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Saturday, December 18, 2021

Links - 18th December 2021 (1 - Trans Mania)

Wilfred Reilly on Twitter - "However you answer it, the relevant question as re trans athletic competition and such isn't "Are .2% of people inter-sex?" Sure. It is: "Should the 99.8% of self-ID'd trans-women who WERE born as biological males with penises always be treated as female?""

Meme - "Kumail Nanjiani @kumailn - Traditional masculinity is a disease."
"donna eldridge @fritkis - Testosterone is problematic in oh so many ways."
"Clemente @ClemenAlberto This is deeply transphobic"

B.C. father arrested, held in jail for repeatedly violating court orders over child's gender transition therapy - "A B.C. father who objects to his teenage child’s gender transition therapy was arrested on Tuesday and put in jail until at least Friday for repeatedly speaking publicly about aspects of the case... The case stems from C.D.’s battle to prevent his child — A.B., as the child is known — from receiving gender transition hormone therapy... At age 11, A.B. knew he was male and, at age 12, began to socially transition, says a 2020 court decision, “enrolling in school under a chosen male name and using male pronouns with his teachers and peers.”E.F. took him to a number of psychologist appointments when the teen was 13, when “persistent discomfort with his body led him to want to take steps to appear more masculine.” By August 2018, A.B. had met with an endocrinologist setting out a hormone treatment plan.C.D. objected. In December 2018, C.D. went before the Provincial Court of British Columbia to prevent the treatment without his consent. That application successfully prevented A.B. from seeking treatment. Further applications were made before the Supreme Court of British Columbia by A.B. — who wanted to be declared able to make his own health decisions — and C.D., who sought to prevent treatment and bar a variety of groups from counselling him regarding treatment. On Feb. 27, 2019, Justice Gregory Bowden ruled that A.B. was able to consent to medical treatment... the court issued a conduct order, saying the father couldn’t discuss his son’s medical treatment, mental health or treatments with anyone other than legal counsel, doctors or others allowed by the court. The father also must refer to A.B. by his preferred name and pronouns."
I remember when we were told that it was only right wing conspiracy theorists who believed that parents could have their children taken away from them for standing up to trans mania. This isn't too far off

The successful treatment of a gender dysphoric patient with pimozide - "There was an excellent response to pimozide 2 mg daily, with a cessation of both cross-dressing and the wish for sex reassignment. When, after 1 year, the dose was reduced to 1 mg daily, there was a rapid return of the cross-dressing and the wish for sex reassignment. An increase in the dose again led to a remission which has been maintained since then."
Transphobic and literally denying the existence of trans people! No wonder this was from 1996, a less enlightened time. No wonder now "conversion therapy" is banned!

Sports Illustrated featured a transgender black Asian person for its swimsuit edition and the media can barely contain its excitement - "This individual, "Leyna Bloom," also has black and Asian heritage, checking so many intersectionality boxes at once that the woke media's head exploded."

How common is intersex? a response to Anne Fausto-Sterling - "Anne Fausto-Sterling s suggestion that the prevalence of intersex might be as high as 1.7% has attracted wide attention in both the scholarly press and the popular media. Many reviewers are not aware that this figure includes conditions which most clinicians do not recognize as intersex, such as Klinefelter syndrome, Turner syndrome, and late-onset adrenal hyperplasia. If the term intersex is to retain any meaning, the term should be restricted to those conditions in which chromosomal sex is inconsistent with phenotypic sex, or in which the phenotype is not classifiable as either male or female. Applying this more precise definition, the true prevalence of intersex is seen to be about 0.018%, almost 100 times lower than Fausto-Sterling s estimate of 1.7%."
The trans squad should note that interex isn't even the same as trans

Instead Of Traditional Warfare, Chinese Military Will Now Be Trained To Shout Wrong Pronouns At American Troops | The Babylon Bee

/pol/ - Elliot Moose, is on the loose - Politically Incorrect - 4chan - ">mutilates body
>takes hormone reversing medicine
>grafts skin
>undergoes surgery to attach frankenstein penis
>body is in constant state of repair
>massive drain on cellular repair
>huge stress on youthfulness
>actually look like cancer patient without cancer
>intentional restrictive diet
>body in dire need of nutrients and calories
>gets positive reinforcement for this"

Gad Saad on Twitter - "Sex designations on birth certificates offer no clinical utility, and they can be harmful for intersex and transgender people. Moving such designations below the line of demarcation would not compromise the birth certificate’s public health function but could avoid harm."
"@NEJM Yes! It is scientifically silly to classify people based on their biological sex for a sexually reproducing and sexually dimorphic species. Do you remember when you scoffed and mocked my testimony, dear @SenateCA members? I warned about this exact possibility. [Also retweeted.]"

Facebook - "No clinical utility?Like… None whatsoever? Men and women don’t react differently to various illnesses, medications, and don’t have specialized conditions that require special attention based on biology?Comrade Lysenko in someways is stronger than ever."
When the New England Journal of Medicine has fallen as well. So much for the "myth" of the slippery slope

Girl Rushed To Hospital For Emergency Gender Reassignment Surgery After Showing Up To School With A G.I. Joe | The Babylon Bee - "The school superintendent made it clear that once Abby returns to school as a boy, she will be allowed to play with the action figure again during recess.   When asked whether Abby's parents would be notified, the superintendent replied: "Goodness, no. Her parents don't need to hear about any of that. They're probably religious weirdos anyway. No, these decisions are best left to experts like us.""

Opinion: Animals Deserve Gender Pronouns, Too - "A group of more than 80 people with an interest in animal welfare, including Dr. Jane Goodall, have signed a letter calling on the editors of the Associated Press Stylebook to change their guidance so that animals in news stories would be identified as "she/her/hers and he/him/his when their sex is known, regardless of species, and the gender-neutral they, or he/she, or his/hers when their sex is unknown."  News organizations, including NPR, often follow the guidance of the AP Stylebook...   The proposed change might seem difficult to imagine right now. But consider how the care we take with personal pronouns for humans has changed over the past several years."
The "myth" of the slippery slope

Use transgender pronouns or face possible dismissal: new guidelines for NI’s 23,000 civil servants - "during the period when there was no government in Northern Ireland, the civil service altered its rule book to say that all workers must use whatever words transgender people want, or face disciplinary action – and possible dismissal.
Time to memory hole all the claims that using pronouns was a sign of respect and wasn't to be made mandatory, and those who claimed it was were "far right" conspiracy theorists

Cancel Mob Calls 'American Horror Story' Star Sarah Paulson 'B*tch, C*nt, Whore,' for Not Declaring Pronouns - "  The cancel mob descended after Sarah Paulson fired back at a random Twitter user who had ordered the Emmy-winning actress to declare her pronouns. Paulson replied that she didn’t like being told “what do do.”... Some even attacked Paulson’s partner, Two and a Half Men actress Holland Taylor... Sarah Paulson previously egged on a cancel mob that targeted author J.K. Rowling for her views on transgenderism. The actress told Rowling to “shut up” and supported calling the author a “transmisogynist.”"

New BC ruling makes it mandatory to share your pronouns in court

Prof who refused transgender student's pronouns wins in court - "An Ohio college professor who resisted his school’s orders to go along with transgender students’ preferred pronouns has won his First Amendment case before a federal appeals court.  In a unanimous ruling, the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said that Shawnee State University violated Prof. Nicholas Meriwether’s rights of free speech and free exercise of religion by punishing him for resisting school rules that forced him to address students in the terms of their choosing...   “The First Amendment interests are especially strong here because Meriwether’s speech also relates to his core religious and philosophical beliefs,” Judge Amul Thapar wrote... “If professors lacked free-speech protections when teaching, a university would wield alarming power to compel ideological conformity”"

Here’s a thread about how “tree/treeself” are pronouns you MUST use... just in case you’re still on the fence about wokism. - "this Australian actor Keiynan Lonsdale, saying reporters need to stop misgendering him and use his preferred pronoun of "tree."... This actor, as you may have guessed, also has a fluid sexuality that changes every day"

Think you got an A on your UPenn nursing final? Think again. You forgot to ask your imaginary patient their preferred pronouns and announce yours as well, so now you're getting a B. - "the class is NURS 164: Integrated Human Anatomy, Physiology & Physical Assessment II—a class required for graduation... Keep in mind that this is a NURSING PROGRAM.  It's not Gender Studies, it's not Feminist Theory, and no, it's not even JoUrNaLiSm... using correct pronouns is now just as important in nursing as washing your hands and wearing gloves?!?!... You can get the entire "Neck & Thyroid" portion of the exam DEAD WRONG and you'll still not lose as many points as you would for botching the pronouns."

Canada’s gender identity rights Bill C-16 explained - "If someone refused to use a preferred pronoun — and it was determined to constitute discrimination or harassment — could that potentially result in jail time?  It is possible"
Addendum: The CBC needs to be deplatformed for spreading fake news, since liberals keep telling us that Jordan Peterson was wrong and spreading a right wing conspiracy theory when he said that you could be sent to jail for using the wrong pronouns.

Howard Levitt: Recognizing a person's pronouns is not an 'accommodation,' but a basic employer obligation - "As per the tribunal member’s decision, this is not an ‘accommodation’ but a legal obligation that every employer and co-worker holds towards people in their employment.   For many people the concept of gender‐neutral pronouns is new. Many attempt to undo the “habits of a lifetime” and, despite best intentions, make mistakes. Human rights law is concerned not with intentions, but rather with impact...   The issue remains open whether an employer or coworker could refer to the employee by their name rather than by these pronouns. It is likely that, if they referred to everyone else as he or her, but the cisgender employee by that person‘s name, they would still be liable. The psychologist Dr. Jordan Peterson first became famous because of his refusal to use what he referred to as often “made up words” describing other genders. He predicted what has occurred. This is no longer merely a political debate but one enforced by law with punitive sanctions."
This will surely help gender non-conforming people get jobs

'I'm not a bigot' Meet the U of T prof who refuses to use genderless pronouns - "JP: The mere fact that professor Peet would like to be addressed by a particular pronoun does not mean that I am required to address him by that pronoun. That doesn't mean that I deny his existence or the existence of people who don't fit neatly in binary gender categories. I reserve the right to use my own language and I'm perfectly willing to take that to its conclusion. If it's the case that I can't use my language the way that I see fit, because I'm using my language to formulate and articulate the truth in the clearest manner I can possibly manage and if that lands me in legal trouble — well, so be it...
CO: A lot of people in the trans community have suffered a great deal because of discrimination, because of not being recognized. This is something that is one step, they believe, toward that recognition.
JP: Yes, well the mere fact that they believe it doesn't mean it's correct.
CO: But don't you have an interest in seeing them accommodated? Do you see the value in…
JP: It depends on the nature of the accommodation and at what price? I don't believe that it's reasonable for our society to undermine the entire concept of binary gender in order to hypothetically accommodate a tiny minority of people...
CO: Isn't it also the role of a society to make people feel included and to have inclusiveness?
JP: No. It's not the role of society to make people feel included. That's not the role of society. The role of society is to maintain a modicum of peace between people. It's not the role of society to make people feel comfortable. I think society is changing in many ways. I can tell you one thing that I'm very terrified of, and you can think about this. I think that the continual careless pushing of people by left wing radicals is dangerously waking up the right wing. So you can consider this a prophecy from me if you want. Inside the collective is a beast and the beast uses its fists. If you wake up the beast then violence emerges. I'm afraid that this continual pushing by radical left wingers is going to wake up the beast."
One of the articles from 2016 on Peterson's prescience. This is a great takedown of the nonsensical trans claim that refusing to use their newspeak means you're literally denying their existence

Chris Selley: Jordan Peterson, hero of the anti-PC crowd, just keeps winning - "“It does seem to me rather tacky that he has been posing as a victim of PC prejudice and representing himself as at risk of jail or dismissal from his job,” says Ronald de Sousa, an emeritus professor of philosophy at U of T. Lawyers’ opinions have convinced de Sousa that Peterson has nothing legitimate to fear from the law, and nothing except a “tut-tutting letter” — which he calls a “regrettable decision” — to fear from the university administration... If Peterson’s fundraising numbers are astounding, perhaps the astounded have underestimated the fury being inspired by modern preoccupations like white privilege and cultural appropriation, and by the marginalization, shouting down or outright cancellation of other viewpoints in polite society’s institutions... “History has shown that political correctness, and all that comes with it, is the first step on a very dark path,” says Philip Sibbering, a games designer in the U.K. who contributed to the Rebel-sponsored crowdfunding effort. Sibbering notes the intellectual intolerance of the Nazis, which all of society now rejects, and of the Marxists, which all of society does not. “Any research that could allow us to understand the root cause and effect that brings political correctness into being is vital.”... "Working in narrative film, I have a vested interest in any kind of remedy for politically correct thinking, which I see as among the most significant of threats to artistic expression""
So much for lawyers' opnions on Peterson having nothing legitimate to fear from the law. The BC Human Rights Tribunal disagrees

Pronouns Are No Joking Matter - "“At some point, this dame is going to say the snickerers are accessories to murder.” And sure enough!... True story: at one high school where a friend of mine’s kid went a couple of years ago, there was a biological female who considered herself “genderfluid,” and who would get mad at others if they called her by the wrong pronoun. She changed pronouns irregularly, and expected everybody to somehow know whether she was male or female or neuter that day. And the school accommodated this insanity!... What’s funny about this is the knots people twist themselves up into to avoid having to deal with the givenness of their bodies, and of the world — and, in turn, how spiteful they are towards people who don’t take their boutique problems as seriously as they themselves do... it is wrong to bully people who suffer from gender dysphoria. It is wrong to bully people period. But activists and their allies construe any and all opposition to their theories and practices as bullying and bigotry. This is madness, and if we can’t laugh at the rigid extremes that they’re trying to impose on society — if we can’t make fun of any kind of their bullying of the rest of us — then that tells you something about what these woke totalitarians have in store for the rest of us. Sometimes, humor is the best way to resist something dangerous. I think we can all agree that Nazism is in most cases not a joking matter, but a world in which Mel Brooks’s hysterical satirical number “Springtime For Hitler,” from The Producers, is verboten is not a world that any of us should want to live in. It is hilarious that the leader of a national political party cannot explain the difference between males and females, and says that to pose the question itself is bigoted. And it is also hilarious that her political party was wiped out in the election, and that she herself lost her seat in Parliament... The fanaticism of adults like Kat Jercich is driving radical changes in society, changes that destroy the lives of real people, and real families... The Washington Post has a fresh op-ed up from an autism activist who denounces critics of the 16-year-old climate activist Greta Thunberg, who is on the autism spectrum, as — surprise! — bigots... People call Greta Thunberg a child not because she’s autistic, but because she’s 16 years old... This is special pleading. It would certainly be cruel to mock Thunberg because of her autism, but Thunberg’s parents have chosen to allow her to take the world stage to advocate for her cause. She uses extreme rhetoric (e.g., in a co-bylined column a couple of weeks ago, she wrote “Colonial, racist, and patriarchal systems of oppression have created and fueled [the climate crisis]. We need to dismantle them all.”) But nobody can legitimately criticize any of this, according to the Post contributor, because doing so makes you bigoted against autistic people and women."
Tellingly, authoritarians hate humour, since it undercuts them

Man Driving Alone In Carpool Lane Informs Officer His Preferred Pronoun Is 'They' | The Babylon Bee

MoD tells staff to state name, rank and gender pronoun | News | The Times - "Officials have been told to state their preferred gender pronouns in meetings at the Ministry of Defence, where a civil servant acts as a trustee of Stonewall. Dunni Alao was described as a “fierce proponent” of Stonewall’s agenda when she was announced as a trustee of the lobby group in June. She is understood to be a civil servant at the MoD, which published an “inclusive language” guide, advising all service personnel, staff and contractors how to discuss sensitive subjects such as gender identity. The MoD guidance, which appears to lift some sentences verbatim from Stonewall’s glossary of terms, claims that “not all women are biologically female” and advises MoD staff to be careful using the word “female”, in case it “erases gender non-conforming people and members of the trans community”. It also encouraged MoD personnel to publicise their preferred pronouns on their email signatures, on their social media profiles and at the start of meetings and presentations, in order to make their transgender and non-binary colleagues feel more comfortable... The MoD confirmed this week that it had paid Stonewall £80,312 over five years, mainly on fees for the Royal Navy, the British Army and the Royal Air Force to join Stonewall’s diversity champions programme."

Concerns We’re Heading For ‘Misgendering Crisis’ As 61% Of Brits Never Ask About Pronouns - "A further 86% of Brits do not understand one of the most likely impacts of misgendering someone is negatively affecting their mental health."
"Trans fragility" needs to be made a thing

ESL Students Learn New Gender Pronouns | We the Internet TV - YouTube

Thread by @ConceptualJames - "I got asked to explain the pronouns thing in DM...  The first thing is that it's about "acceptance" and "inclusion." As it stands, trans and gender nonconforming (GNC) people don't go by the pronouns they were born with. Everyone else does. So if EVERYBODY declares their pronouns, it makes it not weird to declare pronouns. In short, if trans/GNC people have to declare their pronouns, but no one else does, that marks them as "different," which under a Derridean understanding of power dynamics in language automatically implies "worse." (Butler tied in Foucault here too.) This is postmodernism. So... So, if EVERYONE declares their pronouns all the time, then trans/GNC people aren't forced to mark themselves as different (read: abnormal, read: less good) people. That's more or less the primary thing behind the push to make everyone declare their pronouns all the time. Does this make anyone feel particularly comfortable? No, it doesn't, but it makes everyone the same uncomfortable, which is better than only some people being put on the spot and made uncomfortable this way. That's not the point. The point isn't achieving good; it's "justice." Achieving a net-negative outcome for everyone is, to the Theorists and activists pushing the pronoun thing, preferable to some (certain) people having an "unjust" experience. That's really important. Most people being worse off is better than a few people having a tough break.  Then, there's that it's a validating thing. If EVERYONE uses announcements of pronouns, then announcing one's pronouns is validated as a normal thing to do, something we all do, so it's not weird that some people like GNC people feel like they have to do it while others don't. Everyone having to announce pronouns all the time "validates" the trans/GNC experience around pronoun use, which is otherwise "invalidated" by "cisnormative assumptions." And that "invalidation" is why they say that cisnormativity "literally" denies their humanity.  The theory says that dominant groups exercise power/privilege and marginalize/oppress other groups by mere virtue of that power/privilege (which is rooted naturally in their dominance). This thus confers a responsibility on the dominant group to take pains to undo those problems. Asking a minoritized group to shoulder their burden has lots of names depending on the circumstances, including exploitation and responsibilization. (You're not allowed to ask or tell a minoritized group to take responsibility for their own problems, as that's Theoretically BAD.) Here's the kicker. Getting everyone to announce their pronouns all the time won't solve the problem. It won't be good enough because once it's achieved, everyone will realize that most people are still cis (if that's even a word), and *that* will become the problem.  The fact that most people use cis pronouns will be a way that cis people "dominate" because it's most common, and it will be inappropriate for cis people to announce pronouns while also being required that they do so. So traditional pronouns will become the next object of attack. In Theory, the thing that is "problematic" is anything that can be construed to offend, "dominate," "oppress," or "marginalize," so the fact that most people get to use cis pronouns will become problematic, and them doing so will be billed as performative and false. Pro-tip: ANYTHING can be construed to offend, "dominate," "oppress," or "marginalize," so if the goal is to find offense or claim some kind of oppression, it's just a matter of crafting the right kind of complaint, no matter how tendentious or forced. Theory will allow it. In fact, if other objects in Theory are any guide (e.g., allyship, especially), cis pronoun use will be both required and problematic (performative, positioning oneself well, etc.) long before it would be universal. Cis people will not be allowed to do it right. That's Theory!"
Good explanation of virtue signalling and the slippery slope

Beware the proliferation of preferred pronouns - "Baron may be correct when he says that pronouns cannot be mandated from above. But this has not stopped the pronoun police from trying. Brighton and Hove City Council has a ‘my pronouns are’ campaign which encourages people to wear badges indicating their preferred pronouns, warning that ‘making assumptions can be hurtful and distressing’. Many universities’ student unions now distribute ‘pronoun badges’ for their students to wear. According to the police, failing to respect a person’s self-declared pronoun can be a form of abuse and may even be deemed a hate crime.  The main concern in the past was with the way pronouns could be used to disenfranchise a group of people from the right to vote and from employment, turning some into second-class citizens. Today’s campaigns have a more individualist focus; the intention is to achieve recognition as a unique and vulnerable individual, as can be seen in the smorgasbord of pronouns that are available to choose from, and how failure to use a person’s individual preference is said to be deeply hurtful to them. It is a demand for our feelings to be protected by the state. The public exhibition of one’s preferred pronouns is also intended to signify the moral sensibilities of the individual. Those who declare their pronouns are advertising their awareness, unlike the unenlightened mass of people who fail to declare. In this sense, the public presentation of pronouns is akin to the wearing of a crucifix in a more religious age, or the wearing of badges or ribbons in the current one. In each case, the intention is to signify adherence to the cause and demonstrate to the world your moral status. The pronoun is merely a means to an end.   Of course, just as people are free to wear the old religious symbols, so they should be free to advertise their commitment to contemporary orthodoxies. But when politics becomes focused on pronouns, this can only be because it has been stripped of any wider social, political or historical significance. Political action has been replaced with a demand for personal recognition."

“No, You Can’t Have My Pronouns!” - "Despite being promoted as a gesture of support and inclusion, Levin described several examples where the practice of asking a person’s pronouns had a contrary effect. It can force transgender students to choose between lying or publicly disclosing their transgender status to a roomful of strangers on the first day of a class. Or, it can imply to a transgender person that they’re not successfully presenting their gender in a way that’s consistent with their gender identity.  Others have written how the provision of gender pronouns highlight a person’s gender, often to the detriment of women. These examples show how even well-intended gestures of inclusion can have unintended harmful consequences... Requests to “give your pronouns” purport to be an inclusive gesture aimed at creating a more welcoming space for transgender and gender non-binary people. But they’re actually an exercise in power; a form of social coercion that only masquerades as inclusion. In linguistic terms, such requests “position” the recipient of the request against their will and without their permission.  Requests for pronouns offer those present three choices: respond honestly to the request; refuse to respond; or lie. I hope it’s clear that lying is neither ethical nor consistent with the creation of an inclusive or welcoming space where everyone is free to be their authentic selves. But refusing to respond or rejecting the request can come with potentially negative repercussions. That’s because requests for one’s pronouns often occur in social settings marked by an imbalance of power — the classroom, the workplace, community organizations, etc... Acceding to requests for one’s pronouns does not mitigate the imbalance of power that accompanies such requests. Nor does failing to recognize that pronoun requests can be coercive or making such requests with benevolent intents. Just because such requests are well intended doesn’t mean they don’t occur in social contexts marked by power inequity.  Thus, a request for “your pronouns” isn’t a request at all. It’s a subtle but powerful demand that effectively dis-ables the recipient of the request and threatens negative consequences for any questioning or resistance... The messy, personal, and ongoing quality of gender cannot be adequately captured by gender pronouns that imply our gender is stable, fixed, or constant. It is in this sense that all gender pronouns are, at best, provisional, and, at worst, lies. My gender now is not the same as my gender when I typed these words... Requiring people to give an account of themselves in terms of gender is a form of what trans legal scholar Dean Spade has termed “administrative violence”: the kinds of everyday violence committed by agents and agencies of the state that are “just” following the rules or doing their jobs.  Driver license applications, medical intake forms, college applications, etc. all routinely ask applicants to disclose their gender in terms provided by the requesting authority... Given that, why would those who argue that gender is fluid want to confine anyone within static gender boxes? Why would gender expansive people want to institutionalize the practice of demanding others give an account of themselves in terms of gender? Why would they want to amplify a system well known to oppress transgender and other gender-expansive people?... In the context of widespread demands that citizens make themselves legible to the state in terms of gender, refusing to give an account of oneself in those terms represents a kind of resistance to an oppressive gendered regime of knowledge. Institutionalizing a practice that coerces others to give an account of themselves in terms of gender seems contrary to that project... The solution to this conundrum would seem to be to stop thinking about people in terms of gender or making assumptions about a person’s gender identity (and their gender pronouns) based on their physical appearance. But that ignores the fact that gender isn’t only a personal trait, characteristic, or attribute.  Gender is a complex social institution reproduced through numerous social practices and communicated through vehicles of cultural expression like art, music, literature, mass media, and (most relevant here) language. If gendered pronouns didn’t exist in the language, the entire practice of “giving your pronouns” would have no need to exist. All pronouns would be gender-neutral. Everyone would always already know the appropriate pronouns to use when referring to others. But transforming oppressive conventions of gendered language and the salience of gender to individual social identity will not occur through coercive practices that require everyone give an account of themselves in (predetermined, insufficient, and inaccurate) terms of gender."

Teen Won't Change Name To Make Trans Classmate Comfortable: AITA - "“A guy (15-year-old male) at my (14-year-old female) school transitioned from female to male and goes by a different name now.”  “Last year, he went by a female name.”  It didn’t take long for OP to become heavily involved, whether she wanted to or not.  “I have a pretty common name, and my name is the same as what his dead name was.”  “He constantly complains and makes exaggerated cringing noises when people say my name in front of him.” What happened next surprised OP.   “He asked me if I could go by a common nickname that people with my name use while in class. Think along the lines of shortening Isabella to Bella.”  “I was like ‘are you kidding me?? No way.’ This is the name I’ve been called all my life, and I’m not changing it. And I also think nicknames are juvenile.”  But there was an impasse.   “He passive-aggressively said in class today ‘you can really sniff out the hidden bigots when they refuse to do something simple to make your existence more comfortable and safe. They always tell on themselves’.”"
As a famous SJW says, "A slur is a knife – You don’t get to decide how sharp it is but the person at its tip". What a bigot!

How Miley Cyrus' 'Preference' Remarks Show Underlying Transphobia - ""Girls are way hotter. We know this,” the 28-year-old bisexual said in an interview with Sirius XM’s Barstool Radio. “Everyone I think can agree that from ancient times d*cks makes wonderful sculptures. Other than that, I’m not as interested. I like d*cks as art pieces. And sculptural, I love the shape, I think it looks really good on a table."...   She dug in even deeper, adding, “everyone knows that tits are prettier than balls... That’s what ended up making female relationships make more sense to me."  I wish I could say this news makes me excited and proud to be a woman and a lesbian, but Cyrus' quote is littered with transphobia. This kind of gender essentialism was left behind by most of the queer community years ago. Genitals do not equal gender, and Miley should know this."
Maybe this is why most people don't care about the queer community

Shitlords United - Posts | Facebook - "This poor girl is being dragged for being transphobic when this guy messaged her talking sexual bullshit then accused her of being transphobic when she turned him down."

The Student Brexit Group - Posts | Facebook - "The University of Liverpool  are telling their students that “genital preferences are transphobic” Who knew it was transphobic to have a preference! "
Comment (elsewhere): "Remember when their argument was “it doesn’t effect you, you do you care?” Now apparently if I’m not willing to suck lady dick I’m pretty much alt right."
Suck the dick, bigot!

Meme - "@trutsle Remember like ten years ago when it was just about gays getting married.
Transgender book for TEENS includes account of 6-year-old performing oral sex and 'liking it'"

Transgender book for TEENS includes account of 6-year-old performing oral sex and 'liking it' - "A transgender book for teens which contains graphic descriptions of oral sex carried out by children as young as six is being promoted in the youth sections of local libraries, according to Kirralie Smith, director of Binary Australia.  The book, Beyond Magenta: Transgender Teens Speak Out, tells the story of six young adults and their journey to embracing transgenderism. An excerpt of the book, shared by Binary Australia, gives a shocking account of a six-year-old performing oral sex on the “guys in the neighbourhood” and enjoying it, without any mention of it being illegal or harmful.

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