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Friday, December 17, 2021

Links - 17th December 2021 (1 - George Floyd Unrest)

VDARE on Twitter - "The mass shooting of six whites by an ex-NFL player sure fell out of the Regime Media's interest quickly... Their Names Are Adah And Noah Lesslie: Two White Children Among Those Whites Murdered By Black NFL Player"

Meme - "When i remember i joined the BLM march when george floyd died and the same people i marched with ended up vandalizing my house that night"

Nolte: Democrat-Run Portland and Minneapolis Are Burning ... Again - "The Democrat-run cities of Minneapolis and Portland are both on fire … again. Over the weekend, in Democrat-run Portland, the left-wing terrorists in Antifa tried to burn down government buildings with people in them … again. In Democrat-run Minneapolis, the left-wing terrorists in Black Lives Matter burned and looted and rioted … again...   Isn’t it odd how us Trump voters are relentlessly smeared as violent, racist, and anti-environment, and yet, out where we all live and all own guns, it’s peaceful, there are no racial problems, and our air, water, and streets are safe and clean?... Yep, after a year of almost non-stop rioting in that lost city, left-wing Antifa terrorists are still lighting government buildings on fire, and doing so with no fear of punishment because Portland is run exclusively by Democrats and Democrats refuse to prosecute Antifa because Democrats consider Antifa to be their own personal Brownshirts.  And so, over the weekend, while Rural MAGA Americans like myself enjoyed peace and harmony, Portland’s Antifa monsters “set a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement building on fire while agents remained trapped behind blocked doors.”... Meanwhile, Democrat-run Minneapolis — where Democrats have had a monopoly on power for decades — is on fire again.  LOL.  A little over a year after Democrat-run Minneapolis was ravaged by riots and lootings over the death of George Floyd, who died while in the custody of the Democrat-run Minneapolis police force, a whole new wave of rioting launched on Sunday after a member of the Democrat-run Minneapolis police force shot and killed a 20-year-old man during a traffic stop.  According to various news reports and social media postings, it looks as though the left-wing terrorists in Black Lives Matter, numbering in the hundreds, punched in and went back to work... There’s no  explanation for Democrats choosing to live like this other than this is a deliberate lifestyle choice."

Facebook - "Good news that no one showed up at White Lives Matter rallies around the country. In fact, counter-protests were out in full force. Which means the race hustling narrative has been exposed for the fraud that it is, right?  It means the blue-check class, elite media and network news will stop fear-mongering about pervasive white supremacy now?  Who am I kidding. I am far too cynical to believe that."

Federalist Perspectives - Posts | Facebook - "They rioted in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.  Felon screams at officer, tries to stab officer. Officer runs away. Felon is faster. Officer kills felon. Bodycam footage released immediately. BLM riots anyway. Tell me apologists... what are their goals again?"
On Ricardo Munoz

"This is not an isolated sentiment. A look at the comments of the New York Times article on this shows that the predominant reaction is at best sarcasm and snark about whether the cops deserved to be shot."

There Is No Defense of Looting - The Atlantic - "NPR’s Code Switch published an interview with Vicky Osterweil, the author of In Defense of Looting: A Riotous History of Uncivil Action. NPR summarizes the book as an argument that “looting is a powerful tool to bring about real, lasting change in society.” If the real, lasting change you wish to effect is burning society to cinders and crippling for a generation its ability to serve its poorest citizens, then I suppose I am forced to agree. Osterweil sees an upside... Osterweil’s argument is simple. The “so-called” United States was founded in “cisheteropatriarchal racial capitalist” violence. That violence produced our current system, particularly its property relations, and looting is a remedy for that sickness. “Looting rejects the legitimacy of ownership rights and property, the moral injunction to work for a living, and the ‘justice’ of law and order,” she writes. Ownership of things—not just people—is “innately, structurally white supremacist.”... She reserves her most pungent criticism for advocates of nonviolence, a “bankrupt concept” primarily valuable for enlisting “northern liberals.” Liberal is pejorative in this book. Martin Luther King Jr. is grudgingly acknowledged as a positive figure, but not as positive a figure as he would have been if he had kicked some white-capitalist ass and put a few pigs in the ICU. The “I Have a Dream” speech was, Osterweil writes, “the product of a series of sellouts and silencings, of nonviolent leaders dampening the militancy of the grass roots” and “sapping the movement’s energy.”... By now you have guessed that I am not the audience for this book. I have a job, and am therefore invested in building a system where you get paid for your work and pay others for theirs, and then everyone pays taxes to make sure that if these arrangements don’t work out, you can still have a dignified life. (Easily my favorite line in the book was written not by the author but by her publisher, right under the copyright notice: “The scanning, uploading, and distribution of this book without permission is a theft of the author’s intellectual property,” it says. “Thank you for your support of the author’s rights.”) My job sometimes entails traveling to countries recently or currently destroyed by civil unrest, and that experience has made me appreciate the fragility of peace, and has not made me eager to conduct a similar experiment in my own city. I am also from recent-immigrant stock. Osterweil euphemizes looting as “proletarian shopping,” and no one from a place that has recently experienced this phenomenon can take seriously her assurance that it can happen justly and bloodlessly. When I think of riots and smashed storefronts, I think of Kristallnacht. I think of American businesses built by penniless immigrants who preferred to forfeit their vacations and weekends for 30 years rather than see their children suffer as they did; I think of these businesses ransacked in 30 minutes and left in ruins. Osterweil at least has the psychology right when she says that looting can be “joyous and liberatory.” I have never seen a sullen looter, but I have seen plenty of shop owners crying next to the smoking remains of their children’s future. Absent from this book is even fleeting recognition that anyone (or nearly everyone) might prefer the current nonrevolutionary arrangement. Osterweil does not say what property-less system of government or anti-government she prefers, but I suspect it is not democracy, a term she uses only sneeringly. Nor is it clear how she intends to move from the past disgraces and present unrest to her goal, whatever it is, other than by rioting and stealing things until morale improves. What do you do when the free stuff runs out, the businesses and ordinary people who invested in your city decide not to make that mistake again, and—oops!—a few shopkeepers get beaten to death?... Osterweil is unable or unwilling to relate to anyone at all with anything resembling a sense of humanity. Comrades and enemies alike are described without compassion, emotional detail, or distinction as people endowed with feelings or moral complexity. Once cast as a villain, a villain one remains, with no intricacies of the human condition explored under any circumstances... Osterweil’s great class war has only two sides, so a working-class Korean woman is effortlessly enlisted on the side of the white-supremacist cisheteropatriarchs. Osterweil quotes a communist magazine: “Just as Jews were in 1965, Koreans in 1992 were ‘on the front-line of the confrontation between capital and the residents of central LA—they are the face of capital for these communities.’” As explanations of communal violence go, this is contemptibly inane. Her conviction that her opponents deserve violence would be easier to abide if it were not obvious that nearly everyone counts as an opponent. Up against the wall are members of the media; “liberal commentators, de-escalators, nonprofiteers, right-wing trolls, vigilantes, and, of course, the police”; clergy who physically intercede between cops and protesters; and Nation of Islam members whose crime was to “broker a peace between gang leaders” and “chase looters” from neighborhood stores. You are not safe, at least not forever, even if you yourself are a victim of racism or capitalism. Perhaps you think that Dr. King’s speeches were more inspiring because he did not deliver them with a rifle in his hand, like Saddam Hussein. People like you are not part of the real civil-rights movement. “They must allow the real movement to change them,” Osterweil writes, “or they can only live to see themselves become its enemy.”... “A lot of people who consider themselves radical or progressive criticize looting. Why is this so common?” I might have led with: “What do you think will do more for your community—a store that employs six people, or in that same location, a pile of bricks and broken glass?”"
Meanwhile liberals still tell us no one is defending looting



Apple Store in Portland that ‘turned itself into a BLM memorial’ was set on fire last night - "Rioters in Portland sure didn’t seem impressed by Apple’s support for the Left’s causes."

Meme - Authoritarian Left:
Authoritian Right: Officers shouldn't be breaking up black teens knife fights
Libertarian Left: Officers shouldn't be breaking up black teens knife fights
Libertarian Right:"


Studies show no consistent evidence body cameras reduce police violence - "A study in the Criminology & Public Policy journal published last year looked at 70 other studies into body-worn cameras and found the technology had statistically insignificant impacts on police and citizen behaviour... A trial published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America in 2019 also found the cameras "did not meaningfully affect" police behaviour on outcomes that include complaints and use of force.  A six-month study by Western Australia Police Force in 2016 actually found a small increase in use-of-force incidents when officers wore the cameras."
This suggests that the police are not actually uing force inappropriately

Phoenix police release body camera footage in officer-involved shooting - "Police were talking with a 29-year-old man in a parked car Saturday while investigating an aggravated assault case. The man rolled up his window, showed police a gun and told officers to shoot him.  One officer broke the side window of the car to distract the man and two officers fired their guns, striking the man... the Phoenix Police Department identified the officers involved in the incident to be 29-year-old Noel Trevino and 31-year-old Gregory Wilson."
Damn police brutality!

White People Rioting for No Reason
So much for the language of the unheard
Does this also apply to the George Floyd riots?

Facebook - "Shared anonymously to protect the identities of those involved -  "I've recently started working w a biotech company that manufactures COVID-19 tests. Someone at the company w me had a zoom meeting with a company he recently signed--about 20 or so people from the company were on the call. During one brief point in the call, he was demonstrating our test kit and how to use it (since it's take-home self-testing). During that short period, 4 people complained to the CEO of the company about a painting that was behind him in the Zoom call. They assumed the painting was of a slave and said it was racist The CEO told him that some employees were upset about this, and he replied as follows: “It is extremely inappropriate for any employee to use a call about employee safety to promote their identity politics. The print behind me is from Haiti where I have worked in hospitals every year for the last 10 years and my family is heavily involved in charity medical missions and runs a non-profit hospital. The liquor company ad is from a (Jamaican owned company popular in Haiti) and the print is not of a slave. We are working to help keep your employees and their families safe and provide testing that would otherwise take two-four weeks or more to complete. I am not obligated to discuss politics or social justice on a business call but I would be happy to explain to the upset employees.”""

Revisiting “Measuring the Problem”: Separate Examination of Police Contact in Serious and Nonserious Offenders - "In their 2012 article, Pollock, Oliver, and Menard found that race was not a significant predictor of being arrested or questioned by police... the current article sought to reexamine predictors of police contact in greater detail... Results indicate that race does have an indirect effect on police contact, but it is White individuals who are more likely to be questioned and arrested. In addition, other factors including low parental socioeconomic status (which is associated with ethnicity), previous police contact, and gender are more likely, than even involvement in crime, to determine if a person will be questioned or arrested"
Clear structural racism against white people since whites are more likely to be arrestes and questioned by the police!

Meme - "I'm so hurt. I'm barely surviving and not only did y'all burn my job (Walgreens) down but the grocery store in my neighborhood was looted for what. Now my mom can't get her prescription or food. How was this "for us"? #ChicagoRiots"

Brendan Gutenschwager on Twitter - "“If we don’t get it, burn it down.” Marchers chant as they cross Pennsylvania Avenue #DCProtests #DC #MOW2020 #MarchOnWashington"

Brendan Gutenschwager on Twitter - "“Who do we protect? Black criminals!” Protesters chant through several groups they defend in the community #DCProtests #BLM #DC"
Since they openly admit it...

Large Turnout At Memorial For Hans Gruber Who Was Thrown From A Building By A Police Officer | The Babylon Bee

The Associated Press advises suppressing the truth about riots - "America’s most influential media stylebook is discouraging the nation’s newspapers from reporting on mass urban violence, on the grounds that writing about what’s happening is “stigmatizing.”  That’s right: The Associated Press Stylebook, whose standards are followed by countless outlets, last week announced new guidelines around reporting on riots.  After a “D’oh” definition of “riot,” the guidance preached: “Focusing on rioting and property destruction rather than underlying grievance has been used in the past to stigmatize broad swaths of people protesting against lynching, police brutality or for racial justice, going back to the urban uprisings of the 1960s.”"

Facebook - " The new AP guidelines say "Limit use of the term Looting. Some have long viewed the word as carrying racial overtones. Sensitivity is heightened now in light of President Trump's 'looting and shooting' tweet." There are no racial overtones to the word "looting" or the word "thugs". The meaning of those words are self evident and the color of the perpetrator's skin has nothing to do with it. No one complained when President Obama called the Baltimore rioters "thugs," and many people praised him. The controversy only began when Donald Trump used the same words. Professor Christina Sommers is a Democrat but not a fan of the phrase "undocumented immigrant." She instead says "illegal alien." In response to AP, Sommers jokingly says that instead of looters we should call them "non-traditional shoppers.""

Lawyers accused of torching NYPD car stuck in plea negotiations - "Two lawyers charged with hurling Molotov cocktails at an empty NYPD van during a Black Lives Matter protest in Brooklyn last summer are still trying to hammer out a plea deal with Brooklyn federal prosecutors, it was revealed in court Thursday.  During the virtual hearing, defense lawyers for Urooj Rahman and Colinford Mattis requested an additional 90 days to work out a disposition"

Scholar forced to resign over study that found police shootings not biased against blacks
Cambridge Uni promotes academic who tweeted 'white lives don't matter' to professor after she's sent death threats

Free Black Thought on Twitter - "Racial trauma can be deadly for Black people. Here are five ways to cope with it."
"First the media traumatize you with incessant, disproportionate, de-contextualized, misleading race-based messaging and images, and then they kindly offer you a salve for the inevitable resulting stress they've caused you to feel."

And Just Like That, Joe Biden and the Democrats Stopped Liking Riots - "poof – just like that, Democrats now conclude that the “Summer of Love” is over.  CNN’s Don Lemon has delivered them a news flash and a piece of advice. The unabated riots that both he and CNN Chris Cuomo are aiding and abetting are upsetting voters. And it’s showing up in the polls... Biden, who heretofore failed to denounce a single thing about the violent rioters and looters, all of a sudden is having a change of heart. He’s a changed man. It’s all so clear to him now"

Republicans push ‘tsunami’ of harsh anti-protest laws after BLM rallies - "Florida is the most recent state to bring in legislation which critics say would crack down on demonstrations, infringe free speech rights and potentially disproportionately target people of color, while other states have pursued anti-protest bills which could even prevent those convicted from receiving public benefits.  Republicans in Florida’s house of representatives passed the controversial Combating Violence, Disorder, and Looting and Law Enforcement Protection Act at the end of March. The law would increase penalties for participating in broadly defined “violent” protests – the vast majority of Black Lives Matter protests have been peaceful – and make it a felony to deface monuments if damage is more than $200... Mike DeWine, the governor of Ohio, signed a new law which would increase penalties for protests near “critical infrastructure”"
Weird. Why would peaceful protesters be afraid of laws against violence?

'Anti-Protest’ Bill Passes Ohio House - "  People who protest oil and gas pipelines and other infrastructure in Ohio could face stiffer penalties, under a bill passed by the Ohio House December 17. It was previously approved in the state Senate.  The bill creates heavier penalties for trespass and tampering of critical infrastructure like oil, gas, electric, water, telecommunications, and railroads"
According to the Guardian, peaceful protests include trespass and tampering

Meme - "Black Lives Matter means a black woman wearing weave made from the hair of a dead Uyghur slave from Xinjiang lecturing an upwardly mobile working class Hispanic police officer about perpetuating white supremacy and untangling his anti-blackness"
"Scoop: U.S. seizes 13-ton shipment of Xinjiang human hair products
The wigs are suspected of being made through forced labor in China."

Ian Miles Cheong @ stillgray.substack.com on Twitter - "Black Lives Matter protesters at the NY CHAZ brag about their college educations and mock the police for being uneducated, working class, illiterate rubes. They also call a black cop “black Judas” or race traitor.
The dancing they/them in the skirt who’s yelling at cops is your new normal because you tolerated too much and were taught to think that tolerance was to be a virtue in and of itself."

Activist Calls for Doxing of Wives and Families of Law Enforcement Officers: 'They Should Be Held Accountable' - "An anti-Trump activist has suggested the family members of law enforcement officers should be publicly named and held accountable for their “reign of terror.”  Amy Siskind, a feminist author from New York, tweeted a photo on Friday of a law enforcement officer arresting a “protester” early Thursday morning after she crossed a fence line set up around the Mark O. Hatfield US Courthouse. “It would be helpful if we could start to identify these storm troopers,” Siskin said in the tweet to her half a million followers. “This monster has a mother. Maybe a wife and family. They should be publicly named – and of course held accountable when this reign of terror is over.”"
Andy Ngô on Twitter - "Officers currently don’t display names because of incitement to violence like this. Instead they wear an ID badge code, adding a layer of protection to their families"

ABC News on Twitter - "Protesters in California set fire to a courthouse, damaged a police station and assaulted officers after a peaceful demonstration intensified."
If a peaceful protest intensifies, shouldn't it become even more peaceful?

Facebook - "I've noticed an interesting phenomenon that when white people who are ostensibly sympathetic to the BLM movement sustain violence or mistreatment at the hands of the police, or recall such incidents, this somehow reinforces their belief that police violence and mistreatment is a unique problem for black people. Three examples:
1) Minneapolis woman recalls run-in several years ago with Derek Chauvin...
2) White history professor gets hit in the head with an anti-riot projectile while carrying water and providing a human meatshield for rioters in Portland...
3) Jimmy DiResta, prominent YouTuber and leader of the "maker movement"--who I happen to admire a lot--recounts having a gun pressed to his head by NYPD circa 1995 in a case of mistaken identity."
When you beg the question, you can prove anything

Sargon of Akkad - Posts | Facebook - "Stop believing stereotypes that are told about black people in America
Murder: White 44.1%, Black 53.3%"
Rape: White 68.1%, Black 28.6%
Robbery: White 43.5%, Black 54.2%"
"13% of Americans are Black, I don't think this is proving the point they think it does."

Where are all you gun owners now? - "A friend of mine posted about seeing this: “Where are all you gun owners now that the federal government and police are attacking citizens in the streets?? Now that the National Guard is out oppressing citizens? I thought this was the moment you’re waiting for? So why aren’t you out there fighting them with your guns? You’re nothing but a bunch of fucking cowards!” My response was the GIF of Nelson Muntz going HA HA... every single gun nut in America has spent their entire adult life being continually mocked, insulted, and belittled by the left. You’ve done nothing but paint us as the bad guys...  In the news, everything is always our fault. If there is a mass murder, we can always count on the vultures to swoop in and blame America’s gun culture. They flog it for weeks on end, 24/7 coverage, hoping for gun control. And if the identity of the shooter doesn’t fit the narrative, it drops off the news in mere hours. And then at the local, state, and federal level, legally speaking, the left fucks us at every opportunity.  You ban everything you can get away with. You ban things that literally make no sense. You ban shit just out of spite. When we fight back against gun control laws, you declare we are stupid because only the police should have guns (hey, aren’t those the guys you are protesting right now?)... you did everything in your power to chase gun owners out of your sainted liberal strongholds. You passed laws. You banned everything we like. Forced all the shooting ranges to close. Forced most of the gun stores to close. And just generally let us know that our kind is not welcome there. But now you’ve started some shit, YOU want US to go into democrat cities, with democrat mayors, and democrat police chiefs enforcing democrat policies which cause strife among democrats, in order to get into gun fights on your behalf?... we all know that literally 30 seconds after a gun nut blows away a government employee on your behalf, then all the national media coverage of the riots will instantly cease (sorta like the Corona Virus coverage did) and it’ll be back to the news breathlessly reporting about right wing extremist gun nuts, and all you useless fucks would go back to whining for more dumb ass gun control. You’ve already thrown the black community under the bus, cheering as their neighborhoods get burned and yours are safe. Seriously, white liberals are the shittiest “allies” in history, and your moral foundation has the consistency of Play-Doh. Your moral compass is a wind sock.  Just a little while ago, gun nuts had a massive peaceful protest in Virginia. Tens of thousands of people turned out to protest gun control proposals from a democrat with a penchant for wearing black face (he still considers himself an “ally” though!) They didn’t break any windows. They didn’t kill any puppies. They didn’t burn any horses. They didn’t flip any police cars or murder any security guards. They were downright boring. They were polite, and even cleaned up their litter. Except then you called them domestic terrorists, and were super sad that they didn’t get massacred by the government (said government you are now mad at for killing people, because again, you fuckers ain’t exactly consistent)"

Right-wing media calls attention to anti-Semitic posts by Jacob Blake's father - "Jacob Blake Sr. made a slew of anti-Semitic and anti-white posts on Facebook in 2018 and 2019, including comments that refer to “the Jewish controlled media” and insinuate that Jews in Pittsburgh were warned before the shooting at a synagogue there that killed 11 worshipers. He also expressed support for Louis Farrakhan, the Nation of Islam leader whose rhetoric includes virulent anti-Semitism."

Exclusive: BBC rules that staff should not wear Black Lives Matter badges on air - "The BBC has decided its presenters and guests should not wear Black Lives Matter badges as the campaign was accused of “hijacking” George Floyd’s death for political reasons... It comes as a number of high-profile organisations were forced to backtrack on their support for the Black Lives Matter movement as its UK arm publicly criticised Israel and called on the British government to “defund the police”...   “The BBC cannot be seen to support any kind of cause over another, and Black Lives Matter is certainly a campaign”... Tottenham Hotspur became the first football club to publicly break with the movement after Black Lives Matter UK issued a barrage of tweets suggesting British politics had been “gagged of the right to critique Zionism”... Hertfordshire Police appeared to row back on earlier advice it issued to its officers on whether they should 'take the knee' at Black Lives Matter marches.   In June the force said that while it is a "personal" decision, the symbol of solidarity receives a "positive reaction" from protesters and officers who choose not to do it "may become the focus of the protesters' attention".  Assistant Chief Constable Bill Jephson of Hertfordshire Police conceded today that 'taking the knee' isn't always "appropriate"... Northumberland County Council removed a post on its social media pages that had endorsed the Black Lives Matter group.   Conservative councillor Peter Jackson said the BLM organisation had “definitely strayed into the political arena” and it was therefore inappropriate for the council to publicly support it.  “It’s quite clear to me and to possibly the silent majority that there are a number of what you would call political extremists creating what looks more like a political movement than a race equality movement,” he said.   “When we get mindless vandalism, when we get talk of de-funding the police and attacks on the police, and when we get people effectively trying to rewrite history, it looks likes a political movement to me”"

VIDEO: Bodycam Shows Mother Chasing Deputy With Knife Before Shooting - "The woman – later identified as 33-year-old Ariella “Sage” Crawford – tried to pushher children off to the side of the road as she shrieked at the deputy, repeatedly yelling “I know who you are” as her children cried behind her.  Dashcam video showed she repeatedly advanced on the deputy with her knife."

Community calls for ’Justice for Sage’ - "A crowd of about 50 people gathered Friday afternoon outside the office of the Nevada County district attorney to push for more accountability in the death of Ariella “Sage” Crawford."
Interestingly, she was white. But maybe that's why there was no riot

Body Cam Reveals Black Police Officer Begged Black Man With Knife To Drop Weapon 47 Times Before Shooting - "A man was recently shot inside his home after lunging at police two times armed with a ceramic knife. Newly released body cam footage reveals the black police officer begged the man at least 47 times to drop the knife, before the man lunged at police again, prompting the gunshots that ended his life."

Family demands answers after DeKalb man shot, killed by police - "The family of a DeKalb County man who was shot and killed by police at his home Monday afternoon is demanding answers and questioning the officers’ descriptions of events. Matthew Zadok Williams, 35, was shot inside his Decatur-area condominium after police said he lunged at officers with a knife on two separate occasions.  But Williams’ mother and sisters said he despised violence, had never even been in a fistfight and was reluctant to kill insects or other pests that found their way inside his home."
Maybe liberals will accuse the police of faking the bodycam footage

Meme - "The root cause of the black slave trade in the Americas was because of blacks pimping out (selling) other blacks into slavery to the (non-white) synagogue of satan in the first place. Over 620,000 whites gave their lives to END slavery in America and NEVER has there been a thank you and now brainwashed hatefully bigoted frontline useful idiot slaves blame whites for everything that is the fault of blacks and or their synagogue of satan slavemasters. They still have slavery in Africa. You want "reparations"? Get it from the King of the African mud huts tribe or the synagogue of satan rothschild's family & good luck with that..." "Bill Mitchell @mitchellvii I'm sorry, but if you are still "struggling with slavery,' I'm still struggling with when the Vikings invaded England in the Century and enslaved my relatives. They stole our lands, burned our fields and assaulted our women. I blame all my current failures on Vikings."

Escape The Echo Chamber - Posts | Facebook - "Whatever your opinion is on the Atlanta officer shooting of the drunk driver, there is plenty of reasons to be concerned about the D.A., Paul Howard.  Earlier this month he charged police officers with using a deadly weapon on a suspect — a Taser. This week he said when charging the officer that had a Taser shot him that it wasn’t a deadly weapon.  Earlier this week Fulton, who is trailing in primary runoff, called a press conference announcing he was charging the two officers with the shooting. He did this before the investigation was completed and without even consulting the investigating agency. During the press conference he told the audience that the second officer was turned as a state witness. He wasn’t. He told the audience that the officers didn’t notify the suspect he was being arrested. He was. Fulton told the crowd that officers didn’t administer first aid. They did. He said the shooting officer would face the death penalty. The law says he won’t.  All defendants should be treated the same under the law. That doesn’t appear to be the case here."

Federalist Perspectives - Posts | Facebook - "The makers of Cream of Wheat are conducting "an immediate review" of the brand's packaging, which prominently features a smiling Black chef in light of “systemic racism.”"
"I genuinely don't care but... seriously... one begins to wonder if black people are going to be allowed to advertise anything after all of this."

Escape The Echo Chamber - Posts | Facebook - "In response to an officer who killed a man by illegally pressing a knee into his neck for nearly nine minutes, these companies have taken the following actions so that it never happens again:
• PepsiCo will change the name of a pancake syrup and remove a black woman’s image from the label.
• Mars will “evolve” their rice products.
• Walmart will stop locking up beauty products.
• Paramount will cancel its show on first responders.
• A&E will cancel its show on first responders.
• A musical group will shorten its name that was based on a time period.
With these changes unlawful police violence will never happen again. Maybe."

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