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Thursday, February 17, 2022

Links - 17th February 2022 (2 - Trans Mania)

In Defense of Saying ‘Pregnant Women’ - The Atlantic - "For centuries, English speakers have talked about “pregnant women” without a second thought, but a vocal and growing movement wants to replace that phrase with the more inclusive pregnant people. And because the United States hasn’t yet found an issue it can’t turn into a polarized debate, a partisan divide has already formed. The received wisdom is now that a good liberal should always say “pregnant people,” if only because it upsets Tucker Carlson... The same progressives who push for pregnant people have no problem saying “Black Lives Matter”—and in fact decry the right-wing rejoinder that “all lives matter.” Yet, hopefully, all lives do matter—and about half of the people shot by U.S. police are white. So why insist on Black? Because the phrase is designed to highlight police racism, as well as the disproportionate killing of Black men in particular. Making the slogan more “inclusive” also makes it useless for political campaigning. Pregnant people does the same. The famous slogan commonly attributed to the second-wave activist Florynce Kennedy—“If men could get pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament”—would be totally defanged if it were made gender-neutral. And if we cannot talk about, say, the Texas abortion law in the context of patriarchal control of women’s bodies, then framing the feminist case against such laws becomes harder... Substituting people for women might emphasize women’s humanity—as some have argued—but it does so at the cost of obliterating the history and theoretical basis of feminism... pregnant people look[s] like an arbitrary shibboleth—a signal that you belong to the correct political tribe. And that is dangerous, because instead of ushering in a new and helpful phrase by explaining and encouraging its use, progressives have turned it into a political purity test... public-awareness campaigns targeting “people with cervixes.” As Britain’s recent unedifying debate on that subject showed, even senior politicians don’t know what a cervix is or who has one... language is not very inclusive if the majority of people don’t understand it. Imagine seeing a poster in a doctor’s office urging “anyone with a cervix” to get a cancer screening, and ask yourself: Might some patients not realize that the message applies to them?"
The history and theoretical basis of feminism are transphobic anyway

Adam Zivo: A trans writer spoke out against militant trans activism. Why are people attacking her? - "the CBC published an op-ed by trans author Jessica Triff, who bravely takes a moderate and cautious stance on trans advocacy, arguing that, although trans rights are critical, the particular way they’re being pursued is counterproductive. The article quickly went viral . Yet the pushback against Triff has been vicious, ironically illustrating the very points she was trying to make...  there is tension within the trans community about whether medically transitioning is necessary at all.  Many transgender people, known as “transmedicalists,” argue that those who don’t experience body dysmorphia are simply “transtrender” (exploiting transgenderism for its trendiness).   In response, transmedicalists are criticized for perceived gatekeeping... Triff notes that an expanded definition of transgenderism has trade-offs — accessibility helps some people, but it also makes it easy for predatory men to identify as trans in bad faith. This can endanger women, such as when male offenders self-identify as transgender to gain access to women’s prisons... Triff’s article is moderate, nuanced and written with the view of sustainably maximizing trans rights. It makes a distinction between trans rights and the toxic activist culture that has arisen over the past decade — and attempts to salvage the former from the latter.  This has not gone over well for some. The most common response is that aggressive militancy is laudable because minority rights aren’t won by asking nicely — for example, the 1969 Stonewall Riots , which marked the beginning of contemporary LGBTQ activism, were not a polite tea party.  But this counter-objection is shallow. The ideal tone and methods of political activism are context-sensitive. In some cases, militancy is more effective. In others, a diplomatic approach is better (such as Mahatma Gandhi’s nonviolent resistance against colonial rule in India). Generally speaking, militant activism helps bring stakeholders to the same table, while diplomatic activism builds durable support. In the grand scheme of things, the two are complimentary: you can’t have diplomacy if others aren’t willing to listen to you in the first place; but without diplomacy, you risk perpetually alienating others and isolating yourself to your own detriment.  Triff’s article astutely points out that the toxic militancy of trans activism is doing more harm than good — and it’s hard to see how she isn’t right given the growing backlash against the transgender community... Diplomatic engagement also requires patience and a willingness to understand opposing perspectives — qualities that militant activists typically lack. Though militant activists often boast about securing rights “by any means necessary,” their lack of self-discipline precludes them from practising basic conflict-resolution tactics — even though said tactics have been successful in the past at dampening social conflict, even in extreme situations (i.e., fostering ethnic reconciliation in the Balkans).   Militant activists also tend to be insular. Their ideological rigidness causes them to retreat into echo chambers, which then, in a perverse feedback loop, makes them more radical. This prevents them from understanding how they are seen by outsiders, including critics within their own communities. Wrapped in ignorance, they perceive all criticism as an unacceptable attack. To be a moderate in a militant space can be difficult. Triff has been accused of being “self-hating” and a “bootlicker” — a common tactic used to delegitimize voices like hers"

Meme- Danielle Muscato: "if You Think I Am Less of a Woman or NOT a Woman Because I Don't Fit Your Mental Picture of What a Woman Should Look Like or What Body Parts Women Should or Shouldn't Have, News Flash: Your Mental Description of Women Is Not Only Inaccurately Narrow but Anti-Feminist and Bigoted as Well"

Newsreader ordered to pay $10,000 to trans woman 'vilified' on Facebook - "A newsreader has been ordered to pay $10,000 in compensation to a trans woman for liking Facebook comments that wrongly branded her “a male bully”.   The dispute began when Canberra radio broadcaster Beth Rep misgendered Bridget Clinch, Australia’s first transgender soldier, in a string of Facebook posts in March 2018. Clinch complained to the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) Human Rights Commission, and mediation led to Rep writing an apology and paying Clinch AU$ 700.  However, the ACT said Rep then “added fuel to [the] conflict” by liking many of the offensive comments posted under the apology, including “Bridget Clinch is a male bully”, “I hate Bridget and I don’t even know who he is” and #istandwithbeth.   Rep argued that she didn’t write the comments and had ‘liked’ them to highlight their importance rather than show agreement, but the ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal disagreed.   “The respondent could have deleted the comments made against the apology. They were rude, offensive and unacceptable,” said senior tribunal member Bryan Meagher, according to ABC. “Once she was aware of the comments and did not remove them, she is responsible for them.”  By leaving them on the post she had continued to incite hate, the ACT said, actively stirring the debate and encouraging more people to leave vilifying and victimising comments towards the trans woman."
So do social media companies need to censor posts to avoid liability in Australia?

Climate Warrior 🐬 #ClimateJustice 🇵🇸 #BDS ⚧️ 🌈 on Twitter - "It's been a very difficult week. My brother came out as heterosexual. We just assumed he was at least bi, or homoflexible. He says he doesn't want to identify as a woman or nonbinary either. Right now he's going with he/him pronouns. My mother's having a nervous breakdown."

Meme - "Lora Archer: Thank you, obviously fake account pretending to be an old lady
Phyllis Glasp: Lora - I'm sure the irony of your comment is lost on you. I'll help you out: You're a man pretending to be a woman in real life, and you're trying to point out that me pretending to be an old lady on the internet is a bad thing. Outstanding work.
Lora Archer: Phyllis Glasp not according to every legal document I have.
Phyllis Glasp: Let me know when those legal documents cure your male pattern baldness."

Dr. Thrasher on Twitter - "The United States is a deeply transphobic country, but it is also a colonial descendant of the United Kingdom and a part of the anglophone world—and in this world, TERF discourse has flourished dramatically via the Guardian, BBC & a good chunk of UK liberal feminism"
How ensconced in your echo chamber do you have to be to not realise that "TERF discourse" = what almost everyone used to, and still does, believe?

Amazon Reverses Decision: Will Sell Book for Parents to Help Their Child Get Out of the 'Gender Cult' - "Amazon reversed its decision to ban a book for parents searching for answers for their gender-dysphoric child, telling the author the removal was an "error."  After merely six days on its shelves, Amazon this week blocked the book Desist, Detrans, & Detox: Getting Your Child Out of the Gender Cult from being sold on its site, according to Partners For Ethical Care (PEC), a group that says it works to end the unethical medicalization of children by the gender industry.  The book's author, Maria Keffler, is the co-founder of PEC. According to the group's website, Amazon did not contact the author or publisher before canceling the book...   The author told the CP in an email it was possible that "a calling and emailing onslaught may have affected the outcome" as "lots and lots of people were contacting Amazon to complain."  But questions remain about the retail giant's attempt to censor books questioning the rush to endorse transgenderism among children.   Earlier this year, CBN News reported that Amazon had censored Ryan Anderson's book When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Movement.   In a statement to The Blaze at the time, Anderson defended his best-selling book that came out in 2018.  "It was praised by a who's who of experts: the former psychiatrist-in-chief at Johns Hopkins Hospital, a longtime psychology professor at New York University, a professor of medical ethics at Columbia Medical School, a professor of psychological and brain sciences at Boston University, a professor of neurobiology at the University of Utah, a distinguished professor at Oxford, and a professor of jurisprudence at Princeton University."   But that apparently wasn't enough for big media. Anderson went on to say he's used to the biased scrutiny he has faced from many in the mainstream media, noting both The New York Times and The Washington Post published what he called "hit pieces" on his book.  "People who have actually read my book discovered that it was a thoughtful and accessible presentation of the state of the scientific, medical, philosophical, and legal debates," Anderson said. "Yes, it advances an argument from a certain viewpoint. No, it didn't get any facts wrong, and it didn't engage in any name-calling."... "Everyone agrees that gender dysphoria is a serious condition that causes great suffering. There is a debate, however, which Amazon is seeking to shut down, about how best to treat patients who experience gender dysphoria," they continued, calling their book "an important contribution" to that conversation.   "Amazon is using its massive power to distort the marketplace of ideas and is deceiving its own customers in the process," Anderson and Kimble said. Kimble wrote in the Wall Street Journal on Wednesday that Anderson's book has now been banned by Bookshop.com, a smaller outfit that supposedly wanted to be an alternative to Amazon. But it appears to be wanting to compete with it in censorship instead."

Arkansas Passes Controversial Bill To Ban Chopping Off Kids' Legs If They Think They're A Mermaid | The Babylon Bee

US media praises puberty blockers for kids while other nations ban them | The Post Millennial - "Though Elliot Page seemed frail and unassured in the actor's recent interview with Oprah about coming out as transgender, the media lauded it... In April, Arkansas became the first state to ban the use of puberty blockers in minors. Rather than celebrate what appears to be a responsible, sound decision by state lawmakers, this story in the Arkansas Democrat Gazette bemoaned the "difficult road" transgender children will have to walk in order to alleviate their anxiety now. Withholding experimental drugs and treatment from confused children is something the media is unhappy about because it doesn't uphold the narrative that being trans is a veritable cornucopia unicorn puking rainbows. The US lags behind one of the most progressive countries in the world when it comes to puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones. One of Sweden's most renowned hospitals has banned the use of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones for minors under age 16. The Karolinska Hospital recently issued a new policy statement, which took effect in April.  "These treatments are potentially fraught with extensive and irreversible adverse consequences such as cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, infertility, increased cancer risk, and thrombosis," the statement said. They will still allow "hormonal intervention" for youth ages 1-18 but it can "only occur in research settings approved by Sweden's ethics review board." This, like Arkansas' law and like a similar decision by the UK's High Court in the Keira Bell case—all which essentially ban puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones to varying degrees—all seem sound, measured, thoughtful and professional. Yet the US media, bolstered by the LGBT lobby, lambasts such provisions—and worse, frames them as harmful to the children... Anorexia, like gender dysphoria, is a mental illness. Medical guidelines, the Hippocratic Oath, and common sense suggest children may not be allowed to starve themselves in order to satiate the part of their brain that tells them they're overweight. A news outlet would never dare target doctors feeding an anorexic patient via feeding tube and label them cruel. The transgender contagion has enabled the progressive select in the United States, along with the leftist media, to co-opt all logic if it derails the end goal which is, in this case, to erase gender differences and create an androgynous society where up is down, male is female, and the only thing binary anymore is the two political parties fighting about it... would it be so hard to agree that life-altering hormones and a double mastectomy for children who can't even drive a car aren't viable options?"

Women’s Liberation Front releases Media Style Guide to take back language from trans ideologues | The Post Millennial - "The guide is meant to provide an alternative to the language the Trans Journalists Association encourages the press to use and which was adopted by the Society for Professional Journalists which suggests language that promotes LGBTQ rights but discounts and erases women’s rights."

‘I’d rather be called a b**ch’: Twitch unites commenters in disgust with tweet celebrating ‘Womxn’s History Month’ - "Streaming platform Twitch is so woke that it managed to enrage women, conservatives and the transgender, all in a bid to celebrate “Womxn’s History Month.”... Twitch’s embrace of woke twaddle was slated online, first by feminists who saw the word as “some woke attempt to erase the unique characteristics of biological females.” And then by the transgender and their defenders, who view “womxn” as offensive to those who spend their lives transitioning into “women.”... “Womxn” is one of a handful of words to be given a symbolic “x” by the woke crowd in recent years. There’s also “Latinx,” a misguided means of de-gendering “Latino” and “Latina” that nobody but white liberals seems to use, and “folx,” which is the word “folk” with an “x” added for the apparent heck of it.  It’s also not the first time the woke have been accused of demeaning women with their terminology. Women have been alternately dubbed “vagina owners,”“individuals with a cervix,” and “people who menstruate” by activists, and even politicians have considered adopting terms like “birthing bodies,” and “chestfeeders” to please the most radical wokists."

Support for same-sex marriage is proof that culture wars do end | The Star
Really ironic and clueless article. The fact that after gay marriage got rammed through, liberals just moved on to something new (and less popular) is proof of the "myth" of the slippery slope, and shows why culture wars will never end

Whistleblower exposes multiple issues with Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine trial - " Leading medical journal The BMJ has published an incendiary report exposing faked data, blind trial failures, poorly trained vaccinators, and a slow follow-up on adverse reactions in the phase-three trial of Pfizer’s Covid jab.  Central to the exposé is Brook Jackson, who, for two weeks, served as regional director at Ventavia Research Group, the company contracted to assist with the pivotal trial. She provided The BMJ with dozens of internal company documents, photos, audio recordings, and emails supporting her concerns. Jackson reveals that Ventavia staff who conducted quality-control checks were overwhelmed by the volume of problems they were identifying. She repeatedly informed her superiors of poor laboratory management, and patient safety and data integrity issues. In a cited internal document from August 2020, shortly after the Pfizer trial began, a Ventavia executive identified three site staff members with whom to “go over e-diary issue/falsifying data, etc.” One employee was said to have been subsequently “verbally counseled for changing data” and “not noting late entry.”  Jackson reported her concerns to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), but was fired later the same day on the basis that she was “not a good fit.”... Another former Ventavia employee has confirmed that the company had been expecting a federal audit of its Pfizer vaccine trial, though this did not materialize. A 2007 US Department of Health report found that, between 2000 and 2005, the FDA inspected just 1% of clinical trial sites, while, in 2020, just 50 on-site visits were conducted... The day after her meeting with her directors, Jackson submitted a complaint to the FDA. She listed a dozen issues she’d personally witnessed, including “participants being placed in a hallway after injection and not being monitored by clinical staff,” “a lack of timely follow-up of patients who experienced adverse events,” “protocol deviations not being reported,” “vaccines not being stored at proper temperatures,” “mislabeled laboratory specimens,” and the targeting by Ventavia of staff who reported these problems.  Jackson’s account has been reinforced by several former Ventavia employees who have either since departed or been fired from the company. An executive present at the September meeting has since apologized to her, assuring her that everything she had complained about was “spot-on.” Two of those employees spoke anonymously to The BMJ, confirming broad aspects of Jackson’s complaint. One, who has worked on more than four dozen clinical trials during her career, said she had never experienced such a “helter-skelter” work environment as that she encountered during Ventavia’s Pfizer trial. She also confirmed that the problems pinpointed by Jackson had persisted at the company after her dismissal. For instance, in several cases, there hadn’t been enough employees to swab for infection all trial participants who reported Covid-like symptoms... Yet, in the briefing document Pfizer submitted to the FDA advisory committee December 2020 in support of its application for emergency-use vaccine authorization, no mention was made of any problems at Ventavia. The next day, authorization was duly granted.""
Liberals must be very upset over this whistleblower

Oli London slammed for announcing they ‘identify as non-binary Korean’ - "Instagram influencer Oli London has been hit with a social media storm after coming out as a “non-binary person who identifies as Korean.”  Last week, the self-styled “British reality TV personality and K-Pop singer”, 31, announced that they would now be using the pronouns “they/them/Korean/Jimin,” – the latter being a reference to BTS star Park Jimin. London’s longing to emulate their 25-year-old boyband idol has prompted them to spend more than £100,000 ($150,000) on plastic surgery procedures, including skin lightening and blepharoplasty, which alters eye shape... Revealing their transition on June 16, London wrote in a lengthy thread: “It feels so good to finally come out as a Korean non-binary person after being trapped in the wrong body and wrong culture my whole life.”  They went on: “My new official Korean name is Park Jimin HueningKai Taeyong Imnida,” and reiterated:
'I’m officially KOR/EAN #korenboy'...
Responding to the backlash, London said that critics of their move were being “homophobic and non-binary phobic”.  They insisted that the aforementioned flag was “actually the official LGBTQI+ flag of South Korea,” adding: “Anyone that puts a negative comment is anti-LGBT and anti-equality.”"

Margaret Atwood fans furious as she shares op ed lamenting gender neutrality - "Margaret Atwood has angered many of her Twitter followers by reposting an article titled Why can’t we say “woman” anymore?’  The opinion piece, written by Toronto Star columnist Rosie DiManno, joined the debate around the use of gender-neutral terminology, and argued that the word ‘woman’ was becoming unacceptable.  “‘Woman’ is in danger of becoming a dirty word … struck from the lexicon of officialdom, eradicated from medical vocabulary and expunged from conversation” she wrote, continuing: “It shouldn’t leave well-meaning people tongue-tied, lest they be attacked as transphobic or otherwise insensitive to the increasingly complex constructs of gender... Ms Atwood shared the article, prompting furious discussion about the views put forward in the piece.   Erica Ifill wrote: “Good morning to everyone except Margaret Atwood. These second wave feminists need to find the exit if they can’t be intersectional.”  Others said they were disappointed in The Handmaid’s Tale writer, given her work’s longstanding feminist themes... Another posted the response: “Heartbreaking to see someone with a vast imagination & stellar language skills failing to use both. I guess it’s easy to dismiss the “tiny portion”* of affected people when you don’t care about them *1.4m trans adults and 1.2m non-binary people (in just the US)”... other Twitter users supported the article’s views and congratulated Ms Atwood for sharing them, comparing the writer to JK Rowling, whose views on transgender issues sparked heated controversy last year.  Colin Moriarty wrote: “It should perhaps be no surprise that two of the world’s most famous living female authors are asking similar questions about the ‘defeminisation’ of language. There are many who will pretend it’s not happening, but it obviously is, and I applaud you for speaking out about it.”"
You either die a liberal or live long enough to see yourself become a bigot
Ironic that nowadays feminists think "woman" is an unacceptable word

Margaret Atwood: “If You’re Going To Speak Truth To Power, Make Sure It’s the Truth” - "Atwood didn’t refer directly to Rowling’s essay on the subject, but tweeted a link to a scientific article that stated that sex, as well as gender, exists on a spectrum between male and female. “Some science here: ‘When Sex and Gender Collide.’ #TransGenderWomen Biology doesn’t deal in sealed Either/Or compartments. We’re all part of a flowing Bell curve. Respect that! Rejoice in Nature’s infinite variety!” Atwood added...  What does she think when trans rights and feminism butt up in this way?  “I think, what are people afraid of? I think they may have seen Psycho at too formative an age. They’re afraid of somebody dressing up like their dead mother and stabbing them in the bathroom or something.”"
The TRAs don't care that she partially agrees with them. No dissent is acceptible

Michael Tracey on Twitter - ACLU: "Trans children are perfect exactly as they are."
"Is this supposed to be some sort of riddle"

Wilfred Reilly on Twitter - "@ACLU Is this an argument for or against putting them on natural-puberty blockers and performing double mastectomies on them?"
"Neither. It’s just virtue-signaling."

Meme - Amber Tamblyn: "Hold onto your husbands- We're about to bring you into a world unlike anything you've ever seen before. A world without cisgender men. Welcome to a wild and dangerous new world run, ruined, rebuilt and rebirthed by women. 39 days until #YTheLastMan premieres on #FXonHulu."
Emily @emily_dawnxo: "cis ppl stfu about gender challenge
because according to the novel, i, myself a woman, would also be killed instantly
like why not say a world without cisgender men and trans women? honestly it's a terf's fucking wet dream. fuck right off with this. amber tamblyn, you should be ashamed of yourself for being involved with this"
All the virtue signalling about a female creative team didn't work

Don’t mention women on smear test invitations – ‘it might make trans men feel uncomfortable’
The same people who push this are obsessed about "white fragility"

Men who identify as women are being invited for cervical smear tests even though they don't have a cervix - "Women’s campaigner Laura Perrins told the Mail On Sunday: “We’ve now got to the point where state collusion with this transgender agenda is endangering the health of women.  “It’s a ludicrous use of NHS resources to invite men for a cervical smear test, while it’s immoral and dangerous not to invite women.”  This comes after the British Medical Association advised members not to call pregnant women “expectant mothers” but “pregnant people” instead"
If only there was some piece of information on a medical record that could solve this problem... Of course the liberal answer will be to create a new field on it about the patient having a cervix. Too bad they will need many more fields to cover other sex-differentiated body organs

CIA recruitment ad profiling 'cisgender millennial' mocked on Twitter - "The ad follows an unidentified 36-year-old Latina CIA agent, who identifies as a "woman of color" who has been "diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder." "I am intersectional, but my existence is not a box-checking exercise," the agent says in the video , later adding that she "refuse[s] to internalize misguided, patriarchal ideas of what a woman can or should be."...   The video, which speaks little of the qualifications needed to work at the CIA or what the job entails, was mocked on Twitter by users who slammed the ad as an appeal to "woke millennials."
'I hope the CIA actually is hiring fail brain millennials with debilitating anxiety like in the ad. that would be hilarious. Sam Fisher getting captured and tortured because the analyst working on his mission is hyperventilating due to being quote tweeted'...
'Still can’t get over this CIA video... woke id politics officially co-opted by the world’s most destructive intelligence agency. I remember warning about this danger like 7 years ago and getting smeared for it by tumblr types'
'The CIA used to be about mission to country. (I speak from experience)  Now it’s now about demanding — and getting — accommodation to fix an emotional wound or advance a personal agenda.  America is less safe with this new CIA, and dangerously more political.'...
The CIA's appeal to a diverse audience follows the Federal Bureau of Investigation hiring Scott McMillion as its first chief diversity officer."

George Takei on Twitter - "Welcome to the party, Caitlyn Jenner. You're stunning inside and out."
George Takei on Twitter - "Caitlyn Jenner is no friend of the LGBTQ community. Don't call her an actvist. She's a menace."

George Takei Kicked Caitlyn Jenner Out of LGBTQ Community - "Leftists carry on about how courageous and stunning you are when they assume you have the same opinion as them on anything. Disagree on any single issue, and they suddenly have no use for you. Caitlyn Jenner was the cat's pajamas when she provided progressives an excuse to signal their virtue. Everyone celebrated when she dropped a deuce in Donald Trump's bathroom.  Yet she answers a question from a TMZ implying that there is a single issue she disagrees on, and she might as well go back to calling herself "Bruce." Much inclusive. Very tolerence."

Counter-terrorism probe launched after trans officer is deluged with hate

Urging change of gender to be criminalised | News | The Times - "Adults who try to persuade children to change their gender will face criminal sanctions under government plans. From next spring it will be illegal to convince someone to change their sexuality or gender identity, with extra safeguards to protect adolescents. Government sources suggested that individuals working for organisations such as Mermaids, a charity that supports young people with gender dysphoria, could face criminal sanctions if they were found guilty of encouraging under 18s to change gender. Under the proposals, medical professionals such as psychiatrists and doctors will escape sanctions. Informal advice sought from family and friends will also not be criminalised. However, all other counselling offered to children under 18 will be outlawed and adults will have to consent to take part in therapy... The case of Keira Bell, a 24-year-old woman who began taking puberty blockers as a teenager before later detransitioning, is understood to have influenced Truss’s decision to include gender identity counselling in the ban. Bell met Kemi Badenoch, a junior equalities minister... “We also can’t support the proposals for people to ‘consent’ to conversion therapy — a practice that is abusive cannot be consented to”"
How come people can "consent" to a sex change even though it leaves permanent physical traces unlike conversion therapy?

Polls Show Growing Rejection of Transgenderism - "The shift is detailed by a September poll from the pro-transgender Public Religion Research Institute. The group’s poll shows a steep three-year drop in support for boys playing in girls’ sports, and for the ideology’s claim that people’s sense of personal “gender” is unconnected to their biological sex. “One-third of Americans (36%) believe that these [male] students should be allowed to participate in [female] sporting events,” according to the survey of 5,415 adults, which got very little press coverage. That is a one-third drop from 2018 when 50 percent of Americans said they were okay with male transgenders playing in girls’ sports. More fundamentally, the poll showed a two-year, one-third drop in the share of people who believe there are additional genders than male and female. In 2021, only 17 percent of Americans strongly believe there are multiple “genders,” down from 24 percent in 2019... The greatest shift has occurred among Republicans and independents... the poll likely understands public opposition to the aggressive transgender agenda, which now includes increasing demands for lesbians to have sex with men who claim to be women. For example, the poll’s authors fully accept the transgender language,  likely nudging non-political respondents towards their pro-transgender preferences."

There are only 5 Black trans elected officials across the entire United States
Being black and trans are adequate qualifications for a job, apparently.
What about Black Trans Gay Muslims, who are even more oppressed?!

Trans woman accuses TSA of targeting her at airport security - "Transgender model and activist Rosalynne Montoya posted a TikTok sharing her experience of how horrible it is to travel as a trans person when going through airport security.  Ms Montoya says that she gets immense anxiety even though all of her documentation lists her gender as female – which she recognises is a privilege not yet available to every trans person.  At security, she says that as a woman and looking like a woman she loves having cis-assuming privilege in places in which she feels unsafe, such as an airport.  However, going through the scanner which has male and female settings, she always has “an anomaly” which triggers an alarm when scanned as a female. In the instance she relates in the TikTok video – titled “TSA is transphobic” – Ms Montoya says the female TSA agent asked her if she had anything in her pants, to which she replied no... Ms Montoya then told the agent that she is trans and asked to be patted down instead.  The agent’s solution was to ask if she wanted to be scanned as a man instead.  “I didn’t, but I ended up doing it, and then my boobs set off the scanner – because of course,” said Ms Montoya. “So, I tried to make a joke out of it and said don’t worry there’s just a bunch of plastic in there.”... The example given in the post in a common occurrence for trans people as scanners are not programmed to recognise them.  In a follow-up video, Ms Montoya said the true problem with transphobia at airport security is a systemic one as it is rooted into every system of power in the nation.  “The root solution is to believe transgender people when they tell you who they are,” she says.  “We should stop enforcing gender roles and trying to fit people into these boxes that no one truly fits into.”  She also said that the TSA needs to remove the gender settings from its scanners and that she does not want to be patted down by a man or scanned as one."
Maybe terrorists will pretend to be trans and complain about discrimination to get past security

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