitter, which has since been deleted. 'When he was caught breaking into another home we discovered why.' Rockim Prowell, 30, allegedly wore the disguise to commit about 30 home burglaries in the Southern California area... One user compared the situation to a Scooby Doo episode and asked someone to make a 'face reveal meme.'"

STD Awareness: Is There an STD That Causes Maggots? - "Maggots infesting your genitals isn’t something you need to worry about... it is possible for maggots to infest a vagina — a condition that’s called myiasis of the vagina, which itself is not an STD...   The first article, which had an English abstract but Spanish text, was published in a Chilean medical journal in 2009, and described the case of a young woman who found maggots in her urine. Due to the patient’s “record of use of intravaginal vegetables as sexual stimulator,” the authors speculate that she introduced larvae into her body by repurposing a vegetable as a dildo. As far as I can tell, this is the only reported case of possible produce-induced intravaginal maggot infestation, but all the same, it might be a good idea to wash fruits and vegetables before using them as sex toys.   The second article (warning: graphic photos) was written by authors affiliated with the All India Institute of Medical Sciences and published in 2011. It describes the case of a woman with a large genital wart that was found to be infested with maggots, 20 of which were subsequently removed with forceps. Perhaps this is the source of the recent rumor about the “STD that causes maggots.”  The third article (warning: graphic photos) was published in 2002. This report comes from Brazil and details the cases of two teenage girls. The first patient had trichomoniasis, and more than 100 maggots were removed from a genital lesion. The second patient had genital warts as well as lesions that were found to be infested with around 65 maggots. The authors note that the patients had poor hygiene and speculate that flies were attracted to the odor and laid eggs in the genital area, where there were open sores.   Over the decades, there have been a few other scattered cases of vaginal maggot infestations published in the medical literature — occurring in patients with no reported STDs. It’s safe to say that this condition is very rare, and can occur in people with or without STDs. It’s also worth mentioning that there are many species of maggots, not all of which are capable of infesting human tissue.   According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, myiasis is more common in tropical climates, and people with open wounds are at increased risk. Some STDs can cause open sores, which themselves can make a person more vulnerable to subsequent infections... So, theoretically, open sores caused by STDs and other infections could create a home for maggots … But this possibility is so minuscule that it’s really not something you should worry about. Focus on safer sex practices, like using condoms and being screened for STDs with potential partners, but don’t fret about maggots!"

Revisiting the Measurement of Anomie - "Sociologists coined the term “anomie” to describe societies that are characterized by disintegration and deregulation. Extending beyond conceptualizations of anomie that conflate the measurements of anomie as ‘a state of society’ and as a ‘state of mind’, we disentangle these conceptualizations and develop an analysis and measure of this phenomenon focusing on anomie as a perception of the ‘state of society’. We propose that anomie encompasses two dimensions: a perceived breakdown in social fabric (i.e., disintegration as lack of trust and erosion of moral standards) and a perceived breakdown in leadership (i.e., deregulation as lack of legitimacy and effectiveness of leadership). Across six studies we present evidence for the validity of the new measure, the Perception of Anomie Scale (PAS). Studies 1a and 1b provide evidence for the proposed factor structure and internal consistency of PAS. Studies 2a-c provide evidence of convergent and discriminant validity. Finally, assessing PAS in 28 countries, we show that PAS correlates with national indicators of societal functioning and that PAS predicts national identification and well-being (Studies 3a & 3b). The broader implications of the anomie construct for the study of group processes are discussed."
Destroying social norms hurts society

Social Change and Anomie: A Cross-National Study - "We apply Durkheim's social transitional theory to explain the variation of anomie in 30 nations in the world. Combining data from two sources — the 1995 World Values Survey and the United Nations University's World Income Inequality Database or WIID—we test the hypothesis that rapid sociopolitical change at the structural level disrupts social integration and regulation, and increases the level of anomie among individuals in a society. Using the multilevel approach that permits the decomposition of variance within and between nations, the results of the analyses confirm that rapid sociopolitical change at the macro level, such as the political transition from totalitarianism to democracy, produces a higher level of anomie among individuals in a society. In addition, we find a cross-level effect of confidence in authority on anomie. Findings at the individual level are largely consistent with Merton's theory of anomie and with the extant literature that anomie is inversely related to an individual's social and economic position in a society."

Anomie Scales: Measuring Social Instability - "The China anomie research consisted of the development of a theoretical framework, the design of a questionnaire to operationalise those theoretical concepts, and the administration of the questionnaire to a randomly chosen sample of 4,000 urban Chinese in 1996. The theoretical basis of the research has repeatedly emphasised that anomie is a social property reflected by individuals’ attitudes, opinions, and perceptions. The anomie scale is a measure of individuals’ state of mind in which they as individuals or groups are not sure about their future, cannot turn to anyone for trust, and feel confused about social norms and appropriate behavioural patterns. People living in eastern or in highly developed cities have stronger feelings of individual anomie than do people living in other kinds of cities. The instability block has four variables: discontent, distrust, pessimism, and individual anomie. Arrows with dashed lines represent causal flows from variables in the socio-economic status block to variables in the instability block."

Social change and generalized anomie: Why economic development has reduced social trust in China - "Chinese society is facing a decline in social trust, a serious crisis which is escalating as modernization continues. In this article the authors apply Durkheim’s social transitional theory to explain this disconcerting phenomenon, using data from the Chinese General Social Survey (CGSS) 2013. The study finds that economic development as measured by per capita GDP of counties in China has given rise to social anomie, which has led to a reduction in social trust. With the rapid onset of modernization, social norms have gradually fallen by the wayside and new social integration mechanisms have not yet been fully established, resulting in a state of generalized social anomie in China."

A 1,000-year-old road lost to time - "Thirty years ago, few people had ever heard of the Via Francigena: a 2,000km medieval pilgrimage route that snakes a path from Canterbury all the way to Rome... In 990AD, the Archbishop of Canterbury named Sigeric the Serious had a more practical reason to walk to Rome. Having risen into his prestigious office, he needed to visit the Vatican to be ordained and collect his official garments. At the time he made the journey, there were many different paths to Rome. But Sigeric, who’d left from Canterbury, wrote down his route home through Italy, Switzerland, France and into the UK, cataloguing the towns he stayed in on his journey. The route he took now makes up the official Via Francigena. The only part that cannot be completed on foot is the English Channel, which medieval pilgrims crossed by boat (and modern pilgrims on the Dover-to-Calais ferry)."

A sperm peptide enhances long-term memory in female Drosophila - "Can mating influence cognitive functions such as learning and memory in a permanent way? We have addressed this question using a combined behavioral and in vivo imaging approach, finding that aversive long-term memory performance strongly increases in Drosophila females in response to sperm transfer following mating. A peptide in the male sperm, the sex peptide, is known to cause marked changes in female reproductive behavior, as well as other behaviors such as dietary preference. Here, we demonstrate that this sex peptide enhances memory by acting on a single pair of serotonergic brain neurons, in which activation of the sex peptide receptor stimulates the cyclic adenosine monophosphate/protein kinase A pathway. We thus reveal a strong effect of mating on memory via the neuromodulatory action of a sperm peptide on the female brain."

An ode to the many evolved virtues of human semen - Scientific American Blog Network - "Gallup and Burch reasoned that certain chemicals in human semen, through vaginal absorption, affect female biology in such a way that women who have condomless sex literally start to smell different from those women who do not—or at least, their bodies emit the pheromones that “entrain” menstrual cycles among cohabitating women. (Their hunch was indeed borne out by reviewing the existing literature on menstrual synchrony.) But this happenstance discovery of asynchronous lesbians was just the tip of the semen iceberg for Gallup and Burch, who quickly discovered that, although much was known among biologists about basic semen chemistry, virtually nothing was known about precisely how these chemicals might influence female biology, behavior and psychology... medical professionals have known for a very long time that the vagina is an ideal route for drug delivery. The reason for this is that the vagina is surrounded by an impressive vascular network. Arteries, blood vessels, and lymphatic vessels abound, and—unlike some other routes of drug administration—chemicals that are absorbed through the vaginal walls have an almost direct line to the body’s peripheral circulation system... semen has a very complicated chemical profile, containing over 50 different compounds (including hormones, neurotransmitters, endorphins and immunosupressants) each with a special function and occurring in different concentrations within the seminal plasma. Perhaps the most striking of these compounds is the bundle of mood-enhancing chemicals in semen. There is good in this goo. Such anxiolytic chemicals include, but are by no means limited to, cortisol (known to increase affection), estrone (which elevates mood), prolactin (a natural antidepressant), oxytocin (also elevates mood), thyrotropin-releasing hormone (another antidepressant), melatonin (a sleep-inducing agent) and even serotonin (perhaps the most well-known antidepressant neurotransmitter). Given these ingredients—and this is just a small sample of the mind-altering “drugs” found in human semen—Gallup and Burch, along with psychologist Steven Platek, now at the University of Liverpool, hypothesized that women having unprotected sex should be less depressed than suitable control participants... even after adjusting for frequency of sexual intercourse, women who engaged in sex and “never” used condoms showed significantly fewer depressive symptoms than did those who “usually” or “always” used condoms. Importantly, these chronically condomless, sexually active women also evidenced fewer depressive symptoms than did those who abstained from sex altogether. By contrast, sexually active women, even really promiscuous ones, who used condoms were just as depressed as those practicing total abstinence. In other words, it’s not just that women who are having sex are simply happier, but instead happiness appears to be a function of the ambient seminal fluid pulsing through one’s veins. And it gets better. A smaller percentage (4.5 percent) of the sexually active women who “never” used condoms were less likely to have attempted suicide than were those who “sometimes” (7.4 percent) and “usually” (28.9 percent) and “always” (13.2 percent) used condoms... since testosterone from the seminal plasma could penetrate the oral mucosa, along with a surfeit of other hormones and chemicals having possible spin-off effects on male behavior, it is not inconceivable to me that there may be genuine psychobiological consequences of semen intake occurring in these young swallowing males that are not wholly out of line with the Sambia’s own folk beliefs... among the more curious ingredients in human semen are follicle-stimulating-hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). The reason this is curious, point out Gallup and Burch, is because these are distinctively female hormones. “What are female hormones doing in human semen?” The authors speculate, and convincingly so, that the presence of FSH and LH in human semen is related to concealed ovulation in human females... semen-exposed women perform better on concentration and cognitive tasks; women’s bodies can detect “foreign” semen that differs from their recurrent sexual partner’s signature semen, an evolved system that, Gallup believes, often leads to unsuccessful pregnancies because it signals a disinvested male partner who is not as likely to provide for the offspring; women who had unprotected sex with their ex-partners—and therefore were getting regularly inseminated—experience more significant depression on breaking up than those who were not as regularly exposed to their ex’s semen (and they also go on the “rebound” faster in seeking new sexual partners, which presumably would help fix their semen-deprived depression). And the list goes on."

740 Person Ejaculation Study: Do Women Like Semen, Swallowing & Facials? - "Men prefer giving facials 3.3 times more than women enjoy receiving them.
The more people watch porn, the more they choose facials as their favorite finishing style.
26% said facial come shots are degrading – feminists were less likely than non-feminists to think so...
There isn’t a fluid on Earth that has been as controversial, consequential and loaded with taboo as semen...  Compared to other age groups, 18- to 24-year-olds are least likely to finish in a woman’s vagina, and most likely to finish on her body or face. As people move into their 30s, and as the chance of being in a long-term relationship or wanting to conceive increases, they become less likely to finish externally or in a woman’s mouth and more likely to come internally... men and women both know facials are extremely popular in porn, half of men believe women strongly dislike facials, and more than one-third of women believe men love them (and they’re only 6.9 percentage points off the actual figure)... 42 percent of men most preferred facials compared to 13 percent of women, although among married men and women the gap was even bigger (40 percent of men versus just 5 percent of women)... the more often men and women watch porn, the more likely they are to choose facials as their favorite finishing style... We’re hesitant to say facials have been happening since we were cave-dwellers, but there are references as far back as 1785. They really took off in the 1970s, though, when porn’s facial “money shot” became the standard and most visible way to show male ejaculation and the ensuing “enthusiasm” on the face of the female performer...  at least 15.3 percent of Americans seem to agree with sex columnist Dan Savage’s theory that “facials are degrading—and that’s why they’re so hot,” as that’s the proportion in our survey who said they believe facials, even when consensual, are degrading – and also their favorite place to finish... women are turned on by external come shots at the start of a relationship, but the appeal seeps away as the years progress, while remaining strong in their male partners."

Who still leaves their door unlocked? - "A police operation in Liverpool has revealed that many people leave their front doors unlocked at night, allowing anybody to walk in... In Liverpool, out of 3,500 doors with handles checked by police, 66 were unlocked. A further 14 had large ground floor windows open. The residents were woken and warned about the danger of leaving such easy access for a burglar.  Of course, many older people may remember an era when an unlocked front door was a common thing. And there are far-flung areas of the UK where such an approach is the norm."

Apple pays millions to woman after explicit photos posted online - "Apple paid millions of dollars to a student after iPhone repair technicians posted explicit photos and videos from her phone to Facebook."

Meme - "*Dejected miner who gives up just before unleashing a Balrog*
*Dilligent miner who is going to unleash a Balrog*
Sometimes It's OK to Give Up"

Excessive Ping Pong Celebration Without Music - YouTube

Meme - "Libertarian Left: Blame the Americans
Authoritarian Left: Blame the rich
Authoritarian Right: Blame the Jews
Libertarian Right: Blame the government
Blame the rich Jews in the American government"

‘It was a nice break from everything’: two men rescued after 29 days lost at sea | Solomon Islands - "Two men from Solomon Islands who spent 29 days lost at sea after their GPS tracker stopped working have been rescued off the coast of Papua New Guinea – 400 kilometres away from where their journey began.  Livae Nanjikana and Junior Qoloni set out from Mono Island, in Western province, Solomon Islands, on the morning of the 3 September in a small, single 60 horsepower motorboat. The pair planned to travel 200km south to the town of Noro on New Georgia Island, using the west coast of Vella Lavella Island and Gizo Island to their left as a guide... Surviving on oranges they’d packed for the trip, coconuts they collected from the sea and rainwater they trapped using a piece of canvas, they floated about 400km northwest for 29 days, eventually spotting a fisher off the coast of New Britain, Papua New Guinea... Nanjikana said he has taken some positives away from the experience, such as a forced break from the chaos of a global pandemic."

Lost hiker ignored calls from rescuers because they came from an unknown number - "A hiker lost in Colorado ignored repeated calls from rescuers... The hiker had wandered off the trail and spent 24 hours lost on Mt. Elbert. They eventually found a way out and made it to their car. The person was unaware that a search team had been looking for them."

Meme - "THE TRUTH IS...

This is the ‘world’s most dangerous sex position,’ viral doctor warns - "UK-based surgeon Dr. Karan Raj — who boasts 4.3 million followers on TikTok — says that the “reverse cowgirl” is the “world’s most dangerous sex position” because a man’s penis can slip out and be crushed by his partner’s pubic bone during erratic thrusting...   However, reverse cowgirl enthusiasts may not need to be quite so concerned given that Raj’s claims are contradicted by a 2017 study published in the International Journal of Impotence Research.  That study did not name the reverse cowgirl among the most dangerous sex positions.  Instead, it declared doggy style as the position most common for causing penile fractures — accounting for 41% of all cases.  In at second was missionary, with the man on top, causing 25% of penile fractures — followed, in third place, by the woman on top. The doctor's TikTok fans were left disappointed by the news, with several sexed-up commenters revealing reverse cowgirl was their "favorite""

Japanese man arrested after dating 35 women at the same time in bid to 'get birthday presents' - "Takashi Miyagawa, a part-time worker, is being investigated for allegedly defrauding dozens of women by pretending he was serious about each of their relationships and receiving hundreds of pounds worth of gifts from them... The story elicited mixed responses online, with one reader commenting that "He’s an awful person, but I envy his time-management skills”"
In Japan, it's illegal to date multiple women at the same time?

Girl, 3, requests morbid 'Lion King' scene on birthday cake so she can have it all to herself - "The special request from the birthday girl, Leona, was that her cake depict the scene from "The Lion King" where Mufasa, Simba's father, dies."

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