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Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Muslim Privilege in Singapore

Grievance mongers will dismiss him as an Uncle Tun:

Azri Zulfarhan

"Sometimes i feel sad when some muslim brothers and sisters say that our country or society isnt or hasnt do much for community.
And ill ask: have we, as muslim done the same for others?
We insist to cater no pork no lard items, specifically halal certified food for an event, yet we are not sensitive about ordering beef, forgetting d significance of it to our hindu friends.
Sometimes we even forget to cater vegeterian options, and our friends have to look for side dishes or vegs which we know its almost non existant in our diet 🤣
We push to have musollah at many places. Yet we cringe when our friends burn incents and place altars for their daily prayers too.
We get extra time off from lunch (and companies has been nice to not dock our pay, 4hrs a month @ 52hrs a year for it) on fridays to perform our friday prayers and our colleagues have been supportive, even pushing back fridays meetings (FRIDAY MEETINGS! IKR?) to accomodate or cover us.
We are priviledged to have the provisions n religious liberty we have to practise our faith as compared to other countries.
We have even halal segregated shopping centre aisle/chiller/sections. Not to forget non muslim entities that go above and beyond for the halal cert. (Can u imagine if meknonel isnt halal anymore?)
We are free to practise our prayers even without a designated prayer space. And when we have one, the cleaning staff also help to upkeep it, tho of a diff faith sometimes.
We have a almost "freehold"-"retirement" real estate in lim chu kang in a land scarse country where our counterparts are strongly encouraged to cremate, if their faith permits. Sure from a landed property to a shared BTO...but neighbours or roomies! Right?
We have neighbours who help usher traffic during heavy parking period on fridays n festivities. N road users who dont damage them with spray paints or carjackings. The bus companies even increase their bus frequency just for that period! And dont forget the saman machines that suddenly become spoil for tat hour.
We are fortunate to be living in a multi cultural and multi racial society. We have integrated well in d last 200 yrs. Florished in the last 50ish years together. 
Lets not just see what we are missing. Appreciate wat we have too. As how our fellow singaporeans too have their priviledges of the practises their faith. 
This is Singapore. OUR shared 10 official multi religious HOME 🙂"

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