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Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Links - 24th November 2021 (2) (General Wokeness)

Remember That Story Of Women Attacked On A Bus in London? YUP Fake News - YouTube
Tim Pool points out that from the CCTV of the Melania Geymonat case, one of the lesbians (Christine Hannigan) actually started the physical violence by attacking one of the boys - punching him in the face - and that none of the media are pointing out this very important fact

Boy’s sentence increased for ‘homophobic’ abuse of bus couple - "The boy – who cannot be named due to his age – admitted using threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour to cause harassment, alarm or distress against the two women. He also admitted theft of Geymonat’s handbag and handling Hannigan’s stolen phone. The handbag and phone were later recovered after the 16-year-old was arrested at his south London home.  Andrew Mooney, defending, said the boy had not thrown coins or made homophobic gestures like his co-defendants. But the chair of the magistrates, Peter Bullet, increased the sentence due to the homophobic nature of the incident in general."

Boy given court order for homophobic abuse of couple on bus - "The court also heard the 15-year-old handed the 17-year-old coins that he then threw at the couple, prompting a scuffle between Hannigan and one of the teenagers.  Shortly before the trial, all three admitted using threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour to cause harassment, alarm or distress against the two women."
Tellingly, none of the 3 were hit for attacking the lesbians

Report: Satire Is Great, As Long As It Never Targets Any Of My Own Beliefs | The Babylon Bee
Liberals get around this by claiming you can only "punch up"

Meme - "@EricaJoy - 2021 ally challenge: if a product, service, or company is built by either all men or all white people, you don't use your platform (social, newsletters, blogs, etc) to champion it, promote it, or help it gain traction (yes, even if it's a portfolio company, VCs). who's in?"
"You are writing this trash in a language evolved among white people, using the internet which was invented almost entirely by white men. Feel free to boycott both, the world will be a better place for it."
SJWs can refuse to use modern medicine and die off, leaving the world a better place

Being Classically Liberal - Posts | Facebook - "Leftists tend to hate anything that has an image of being strong, good and  successful. They hate America, they hate Western civilization, they hate white males, they hate rationality. The reasons that leftists give for  hating the West, etc. clearly do not correspond with their real motives.  They SAY they hate the West because it is warlike, imperialistic, sexist, ethnocentric and so forth, but where these same faults appear in socialist countries or in primitive cultures, the leftist finds excuses for them, or at best he GRUDGINGLY admits that they exist; whereas he ENTHUSIASTICALLY points out (and often greatly exaggerates) these faults where they appear in Western civilization. Thus it is clear that these faults are not the leftist’s real motive for hating America and the West. He hates America and the West because they are strong and successful. Words like “self-confidence,” “self-reliance,” “initiative,” “enterprise,”  “optimism,” etc., play little role in the liberal and leftist vocabulary.  The leftist is anti-individualistic, pro-collectivist. He wants society to  solve everyone’s problems for them, satisfy everyone’s needs for them, take care of them. He is not the sort of person who has an inner sense of confidence in his ability to solve his own problems and satisfy his own needs. The leftist is antagonistic to the concept of competition because, deep inside, he feels like a loser."

The anti-porn religious lobby just destroyed the livelihoods of thousands of pornographers - "Pornhub's new policies will have the most devastating effects on marginalized pornographers. People of color and trans performers, for example, have found spaces for individual entrepreneurship online, in an industry that historically would rarely hire them. We must recognize that Pornhub's censorship and the move to restrict payment processing for all sex workers will have the most devastating effects on the most marginalized."
Trust Salon to put a SJW angle on this
I like that they blame the "anti-porn religious lobby" when CNN reports that it was due to a New York Times report

White Democrat Leaders Take Stand Against White Privilege By Resigning From Congress | The Babylon Bee - ""We must make space for people of color to be heard," said Senator Chuck Schumer, who had donned a rasta dreadlock wig and beanie. "And the place where white privilege is most prominent is here in Congress, where old, white people make rules for a bunch of oppressed people. No longer. Effective today, we all resign."  "I bless the rains down in Africa, and Wakanda forever," he said, solemnly performing the Wakandan salute.  Joe Biden also declared he would be resigning from Congress but aides quickly reminded him he's not in Congress and he's running for the presidency and his name is Joe Biden."

Facebook - "Black Americans saw a 58 percent increase in gun ownership in the past year, the largest of any demographic. LGBTQ+ and BIPOC across the board saw massive increases in gun purchases and new owners. Don’t let the chuds take gun culture as their own. Claim what is yours, and encourage your comrades to do the same."
Is gun control now racist?

Sarah Campbell on Twitter - "After an earnest chat about "tone deaf" being offensive to the hard of hearing, my editing FB group are now having a woke circle jerk over "spineless": offensive to people with spina bifida. They suggested "weak" as an alternative, but someone with lupus was offended (really).
Oh an apparently "gutless" is out cos what about people with ulcerative colitis?!   Newspeak is gonna be fucking dry."
Language games are just a circle jerk

How Wokeness Undermines The Constitution

Meme - Jeff Bezos: "I prefer crushed ice" "Abolish ICE" "No human being is [illegal]"

Facebook - "Evolutionary principle X is used to explain the mating behavior of the salamander => Science!
Evolutionary principle X is used to explain the mating behavior of the zebra => Science!
Evolutionary principle X is used to explain the mating behavior of cuttlefish => Science!
Evolutionary principle X is used to explain the mating behavior of the black mamba => Science!
Evolutionary principle X is used to explain the mating behavior of chimpanzees => Science!
Evolutionary principle X is used to explain the mating behavior of sperm whales => Science!
Evolutionary principle X is used to explain the mating behavior of dogs => Science!
Evolutionary principle X is used to explain the mating behavior of all other species except humans => Science!
Evolutionary principle X is used to explain human mating behavior => Evolutionary psychology is BS bruh."

Check out these celebs endorsing a virtue-signaling sticker that businesses can put on their windows to indicate they follow leftist orders - "If you're a business, you can shell out thousands of dollars to a company that will certify that your building and practices toe the leftist line on Rona, climate change, and other woke beliefs. In exchange, you get a sticker that lets rich elites know it's safe to shop there."
On "well"

Suspect in Capitol Attack, Noah Green, Appears to Have Been a Louis Farrakhan Follower - The New York Times - "The suspect in the death of a Capitol Police officer described himself on Facebook as a follower of Louis Farrakhan, the leader of the Nation of Islam, who has repeatedly promoted anti-Semitism.  The suspect, Noah R. Green, 25, was identified by two law enforcement officials and a congressional official. He was from Indiana and died after being shot by the Capitol Police."
Damn white supremacy! Damn Trump!

Sister Outrider on Twitter - "#QueerEye star Tan France and husband Rob welcome their first child via surrogate, Ismail France."
"This is what gets me about fluffy mainstream coverage of commercial surrogacy. Like we’re all meant to think two rich men treating a poorer woman’s body as a rentable commodity is heartwarming because the media gloss over the patriarchal, capitalistic exploitation of women."

Pope Francis forms shadow council of top global capitalists to solve the problems of capitalism (really) - "There's nothing like advocating sexism and racism while virtue signaling with bad energy policies that will especially hurt developing nations. Super progressive! So Christ-like!"

Sangeetha Thanapal Being Sinophobic (@kaliandkalki) / Twitter - "Sometimes I can't help but hate Chinese pple just walking along the street, so clueless to my pain and suffering."
"Lol me calling you a chunk (which I didn't by the way) is like calling a white person a cracker. Reverse racism isn't real and calling your oppressor whatever you want is a-okay. You're racist trash."

Drag Queen Makes Powerful Statement By Wearing Tiara Coated With HIV+ Blood
Comment (elsewhere): "Remember, these are the people who will call you a murderer for going to the park without a mask."

Arielle Jane on Twitter - "this is your routine reminder to let the fat creators and activists you love know that you appreciate them and what they do because being vocally fat on the internet is not only mentally and emotionally exhausting, it’s actively dangerous sometimes too"
It is indeed tiring when people push back on your bullshit

Why is there a chicken wing shortage? How Covid-19 spurred a rise in chicken wing prices, explained.
I thought this was going to be a informative article on chicken wings, but it's mostly a diatribe against capitalism & meat eating. Then again, it's Vox

My Book Defending Free Speech Has Been Pulled - "I recently completed a book defending free speech. Emerald Press scheduled it for publication but then decided not to proceed...
'I am contacting you in regard to your manuscript In Defense of Free Speech: The University as Censor. Emerald believes that its publication, in particular in the United Kingdom, would raise serious concerns. By the nature of its subject matter, the work addresses sensitive topics of race, religion, and gender. The challenging manner in which you handle these topics as author, particularly at the beginning of the work, whilst no doubt editorially powerful, increase the sensitivity and the risk of reaction and legal challenge...   There are two main causes of concern for Emerald. Firstly, the work could be seen to incite racial hatred and stir up religious hatred under United Kingdom law. Clearly you have no intention of promoting racism but intent can be irrelevant. For example, one test is merely whether it is “likely” that racial hatred could be stirred up as a result of the work. This is a particular difficulty given modern means of digital media expression. The potential for circulation of the more controversial passages of the manuscript online, without the wider intellectual context of the work as a whole and to a very broad audience—in a manner beyond our control—represents a material legal risk for Emerald.  Secondly, there are many instances in the manuscript where the actions, conversations and behavior of identifiable individuals at specific named colleges are discussed in detail and at length in relation to controversial events. Given the sensitivity of the issues involved, there is both the potential for serious harm to Emerald’s reputation and the significant possibility of legal action'...
Does Britain have free speech? The above letter inspired me to change the title from “In Defense of Free Speech: The University as Censor” to “A Banned Book: Free speech and universities.”...
 I then chart the history of the sins of universities against free speech with an emphasis on the McCarthy era (when conservatives barred or fired those they considered suspect), through the transitional period of Vietnam, to the present (when many on the “left” do much the same, particularly student protest groups). I detail the use of speech codes, and trigger warnings, and departments that have a party line (“Walden codes”) to discipline, expel, fire, and, above all, to defend indoctrination rather than education.  I include among the latter some African American studies departments that will not assign books or papers by conservative thinkers, some women’s studies departments that reject incontrovertible social science that runs counter to the official feminist ideology, and some (almost all) education departments that define their purpose as sending out “missionaries” to convert schools to their vision of an egalitarian society. I also provide a history of America’s schoolteachers, tracing how the low status of their profession has made the schools susceptible to adopting a missionary role.   Finally, I criticize the failure of universities to provide their students with the critical intelligence they need to be autonomous human beings and good citizens, despite the fact that they all state this as their chief objective... If upsetting students or staff or the public is a reason for banning speech, all such discussion is at an end. I end the book by quoting from George Orwell’s original preface to Animal Farm, which was itself rejected by Faber and Faber for being too critical of Stalin: “If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.”"
Of course, liberals will say there is no problem, and accuse those of who talk about Orwellianism of being the real problem

Call of Duty Cuts Ties With Ghost Voice Actor Over Sexist Comments
Comment: "Game developers who developed a game containing war, violence, politics, betrayal, murder, and mayhem, are cutting ties with a voice-over artist for “sAYiNg bAd w0RdS.”"

‘Okay’ Hand Gesture Removed From Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare And Warzone

And if it's crazy,live a little crazy - "Ok but whys there a white guy playing an Egyptian"
"Please tell me you’re joking. That is Rami Malek, HE IS EGYPTIAN!"
"And so we discover one of the pitfalls of organizing the entire world as white and person of colour. I’m sorry is this Egyptian not dark enough to play an Egyptian? Do you think everyone from Egypt is the same colour?"
Grievance mongering is untethered from reality, since they are motivated to find problems even if none exist

Facebook - "Deepavali one of the major Celebration in Singapore's festive calendar. In two days time the  Festival of Lights will be celebrated . However,  there are no decorations at Waterway point which is a major neighbourhood's shopping destination. Instead, the decoration is on Christmas. Is the Mall being biased against the Indians/ Hindus ??????"
Odd. In other contexts we're told conflating Hinduism with Indianness is racist
Comments (elsewhere): "Sian why my birthday they never put up decorations? Is it they biased against me boohoo"
"Vesak day no decor. They hate Buddhists. We need minority rights! Oh wait..."

Liberalism is really just anti-white

American Pravda: Racial Discrimination at Harvard - "unbeknownst to myself or other outside observers, Harvard itself launched an internal investigation of the anti-Asian bias that I had alleged. Apparently, the university’s own initial results generally confirmed my accusations, indicating that if students were admitted solely based upon objective academic merit, far more Asians would receive thick envelopes. But Harvard’s top administrators buried the study and did nothing, with these important facts only coming out years later during the discovery process of the current Asian Quotas lawsuit...   For many years, there had been a widespread belief within the Asian-American community that such discriminatory practices existed, a sentiment backed by considerable anecdotal evidence. But the university administrations had always flatly denied those claims, and the media had shown little interest in investigating them. However, my powerful new quantitative evidence proved very difficult to ignore...
'Asians appear under-represented relative to Jews by a factor of seven, while non-Jewish whites are by far the most under-represented group of all, despite any benefits they might receive from athletic, legacy, or geographical distribution factors. The rest of the Ivy League tends to follow a similar pattern'...
Jewish students were roughly 1,000% more likely to be enrolled at Harvard and the rest of the Ivy League than white Gentiles of similar ability. This was an absolutely astonishing result given that under-representation in the range of 20% or 30% is often treated by courts as powerful prima facie evidence of racial discrimination.  Furthermore, I noted the possibility that this discrepancy might be related to the overwhelming Jewish dominance of the top administration of those institutions...
'any hint of “anti-Semitism” in admissions is regarded as an absolutely mortal sin, and any significant reduction in Jewish enrollment may often be denounced as such by the hair-trigger media. For example, in 1999 Princeton discovered that its Jewish enrollment had declined to just 500 percent of parity, down from more than 700 percent in the mid-1980s, and far below the comparable figures for Harvard or Yale. This quickly resulted in four front-page stories in the Daily Princetonian, a major article in the New York Observer, and extensive national coverage in both the New York Times and the Chronicle of Higher Education. These articles included denunciations of Princeton’s long historical legacy of anti-Semitism and quickly led to official apologies, followed by an immediate 30 percent rebound in Jewish numbers. During these same years, non-Jewish white enrollment across the entire Ivy League had dropped by roughly 50 percent, reducing those numbers to far below parity, but this was met with media silence or even occasional congratulations on the further “multicultural” progress of America’s elite education system.'"
But if you point out that "White Privilege" is really "Jewish Privilege"...

Facebook - "A new Justice Department probe found that Yale racially discriminated against applicants. I'm sure everyone is supremely outraged and ready to protest. Calm down everyone. Oh just a little bit of additional info: the students they rejected based on race were white and Asian. ....hello? Anyone there? Where'd everyone go?"
Naturally Biden dropped the lawsuit despite the lip service about Asians

Princeton Admitted Past Racism. Now It Is Under Investigation. - The New York Times - "The Trump administration said this week that it was investigating whether Princeton has violated federal civil rights law, suggesting that a public expression of contrition for a history of “systemic racism” at the university was an acknowledgment of illegal behavior.  “You admitted Princeton’s educational program is and for decades has been racist,” federal officials wrote in a letter to the school... “based on its admitted racism,” Princeton may have received more than $75 million in taxpayer funding under false pretenses since Mr. Eisgruber became president in 2013."
When virtue signalling backfires

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