Kirsten Gillibrand on Twitter - "As #YomHaShoah begins tonight, we remember and honor the lives of the 6 million Jews who were murdered in the Holocaust. We must fight the rising threats of anti-Semitism, white supremacy, and hate here and around the world.
"You are referencing “white supremacy” whilst supposedly honouring the memory of the six million Jews exterminated? Is your moral compass this broken? Are you this bereft of scale? You are truly vile. Your need to be woke is a pathology. [I’ll retweet.]"
Facebook - "When an "Anti-Zionist" *wink wink* tells on themselves. What could a holiday that is thousands of years old that is celebrated by Jews all over the world have to do Israeli policy? The answer of course, is nothing. And yet - the 'we're not anti-semitic' crowd is advocating boycotts and those who support them based on holiday greetings to not "Israelis", or "Zionists" - but Jews. Don't fool yourself. "Anti-Zionism" has always primarily been motivated by anti-Jewish racism. People on the far left have heard it so normalized in an echo chamber for so many years they scarcely even recognize it, still imagining themselves genuinely 'not racist', even as they hope to persecute one of the most persecuted minorities in world history."
On Chanukah
Vox on Twitter - "Violent anti-Semitism spiked in America during the Israel-Hamas war. And we don’t know why."
UNRWA 'mistakenly' gave Palestinian kids textbooks calling for jihad - "The United Nations aid agency for Palestinians said it is “taking steps” to address the glorification of “martyrs” and calls for “jihad” in books it handed out to students... the books went to hundreds of thousands of students in the Palestinian Authority and Gaza. Many seem to be based on Palestinian Authority resources. Some mislabel Israel as “Palestine” or erase the country from maps of the Middle East. One Arabic grammar booklet features phrases like “Jihad is one of the doors to Paradise.” Another reads that “The Palestinians are lions in fighting the enemies.” One book has a poem about how “a raging fire awaits the Occupation,” while another states that “The motherland is worthy of any kind of sacrifice” and “the Enemy [committed] heinous offences against … the mujahideen,” Arabic for anyone fighting a jihad, or holy war. A ninth-grade social studies booklet accuses Israel of deliberately polluting Palestinian territories and spreading disease by dumping radioactive and toxic waste, the report said."
Of course this means nothing, given its long and questionable record
San Francisco State University Prof Says Jewish Pot is Making Black Men Gay - "Wesley Muhammad believes that the U.S. government and the Jews are using marijuana to make black men gay. The “Pot Plot” is a popular theory in Muhammad’s Nation of Islam cult... "It is clear that the two most powerful lobbies in America - the Jewish and the Homosexual - are hellbent on the information in this lecture, 'How To Make A Homosexualm (sic)' NEVER makes it to the public's awareness," Muhammad complained on Facebook... Wesley Muhammad's bio at the taxpayer-funded university notes that he is a lecturer in the Africana Studies Department of SFSU's College of Ethnic Studies. It mentions his publications in the Final Call newspaper of the Nation of Islam hate group, and his book, "Understanding the Assault on the Black Man, Black Manhood and Black Masculinity" which contains thoughtful chapters such as "Why Saggin is Faggin" and "Birth of the Black Man (God)". It also notes that Muhammad is a "helper of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan" and a member of the executive council of the Nation of Islam hate group, and mentions his role in Tariq Nasheed's Buck Breaking documentary which claimed that black people were a master race and that white slave owners turned black men gay... A course listing shows Muhammad teaching courses on “Black Religion” and “Malcolm X in the Context of Black Nationalism”. The courses are taught online which apparently allows Muhammad, a top official in the Nation of Islam, to teach remotely. That the Nation of Islam killed Malcolm X only adds another layer to this obscene farce. By describing the pandemic as a "pestilence from heaven", Muhammad echoed Farrakhan's remarks that the coronavirus was one of Allah's "great plagues". But Muhammad additionally claimed that "we've documented the first area codes that were devastated by coronavirus in America were Jewish area codes" implying that the virus was aimed by Allah at the Jews. A lecturer celebrating the coronavirus for allowing him to teach remotely and claiming that black gay men are the products of a Jewish conspiracy may seem out of place on today’s college campuses where a Chinese composer was forced out of the classroom for showing an Othello movie and at Yale an American Indian student faced the threat of sanctions for a party invite touting fried chicken, but there are two sets of rules. And at SFSU, the bigots have always enjoyed the second set. In the 90s, Khalid Muhammad, another Nation of Islam figure, was invited to deliver a speech by the Pan Afrikan Student Union which advertised tickets as being $7 for students and $15 for "Zionists, Uncle Toms and other white supremacists." During his speech Muhammad ranted about "hook-nosed, bagel-eating, lox-eating, perpetrating-a-fraud so-called Jews" and urged his racist audience to "use violence when necessary." These days though Nation of Islam officials aren’t just SFSU campus speakers, but lecturers. It’s all part of the ugly atmosphere of antisemitic hatred that has been mainstreamed at the public university where taxpayers pay the bills for the professors and groups that hate them. SFSU was also where, more recently, Muhammad Hammad, the president of the General Union of Palestine Students, was investigated after making violent threats toward Jews."
Since it's racist to disagree with black people...
The Top Ten Schools Supporting Terrorists - "March 25, 2015: Anti-Semitic graffiti reading “Jews – root of all evil” was found in a men’s bathroom stall in the Brooklyn College library.
2012-Present: Brooklyn College SJP members and their supporters at Brooklyn College expressed vehement Jew hatred and support for anti-Israel terrorism on social media. SJP member Ayah Aly tweeted such sentiments as “Anyone supporting Israel is living in a constant state of delusion. Exterminate yourselves” and “If you’re a zionist, you israeli the lowest piece of scum on earth.” She also tweeted that “Jews” are one of the “top10thingsIhate” and claimed that the United States government was behind the 9⁄11 attacks, stating on twitter “NeverForget this day, 14 years ago,when the U.S Government conspired against its’ own Country and blamed it on Islam.”"
Gad Saad on Twitter - "Good morning. The only threat to democracy in the Middle East is Israel"
"@miakhalifa The only one? So all of the Arab countries in the Middle East are model democracies? As a former porn star, do you think that you’d be shown greater tolerance in Gaza or Tel Aviv? Greater women’s rights in Gaza or Tel Aviv?"
Sargon of Akkad - Posts | Facebook - "This SCREAMS concentration camp uniforms to us - shame on you Giorgio Armani! Design. Production. Branding. Quality Control. NO ONE stopped for a moment and questioned this?! Via Janet Rosenblatt (StandWithUs)"
"It screams "Beetlejuice" to me, but then I don't spend every waking moment of my day thinking about the atrocities of WWII."
Apparently we cannot criticise globalists, bankers, zionists, Hollywood or the media. I thought it was racist and anti-semitic to equate all of these to Jews
This was shared by Stop Antisemitism and they got bashed by many people
Facebook - "One in custody after rabbi stabbed near Jewish day school in Boston"
"Khaled Awad attacked the rabbi. We may never know his true motives but it's probably because he was protesting Zionism.
Israeli container ship remains moored in Seattle, after pro-Palestinian groups backed by Antifa target the port | The Post Millennial - "Antifa activists have allied with the Falastyniat group, a "grassroot collective of diasporic Palestinian feminists in Seattle living & organizing at the intersection of gender justice and Anti-colonialism." The irony appears to be lost on many considering that Israel is one of the only countries in the Middle East where women are allowed to hold public office, drive a car, or even simply leave their house alone. Israel is also the only country in the region where the LGBTQ community is welcomed and not persecuted, tortured, or imprisoned... Studies have show that the BDS movement has little to no effect on Israel but rather, adversely affects retailers in other countries that are attempting to sell the products, as well as Palestinians who work for Israeli companies... Antifa allied with antisemitic activist groups during the latest conflict between Hamas and Israel. The anarchist group helped publicize events across North America commemorating the attempted mass genocide of Jews across the Middle East by Arab countries in 1948. Activists attempted to lure Jews and pro-Israel counter protesters to the events in order to assault them. Wanrnings of the plan were sent to Jewsh organizations across the US and Canada. Videos of antisemitic attacks at the events at the hands of Antifa and pro-Palestinian activists were shared across social media."
Linda Sarsour leaves Twitter over backlash from IDF tweet - "Palestinian-American activist Linda Sarsour has left Twitter following backlash over a tweet regarding the IDF’s presence in the Miami Surfside recuse mission. On July 5, Sarsour retweeted a post shared by political activist Rafael Shimunov, in which he wrote, “I really don’t understand the IDF’s involvement in rescue attempts of people tragically crushed under buildings in Miami. Their expertise is crushing buildings with people in them, not rescuing them.” Sarsour’s response, which she has since deleted, was simply two finger emojis pointing down at his tweet in agreement... In August 2015, Sarsour participated in a rally in support of terrorist Muhammad Alan, an Islamic Jihad activist who served three years in an Israeli prison for his involvement in a suicide bombing. She was forced to apologize in 2019 after saying: “Israel that is based on supremacy, is built on the idea that Jews are supreme to everyone else.”... “Shame on Linda Sarsour for this evil, heartless tweet, compounding the victims’ pain at a time when many Jewish people are still buried under rubble in Surfside, and while Israeli & American first responders work side by side to help them and their neighbors from all backgrounds.”"
Emily Wilder: unprofessional journalist, professional victim | The Post Millennial - "Emily Wilder no longer works for the Associated Press. After only three weeks on the job, the outlet fired her for violating the company's social media policy that took place after she became an employee. What she said or how she said it is irrelevant given that she should not have been hired in the first place... According to the Associated Press' stated position on journalistic ethics, a journalist's job is "to report the news fairly and accurately, uninfluenced by any person or action." Would Wilder's past activism have compromised her efforts as a journalist? The AP didn't wait to find out—nor would they have to wait for long. On Saturday, Wilder released a lengthy statement on her firing from the Associated Press and expressed quite explicitly that she intended to use her platform as a journalist "hoping to channel righteous indignation or passion for justice into impactful storytelling." "Last Monday, the Stanford College Republicans launched a smear campaign against me, attempting to 'expose' my already-public history of activism for Palestinian human rights at Stanford University," she wrote. If what they said about her was true, then how can it be a smear campaign? It's not a smear to use someone's own words against them, to paint them as exactly how they choose to portray themselves. Wilder herself says so, and yet expresses indignation toward being called out for being exactly who she says she is. Wilder adds that she hoped for the support of her editors as she "received an onslaught of sexist, antisemitic, racist, and violent comments and messages." While online harassment is always deplorable, Wilder has not, to my knowledge, produced any evidence of these comments and messages... Being a journalist is a job like any other. The job of a journalist is to report the news fairly, critically, and without a political slant. Channeling "righteous indignation" into "impactful storytelling" is not part of the job description. To be fair, no one – besides Wilder herself – is saying that she isn't allowed to speak. She can be an activist online or anywhere else. If that's her calling, then she should feel free to answer it. She is not owed a platform by the Associated Press."
Head of Canada's progressive 'Anti-Hate' network warns of 'sick rumours of violence aimed at Jews' after recent antisemitic violence | The Post Millennial - "Analyzing 77 media reports of antisemitic incidents, CAM [Ed: Combat Antisemitism Movement] found that 43 of them (56 percent) were motivated by Islamism; 14 incidents (18 percent) came from the far left; 6 were from the far right (8), and 14 (18 percent) were unidentifiable. Numbers like these leave no room for equivocation on the sources of contemporary Jew hatred. European Jews have been exposed for decades to pathological hatred from what is known as the "red-green" alliance of Marxists and Islamists. In Canada, where hate incidents of any kind rarely involve physical assaults, we have been slow to understand that it was just a matter of time before this particularly virulent infection reached our shores... Every Jew I know is feeling anxiety and fear. But Bernie Farber, chair of the Canadian Anti-hate Network (, mocked our concerns. Last Tuesday, Farber took to Facebook to scold those "[s]preading sick rumours of violence aimed at Jews" as "fearmongering" and "the worst kind of nonsense." He said advocacy groups for Jews, Palestinians and Muslims "should speak in one voice to condemn it." "It," to be clear, being Jewish fear-mongering... The name is misleading. It is not "hate groups" in general that concerns itself with. It is hate from one source only—the far right which, as the CAM numbers show, is virtually irrelevant to the escalating crisis of global antisemitism. does not hide their bias. Farber has admitted to website commenters and on Twitter that "we research all aspects of white supremacy," period, because "[w]hite supremacists pose the biggest threat in [North America]." Although erroneous, this is an article of faith amongst many aging leftists, for whom the Holocaust is the defining Jewish event of their lives. For them, Nazis—the historical brownshirt, goosestepping kind, flaunting swastikas and speaking German, along with their pathetic brotherhood of modern stooges—became the once, forever and only icon of genocidal antisemitism. They are frozen in time. They can't get their heads around the fact that neo-Nazis of that kind are low-hanging fruit for hate-bashing, because they have no credibility with any decent human being of any mainstream political persuasion. Nor do they hold any institutional power in any democracy. These Nazi-trackers seem not to—or perhaps have chosen not to, as Farber's post suggests—to grasp the reality that the head office for genocidal hatred of Jews, whose rhetoric makes Hitler look ambivalent, has shifted from Berlin to Gaza, with branch offices all over the world, staffed by fellow Islamic supremacists and abetted by privileged white progressive BDS allies in academia. These useful idiots believe they are supporting a social-justice movement that is battling "colonialism" and "apartheid" and "racism," but in fact, as has been amply documented and affirmed, including by those best placed to understand systemic antisemitism when they see it, BDS is a movement inspired by and suffused with Judeophobia... Elghawaby excluded "antisemitism" from her list of hatreds that patients deserve to be free from, even though statistically, antisemitism far outstrips Islamophobia as a hate problem in Canada... "It has come to our attention that Jewish medical students and residents feel extremely isolated and scared in the context of the ongoing crisis in the Middle East."
Clearly, it's time to crack down on the "far right"
Minneapolis Cop Kills Unarmed Black Man; Palestinian Advocates Attack Jews - "Antisemitic Palestinian advocate Linda Sarsour has made the argument that the ADL — the nation’s most recognizable Jewish organization — is responsible for police killings in America before at least two significant audiences: the 2018 Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) convention, and during the 20th anniversary of the Million Man March on Washington that was organized by Louis Farrakhan. “If you believe in the idea of ending police brutality and the misconduct of law enforcement officers across the country,” Sarsour said at the ISNA convention, “then you do not support an organization that takes police officers from America, funds their trips, takes them to Israel so they can be trained by the Israeli police and military, and then they come back here and do what? Stop and frisk, killing unarmed black people across the country.”"
Facebook - "Now that it's a Republican, the liberal press cares about blaming the Jews again."
Marjorie Taylor Greene’s space laser and the age-old problem of blaming the Jews
France top court confirms Sarah Halimi drugged murderer 'irresponsible' - "The murderer of Sarah Halimi was not responsible for his actions because he smoked marijuana prior to the crime, France’s Court of Cassation’s Supreme Court of Appeals ruled on Wednesday. The Court began its deliberations on March 4 on whether or not to overrule the lower court’s decision not to try Kobili Traoré for killing Halimi in 2017 after that decision was appealed in 2019. France's lower court decided in December 2019 to excuse the antisemitic murderer of a Jewish woman from a criminal trial because heavy intake of cannabis supposedly compromised his “discernment,” or consciousness. At the time of the ruling, the judge cited psychiatric evaluations saying Traoré’s consumption of marijuana before the incident led to a “delirious episode” that made him not legally responsible for his actions. However, the judge also said that Traoré, who is in his 30s, killed Halimi because he is an antisemite. The lower court's decision sparked outrage among the French and international Jewish community. In April 2017, Traoré, a 27-year-old Muslim man, beat Halimi, his 65-year-old Jewish neighbor, while screaming "Allah Akbar" (God is great) and antisemitic slogans before throwing her out of the window of her third-floor apartment to her death. The Wednesday verdict triggered a fresh round of outrage from Jewish organizations, upset that such a precedent would be set... According to Dalloz, France’s prominent professional and university legal publisher, the main arguments of Halimi's lawyers were that "drug addiction is not a mental illness and does not fall within the scope of psychic or neuropsychic disorders covered by article 122-1 of the penal code. The voluntary act of drug consumption constitutes wrongful behavior which excludes irresponsibility. "Moreover, since the consumption of cannabis is intended to obtain a modification of the state of consciousness, Kobili Traoré must have been aware of the risks involved in this consumption," they said. "Therefore, the consumption of narcotics is an aggravating circumstance and may not at the same time constitute grounds for exemption from criminal liability."... "[this] potentially creates a precedent for all hate criminals to simply claim insanity – or decide to smoke, snort or inject drugs or even get drunk before committing their crimes.""
Damn far right!
NFL's DeSean Jackson Posts Actual Anti-Semitic Hitler Quote Twice, Gets Slap On Wrist - "The Philadelphia Eagles announced that DeSean Jackson would be “penalized” and made to apologize for “conduct detrimental to the team” after the wide receiver posted anti-Semitic Hitler quotes to Instagram"
French far-left leader accused of spreading antisemitic trope - "When journalist Apolline De Malherbe asked him if “the police should be like Jesus on the cross and not reply” during the demonstrations, the response of Mélenchon created controversy on social media. : “Listen, I don’t know if Jesus was on the cross. I know who put him there, it seems that it was his own compatriots”.Meyer Habib, a French MP for French nationals living abroad, replied directly to Melenchon on Twitter. “No Mr. Mélenchon! A bit of history: Jesus Christ was condemned to death by crucifixion by the Roman Ponce Pilate, not by his Jewish compatriots (21’32)! The temptation was perhaps too strong to recycle the age-old antisemitic deicide trope“."
Sanhedrin trial of Jesus - Wikipedia - "Jesus... is condemned by the Jewish authorities for various accusations: violating the Sabbath law (by healing on the Sabbath), threatening to destroy the Jewish Temple, sorcery, exorcising people by the power of demons, and claiming to be the Messiah. The Jewish leaders then take Jesus to Pontius Pilate, the governor of Roman Judaea, and ask that he be tried for claiming to be the King of the Jews."
Martin Luther King on Anti-Zionism - "When approached by a student who attacked Zionism, Dr. King responded: “When people criticize Zionists, they mean Jews. You're talking anti-Semitism.”"
Anti-Semitism today: ‘Zionist’ is often a euphemism for ‘Jew’ - "On the left, I suggest, anti-Semitism is usually contentiously conflated with opposition to the policies of the Israeli government. Lipstadt does not fully accept this, pointing to anti-Semitic statements by Karl Marx and other left-wing figures, but she accepts that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the main locus, and argues that “Zionist” is often used as a euphemism for “Jew”, pointing out that Stalin used exactly the same formulation 70 years ago... “When there is a singular focus on Israel to the exclusion of all others it just raises questions.” For European Jews, the greatest sense of threat in recent years has come from jihadi terror attacks, but Lipstadt also points to surveys that reveal widespread anti-Semitism in Muslim communities across Europe... She’s highly critical of those, particularly on the progressive left, who downplay the effects of this sentiment. “It’s certainly not taken seriously by certain people in the political world. And here we are talking more about the left than the right.“If you do not present as a person of colour or as a poor person then you can’t be a victim of prejudice. Now of course the idea that the people on the left see Jews as white is ironic, because people on the far right see Jews as not white.”... an anti-Semite who truly hates you out of conviction is on some level at least honest about what he or she is feeling. But someone who just will use it because it’s efficacious is more disturbing."
David Baddiel vs woke anti-Semitism - "David Baddiel’s Jews Don’t Count is a short, sharp attack on ‘progressive’ attitudes towards anti-Semitism. As such, it makes for a compelling polemic. As Baddiel characterises them, progressives are a broadly left-leaning coalition who ‘define themselves as being on the right side of history’. You can find them on the one-time Corbynista wing of the Labour Party, or hash-tagging their support for Black Lives Matter, or maybe penning op-eds for the Guardian. They are not necessarily ‘classically left-wing’, as Baddiel puts it, given many are none too concerned with economics and the interests of ‘the working man’. Rather, they are interested in fighting what is best thought of as a cultural battle, promoting the ‘right’ attitudes and, above all, tackling all forms of prejudice.All except one, that is. And this prompts the question that fuels Baddiel’s anger. Why do progressives treat Jews differently to all other identity groups?... In 2019, actress Seyi Omooba was starring in a production of Alice Walker’s The Color Purple, when some homophobic Facebook messages of hers from 2014 came to light. She defended them on the grounds that they were justified by the Bible. In 2017, Alice Walker herself published a poem, ‘To Study the Talmud’, which rehearsed old anti-Semitic tropes about Jews drinking Christian blood and promoting paedophilia. She could claim this was based on a reading of the Old Testament... Think, for example, of film director Ken Loach’s willingness to dismiss anti-Semitism as an understandable reaction to Israel’s actions, which, in the progressive lexicon, would surely qualify as a case of victim-blaming. Or Jenny Tonge, a one-time Lib Dem MP and now denizen of the House of Lords, who, in an attack on a Zionist tweeter asked rhetorically why it was that Jewish people have been persecuted throughout history. Again and again, Baddiel shows how Jews are the exception to the identitarian rule. Cultural appropriation is wrong, progressives contend. Except if it’s Jewish culture being appropriated, from bagels to salt beef. Minority actors must play minority roles, progressives assert. Except if it’s Italian American Al Pacino playing the Jewish lead in Hunters (2020) or Gary Oldman playing Citizen Kane screenwriter Herman Mankiewicz in Mank (2020). That’s the same Gary Oldman who, in 2006, defended Mel Gibson after his infamous anti-Semitic rant, saying: ‘Mel Gibson is in a town that’s run by Jews and he said the wrong thing because he’s actually bitten the hand that I guess has fed him, and doesn’t need to feed him anymore because he’s got enough dough.’... progressives, at some level, always see Jews as privileged. Indeed, they are still presented, as per the old anti-Semitic conspiracy theory, as close to, perhaps even manipulating, the powerful. And they are increasingly, as per the new right-on conspiracy theory, seen as white, and therefore part of the white-supremacist cabal ruling the world... ‘[F]uck off about money. Because money doesn’t protect you from racism. As I say, some Jews are rich. My grandparents were: they were industrialists in East Prussia. They owned a brick factory. They had servants. By the time they were fleeing to England with my mother as a baby in 1939, however, that had all been robbed from them. And by the end of the war, most of their family – and therefore a large section of mine – had been murdered. It doesn’t matter how rich you are, because the racists will smash in the door of your big house that they know you don’t deserve anyway and only own because you’re Jews.’... it is difficult to warm to Baddiel’s ultimate objective. Which is not to overcome the divisive and increasingly manichaean logic of identity politics, pitching identity groups into infernal battle with one another, but rather to win Jews a better position on the battlefield. Or as he puts it, ‘Jews should be understood as somewhere in the ME section of BAME’. Surely we all can do better than that."
Progressives treat Jews like whites
Natan Sharansky: Why BDS Fails My 3D Test on anti-Semitism | Opinion - "I came up with what I call "the 3D test for anti-Semitism"—the three Ds are demonization, delegitimization and double standards... when we use the 3D test for anti-Semitism we can easily distinguish between legitimate criticism and anti-Semitism. These 3Ds—demonization, delegitimization and double standards—are the three main tools that anti-Semites employed against Jews throughout history. For thousands of years, Jews were demonized, they were charged with blood libels, with poisoning wells, and, later, with controlling the global banking system. The Jewish faith and the Jewish claim to nationhood was delegitimized. And double standards were applied to Jews, either through the imposition of special laws—from the Middle Ages in Europe, to the Russian Empire and Nazi Germany— or through de -facto government policy discriminating against Jews, as I experienced in the Soviet Union.Throughout history, demonization of Jewish people, delegitimization of their faith or nationhood, and double standards applied to Jews created fertile soil for pogroms, expulsions and genocide... This week Israel's Ministry of Strategic Affairs released a report that provides great detail on the links between BDS and anti-Semitism. The report cites over 80 examples of leading BDS activists and organizations making statements or promoting content that is anti-Semitic."
Why even black and brown-skinned Jews are "white imperialists" - "In Britain and America, as we have seen over the past few weeks, a movement is under way to rewrite American and British history with the aim of changing the culture. The charge is that white society is endemically racist... Leave aside the fact that such demonization of white society is itself racist. Leave aside, too, the fact that Britain and the United States have long flagellated themselves over colonialism and slavery through their educational systems.It you listen carefully, you’ll hear something pulsating beneath the anger about “white privilege.” In the complaint that colonialism isn’t taught, there’s something much more distressed: the cry that black people can’t see themselves in the picture of western society that’s being taught. Back in the 1980s, it was claimed that black children couldn’t be expected to relate to education unless they saw themselves in the stories it told. So instead of teaching them about the unique institutions and events that had made Britain or America what it was, they would be taught about what was said to be their own history under British colonialism and American slavery.They wouldn’t be taught the truth that colonialism and slavery had been universal. They would be taught instead that these were the special sins of white society.In fact, this was the best way to keep black people marginalized. For to take their place as equals in British or American society, they needed to be taught first and foremost about the culture in which they were living. To succeed in a different culture requires being taught it. If that teaching is censored, such children will always be at a disadvantage... Jews (other than the ultra-orthodox) have never felt threatened by being taught western culture. While they are deeply concerned by the failure to stop antisemitism, they have never felt wounded to their very soul because their oppression isn’t sufficiently recognized in the British or American education curriculum.After all, if every antisemite was excised from western history or literature, there would be precious little western culture left at all. Diaspora Jews don’t need to be validated in that culture because Judaism places such high priority on constantly educating Jews themselves in their identity and purpose in life.In stark contrast, those most insistent that western society has to be reframed around the history of black enslavement and colonial oppression perhaps feel most adrift in the world.This gets translated into an intense resentment at the society whose culture is (or was) defined and confident. Worse still, in the vacuum created by an education system that repeatedly tells them they are victims of rapacious white society, their identity has become constructed around that resentment.Many factors are fueling this black sense of dislocation. First is the prevalence among African-Americans and Afro-Caribbeans of shattered family backgrounds... children with fragmented family backgrounds suffer a range of lasting disadvantages and problems —one of which, especially among boys and young men, is an inchoate rage at the world.Which is why so many from such backgrounds, black and white, drift into educational failure, drugs and violent crime. Conversely, minorities such as the Jews, Indians or Chinese are most successful because of their strong, traditional family lives. The second factor is the absence of religion. Not only do religious rituals and observances provide a crucial structure of support, but no less important is the sense of purpose and meaning they bring to otherwise rootless lives.Third, those who define themselves as the descendants of slaves do not have a collective history in which they feel they can take pride.Last, but by no means least, is a particularly baleful phenomenon. In his book The Tyranny of Guilt, Pascal Bruckner pointed out that, while slavery has been practiced across the world, it was the west which abolished it. Yet as he asked, why is it only the west that is blamed for it while Africa and Asia are exonerated from all responsibility?The answer is white guilt, as Shelby Steele pointed out in his 2006 book of that name.Black rage, he wrote, seizes its opportunity from the perceived weakness of the white oppressor, even when there is no injustice. Black rage started rising in America after the great civil-rights victories were won in the ’60s. White guilt then made racism into “a valuable currency for black Americans”. It gave them a political identity with no real purpose, except the manipulation of white guilt. The subsequent Black Power movement articulated Marxist dogma, which went like this. Capitalism created power and oppression; white people were capitalists, so white people were powerful oppressors; Jews were behind capitalism, so Jews were oppressors; capitalism was bad because it was white; Jews were white because they were capitalists.This doctrine was then turned into a toxic cultural poison by the immensely influential Columbia University literature professor Edward Said. He fused American racism and European colonialism, and represented Palestinians as the essential darker-skinned “Orientals” who were its supposed victims. At a stroke, he thus transformed Israel into the every embodiment of white supremacy."
During the 1834 Peasants’ Revolt in Palestine, both sides attacked Jews - "The Peasants' Revolt was an 1834 rebellion against Egyptian conscription and taxation of Arabs in Palestine. Egyptian general Ibrahim Pasha attempted to take over all of Palestine, but at one point he went to Jaffa and the Arabs of Jerusalem started their revolt."
Clearly just anti-zionism
Labour's rot goes far deeper than Jeremy Corbyn - "For more than 30 years I have witnessed the hard-Left's anti-Semitism, intimidation and abuse firsthand – and it is still alive today... In 2006, I became part of a cross-party special select committee investigating anti-Semitism in the UK. Concerned as I had been about reports of anti-Semitism, I was nevertheless unprepared for some of our shocking findings, among them the conclusion that while anti-Semitism still infested the National Front-style groups on the far-Right it was on the Left of politics that it was growing fastest."
This is ridiculous. Apparently, the weenies at SNL got nothing left but anti-Semitic jokes. - "In order to do good comedy, you have to know what's true – something that's impossible if your baseline version of reality is based on Wokeism and #OrangeManBad.But what do you make fun of when Donald Trump is no longer around to be your comedic punching bag? Why, make fun of the Jews, of course!... See, their version of "truth" that makes the joke funny to them is that they believe Jews in Israel absolutely hate Palestinians and regularly try to kill their families with... democracy, due process, and civil rights?Their doctors even provide life-saving medical care to those who say they want their children to grow up to murder them."
Madonna Instagram post of Louis Farrakhan video racks up 700,000 views
Facebook - "In today’s world, Farrakhan is indeed a more dangerous messenger than almost any of the white nationalists who agree with him. Why? Because David Duke does not have the adoration, amplification, and normalization by celebrities and other mainstream figures that Farrakhan does.How many more black celebrities (and here white celebrities) must be seen openly celebrating this man before we realize this? In a country where anti-Semitism is still the number one hate crime, and disproportionately, most of those hate crimes aren’t being committed by far right groups, this is objectively more dangerous. White people and leftists care far more about canceling aunt Jemima and “racist“ packaging at Trader Joe’s then they do about a man who gets the adoration of celebrities while comparing Jews to insects. Eerily similar to the shoulders that are shrugged when China puts Muslims in concentration camps. "
162 Democrats Vote Against Amendment to Protect Jewish Students from Antisemitism at School - "This GOP amendment was rejected by 164 members of the House, including over 70% of the Democratic members. That includes 13 of the 27 Jewish members of the House, as well as Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), who was voted ‘Antisemite of the Year’ in 2019 by The Jerusalem Post."
Liberals only care about anti-Semitism when they can use that to shit on white people
California ethnic studies course accuses Jews of 'racial privilege' - "“students will study the philosophy of the Nation of Islam,” the anti-Semitic cult led by Louis Farrakhan.The model curriculum also contains large sections exploring the Black Lives Matter movement, such as “Black Lives Matter and Resistance to The Prison Industrial Complex and the criminalization of youth in LA and across the country.”The full text of the ethnic studies model curriculum was posted to the California Department of Education website on August 13, 2020, for a 30-day period of public review, during which “members of the public are invited to submit comments.”Last month, Gov. Newsom signed into law a similar bill, AB-1460, which requires students at California State University to complete an ethnic studies course in order to graduate."
Antisemitism | UIC | Intersectionality | White Privilege - "Most of the hateful fliers disparaged American Jews as privileged whites and connected this alleged ‘Jewish privilege’ to social injustice in the U.S. Others drew on classic antisemitic tropes of Holocaust denial and the new form of Jew-hatred in which Israel is compared to Nazi Germany... An investigation could reveal that the whole thing was an elaborate hoax designed to make progressive faculty and student groups look bad. It certainly wouldn’t be the first time something like that has happened. In fact, there are many instances where progressive causes or products appear so outlandish that it’s hard to tell whether they’re real, or if someone is just trying to pull their leg. It’s so common we have a tag for it: Progressive or Parody?Still, if an investigation reveals that the fliers are a hoax, it’s a hoax that’s believable precisely because the UIC is a campus hotspot of virulently anti-Israel activity and the fliers closely parody intersectional theory... It’s just the latest example of what we’ve been highlighting in dozens of posts in recent years: antisemitic verbal, and even physical, assaults on Jews and Zionists happen on campuses with a hostile anti-Israel culture—typically due to the presence of active BDS campaigns, a strong and visible SJP group, and a coterie of pro-BDS faculty committed to advancing the theory of intersectionality.Intersectionality—a radical perspective that dominates in the humanities and the soft social sciences—creates a ‘safe space’ for the indoctrination of a biased and false view of Israel and the Middle East conflict. Intersectional analysis asserts that Israel is a colonial, apartheid state complicit in perpetuating, along with its U.S. ally, a global white power structure that oppresses people of color.Given such an ideology, it’s not such a stretch to go from depicting Israel as a racist state and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as racially-constructed to casting American Jewish supporters of Israel as privileged whites.So the distribution of these screeds of Jew-hatred is the logical end result of allowing anti-Israel intersectionality theory to take root across the UIC campus. In other words, it really doesn’t matter whether someone or some group of people on the hard-left or the hard-right created and distributed the fliers. Either way, this incident should compel a sober assessment of why antisemitism is being mobilized by the UIC campus culture."