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Friday, February 18, 2022

Links - 18th February 2022 (2)

Meme - "Find a spouse who looks at you the way Linda Sarsour looks at herself."
"Linda Sarsour: I am reading the final final manuscript (yes I learned there's always multiple finals) of my book and I cry every time. I can't wait for all of you to read it. I's heartbreaking, courageous, inspirational, moving - full of pain, trauma and yet so much love and hope - and most of all will make you want to get up and do something for the benefit of others. A Palestinian Muslim American mom from Brooklyn gets to tell her story and I sit here and imagine a little girl 40 years from now reading my book and knowing that we fought for her with everything we had, that I fought for her so she can be unapologetic about who she is. Coming very soon."

The New Chief Chaplain at Harvard? An Atheist. - The New York Times
"With an atheist as chief chaplain of Harvard University, you now get to say that secular atheism is truly a religion."

Jonathan Chait on Twitter - "One of the most important structural asymmetries in American politics is that Republicans have a mass media ecosystem that always supports them, while Democrats don't"
When you're so used to media bias that you take it for granted

Michael Hobbes on Twitter - "The far right’s love of farmers markets plays into a larger fascist talking point that idealizes pastoral life and demonizes ‘degenerate’ urban living."

Meme - "How Disney releases posters in China *Black Panther, The Force Awakens - black erasure*
I'm beginning to see a pattern here that I'm not so sure I like."

Meme - "Anvil- Anarchist Non-Violent Intervention League: The first Stalinist was born today. May he rot in Hell forever. Anticommunist Vladimir Lenin was born today. Crimes include disempowering soviets and factory committees. Using red army/secret police to crush strikes, unions, communist movements. Oversaw/allowed the terror tactics of Trotsky. And ruined the Revolution by establishing a state capitalist regime. "
"True communism has never been tried"


Facebook - "Mary Poppins and Pennywise are creatures of the same species.  Each returns every 20-something years (Pennywise 27, Mary Poppins 25) to regenerate energy from a new group of children, but also have a tendency to return to those they met on their last visit (Pennywise returns to the Losers, Mary Poppins returns to the Bankses.)... Each has the same set of powers, in which they can take advantage of what lies in the children’s minds (Mary Poppins uses their imagination, Pennywise uses their fear.) Mary Poppins famously has a living reflection that can function separately from her, and Pennywise is shown to share this ability in Chapter Two. In each of these stories, the parents are oblivious to the fantastical situations being experienced by the children."

Meme - "Jae Yoon, you've been selected for an opportunity.
Hi Jae Yoon,
Your experience as Autopsy Assistant and Intern at Dr. Sidney B. Weinberg Center for Forensic Sciences stood out to me, when I came across your profile on LinkedIn. We're hiring at Moe's Southwest Grill, and I think you could be a great"

The Anatomical Machines - Museo Cappella Sansevero - "In the Underground Chamber of the Sansevero Chapel, housed in two glass cases, are the famous Anatomical Machines, or Anatomical Studies, i.e. the skeletons of a man and a woman in upright position with their arteriovenous system almost perfectly intact. The Machines were made by Palermo doctor Giuseppe Salerno"

Facebook - "Dried stingrays!!!! 👽 wth *Nasty faces*"

Meme - "New iMac
No USB No Ethernet No SD card No HDMI
Next update: NO SCREEN"

Katie Hannigan on Twitter - "When someone tells you "you can be anything you want!" don't listen. It's a baby boomer conspiracy to sell liberal arts degrees."

E-scooters prove perfect for a quick trip to A&E - "A quarter of people injured riding e-scooters were admitted to hospital, a new study has found, as researchers warned that too many were drunk or not wearing helmets.  Academics in Berlin found that one in five riders who came off the gadgets were over the legal drink drive limit and that only one in 100 was wearing a helmet."

Woman Befriends Mother's Murderer - is Then Murdered by Him - "A woman who befriended her mother’s and cousin’s killer out of a “spiritual obligation” has been stabbed and bludgeoned to death by the same man.  Martha McKay was brutally murdered at the Arkansas Snowden House, a colonial style home built in the early twentieth century and the same place where her mother and cousin were murdered 23 years ago by the same man, who she befriended... McKay, a longtime practicing Buddhist, had reportedly visited Lewis several times when he was in prison, despite the disapproval of her family. She had even written to Lewis while he was behind bars and supported his parole."

Technology, jobs, and the future of work - "Unemployment and underemployment are high around the world... In a McKinsey survey of young people and employers in nine countries, 40 percent of employers said lack of skills was the main reason for entry-level job vacancies. Sixty percent said that new graduates were not adequately prepared for the world of work. There were gaps in technical skills such as STEM subject degrees but also in soft skills such as communication, teamwork, and punctuality. Conversely, even those in work may not be realizing their potential. In a recent global survey of job seekers conducted by LinkedIn, 37 percent of respondents said their current job does not fully utilize their skills or provide enough challenge... Even while technologies replace some jobs, they are creating new work in industries that most of us cannot even imagine, and new ways to generate income. One-third of new jobs created in the United States in the past 25 years were types that did not exist, or barely existed, in areas including IT development, hardware manufacturing, app creation, and IT systems management. The net impact of new technologies on employment can be strongly positive. A 2011 study by McKinsey’s Paris office found that the Internet had destroyed 500,000 jobs in France in the previous 15 years—but at the same time had created 1.2 million others, a net addition of 700,000, or 2.4 jobs created for every job destroyed. The growing role of big data in the economy and business will create a significant need for statisticians and data analysts; we estimate a shortfall of up to 250,000 data scientists in the United States alone in a decade."
Of course, we are told that this time is different and we need Universal Basic Income

WB Exec Says Studio Knew Whedon’s ‘Justice League’ Was a ‘Piece of Sh*t’

Do People Really Become More Conservative as They Age? - "Folk wisdom has long held that people become more politically conservative as they grow older, although several empirical studies suggest political attitudes are stable across time. Using data from the Michigan Youth-Parent Socialization Panel Study, we analyze attitudinal change over a major portion of the adult life span. We document changes in party identification, self-reported ideology, and selected issue positions over this time period and place these changes in context by comparing them with contemporaneous national averages. Consistent with previous research but contrary to folk wisdom, our results indicate that political attitudes are remarkably stable over the long term. In contrast to previous research, however, we also find support for folk wisdom: on those occasions when political attitudes do shift across the life span, liberals are more likely to become conservatives than conservatives are to become liberals, suggesting that folk wisdom has some empirical basis even as it overstates the degree of change."

"support your friend just like you support a celebrity that doesn't know you exists" Sticker

Facebook - "My advice to my students is the same as my advice to myself--and to everyone: Seek the truth. Speak the truth as best you understand it. Do not permit yourself to be bullied into silence. Do not allow yourself to be shamed into saying things you don't believe or expressing yourself inauthentically--by, for example, embracing movements or endorsing slogans about which you have reservations. Do not let fear of the mob or lust for acceptance or applause--or the desire to get ahead--dictate what you say and don't say. When you feel the temptation to "go along to get along," resist it... Do what you think is right, with (as Lincoln said) "firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right." But do not immunize your views and actions from criticism. Remind yourself--often--of your own fallibility. Engage those who do not share your views and be open to their questions and challenges. Respect others and do not let disagreement destroy friendships or prevent them from being formed. Do not demonize thoughtful people--you will find there are many--who arrive at conclusions different from yours on important questions. It is possible that they are right, or partially right, and your view should be abandoned or revised. Avoid wrapping your emotions so tightly around your convictions that you become a dogmatist. Try your best to avoid looking at things through an ideological lens or some particular narrative. Otherwise you will interpret everything you "see" as reinforcing what you already believe. Examine things from different angles and perspectives. Don't allow yourself to grow so deeply attached to your opinions that you favor them over truth itself. Falling in love with your opinions will blind you to truth. Contrary to popular belief, a self-critical spirit does not induce paralysis. Strive to be your own best critic. Think for yourself. Never outsource that job. Shun conformism and groupthink. In fact, learn to shudder when you see them. They are the road to Hell. Don't be a knee-jerk contrarian. Don't be a knee-jerk anything. But remember that the crowd is often wrong. History is replete with examples--tragic ones. Bear constantly in mind that though misfortune or evildoers can take nearly everything else from you, they cannot take something inestimably precious: your integrity. That is something entirely in your hands and under your control. If it is lost, it is because you gave it up. Hold onto it tightly; never yield it."

How An Obscure British Comedy Sketch Became The World’s Most Repeated TV Program - "British comedian Freddie Frinton and 72-year-old actress May Warden. Frinton first made a name for himself in the music halls and variety shows of wartime Britain, and after World War II added a sketch to his show entitled "Dinner For One."... Miss Sophie has long outlived her four closest friends—Sir Toby, Admiral von Schneider, Mr. Pommeroy and Mr. Winterbottom—but places are set at her dinner table regardless, with James valiantly stepping in to impersonate each one... part of the skit’s success lies in Frinton’s expert physical comedy (which needs no subtitles and so works across the language boundary) and partly in its short running time, which for many years made it the perfect short to fill time between broadcasts. After being used sporadically as little more than a time-filler over the next decade, in 1972, German television network Norddeutscher Rundfunk decided to schedule it at 6 p.m. on New Year’s Eve. The viewers loved it, and a now annual tradition was established... ironically, for such a quintessentially British sketch, it has yet to be shown in its entirety on British television"

Earth Day co-founder killed, composted girlfriend - "Ira Einhorn was on stage hosting the first Earth Day event at the Fairmount Park in Philadelphia on April 22, 1970. Seven years later, police raided his closet and found the "composted" body of his ex-girlfriend inside a trunk... When his girlfriend of five years, Helen "Holly" Maddux, moved to New York and broke up with him, Einhorn threatened that he would throw her left-behind personal belongings onto the street if she didn't come back to pick them up.  And so on Sept. 9, 1977, Maddux went back to the apartment that she and Einhorn had shared in Philadelphia to collect her things, and was never seen again. When Philadelphia police questioned Einhorn about her mysterious disappearance several weeks later, he claimed that she had gone out to the neighborhood co-op to buy some tofu and sprouts and never returned... Einhorn claimed that his ex-girlfriend had been killed by CIA agents who framed him for the crime because he knew too much about the agency's paranormal military research."

AITA for applauding my neighbour’s “night time activities?” : AmItheAsshole - "A few nights ago my wife and I were woken up by the neighbors in the apartment above ours very explicitly and loudly trying to expand their family. They must have been going at it for an hour, and it was fairly frustrating as I had work the next day. After they were done I played an applause track through my Bluetooth speaker held up to the ceiling to try and make them aware of the relative thinness of the floor. I found out today that they have reported me to management for harassment."

Austrian motorist runs over artist lying on road during 'performance' in Salzburg - "A motorist has been charged by police after he ran over an artist in the middle of a 'reclining performance' in Salzburg’s Residenzplatz on Wednesday after mistaking her for a mannequin or puppet.  The 41-year-old artist, from Tennengau, was performing what she called a “reclining performance” in the old town and lay down on the ground.   Police said the woman had been told by several locals and passers by that laying down on the ground in that area was dangerous, but clearly the warning was not heeded.   Later in the day, a 71-year-old motorist drove over the woman while trying to reach an inner courtyard.   He told police he saw an obstruction in the road which he thought was some kind of doll and was unable to move around her, so he decided to run it over lengthways.   It was only when he heard screams and felt a drag under the car that he decided to stop.   The artist was injured and transferred to Salzburg University Hospital.   Police said an alcohol test carried out on both the driver and the artist was negative. Police also indicated that they were unsure why the artist did not move when the motorist approached her.   She told the police that she the performance was part of an art fair and that it was not her first such performance – although it was the first performance which ended in such a way.   Police charged the man with driving causing negligent bodily harm, although the public prosecutor must decide whether or not to push charges"
Poor driver, who got into trouble because of an idiot artist

Meme - *mouse befriending frog, frog eating mouse*
"Not every friend that looks like a friend is a friend."

Utah woman loses hair, dignity, confidence in phone scam convincing her to shave head - "Megan Randolph is mad. And devastated. And in her own words, her confidence has been "rocked."... Randolph had been convinced to shave her head down to the skin, and her eyebrows, in exchange for a couple of thousand bucks."
They setup a GoFundMe to "scam" others

Meme - "My Cancer won guys. Goodbye. Last Online 9 Years ago"

FALSE: Road Runner Tunnel Crash - "In March 2016, a number of news sites published items about a (nearly too funny to be true) accident involving a Fiat and a wall painted to look like a Looney Tunes’ Road Runner-style fake tunnel... that painting had been removed in December 2015 to avoid crashes and that no such crash had occurred by the time it was painted over"

Dance troupe withdraws from Chingay 2021 after dancers face 'cyberbullying' over tap dance segment - "The 10 dancers were supposed to tap dance in tutus while donning lion dance costumes, while the rest of the performers will be in traditional costumes... Lion Dance Singapore added that Chingay parades are to showcase "diverse cultural identities" instead of "destroying a cultural image in the name of creativity", and called for the dance segment to be dropped from this year's parade."
Clearly culture is static and doesn't change, and different cultures never influence each other

Facebook - "Bryan Fogel’s first documentary, “Icarus,” helped uncover the Russian doping scandal that led to the country’s expulsion from the 2018 Winter Olympics. It also won an Oscar for him and for Netflix, which released the film. For his second project, he chose another subject with global interest: the killing of Jamal Khashoggi, the Saudi Arabian dissident and Washington Post columnist, and the role that the Saudi crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman, played in it. A film by an Oscar-winning filmmaker would normally garner plenty of attention from streaming services, which have used documentaries and niche movies to attract subscribers and earn awards. Instead, when Mr. Fogel’s film, “The Dissident,” was finally able to find a distributor after eight months, it was with an independent company that had no streaming platform and a much narrower reach. “These global media companies are no longer just thinking, ‘How is this going to play for U.S. audiences?’” Mr. Fogel said. “They are asking: ‘What if I put this film out in Egypt? What happens if I release it in China, Russia, Pakistan, India?’ All these factors are coming into play, and it’s getting in the way of stories like this.” “What I observed was that the desire for corporate profits have left the integrity of America’s film culture weakened,” said Thor Halvorssen, the founder and chief executive of the nonprofit Human Rights Foundation (HRF), who financed the film and served as a producer... compare and contrast Netflix's response to catering their content (read: censoring) for the Saudi market vs. their social media feed post-George Floyd."

Meme - "Reality can be whatever I want
So I made myself look human and slept with Scarlet Witch
While Mantis saw the whole thing"
On Oldboy

NSmen Can Get Reservist Packs For ICT, No Need Chiong To E-Mart Before Reporting - "Singapore company D&G Marketing has created 7 types of reservist packs filled with various handy essentials that an NSman would typically need for ICT. Squeezing your thick SAF uniform into your already tight bag can be a frustrating experience. But with Pack 1, you can simply fold your uniform and fit it in the bag nicely to free up space for other essentials."

Chicago car thief participates in Zoom court hearing for stealing a car from inside another stolen car - "This guy, Joshua Slaughter (sweet name ngl), was arrested for allegedly stealing a Dodge Charger."

Woman, 67, finishes 10 bowls of curry noodles at Tampines food court in 45 minutes before dine-in ban - " The stall owner said that he was initially surprised to receive the order from the elderly woman, saying that a young person typically can eat up to four bowls. He can at most eat five to six bowls so he was in disbelief initially. He then told Jiang that if she really can finish all 10 bowls, it will be on the house... The stall owner commented that he has never come across an elderly person with such a huge appetite."

Brexit: UK risks being flooded with cheaply produced food, EU warns
Brexit was supposed to be terrible because it was supposed to lower the price of food. Amazing

Panic over chlorinated chicken in UK 'based on myths', says US offical - "other chemicals like acetic acid are beginning to replace the practice and says less than 20 per cent of US poultry is currently treated with chlorine. The Foreign Agricultural Service administrator hit back at EU standards and said procedures in the US are ‘more advanced and more modern than what you find in Europe’. He added: ‘In a lot of ways it (the EU approach) is old-fashioned, it’s based on traditions, not based on modern science and technology.’"
Ironically, liberals like to bash "conservatives" for being afraid of change

Don't get into a flap about chlorinated chicken! - "Chlorine-washed chicken is safe. The paper’s author, Peter Spence, highlights that the volume of evidence: the process is deemed safe not just by US regulators, but also by the EU’s own scientific advisors. The European Food Safety Authority has said four types of chemical rinse, including chlorine dioxide, ‘would be of no safety concern’: a person would have to eat around 5 per cent of their body weight in chicken every day (nearly three whole birds a day for the typical British man) to reach the safety limit, according to European Commission data. Drinking water poses a far greater risk, making up 99 per cent of the disinfection byproducts consumed in a typical daily diet. Chlorination kills harmful bacteria often found in chicken. Immersing poultry meat in chlorine dioxide solution of the strength used in the United States reduces prevalence of salmonella from 14% in controls to 2%. EU chicken samples typically have 15-20% salmonella."

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